work makAll play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 5.0 All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a goodCopyright 1984-1997 Claris Corporation and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. involucral bracts linear averaging about disti@ stamens verbascum evergreen subshrub subalpine above leaves@ smaller@ 3-5-nerved@ leaves conspicuously cauline flowers solitar@ linear averaging about disti leaves mostly acute flowers yellow leaves narrowly lanceolate elliptic wedge-shaped leaves typically entire corolla midmontane panicles either plants otherwise@ petals white rarely fruit splitting down@ plants elevations leaves chiefly basal legume oblong@ resembling@ silicles prominently reticulate-veined maturity numerous@ HBAM3016AUG95@ 5/31/2004 BACK1NAME BACK1NUM CARDNAME CARRY CARRY1 CARRY2 CARRY3 CRITERION DELTA FAMILY GENUS GROUP KEY FAMILY # KEY GENUS KEY LINK KEYNAME NEXT1NAME NEXT1NUM NEXT2NAME NEXT2NUM NODE1 NODE2 OPTION1 OPTION2 PARTNERNAME PARTNERNUM RECORD RECORDNUM STARTRECORD STATUS TAXON 0-1.5 0-4.5 0.1-0.6 0.1-0.8 0.1-1 0.1-1.2 0.1-15 0.1-2 0.1-60 0.2-0.4 0.2-0.5 0.2-0.6 0.2-0.7 0.2-0.8 0.2-1 0.2-1.2 0.2-1.5 0.2-2 0.2-3 0.2-3.5 0.2-4 0.2-5 0.2-8 0.3-0.7 0.3-1 0.3-1.5 0.3-2 0.3-3 0.3-5 0.4-0.7 0.4-1 0.4-1.5 0.4-2 0.4-3 0.5-0.7 0.5-0.8 0.5-1 0.5-1.2 0.5-1.5 0.5-10 0.5-12 0.5-13 0.5-15M 0.5-2 0.5-2.5 0.5-3 0.5-4 0.5-5 0.5-6 0.5-9 0.6-0.8 0.6-1.1 0.6-1.3 0.6-2.4 0.7-1.1 0.7-1.3 0.7-1.7 0.7-2.6 0.7-3.5 0.8-1 0.8-1.5 0.8-1.5y 0.8-1.7 0.8-13 0.8-2 0.8-2.2 0.8-2.5 0.8-3 0.8-5 0.9-1.4 0vary 0vary fruit glabrous minutely hairy involucre lacking 1-0.5 1-1.3 1-1.4 1-1.5 1-1.6 1-1.7 1-1.8 1-2.2 1-2.5 1-3-nerved 1-3.5 1-4.5 1-5-nerved 1-5-seeded 1-7-nerved 1-7.5 1-chambered 1-few 1-flowered 1-many 1-many-nerved 1-nerved 1-numerous 1-seeded 1-severale 1-several-seeded 1-sided 1.1-3 1.2-1.5 1.2-1.8 1.2-12 1.2-2 1.2-2.2 1.2-2.4 1.2-3 1.3-1.7 1.3-1.8 1.3-2 1.3-2.3 1.3-4 1.4-13 1.4-2 1.4-2.2 1.4-3 1.4-3.5 1.5-10 1.5-12 1.5-13 1.5-2 1.5-2.5 1.5-3 1.5-3.3 1.5-3.5 1.5-4 1.5-4.5 1.5-5z 1.5-6 1.5-7 1.5-8 1.6-2 1.7-2.3 1.7-3 1.8-2.4 1.8-2.8 1.8-3 1.8-3.5 1.9-2.3 10-14 10-15 10-16 10-17 10-18 10-20 10-20-ribbed 10-21 10-24 10-25 10-30 10-40 10-50 10-80 10-chambered 10-flowered 10-l5 10-many 10-nerved 10-numerous 11-28 12-15 12-16 12-20 12-24 12-25 13-21 13-30 14-20 15-20 15-25 15-25 15-30 15-34 15-35 15-40 15-nerved 1acking 1obes 2-12e 2-2.5 2-2.7 2-3.5 2-3.8 2-4-flowered 2-4-rayed 2-4-seeded 2-4-toothed 2-4-valved 2-4.5 2-5-parted 2-5-rayed 2-5.2 2-6-flowered 2-6.5 2-awned 2-branched 2-celled 2-cleft 2-edged 2-flowered 2-forked 2-lipped 2-lobedK 2-many 2-many-branched 2-many-flowered 2-many-seeded 2-nerved 2-numerous 2-ranked 2-rayed 2-seeded 2-seriate 2-severalS 2-styled 2-times 2-valved 2.2-3 2.2-5 2.3-3.5 2.5-10 A recordNumB FamilyC GenusD taxonL cardNameN nodeR Key LinkT GroupW back1NameZ next1Name^ next2Name` partnerNameb 3-3.8 3-4.5 3-5-flowered 3-5-lobed 3-5-nerved 3-5-rayed 3-5-seeded 3-5-toothed 3-5.2 3-5.5 3-7-lobed 3-7-nerved 3-8.5 3-9-nerved 3-angled 3-branchednched 3-branched 3-cleft 3-forked 3-lobed 3-many 3-nerved 3-numerous 3-ranked 3-styled 3-toothed 3-valved 3-veined 3.1-4.8 3.4-5.5 3.5-12 3.5-4.5 3.5-5 3.5-6 3.5-8 3.5-8.5 30-80 4-12-flowered 4-12-nerved 4-5.4 4-6.5 4-7-nerved 4-7.5 4-9-nerved 4-angledL 4-awned 4-celled 4-grooved 4-lobed 4-many 4-merous 4-nerved 4-rayed 4-seeded 4-winged 4.5-10 5-10-nerved 5-11-nerved 5-12-flowered 5-7-nerved 5-8-nerved 5-lobed 5-many-flowered 5-many-nerved 5-many-rayed 5-merous 5-nerved 5-numerous 5-seeded 5.8-8 6-15-flowered 6-16w 6-34-seeded 6-numerous 6.4-17 7-11-nerved 7-15-nerved 7-18-flowered 75-150 8-10v 8-14-seeded 8-nerved 8asal 8asal leaves densely white-hairy least beneath hairs 9-17-lobed abortion about about aboveE above above abruptly abruptly absent abundantly accordingly accrescent acheneq achene achene 2.5-4 style achene achene about style flowering achene nerved leaves twisted achene 5-8-nerved leaves typically twisted achene ellipsoid terete beaked leaves expanded achene essentially smooth ribbed achene flattened subterete typically toothed along achene distinct longitudinal connected numerous achene stylar persisting confluent short achene stylar persisting triangular-conic achenelike achenes} achenes beakless involucres bell-shaped flowering achenes densely short-hairy often glabrous margi achenes dorsiventrally compressed ventral achenes glabrous margins inflated stems nearly always achenes globose headlike cluster leaves achenes leaves linear broadly elliptic achenes lacking resin glands dorsal corolla achenes smaller perigynium 1-1.7 achenes nearly filling perigynium 1.4-2 achenes spiny least cluster perennials achenes spiny perennials valleys alpine mostly achenes sometimes hairy spiny typically least achenes spiny globose cluster annual 1.5-6 achenes spiny annual valleys foothills mostly achenes spiny hairy cluster annual mostly achenes striate weakly ribbed scabrous cross-wrinkled achenes subterete about 8-nerved receptacle convex ultimate 0.3-1.5@ 0.8-1.5y 15-25 2-2.5@ 2.5-10 20-30@ 3-branched about above abruptly achene distinct longitudinal connected numerous@ achenes dorsiventrally compressed ventral achenes usually greenish black distinctly tapered acute alone@ annual flowers inconspicuous solitary nodes slende@ annual stipules leaves large leaflike pinnat@ anther opening across staminode glabrous@ anthers awned opening apical pores leaves apical appressed arranged averaging basal basal blades entire toothed teeth basal leaves lacking rosette nutlets lanceolate basal lower leaves about wider bell-shaped berries berrylike achenes usually greenish black distinctly tapered achenes round oblong resin glands achenes prominent irregularly toothed achenes slender involucres cylindric flowerin achenes obscure dorsal spikes achenes dorsal margins inconspicuous leaves achenes dorsal margins inflated leaves cauline achenes prominent smooth leaves stem-clas achenes yellowish brown slightly tapered acorn across actually acute acute acute-toothed acutely acutish additional adherent adjacentq aerial after again aggregated agrostis albino aligned alkaline leaves petioled calyx sparsely short-hairy throughout leaves lobed often nearly segments strongly flattened readil alluvial almost alpine alpine alpine subalpine plants simple much-branched alternaten alternately alternating although altitudes always` always ambrosia anchoredJ and/or androgynous angiospermsQ angled angles annua annual annual 1-2.5 occupying waste places often annual corolla gibbous central annual corolla white cream usually purple-t annual evidently restricted saline alkaline soils annual flowers inconspicuous solitary nodes slende annual taproot leaves below inflorescence distinc annual hairs involucre purple crosswalls annual leaves fleshy pubescent annual legume obliquely curved-ellipsoid inflated annual disturbed sites valleys lacking short annual disturbed valley sites capsules annual sites petals white lavender leaves annual valleys stems glabrous least above flowers annual valleys midmontane fruiting pedicels annual often mat-forming 0.3-2 panicle pyramidal annual biennial taproot about annual panicle spikelike ovoid glumes annual rarely leaves entirely basal annual stems solitary often branched annual stipules leaves large leaflike pinnat annual perennial herbs annual perrenial herbs diverse habitats native annual typically gray-hairy style obsolete annual erect threadlike leafy lower annuals annuals slender fibrous roots taproots valleys annuals slender taproots immature fruit strongly compre annuals leaves linear linear-oblanceolate annuals leaves sessile calyx lobes fruiting unequal annuals mostly calyx obsolete petals annuals meadows valleys floral bracts typicall annulusN antennaria anterior anther anther opening across staminode glabrous anther opening along sides staminode sparsely beard anthers anthers 1-1.6 maturity palea least anthers rachis internodes middle anthers lemmas mostly least anthers rachis internodes middle anthers least opening terminal subter anthers awned opening apical pores leaves anthers diverse opening along sides anthers lacking appendages leaves leathery anthers lemmas rarely anthers plants otherwise anthers opening longitudinally leaves anthers typically least lemmas 2-3.5 anthers typically lemmas 2.2-5 anthers reflexed awnlike appendages leaves leathery antrorsely apart apetalousZ apexN apical appressed appressed-ascending appressed-hairy aquaticB aquilegia arched arching arcuate-spreading areas arise arisingJ armedq aromatic around arrangedP arranged arrangement arrowhead-shaped ascending ascending-spreading ash-gray aspect aspen-fir asperugo asplenium associatedB associations asymmetrical asymmetrically attached attachment aurea auricles auricles ciliate shorter panicle branch except auricles glabrous shorter panicle branch bearin auriculate auriculate-clasping available averaging lacking present lowermost floret short present least first second florets stout axillary axils axisP backs balloonlike balsamifera balsamita banded bands banks banner banner 15-30 calyx 6.4-17 stipule margins banner entirely glabrous hairs banner glabrous hairy entire dorsal surface banner hairy two-thirds length banner hairy about two-thirds banner calyx includi barbed barely barrel-shaped basaln basal basal blades margins callus-toothed basal blades mostly broadly arrowhead-shaped gray-green basal blades oblong elliptic green pappus basal blades entire toothed teeth basal leaves flowers yellow involucel basal leaves often spreading pubescent basal leaves 10-25 flowers white pink-tinged basal leaves about wider achenes basal leaves pinnatifid blades least twice basal leaves arrowhead-shaped entire nearly gray-green basal leaves least flowering basal leaves least merely toothed about basal leaves either palmate least basal leaves elliptic lanceolate entire juvenile blades basal leaves entire remotely toothed basal leaves persistent rosette involucre basal leaves persistent rosette nutlets shape basal leaves lacking involucre pappus lacking basal leaves lacking rosette nutlets lanceolate basal leaves lacking ternately lobed present plant basal leaves often persistent leaves mostly oblonceolat basal leaves distinctly lobed basal leaves distinctly longer basal leaves pinnate leaflets cleft basal leaves pinnate leaflets dissected linear basal leaves ternate leaflets wedge-shaped toothed basal leaves ternately divided basal leaves usually erect strongly basal leaves typically subglabrous sparsely pubescent basal leaves present entire remotely toothed basal leaves present basal leaves withered flowering leaves mostly lanceo basal leaxes ternately lobed plants alpine subalpine basal lower leaves about wider basal lower leaves distinctly longer basal lower leaves entire toothed shallow basal lower leaves lobed one-third basal leaves pinnately ternately lobed dissect basallyD baseH perianth enveloped bractlets these perianth enveloped bractlets based basesH basifixed conspicuous dorsal suture prolonged either darker perigynium stylar column inflorescence loose stylar column about inflorescence beakedz beakless beaklike beaks bearded bearing bearinq because becoming before behind beiow bell-shaped bell-shaped bellshaped below beneath berries berries berries maturity purple black leaves often berries maturity reddish-brown leaves rarely berries black nearly sessile rounded shiny berries twigs mostly reddish-brown leaves generally berries red-purple black berries glabrous berries glandular sessile stalked glands berries reddish-brown rarely yellow berries reddish-brown purple black bearing berries twigs green yellow-green leaves generally berryZ berry black maturity calyx accrescent fruit herbag berry yellow green maturity calyx enlarging berrylikeP berrylike between beyond bicolored biennial biennial disturbed valley sites glabrous flowers white bifid bilaterallyW bilobed bipinnate bisexualw black black black-bandedD black-bristly black-dotted black-hairy black-striped black-tinged black-tipped blackish` blackish-green bladdery bladeN bladeless bladelike bladesM black blades bloom blunt bracts bracts subtending umbel times branches branches spiny flowering heads solitary axillary peduncle@ bright bristle broadest brownish calyx calyx distinctly 2-lipped irregularly lobed flowers calyx papery inflated fruiting petals abov@ calyx teeth lacking branched hairs herb@ capsule sometimes thickened styles capsules glabrous catkin rachis usually obscured catkin rachis above scales often densely pubescen@ catkins caudex clothed remains petiole bases ultimate character chartaceous@ cleft@ clusters collectively composed cones blades bloom blue-black blue-green blue-purple blue-violet bluish bluish-black bluish-green bluish-white blunt blunt blunt-hairy blunt-toothed borneD basal leaves regularly lobed bottoms bowl-shaped brackishq bract bract subtending lowest spike membranous sheathing bract subtending lowest spike sheathless nearly bract subtending lowest spike margins bract subtending lowest spike margins fused bracteate bractlet bractlets bractlets petals bractlets fused closely subtending calyx bractlike bracts` bracts bracts bracts spiny-toothed upper calyx bracts acute 3-lobed toothed rarely entire bracts shorter inflorescence occasionally bracts violet-purple orange plants often bracts either leaflike rarely princip bracts membranous greenish white often tinged bracts narrowly long-tapered membranous often bracts long-tapered anterior sepals 1-nerved bracts inflorescence longer calyx stems bracts inflorescence shorter calyx stems bracts yellow plants usually below alpine bracts rounded obtuse rarely acute entire bracts subtending umbel times bracts subtending umbel often times bracts entire upper calyx branchg branch becoming rigid spinelike fruiting bracts branchedK branchesD branches branches alternate subshrub branches armed prickles sometimes bristles leaves branches becoming spinose leaves merely toothed branches nearly white mostly spine-tipped plants monoeci branches spine-tipped fruiting bracts either strongly branches spine-tipped plants otherwise above branches spiny flowering heads clustered branches opposite annual perennial herbs branches spiny flowering heads solitary axillary peduncle branches unarmed leaves simple palmately lobed green branches bristles straight mostly terete prick branches flattened broad-based mostly recurved prickles branches thorns leaves toothed lobed petals about branching branchlets branchlets armed branchlets armed glands berries usually purple branchlets armed leaves densely pubescent surfaces branchlets unarmed branchlets unarmed glands berries either branchlets unarmed leaves glabrous variously pubescent brancted breaking bright brighter brightly bristle bristle bristle-tipped bristlelike{ bristles bristles antrorsely barbed mostly bristles retrorsely barbed mostly bristly\ bristly-hairy brittle broad\ broad-based broadened broader broadestadestadestadest broadest broadly broken bronze-tipped brown` brown-dotted brown-hairy brown-nerved brown-purple brown-scurfy brown-scurty brown-woolly brownish brownish brownish-green brush budse bulbifera bulblets bulbous bulbous-based bulbs bulbs generally tightly clusterd short bulbs spaced along slender rhizome intervals about burlike buttonlike calix callitriche callus callus-toothed calluses calyx calyx calyx 1.5-3 lobes obtuse rarely acutish calyx 10-17 pubescence white hairs black calyx lobes typically acute calyx leave mostly longer internod calyx 5-lobed lobes fruiting dorsally smooth unequ calyx leaves mostly shorter inter calyx least shorter corolla ovary calyx becoming papery inflated dark-nerved petals calyx consisting solitary bractlike segment partially calyx conspicuously pubescent hairs often reddish calyx darkened numerous often black hairs calyx distinctly 2-lipped irregularly lobed flowers calyx either few-nerved obscurely many-nerved pubescent calyx glabrous loosely enclosing immature fruit calyx glabrous minute straight black hairs calyx glabrous hairs teeth long-cil calyx glabrous greatly inflated fruiting calyx gray-mealy usually completely enclosing immature calyx hairy greatly inflated veiny fruiting calyx conspicuously colored floral bracts calyx lobes essentially equal width corolla 10-ner calyx lobes acute long-tapered corolla scales lacking calyx lobes broadly rounded corolla scales about calyx lobes least flowers calyx conspicuously colored floral bracts calyx neither keeled winged 1.5-3 green througho calyx papery inflated fruiting petals calyx prominently l5-nerved glandular pubescent calyx radially symmetrical obscurely 2-lipped teeth calyx reduced inconspicuous fruit winged evidently naked calyx reduced minute teeth calyx teeth minute obsolete lateral veins prominent calyx teeth developed triangular 0.4-1 lateral calyx pubescence entirely black hairs calyx composed distinct green segments alternating calyx essentially uniform texture often expanded calyx glabrous hairy often calyx hairs below sinus between calyx tubular bell-shaped lobed plants calyx winged strongly keeled along nerves fruiting calyx sharp-pointed strongly recurved teeth calyx teeth lacking branched hairs calyx lowermost tooth longer corolla calyx lowermost tooth exceeding coroll camelna cannot canyon caplike capsular capsuleV capsule globose wider usually 2-4-seeded calyx capsule longer mostly 1-seeded calyx distinctly capsule sometimes thickened styles capsule stipe leaves mostly loosely woolly-hairy capsule stipe 1-2.5 catkins matur capsule stipe leaves appressed silky capsule stipe lacking catkins capsule stipes 0.8-2.2 leaves subtending catkins capsule stipes leaves often least times capsule stipes leaves rarely times capsule stipes leaves subtending catkins entire capsule thickened distinctly raised margin around capsules capsules glabrous catkin rachis usually obscured capsules glabrous catkin rachis usually obscured capsules glabrous catkins leaves catkin-bear capsules hairy catkin rachis lacking crinkled hairs capsules hairy catkins leaves entire capsules hairy sometimes slightly catkin rachis capsules narrowly cylindric often curved opening teeth capsules opening teeth sepals narrowly membranous-mar capsules opening teeth sepals membranous capsules ovoid lance-cylindric straight opening carex carpel carpels caryopsis catkin catkin rachis above scales often densely pubescen catkin rachis pubescent crinkled wool-like hairs catkin rachis short-hairy hairs straight catkin scales brown black catkin scales long-hairy sides catkin scales medium brown black capsule stipes 0-4.5 catkin scales medium brown black scales diverse catkin scales medium brown black persistent catkin scales medium brown nearly black catkin scales yellow greenish light brown occasio catkin scales yellow light brown catkin scales yellow light brown scale catkin scales yellowish green externally glabrous catkin scales yellowish green drying light catkin scales yellow drying light brown capsule stipes catkin-bearing catkins catkins catkins leaves present leaves often fully catkins leaves present catkins appearing before leaves sessile nearl catkins appearing before leaves catkins appearing leaves subsessile terminating catkins preceeding leaves catkins sessile nearly first leaves narrowly oblanceol catkins sessile subsessile occasionally leafy catkins sessile terminating leafy branches first leaves catkins terminating short leafy branchlets capsule caudex caudex clothed remains petiole bases ultimate caudex lacking petiole bases these conspicuous caudex branched simple taproot short involucr caudex slender rhizomelike branches bearing fibrous roots caudex simple occasionally forked lacking fibrous caudex simple forked surmounting elongate taproot cauline caution center centimeters^ centralP centrally certainty chaffy chainlike chamber chambered chambersk channeled character character characters taceous chieflye chlorophyllT chrysanthemum cilia ciliate ciliatus cinnamon circular circumference circumscissile clasping clawed clearings clearly cleft climbing clinging close closed closely clothed clothing cloverlikeB club-shaped clump-forming clumps cluster clusterd clusteredN clustersS clusters coarse coarse annual ovary ovoid beaked plants coarselyq cobblestone cobwebby cobweblike coherent coiledN collar collective collectively collectively coloniale colonies color coloration colored colorless column column length upper sepal column length upper sepal combination commissure common commonly` compactK compactly completely composedposedposed composed compoundM compressed compressed-keeled concave concavely concavities concealedg concealing coneC conelikeL cones cones confined confluent confused congested conic connected connivent considerably considered consisting conspicuosly conspicuous conspicuously constricted constriction containing contiguous continuation continuous contorted contracted contrast convergent convex copious copiously copper copper-brown copper-colored coppery-tinged cordate corispermum corky corky-thickened cormlikeH cornflower corolla corolla corolla 1.5-2 lavender anthers corolla 1.5-3 purple-veined calyx teeth corolla 1.5-4 externally glabrous lower stems glabro corolla 10-18 flower heads plants perenn corolla 15-30 lobes mostly least corolla across nutlets marginal prickles corolla greenish yellow white corolla white plants corolla 4-lobed fruit glabrous hairy schizocar corolla 3.5-8 bracts broad closely subtending corolla pedicels erect spreading leaves corolla lobes corolla generally externally hairy toward corolla about longer calyx calyx corolla 4-lobed purple white stamens corolla 4-lobed violet white stamens fruit corolla 4-lobed monocolored uppermost slightly corolla 4-merous plants alkaline saline corolla 10-18 flower heads plants perenn@ corolla white pink-veined leaves corolla color diverse purple plants corolla across nutlets numerous sharp poin@ corolla lobes greenish cream spreading corolla red-purple white upper strongly hooded corolla lobes entire nearly nutle@ corolla yellow leaves deeply pinnatifid berry enclosed corymbose cultivation deeply dense densely dimorphic dissected distinctly diverse diversely dorsal downward thallus roots@ ellipsoid@ elliptic encircling entire equal exfoliating@ featherlike corolla white pink-veined leaves corolla flower heads plants annual corolla 5-lobed fruit fleshy glabrous berrylike corolla 5-lobed variously colored stamens corolla 5-lobed yellow scarlet salmon rarely white corolla 5-merous plants foothills alpine corolla flowers headlike clusters rarely corolla about longer calyx calyx corolla yellow white pinkish fruit corolla least shallowly lobed stems twining corolla lavender purple rarely red-spott corolla rarely white crest minutely papillose corolla purple 12-20 across either corolla blue-purple 0.8-1.7 slightly corolla cleft nearly short corolla color diverse purple plants corolla blue-purple streaked green occasionally corolla reddish-purple nutlets widely spreading corolla distinctly 2-lipped obscurely 5-lobed corolla diverse color spurred corolla either greenish white variously mottled corolla fringe-appendaged throat pleated below corolla fused lobes conspicuously corolla greenish-brown yellow-green upper corolla greenish-white yellow-green dotted purpl corolla lavender rose-purple throughout 2.2-3 corolla deeply lobed stems erect corolla across crest present often yellow corolla across nutlets dorsally smooth gloss corolla across crest lacking corolla corolla across nutlets numerous sharp corolla occasionally individuals corolla equal slightly shorter longer corolla shorter usually markedly corolla white yellow orange leaves variously corolla white cream yellow herbage finely corolla abruptly broadened toward margins corolla essentially grooved corolla forming broad inflated pouch corolla abruptly broadened entire flower corolla spurred corolla spotted often toothed laterally corolla striped margins entire often thickened corolla slender sometimes short tubular corolla lobes rose-purple rarely white corolla lobes greenish cream spreading corolla lobes purple occasionally yellow often corolla lobes rarely white anthers coiled after corolla lobes marginally fringed nectary corolla nearly radially symmetrical white corolla nearly radially symmetrical about green corolla appendaged throat pleated below sinus corolla above leaves diverse corolla above stigmas neither expanded corolla red-purple nutlets attached below corolla violet white leaves shallowly lobed berry corolla papilionaceous sweetpea-like mostly 2-2.5 corolla radially symmetrical nearly 4-lobed corolla rarely lavender rose-purple corolla floral 20-30 capsules sessile corolla red-purple white upper strongly hooded corolla rose-purple 3-5.5 corolla rose-purple yellow typically red-spotted corolla salverform funnelform equal longer corolla salverform lobes funnelform bell-sha corolla scarlet salmon rarely white stems typical corolla small membranous straw-colored 4-lobed infloresc corolla strongly 2-lipped least pistillate corolla lavender rarely white corolla calyx teeth corolla bracts small borne above midlen corolla pedicels mostly ultimately reflexed corolla flowers stems branch corolla about across nutlets marginal prickles corolla 10-50 lobes minutely ragged nutlets corolla lobes entire nearly nutle corolla about equal longer lobes corolla about equal lobes corolla exceeding calyx least fruit corolla shorter lobes corolla shorter scarcely exceeding calyx corolla white mature fruit reticulate transverse corolla white nutlets ventrally attached uniformly covered corolla white lavender-pink rose-purple floral corolla white radially symmetrical corolla white purple yellow shorter corolla white often gibbous corolla white markings rarely entirely white corolla yellow bilaterally symmetrical unilate corolla yellow rose-purple upper corolla yellow leaves deeply pinnatifid berry enclosed corolla yellow mature fruit reticulate transverse corolla yellow nutlets basally attached white grayish corolla yellow often red-spotted streaked throat corolla yellow white yellow yellow-green corolla yellow stems erect corolla yellow orange herbage strongly bristly-ha corolla yellow yellow-green longer corolla yellow elongate slender corollas corollas 0.6-1.1 mostly mouth corollas 1.1-3 usually corollas averaging 2-2.5 leaves midstem broadly corollas lavender purple 1.8-2. corollas leaves midstem mostly tapered corymbose corymbose corymbs cottonwood countiesq county coveredO covering cream creamy creek crenate crenate-serrate crest crested crevicesG crinkled crisp-hairy cross cross-wrinkled crosswalls crowded crown crushed cryptogramma cultivated cultivationation cultivation cup-like cup-shaped cuplike cupped curly currants curvedy curved-ascending curved-ellipsoid curving cyathia cyathium cylinder cylindric\ cylindric-ovoid cymes cymose cystopteris dactylis dark-nerved dark-tipped darkened darker debilis deciduousQ deciduous shrubs usually otherwise decumbent decumbent-ascending decumbent-based decumbent-spreading decumbent-stemmed decumbent-stemmed mat-forming perennial alpine decurrent deeplyp deeply defined definite deflexed degree dehiscence dehiscent dehiscing delicate dendritic dense densely depauperate depressed descending describedq detail developed developingC diameterK dicotyledonsa didymous differentL differentiatede differing difficult diffusely dilated diminutive dimorphic dimorphic dingy-white dioeciousv dioecious shrubs subshrubs woody-based perennial herbs dioecious subshrubs shrubs trees moist sites speci direction directly disarticulating flowers purple-black leaves entire toothed rarely flowers yellow-green leaves finely dissected herbage disc-like disc-shaped discernible disclike disinctly dissecteda dissected dissimilar distal distance distant distended distinctD distinctly distinctly distinguish distinguishableE distinguished distributed disturbed ditchbanks ditches diverge divergent diverseW diverse diversely divided dolabriform dome-shaped dorsalM dorsal dorsall dorsally dorsiventrally dotted double double-toothed doubly downward dried drooping drop-shaped drupe drupelets drupelike drupes drying ducts during dwarfedS dying eachO flower subtended usually dissimilar bracts lemma flower subtended single bract scale these green involucral bract completely enfolding flower involucral bract completely enfolding marginal thallus roots thallus single occasionally earlike early easily ebracteate edgewise eglandular eitherC elevated^ elevations ellipsoidz elliptic elliptic-lanceolate elliptic-oblong elliptic-orbicular elliptical elongate elongate-triangular elongated elongating embeddedH emergent_ emergent leaves linear whorls flowers without emergent leaves oblong obovate spoon-shaped opposite emitting empty encircle encircled encircling encircling enclosedC encloses enclosing ending{ enfolding enircling enlarged enlarging entire` entire entirelyn enveloped epidermis epigynous epipactis equal erect annual palmately compound leaves erect plants otherwise above erect plants valleys alpine mostly erect-appressed erect-ascending erodium erose escape escaped escapin escaping especially essentiallyD essentialy evenly evergreenP evergreen subshrub subalpine above leaves evergreer every every evident` evidentlym examine exceeded exceeding except excepted excluded excluding exfoliating Woliatinq expandedH expectedq exserted extended extending extensionO extensions externally faceP faces facets faded fading faintly fairly falling fan-shapedJ fascicle fascicles featherlike featherlike feature feltlike female female 15-25 seeds female mostly seeds wingless female cones twigs usually pubescent leaves female cones twigs glabrous leaves rigid pungen fernsB ferns leaves mostly 0.5-15 usually pinnately lobed fertile fertile stamens species alternating fertile stamens corolla rose-purple bowl-shaped leave fertile stamens staminodes sometimes present corolla fertile stamens fertile stamens corolla variously colored strongly fertile stamens corolla yellow nearly radially symmetrical fertile stamens fertile stamens 10-numerous few-flowered few-nerved few-rayed few-toothed fewer fewtoothed fibers fibrous filaments filled filling fertile stamens corolla yellow nearly radially symmetrical@ flakes floral@ floret flower clusters mostly sessile axil@ flowering stems leafy bracteate basal leaves exceedin@ flowers flowers pedicels longer calyx lobes flowers capsules pedicels borne bract flowers borne above plant petals white flowers erect petals typically conspicuously longer flowers globose subglobose heads herbage glabrous flowers mostly solitary corolla white usually flowers bisexual pistillate@ flowers sessile nearly fruiting pedicels flowers unisexual achenes style long@ flowers white medium headlike clusters finely firstg first glume least typically first glume gradually tapered mostly first glume first glume widest midlength mostly 3-nerved within fitting flaccid flakes Wnking flared flat-topped flats flattened\ flatwise fleshyP fleshy-fibrous flexible flexuous flexuous-spreading floating floatinq flora1 flora1 yellow-green petals yellow fading white floral floral bracts sometimes calyx brightly colored floral bracts green greenish-yellow upper floral bracts typically thin-margined distinctly floral bracts thin-margined broadest below floral styles hairy lower anthe floral styles hairy glabrous anthers floral sepals collectively flowering floral sepals collectively flowering floral broadly flared mostly saucer-shaped floral green red-purple petals white primary floral narrowly cylindric bell-shaped floret floret floret either terete hardened callus floret terete ultimately hardened callus develo florets florets bisexual florets bisexual anthers often lemmas florets chiefly unisexual least functionally vestigial florets times lemma florets plump about times longer maturity florets unisexual pistillate florets sometimes having nonfun flowerC flower arrangement diverse clustered heads flower clusters mostly sessile flower clusters about borne usually flower heads lacking involucre sometimes closely subtende flower heads subtended involucre basally fused flower whorls forming compact terminal spikes flower whorls axils separated length flower-bearing flowered floweringe flowering stems leafy bracteate basal leaves exceedin flowering stems leafy throughout glabrous minutely hairy flowering stems naked rarely bracts midlen flowering stems subscapose leafy densely flowering stems whorl leaflike bracts flowerinq flowersB flowers flowers flowers slender jointed peduncles arising under flowers 3-numerous sessile common receptacle flowers short mostly recurved pedicels closely flowers pedicels lower flowers pedicels longer calyx lobes flowers axillary peduncle peduncles hairli flowers pedicels lower flowers 1-numerous terminal inflorescence perianth flowers 1-several typically distributed along flowers rarely solitary pedicels about flowers pedicels about calyx flowers 5-merous filaments usually fused flowers axillary peduncle pedicels flowers 4-merous filaments usually through flowers about prominent basal leaves petals flowers axillary petals lacking flowers axillary inflorescence generally loose flowers bracteate corolla fruiting pedicel flowers staminate flowers capsules pedicels borne bract flowers capsules pedicels borne bract flowers capsules pedicelled stems simple sparingly flowers capsules sessile stems usually freely branched flowers capsules subsessile axils pedicels flowers least flowers available flowers bilaterally symmetrical purple white rarely flowers bilaterally symmetrical lower petal differin flowers bisexual achenes style flowers bisexual enclosed saclike structure periant flowers bisexual unisexual plants otherwise flowers bisexual solitary pedicelled loose densely flowers bisexual stems leaves obtuse acutish flowers violet rarely white perianth segments flowers blue-purple legumes coiled spira flowers borne slender jointed pedicels perianth segments flowers borne above plant petals white flowers axillary terminal cymes petals often flowers bracteate compact loose heads panicles flowers bright yellow sometimes red-tinged petals flowers closely subtended bractlets sessile pedic flowers conspicuously elevated above involucre flowers borne short initially headlike racemes flowers dingy-white cream fruit burlike numerous flowers distinctly pedicelled loose paniclelike inflore flowers distinctly pedicelled umbellate clusters flowers ebracteate elongate spikelike raceme fruit flowers either pedicelled clustered stems flowers either solitary axils leafy-bracteate flowers epigynous perigynous sometimes short flowers erect corolla lobes widely spreading anthers include flowers erect petals typically conspicuously longer flowers greenish about outer perianth segments flowers greenish purple-brown stamens fused flowers greenish-white cream leaves developed flowers hypogynous sepals alternating bractlets flowers raceme panicle perianth flowers axillary terminal clusters corolla greenis flowers clusters pedicels averaging about flowers clusters pedicels flowers clusters 2-many inflorescence terminal flowers conspicuous terminal axillary simple compo flowers cymose clusters branches petals flowers dense leafy-bracteate headlike subspicate flowers elongate racemes headlike clusters flowers numerous small clusters corolla white flowers globose subglobose heads herbage glabrous flowers interrupted narrow panicles calyx typically subte flowers compact terminal axillary spikeli flowers mostly simple racemes calyx subtended flowers pairs axils terminal short flowers panicles perianth berry reddish flowers racemes perianth berry green green flowers racemes petals longer flowers small axillary clusters short spikes flowers solitary rarely globose hemispheric terminal flowers terminal umbels leaves entirely basal often basal flowers umbellate membranous-bracteate cymes flowers lavender-blue stamens connivent around style flowers lavender-pink purple white herbage sparsely flowers mostly ebracteate corolla fruiting flowers mostly solitary corolla white usually flowers mostly solitary rarely axils leaves flowers mostly unisexual sessile dense globose clusters flowers nearly white lavender purplish sepals bearded flowers nodding corolla lobes strongly reflexed anthers flowers above stipules present membrano flowers borne conspicuously elongated receptacle flowers closely subtended bractlets sessile flowers solitary terminal headlike clusters flowers umbels leaves cauline flowers pedicelled within cuplike involucre flowers yellow plants otherwise above flowers numerous elongate racemes drupe reddish-black flowers bracteate peduncles arising axils flowers slender bracteate peduncles arising directly flowers bisexual pistillate flowers lavender white stigmas threadlike herbage flowers blue-violet rarely white 1.5-4 flowers pedicelled calyx green corolla diversely colored flowers purple rarely white fruit loment flowers purple fruit berry leaves 3-lobed flowers purple-brown mottled green yellow capsule flowers purplish-brown reddish-yellow stems leafy through flowers radially symmetrical mostly white yellow fruit flowers radially symmetrical petals similar stamens flowers orange herbage densely gray-stel flowers red-purple leaves pinnately lobed flowers rounded tapered stalklike flowers sessile mostly solitary stems flowers sessile nearly short spikes aggregated flowers sessile nearly fruiting pedicels flowers sessile subsessile calyx rarely white coroll flowers short long-pedicelled fruiting pedicels flowers solitary sessile subsessile petals 10-20 flowers solitary axils corolla purple flowers solitary naked scapes clustered flowers solitary small umbellate clusters drupe yellow flowers solitary petals white leaves opposite flowers tapered stalk-like wider pedic flowers tightly clustered terminal globose heads perianth flowers diameter whitish yellow flowers about diameter blue-violet flowers about flowers typically clustered sepals 2-3.5 flowers typically solitary sepals flowers unavailable flowers unisexual achenes style flowers unisexual borne globose heads staminate flowers unisexual pistillate flower enclosed flatt flowers unisexual plants dioecious stems flowers usually nodding petals slightly longer short flowers white fading mature nodding stems flowers white fruit somewhat compressed flowers white involucre often glandular variously hairy flowers white numerous pendulous racemes twigs neither flowers white greenish yellow-green sometimes flowers white greenish-white fruit broad lateral flowers white nearly leaves toothed flowers white fruit capsule leaves simple flowers white rose-purple perianth segments flowers white variously colored either flowers white medium headlike clusters flowers white yellow purple-brown either flowers reddish floral stamens exserted beyond flowers yellow-green floral stamens shorter flowers perianth segments ovary inferiorX flowers fused perianth segments ovary superiorY flowers showy petal-like parts these white flowers without petal-like parts perianth segments small flowers yellow 1-several previous flowers yellow fading cream involucre minute white flowers yellow fruit narrow lateral wings threadlik flowers yellow often externally purple-tinged capsule flowers yellow rarely purple fruit strongly flowers yellow sepals bearded plants moist flowers yellow sessile nearly clusters flowers yellow sometimes fading mature flowers yellow legumes curved single incom flowers yellow cream stigmas subglobose herbage often fluted folded follicle follicles following foothill foothill annual lobes toothlike involucre spreadin foothill annual stems typically bearing purplish colorles foothill annual least foothill upper montane plants taproot caudex foothills flowers yellow sometimes fading mature foothills fruit fruit chiefly entirely vertical flowers globose cluste@ fruit usually numerous achenes sepals whitish green fruiting fruiting calyx thickened sometimes elongating much@ fruiting pedicels stout fruit full@ generally glabrous glumes 1-5-nerved plants otherwi@ glumes lemmas minutely scabrous least upper glumes either broadest above 3-5-nerved lemmas@ glumes lemmas strongly compressed ciliate keel@ grainlike@ green greenish-white hairlike hairs hairs involucre minute with@ hairy headlike foothills forked forks formP formed formingD formoing forms forward fragile fragmenting freeS free-floatingK freed freely fremontii frequently freshq freshwater fringe-appendaged fringed fromC frosted fru1t fruitC fruit fruit fruit 2-6.5 stipe fruit stipe fruit capsule ovary entire 2-lobed stems distinctly fruit greenish circumscissile capsule containing shiny fruit legume constricted between seeds 2-valved fruit loment constricted between seeds ultimately fruit non-glossy subglobose flattened utricle fruit shiny achene circumscissile capsule sepals fruit silicle times fruit silique times fruit chiefly entirely horizontal flowers diversely arran fruit chiefly entirely vertical flowers globose cluste fruit club-shaped concavely narrowed below fruit crisp-hairy herbage sparsely densely crisp-hairy fruit either sessile pedicel stipe fruit glabrous minutely scabrous herbage glabrous fruit globose ellipsoid times fruit minutely papillose mostly straight pedicels distinctly fruit narrowed toward stylopo fruit narrowly elongate terete flattened 0.5-6 fruit narrowly oblong lanceolate outline fruit drooping broadly oblong oblanceolate fruit 3-many follicles sepals petaloid white fruit ovoid somewhat pear-shaped nutlets borne fruit sessile achenes flowers green fruit shiny light brown terete achenes leaves neither fruit usually numerous achenes sepals whitish green fruit stipe least located between fruit ovoid flowers white yellow racemes often fruit maturity leaflets dimorphic fruit separating maturity nutlets sometimes fewer fruit smooth often curved pedicels mostly slightly shorter fruit somewhat flattened either strongly curved fruit strongly flattened petals purple-brown fruit suborbicular broadly oblong strongly flattened fruit terete nearly 0.5-3 petals white fruit whitish yellow maturity leaflets fruiting fruiting fruiting bracts longer fruit about fruiting bracts lanceolate triangular rhombic least fruiting bracts orbicular ovate dorsally smooth fruiting bracts variable larger fruiting bracts widest above middle wedge-shaped fruiting bracts widest below middle fruiting calyx lobes broad membranous calyx fruiting calyx lobes hooked spine calyx flowering fruiting calyx above stems bearing recurved prick fruiting calyx thickened sometimes elongating fruiting calyx somewhat fleshy mostly lobes fruiting calyx thickened greatly enlarged ultimately fruiting pedicels straight ascending fruiting pedicels siliques erect-appressed nearly fruiting pedicels glabrous rarely irregularly hairy fruiting pedicels longer fruit petals mostly yellow fruiting pedicels mostly 15-40 mostly arcuate-spread fruiting pedicels mostly erect-appressed narrowly diverge fruiting pedicels mostly widely spreading least fruiting pedicels narrowly divergent recurved deflexed fruiting pedicels often slender fruiting pedicels pubescent throughout fruiting pedicels shorter fruit petals white fruiting pedicels straight horizontally spreading capsul fruiting pedicels stout fruit fruiting pedicels typically strongly curved-ascending capsul fruits fruits available fully functionally funnelform furrowed furrows furtherq fusedD fusiform gardens genera generaliv generally generally genus geyeri gibbous giving glabrate glabrous glabrous glandular glandular-ciliate glandular-hairy glandular-punctate glandular-serrate glandular-stipitate glandular-toothed glaucous glechoma glistening globoseV globose-ovoid glossy glume glume glume hairlike nearly glume stout glumes strongly glumes glumes spikes erect glumes 1-5-nerved plants otherwi glumes 15-20 lemma glumes 2.5-10 spikes maturity typically nodding glumes anthers 2.3-3.5 stout peren glumes lemma 0.5-3 glumes lemma rarely glumes 7-11-nerved least lemmas awnless glumes abruptly tapered truncate short glumes acute first mostly 1.2-2 lemmas 2-2.7 glumes awnlike annuals perennials diverse habitats glumes lemmas acute spikelets sessile glumes lemmas acute lemmas green glumes lemmas awnless terminating simple glumes lemmas divided glumes lemmas keeled moder glumes lemmas minutely scabrous least upper glumes lemmas obtuse spikelets often subsess glumes lemmas rounded glumes lemmas short-awned glumes lemmas smooth midnerve anthers 1.2-1.5 glumes lemmas unawned glumes least present spikelets inflorescence glumes least longer equal longer glumes least longer equal longer glumes awnless awn-tip glumes awnless about glumes awnlike throughout progressively tapered glumes broadest above midlength abruptly acute glumes broadest below middle tapered glumes consistently shorter lowermost glumes distinctly awned glumes either broadest above 3-5-nerved lemmas glumes hairy lemma awned middle glumes including least lemma glumes lacking spikelets 1-flowered lemmas subelliptic glumes mostly blunt first 0.6-1.3 lemmas 1.9-2.3 glumes mostly nearly elliptical abruptly tapered glumes narrowly elongate spikes mostly glumes narrowly lanceolate mostly long-tapered glumes narrowly oblong lanceolate terete flattened glumes abruptly awned coarsely ciliate glumes ciliate scabrous lateral spikelets glumes least spikelets broaden glumes least central spikelet hairy glumes lemmas distinctly awned glumes lemmas strongly compressed coarsely glumes lemmas strongly compressed ciliate glumes lemmas terminating simple glumes ranging narrowly lanceolate broad glumes scabrous throughout hairy lemma awnle glumes semicircular somewhat inflated panic 0.7-3.5 glumes semicircular outline spikes often glumes shorter floret sometimes slightly glumes subulate narrowly lanceolate elliptic lemma glumes anthers rarely plants glumes unawned mostly glumes arising between short glumes ultimately recurved glutinous glycyrrhiza golden-brown gooseberries gradually grain-like green green-margined green-nerved green-tipped greenish greenish-black greenish-brown greenish-chartaceous greenish-lavender greenish-tan greenish-white greenish-white greenish-yellow grooved grooves ground group group heads entirely bisexual flowers anthers group heads entirely flowers obscure group heads flowers yellow group heads flowers growing[ growth gymnospermsP gynaecandrous gynobase habit habitat habitats hairlike hairlike hairs hairs hairs minute those blades mostly incurved those hairs moderately coarse those blades regular hairs involucre crinkled hairs involucre minute hairs midstem appressed strongly ascending hairs midstem spreading curved downward hairyI hairy halfway halves hardenedI hastate hastately havingU headlike} headlike heads heads branched inflorescence involucre essentially heads bell-shaped involucral bracts sharply acute long-ta heads borne leafy stems scapes mostly heads clustered stems axils involucre heads entirely bisexual flowers anthers forming heads entirely flowers corolla present heads entirely flowers flowe heads hemispheric involucral bracts abruptly acute obtuse heads compact clusters pistillate staminate heads heads spikes racemes panicles inflorescence heads terminal rounded flat-topped clusters plants heads mostly ovoid occasionally oblong-cylindric heads mostly short-peduncled loose corymbose clusters heads nodding solitary rarely reduced latera heads solitary nodding involucre rarely heads oblong-cylindric 1.5-3.5 often irregular heads sessile nearly stems frequently thick succul heads solitary terminal stems branches involucre heads solitary involucre usually imbricate glabrous white heads solitary pistillate narrower about heads subsessile scapes rarely heads flowers plant heads hemispheric involucral bracts abruptly acute obtuse@ heart-shaped@ herbage herbage finely softly pubescent least lower herbage gland-dotted glandular-punctate sometimes minutel@ herbage woolly plants otherwise above@ herbage reddish-brown white minutely herbs vines shrubs trees producing flowers seeds horny-tipped included individuals inflorescence inflorescence densely crowded inflorescence borne peduncles equal longer inflorescence compact heads these rarely more@ inner involucral bracts averaging internodes involucral involucral bracts aligned sometimes loosely beneath involucral bracts linear averaging about disti heart-shaped height heliotropium helmet-shaped hemispheric leaves long-tapered outermost herbaceousa herbaceous woody-based nonclimbing plants herbageT herbage herbage flowers above herbage appressed-hairy woolly flowers laven herbage conspicuously gray-woolly throughout wings herbage conspicuously hairy stipitate-glandular throughou herbage conspicuously stipitate-glandular throughout petals herbage densely covered stiff minutely many-barbed herbage densely pubescent throughout sessile 5-many-ray herbage densely pubescent throughout sessile many-rayed herbage densely pubescent simple branched herbage either partially glabrous especially herbage finely softly pubescent least lower herbage glabrous herbage glabrous capsules conspicuously warty-papillose herbage glabrous hairy above leaves mostly herbage glabrous pubescent above branc herbage glabrous glandular distinctly scurfy leaves herbage glabrous pubescent hairs branched herbage glabrous minutely sparsely pubescent herbage glabrous sparsely glandular-hairy above stamens herbage glabrous variously hairy rarely woolly herbage glabrous variously pubescent conspicuousl herbage glabrous variously pubescent leaves 1-5-nerved herbage glabrous sparsely hairy glandular petals herbage glabrous variously pubescent dolabriform hairs herbage glabrous variously pubescent hairs simple herbage gland-dotted glandular-punctate sometimes minutel herbage glandular-hairy throughout corolla herbage glandular-hairy throughout petals white notched herbage glaucous anthers 1.2-2.4 herbage green glabrous sparsely hairy woolly herbage hairy throughout irregularly aligned hairs herbage hairy degree least herbage minutely glandular-punctate involucre resinous herbage neither gland-dotted glandular-punctate herbage conspicuously hairy glandular throughout herbage glandular-punctate involucre resinous herbage glaucous anthers herbage prickly flowers diverse herbage stipitate-glandular petals diverse herbage strongly aromatic glands present often herbage strongly aromatic sometimes bearing sessile herbage woolly plants otherwise above herbage pubescent throughout hairs stipitate herbage pubescent throughout mostly dolabriform hairs herbage pubescent dolabriform hairs these appressed herbage pubescent many-rayed mostly sessile stellate herbage silky-woolly throughout floral bracts narrow herbage sparsely pubescent throughout minute stiff herbage sparsely densely pubescent branched hairs herbage spiny throughout flowers white diameter herbage spiny-prickly throughout flowers white herbage stiff-hairy capsules smoothe nearly about herbage strongly aromatic lower surfaces sessile herbage strongly aromatic lower surfaces bearing herbage subglabrous variously hairy hairs herbage typically glandular-hairy throughout stamens herbage reddish-brown white minutely herbage simple hairs leaves stems glabr herbage branched hairs least below herbage woolly closely gray-hairy least lower herbage woolly-hairy flowers rose-purple leaflets obtuse herbage woolly-hairy larger basal leaves herbage woolly-hairy degree leaves without stipules herbaqe herbaqe scurfy least leaves calyx lobes herbsQ herbs leaves linear oblanceolate outline entire herbs leaves mostly alternate obscurely hairy glabrou herbs ovaries achenes glabrous herbs sometimes woody stems herbaceous herbs stems herbaceous throughout woody herbs stems herbaceous dying herbs vines shrubs trees producing flowers seeds herbs green nonwoody stems sometimes woody hidden higher hillsides hollowD hollow-stemmedB honey hooded hoodii hoodlike hoods hooked horizontal horizontally horned horns horny-tipped horny-tipped horse-chestnut horseshoe horseshoe-shaped hortensis hostV hroken hybrid hypogynous identifiable identification ihroughout ill-defined illota imbricate immature immature immature fruit elliptic obcordate rounded ultimately immature fruit entire immature fruit notched immature fruit obovate triangular becoming nearly immediately imparting imperceptible imperceptibly incised included included includesB including incomplete incompletely inconspicuous\ inconspicuously incurved indehiscent indistinct indistinguishable individual individual spikes few-flowered perigynia mostly individual spikes numerously flowered compactly individual spikes shorter individual spikes mostly sessile individually individuals individuals indumentum indusium indusium actually evidently lacking indusium attached around margins splitting indusium attached hoodlike commonly reflexe indusium horseshoe kidney-shaped attached along inner indusium above blades indusium above leaves spiny-toothed occasionally indusium peltate attached central stalk spreading indusium present sometimes inconspicuous inferiorX infiorescence inflated inflorescence inflorescence inflorescence 1.5-6 spikes loosely inflorescence compact many-flowered spike 1.5-3 inflorescence compact somewhat loose terminal cluster inflorescence densely crowded inflorescence large ultimately panicle inflorescence narrow panicle flowers usually purple inflorescence narrow sometimes spikelike panicle 0.2-3.5 inflorescence simple raceme petals lobed threadlike inflorescence solitary terminal spikelike panicle spikelet inflorescence spikelike raceme elongating about inflorescence terminal subtended involucre inflorescence panicle branches inflorescence leaves glabrous mealy-scurfy inflorescence often leaves sparsely densely pubes inflorescence appearing lateral bract subtending inflorescence appearing lateral involucral bract terete inflorescence axillary flower whorls subtended well-d inflorescence black nearly overall aspect spike inflorescence borne peduncles equal longer inflorescence borne peduncles shorter leave inflorescence conspicuous pistillate scales leaflike inflorescence diversely colored never black blackish inflorescence evidently terminal flower whorls subtended inflorescence above stems leaves diverse inflorescence spikes closely inflorescence compound umbels leaves inflorescence terminal subterminal spikelike inflorescence cymes distinctly pedicelled inflorescence 2-many axillary racemes sometimes panic inflorescence compound umbels leaves least compou inflorescence confluent remote spikes least inflorescence numerous short spikelike clusters inflorescence multiple racemosely arranged spicate branch inflorescence compact heads these rarely inflorescence often diameter flat-topped inflorescence small partly concealed broad leafli inflorescence terminal bracts subtending inflorescen inflorescence terminal involucral bract flattened inflorescence about short-pyramidal inflorescence typically spikelike panicle petals entire inflorescence usually somewhat flat-topped flowers mostl initiallyO inner inner involucral bracts averaging least sharp inner involucral bracts averaging inner perianth segments 2.5-4 white lavender inner perianth segments banded inner sepals 15-35 fruiting plants strongly rhizo inner sepals lacking grainlike swellings inner sepals maturity 2.5-3 teeth bristlelike inner sepals maturity teeth subulate inner sepals entire minutely toothed teeth inner sepals laterally toothed teeth lobes least inner sepals fruiting plants inner sepals least bearing grainlike swellings inrolled insertion intact interedium intermediate intermingled intermixed internalk internally internodal internode internodesq internodes interrupted intervals into\ intramarginal intramarginal prickles lacking rarely nutlet intramarginal prickles present nearly nutlets introduced invading invo1ucrate involucel involucel lacking ultimate segments conspicuously unequ involucel present equal longer flowers ultima involucral involucral involucral bract usually exceeding involucral bract shorter slightly exceeding involucral bracts 3-numerous fused involucral bracts basally fused membranous involucral bracts equal twigs loosely woolly herbage involucral bracts equal nearly woolly indumentum involucral bracts single series exceeding involucral bracts aligned sometimes loosely beneath involucral bracts least outer abruptly tapered involucral bracts least outer tapered involucral bracts averaging least outermost involucral bracts averaging distinctly involucral bracts broad pectinately fringed involucral bracts broadest above middle averaging involucral bracts distinctly acute long-tapered often involucral bracts distinctly imbricate outer involucral bracts imbricate least green glandula involucral bracts imbricate series bract involucral bracts dimorphic series outer herbaceous involucral bracts series outer short inner involucral bracts lacking glutinous dorsal ridge involucral bracts linear averaging about disti involucral bracts linear averaging about disti involucral bracts loosely scarcely imbricate involucral bracts imbricate twigs loosel involucral bracts imbricate woolly indumentu involucral bracts above involucral bracts above involucre burlike involucral bracts gland-dotted reflexed leaves involucral bracts dimorphic above leaves simple involucral bracts dimorphic above pappus retrorse involucral bracts distinctly expanded above middle involucral bracts distinctly striate leaves involucral bracts pappus above involucral bracts broadest above middle involucral bracts rounded obtuse involucral bracts scarcely darkened involucral bracts linear averaging about disti involucral bracts strongly imbricate outer mostly involucre involucre about leaves often involucre above calyx diverse often modified lacki@ involucre spiny degree often burlike@ juice@ lacking larger leaves least perigynium lateral laterally blades least upper terete flower clusters blades ternate-pinnate dissected lacelike 1.3-4 scale terete rounded lateral margins twigs leaflets regularly serrate lobed flowers bisexual leaflets terminating spinelike plants other@ least leaves leaves times pinnately lobed stems 0.1-1.2 tall@ involucral bracts strongly imbricate outer mostly involucral bracts subequal loosely imbricate outer involucral bracts conspicuous involucral bracts conspicuous glutinous dorsal ridge involucral bracts membranous upper portion outer involucral bracts herbaceous gland-dotted involucral bracts yellow-green darker longitudinal involucral leaves sessile nearly blades simple involucral leaves sessile distinctly winged broad involucral leaves usually petioled blades compound involucral leaves slender petioles involucral tracts above every particular leaves involucrate involucre involucre involucre middle inner bracts ovate involucre 15-20 yellow yellow-green involucre rarely heads involucre 3-4.5 inconspicuous scarcely exceedin involucre 3-4.5 inner bracts linear-lanceolate involucre principal bracts lanceolate involucre about leaves often involucre heads 1-several involucre leaves involucre involucel lacking above aerial leave involucre involucel conspicuous fused white bracts involucre involucel multiple lanceolate elliptic involucre cyathium glands spaced around upper involucre densely glandular-hairy herbaceous throughout involucre densely pubescent least toward involucre distinctly glandular simple hairs minute involucre green inconspicuous lacking fruit winge involucre green purple long-tapered bract involucre lacking inconspicuous sometimes replaced involucre inner bracts involucre conspicuous involucre above calyx diverse often modified lacki involucre densely glandular sparsely bracts involucre hairy above either fewer involucre plants otherwise involucre shiny resin plants otherwise involucre shiny-resinous species involucre spiny lacking psilocarphus involucre strongly resinous bracts recurved involucre basally fused bracts subtending flowers involucre bracts single fused series involucre bracts subtending numerous flowers calyx involucre multiple bracts fruit glabrous ellipsoid involucre narrowly elongate prickly widely spreading-asce involucre pale-chartaceous shiny resin heads involucre shiny resin bracts involucre spiny degree often burlike involucre strongly resinous-shiny green involucre bracts series involucre moderately spreading simple involucre without glands perianth basally fused petaloid involucre yellowish bracts yellow greenish involucres involucres small large clusters terminal stems involucres solitary sessile short-peduncled involute inward irregular irregularly irreqularly joined joint jointed juice junction juniperus juvenile rounded legume borne stipe 1.4-3.5 tapered acute purple legume sessile subses keeled keels based mainly flowers based mainly fruit keyed kidney kidney-shaped knoblike known l5-nerved lacelike lacerate lackingB lacking lacking lance-cylindric lance-ovate lanceolate large large shrub small leaflets serrate flowers white large shrub small leaves typically greenish above large shrub small branches jointed minut large shrub bearing stout thorns leaves elliptic largely^ larger larger leaves least perigynium larger leaves rarely perigynia largest lateral{ lateral nerves lemma obscure hairy glumes diverse lateral nerves lemma prominent glabrous glumes lateral sepals nearly plants valleys lateral sepals otherwise fused laterally laterally latterP lavender lavender-blue lavender-pink layere layia leafH blade glabrous simple gland-tipped hairs blade elongate septate hairs gland blades least upper terete flower clusters blades considerably longer broad ultimate blades densely white brown-woolly lower surfa blades either inrolled mostly blades mostly often spreading blades channeled upper surface folded blades generally inrolled 0.5-2 plants solita blades glabrous blades green glabrous nearly above densely blades glabrous pubescent blades mostly least blades mostly minutely stellate-hai blades distinctly bicolored blades often about ultimate segment blades petioles much-expanded membranous bases blades ternate-pinnate dissected lacelike 1.3-4 blades ternate-pinnate dissected lacelike 1.3-4 scale acute ventral margins scale blunt rounded ventral margi scale distinctly compressed lateral margins scale rounded acutish caplike scale terminating acute ventral margi single nonresinous scale flower subten several overlapping often resinous scales margins conspicuously minutely toothed especia margins entire nearly margins occasionally obscurely entire achene margins toothed irregularly cleft petioles sheathing scape inflorescence petioles sheathing scape inflorescence segments ovate obovate appearing whorled sheaths least well-developed blade sheaths closed nearly often mechanically sheaths glabrous mature panicles about one-third sheaths long-hairy panicles sometimes sheaths mostly green black-banded summit sheaths ciliate margins hairs sheaths least two-thirds length margins sheaths turning ash-gray black-banded above below leafless leaflet leafletlike leafletsJ leaflets leaflets 0.8-5 suborbicular elliptic rounded leaflets those lower leaves leaflets 1-7.5 palmately lobed upper stems typically leaflets 4-many entire rarely irregularly toothed leaflets stems conspicuously winged plants cultivated leaflets margins coarsely irregularly leaflets sessile plant middle upper montane leaflets usually toothed sometimes obscurely leaflets stalked plant valleys midmontane leaflets least leaves stems leaflets mostly lanceolate long-tapered leaflets regularly serrate lobed flowers bisexual leaflets distinctly toothed lobed flowers compound leaflets divided segments these appeari leaflets divided relatively distinct narrowly elong leaflets either conspicuously toothed throughout entire leaflets entire averaging appearing leaflets entire obscurely toothed throughout speci leaflets entire wavy-margined flowers raceme fruit leaflets glabrous pubescent hairs woolly flowers leaflets stems glabrous minute leaflets mostly those lower leaflets dissected numerous confluent threadlik leaflets narrowly elongate least times leaflets dimorphic above usually uniformly serrate leaflets spiny-toothed otherwise above every leaflets terminating spinelike plants other leaflets ovate broadly lanceolate mostly leaflets sessile short-stalked stalk termin leaflets sparsely densely white-woolly lower surfa leaflets spiny-toothed along margins flowers yellow leaflets terminating short spinelike blades leaflets typically dimorphic those upper leaflets unequally stalked terminal leaflet consi leaflike leafyE leafy-bracteate leafy-stemmed leastO least least leasthalt leathery leave leavesB leaves leaves leaves leaves leaves leaves leaves leaves 0.1-1 least times entire leaves 0.5-2 wedge-shaped apical leaves 1.5-3 staminate portion leaves evidently opposite often sheathing leaves times deeply parted segments often linear leaves rarely longer truncate rounded leaves generally sessile peduncles recurved leaves times longer toothed styles 0.4-1 leaves times pinnate ternate ultimate segments leaves times ternately compound pistils stamens leaves times pinnate leaves times pinnately lobed stems 0.1-1.2 leaves times ternate occasionally primary leaves times ternate ternate-pinnate fruit 12-25 leaves 1-nerved pubescent minute appressed dolabriform leaves 1.5-12 flowering stems leaves 1.5-8 flowers lavender leaves opposite nearly about midstem corolla leaves opposite nearly flowers usually corolla leaves times ternate stems mostly short tufted erect leaves plants hillsides leaves petioles peduncles leaves alternate flowers usually solitary corolla leaves overall blades times pinnate leaves 3-nerved entire serrate strongly leaves short erect leaves mostly acute flowers yellow leaves leathery revolute densely white-woolly-h leaves nodes stems stout erect flowew leaves brighter green above below involucre white leaves abruptly narrowed distinct petiole calyx leaves abruptly gradually tapered acute leaves clustered sheaths seldom cross-wrin leaves nearly least times longer leaves similar floating present leaves simple entire minutely toothed leaves stem-clasping margins somewhat leaves submerged leaves suborbicular ovate elliptic leaves alternate leaves alternate mostly narrowly elongate evidently leaves alternate least midstem leaves mostly acute flowers yellow leaves abruptly tapered petiole blades typically leaves alternate corolla white purple@ leaves twigs densely stipitate-glandular flowers yellow leaves basal usually withering during before flowering leaves chiefly basal blades long@ leaves compound leaflets more@ leaves dimorphic basal lower leaves dissec@ leaves elliptic narrowly lanceolate least them@ leaves entire toothed pedicels either glabrous pubesce@ leaves evenly distributed along scarcely reduced leaves glabrous inconspicuously hairy leaves lacking@ leaves leathery rarely leaves times plants leaves minutely stellate-pubescent least beneath flowers leaves alternate corolla white purple leaves alternate densely pubescent stiff minutely many- leaves alternate flowers bisexual stamens branches alterna leaves alternate flowers solitary axils fruit leaves alternate annual non-stinging hairs leaves alternate midstem entirely basal leaves alternate distinctly fleshy fruit 1-seeded leaves alternate occasionally lowermost opposite leaves alternate occasionally lowermost opposite leaves alternate opposite leaves alternate sometimes opposite petals leaves alternate perianth whorls fruit berry leaves alternate petals fused their length leaves alternate rarely opposite toothed style leaves bracts spinose fruiting diverse leaves floral bracts pungently spine-tipped fruiting leaves twigs densely stipitate-glandular flowers yellow leaves twigs glabrous hairy leaves usually twigs brown-scurfy degree leaves arising caudex petioles often partially leaves arising flowers usually leaves arrowhead-shaped prominent basal lobes stems leaves least times entire occasional leaves least lower hastately lobed inner leaves least hastately lobed leaves least lower times compound herbage pubesce leaves least lower pinnatifid immature fruit beaked leaves midstem above sessile clasping leaves averaging short-hai leaves basal cauline stems simple erect 0.5-4 leaves basal cauline those markedly leaves basal usually withering during before flowering leaves basally expanded sheath staminate leaves below inflorescence mostly opposite nearly leaves blue-green glabrous ultimate segments mostly leaves blue-green mostly broadly ovate arranged close leaves basal cauline basal persistent least leaves broadly triangular mostly least leaves cauline least leaves cauline least occasionally reduced leaves cauline species deciduous stems often leaves cauline sometimes restricted lower leaves cauline usually green flowering sepals leaves chiefly basal about minutely leaves chiefly basal oblanceolate oblong outline pinna leaves chiefly basal simple entire toothed branched hairs leaves chiefly basal blades leaves chiefly basal leaves markedly reduced upward leaves chiefly cauline evenly distributed along leaves chiefly cauline least lower times pinnate leaves chiefly cauline least twice leaves chiefly cauline markedly reduced upward stems leaves ciliate least truncate subcordate leaves ciliate simple hairs blades otherwise glabro leaves clearly compound leaflets present leaves leaves cloverlike fan-shaped leaflets terminal leaves coarsely toothed triangular teeth mostly leasq leaves compound leaves compound least leaves compound least leaflets broad leaves compound flowers yellow fruit spiny schizocarp leaves compound fruit achene white berry leaves compound leaflets leaves compound deeply parted dissectedp leaves compound simple regularly toothed lobed leaves compound petioled lacking achenes 2-awned common leaves compound leaflets mostly broad acute leaves compound leaflets basal leaves broad leaves conspicuously long-hairy leaves developed leaves contracted short petiole succul leaves green least above leathery conspicuously leaves deeply 3-7-lobed few-toothed leaves deeply dissected mostly linear segments leaves deeply palmately lobed mostly opposite appearing leaves deeply pinnately lobed central unlobed portion leaves deeply pinnately palmately lobed leaves densely gray-pubescent surfaces revolute leaves dimorphic basal lower leaves dissec leaves dimorphic floating leathery petioled mostly leaves dissected threadlike segments flowers often leaves distinctly cauline least leaves distributed along lower portion leaves diverse above every particular plants leaves either acute rarely blades obtuse leaves either glabrous hairs branched flowers leaves either times leaves either times leaves either dissected numerous small segments leaves either prominently cauline simple about leaves either scalelike evidently lacki leaves either terete fan-shaped leaflets cloverliki leaves elliptic plants annual flowers bisexual leaves elliptic narrowly lanceolate least leaves entiret leaves entire flowers bisexual styles fruit 2-many-see leaves entire flowers solitary terminal cluster leaves entire flowers white nearly ovary inferior leaves entire involucre plants midmontane leaves entire involucre mostly longer bracts leaves entire doubly toothed pubescent degree leaves entire finely coarsely toothed lobed plants leaves entire lobed divided termi leaves entire minutely toothed internodes armed leaves entire occasionally minutely toothed anthers glabr leaves entire shallowly lobed halfway leaves entire toothed leaves entire toothed immature fruit beaked style leaves entire toothed occasionally 3-5-lobed plants leaves entire toothed pedicels either glabrous pubesce leaves entire toothed sometimes irregularly cleft fruit leaves entire toothed shallowly lobed leaves entire wavy-margined definite teeth leaves entire stamens arising corolla diffe leaves entire submerged notched subtruncate leaves entire toothed blades lobed leaves entirely basal leaves entirely basal caution bracts subtending umbels leaves entirely basal flowers terminal umbel subtended leaves entirely basal stems naked small bract leaves entirely cauline blades leaves entirely glabrous tapered toward petiole leaves equal surpassing inflorescence leaves essentially glabrous lobed lobes entire leaves essentially symmetrical leaves leaves evenly distributed along scarcely reduced leaves evidently nodes opposite others leaves evidently spirally arranged along branches leaves expanded short sheath plants leaves often remote progressively reduced upward leaves finely coarsely toothed subentire leaves blade about sharpl leaves margins entire smooth sepals leaves flaccid plants above every parti leaves channeled folded center capsule leaves flattened somewhat triangular square leaves folded lengthwise center distinctly equitant leaves frequently cleft divided pairs basal leaves glabrate sparsely woolly-hairy least leaves glabrous long-tapered lower blades leaves glabrous inconspicuously hairy leaves lacking leaves glabrous minutely hairy woolly leaves glabrous minutely hairy scabrous other leaves glabrous nearly lobed lobes entire leaves glabrous occasionally hairy along midrib leaves glabrous pubescent basifixed hairs corolla leaves glabrous simple hairs leaves glabrous plants herbaceous throughout sometimes leaves glabrous throughout leaves glabrous minutely hairy gland-dotted leaves glabrous sparsely hairy woolly involucre glabr leaves gland-dotted lower surface petals white leaves gland-dotted lower surface plants woody leaves glandular pubescent mostly 5-lobed often finely leaves gradually tapered petiole blades generally leaves gradually abruptly tapered lobed leaves gray-mealy degree rounded acute leaves green yellow-green sometimes turning brown leaves basal rosette blades mostly ovate oblong leaves whorl confused leave leaves fascicles fascicle surrounded leaves kidney heart-shaped sepals plants upper monta leaves kidney-shaped suborbicular coarsely toothed leaves lacking terminal unpaired leaflet rachis leaves lacking stipules leaves grasslike distributed along leaves leaflets entire toothed occasionally 2-cleft leaves leathery coarsely sparingly blunt-toothed leaves leathery glossy upper surface mostly elliptic leaves leathery green least upper surface leaves leathery rarely leaves times either leaves light blue-green glaucous glabrous except leaves light green minutely toothed flowers solitar leaves linear throughout about entirely submerg leaves linear pappus minute scales leaves linear cylindric fleshy glabrous short-hairy leaves linear narrowly elongate rarely leaves linear narrowly oblanceolate stem- leaves linear narrowly oblong entire acute leaves lobed merely toothed wedge-shaped leaves long-petioled fan-shaped terminal leaflets leaves longer finely toothed somewhat leaves minutely gland-dotted usually light green beneath leaves minutely stellate-pubescent least beneath flowers leaves minutely stellate-pubescent least beneath flowers leaves minutely toothed least apexs leaves moderately thick coarsely regularly serrate leaves distinctly cauline flowers erect leaves plants otherwise leaves mostly 0.5-3 leaves occasionally stipitate- leaves mostly 1.5-2 times broadly wedge-shap leaves mostly 1.5-7 typically green throughout herba leaves mostly leaves stipitate-glandular throug leaves mostly 3-5-lobed achene leaves mostly times longer often entire leaves mostly 3-nerved glabrous pubescent minute leaves mostly times leaves mostly arrowhead-shaped hastately lobed stems leaves mostly least times longer narrowly leaves narrowly lanceolate elliptic wedge-shaped leaves nearly always parallel-veined often sheathing leaves neither expanded membranous fruit leaves neither kidney heart-shaped sepals plants leaves neither scalelike needlelike plants otherwise leaves non-leathery light green minutely toothed flowers leaves above leaves above plants otherwise diverse leaves above plants seed-bearingj leaves basally expanded sheath staminate flowers leaves bicolored equally hairy surfaces involucr leaves wedge-shaped 3-5-toothed leaves broadly margined glands cyathia appen leaves ciliate simple hairs cilia leaves dimorphic entire toothed pinnatifid leaves forming sheath plants dioecious leaves narrowly lanceolate elliptic wedge-shaped leaves grasslike narrowly elongate confined chiefl@ leaves often hastate ovate elliptic toothed leaves opposite mostly broad ovary inferior stamens leaves leaflets lobed toothed flowers 1-numerous lacki@ leaves lobed least one-third dist@ leaves ovate nearly 0.5-2 subentire toothed leaves parallel-veined often dimorphic often leaves pinnately lobed often toothed leaves pubescent throughout stiff spreading hairs leaves simple entire pinnatifid occasionally appearing leaves spiny-toothed prickly-bristly along margins leaves ternately palmately compound stamens 6-numerous leaves about plants tufted matted midmontane@ leaves grasslike narrowly elongate confined chiefl leaves lacelike usually ultima leaves leathery often variable leaves lobed leaves lobed stems erect prostrate leaves leaves dissected ultimate segments distinc leaves reduced upward blades leaves ovate obovate often twice leaves palmately lobed leaves revolute corolla greenish-white urn-shape leaves revolute otherwise above every particul leaves spiny leaves numerous crowded slightly reduced upward leaves obscurely veined corolla mostly across stamen leaves least lower stems branches coarsely leaves often dimorphic lower chiefly linear upper leaves often hastate ovate elliptic toothed leaves pinnate leaflets occasionally again divide leaves pinnate incompletely bipinnate fruit leaves pinnate incompletely bipinnate leaflets leaves ternate stems usually vinelike leaves opposite leaves opposite entire styles fruit mostly 1-chamb leaves opposite least midstem below nearly glabrou leaves opposite calyx modified featherlike segments leaves opposite calyx obsolete lobes modified leaves opposite corolla rarely purple white leaves opposite fleshy fruit circumscissile capsule plants leaves opposite flowers unisexual stamens branches opposit leaves opposite flowers white lavender fruit leaves opposite fruit several many-seeded capsule leaves opposite involucre herbaceous bracts leaflike leaves opposite mostly broad ovary inferior stamens leaves opposite midstem throughout leaves opposite rarely subopposite leaves opposite whorled leaves opposite whorled flowers fruit above leaves opposite whorled occasionally altern leaves opposite perianth single whorl fruit achene leaves opposite petals fused around stalk leaves opposite robust perennial stinging hairs leaves opposite sometimes needlelike appearing whorled leaves scars alternate sometimes crowded leaves scars chiefly entirely opposite leaves scars flowering stems alternate leaves leaves scars flowering stems opposite leaves segments sometimes apiculate leaves segments stiff pungent-tipped leaves leaflets lobed toothed flowers 1-numerous lacki leaves appearing simple lateral leaflets leaves conspicuously cauline flowers solitar leaves entire nearly sometimes merely leaves plants diverse leaves leaves often pinnatifid leaves involucral leaves oblique opposite througho leaves ovate obovate leaves pinnately lobed leaves revolute corolla rose-purple bowl-sha leaves simple appearing leaves toothed involucre wider leaves ovate 10-40 stem-clasping leaves ovate nearly 0.5-2 subentire toothed leaves ovate nearly 0.5-2 subentire toothed leaves ovate nearly involucre about leaves ovate subcordate plants rhizomatous clump-form leaves palmately 3-5-lobed rarely ovate lobed leaves palmately lobed leaves palmately 3-5-lobed fruit double samara leaves palmately 3-7-lobed terminal largest leaves palmately compound leaves palmately compound fruit spiny capsule typically leaves palmately compound leaflets mostly narrow leaves palmately compound obcordate leaflets petals leaves palmately lobed nearly stamens arising leaves palmately lobed revolute leaves palmately lobed plants dioecious pistillate flowe leaves palmately lobed lobes acute teeth upper leaves palmately lobed divided basal present leaves parallel-veined often dimorphic often leaves petioled flowering spike mostly 1-1.5 calyx leaves petioled petioles leaves pinnate leaflets densely white-hairy leaves pinnate pinnatifid toothed siliques leaves pinnate pinnatifid plants monoecious pistillat leaves pinnate-veined dimorphic leaves pinnately compound leaves pinnately compound corolla bilaterally symmetrical leaves pinnately compound flowers panicles leaves pinnately compound dissected occasionally leaves pinnately compound plants disturbed sites leaves pinnately compound leaflets flowers compa leaves pinnately compound ultimate segments threadli leaves pinnately dissected linear narrowly oblong leaves pinnately lobed often toothed leaves pinnately lobed singly doubly serrate lower leaves pinnately lobed throughout nearly equal leaves pinnately lobed merely toothed leaves pinnately lobed merely toothed sometimes revolute leaves pinnately lobed least lower segments leaves pinnately dissected basal rosette style leaves pinnately palmately compound leaves pinnately palmately compound rarely ternate leaves pinnately veined often doubly serrate smooth sligh leaves pinnatifid pinnate pedicels densely pubescent leaves prickly-bristly least along midrib leaves progressively reduced upward lower blades leaves prominently veined corolla about across stame leaves pubescent lower surface minute dolabrifor leaves pubescent throughout stiff spreading hairs leaves pubescent mostly branched hairs rarely stipitate leaves pubescent simple hairs leaves pubescent simple hairs glabrous siliques leaves rarely staminate portio leaves rarely including petiole leaves regularly toothed throughout sometimes finely leaves rounded margins typically toothed leaves scabrous surfaces ellipsoid consp leaves scabrous surfaces often oblique leaves scalelike inconspicuous stems fleshy jointed leaves scalelike subtending cluster needlelike leaves serrate midnerve calyx lobes distinctly leaves sessile contracted petiole fleshy revolut leaves sessile nearly petioles leaves sessile petioles about flowering leaves sessile throughout leaves shallowly deeply pinnately lobed midnerve leaves sharply toothed flowers rose-purple ovary leaves short-petioled least below leaves short-petioled throughout leaves shorter inflorescence blades leaves simple leaves simple entire leaves simple entire least appearing leaves simple entire petals white greenish plants leaves simple entire siliques petals leaves simple deeply pinnately lobed lobes mostly oblong leaves simple entire toothedo leaves simple entire toothed lobed leaves simple entire toothed dissected lackin leaves simple entire toothed dissected withou leaves simple entire toothed variously lobed dissec leaves simple entire pinnatifid occasionally appearing leaves simple entire pinnatifid appearing compound leaves simple flowers solitary paired upper axils leaves simple flowers white purple styles leaves simple divided distinct leaflets leaves simple species blades compound leaves simple pinnately compound stamens either leaves simple palmately lobed leaves simple plants otherwise above every particu leaves simple plants sites midmontane subalpine leaves simple sessile often present achenes 4-awne leaves simple sometimes dissected lacking definite leaves slender terete tufted cormlike leaves margins sometimes minutely scabrous leaves solitary clustered shoots surrounded leaves spiny least margins leaves spiny-toothed prickly-bristly along margins leaves spoon-shaped triangular finely toothed teeth leaves square rectangular cross section mostly distinc leaves subglabrous sparsely hairy crinkled leaves submerged floating least leaves tapered calyx keeled lobes leaves tapered petioled leaves terete nearly tipped elongate hairl leaves ternate pinnate leaves ternate leaflets green surfaces fruit leaves ternate terminal leaflet largest leaves ternate-pinnate bipinnate leaflets about twice leaves ternately compound flowers yellow styles leaves ternately compound leaflets broad sepals violet leaves ternately dissected leaves ternately palmately compound corolla radially leaves ternately palmately compound stamens 6-numerous leaves ternately pinnately compound plants otherwise leaves thick typically glossy above strongly 3-veined leaves acute-toothed sinuses between lobes leaves glossy pinnately veined stipules deciduo leaves shallowly deeply pinnately lobed rarely leaves otherwise above flowers diverse leaves threadlike linear narrowly lanceolate callit leaves flowers usually white leaves flowering stems usually leaves plants flowers erect leaves entire leaves lacking leaves spreading leaves involucral bracts series leaves mostly rounded flowers leaves about plants tufted matted midmontane leaves about plants marshy areas leaves about purple-veined purple-tinged leaves toothed except occasionally leaves toothed flowers unisexual style essentially lacking leaves toothed involucre 12-24 plants moist valle leaves toothed entire petals slender rhizomat leaves toothed lobed leaves toothed obscurely shallowly lobed lobes leaves toothed pinnately lobed lacking distinct leafl leaves toothed rounded wedge-shaped blade leaves toothed pinnately lobed compound chiefly altern leaves toothed subentire leaves typically least times involucre leaves typically coarsely toothed anthers copiously woolly-h leaves typically dissected numerous segments achen leaves typically entire corolla leaves typically green persistent flowering perianth leaves typically minutely toothed least acute leaves typically persistently hairy degree hairs leaves usually green above white-woolly below typic leaves usually alternate corolla various leaves usually withered flowering perianth mostly leaves vertically 2-lobed sessile short branched leaves wavy-margined shallowly 3-5-lobed 1-3.5 leaves wedge-shaped truncate toothed leaves developed leaves white-woolly lower surface stigmas leaves whorled leaves uppermost leaves whorled involucre chartaceous greenish leaves whorled nodes calyx small leaves typically entire corolla leaves typically revolute apically toothed pinnately leaves leaflets conspicuosly gland-dotted fruit leaves within inflorescence broadly white-margined gland@ lemma@ lemma arising midlength below lemma averaging lacking plants lemmas lemmas awnless tapered straight rarely lemmas either membranous awned glumes diverse winged lemmas rounded sometimes keeled tips@ longer lower lower leaves ovate oblong mostly lower stems coarse spreading yellowish hairs magnification margins@ mat-forming maturity melt@ mesic midmontane leaves leaflets conspicuosly gland-dotted fruit leaves leaflets occasionally simple flowers leaves primary leaflets ultimate segments equal leaves leaflets minutely glandular-punctate fruit leaves persistent velvet-like pubescence short leaves terminal unpaired leaflet leaves branched simple hairs latter typica leaves prominent membranous stipules leaves primary lateral veins averaging leaves primary lateral veins usually averaging legume covered dense white woolly hairs legume elevated stipelike structure 1.5-5 legume glabrous minutely pubescent legume sessile subsessile within calyx stipe legumes lemma lemma least unawned awned lemma 3-branched ligule hairs lemma 3.5-6 lemma least annual lemma arising above midlength diverse lenqth lemma arising below bifid spikelet lemma arising between distinct apical teeth slightl lemma arising above usually abruptly lemma arising midlength below lemma arising midlength straight twisted extend lemma delicate exceeding glumes lemma distinctly flattened least usuall lemma relatively stout exceeding glumes lemma terete plants otherwise above lemma terminal long-tapered entire rarely lemma terminal arising between apical teeth lemma unbranched ligule membranous lemma awnless awned below lemma awnless lemma lemma 0.5-3 lemma first glumes within lemma lemmas unawned 3-lobed lemma lemma averaging least plants annual sprin lemma averaging lacking plants lemma averaging first glumes within lemma lower lemma lemmas unawned lobed lemma glabrous minutely scabrous lemma broadly fusiform subglobose 2.5-4 long-ha lemma leathery shiny awnless subtended rudimentary lemma narrowly ellipsoid least short-hairy lemma prominently nerved nerves convergent later lemma prominently obscurely nerved lateral nerve lemma awned below lemma arising below lemmas lemmas lemmas maturity lemmas 1.4-2.2 panicles 0.5-1.5 branch lemmas panicles lower branch lemmas 4-9-nerved sometimes obscurely rounded keeled lemmas rounded 7-15-nerved lemmas abruptly tapered mostly obtuse usually lemmas awnless tapered straight rarely lemmas awnless tapered straight rarely lemmas least distinctly awned lemmas least lower lemmas averaging midnerve margin lemmas averaging midnerve lemmas awn-tipped lemmas awned often abrup lemmas awned glabrous sparsely strongly hairy spikelet lemmas awnless occasionally awned callus lemmas awnless awn-tip about glabrou lemmas awnless lemmas becoming hardened often shiny maturity glabrou lemmas bright green sometimes purple-tinged purple lemmas distinctly 3-nerved lemmas distinctly 3-nerved mostly dorsiventrally compres lemmas dorsiventrally compressed 3.5-6 ligule membra lemmas either membranous awned glumes diverse winged lemmas either rhombic-ovate inflated lemmas yellow-brown truncate erose lemmas gradually tapered acute lemmas green moderately either awned lemmas keeled rounded secunda 5-nerved lemmas keeled backs nerves convergent lemma backs lemmas keeled midrib 1.5-2.5 ligule lemmas lanceolate acute sheath lemmas lessthan mostly keeled 3-5-nerv lemmas lemmas webbed lemmas often obscurely nerved sheaths least partially lemmas black-tinged acute lemmas papery white grayish acute lemmas prominently nerved sheaths closed nearl lemmas rounded sometimes keeled lemmas rounded backs nerves parallel sometimes lemmas hardened minutely hairy lemmas unawned lemmas webbed sometimes sparsely lemmas whitish gray-green occasionally purple-tinged lemmas distinct nerves nerves obscure lemmas 1-4.5 callus conspicuously lemmas lemmas auricles lacking lemmas awnless auricles normally lemon lenath length lengthwise lenqth lenticels lenticular lessK lessthan level levels lewisia light light-colored lighter lightly ligule ligule stems mostly ligule hairs spikelets 1-flowered glumes stiff-hai ligule lacking spikelets irregular clusters along ligule membranous sheaths long-hairy vicinit ligule membranous often hairs margins ligule membranous sometimes ciliate cilia shorter ligule membranous spikelets 5-12-flowered glumes minutely ligule stems rarely ligule hairs sheaths often long-hairy vicinit ligule hairs sometimes membranous lemma ligule upper blades lemma ligule present plants otherwise above every partic ligules ligules entirely hairs membranous ciliate inflores ligules upper leaves lemmas glabrou ligules upper leaves acute obtuse ligules upper leaves obtuse truncate 0.5-1.2 ligules rarely lemmas hairy margin likely linearH linear linear-elliptic linear-lanceolate linear-lobed linear-oblanceolate lines lining liqule liqule upper blades lemma little lobeI lobedI lobed lobes lobes located locust loment longJ long-awned long-beaked{ long-ciliate long-exserted long-hairy long-pedicelled long-petioledl long-stipitate long-tailed long-tapered longer longer longest longitudinal longitudinally loose loosely annual midmontane above panicles narrow annuals leaves alternate opposite corolla annuals drying flats foothills flowers mat-forming plants alpine subalpine stems shrub leaflets entire typically revolute flowers somewhat fleshy annual flowers subalpine shrub often mat-forming leaves revolute woolly annuals disturbed sites valleys low-lying lowerI lower lower floret bisexual awnless upper floret staminate lower floret usually staminate twisted abruptly lower surface silvery-scurfy brown-dotted lower surface scurfy brown-dotted plants lower surface sparsely hairy glabrous usually leaves ovate rounded heart-shaped invol lower leaves ovate oblong mostly lower leaves pinnatifid upper entire petals 10-20 lower lemmas blades lower lemmas blades lower middle stems pubescent crinkled multicell lower basal blades pubescent dolabri lower basal leaves pubescent mostly simple lower leaves petioled upper blades sessile lower leaves sparsely moderately hairy simple lower leaves typically hastately lobed otherwise lower stems either glabrous pubescent mostly branche lower stems glabrous simple branched hairs lower stems lacking coarse yellowish hairs achenes distinctl lower stems moderately densely pubescent simple lower stems sparsely pubescent simple spreading hairs lower stems coarse spreading yellowish hairs lower stems mostly simple spreading hairs flowers white lowermost lowermost scales least spikelet spike lowermost scales spikelet lowers lowest lowest pinnae equal shorter those immediatel lowest pinnae longer those immediately above pinna lowland lowland plants marshy areas middle leaves magnification magnification panicle branches bearing spikelets spreadi panicle branches usually distinctly drooping typica angled ribbed erect-asce typically teiete numerous mostly prominent mainly major malodorous manner many-barbed many-branched many-chambered many-flowered many-nerved many-rayed many-seeded marginy marginal marginally margined marginsO marked markedly markings marshes marshy massh mat-forming mat-forming mat-forming perennials leaves opposite entire deeply matted mature mature capsule generally distinctly constricted between mature capsule scarcely constricted between mature fruit usually drooping broadly oblong oblanceolate mature perigynia regularly spaced nerves sometimes mature perigynia numerous closely spaced mature seeds prominently furrowed ridged furrows mature seeds facets smooth ridged pitted matures maturity maturity meadows mealy mealy-scurfy means mechanically medial medium medium shrubs valleys foothills medium shrubs branch becoming spinose leave medium small shrubs leaves gray-green nearly white meeting membranousV membranous-bordered membranous-bracteate membranous-margined membranous-winged menbranous-margined menziesii merely mericarps~ mericarps conspicuously stiff-hairy beaked mericarps glabrous obscurely hairy short-beaked calyx mesicG mesic microscopic microscopically mid-nerve middle middle leaves distinctly petioled blades elonga middle leaves lacking stems middle leaves above middle leaves least stems midlength midlenqth midline midmontane midmontane midnerv midnerve midnerves midrib midstem midstrip midsummer midvein midway milky minuteB midmontane minute minutely moist montane mosslikeL mostly mountain@ naked@ narrowly nearly nerves non-convergent@ notched nutlets ringed stiffly spreading barbed prickles flower@ oblanceolate oblong-cylindric obovate obtuse occasionally occurring often one-half opening immature fruit linear broadest above belo@ panicle mostly narrow branches erect minute minutelyr minutely mistaken mitella montane moreR mosslikeB mosslikeL mostw mostiv mostlyM mostly mostly mottled mountains mouth muchp narrowly native nearb nearlyV nearly nectaries nectary needlelikeP needlelike leaves fascicle scales needlelike leaves 3-8.5 fascicle often curved needlelike leaves rarely longer needlelike leaves fascicles scales unarmed neither~ nerve nerved nerveless nerves nerves never growth branchlets glabrous mostly whitish green growth branchlets minutely hairy mostly red-brown niddle nodal nodding nodesD non-bristly non-colonial non-convergent non-glandular non-glossy non-jointed non-leathery non-stinging non-thickened nonalkaline nonaromatic nonclimbing leaves lobed margins entire serrate petal nonfunctional nonpapillose nonparasiticU nonpersistent nonpetaloid nonprickly nonresinous nonsessile nonwoody normally further described notch notched notched nouth numerous numerously nutlet nutlets nutlets shape cross short thick basal nutlets lanceolate ovate basal leaves present nutlets ringed barbed prickles flowers above nutlets ringed stiffly spreading barbed prickles flower nutlets ventrally grooved appearing hairy leaves uniform nutlets ventrally keeled occasionally appearing hairy leaves nutlets ventral medial fruiting calyx nutlets ventral center usually situated nutlike~ o-1-nerved o-many o-several obcordate object oblanceolate oblique obliquely oblonceolate oblong oblong-cylindric obtuse occasionallyF occupying occurring off-center oftenG often often older older twigs diverse color usually yellow-brown older twigs typically gray-brown exfoliating olive once-pinnate lower bracts equal longer one-fifth one-fourth one-half one-half one-third only` opaque opening opening opposing oppositen outer outer inner sepals fruiting equal nearly achene outer bracts blackish-green brown mostly acute outer bracts brownish rounded sometimes outer involucral bracts ascending appressed achenes outer involucral bracts spiny along margins herbage outer involucral bracts spiny along margins herbage outer involucral bracts strongly reflexed flowering achen outer involucral bracts brown greenish-black outer involucral bracts uniformly white pink-tinged outer sepals distinctly wider inner margi outer sepals similar inner margins often outermost outline outlining outside outward outwardly ovaries ovaries obscured broad stigma stamin ovaries achenes glabrous receptacle sometimes hairy ovaries achenes hairy style jointed middle ovaries fruit bristly flowers greenish-white fruiting ovaries fruit glabrous flowers yellow-green fruiting ovaryX ovary ovary fruit hairy degree mericarps subglobos ovary fruit flattened notched ovary fruit smooth slightly roughened hairy ovary immature fruit linear cylindric petals entire ovary immature fruit somewhat inflated plants disturb ovary immature fruit strongly flattened notched ovary immature fruit strongly flattened plants native ovary conspicuously crested perianth white lavender- ovary deeply 4-lobed flowering style arising between ovary deeply 4-lobed style arising between lobes ovary deeply divided fruit subglobose nutlets ovary densely hairy style lacking lobes stigm ovary densely long-hairy fruit conspicuous bristles ovary entire species lobed lobes ovary glabrous hairy neither distinctly papillose ovary glabrous rarely sparsely hairy style obsolete ovary inconspicuously crested perianth greenis ovary inferior ovary inferior corolla spreading petals leaves diverse ovary inferior degree perianth pinkish tinged ovary linear ovary merely 4-grooved style arising obscurely ovary deeply divided fruit capsule petals ovary immature fruit broad above tapered ovary immature fruit cylindric nearly ovary immature fruit elliptic ovate lanceolate ovary immature fruit linear ovary immature fruit linear herbage variously hairy ovary immature fruit linear broadest above ovary immature fruit strongly flattened mostly elliptic ovary orbicular oblong ovary papillose notched pedicels densely ovary shallowly 4-grooved flowering style arising ovary shallowly deeply 4-lobed flowering separating ovary superior ovary superior corolla papilionaceous resembling ovary superior one-third inferior leaves fruit divers ovary superior perianth diverse ovary totally inferior either leaves equitant ovate ovate-lanceolate ovate-rhombic ovate-triangular overV overall overlappingL overtopping ovoidV ovules paired pairs pale-chartaceous pale-glaucous pale-margined pale-nerved palea palea least lemma panicles narrow palea obsolete lemma panicl palmate palmatelya palustris pancle panic panicle panicle linear congested spikelike panicle mostly narrow branches erect panicle narrow green tawny occasionally tinged purpl panicle contracted green purple tawny panicle rachis branches glabrous scabrous soft-ha panicle rachis branches minutely soft-hairy inflorescenc panicle rachis branches smooth scabrous minut panicle usually pyramidal rarely paniclelike panicles panicles often least often panicles usually mostly panicles compact narrow somewhat pyramidal panicles either plants otherwise panicles loose branches ascending widely panicles mostly least ligules upper panicles mostly dense narrowly oblong relatively paniculate paniculately papery papilionaceous papillae papillose papillose-toothed pappus pappus bristles minutely barbed usually white nearly pappus bristles subplumose usually basal leaves generall panicles either plants otherwise@ pappus consisting short crown persistent pappus scales lacking layia scales present particular pedicels peduncies@ perennial perennial stems tufted 2.5-1o uppermost sheath perennials mostly calyx 9-17-lobed inrol@ perianth perianth petaloid nearly white lobed about perigynia perigynia green greenish-tan walls several-nerve perigynia subglobose slightly compressed abruptly persistent petals petals plants native habitats small petals sepals nerves prominently thickened petals fused least base@ petals above leaves diverse@ petals purple-brown above toward herbage entir@ pappus consisting short crown persistent pappus lacking flowers pappus lacking flowers pappus lacking principal blades longer pappus involucre species secon pappus vestigial pappus persistent slender usually short inter pappus rarely readily deciduous scales coroll pappus least flowers consisting scales pappus scales involucre 10-30 pappus hairlike bristles lacking plants otherwise pappus hairlike bristles these often minutely barbed pappus hairlike smooth plumose bristles least pappus minutely barbed subplumose hairlike bristles pappus numerous hairlike bristles pappus readily deciduous lanceolate scales either pappus scales lacking layia scales present pappus scales pappus lacking pappus smooth minutely barbed bristles without basal pappus subplumose plumose terminal minute pappus well-developed scales lobes linear heads pappus present flowers pappus present principal blades longer pappus present scales parallel parallel-veined` parasite parasites parasiticT parryi partU partedp partially partially woody vines leaves opposite times ternately particular particular partitions partly parts passing pattern pea-tree pear-shaped pearly pectinately pedicel pedicelled pedicels pedicels pedicels densely pubescent simple hairs siliques pedicels erect ascending siliques twisted often pedicels glabrous pedicels glabrous pubescent above stems rarely pedicels glabrous sparsely crisp-hairy hoods pedicels hairy pedicels mostly longer spikelets panicle pedicels regularly pubescent rather coarse spreading pedicels shorter spikelets excluded pedicels sparsely pubescent minute mostly 2-forked pedicels typically white-woolly hoods widely pedicels widely spreading siliques usually equally peduncies peduncle peduncled pedunclesl peduncles inflated below flowering heads peduncles inflated below flowering heads yellow peduncles subsessile yellow glands sepals greenish-whit peduncles without glands sepals bright lower surfa peglike peltate pendent pendulous perennial perennial perennial stout scaly rhizomes restricted perennial occupying native habitats well-drai perennial corolla yellow nutlets white grayish glossy perennial flowers conspicuous numerous initially globose perennial rhizomelike bright perennial rhizomes leaves below inflorescence sessi perennial mostly stems 1-several perennial leaves perennial foothills lower montane stems typically perennial foothills subalpine capsules perennial biennial usually present involucral bracts perennial stems erect prostrate slender threadlik perennial stems tufted 2.5-1o uppermost sheath perennial simple palmately lobed leaves perennials perennials corolla mostly narrow expan perennials either sites occurring higher elevat perennials elongate rhizomes well-developed perennials thick woody taproots foothills above perennials hairs involucre lacking purple crosswalls perennials leaves distinctly lobed plant otherwis perennials leaves mostly elliptic least blade perennials leaves opposite corolla least perennials legume somewhat inflated oblique perennials mostly calyx 9-17-lobed inrol perennials occupying diverse habitats petals diverse perennials foothills alpine stems lacking glutinous perennials midmontane above stems perennials native sites scabrous variously hairy espec perennials stipules inconspicuous membranous nearly perennials variously hairy style 0.2-1.5 perennials leaves above hairs lacking perennials stout often woody rootstocks basal leaves perennjal perianthX perianth perianth 1-2.5 yellow predominately purple-brown perianth 3-4.5 red-tinged blades rounded perianth often red-tinged blades terete perianth evidently lacking 1-many slender bristles perianth green variously colored petaloid perianth whorls sepals often promptly deciduous perianth whorl variously colored achenes numer perianth whorls essentialy similar sometim perianth rarely whorls outer flowering perianth segments similar series flowers perianth segments fruit achenes borne dense perianth fused petaloid segments fruit either berrylike perianth fused petaloid segments ovary inferior leaves perianth corolla petaloid bilaterally symmetrical perianth petaloid nearly white lobed about perianth present plants terrestrial leaves diverse perianth radially symmetrical nearly occasionally perianth segments flowers solitary short perianth segments gland distinctly 2-lob perianth segments gland perianth segments fewer plants otherwise perianth white nearly otherwise perianth white sepals petal spurs 2.5-5 perianth yellow reddish petal spurs plants pericarp perigynia perigynia perigynia 1.5-3 perigynia 2.5-3 lightly obscurely nerved dorsal perigynia 3-3.8 typically conspicuously nerved perigynia 3.4-5.5 otherwise above perigynia conspicuously perigynia 5.8-8 spikes loosely aggregated perigynia broadest above shortly wedge-shaped perigynia broadly ovate gradually tapered perigynia distinctly compressed gradually tapered perigynia distinctly several-nerved faces diversely perigynia either distinctly bicolored shade brown perigynia elliptic markedly bicolored greenish straw perigynia entirely glabrous minutely scabrous perigynia green greenish-tan walls several-nerve perigynia green greenish-tan walls several-nerve perigynia green straw-colored throughout lightly coppe perigynia lanceolate broadest gradually perigynia minutely rough-textured brown perigynia nerved dorsal sometimes obscurely perigynia nerveless except margins occasionally perigynia above every particular inflorescence perigynia filled achene margins perigynia wing-margined above usually marginally perigynia oblong-ovate abruptly tapered mostly perigynia perigynia ovate bicolored mostly glossy red-brown perigynia nearly black thin-walled nerveless perigynia pubescent degree perigynia smooth shiny thick-walled brown mostly ovate perigynia subglobose slightly compressed abruptly perigynia thin-walled nerveless dorsal perigynia thin-walled nerveless nearly perigynia ultimately filled achene somewhat turgi perigynia winged around entire margin except perigynia narrow subterete 0.2-0.6 plant perigynia relatively broad conspicuously bidenta perigynia marginal nerves occasionally shifted perigynia marginal nerves typically shifted perigynium perigynium broadest above wedge-shaped abruptly perigynium broadest rounded gradually tapered perigynja perigynja 2.8-4.5 perigynous periphery perrenial pers-stent persistent persistent persistently persisting petal petal-like petaloid petaloid-tipped petals petals petals petals 1-2.2 stylar column stigmas petals fruit clusters cylindric barrel-shap petals 10-20 often purple-veined sepals petals 15-25 escape cultivation petals white deeply 2-lobed leaves fruit petals plants native habitats small petals ovules replum plant petals slender annual rarely petals 2-4.5 sepals styles petals biennial perennial anthe petals sepals usually reflexed achene strai petals plants native habitats small petals petals white variously colored deeply bilobed petals typically bicolored lowermost pouched spurre petals fully expanded fruit clusters subgl petals perennials well-developed caudex petals fully expanded stems hollow petals stems typically unbranched immature petals purple-veined sepals petals sepals erect spreading achene petals about equal slightly exceeding sepals petals about twice sepals longer petals white sometimes yellow toward achenes petals least stigmas 4-lobed capsules sessile petals least petals least fruit orange pomes achene petals sepals nerves prominently thickened petals cream yellow rarely white purple wings petals creamy white sepals narrowly membranous-mar petals deeply lobed silicles glabrous leaves petals diverse color cream yellow plants petals either least slightly shorter petals either greenish white variously mottled petals entire basal leaves wider cordate petals entire flowering stems leafless except debilis petals entire apically 3-lobed stamens opposite petals entire shallowly notched fruit pubesce petals equal shorter sepals receptacle coarse petals exserted appendages ovary stipe petals floral sometimes present below sepals petals fused petals fused least petals fused least petals lacking fringed nectary glands style stigma petals lacking fruit achene persistent plumose petals lacking sepals calyx lobes species petals lacking perianth radially symmetrical sometimes petals laterally fringed lower basal leaves petals lavender purple pinkish petals lavender purple rarely white sepals typically petals stigmas entire globose petals petals lobed flowering stems leafy leaves deeply lobed petals longer sepals receptacle minutely hairy petals floral least petals mostly least purple rarely petals mostly diverse color sepals petals above leaves diverse petals taprooted annuals petals spurred sometimes lacking fruit achenes petals lavender purple petals purple white 15-25 plants petals purple rarely white capsules petals purple stigmas fruiting petals pinkish red-purple calyx lobes 2.5-4 anthe petals pinnately divided lobes stamens alternate petals predominately violet occasionally white throu petals predominately white leaves distinctly petals predominately yellow leaves rounded wedge-shaped petals predominately yellow white often purple-tinged petals present fruit diverse style persistent petals present sepals petaloid lewisia rediviva petals present corolla bilaterally symmetrical fruit petals purple-brown above toward herbage entir petals white petals spurred fruit follicles petals stylar column stigma petals bilobed petals ovules replum petals sepals styles about petals fruit small velvety drupes petals white floral lackin petals stems typically branched petals stems hollow often petals typically included appendages minute lacking petals white petals white 0.5-13 occasionally lacking plant petals white pubescence mostly minute many-bran petals white often purple veins stigmas petals white rarely fruit splitting petals white cream petals white cream lavender purple purple-b petals white cream usually petals white greenish purple petals white pinkish purple-tipped upper petals white purple fruit herbage habitat diverse petals yellow achenes pustulose rounded faces petals yellow capsules 1.5-3.5 seeds about petals yellow fading white basal nectary present leaves petals yellow fading white pubescence mostly petals yellow fading white purple-tipped petals yellow fading white sepals finely nerved throughou petals yellow occasionally fading white petals yellow rarely purple fruit splitting petals white rarely fruit splitting down@ petals yellow-green calyx lobes anthers opening@ petioles terete slightly channeled above leaves dist@ pinnate pistil sometimes composed weakly fused carpels splittin@ pistillate flowers mostly clustered axils fruiting pistils style elongate plumose maturity leaves plant slender rhizomes ultimately stolons arising plants plants inflorescence mostly rhomboid ovoid plants aquatic rarely stranded alluvial flats least plants either least shorter glumes plants glabrous variously hairy flowers fruit plants lacking spines@ plants neither stoloniferous scapose stems leafy plants glaucous growing well-drained soils mostly petals yellow-green calyx lobes anthers opening petioleJ petiole above rachis green greenish-tan petiole least lower portion rachis petiole bases previous seasons persistent petiole bases previous seasons lacking petioledM petiolelike petioles} petioles flattened leaves slightly darker above petioles terete slightly channeled above leaves petrophytum physaria pink-tinged pink-veined pinkish pinkish-white pinnae pinnae sharply serrate spiny-toothed least pinnae spiny-toothed deeply cleft toward petiol pinnate pinnate pinnate-veined pinnatelyM pinnatifid pistil pistil style short plumose maturity leaves deeply pistil fruit capsule utricle achene petals pistil fruit white berry stamens numerous longer pistil fruit diverse pistil receptacle linear stems least pistil sometimes composed weakly fused carpels splittin pistil fruit capsule berry plants pistil above petals diverse lobed leaves pistil partially united carpels carpel prolo pistil partially united carpels carpel pistil weakly fused carpels styles fused pistillate pistillate catkins available pistillate catkins clusters bracts woody pistillate catkins available pistillate catkins solitary bracts papery deciduous pistillate flowers mostly clustered axils fruiting pistillate flowers mostly elongate nearly leafless spikes pistillate heads short terete spines encircling pistillate heads scattered flattened spines pistillate portion spike brown flowers lacking pistillate portion spike light cinnamon brown fertile pistillate scales least mostly broad pistillate scales longer slightly shorter pistillate scales mostly distinctly shorter pistillate scales red-brown greenish straw-colored pistillate scales shorter narrower pistillate scales whitish broad translucent pistils pistils 10-many fruit strongly compressed achenes pistils 2-many flowering pistils style elongate plumose maturity leaves pistils 3-numerous fruit follicles achenes pistils fruit follicles petals yellow pistils fruit above leaves diverse pistils plants otherwise above every pistils numerous linear receptacle leaves pittedu placed places planoconvex plantB plant occurring marshes along ditchbanks plant vinelike stems elongate climbing plant short stout mostly erect rootstock rarely plant slender rhizomes ultimately stolons arising plantsB plants plants plants plants leaves cauline lowers racemes plants occupying mostly moist sites leaves chiefl plants principal leaves pleated plants inflorescence mostly rhomboid ovoid plants glumes subulate linea plants leaves rarely often plants inflorescence usually narrowly oblong plants 1.5-10 upper leaves typically ciliate plants blooming midsummer mesic plants typically occupying sites involucral plants lower leaves often hastately lobed plants above plants annual occupying disturbed sites valleys plants annual rarely herbage pubescent plants annual restricted valleys lemma exceeding plants annual spikes thick plants aquatic largely totally submerged plants aquatic free-floating totally largely submerged^ plants aquatic occasionally stranded plants aquatic rarely stranded alluvial flats least plants armed gooseberries sometimes branchlets plants armed thorns prickles spinose branch plants bright green glabrous inconspicuously plants coarse heads large cornflower occasionally plants compact free-floating typically plants conspicuously hairy subglabrous minutely plants densely uniformly pubescent throughout matte plants densely hairy throughout caudex without fibrous roots plants densely woolly restricted valleys calyx lackin plants differentiated stems leavesf plants dioecious leaves times ternately compound periant plants dioecious leaves gray-scurfy fleshy plants dioecious inflorescence entirely staminate plants distinctly succulent species stems fleshy plants either least shorter glumes plants either conspicuously pubescent tufts wooll plants either leaves plants either plants either otherwise above plants either forming dense plants entirely glabrous stigma sessile nearly broad plants erect ascending mostly valleys plants short caudex bearing fibrous roots surmoun plants glabrous glaucous style lacking stigma sessil plants glabrous ihroughout simple rarely forke plants glabrous nearly petals entire shallowly plants glabrous pubescent woolly montane calyx plants glabrous rarely simple hairs leaves plants glabrous sometimes inconspicuously pubescent plants glabrous variously hairy flowers fruit plants glabrous throughout hairs simple appear plants glabrous throughout pubescent hairs plants glabrous throughout pubescent simple hairs plants glandular-hairy throughout leaves oblong irregularly plants glandular-hairy within inflorescence plants glaucous growing mostly lowland meadows plants green least prior flowering stems leafy plants growing shallow water leaves compound glabrous plants hairy least margins leaves calyx lobes plants hairy petals deeply lobed styles plants herbaceous throughout fruit capsule diversely plants moist sites semi-aquatic leaves plants moist sites valleys foothills panicle plants lacking rhizomes stems densely tufted plants lacking spines plants lacking stinging hairs otherwise above plants lacking tendrils habit diverse plants lacking above combination characters plants lacking underground turions often mat-forming pedicel plants otherwise above plants mat-forming rarely dioeci plants usually branched heads leafy-bracteate cluster plants mat-forming leaves entirely chiefly basal plants mat-forming leaves plants minute differentiated stems plants monoecious flowers bisexual leaves glabrous plants monoecious pistillate flowers lacking calyx plants monoecious inflorescence least pisti plants mostly panicle scarcely plants mostly panicle linear somewhat plants neither stoloniferous scapose stems leafy plants nonaromatic stamens principal leaves either pinnate plants nonparasitic semiparasitic having chlorophyllU plants above plants above characters plants above every character plants above every detail plants above every particular plants woolly-hairy leaves mostly shallowly lobed plants scapose tufted mat-forming caudex plants climbing stems sometimes prostrate plants free-floating compact lessh plants glandular-hairy throughout leaves diverse plants glandular-hairy within inflorescence sometime plants glaucous growing well-drained soils mostly plants grasslike sporangia borne lower plants green lacking chlorophyll scapes yellowish plants growing branches evergreen trees[ plants having above combination characters plants mat-forming leaves entirely cauline lower plants mat-forming plants mat-forming otherwise above plants parasitic branches plants rhizomatous stems generally closely tufted plants scapose mat-forming valleys midmontane plants stoloniferous leaves variously compound leafl plants stoloniferous stems rooting nodes plants succulent plants disturbed sites valleys foothills leave plants mesic sites 0.5-3 leaves borne plants elevations leaves chiefly basal legume oblong plants mesic moist sites midmontane above naked plants mesic disturbed sites valleys plants midmontane leaves petioled throughout plants midmontane calyx finely uniformly stellate plants midmontane alpine plants midmontane alpine biennial perennial occupyi plants midmontane alpine stems short-stalked plants moist native habitats foothills alpine plants native habitats foothills subalpine leaves plants saline growth succulent plants subalpine above stems tufted prostrate plants valleys foothills plants valleys calyx coarsely pubescent spreadin plants upper montane middle leaves 10-40 plants upper montane alpine fruiting pedicels plants elevations leaves chiefly basal legume oblong@ plants upper montane alpine leaves entire basal plants parasitic branches pseudotsuga menziesii plants rhizomatous panicle branches mostly stiffly erect plants stoloniferous slender decumbent prostrate stem@ plants leaves coarsely toothed plants leaves floatinq 3-5-lobed@ pollen portion principal involucral bracts equal single series often projected pubescence branched simple hairs grayish red-@ pubescent purple-tinged racemes flowering petals white pinkish rachis disarticulating maturity@ rarely longer broad often pappus pres@ yellow orange rarely fading cream@ reduced plants upper montane alpine leaves entire basal plants upper montane alpine outer involucral bracts plants upper montane alpine fibrous remains plants valleys foothills plants valleys foothills rarely annual mostl plants valleys foothills outer involucral bracts plants valleys foothills stems lacking glands pubesce plants valleys midmontane lacking petiole bases plants valleys midmontane leaves chiefly entirely plants valleys midmontane stems solitary tufted plants places sometimes shallow water plants gray-green dense velvety pubescence inflo plants parasitic branches evergreer often plants parasitic species juniperus green usually plants parasitic branches evergreen trees plants parasitic branches pseudotsuga menziesii plants parasitic saprophytic lacking chlorophyll herbT plants perennial typically woody-based spikes mostly plants perennial occupying mostly undisturbed sites plants perennial above every particular plants perennial sometimes flowering first occurrin plants perennial usually herbage pubesce plants pubescent least below minute branched hairs plants pubescent least numerous minute plants purplish reddish-brown yellow albino forms plants rarely mostly occurring plants rarely typically forming dense plants rarely occupying mostly plants reproducing seeds these either naked developinC plants reproducing spores flowers seeds lacking plants rhizomatous panicle branches mostly stiffly erect plants rhizomatous stems generally spaced perigynia plants rhizomatous stems loosely tufted solitary plants rhizomatous valleys foothills petals plants robust rarely branched heads inconspicuously bracteat plants scapose densely tufted mat-forming usually plants scapose mat-forming upper montane alpine plants scapose basal leaves toothed flowers typically numero plants semiparasitic branches evergreen trees flowZ plants slender robust heads above pappus numero plants somewhat grasslike leaves linear terete tufted plants somewhat mosslike leaves simple sessL plants sparsely hairy partially glabrous caudex plants sparsely densely hairy woolly fruit plants stipitate-glandular inflorescence often plants stoloniferous slender decumbent prostrate plants strongly aromatic stamens principal leaves serrate plants strongly rhizomatous stems loosely plants taprooted involucre glabrous white-hairy plants terrestrial mesic rarely moist sites often plants terrestrial leaves ultimate segments plants terrestrial growing water largely emergent plants terrestrial rooted water largely emergent_ plants thinly pubescent crinkled cobweblike plants flowers terminal axillary cluste plants leaves entirely basal flowers solitary plants flowering umbel plants pubescence velvety inflorescence spike plants occupying slopes involucral bracts plants leaves mostly lobes plants leaves coarsely toothed plants leaves essentially entire plants typically leafy-stemmed basal leaves palmately 3-5-lo plants typically occurring lower elevations plants typically stoloniferous scapose occupying mostly plants unarmed plants unarmed currants plants usually often occurring woods plants weakly rhizomatous stems closely tufted plants well-developed caudex midmontane alpine plants leaves finely dissected submerged plants bisexual flowers otherwise diverse plants chiefly bisexual flowers flower plants conspicuous stolons flowers borne naked pedic plants numerous usually rigid branches herbage plants branched hairs least below plants leaves floatinq 3-5-lobed plants stinqinq hairs stems 0.3-3 leaves opposit plants stolons leaves pinnate leaflets densely plants tendrils stems leaves usually plants underground turions mat-forming pedicels plants without rhizomes panicle branches often drooping plants without stolons flowering stems leafy plants woody shrub fruit berry plants woody-based forming dense basal plants woolly-hairy least leaves mostly plants yellow greenish-yellow sepals pleated plumose plump point points pollen pollen polygonaceae polypogon pomes poorly population populations pores portionN pouch pouched pratensis preceeding predominately presentM present pressed previous prickle pricklesq prickles flattened stout slightly strongly recurved prickles slender moderately stout straight slightly prickly prickly-bristly prickly-hairy primary primula principal principal involucral bracts least sparsely woolly-hairy principal involucral bracts equal single series often principal involucral bracts glabrous throughout minutely principal involucral bracts single equal herbaceous principal involucral bracts nearly always black-tipped principal involucral bracts black-tipped outer bracts principal leaves times pinnatifid taprooted annual principal leaves deeply lobed dissected principal leaves deeply lobed finely dissected principal leaves either coarsely principal leaves entire toothed shallowly lobed rarely principal leaves linear entire rhizomatous perennial principal leaves linear rarely glandular-puncta principal leaves wedge-shaped toothed truncate prior proceed process processes procumbent producedg producingQ progressively projected projected projectingN prolonged prominent prominently promptly prostrateL prostrate densely white-woolly annual leaves opposite prostrate ascending annual valleys inflorescen prostrate-spreading protuberance prow-shaped pseudotsuga psilocarphus pubescence pubescence branched simple hairs grayish pubescence simple hairs grayish leaves fleshy pubescent pubescent punctate pungent pungent-tipped pungently purple purple-banded purple-based purple-black purple-brownW purple-spotted purple-tinged purple-tinged purple-tipped purple-veined purpletinged purplish purplish-brown pustulose pustulose-based pyramidal quadrangular quickly raceme raceme secund style leaves obscurely toothe raceme secund style leaves finely toothed racemelike racemes racemes flowerinq petals white racemes flowered pedicels mostly racemes flowering petals white pinkish racemes 10-flowered lower calyx tooth racemes mostly 7-18-flowered pedicels mostly racemes 10-flowered lower calyx tooth about racemose racemosely rachilla rachis rachis petiole brown purple-brown throughout rachis petiole green yellowish petiole brown rachis branches spikelet pedicels within spikelike rachis continuous maturity rachis continuous disarticulating maturity rachis disarticulating maturity rachis inflorescence continuous breaking rachis inflorescence disarticulating nodes rachis spike continuous breaking nodes rachis spike disarticulating maturity lateral rachis remaining intact dried specimens somewhat rachis ultimately disarticulating glumes linear broad radiallyV ragged raised range ranging ranks rarelyG rarely rarely raspberry raspberry-like rather flowers exceeding involucre immatu flowers inconspicuous hairlike erect white flowers lacking inconspicuous plants typically gray-p flowers lacking leaves reduced above pappu flowers present flowers present conspicuous plants glabrous spars rayed 10-17 inner involucral bracts tapered 10-21 leaves sessile pinnatifid toothed 15-25 white pinkish involuc 20-40 herbage glabrous fruit broadly oblong herbage often short-hairy fruit 10-25 leaves petioled least below inner involucral bracts mostly broadest purple white purple white purple achenes compressed tapered short-beak orange mature achenes abruptly narrowed slend evident pappus copious white inconspicuous lacking pappus copious white lacking corollas 4-lobed involucre diameter other white maturity longer broad often pappus otherwise above every mostly immature heads nodding pappus above pappus present achenes often purple lavender white upper ovate suborbicular pappus leaves present corollas 5-lobed involucre purple glabrous achene abruptly contract white achenes cylindric truncate white least prominently 3-lobed white lavender heads often numer white ultimate segments yellow axils tufts woolly hairs achene yellow mature achenes gradually tapered stout yellow orange sometimes fading cream yellow orange rarely fading cream yellow ultimate segments often least reaching readily receptacle receptacle chaffy least center smooth rigid receptacle slightly convex leaves neither decurrent receptacle naked white receptacle subglobose broadly dome-shaped maturity receptacular rectangular rectangular-oblong recurvedO red-brown red-orange red-purple red-spotted red-tinged red-veined reddish reddish-black reddish-brown reddish-orange reddish-purple reddish-tinged reddish-yellow rediviva reducedD resembling resin resin ducts leaves midway between lateral margin resin ducts leaves cross section beneath resinous resinous-shiny resinous-varnished restricted resulting retained reticulate reticulate-veined reticulatelya retrorse retrorsely revealing revolute revolute-margined rhizomatous resembling rhizomatous woody-based perennials rarely flowering robust perennial flowers 15-35 bell-sha@ round-lobed rounded salix salmon scales scarcely season secondary@ seeds replum petals segments sepals sepals throughout fruit 1-several-seeded silic@ sepals leaflets entirely glabrous rarely sepals glabrous pubescent hairs simple sepals pubescent simple hairs annual sessile shaped sharp-pointed@ short midmontane subalpine branches often shrubs valleys foothills leaves stipitate-gla@ silicles broadest below middle valves margined@ silicles neither winged notched apex@ rhizomatous woody-based perennials rarely flowering rhizomatous perennial panicle least narrowly rhizomeJ rhizome leaves hairy lacking scales marginal rhizome caudex often leaves distinctly flatt rhizomelike rhizomes rhombic rhombic-ovate rhomboid ribbed ridge ridged ridges right rigid ringed robust robust perennial flowers 15-35 bell-sha rockG rocksB rocky rootcrown rootcrown bearing dense tufts orange-brown scapes rootcrown lacking conspicuous tufts scapes rooted_ rooting rootlesse rootse rootstock rootstocks rose-colored rose-lavender rose-pink rose-purple rose-tinged rose-violet rosette rosettes rotate rough-textured roughened round round-lobed round-lobed round-toothed rounded rounded shrub foothills leaves crenate glabrous rudimentary rumex ruptured s-shaped saclike saline salmon salt-tolerant salverform samara samaras sandy saprophyticT saucer-shaped saucer-to scabrous scabrous-hairy scabrous-margined scale scalelikeB scalesC scales scales midlength spikelet least scales midlength spikelet scales spikelet vertical spikelets linear scales spikelet spirally arranged spikelets ovate scaly scantily scape scapes scapose scarcelyE scarcely scarlet scarlet-tipped scars scattered schizocarp scopulina scraped scurfy scurfy-scabrous scythe-shaped season season's seasons second second glume 3-4.5 elliptic obtuse second glume narrowly long-tapered second glume lemma truncate erose second glumes either tapered rounded second glumes angled lateral margins secondary section secund secunda seedv seed-bearingj seedsB seeds 1.3-1.7 sepals least larger seeds capsule sheaths closed leaves species seeds conspicuously tailed perianth segments seeds distinctly papillose magnification capsules seeds replum petals seeds replum plants otherwise seeds lacking distinct ridges stems sometimes matted mostly seeds merely apiculate perianth segments smooth seeds numerous capsule sheaths leaves glabrous seeds obtuse angles facets nearly smooth seeds sharply angled facets distinct transverse seeds smooth nearly magnification capsules seeds sepals about bracts seeds hairs sepals erect ascen seeds distinct longitudinal ridges stems 1-several seeds without hairs sepals spreading seemingly segmentN segmented segmentsX segments seldom semi-aquatic semicircular semiparasiticU sepal sepals sepals sepals species minute deciduous sepals green 0.2-0.7 flowers about sepals sometimes present sepals 2.5-4 lacking awn-tip stylar column sepals basally fused fruit vertical often sepals acute obtuse hooded sepals throughout fruit 1-several-seeded silic sepals petaloid 1.5-6 leaves compound sepals rarely stems erect sepals stylar column sepals petaloid 1-2.5 flowers normally sepals fused greenish sepals green white yellowish margins sepals sometimes alternating bractlets petals sepals petaloid white variously colored sepals fewer rarely stems sepals initially green yellowish reddish-tinged sepals petals 11-28 seeds often winge sepals about greenish-white achenes laterally sepals about equal broadly cylindric bell-shaped sepals alternating bractlets latter sometimes minut sepals leaflets entirely glabrous rarely sepals leaflets stipitate-glandular least sepals petals fruit obovoid about minut sepals petals pistil sepals petals fruit cylindric nearly sepals petals lacking flowers naked callitriche sepals yellow petals minutely black-dotted especiall sepals fruiting typically dimorphic outer distinctl sepals least petals capsules sepals diverse spurred hooded stamens fewer sepals either fused plants otherwise sepals pouched earlike sepals fused rarely lacking fruit utricle sepals nearly sepals throughout fused sepals fused 5-lobed calyx corolla papilionaceou sepals glabrous pubescent hairs simple sepals green yellowish petals conspicuous ovary superior sepals lacking fruit vertical pericarp sepals lacking modified plumose segments leaves sepals lanceolate tapered acute often slightly incurve sepals narrowly cylindric sepals above stamens filaments fused sepals o-1-nerved rarely faintly 3-nerved sepals oblong typically hooded obtuse membranous sepals calyx lobes sepals white purple plants midmo sepals petaloid upper spurred hooded stamens numerous sepals pinkish-white purplish petals lacking minute sepals present leaves alternate plants drying sepals prominently 3-nerved least capsules sepals pubescent simple hairs annual sepals petals capsules sepals rounded hooded styles sepals petals seeds wingless sepals united below longer apical sepals present alternating bractlets stipules sepals yellow plants valleys foothills separated separating septate series serrate sessileK sessile sets` several several-nerved several-seededv shade shaded shades shallow shallowly shape shaped sharing sharp sharp-edged sharp-pointed sharply shattered sheathu sheathing` sheathless sheathsD shedding shifted shiny shiny-resinous shoots shortD short short-awned short-beaked short-ciliate short-clawed short-cylindric short-hairy short-lived short-pedicelled short-peduncled short-petioled short-pyramidal short-rhizomatous short-stalked short-tapered shorter shorter shortly showy shredding shrub shrub 0.2-2 herbage glabrous variously hairy shrub leaflets entire nearly always revolute ovaries shrub leaves abruptly acute outermos shrub leaves opposite densely gray-hairy lower shrub prostrate leaves needleli shrub midmontane subalpine branches often shrub valleys foothills stems branches elongate shrub small diverse habitats catkins often shrub below subalpine mat-forming leaves typical shrub stout thorns spinose twigs leaves shrub leaves minutely toothed shrub branched fruiting bracts shrub elongate arching usually sparsely thorny stems shrub strongly arching slender stems branches leaves shrubbyS shrubsP shrubs foothills above leaves white-woolly beneat shrubs foothills midmontane branches erect shrubs valleys foothills leaves stipitate-gla shrubs small trees mostly leaves shrubs small trees diverse sites above every shrubs small trees thorns spinose branches leaves shrubs subshrubs stems woody dying shrubs trees alternate shrubs trees above shrubs trees above every particular shrubs woody-based perennials valleys foothill shrubs principal leaves wedge-shaped toothed lobed shrubs flowers normally pairs upper shrubs prickles sometimes bristles fruit coheren shrubs prickles leaves compound leaflets shrubs slender nodal spines often internodal prickl siberian sides silicle silicle ovary glabrous silicle ovary pubescent silicles silicles 10-18 broadly wing-margine silicles 10-18 broadly winged around nearly silicles wingless broadly silicles about broad oblanceolate seeds silicles least oblanceolate silicles broadest above middle rounded above tapered silicles broadest below middle valves margined silicles compressed right angles narrow replum silicles densely hairy sepals deciduous persistent silicles didymous valve balloonlike silicles either compressed parallel broad replum silicles either cylindric silicles elliptic-oblong least twice silicles faintly veined maturity usually glabrous silicles glabrous occasionally scattered hairs silicles globose nearly silicles globose slightly compressed parallel silicles inflated pubescent degree sessile silicles bladdery herbage minutely hairy silicles mostly elliptic seeds silicles mostly moderately inflated ovate cordate silicles neither winged notched silicles beaked pedicels either spreading longer silicles bladdery herbage glabrous stiffly silicles tapered silicles inflated stellate-hairy silicles didymous valves fused throughout fruit silicles distinctly notched silicles notched style silicles oblong obovate suborbicular least silicles obovate oblanceolate tapered silicles orbicular nearly widest middle silicles orbicular wider notched entire silicles immature fruit distinctly longer silicles ovate subglobose rounded silicles ovoid ellipsoid compressed silicles prominently reticulate-veined maturity silicles slightly compressed right angles replum silicles slightly longer silicles strongly inflated mostly subglobose ovoid 2.5-8 silicles strongly moderately compressed parallel silicles subglobose ovoid compressed silicles terete nearly least twice silicles winged sometimes silicles triangular obcordate silicles variable shape times silicles winged least wings forming silicles stout often recurved short silicle silicles apical basal sinuses between silicles apical sinus longer basal silique silicles prominently reticulate-veined maturity silique flattened stout 3-nerved sometimes@ siliques narrowly ellipsoid@ siliques gradually tapered sharp point style lacking siliques transversely differentiated short sterile silky small@ sometimes somewhat sparsely spike about linear narrowly lanceolate perig@ spikelets spikelets 2-flowered florets appearing arise spikelets disarticulating below glumes falling entir@ spikelets 1-flowered spicate branches spikelets solitary terminal style thicke@ spikelike spikes including ascending about spiny sprawling spurred silique flattened stout 3-nerved sometimes silique style terete slender inconspicuous siliques siliques 0.3-5 siliques maturity pubescent mostly siliques otherwise above every particu siliques pedicels typicall siliques 2-6.5 petals white siliques 20-30 replum often 2-nerved lower leave siliques replum 1-nerved nerveless siliques narrowly ellipsoid siliques petals purple-brown herbage glabrous siliques fruiting pedicels glabrous minutely siliques petals cream leaves entire toothed siliques 4.5-10 maturity pubescent mostly siliques fruiting pedicels coarsely hairy throu siliques 1.5-2 petals yellow siliques narrowly oblong siliques least siliques chiefly erect strongly ascending divergent siliques chiefly horizontally spreading loosely pendulous siliques chiefly horizontally spreading strictly deflexed siliques densely pubescent spreading branched hairs siliques erect narrowly divergent siliques glabrous rarely hairs siliques gradually tapered sharp point style lacking siliques hairy throughout siliques lacking sterile segment below fertile siliques siliques narrowly widely divergent 1-1.5 siliques above every particular herbage siliques beaked siliques siliques pubescent dolabriform hairs appressed siliques quadrangular subterete 1-1.3 expande siliques strongly compressed stigma narrower siliques strongly descending strictly deflexed fruiting siliques strongly flattened parallel replum siliques terete quadrangular slightly flattened siliques terminating sterile basally 1-seeded siliques petals yellow leaves least siliques transversely differentiated short sterile siliques valves 1-many-nerved often siliques valves nerveless nearly silky silky-hairy silky-woolly silvery silvery-hairy silvery-scurfy silvery-white similar similarly simpleD simple simulating single singly sinus sinuses sitesG situatedk slenderJ slender annual leaves alternate pinnately lobed flowers slender annual rarely ovary flattened slender annual corolla slightly slimy slits slopes smallB small shrubs stems branches jointed nodes small trees leaves mostly scalelike appressed small-flowered smaller smoothw smoothe soft-hairy softly soils solid solitaryS someU leaves linear througho leaves minutely coarsely toothed sometimesO sometimes somewhatH somewhat confluent nearly least along margin distinct indusium formed individually reflexed oblong indusium elongate straight curved round nearly indusium somewhat horseshoe-shaped spaced sparingly sparse sparsely sparsely specialized speciese specimen specimens speckled spicate spicate branches 10-16 whorls spicate branches single whorl 1.5-6 spike spike ellipsoid ovoid perigynia 4-7.5 spike solitary terminal alternate spike solitary terminal staminate spike about linear narrowly lanceolate perig spike spikelets nearly spike spikelet nodes spike-like spikelet spikelet disarticulating above glumes empty glumes spikelet often 2-flowered rachilla long-ha spikelet solitary terminal lemma spikelet ultimately disarticulating below glumes spikelet single well-developed floret specie spikelet-bearing spikelets spikelets spikelets rachis alternate spikelets flowered spikelets maturity plants spikelets 1-flowered spicate branches about spikelets 12-20 mostly sessile compact inflores spikelets nodes spikelets nodes spikelets maturity keels glumes lemmas spikelets 2-6-flowered florets arising above spikelets 2-flowered florets appearing arise spikelets 2.5-3 first glume small triangu spikelets 5-many-flowered spikelets 1-flowered lateral spikelets spikelets panicle callus long-hairy hairs spikelets compound umbellate inflorescenc spikelets panicle branches nodding spikelets 6-15-flowered panicles blades spikelets about first glume reduced lacking spikelets pedicelled lemmas unawned spikelets least 4-12-flowered sheaths spikelets crowded subopposite widely divergent spikelets crowded triangular rachis spikelets crowded rachis those niddle spikelets cylindric fitting closely concavities spikelets disarticulating above glumes florets mostly spikelets disarticulating below glumes falling entir spikelets dorsiventrally compressed lemma backs visible spikelets dorsiventrally compressed lemmas convex spikelets dorsiventrally laterally compressed appressed spikelets either compressed averaging times spikelets either dorsiventrally compressed placed flatwis spikelets enclosed within spiny plant prostrate spikelets numerous rarely solitary spikelets glabrous somewhat scabrous second glume spikelets hairy second glume sterile lemma rounded spikelets dense 1-sided clusters otherwise spikelets laterally compressed lemma sides visible between spikelets laterally compressed placed edgewise altern spikelets keels glumes lemmas spikelets plants otherwise above spikelets 1-flowered spicate branches spikelets mostly 10-20 excluding elongate lemma spikelets mostly 2-flowered rachilla long-hairy first spikelets mostly 3-5-flowered plants otherwise above spikelets mostly plants spikelets enclosed spiny plant habit habita spikelets panicle branches erect spikelets subtended bristles spikelets spikelet clusters either encircling alternat spikelets pedicelled sessile subsessile clusters spikelets rather distant shorter internodes spikelets remote crowded appressed rachis spikelets sessile nearly rachis spikelets short long-pedicelled inflorescence compact spikelets solitary terminal rarely spikelets solitary terminal style thicke spikelets strongly flattened lemmas sharply keeled befor spikelets subsessile closely crowded spikelets subtended 1-many bristles spikelets terete before flowering lemmas u-shaped cross spikelets terete laterally species dorsiventr spikelets terete subterete somewhat compressed spikelets glumes ciliate keels exceedi spikelets flowered sheaths spikelets two-thirds broad broadly rounded spikelets typically sessile spikelets dissimilar florets usually staminate spikelets similar florets spikelets 2-many well-developed florets spikelike spikelike spikes spikes 2-many sometimes appearing solitary spikes maturity including spikes maturity including spikes brownish overall aspect occasionally moderately spikes compact rachis internodes rarely spikes compact rachis obscured closely overlappin spikes generally bicolored perigynia green straw spikes whorls occasionally 1-several spike spikes including ascending about spikes including spreading least spikes loose rachis internodes lemma spikes mostly yellow-green straw-colored sometimes spikes multiple often secund arranged terminal spikes racemosely paniculately arranged plants moist spikes sessile nearly headlike clusters uniformly spikes sessile lowermost stiffly peduncled confluent spikes typically loose rachis internodes mostly least spikes typically uniformly brown nearly black perigy spine spine-tip spine-tipped spineless spinelike spines{ spinose spiny\ spiny spiny-prickly spiny-toothed spiral spirallyP spirals split splitting~ spongy spoon-shaped spoonshaped sporangiaD sporangia clustered terminal portion compound sporangia developing along margins lower sporangia developing lower surface along sporangia present clustered underside sporangiumN sporebearingi sporesB sporobolus sporocarpsI spotted sprawling sprawling spreadingR spreading-ascending spreading-hairy spreadinq spring spring-flowering lowermost petal nearly about plants otherwise above spurred spurred spurs square stalke stalk-like stalked stalklike stalks stamen stamens stamens stamens plants glabrous pubescent simple hairs stamens unequal pairs stems generally 4-angled stamens verbascum stamens flower catkin scales nearly black stamens flower catkin scales yellowish light stamens arising corolla below sinuses between stamens arising opposite corolla lobes flowers stamens stamens stems terete flattened 4-angled asperugo stamens filaments long-hairy stamens flowers lavender purple fruit capsule obscure stamens stigma fused column center stamens style included within corolla stamens connivent around stigma forming column stamens exserted beyond corolla included stamens exserted anthers connivent around style stamens included connivent around style stamens included barely exserted anther widely stamens verbascum stamens numerous plants pubescent leaves lacking bractlike arising leaves whorled nodes stems stems sheaths strongly flattened 2-edged ligule@ stems erect plants valleys midmontane@ stems leafy mostly unbranched always purp@ stems prostrate occasionally ascending leaves altern@ stems densely glandular-hairy throughout heads stems distinct curly hairs below stigma 1.5-2 mature achene includi@ stigmas carpels fruit oblong rounded stipules stipules lacking fused petiole throughout their straight 6-10@ achenes dorsiventrally compressed ventral alpine@ black@ consistently@ corolla 10-18 flower heads plants perenn@ erect@ fertile stamens corolla yellow nearly radially symmetrical@ flowers yellow sometimes fading mature glandular@ heads hemispheric involucral bracts abruptly acute obtuse@ immature@ flowers yellow leaves narrowly lanceolate elliptic wedge-shaped leaves typically entire corolla midmontane panicles either plants otherwise@ petals white rarely fruit splitting down@ plants elevations leaves chiefly basal legume oblong@ resembling@ silicles prominently reticulate-veined maturity stamens verbascum stamens verbascum strongly rhizomatous plants lowland alkaline saline trees often forming large colonies slopes above twigs previous sometimes season mottl@ twigs typically glossy least dried young leaves narr@ aceraceae@ castilleja chromosa@ eatonii@ pratense@ rudbeckia occidentalis@ flowers@ kalmia@ salix asteraceae group hutchinsia procumbens@ monocotyledons@ lupinus kingii@ salix rigida@ caryophyllaceae@ poaceae@ dicots@ group aquatic plants@ group herbaceous dicots@ aspect@ basal leaves usually erect strongly black-tinged@ corolla lavender rose-purple throughout 2.2-3 often stamens numerous plants pubescent stamens numerous filaments fused surround stamens exserted anther parallel nearly staminal staminal filaments aquilegia inner series staminal filaments fused below surrounding staminate staminate catkins available staminodal staminode staminodes stands star-shaped steep stellate stellate-hairy stellate-pubescent stemD basal leaves regularly lobed narrowly below glabrous glandular often pubescent below glandular pubescent below stipitate-glandular without simple hairs immediately below whitish short leaves fused species surroundinq leaves 2-several developed fused species leaves about broad mostiv plant leaves least times seeds smooth leaves auriculate-clasping petals leaves conspicuously longer broad leaves evidently whorled leaves petals perennials leaves several pairs sepals leaves lacking bractlike arising leaves lacking bractlike mostly white involucre leaves lacking reduced basal leaves leaves longer petals white leaves mostly least petals white leaves sessile auriculate-clasping leaves twice seeds pitted leaves whorled sometimes lacking leaves opposite alternate throughout leaves leaves sessile auriculate-clas leaves partially completely fused disc-sha leaves present mostly violet involucre leaves developed basal leaves often lacking herbag leaves present sessile auriculate-clasping leaves present sessile petioles lobed leaves whorled nodes leaves bulblets least axils leaves petioles typically lobed point leaves without bulblets axils stigma segments bearing spines least upper segments spineless nearly fruit spineless stem-clasping stem-sheathing steminate stemsD stems stems stems mostly solitary arising intervals stems minutely crisp-hairy below inflorescen stems 1-few simple caudex 2.5-9 typically stems 1-few simple sparingly branched caudex often stems 1.5-8 mostly erect often branched inflo stems 3-angled sheaths least lower thin-membrano stems branches jointed evidently leafless least stems branches non-jointed leafy plants succulent stems branches unarmed spinelike stems petioles sometimes purple-tinged stems sheaths strongly flattened 2-edged ligule stems leaves glabrous glaucous stems leaves glabrous variously pubescent stems leaves above sporangia borne termiE stems leaves sparsely densely hairy appress stems leaves conspicuous spines stems petioles leaves purple-spotted plants 0.5-3 stems bulbous florets generally modified stems bulbous-based lemmas prominently 7-11-nerved typically stems conspicuously winged throughout decurrent stems decumbent prostrate freely rooting nodes stems decumbent-based often branched throughout leaves acute stems dimorphic fertile stems fleshy pinkish brown stems entirely glabrous least below inflorescence stems erect nearly rooting nodes petals stems erect plants valleys midmontane stems erect rarely branched sparingly stems erect ascending trailing often woody-based stems erect usually leaves typically stems erect yellowish purple-brown flowers bilaterally stems essentially hollow simple whorls branches stems generally curved-ascending stems glabrous below inflorescence stems glabrous finely short-hairy never woolly-hairy stems glabrous pubescent hairs distinct stems glabrous pubescent basifixed hairs generally stems glabrous sparsely pubescent mostly sessile stems lacking prickles flowers calyx stems lacking yellow bands below nodes although stems sprawling trailing herbaceous stems leafy mostly unbranched always stems minutely pubescent below inflorescence stems modified thick mostly least flattene stems modified thick succulent somewhat cylindric stems mostly thick vertic stems mostly thick 15-34 vertic stems naked distance above typically branc stems bulbous florets stamens stems bulbous-based lemmas variously nerved typicall stems dimorphic green without regular whorls stems modified above leaves usually present] stems vinelike herbaceous throughout leaves diverse stems winged throughout upper surfaces stems branches becoming distinctly spinelike stems scapes erect ascending leaves opposite stems prostrate occasionally ascending leaves altern stems prostrate ascending leaves succulent bright blue- stems prostrate-spreading subalpine alpine stems pubescent below stalked spreading branched hairs stems pubescent sometimes lines descending stems pubescent degree below inflorescence plant stems pubescent dolabriform hairs mostly stout stems pubescent simple hairs simple stems pubescent spreading pustulose-based stems pubescent stiffly spreading often pustulose-based stems rarely erect decumbent leaflets stems simple sparingly branched inflorescence stems solitary leaves chiefly cauline flowers stems terete occasionally somewhat flattened stems terete throughout sheaths thin-membranous stems densely glandular-hairy throughout heads stems usually curved branched stems usually climbing trailing leaflets stems tufted often numerous much-branched caudex stems tufted often numerous much-branched caudex stems tufted basal leaves prominent flowers stems twining plants often orange yellow flowerV stems typically erect nearly leaves above gland stems typically woody below vinelike herbaceous througho stems usually branched hairs moderately stems usually prostrate freely branched mostly 0.5-3 stems pairs leaves blades stems 2-many leaves staminodes lacking styles stems pairs leaves lowermost often wilted stems yellow glandular tissue shortly below stems distinct curly hairs below stems feltlike layer matted woolly hairs frequentl stems solitary cluster fused stems minute recurved prickles corolla blue-purple stems minute branched hairs leaves stems unicellular non-glandular hairs leaves lacking sterileN sterile segments cylindric often somewhat flatt stiff stiff-hairy stiffly stigma stigma 1.5-2 mature achene includi stigma above fruit leaves diverse stigma subsessile peltate oblong often least stigma mature achene including stigmas stigmas 0.5-1 equal longer style stigmas 0.5-1 often equal longer stigmas achenes lenticular 1.5-2.5 including stigmas achenes accordingly lenticular occasionall stigmas achenes 3-angled planoconvex stigmas achenes accordingly 3-angled occasionally stigmas carpels fruit linear tapered mostl stigmas carpels fruit oblong rounded stigmas elongate calyx turgid often appearing stigmas shorter style twigs stigmas distinctly shorter stigmas subglobose calyx lobes thickened capsule stigmatic stinging stinqinq stipe stipelike stipes stipitate stipitate-glandular stipitate-qlandular stipular stipule stipules stipules stipules stipules stipules apparently those young shoots fused stipules apparently multiple nodes pairs stipules either lacking above stipules blade sheathing fruit obliq stipules petiole their leaves often stipules fused sheathing blade stipules fused blade often stipules fused blade blade petiole stipules lacking leaves basally sheathing often membrano stipules lacking leaves stigmas linear stipules lacking fused petiole throughout rarely stipules lacking fused petiole throughout their stipules lacking sheathing leaves diverse stipules membranous sheathing stipules membranous least partially fused sheathing stipules present axillary fused stipules present fused blade leaves stipules prominent fused petiole stolon stolonifera stoloniferous stolons stoutw straight straight strandedF strap-shaped straw-colored strawberry streaked streams streamside striate strictly striped stripes strips strongly strongly rhizomatous plants lowland alkaline saline structureL stylar style style 0.2-0.4 catkin scales entire occasionally strongly rhizomatous plants lowland alkaline saline style 0.2-0.8 petals yellow fading white 2-3.8 style excluding stigmas 0.3-1 mature leaves generall@ style mature fruit least long@ styles simple stigmas solitary 0.5-2 inflorescen@ suborbicular subshrubs suffrutescent herbs stems distinctly woody abov@ superior surface symmetrical tailed@ tapered tentative@ terete ternate@ those throughout toothed toward trees tufted twigs covered loose white woolly involucre style 0.2-0.8 petals yellow fading white 2-3.8 style 0.3-1 exceeding stylar notch style lacking stigmas sessile cauti style rarely lacking stigma sessile fruit diverse style silicles oblanceolate obcordate leaves style 2-lobed 2-branched corolla white lavender style 2-lobed undivided species lacki style 3-lobed calyx often thin-membranous style glabrous rarely pubescent stipitate-gl style minutely stipitate-glandular terminal leaflet style 2.5-4 leaves pubescent simple hairs style either 2-lobed plants otherwise style either jointed portion persistent style either obsolete shorter stylar notch style excluding stigmas 0.3-1 leaves leathery style excluding stigmas 0.3-1 mature leaves generall style excluding stigmas generally mature style excluding stigmas obsolete leaves style expanded below stigma latter style glabrous hooked plants cultivated weedy style hairy upper flattened style jointed persistent lower portion hooked style lacking achenes beakless stigma persistent style largely deciduous after flowering achene style blades glabrous pubescent style mostly catkin scales entire style hooked glabrous plants mostly native style obsolete plants lower valleys style obsolete petals white 3.5-5 upper surface style mature fruit siliques petal style mature fruit least style mature fruit obsolete style mature fruit siliques style persistent after flowering forming achene style present achenes leaves style sometimes slightly thickened expanded style widest midlength tapered arising below style widest arising below style dense white hairs encircling cylind styles styles fused fruit styles throughout their length styles 2-branched occasionally simple stigmas 1.8-3.5 styles simple stigmas solitary 0.5-2 inflorescen stylopodium sub-globose subalpine subcordate subcylindric subelliptic subentire subequal subglabrous subglobose subherbaceous submerged^ submerged floating leaves distinct petioles ranging submerged leaves sessile often tapered subobovate subopposite suborbicularcular suborbicular subplumose subscapose subscapose annual leaves arising subsessile subshrub subshrub midmontane alpine leaves densely stipitate-gl subshrub subalpine alpine branches densely white-wool subshrub woody-based perennial leaves subshrub herbage stipitate-glandular throughout subshrub typically growing crevices subshrub herbage stipitate-glandular heads mostly clust subshrubsc subshrubs midmontane alpine about flowers subshrubs suffrutescent herbs stems distinctly woody subshrubs stems largely woody leaves densely stipitate-gland subspicate subtended` subtending subteretey subterminal subtruncate subulate subwoodyS succulent\ suffrutescent suffrutescent herbage coarsely hairy variously gland summer summer-flowering summit superiorY superior supported surfaceM Wfaces surmounting surpassing surround surrounded surrounding surroundinq suture sweetpea sweetpea-like swellings symmetricalV tap-rooted tap-rooted annuals sometimes branched tapered tapered tapering tapers taproot taprooted taprooted annual leaves generally opposite taprooted annuals short-lived perennials leaves chiefly taproots tar-scented tar-scented annual involucral bracts herbaceous single tardily tawny teethq teiete tendril tendrils tereteB terete terminalD terminal blunt strongly resinous scars often terminal sharp-pointed sometimes shiny terminal leaflet basal leaves broader terminal leaflet basal leaves often broader terminating termnnating ternate ternate-pinnate ternately terrestrialG texture thalli thalli 0.5-1.2 lower surface convex rootless thalli least nearly 1-several thalli narrowly elliptic slender stalks thalli suborbicular oblonq 1.5-4 stalked thalloide thalluse thanK thebase their themselves thenP those threadlike| three-fourths throat throuchout through throughoutb throughout thrust tightly timberlineS times{ tinged tipped principal involucral bracts erect-appressed tissue tissue covering ovary bearing sessile mostly rounde tissue covering ovary bearing stalked glands anthers together tooth{ tootheda toothed toothlike top-shaped totally^ touching toward toward tracts trailing transecting translucent transparent transverse transversely valleys catkins mostly scales valleys leaves white-woolly lower surface shrub valleys foothills escaped cultivat stipular spines thorns fruit legume tree-of-heaven treesP trees flowers catkins individual flowers subtended trees often forming large colonies slopes above trees large shrubs colonial generally along waterways trees large shrubs valleys foothills leaves trees shrubs least diverse habitats plant trees shrubs lacking flowers seeds naked developing trees shrubs leaves longer broad ovate shrubs trees shrubs above every particular trees upright shrubs leaves mostly trees shrubs subshrubs trees shrubs subshrubs woody vines stems woody throughoutc trees sometimes dwarfed shrubby timberline leaves trees leaves least broad triangular triangularq triangular-conic triangular-ovate trichomanes triglochin trueB truly truncate trunk tubercle tubercled tubercles tuberculate tubers tubes tubular tuftedH tufted tufted plants diverse habitats glumes lemmas flexible tufts turgid turions turning twice twigs twigs upper stems smooth dense feltlike covering twigs typically glossy least dried young leaves twigs fresh bright yellow reddish generally typically ultimate segments threadlike typically least under unequal@ upper upper surfaces densely prickly herbage green stems cons@ upper leaves ciliate gland-tipped hairs petals usually valleys veins velvety@ vines stems evidently woody base@ waxy@ wedge-shaped white whorl wind-disseminated@ woody-based yellow yellowish series@ bisexual rayflowers ceras@ botrychium lunaria@ brassicaceae flowers campanula campanulaceae@ carex carex groups typically u-shaped ultimate ultimate segments hairlike ultimate segments linear ovate averaging least ultimate segments threadlike typically least ultimate segments threadlike ultimate twigs mostly thick scale ultimate twigs mostly thick scale leaves ultimately umbel umbellate umbellet umbels unappendaged unarmed unavailable unawned unbranched uncleft uncommonly under underground underlying undersideO undifferentiated undisturbed undivided unequal unequally unevenly unfolded unicellular uniform uniformly unilaterally uninterrupted unisexualq united unless unlike unlobed unmodified unpaired unwinged upcurved upper upper upper calyx leaves scattered along upper calyx nearly obsolete leaves upper sheaths bladeless blades reduced upper surface bearing minute apically hooked bristles upper surface glabrous minutely scabrous perennial upper surface glabrous stipules generally upper surface stipitate-glandular stipules lacking upper surfaces densely prickly herbage green stems upper surfaces glabrous gray-woolly lacking prickles upper leaves appearing encircle blades ovate upper leaves conspicuously auriculate-clasping appearing upper leaves entire upper leaves sessile auriculate-clasping short upper leaves sessile petioled stem-clasping upper leaves typically wavy-margined toothed lobed upper leaves present auriculate-clasping upper leaves present sessile auriculate-cl upper corolla hooded long-tapered beaked erect upper corolla forming upper sepal helmet-shaped hooded spurred upper sepal spurred hooded petals concealed within upper leaves sessile distinctly auriculate-cla upper leaves ciliate gland-tipped hairs petals upper leaves ciliate gland-tipped hairs petals upper leaves glandular petals deeply upper leaves petioled sessile stem-clasping upper leaves pinnatifid segments linear threadli upper leaves sessile auriculate-clasping siliques upper leaves present either pinnatifid upper stems least pubescent relatively spreadin upper stems subglabrous short mostly appressed obscu uppermost uppermost calyx tooth conspicuously broader longer uppermost calyx tooth conspicuously broader longer upright upwardN urn-shaped ursinus usuallyD usually usually utricle v-shaped valeriana valley valleysq valleys valve valves variable various variouslya vegetation vegetativee vegetative veineda veins veins veins lower surface conspicuous margins ultimate veins lower surface indistinct obscure ultimate veiny velvet-like velvety-hairy velvety-pubescent ventral ventrally verbascum verna vertical verticallyI vestigial vicinity vinca stems climbing unarmed leaves simple vinelike vinesQ vines stems evidently woody vines tendrils leaves palmately compound flowers greeni vines without tendrils leaves simple blades ternate violet violet-blue violet-purple viscid viscid-hairy visible vivid vulgaris walls warty-papillose waste water^ waterways watery wavy-hairy wavy-margined weakly webbed wedge-shaped white white white-chartaceous white-ciliate white-fibrous white-hairy white-margined white-membranous white-streaked white-veined white-woolly white-woolly-hairy whitish` whole wholly whorl whorl whorledm whorlsB whose wideh widely wider widest width wilted wind-disseminated wing-margined winge winged winging wingless wings withB withered withering withinQ withn without| wooded woodlands woods woodsia woodyS woody-based woody-based woody-based subshrub leaves about woody-based perennial herbs subshrubs shrubs woody-based perennial subshrub leaves abruptly contracted woody-based perennial corolla 12-16 wool-like woolly woolly-hairy wrinkled xanthium y-shaped yellowV yellow yellow-banded yellow-brown yellow-glandular yellow-green yellow-mealy yellow-orange yellowishW yellowish yellowish-white youngN young leaves mostly least times young leaves rarely times longer twigs young twigs diverse sometimes white hairs young twigs white woolly hairs species young twigs lacking woolly hairs young twigs white dense woolly hairs primary zigzag leaflets leaflets 3-leaflets 4-many 4-many leaflets leaflets aquatic plantsd bisexual rayflowers album albus aleppicum alisma alisma gramineum alisma plantago-aquatica alismaefolius alismataceae allenrolfea allenrolfea occidentalis allium allium allium acuminatum allium bisceptrum allium brandegei alnifolia alnus alnus incana alopecurus alopecurus aequalis alopecurus carolinianus alopecurus geniculatus alopecurus pratensis alpina alpinum alpinus alternans alternate althaea althaea rosea altissima altissimum alyssoides alyssum alyssum alyssoides alyssum desertorum alyssum minus alyssum szowitsianum amaranthaceae amaranthus amaranthus albus amaranthus blitoides angelica angelica pinnata angelica wheeleri angiosperms angustifolia angustifolium annua annuals annuus anomalus anserina antennaria antennaria antennaria antennaria antennaria alpina antennaria corymbosa antennaria dimorpha antennaria rosea antennaria umbrinella anthemis anthemis cotula anthemis tinctoria antirrhina aparine apera apera interrupta apetalus apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae aquaticsI aquatics complex leavesp aquatics entirer aquatics non-whorledn aquatics simple leaveso aquatics whorledI aquatilis aquilegia aquilegia caerulea aquilegia flavescens aquilinum arabidopsis arabidopsis thaliana arabis arabis arabis arabis arabis arabis arabis arabis arabis arabis arabis arabis arabis perennans arabis sparsiflora arborescens arbuscula arceuthobium arceuthobium douglasii arctica arcticus arctium arctium minus arctostaphylos arctostaphylos ericaceae arctostaphylos uva-ursi arenaria asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae atriplex argentea atriplex canescens atriplex confertifolia atriplex gardneri atriplex heterosperma atriplex hortensis atriplex chenopodiaceae atriplex patula atriplex rosea atropurpurea attenuata aurantiaca aurea aureum australis autumnale avena avena fatua avena sativa aviculare axillaris azolla azolla mexicana azurea backii balsamifera balsamita balsamorhiza balsamorhiza hookeri balsamorhiza macrophylla balsamorhiza sagittata banner banner banner 15-30 barbarea barbarea orthoceras barbarea vulgaris barbarum barrelieri basal bassia bassia hyssopifolia bebbiana beckmannia beckmannia syzigachne beckwithii bellis bellis perennis below below mid-montane berberidaceae berberis berberis repens berula berula erecta berula apiaceae betula betula occidentalis betulaceae bicknellii bicolor bidens bidens cernua bidens frondosa biennis bifolium biloba bisceptrum bisexual blattaria blitoides boisduvalia boisduvalia glabella bolanderi boothii boraginaceae borago borago officinalis boreale botrychium botrychium lunaria botrys brachyactis brachyantherum brachycalyx brachycarpum brachystylis bracteata bracts branches branches allenrolfea branches brandegei brassica brassica kaber brassica nigra brassica brassicaceae brassicaceae flowers brassicaceae flowers brevicaule brevicaulis breviflora brevissimus brevistyla breweri brickellia brickellia californica brickellia grandiflora brizaeformis bromoides bromus bromus anomalus bromus brizaeformis bromus carinatus bromus ciliatus bromus diandrus bromus hordeaceus bromus inermis bromus japonicus bromus sterilis bromus tectorum bromus vulgaris bufonius bulbifera bulbosa bursa-pastoris aceae cacti caerulea caespitosa caespitosum caespitosus calamagrostis calamagrostis canadensis calamagrostis purpurascens calamagrostis scopulorum calamagrostis stricta calceoliformis calceolus californica californicum callitrichaceae callitriche callitriche hermaphroditica callitriche palustris callitriche palustris callitrichaceae calochortus calochortus nuttallii caltha caltha leptosepala calycantha calycina calystegia calystegia sepium camassia camassia quamash camelina camelina microcarpa camissonia camissonia boothii camissonia scapoidea campanula campanula campanulaceae campanula rapunculoides campanulaceae campestre canadensis canariensis canescens canina cannabaceae cannabinum cannabis cannabis sativa canum canus capillare capitatum capparaceae caprifoliaceae capsella capsella bursa-pastoris caragana caragana arborescens cardamine cardamine cordifolia cardamine hirsuta cardaria cardaria chalepensis cardaria draba cardaria pubescens cardiaca carduus carduus nutans carex carex carex aquatilis carex athrostachya carex atrata carex aurea carex backii carex breweri carex canescens carex deweyana carex disperma carex douglasii carex elynoides carex geyeri carex group carex group carex group carex group carex group carex group carex groups carex groups carex haydeniana carex hoodii carex illota carex interior carex jonesii carex lanuginosa carex lenticularis carex luzulina carex microptera carex nardina carex nebrascensis carex neurophora carex carex occidentalis carex pachystachya carex petasata carex phaeocephala carex praeceptorum carex praegracilis carex raynoldsii carex rossii carex rostrata carex simulata carex stipata carex straminiformis carex vallicola carinatus carolinense carolinianum carolinianus carota carum carum carvi carvi caryophyllaceae caseana castilleja castilleja applegatei castilleja chromosa castilleja chromosa castilleja exilis castilleja linariifolia castilleja miniata castilleja rhexifolia castilleja sulphurea catabrosa catabrosa aquatica cataria catenata catkins caudatus cauline ceanothus ceanothus rhamnaceae ceanothus velutinus celastraceae celtis celtis ulmaceae celtis reticulatus cenchrus cenchrus longispinus centaurea centaurea repens centaurium centaurium exaltatum cerastium cerastium arvense cerastium fontanum ceratophyllaceae ceratophyllum ceratophyllum demersum cercocarpus cercocarpus ledifolius cercocarpus rosaceae cereale cereum cernua cernuum cespitosa cespitosum chaenactis chaenactis alpina castilleja chromosa chaenactis douglasii@ chrysanthemum balsamita@ clematis convolvulus arvensis@ crepis modocensis@ cyperus@ described@ dicots douglasii drummondiana lmannii@ erigeron eschscholtzii@ fasciculatum@ foliaceus gaura glabrum@ grossulariaefolia@ groups@ helianthella@ herbaceous dicots hieracium albiflorum hydrophyllaceae axillaris@ kochia lathyrus latifolius@ ledum ericaceae leucelene ericoides@ lithospermum incisum@ luteus@ malva neglecta@ mertensia viridis@ moneses uniflora@ nauseosus occidentale oxalis corniculata@ parviflora@ perideridia gairdneri@ physaria acutifolia@ plectritis macrocera poaceae group polygonum populus fremontii@ chaenactis douglasii chalepensis chambersii chamissoi chamissonis chamomilla chamomilla recutita chamomilla suaveolens cheilanthes cheilanthes cheiranthoides chenopodiaceae chenopodium chenopodium album chenopodium botrys chenopodium capitatum chenopodium fremontii chenopodium glaucum chenopodium hybridum chenopodium leptophyllum chenopodium rubrum chilense chilensis chimaphila chimaphila pyrolaceae chimaphila umbellata chlorantha chloris chloris verticillata chlorocrambe chlorocrambe hastata chorispora chorispora tenella chromosa chrysanthemum chrysanthemum balsamita chrysanthemum leucanthemum chrysanthemum parthenium chrysothamnus chrysothamnus nauseosus chrysothamnus nauseosus asteraceae chrysothamnus viscidiflorus chrysothamnus viscidiflorus asteraceae cibarius cichorium cichorium intybus cicuta cicuta douglasii cicutarium cilianensis ciliata ciliatum ciliatus cinereus cinna cinna latifolia circaea circaea alpina circaea onagraceae circinatus cirsium cirsium acaulescens cirsium arvense cirsium eatonii cirsium undulatum cirsium vulgare clarkia clarkia rhomboidea claytonia claytonia cordifolia claytonia lanceolata claytonia perfoliata clematis clematis clematis columbiana clematis hirsutissima clematis occidentalis clematis ranunculaceae clematis orientalis cleome cleome lutea cleome serrulata coccinea collinsia collinsia parviflora collomia collomia debilis collomia grandiflora collomia linearis collomia tenella columbiana columbianum comandra comandra umbellata comata commixta communis complexp compositus compound compound leaves compressa concinna concolor confertifolia confinis confusus congesta conium conium maculatum conringia conringia orientalis contorta convallarioides convolvulaceae convolvulus convolvulus arvensis convolvulus convolvulaceae conyza conyza canadensis corallorhizaX corallorhiza maculata corallorhiza orchidaceaeX corallorhiza striata corallorhiza trifida cordatus cordifolia cordylanthus cordylanthus maritimus corispermum corispermum hyssopifolium cornaceae corniculata cornus cornus stolonifera corolla corolla corolla cressa corydalis corydalis aurea corydalis caseana corymbosa cotula coulteri cowania cowania mexicana cowania rosaceae crassifolia crassulaceae crassulus crataegus crataegus douglasii crataegus monogyna crepis crepis acuminata crepis atrabarba crepis modocensis crepis occidentalis crepis runcinata cressa cressa convolvulaceae cressa truxillensis crispa crispus cristatum crusgalli cryptandrus cryptantha cryptantha affinis cryptantha humilis cryptantha torreyana cryptogramma cryptogramma crispa cucurbitaceae cuneata cuneifolia cupressaceae curassavicum curvipes cuscuta cuscuta approximata cuscuta indecora cuscuta occidentalis cuscuta pentagona cuscuta salina cuscutaceae cuspidatum cyananthus cylindrica cymbalaria cymopterus cymopterus hendersonii cymopterus longipes cymopterus purpurascens cynodon cynodon dactylon cynoglossum cynoglossum officinale cyperaceae cyperus cyperus esculentus cypripedium cypripedium calceolus cypripedium fasciculatum cystopteris cystopteris bulbifera cystopteris fragilis dactylis dactylis glomerata dactyloctenium dactyloctenium aegyptium dactylon danthonia danthonia intermedia danthonia unispicata danthonioides dasystachyum datura datura wrightii daucus daucus carota debile debilis delphinium delphinium nuttallianum delphinium occidentale demersum densa densiflorum densifolia dentata dentatus depauperata deschampsia deschampsia cespitosa deschampsia danthonioides deschampsia elongata described descurainia descurainia californica descurainia pinnata descurainia richardsonii descurainia sophia desertorum deweyana diandrus dianthopsis dicentra dicentra uniflora dichotomiflorum dicotsb dicots dicotyledons dictyotum digitaria digitaria ischaemum digitaria sanguinalis digyna dilatata dimorpha dioecious dioica diplotaxis diplotaxis muralis dipsacaceae dipsacus dipsacus sylvestris disperma dispersa disporum disporum trachycarpum dissected| dissectum distans distichlis distichlis spicata divergens diverse diversifolia diversifolius dodecandra dodecatheon dodecatheon alpinum dodecatheon pulchellum domingensis douglasii douglasii downingia downingia laeta downingia campanulaceae draba draba aurea draba brachystylis draba draba crassifolia draba cuneifolia draba densifolia draba nemorosa draba nivalis draba oligosperma draba rectifructa draba reptans draba stenoloba draba verna dracunculus drummondiana dryopteris dryopteris filix-mas dubius dulcamara dumosus eatonii eatonii echinata echinochloa echinochloa crusgalli echinocystis echinocystis lobata edulis elaeagnaceae elaeagnus elaeagnus angustifolia elaeagnus angustifolia elaeagnaceae elaeagnus elaeagnaceae elatius elegans eleocharis eleocharis acicularis eleocharis palustris eleocharis parishii eleocharis parvula eleocharis pauciflora eleocharis rostellata eleusine eleusine indica elevation elodea elodea longivaginata elongata elongatum elymus elymus canadensis elymus cinereus elymus glaucus elymus junceus elymus triticoldes elynoides elysitanion elysitanion hansenii emersum engelmannii englemannii ensifolius entirer entirely epilobium epilobium alpinum epilobium angustifolium epilobium brachycarpum epilobium canum epilobium ciliatum epilobium glaberrimum epilobium latifolium epilobium saximontanum epipactis epipactis gigantea equisetaceae equisetum equisetum arvense equisetum hyemale equisetum laevigatum equisetum variegatum eragrostis eragrostis barrelieri eragrostis cilianensis eragrostis orcuttiana eragrostis pectinacea erect erecta eremophilus ericaceae ericoides erigeron erigeron erigeron arenarioides erigeron caespitosus erigeron compositus erigeron coulteri erigeron divergens erigeron eatonii erigeron engelmannii erigeron garrettii erigeron glabellus erigeron leiomerus erigeron lonchophyllus erigeron peregrinus erigeron pumilus erigeron speciosus erigeron ursinus eriogonum eriogonum brevicaule eriogonum cernuum eriogonum grayi eriogonum heracleoides eriogonum polygonaceae eriogonum ovalifolium eriogonum racemosum eriogonum umbellatum eriopoda erodium erodium cicutarium erysimum erysimum asperum erysimum cheiranthoides erysimum repandum erythronium erythronium grandiflorum eschscholtzii esculentus esula euclidium euclidium syriacum eupatorium eupatorium maculatum euphorbia euphorbia dentata euphorbia esula euphorbia glyptosperma euphorbia maculata euphorbia marginata euphorbia myrsinites euphorbia myrsinites euphorbiaceae euphorbia peplus euphorbia prostrata euphorbia robusta euphorbia serpyllifolia euphorbia spathulata euphorbiaceae europaea eurotia eurotia lanata eurotia chenopodiaceae eurycarpum exaltatum exarata exigua exilis fabaceae fabaceae vitaceae fagaceae fascicularis fasciculata fasciculatum fatua fendleri fendleriana ferns festuca festuca arundinacea festuca bromoides festuca myuros festuca octoflora festuca ovina festuca pratensis festuca subulata filicinum filiformis filix-femina filix-mas fimbriata flabellaris flaccid flammula flavescens flexilis floerkea floerkea proserpinacoides floribunda floribundus flowering flowers foeniculaceum foliaceus foliaceus foliosissimum foliosus fontanum formosum fragaria fragaria vesca fragiferum fragilis fragrans fremontii fritillaria fritillaria atropurpurea fritillaria pudica frondosa frondosus fruiting fruits fruticosa fumaria fumaria officinalis fumariaceae further gairdneri galium galium aparine galium bifolium galium boreale galium mexicanum galium multiflorum galium multiflorum rubiaceae galium trifidum galium triflorum gambelii gardneri garrettii gaura gaura gaura parviflora gayophytum gayophytum racemosum gayophytum ramosissimum geniculatus genistifolia gentiana gentiana affinis gentianaceae gentianella gentianella amarella geraniaceae geranium geranium bicknellii geranium carolinianum geranium pusillum geranium richardsonii geranium viscosissimum germanica aleppicum macrophyllum rossi triflorum urbanum geyeri geyeriana gigantea gilia gilia aggreqata gilia leptomeria gilia sinuata gilia tenerrima glabella glabellus glaberrimum glaberrimus glabra glabrous glabrum glandular glandulosa glandulosum glauca glaucodes glaucum glaucus glaux glaux maritima glaux primulaceae glechoma glechoma hederacea gleditsia gleditsia triacanthos glomerata glomeratus glyceria glyceria grandis glyceria striata glycyrrhiza glycyrrhiza lepidota glyptosperma gnaphalium gnaphalium chilense gnaphalium palustre goodyera goodyera oblongifolia gordoni gracile gracilis gramineum gramineus grandidentatum grandiflora grandiflorum grandis grayi greenU green angiospermsU green angiosperms grindelia grindelia squarrosa groenlandica grossulariaceae grossulariaefolia group^ group aquatic plants^ group flowers group monocotyledons` group group herbaceous dicotsb group group woody dicotsc groups] guadalupensis guttatus gymnosperms habenaria habenaria dilatata habenaria hyperborea habenaria sparsiflora habenaria unalascensis hackelia hackelia floribunda hackelia micrantha hackelia patens hairy halepense halogeton halogeton glomeratus haloragaceae hansenii haplopappus haplopappus acaulis haplopappus macronema haplopappus macronema asteraceae haplopappus parryi haplopappus rydbergii haplopappus rydbergii asteraceae haplopappus toothed harknessii hastata haydeniana hederacea hederaceae hederifolia hedysarum hedysarum boreale helenium helenium autumnale helenium hoopesii helianthella helianthella uniflora helianthus helianthus annuus helianthus nuttallii heliotropium heliotropium curassavicum heliotropium boraginaceae hendersonii heracleoides heracleum heracleum sphondylium herbaceousb herbaceous dicots herbaceous dicots herbage herbage subglabrous herbs hermaphroditica hesperis hesperis matronalis hesperium hesperius heterophylla heterosperma heterotheca heterotheca villosa heuchera heuchera parvifolia heuchera rubescens hibiscus hibiscus trionum hieracium hieracium albiflorum hieracium albiflorum hieracium gracile hieracium scouleri elevation hippocastanaceae hippocastanum hippuridaceae hippuris hippuris vulgaris hirsuta hirsutissima holboellii holcus holcus lanatus holodiscus holodiscus dumosus holosteum holosteum umbellatum hoodii hookeri hoopesii hordeaceus hordeum hordeum brachyantherum hordeum jubatum hordeum marinum hordeum murinum hordeum pusillum hordeum vulgare hortensis hudsonianum humilis humulus humulus lupulus humulus cannabaceae hutchinsia hutchinsia procumbens hybridum hydrocharitaceae hydrophilus hydrophyllaceae hydrophyllaceae hydrophyllum hydrophyllum capitatum hydrophyllum occidentale hyemale hyemalis hymenoides hymenoxys hymenoxys grandiflora hyperborea hypericaceae hypericum hypericum formosum hyssopifolia hyssopifolium hystrix idaeus idahoense iliamna iliamna rivularis illota inamoenus incana incarnata incisum indecora indica inerme inermis integerrimus integrifolius interior intermedia intermedium interrupta interruptus intybus involucral involucral bracts involucrata iridaceae germanica pseudacorus isatis isatis tinctoria ischaemum isoetaceae isoetes isoetes bolanderi axillaris xanthifolia ivesia ivesia gordoni ivesia utahensis jamesia jamesia americana jamesia saxifragaceae jamesiana japonicus jonesii jovis jubatum juncaceae juncaginaceae junceus juncus juncus arcticus juncus bufonius juncus confusus juncus drummondii juncus ensifolius juncus longistylis juncus mertensianus juncus parryi juncus regelii juncus torreyi juniperinum juniperus juniperus communis juniperus osteosperma juniperus scopulorum kaber kalmia kalmia ericaceae kalmia polifolia kelloggii kentrophyta kingii kochia kochia kochia americana kochia americana chenopodiaceae kochia scoparia koeleria koeleria macrantha lacking lactuca lactuca biennis lactuca ludoviciana lactuca serriola lactuca tatarica lacustre laeta laevicaulis laevigatum lamiaceae lamium lamium amplexicaule lamium purpureum lanata lanatus lanceolata lanceolatum lanszwertii lanuginosa lanuginosum lapathifolium lappula lappula echinata lappula redowskii lapsana lapsana communis larix larix occidentalis lasiandra lasiocarpa lathyrus lathyrus brachycalyx lathyrus lanszwertii lathyrus latifolius lathyrus pauciflorus lathyrus sylvestris latifolia latifolium latifolius layia layia glandulosa leads leads nowhere leaflet leaflets leaveso leaves leaves leaves basal leaves alternate leaves cauline leaves dissected| leaves entiret leaves entirely basal leaves flaccid leaves glabrous leaves minutely tootheds leaves palmate leaves spiny leaves oblique leaves opposite leaves pinnately compound leaves pinnately leaves prickly leaves simple leaves symmetrical leaves threadlike ledifolius ledum ledum glandulosum ledum ericaceae ledum ericaceae leersia leersia oryzoides legume legume glabrous legume sessile legume stipitate leiomerus lemmonii lemna lemna minor lemna trisulca lemnaceae lenticularis leonardii leonurus leonurus cardiaca lepidium lepidium campestre lepidium densiflorum lepidium dictyotum lepidium montanum lepidium perfoliatum lepidium virginicum lepidota leptochloa leptochloa fascicularis leptocladus leptocoma leptodactylon leptodactylon watsonii leptomeria leptophyllum leptosepala lesquerella lesquerella garrettii lesquerella occidentalis lesquerella utahensis lettermanii leucanthemum leucelene leucelene ericoides leucodermis leucopoa leucopoa kingii lewisia lewisia pygmaea lewisia rediviva lewisia rediviva portulacaceae lewisia triphylla lewisii ligusticum ligusticum filicinum liliaceae limnanthaceae limosella limosella aquatica limosella scrophulariaceae linaceae linanthus linanthus harknessii linanthus nuttallii linaria linaria genistifolia linaria vulgaris linariifolia linearifolia linearis linum linum kingii linum perenne listera listera convallarioides lithophragma lithophragma glabrum lithophragma parviflorum lithophragma tenellum lithospermum lithospermum arvense lithospermum incisum lithospermum ruderale lloydia lloydia serotina loasaceae lobata lobularia lobularia maritima lolium lolium perenne lomatium lomatium ambiguum lomatium bicolor lomatium dissectum lomatium foeniculaceum lomatium grayi lomatium nuttallii lomatium triternatum lonchitis lonchophyllus longifolia longipes longirostris longispinus longistylis longivaginata lonicera lonicera involucrata lonicera utahensis low-middle low-middle elevation ludoviciana lunaria lunaria annua lupinus lupinus argenteus lupinus brevicaulis lupinus caudatus lupinus kingii lupinus sericeus lupulina lupulus lutea luteus luzula luzula parviflora luzula spicata luzulina lyallii lychnis lychnis lycium lycium barbarum lycium solanaceae lycopus lycopus americanus lycopus asper lygodesmia lygodesmia dianthopsis lysimachia lysimachia ciliata lythraceae lythrum lythrum salicaria machaeranthera machaeranthera canescens machaeranthera commixta machaeranthera kingii macounii macrantha macrocera macronema macrophylla macrophyllum maculata maculatum madia madia glomerata madia gracilis mainf aquaticsf aquatics major] major groups malcolmia malcolmia africana malus malus sylvestris malva malva neglecta malvaceae malvaceus margaritacea marginata marinaq marinum maritima maritimus marrubium marrubium vulgare marsilea marsilea vestita marsileaceae matricaria matricaria maritima matronalis media medicago medicago lupulina medicago sativa melica melica bulbosa melica spectabilis melilotus melilotus melilotus officinalis mentha mentha arvensis mentha piperita mentha spicata mentzelia mentzelia albicaulis mentzelia dispersa mentzelia laevicaulis menziesii mertensia mertensia arizonica mertensia brevistyla mertensia ciliata mertensia oblongifolia mertensia viridis mertensianus mexicana mexicanum micrantha micranthum microcarpa microcarpus microphylla microptera microseris microseris nutans microsteris microsteris gracilis mid-montane miliaceum millefolium mimulus mimulus floribundus mimulus guttatus mimulus lewisii mimulus moschatus mimulus rubellus mimulus suksdorfii mimulus tilingii miniata minimum minimus minor minus minutelys mirabilis mirabilis linearis miser missouriensis mitella mitella pentandra mitella stauropetala modocensis moldavica moldavica parviflora mollis monardella monardella odoratissima moneses moneses uniflora monocotyledons` monoecious monogyna monolepis monolepis nuttalliana monspeliensis montana montanum montanus montia montia chamissoi monticola montigenum moschatus muhlenbergia muhlenbergia asperifolia muhlenbergia filiformis multifida multiflora multiflorum multilobatus multiradiata munita muralis murinum myosurus myosurus apetalus myosurus minimus myosurus ranunculaceae myriophyllum myriophyllum spicatum myrsinites myuros najadaceaeq najasq najas guadalupensis najas marina najadaceaeq nardina nasturtium nasturtium brassicaceae nasturtium officinale nauseosus nauseosus navarretia navarretia breweri nebrascensis neglecta negundo nemophila nemophila breviflora nemorosa neomexicana nepeta nepeta cataria nephrophylla nervosa neurophora nicotiana nicotiana attenuata nigra nigrum nitens nivalis prickles tendrils terminal leaflet nodosus non-flowering non-whorledn norvegica apiculate cacti myrsinites further described glandular succulent vinelike nowhere nutans nutkana nuttalliana nuttallianum nuttallii nyctaginaceae oblique oblongifolia obtusa obtusifolius obtusiloba occidentale occidentale occidentalis octoflora odontoloma odorata odoratissima oenothera oenothera biennis oenothera caespitosa oenothera hookeri oenothera pallida officinale officinalis oleraceae oleraceus oligosperma onagraceae onopordum onopordum acanthium ophioglossaceae opposite opuntia opuntia aurea opuntia fragilis opuntia polyacantha orchidaceaeX orcuttiana oregana oreophilus orientalis orobanchaceae orobanche orobanche corymbosa orobanche fasciculata orobanche uniflora orogenia orogenia linearifolia orthocarpus orthocarpus luteus orthocarpus tolmiei orthoceras orthorhynchus oryzoides oryzopsis oryzopsis hymenoides osmorhiza osmorhiza chilensis osmorhiza depauperata osmorhiza occidentalis osteosperma otherE other 3-leaflets other parasitesW other spore-bearingE ovalifolium ovina oxalidaceae oxalis oxalis corniculata oxyria oxyria digyna oxytropis oxytropis viscida pachistima pachistima myrsinites pachystachya pallida palmate palustre palustris paniculatus panicum panicum capillare panicum dichotomiflorum panicum lanuginosum panicum miliaceum papaveraceae papilionaceous pappus pappus lacking pappus plumose pappus present pappus smooth parasitesW parasiticT parasitic angiospermsT parietaria parietaria urticaceae parieteria parieteria pensylvanica parishii parnassia parnassia fimbriata parnassia saxifragaceae parnassia palustris parryi parthenium parthenocissus parthenocissus quinquefolia parviflora parviflorum parviflorus parvifolia parvula pastinaca pastinaca sativa patagonica patens patientia patula pauciflora pauciflorus paucifolius pectinacea pectinatus pedatum pedicularis pedicularis groenlandica pedicularis racemosa pellaea pellaea breweri penstemon penstemon cyananthus penstemon humilis penstemon leonardii penstemon montanus penstemon platyphyllus penstemon procerus penstemon rydbergii penstemon whippleanus pensylvanica pentagona pentandra peplus peregrina peregrinus perelegans perennans perenne perennial perennials perennis perfoliata perfoliatum perideridia perideridia gairdneri perityle perityle stansburii persica persicaria petals petals lacking petals present portulacaceae petasata petradoria petradoria pumila petrophytum petrophytum caespitosum petrophytum rosaceae phacelia phacelia hastata phacelia heterophylla phacelia linearis phacelia tetramera phaeocephala phalaris phalaris arundinacea phalaris canariensis phleum phleum alpinum phleum pratense phlox phlox hoodii phlox longifolia phlox pulvinata phoradendron phoradendron juniperinum phragmites phragmites australis phylicifolia physalis physalis heterophylla physalis virginiana physaria physaria acutifolia physaria chambersii physocarpus physocarpus alternans physocarpus malvaceus picea picea englemannii picea pungens pinaceae pinnata pinnate pinnately pinnatifida pinus pinus contorta pinus flexilis pinus monticola pinus ponderosa piperita pistil pistil pistillate pistils pistils plagiobothrys plagiobothrys leptocladus plagiobothrys scouleri plagiobothrys tenellus plantaginaceae plantago plantago elongata plantago eriopoda plantago lanceolata plantago major plantago patagonica plantago tweedyi plantago-aquatica plantsA platyphyllus plectritis plectritis macrocera plectritis macrocera plumose alpina annua bulbosa compressa fendleriana glauca leptocoma nervosa palustris pratensis secunda trivialis poaceae poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae-key poaceae-key groups polanisia polanisia dodecandra polemoniaceae polemonium polemonium foliosissimum polemonium micranthum polemonium occidentale polemonium pulcherrimum polemonium viscosum polifolia polyacantha polygon polygonaceae polygonum polygonum polygonum amphibium polygonum aviculare polygonum convolvulus polygonum cuspidatum polygonum douglasii polygonum kelloggii polygonum lapathifolium polygonum minimum polygonum polygonaceae polygonum persicaria polygonum ramosissimum polygonum viviparum polypodiaceae polypodium polypodium hesperium polypogon polypogon interruptus polypogon monspeliensis polypogon semiverticillatus polyrhiza polystichum polystichum lonchitis polystichum scopulinum ponderosa populus populus acuminata populus populus salicaceae populus angustifolia populus balsamifera populus fremontii populus salicaceae populus tremuloides porrifolius portulaca portulaca oleraceae portulacaceae potamogeton potamogeton alpinus potamogeton crispus potamogeton filiformis potamogeton foliosus potamogeton gramineus potamogeton nodosus potamogeton pectinatus potamogeton polygon potamogeton pusillus potamogeton richardsonii potamogetonaceae potentilla potentilla anserina potentilla biennis potentilla concinna potentilla diversifolia potentilla fruticosa potentilla glandulosa potentilla gracilis potentilla norvegica potentilla ovina potentilla rivalis praeceptorum praegracilis pratense pratense pratensis present prickles prickly primula primula parryi primulaceae procerus procumbens proserpinacoides prostrata prunella prunella vulgaris prunus prunus americana prunus persica prunus virginiana pseudacorus pseudoacacia pseudotsuga pseutsuga pseutsuga menziesii psilocarphus psilocarphus brevissimus psilocarphus asteraceae psilostachya psoralea psoralea lanceolata pteridium pteridium aquilinum pubescens puccinellia puccinellia distans puccinellia fasciculata puccinellia nuttalliana pudica pulchellum pulcherrimum pulvinata pumila pumilus punctata pungens pratense purpurascens@ ranunculus arvensis@ redundant@ rhamnus ribes viscosissimum rigida salix salsola scopulina senecio streptanthifolius@ sitanion@ sparganiaceae sporobolus airoides@ suaeda terrestrial plants@ tree@ typha latifolia@ vegetative vinca woodsia scopulina@ purpurascens purpurea purpureum purshia purshia rosaceae purshia tridentata pusillum pusillus pygmaea pyramidata pyrola pyrola asarifolia pyrola chlorantha pyrola minor pyrola secunda pyrolaceae quamash quercus quercus gambelii quinquefolia racemosa racemosum radiata radicans ramosissima ramosissimum ranunculaceae ranunculus ranunculus adoneus ranunculus alismaefolius ranunculus aquatilis ranunculus arvensis ranunculus circinatus ranunculus cymbalaria ranunculus eschscholtzii ranunculus flabellaris ranunculus flammula ranunculus glaberrimus ranunculus inamoenus ranunculus jovis ranunculus longirostris ranunculus macounii ranunculus ranunculaceae ranunculus orthorhynchus ranunculus repens ranunculus sceleratus ranunculus testiculatus ranunculus testiculatus ranunculaceae raphanistrum raphanus raphanus raphanistrum rapunculoides rayflowers raynoldsii rectifructa recutita rediviva redowskii regelii repandum repens reptans reticulata reticulatus retroflexus retrorsa rhamnaceae rhamnus rhamnus rhamnus alnifolia rhamnus rhamnaceae rhexifolia rhomboidea glabra radicans trilobata trilobata anacardiaceae ribes ribes aureum ribes cereum ribes flowering ribes fruiting ribes hudsonianum ribes inerme ribes lacustre ribes montigenum ribes non-flowering ribes grossulariaceae ribes three ribes vegetative ribes viscosissimum ribes viscosissimum ribes wolfii richardsonii rigida Walis rivularis robinia robinia pseudoacacia robusta romanzoffiana rorippa rorippa curvipes rorippa palustris rorippa tenerrima canina nutkana rubiginosa woodsii rosaceae rosea rossi rossii rostellata rostrata rostratum rubella rubellus rubescens rubia rubia tinctorum rubiaceae rubiginosa rubra rubrum rubus rubus idaeus rubus leucodermis rubus parviflorus rudbeckia rudbeckia occidentalis rudbeckia occidentalis ruderale rumex rumex acetosella rumex crispus rumex dentatus rumex maritimus rumex obtusifolius rumex patientia rumex paucifolius rumex salicifolius rumex venosus runcinata ruppia ruppia maritima ruppiaceae rydbergii sagina sagina saginoides saginoides sagittaria sagittaria cuneata sagittata sagittatum salicaceae salicaria salicifolius salicornia salicornia europaea salicornia chenopodiaceae salicornia utahensis salina salix salix salix pistillate catkins salix amygdaloides salix arctica salix salix staminate catkins salix bebbiana salix vegetative salix drummondiana salix exigua salix fragilis salix geyeriana salix glauca salix lasiandra salix salicaceae salix phylicifolia salix reticulata salix rigida salix scouleriana salsola salsola salsola salsola salvia salvia sclarea salviniaceae sambucus sambucus caerulea sambucus caprifoliaceae sambucus racemosa sanguinalis sanguisorba sanguisorba minor sanguisorba rosaceae santalaceae saponaria saponaria officinalis sarcobatus sarcobatus vermiculatus sarothrae sarrachoides sativa saundersii saxicola saxifraga saxifraga debilis saxifraga odontoloma saxifraga rhomboidea saxifragaceae saximontanum scapoidea sceleratus scirpus scirpus acutus scirpus americanus scirpus maritimus scirpus microcarpus scirpus pungens sclarea sclerochloa sclerochloa scoparia scoparium scopulina scopulina scopulinum scopulorum scouleri scouleriana scribneri scrophularia scrophularia lanceolata scrophulariaceae secale secale cereale secunda sedum sedum debile sedum lanceolatum seed-bearingC seed-bearing plantsC seedlessF seedless aquaticF seedless terrestrialG selaginella selaginella watsonii selaginellaceae semiverticillatus senecio senecio amplectens senecio atratus senecio canus senecio crassulus senecio eremophilus senecio fremontii senecio hydrophilus senecio integerrimus senecio multilobatus senecio serra senecio streptanthifolius senecio triangularis senecio vulgaris sepium septentrionalis sericeus series serotina serpyllifolia serra serriola serrulata sessile sesuvium sesuvium verrucosum setaria setaria verticillata setaria viridis shepherdia shepherdia canadensis shepherdia elaeagnaceae shrub sibbaldia sibbaldia procumbens hederaceae sidalcea sidalcea neomexicana sidalcea oregana silene silene acaulis silene antirrhina silene douglasii silene drummondii silene menziesii simaroubaceae simpleo simple leaves simulata sinuata sisymbrium sisymbrium altissimum sisyrinchium sisyrinchium idahoense sitanion sitanion hystrix suave smelowskia smelowskia calycina smilacina smilacina racemosa smilacina stellata smithii smooth solanaceae solanum solanum carolinense solanum dulcamara solanum dulcamara solanaceae solanum nigrum solanum rostratum solanum sarrachoides solanum triflorum solidago solidago canadensis solidago missouriensis solidago multiradiata solidago solidago occidentalis solidago sparsiflora leaves cauline sonchus sonchus arvensis sonchus asper sonchus oleraceus sophia sorbus sorbus scopulina sorghum sorghum halepense sparganiaceae sparganiaceae sparganium sparganium angustifolium sparganium emersum sparganium eurycarpum sparsiflora sparsiflorum spartina spartina gracilis spathulata speciosa speciosus spectabilis spergularia spergularia marina spergularia media spergularia caryophyllaceae spergularia rubra sphaeralcea sphaeralcea coccinea sphaeralcea grossulariaefolia sphaeromeria sphaeromeria diversifolia sphaeromeria asteraceae sphondylium spicata spicatum spinosa spiny spiny/prickly spiny/prickly leaves spiranthes spiranthes cernua spiranthes romanzoffiana spirodela spirodela polyrhiza spore-bearingB spore-bearing plantsB sporobolus sporobolus airoides sporobolus cryptandrus squarrosa stachys stachys palustris staminate stansburii stauropetala stellaria stellaria calycantha stellaria jamesiana stellaria longipes stellaria media stellaria nitens stellaria obtusa stellaria umbellata stellata stems stems erect portulacaceae stenoloba sterilis stipa stipa columbiana stipa comata stipa lettermanii stipa viridula stipata stipitate stipules stipules lacking stipules present stolonifera straminiformis streptanthifolius streptanthus streptanthus cordatus streptopus streptopus amplexifolius striata stricta strumarium suaeda suaeda suaeda calceoliformis suaeda occidentalis suaeda torreyana suave suaveolens subglabrous subshrubs subulata succulent suksdorfii sulphurea swertia swertia gentianaceae swertia perennis swertia radiata sylvestris symmetrical symphoricarpos symphoricarpos caprifoliaceae symphoricarpos oreophilus synthyris synthyris scrophulariaceae synthyris pinnatifida syriacum syzigachne szowitsianum tamaricaceae tamarix tamarix ramosissima tamarix tetrandra tap-rooted tap-rooted annuals taraxacum taraxacum officinale tatarica tectorum tendrils tenella tenellum tenellus tenerrima terminal terminal leaflet terrestrialG terrestrial plants_ terrestris terristris tessellata testiculatus tetradymia tetradymia canescens tetradymia asteraceae tetradymia spinosa tetradymia spinosa asteraceae tetramera tetrandra thaliana thalictrum thalictrum fendleri thalictrum sparsiflorum thapsus thelypodium thelypodium sagittatum thlaspi thlaspi arvense thlaspi montanum threadlike three thurberiana tilingii tinctoria tinctorum tolmiei tomentosa tootheds torreyana torreyi townsendia townsendia montana trachycarpum trachycaulum tragopogon tragopogon dubius tragopogon porrifolius tragopogon pratensis shrub tremuloides triacanthos triangularis tribulus tribulus terrestris tribulus terristris trichomanes tricolor tridentata trifida trifidum triflorum trifolium trifolium fragiferum trifolium hybridum trifolium pratense trifolium repens trifolium variegatum trifolium wormskjoldii triglochin triglochin maritima triglochin palustris trilobata trionum triphylla trisetum trisetum canescens trisetum spicatum trisetum wolfii trisulca triteleia triteleia grandiflora triternatum triticeum triticoldes triticum triticum aestivum trivialis truxillensis tweedyi typha typha domingensis typha latifolia typhaceae ulmaceae ulmus ulmus pumila umbellata umbellatum umbrinella unalascensis undulatum uniflora unispicata upper upper leaves glabrous urbanum ursinus urtica urtica dioica urtica urticaceae urticaceae urticifolia utahensis uva-ursi vaccaria vaccaria pyramidata vaccinium vaccinium cespitosum vaccinium ericaceae vaccinium scoparium valeriana valeriana acutiloba valeriana edulis valeriana occidentalis valeriana valerianaceae valerianaceae vallicola variegatum various vascularA vascular plantsA vegetative vegetative velutinus venenosus venosus veratrum veratrum californicum verbascum verbascum blattaria verbascum thapsus verbascum virgatum verbena verbena bracteata verbena hastata verbenaceae vermiculatus verna veronica veronica americana veronica anagallis-aquatica veronica arvensis veronica biloba veronica catenata veronica hederifolia veronica scrophulariaceae veronica peregrina veronica persica veronica serpyllifolia veronica wormskjoldii verrucosum verticillata vesca vestita vicia vicia americana vicia villosa viguiera viguiera ciliata viguiera multiflora villosa vinca vinca vinca major vinca minor vinca apocynaceae vinelike viola viola adunca viola beckwithii viola beckwithii violaceae viola canadensis viola nephrophylla viola nuttallii viola odorata viola palustris viola purpurea viola tricolor violaceae virgatum virginiana virginicum viride viridis viridula viscaceae viscida viscidiflorus viscosissimum viscosum vitaceae viviparum vulgare vulgaris watsonii wheeleri whippleanus whorledI wolffia wolffia punctata wolfii woodsia woodsia oregana woodsia scopulina woodsii woodyc woody dicots woody-based woody-based perennials wormskjoldii wrightii wyethia wyethia amplexicaulis agrohordeum agrositanion elysitanion xanthifolia xanthium xanthium strumarium xanthocephalum xanthocephalum asteraceae xanthocephalum sarothrae zannichellia zannichellia palustris zannichelliaceae zigadenus zigadenus elegans zigadenus paniculatus zigadenus venenosus zygophyllaceae acaulescens agropyron intermedium@ althaea rosea@ anemone quinquefolia@ aquilinum arnica parryi@ asteraceae azolla mexicana@ boisduvalia glabella@ bromoides@ camelina carex carex straminiformis@ ceratophyllum demersum@ chrysanthemum parthenium@ corispermum hyssopifolium cuscuta salina@ deschampsia danthonioides@ description dicots draba nivalis@ drummondiana elymus erigeron arenarioides@ euphorbia myrsinites fatua@ gnaphalium palustre@ habenaria unalascensis@ herbaceous holcus lanatus@ inerme series leaflets leaflets aquatic plants^ bisexual rayflowers abies abies concolor abronia abronia fragrans acanthicarpa acanthium acaulescens acaulescens acaulis grandidentatum negundo aceraceae acetosella achillea achillea millefolium acicularis aconitum aconitum columbianum actaea actaea ranunculaceae actaea rubra acuminata acuminatum acutifolia acutus adiantum adiantum pedatum adonis adonis aestivalis adunca aegilops aegilops cylindrica aegyptium aesculus aesculus hippocastanum hippocastanaceae aestivalis aestivum affinis africana agastache agastache urticifolia aggreqata agoseris agoseris glauca agoseris heterophylla agrohordeum agrohordeum macounii agropyron agropyron dasystachyum agropyron intermedium agropyron repens agropyron scribneri agropyron spicatum agropyron trachycaulum agropyron triticeum agrositanion agrositanion agrositanion saxicola agrostis agrostis hyemalis agrostis stolonifera agrostis thurberiana ailanthus ailanthus altissima simaroubaceae aizoaceae albicaulis albus alisma alisma gramineum alismaefolius alismataceae allenrolfea allenrolfea occidentalis allium allium acuminatum allium brandegei alnifolia alnus alnus incana alopecurus alopecurus carolinianus alopecurus geniculatus alopecurus pratensis alpina alpinum alternans alternate althaea althaea rosea altissima altissimum alyssoides alyssum alyssum alyssoides alyssum desertorum alyssum szowitsianum amaranthaceae amaranthus amaranthus albus amaranthus retroflexus amarella ambrosia ambrosia acanthicarpa ambrosia tomentosa ambrosia trifida amelanchier amelanchier alnifolia americana americanus amphibium amplectens amplexicaule amplexicaulis amplexifolius amsinckia amsinckia tessellata amygdaloides anacardiaceae anagallis anagallis arvensis anaphalis anaphalis margaritacea anchusa anchusa azurea androsace androsace filiformis androsace occidentalis androsaemifolium anemone anemone parviflora anemone quinquefolia angelica angelica pinnata angelica wheeleri angiospermsQ angustifolia angustifolium annua annual annuus anomalus anserina antennaria antennaria alpina antennaria corymbosa antennaria dimorpha anthemis anthemis cotula anthemis tinctoria antirrhina aparine apera apera interrupta apiaceae apiculate apocynaceae apocynum apocynum androsaemifolium apocynum apocynaceae applegatei approximata aquaticE aquatic spore-bearingh aquatica aquaticsj aquatics simple leavesm aquatics whorledj aquatilis aquilegia aquilegia caerulea aquilegia orientalis aquilinum aquilinum arabidopsis arabidopsis thaliana arabis arabis drummondii arabis glabra arabis hirsuta arabis lemmonii arabis lyallii arabis microphylla arabis perennans arabis sparsiflora arborescens arbuscula arceuthobium arctica arctium arctium minus arctostaphylos arctostaphylos ericaceae arctostaphylos uva-ursi arenaria arenaria congesta arenaria nuttallii arenaria obtusiloba arenarioides argemone argemone munita argentea argenteus aristida aristida purpurea arizonica arnica arnica chamissonis arnica cordifolia arnica mollis arnica parryi arrhenatherum arrhenatherum elatius artemisia artemisia arbuscula artemisia biennis artemisia ludoviciana artemisia asteraceae arundinacea arvense arvensis asarifolia asclepiadaceae asclepias asclepias asperula asclepias speciosa asparagus asparagus officinale asper asperifolia asperugo asperugo boraginaceae asperugo procumbens asperula asperum aspidotis aspidotis densa asplenium asplenium viride aster aster engelmannii aster frondosus aster glaucodes aster hesperius aster occidentalis aster pauciflorus aster perelegans asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae group asteraceae group asteraceae group astragalus astragalus beckwithii astragalus canadensis astragalus cibarius astragalus geyeri astragalus kentrophyta astragalus miser astragalus fabaceae astragalus utahensis athrostachya athyrium athyrium filix-femina atrabarba atriplex atriplex argentea atriplex canescens atriplex confertifolia atriplex heterosperma atriplex rosea attenuata aurea aureum australis autumnale avena avena fatua aviculare axillaris azolla azolla mexicana azurea backii balsamifera balsamita balsamorhiza balsamorhiza hookeri balsamorhiza sagittata banner banner barbarea barbarea orthoceras barbarea vulgaris barbarum barrelieri basaln bassia bassia hyssopifolia bebbiana beckmannia beckmannia syzigachne beckwithii bellis bellis perennis berberidaceae berberis berberis repens berula berula erecta betula betula occidentalis betulaceae bicknellii bidens bidens frondosa biennis bifolium bisexual blattaria boisduvalia boisduvalia glabella bolanderi boothii boraginaceae borago borago officinalis boreale botrychium botrychium lunaria botrys brachyantherum brachycalyx brachycarpum brachystylis bracteata bracts branches branches brandegei brassica brassica nigra brassica brassicaceae brassicaceae flowers brassicaceae fruits brevicaulis breviflora brevissimus brevistyla breweri brickellia brickellia californica brizaeformis bromoides bromus bromus anomalus bromus brizaeformis bromus carinatus bromus ciliatus bromus diandrus bromus hordeaceus bromus inermis bromus sterilis bromus tectorum bufonius bulbosa bursa-pastoris cactaceae caerulea caespitosa caespitosum caespitosus calamagrostis calamagrostis scopulorum calamagrostis stricta calceoliformis californica californicum callitriche callitriche palustris calochortus calochortus nuttallii caltha caltha leptosepala calycantha calycina calystegia calystegia sepium camassia camassia quamash camelina camelina camelina microcarpa camissonia camissonia boothii campanula campanula rapunculoides campanulaceae campestre canadensis canescens cannabaceae cannabis cannabis sativa canum canus capitatum capparaceae caprifoliaceae capsella capsella bursa-pastoris caragana caragana arborescens cardamine cardamine cordifolia cardamine hirsuta cardaria cardaria chalepensis cardaria draba cardaria pubescens cardiaca carduus carduus nutans carex carex carex aquatilis carex athrostachya carex aurea carex backii carex breweri carex deweyana carex disperma carex douglasii carex elynoides carex geyeri carex group carex group carex group carex group carex group carex group carex groups carex hoodii carex illota carex interior carex jonesii carex luzulina carex microptera carex nebrascensis carex carex occidentalis carex pachystachya carex petasata carex phaeocephala carex praeceptorum carex praegracilis carex raynoldsii carex rossii carex rostrata carex simulata carex stipata carex straminiformis carex vallicola carinatus carolinense carolinianus carota carum carum carvi carvi caryophyllaceae caryophyllaceae laceae caseana castilleja castilleja applegatei castilleja exilis castilleja linariifolia castilleja miniata castilleja sulphurea catabrosa catabrosa aquatica cataria catenata catkins caudatus cauline ceanothus ceanothus rhamnaceae ceanothus velutinus celastraceae celtis celtis ulmaceae celtis reticulatus cenchrus cenchrus longispinus centaurea centaurea repens centaurium centaurium exaltatum cerastium cerastium arvense ceratophyllaceae ceratophyllum ceratophyllum demersum cercocarpus cercocarpus ledifolius cereale cereum cernua cernuum chaenactis chaenactis alpina chalepensis chamissoi chamissonis chamomilla chamomilla recutita cheilanthes cheilanthes chenopodiaceae chenopodium chenopodium botrys chenopodium capitatum chenopodium fremontii chenopodium glaucum chenopodium hybridum chenopodium leptophyllum chilensis chimaphila chimaphila umbellata chloris chloris verticillata chlorocrambe chlorocrambe hastata chorispora chorispora tenella chrysanthemum chrysanthemum balsamita chrysanthemum leucanthemum chrysanthemum parthenium chrysothamnus chrysothamnus nauseosus chrysothamnus nauseosus asteraceae chrysothamnus viscidiflorus chrysothamnus viscidiflorus asteraceae cibarius cichorium cichorium intybus cicuta cicuta douglasii cicutarium cilianensis ciliata ciliatum ciliatus cinereus cinna cinna latifolia circaea circaea alpina circaea onagraceae cirsium cirsium acaulescens cirsium eatonii cirsium undulatum cirsium vulgare clarkia clarkia rhomboidea claytonia claytonia lanceolata claytonia perfoliata clematis clematis hirsutissima clematis occidentalis clematis ranunculaceae cleome cleome serrulata coccinea collinsia collinsia parviflora collomia collomia debilis collomia linearis columbianum comandra comandra umbellata comata communis compositus compressa concinna concolor confertifolia confusus congesta conium conium maculatum conringia conringia orientalis contorta convallarioides convolvulaceae convolvulus convolvulus arvensis convolvulus convolvulaceae conyza conyza canadensis corallorhizaW corallorhiza maculata corallorhiza orchidaceaeW corallorhiza trifida cordatus cordifolia cordylanthus cordylanthus maritimus corispermum corispermum hyssopifolium corispermum hyssopifolium cornaceae corniculata cornus cornus stolonifera corolla corolla corolla cressa corydalis corydalis caseana corymbosa cotula coulteri cowania cowania mexicana cowania rosaceae crassifolia crassulaceae crassulus crataegus crataegus douglasii crepis crepis acuminata crepis atrabarba crepis modocensis crepis runcinata cressa cressa truxillensis crispa crispus crusgalli cryptandrus cryptantha cryptantha humilis cryptantha torreyana cryptogramma cryptogramma crispa cuneata cupressaceae curassavicum cuscuta cuscuta approximata cuscuta indecora cuscuta pentagona cuscuta salina cuscutaceae cuspidatum cyananthus cylindrica cymbalaria cymopterus cymopterus hendersonii cymopterus purpurascens cynodon cynodon dactylon cynoglossum cynoglossum officinale cyperaceae cyperus cyperus esculentus cypripedium cypripedium fasciculatum cystopteris cystopteris fragilis dactylis dactylis glomerata dactyloctenium dactyloctenium aegyptium dactylon danthonia danthonia unispicata danthonioides dasystachyum datura datura wrightii daucus daucus carota debile debilis delphinium delphinium nuttallianum demersum densa densiflorum densifolia dentata dentatus deschampsia deschampsia danthonioides deschampsia elongata described description description description description description description description descurainia descurainia californica descurainia richardsonii descurainia sophia desertorum deweyana diandrus dianthopsis dicentra dicentra uniflora dichotomiflorum dicotsa dicots dictyotum digitaria digitaria ischaemum digyna dilatata dimorpha dioecious dioica diplotaxis diplotaxis muralis dipsacaceae dipsacus dipsacus sylvestris disperma disporum disporum trachycarpum dissectum distichlis distichlis spicata divergens diversifolia dodecandra dodecatheon dodecatheon alpinum domingensis douglasii downingia downingia laeta downingia campanulaceae draba draba aurea draba brachystylis draba crassifolia draba densifolia draba nemorosa draba nivalis draba oligosperma draba rectifructa draba reptans draba stenoloba draba verna drummondiana drummondii dryopteris dryopteris filix-mas dubius dulcamara dumosus eatonii echinata echinochloa echinochloa crusgalli echinocystis echinocystis lobata edulis elaeagnaceae elaeagnus elaeagnus angustifolia elaeagnus angustifolia elaeagnaceae elaeagnus elaeagnaceae elatius elegans eleocharis eleocharis acicularis eleocharis palustris eleocharis parishii eleocharis pauciflora eleusine eleusine indica elevation elodea elodea longivaginata elongata elymus elymus elymus canadensis elymus cinereus elymus hansenii elymus junceus elynoides elysitanion elysitanion hansenii engelmannii englemannii ensifolius entirelyn epilobium epilobium alpinum epilobium angustifolium epilobium brachycarpum epilobium canum epilobium ciliatum epilobium glaberrimum epipactis epipactis gigantea equisetaceae equisetum equisetum arvense equisetum hyemale equisetum laevigatum eragrostis eragrostis barrelieri eragrostis cilianensis eragrostis orcuttiana erecta ericaceae ericoides erigeron erigeron arenarioides erigeron caespitosus erigeron compositus erigeron coulteri erigeron divergens erigeron eatonii erigeron garrettii erigeron glabellus erigeron lonchophyllus erigeron peregrinus erigeron ursinus eriogonum eriogonum cernuum eriogonum grayi eriogonum heracleoides eriogonum ovalifolium eriopoda erodium erodium cicutarium erysimum erysimum asperum erysimum repandum erythronium erythronium grandiflorum esculentus esula euclidium euclidium syriacum eupatorium eupatorium maculatum euphorbia euphorbia dentata euphorbia esula euphorbia glyptosperma euphorbia maculata euphorbia marginata euphorbia myrsinites euphorbia myrsinites euphorbia myrsinites euphorbiaceae euphorbia robusta euphorbiaceae europaea eurotia eurotia lanata eurotia chenopodiaceae eurycarpum exaltatum exigua exilis fabaceae fabaceae vitaceae fagaceae fascicularis fasciculata fasciculatum fendleriana festuca festuca bromoides festuca myuros festuca octoflora festuca pratensis filicinum filiformis filix-femina filix-mas fimbriata flabellaris flammula flexilis floerkea floerkea proserpinacoides floribunda floribundus flowering flowers flowers foeniculaceum foliosissimum foliosus formosum fragaria fragaria vesca fragilis fragrans fremontii fritillaria fritillaria pudica frondosa frondosus fruiting fruits fruticosa fumaria fumaria officinalis fumariaceae further gairdneri galium galium aparine galium bifolium galium mexicanum galium multiflorum galium multiflorum rubiaceae galium trifidum gambelii garrettii gaura gaura parviflora gayophytum gayophytum racemosum geniculatus genistifolia gentiana gentiana affinis gentianaceae gentianella gentianella amarella geraniaceae geranium geranium bicknellii geranium richardsonii germanica macrophyllum triflorum urbanum geyeri geyeriana gigantea gilia gilia aggreqata gilia sinuata gilia tenerrima glabella glabellus glaberrimum glaberrimus glabra glabrous glabrum glandular glandulosa glandulosum glauca glaucodes glaucum glaux glaux maritima glaux primulaceae glechoma glechoma hederacea gleditsia gleditsia triacanthos glomerata glomeratus glyceria glyceria grandis glycyrrhiza glycyrrhiza lepidota glyptosperma gnaphalium gnaphalium palustre goodyera goodyera oblongifolia gordoni gracile gracilis gramineum gramineus grandidentatum grandiflora grandiflorum grandis grayi grindelia grindelia squarrosa grossulariaceae group] group aquatic plants] group flowers group monocotyledons_ group group herbaceous dicotsa group groups guadalupensis guttatus gymnosperms habenaria habenaria dilatata habenaria sparsiflora habenaria unalascensis hackelia hackelia floribunda hackelia patens hairy halepense halogeton halogeton glomeratus hansenii haplopappus haplopappus acaulis haplopappus lanceolatus haplopappus macronema haplopappus rydbergii haplopappus rydbergii asteraceae harknessii hastata hederacea hederaceae hederifolia hedysarum hedysarum boreale helenium helenium autumnale helianthella helianthella uniflora helianthus helianthus annuus heliotropium heliotropium curassavicum heliotropium boraginaceae hendersonii heracleoides heracleum heracleum sphondylium herbaceousa herbaceous herbaceous dicotsb hesperis hesperis matronalis hesperium hesperius heterophylla heterosperma heterotheca heterotheca villosa heuchera heuchera rubescens hibiscus hibiscus trionum hieracium hieracium gracile hieracium scouleri elevation hippocastanaceae hippocastanum hippuridaceae hippuris hippuris vulgaris hirsuta hirsutissima holcus holcus lanatus holodiscus holodiscus dumosus holosteum holosteum umbellatum hoodii hookeri hordeaceus hordeum hordeum brachyantherum hordeum jubatum hordeum murinum hordeum pusillum hordeum vulgare hudsonianum humilis humulus humulus lupulus humulus cannabaceae hutchinsia hutchinsia procumbens hybridum hydrophilus hydrophyllaceae hydrophyllum hydrophyllum capitatum hyemale hyemalis hymenoides hymenoxys hymenoxys grandiflora hypericaceae hypericum hypericum formosum hyssopifolia hyssopifolium hystrix idaeus idahoense iliamna iliamna rivularis illota incana indecora indica inerme inerme inermis integerrimus interior intermedium interrupta intybus involucral involucral bracts involucrata iridaceae germanica isatis isatis tinctoria ischaemum isoetaceae isoetes isoetes bolanderi axillaris xanthifolia ivesia ivesia gordoni jamesia jamesia americana jamesia saxifragaceae jamesiana jonesii jovis jubatum juncaceae juncaginaceae junceus juncus juncus bufonius juncus confusus juncus drummondii juncus ensifolius juncus mertensianus juncus regelii juncus torreyi juniperinum juniperus juniperus communis juniperus scopulorum kalmia kalmia kalmia ericaceae kalmia polifolia kelloggii kentrophyta kingii kochia kochia americana kochia scoparia koeleria koeleria macrantha laceae lacking lactuca lactuca biennis lactuca serriola lacustre laeta laevicaulis laevigatum lamiaceae lamium lamium amplexicaule lanata lanatus lanceolata lanceolatus lanuginosum lapathifolium lappula lappula echinata lapsana lapsana communis larix larix occidentalis lathyrus lathyrus brachycalyx lathyrus latifolius lathyrus pauciflorus lathyrus sylvestris latifolia latifolius layia kalmia layia leptochloa fascicularis@ lithophragma parviflorum@ lycium barbarum medicago@ miser@ nasturtium@ oenothera caespitosa orthocarpus tolmiei parthenocissus@ petrophytum caespitosum@ photos physocarpus alternans@ poaceae polygonum minimum@ potentilla puccinellia@ ranunculus longirostris@ ribes rigida rubus parviflorus salix senecio vulgaris@ description photos solanum dulcamara spinosa@ streptopus@ tetrandra trifolium vaccinium vinelike woody-based perennials@ bisexual rayflowers agastache urticifolia@ albiflorum@ amaranthus blitoides layia layia glandulosa leads leads nowhere leaflet leaflets leavesm leaves alternate leaves entirely basaln leaves minutely toothedr leaves oblique leaves opposite leaves prickly leaves simple leaves threadlike leaves toothed ledifolius ledum ledum glandulosum ledum ericaceae leersia leersia oryzoides legume legume glabrous legume stipitate lemmonii lemna lemna trisulca lemnaceae leonurus leonurus cardiaca lepidium lepidium campestre lepidium densiflorum lepidium dictyotum lepidium montanum lepidium perfoliatum lepidota leptochloa leptochloa fascicularis leptocladus leptocoma leptodactylon leptodactylon watsonii leptophyllum leptosepala lesquerella lesquerella occidentalis lesquerella utahensis lettermanii leucanthemum leucelene leucelene ericoides leucopoa leucopoa kingii lewisia lewisia rediviva lewisia rediviva portulacaceae lewisia triphylla lewisii ligusticum ligusticum filicinum liliaceae limnanthaceae limosella limosella aquatica limosella scrophulariaceae linanthus linanthus harknessii linaria linaria genistifolia linariifolia linearifolia linearis linum linum perenne listera listera convallarioides lithophragma lithophragma glabrum lithophragma parviflorum lithospermum lithospermum arvense lithospermum ruderale lloydia lloydia serotina loasaceae lobata lobularia lobularia maritima lolium lolium perenne lomatium lomatium dissectum lomatium foeniculaceum lomatium grayi lomatium nuttallii lomatium triternatum lonchitis lonchophyllus longifolia longipes longirostris longispinus longivaginata lonicera lonicera involucrata ludoviciana lunaria lunaria annua lupinus lupinus argenteus lupinus brevicaulis lupinus caudatus lupulus luzula luzula parviflora luzulina lyallii lychnis lychnis lycium lycium barbarum lycium barbarum lycium solanaceae lycopus lycopus americanus lygodesmia lygodesmia dianthopsis lysimachia lysimachia ciliata lythrum lythrum salicaria machaeranthera machaeranthera canescens machaeranthera kingii macounii macrantha macrocera macronema macrophyllum maculata maculatum madia madia gracilis major malcolmia malcolmia africana malus malus sylvestris malva malva neglecta malvaceae margaritacea marginata marinao maritima maritimus marrubium marrubium vulgare marsilea marsilea vestita marsileaceae matricaria matricaria maritima matronalis media medicago medicago sativa melica melica bulbosa melilotus melilotus mentha mentha arvensis mentha piperita mentzelia mentzelia albicaulis mentzelia laevicaulis menziesii mertensia mertensia arizonica mertensia brevistyla mertensia oblongifolia mertensianus mexicana mexicanum micranthum microcarpa microcarpus microphylla microptera microseris microseris nutans microsteris microsteris gracilis miliaceum millefolium mimulus mimulus floribundus mimulus guttatus mimulus lewisii mimulus moschatus mimulus rubellus miniata minimum minimus minor minus minutelyr mirabilis mirabilis linearis miser mitella mitella stauropetala modocensis moldavica moldavica parviflora mollis monardella monardella odoratissima moneses moneses uniflora monocotyledons_ monolepis monolepis nuttalliana monspeliensis montana montanum montanus montia montia chamissoi montigenum moschatus muhlenbergia muhlenbergia asperifolia muhlenbergia filiformis multiflorum multilobatus multiradiata munita muralis murinum myosurus myosurus minimus myosurus ranunculaceae myriophyllum myriophyllum spicatum myrsinites myuros najadaceaeo najaso najas guadalupensis najas marina najadaceaeo nasturtium nasturtium brassicaceae nasturtium officinale nauseosus navarretia navarretia breweri nebrascensis neglecta negundo nemophila nemophila breviflora nemorosa nepeta nepeta cataria nervosa nicotiana nicotiana attenuata nigra nigrum nitens nivalis terminal leaflet nodosus norvegica further described nowhere nutans nuttalliana nuttallianum nuttallii nyctaginaceae oblique oblongifolia obtusa obtusiloba occidentale occidentalis octoflora odontoloma odorata odoratissima oenothera oenothera biennis oenothera caespitosa oenothera caespitosa oenothera pallida officinale officinalis oleraceae oligosperma onagraceae onopordum onopordum acanthium ophioglossaceae opposite opuntia opuntia aurea opuntia fragilis orchidaceaeW orcuttiana oregana oreophilus orientalis orobanche orobanche corymbosa orobanche fasciculata orogenia orogenia linearifolia orthocarpus orthocarpus tolmiei orthocarpus tolmiei orthoceras orthorhynchus oryzoides oryzopsis oryzopsis hymenoides osmorhiza osmorhiza chilensis osmorhiza occidentalis ovalifolium ovina oxalidaceae oxalis oxalis corniculata oxyria oxyria digyna oxytropis oxytropis viscida pachistima pachistima myrsinites pachystachya pallida palmate palustre palustris paniculatus panicum panicum dichotomiflorum panicum lanuginosum panicum miliaceum papaveraceae papilionaceous pappus pappus lacking pappus plumose parasiticQ parasitic angiospermsQ parietaria parietaria pensylvanica parishii parnassia parnassia fimbriata parnassia saxifragaceae parryi parthenium parthenocissus parthenocissus quinquefolia parviflora parviflorum parviflorus pastinaca pastinaca sativa patagonica patens patientia pauciflora pauciflorus paucifolius pedatum pedicularis pedicularis racemosa pellaea pellaea breweri penstemon penstemon cyananthus penstemon humilis penstemon montanus penstemon platyphyllus penstemon procerus pensylvanica pentagona peregrina peregrinus perelegans perennans perenne perennials perennis perfoliata perfoliatum perideridia perideridia gairdneri perityle perityle stansburii persica petals petals lacking petasata petradoria petradoria pumila petrophytum petrophytum caespitosum petrophytum rosaceae phacelia phacelia hastata phacelia linearis phacelia tetramera phaeocephala phalaris phalaris arundinacea phleum phleum alpinum phlox phlox hoodii phlox longifolia phoradendron phoradendron juniperinum photos photos photos photos photos photos photos phragmites phragmites australis phylicifolia physalis physalis heterophylla physaria physaria acutifolia physocarpus physocarpus alternans picea picea englemannii pinaceae pinnata pinnatifida pinus pinus contorta pinus flexilis piperita pistillate pistils pistils plagiobothrys plagiobothrys leptocladus plagiobothrys tenellus plantaginaceae plantago plantago eriopoda plantago lanceolata plantago major plantago patagonica plantsA platyphyllus plectritis plectritis macrocera plumose alpina annua bulbosa compressa fendleriana glauca leptocoma nervosa palustris pratensis secunda trivialis poaceae poaceae poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae-key poaceae-key groups polanisia polanisia dodecandra polemoniaceae polemonium polemonium foliosissimum polemonium micranthum polemonium occidentale polemonium viscosum polifolia polygonaceae polygonum polygonum amphibium polygonum aviculare polygonum convolvulus polygonum cuspidatum polygonum kelloggii polygonum lapathifolium polygonum minimum polygonum polygonaceae polygonum ramosissimum polygonum viviparum polypodiaceae polypodium polypodium hesperium polypogon polypogon monspeliensis polypogon semiverticillatus polyrhiza polystichum polystichum lonchitis populus populus populus salicaceae populus angustifolia populus balsamifera populus fremontii populus salicaceae populus tremuloides portulaca portulaca oleraceae portulacaceae potamogeton potamogeton crispus potamogeton filiformis potamogeton foliosus potamogeton gramineus potamogeton nodosus potamogeton pusillus potamogeton richardsonii potamogetonaceae potentilla potentilla potentilla anserina potentilla biennis potentilla concinna potentilla fruticosa potentilla glandulosa potentilla gracilis potentilla norvegica potentilla ovina praeceptorum praegracilis pratense pratensis present prickly primula primula parryi primulaceae procerus procumbens proserpinacoides prostrate prunella prunella vulgaris prunus prunus americana prunus persica prunus virginiana pseudoacacia pseudotsuga pseudotsuga menziesii psilocarphus psilocarphus brevissimus psilocarphus asteraceae psoralea psoralea lanceolata pteridium pteridium aquilinum pubescens puccinellia puccinellia fasciculata puccinellia nuttalliana pudica pumila punctata purpurascens purpurea purshia purshia tridentata pusillum pusillus pyramidata pyrola pyrola asarifolia pyrola secunda pyrolaceae quamash quercus quercus gambelii quinquefolia alismaefolius rubiginosa racemosa racemosum radiata radicans ramosissimum ranunculaceae ranunculus ranunculus aquatilis ranunculus arvensis ranunculus cymbalaria ranunculus flabellaris ranunculus flammula ranunculus glaberrimus ranunculus jovis ranunculus longirostris ranunculus macounii ranunculus ranunculaceae ranunculus orthorhynchus ranunculus sceleratus ranunculus testiculatus ranunculus testiculatus ranunculaceae raphanistrum raphanus raphanus raphanistrum rapunculoides rayflowers raynoldsii rectifructa recutita rediviva regelii repandum repens reptans reticulata reticulatus retroflexus rhamnaceae rhamnus rhamnus alnifolia rhamnus rhamnaceae rhomboidea glabra radicans trilobata trilobata anacardiaceae ribes ribes ribes aureum ribes cereum ribes flowering ribes fruiting ribes hudsonianum ribes inerme ribes lacustre ribes montigenum ribes grossulariaceae ribes three ribes vegetative ribes wolfii richardsonii rigida rivularis robinia robinia pseudoacacia robusta rorippa rorippa palustris rorippa tenerrima woodsii rosaceae rosea rossii rostrata rubellus rubescens rubia rubia tinctorum rubiaceae rubiginosa rubra rubus rubus idaeus rubus parviflorus rubus parviflorus rudbeckia rudbeckia occidentalis ruderale rumex rumex acetosella rumex dentatus rumex patientia rumex paucifolius rumex salicifolius rumex venosus runcinata ruppia ruppia maritima ruppiaceae rydbergii sagina sagina saginoides saginoides sagittaria sagittaria cuneata sagittata sagittatum salicaceae salicaria salicifolius salicornia salicornia europaea salicornia chenopodiaceae salina salix salix salix pistillate catkins salix amygdaloides salix arctica salix staminate catkins salix bebbiana salix drummondiana salix exigua salix fragilis salix geyeriana salix glauca salix salicaceae salix phylicifolia salix reticulata salix rigida salix scouleriana salsola salsola salvia salvia sclarea salviniaceae sambucus sambucus caerulea sanguisorba sanguisorba minor sanguisorba rosaceae santalaceae saponaria saponaria officinalis sarcobatus sarcobatus vermiculatus sarothrae sativa saxicola saxifraga saxifraga debilis saxifraga odontoloma saxifragaceae saxifragaceae sceleratus scirpus scirpus acutus scirpus americanus scirpus microcarpus sclarea sclerochloa sclerochloa scoparia scoparium scopulina scopulorum scouleri scouleriana scribneri scrophularia scrophularia lanceolata scrophulariaceae secale secale cereale secunda sedum sedum debile seedlessE seedless aquaticE selaginella selaginella watsonii selaginellaceae semiverticillatus senecio senecio amplectens senecio canus senecio crassulus senecio fremontii senecio hydrophilus senecio integerrimus senecio multilobatus senecio serra senecio triangularis senecio vulgaris sepium series serotina serpyllifolia serra serriola serrulata sesuvium sesuvium verrucosum setaria setaria verticillata shepherdia shepherdia canadensis shepherdia elaeagnaceae description photos description photos description photos description photos description photos description photos description photos description photos shrub sibbaldia sibbaldia procumbens hederaceae sidalcea sidalcea oregana silene silene acaulis silene antirrhina silene douglasii silene menziesii simaroubaceae simplem simple leaves simulata sinuata sisymbrium sisymbrium altissimum sisyrinchium sisyrinchium idahoense sitanion sitanion hystrix suave smelowskia smelowskia calycina smilacina smilacina racemosa solanaceae solanum solanum carolinense solanum dulcamara solanum dulcamara solanum nigrum solanum triflorum solidago solidago multiradiata solidago solidago occidentalis solidago sparsiflora leaves cauline sonchus sonchus arvensis sonchus asper sophia sorbus sorbus scopulina sorghum sorghum halepense sparganiaceae sparganium sparganium angustifolium sparganium eurycarpum sparsiflora sparsiflorum spartina spartina gracilis speciosa spergularia spergularia marina spergularia caryophyllaceae spergularia rubra sphaeralcea sphaeralcea coccinea sphaeromeria sphaeromeria diversifolia sphaeromeria asteraceae sphondylium spicata spicatum spineless spinosa spiny/prickly spiny/prickly leaves spiranthes spiranthes cernua spirodela spirodela polyrhiza spore-bearingA spore-bearing plantsA sporobolus sporobolus cryptandrus squarrosa stachys stachys palustris staminate stansburii stauropetala stellaria stellaria calycantha stellaria jamesiana stellaria longipes stellaria media stellaria nitens stellaria obtusa stellaria umbellata leaves claytonia stems stems prostrate portulaca stenoloba sterilis stipa stipa comata stipa lettermanii stipa viridula stipata stipitate stipules stipules present stolonifera straminiformis streptanthus streptanthus cordatus streptopus streptopus amplexifolius stricta strumarium suaeda suaeda calceoliformis suaeda torreyana suave subshrubs succulent sulphurea swertia swertia gentianaceae swertia radiata sylvestris symphoricarpos symphoricarpos oreophilus synthyris synthyris pinnatifida syriacum syzigachne szowitsianum tamarix tamarix tetrandra taraxacum taraxacum officinale tectorum tendrils tenella tenellus tenerrima terminal terrestris terristris tessellata testiculatus tetradymia tetradymia asteraceae tetradymia spinosa tetradymia spinosa asteraceae tetramera tetrandra tetrandra thaliana thalictrum thalictrum fendleri thalictrum sparsiflorum thapsus thelypodium thelypodium sagittatum thlaspi thlaspi arvense thlaspi montanum threadlike three thurberiana tinctoria tinctorum tolmiei tomentosa toothedr torreyana torreyi townsendia townsendia montana trachycarpum trachycaulum tragopogon tragopogon dubius tragopogon pratensis shrub tremuloides triacanthos triangularis tribulus tribulus terrestris tribulus terristris tricolor tridentata trifida trifidum triflorum trifolium trifolium trifolium pratense trifolium repens trifolium wormskjoldii triglochin triglochin palustris trilobata trionum triphylla trisetum trisetum spicatum trisetum wolfii trisulca triteleia triteleia grandiflora triternatum triticeum triticum triticum aestivum trivialis truxillensis typha typha domingensis typhaceae ulmaceae ulmus ulmus pumila umbellata umbellatum unalascensis undulatum uniflora unispicata urbanum ursinus urtica urtica dioica urtica urticaceae urticaceae urticifolia utahensis uva-ursi vaccaria vaccaria pyramidata vaccinium vaccinium vaccinium ericaceae vaccinium scoparium valeriana valeriana edulis valeriana occidentalis valeriana valerianaceae valerianaceae vallicola vegetative velutinus venosus veratrum veratrum californicum verbascum verbascum blattaria verbascum thapsus verbena verbena bracteata verbenaceae vermiculatus verna veronica veronica catenata veronica hederifolia veronica peregrina veronica persica veronica serpyllifolia veronica wormskjoldii verrucosum verticillata vesca vestita vicia vicia villosa viguiera viguiera ciliata villosa vinca vinca minor vinca apocynaceae vinelike vinelike viola viola adunca viola beckwithii viola beckwithii violaceae viola canadensis viola odorata viola palustris viola purpurea viola tricolor violaceae virginiana viride viridula viscaceae viscida viscidiflorus viscosum vitaceae viviparum vulgare vulgaris watsonii wheeleri whorledj wolffia wolffia punctata wolfii woodsia woodsia oregana woodsii woodyc woody dicotsc woody-based woody-based perennials wormskjoldii wrightii wyethia wyethia amplexicaulis agrohordeum agrositanion elysitanion xanthifolia xanthium xanthium strumarium xanthocephalum xanthocephalum asteraceae xanthocephalum sarothrae zannichellia zannichellia palustris zannichelliaceae zigadenus zigadenus elegans zigadenus paniculatus zygophyllaceae 15-30 series 3-leaflets 4-many 4-many leaflets leaflets aquatic plants^ bisexual rayflowers abies abies lasiocarpa abronia abronia fragrans acanthium lantsd bisexual rayflowers bisexual rayflowers chamissonis saxicola abies abies concolor abies lasiocarpa abronia abronia fragrans acanthicarpa acanthium acaulescens acaulis glabrum grandidentatum negundo aceraceae acetosella achillea achillea millefolium acicularis aconitum aconitum columbianum actaea actaea ranunculaceae actaea rubra acuminata acuminatum acutifolia acutiloba acutus adiantum adiantum pedatum adoneus adonis adonis aestivalis adunca aegilops aegilops cylindrica aegyptium aequalis aesculus aesculus hippocastanum hippocastanaceae aestivalis aestivum affinis africana agastache agastache urticifolia aggreqata agoseris agoseris aurantiaca agoseris glauca agoseris heterophylla agrohordeum agrohordeum macounii agropyron agropyron cristatum agropyron dasystachyum agropyron elongatum agropyron intermedium agropyron repens agropyron scribneri agropyron smithii agropyron spicatum agropyron trachycaulum agropyron triticeum agrositanion agrositanion agrositanion saundersii agrostis agrostis exarata agrostis humilis agrostis hyemalis agrostis stolonifera agrostis thurberiana ailanthus ailanthus altissima simaroubaceae airoides aizoaceae albicaulis albiflorum album albus aleppicum alisma alisma gramineum alisma plantago-aquatica alismaefolius alismataceae allenrolfea allenrolfea occidentalis allium allium acuminatum allium bisceptrum allium brandegei alnifolia alnus alnus incana alopecurus alopecurus aequalis alopecurus carolinianus alopecurus geniculatus alopecurus pratensis alpina alpinum alpinus alternans alternate althaea althaea rosea altissima altissimum alyssoides alyssum alyssum alyssoides alyssum desertorum alyssum minus alyssum szowitsianum amaranthaceae amaranthus amaranthus albus amaranthus blitoides amaranthus blitoides amaranthus retroflexus amarella ambiguum ambrosia ambrosia acanthicarpa ambrosia artemisiifolia ambrosia psilostachya ambrosia tomentosa ambrosia trifida amelanchier amelanchier alnifolia americana americanus amphibium amplectens amplexicaule amplexicaulis amplexifolius amsinckia amsinckia retrorsa amsinckia tessellata amygdaloides anacardiaceae anagallis anagallis arvensis anagallis-aquatica anaphalis anaphalis margaritacea anchusa anchusa azurea androsace androsace filiformis androsace occidentalis androsace septentrionalis androsaemifolium anemone anemone multifida anemone parviflora anemone quinquefolia angelica angelica pinnata angelica wheeleri angiosperms angustifolia angustifolium annua annual annuals annuus anomalus anserina antennaria antennaria alpina antennaria corymbosa antennaria dimorpha antennaria rosea antennaria umbrinella anthemis anthemis cotula anthemis tinctoria antirrhina aparine apera apera interrupta apetalus apiaceae apiculate apocynaceae apocynum apocynum androsaemifolium apocynum cannabinum apocynum apocynaceae applegatei approximata aquaticG aquatic seed-bearingi anemone quinquefolia@ aquatic spore-bearing@ arctostaphylos ericaceae asarifolia@ asteraceae atriplex barbarea botrychium@ brassicaceae flowers campanula@ carex carex group castilleja applegatei chaenactis alpina@ chrysanthemum claytonia perfoliata convolvulus@ crepis acuminata cynoglossum officinale@ deschampsia danthonioides@ dicots dodecatheon pulchellum@ elysitanion erigeron erysimum repandum@ fabaceae vitaceae@ flowers galium triflorum glaberrimum@ grindelia@ group herbaceous dicotsc hedysarum boreale@ herbaceous hieracium@ hydrocharitaceae@ isoetes bolanderi@ kingii lathyrus leaves toothed@ lesquerella occidentalis@ lithophragma tenellum@ lupinus kingii aquatic spore-bearingj aquatica aquaticsH aquatics complex leaveso aquatics entireq aquatics non-whorledm aquatics simple leavesp aquatics whorledH aquatilis aquilegia aquilegia caerulea aquilegia flavescens aquilinum arabidopsis arabidopsis thaliana arabis arabis confinis arabis drummondii arabis glabra arabis hirsuta arabis holboellii arabis lemmonii arabis lyallii arabis microphylla arabis perennans arabis sparsiflora arborescens arbuscula arceuthobium arceuthobium douglasii arctica arcticus arctium arctium minus arctostaphylos arctostaphylos ericaceae arctostaphylos ericaceae arctostaphylos uva-ursi arenaria arenaria congesta arenaria kingii arenaria nuttallii arenaria obtusiloba arenaria rubella arenarioides argemone argemone munita argentea argenteus argophyllus aristida aristida purpurea arizonica arnica arnica cordifolia arnica latifolia arnica longifolia arnica mollis arnica parryi arrhenatherum arrhenatherum elatius artemisia artemisia arbuscula artemisia biennis artemisia dracunculus artemisia ludoviciana artemisia asteraceae artemisia tridentata artemisiifolia arundinacea arvense arvensis asarifolia asclepiadaceae asclepias asclepias asperula asclepias incarnata asclepias speciosa asparagus asparagus officinale asper asperifolia asperugo asperugo boraginaceae asperugo procumbens asperula asperum aspidotis aspidotis densa asplenium asplenium trichomanes asplenium viride aster aster brachyactis aster chilensis aster eatonii aster engelmannii aster foliaceus aster frondosus aster glaucodes aster hesperius aster integrifolius aster occidentalis aster pauciflorus aster perelegans asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae group asteraceae group asteraceae group asteraceae group asteraceae groups asteraceae groups astragalus astragalus alpinus astragalus argophyllus astragalus beckwithii astragalus canadensis astragalus cibarius astragalus diversifolius astragalus geyeri astragalus kentrophyta astragalus miser astragalus fabaceae astragalus utahensis athrostachya athyrium athyrium filix-femina atrabarba atrata atratus atriplex atriplex atriplex argentea atriplex canescens atriplex confertifolia atriplex gardneri atriplex heterosperma atriplex hortensis atriplex chenopodiaceae atriplex patula atriplex rosea atropurpurea attenuata aurantiaca aurea aureum australis autumnale avena avena fatua avena sativa aviculare axillaris azolla azolla mexicana azurea backii balsamifera balsamita balsamorhiza balsamorhiza hookeri balsamorhiza macrophylla balsamorhiza sagittata banner banner banner 15-30 barbarea barbarea barbarea orthoceras barbarea vulgaris barbarum barrelieri basal bassia bassia hyssopifolia bebbiana beckmannia beckmannia syzigachne beckwithii bellis bellis perennis below below mid-montane berberidaceae berberis berberis repens berula berula erecta berula apiaceae betula betula occidentalis betulaceae bicknellii bicolor bidens bidens cernua bidens frondosa biennis bifolium biloba bisceptrum bisexual blattaria blitoides boisduvalia boisduvalia glabella bolanderi boothii boraginaceae borago borago officinalis boreale botrychium botrychium lunaria botrys brachyactis brachyantherum brachycalyx brachycarpum brachystylis bracteata bracts branches branches allenrolfea branches brandegei brassica brassica kaber brassica nigra brassica brassicaceae brassicaceae flowers brassicaceae flowers brevicaule brevicaulis breviflora brevissimus brevistyla breweri brickellia brickellia californica brickellia grandiflora brizaeformis bromoides bromus bromus anomalus bromus brizaeformis bromus carinatus bromus ciliatus bromus diandrus bromus hordeaceus bromus inermis bromus japonicus bromus sterilis bromus tectorum bromus vulgaris bufonius bulbifera bulbosa bursa-pastoris cactaceae cacti caerulea caespitosa caespitosum caespitosus calamagrostis calamagrostis canadensis calamagrostis purpurascens calamagrostis scopulorum calamagrostis stricta calceoliformis calceolus californica californicum callitrichaceae callitriche callitriche hermaphroditica callitriche palustris callitriche palustris callitrichaceae calochortus calochortus nuttallii caltha caltha leptosepala calycantha calycina calystegia calystegia sepium camassia camassia quamash camelina camelina microcarpa camissonia camissonia boothii camissonia scapoidea campanula campanula campanulaceae campanula rapunculoides campanulaceae campestre canadensis canariensis canescens canina cannabaceae cannabinum cannabis cannabis sativa canum canus capillare capitatum capparaceae caprifoliaceae capsella capsella bursa-pastoris caragana caragana arborescens cardamine cardamine cordifolia cardamine hirsuta cardaria cardaria chalepensis cardaria draba cardaria pubescens cardiaca carduus carduus nutans carex carex carex aquatilis carex athrostachya carex atrata carex aurea carex backii carex breweri carex canescens carex deweyana carex disperma carex douglasii carex elynoides carex geyeri carex group carex group carex group carex group carex group carex group carex group carex groups carex haydeniana carex hoodii carex illota carex interior carex jonesii carex lanuginosa carex lenticularis carex luzulina carex microptera carex nardina carex nebrascensis carex neurophora carex carex occidentalis carex pachystachya carex petasata carex phaeocephala carex praeceptorum carex praegracilis carex raynoldsii carex rossii carex rostrata carex simulata carex stipata carex straminiformis carex vallicola carinatus carolinense carolinianum carolinianus carota carum carum carvi carvi caryophyllaceae caseana castilleja castilleja applegatei castilleja applegatei castilleja chromosa castilleja exilis castilleja linariifolia castilleja miniata castilleja rhexifolia castilleja sulphurea catabrosa catabrosa aquatica cataria catenata catkins caudatus cauline ceanothus ceanothus rhamnaceae ceanothus velutinus celastraceae celtis celtis ulmaceae celtis reticulatus cenchrus cenchrus longispinus centaurea centaurea repens centaurium centaurium exaltatum cerastium cerastium arvense cerastium fontanum ceratophyllaceae ceratophyllum ceratophyllum demersum cercocarpus cercocarpus ledifolius cercocarpus rosaceae cereale cereum cernua cernuum cespitosa cespitosum chaenactis chaenactis alpina chaenactis douglasii chalepensis chambersii chamissoi chamissonis chamomilla chamomilla recutita chamomilla suaveolens cheilanthes cheilanthes cheiranthoides chenopodiaceae chenopodium chenopodium album chenopodium botrys chenopodium capitatum chenopodium fremontii chenopodium glaucum chenopodium hybridum chenopodium leptophyllum chenopodium rubrum chilense chilensis chimaphila chimaphila pyrolaceae chimaphila umbellata chlorantha chloris chloris verticillata chlorocrambe chlorocrambe hastata chorispora chorispora tenella chromosa chrysanthemum chrysanthemum chrysanthemum balsamita chrysanthemum leucanthemum chrysanthemum parthenium chrysothamnus chrysothamnus nauseosus chrysothamnus nauseosus asteraceae chrysothamnus viscidiflorus chrysothamnus viscidiflorus asteraceae cibarius cichorium cichorium intybus cicuta cicuta douglasii cicutarium cilianensis ciliata ciliatum ciliatus cinereus cinna cinna latifolia circaea circaea alpina circaea onagraceae circinatus cirsium cirsium acaulescens cirsium arvense cirsium eatonii cirsium undulatum cirsium vulgare clarkia clarkia rhomboidea claytonia claytonia cordifolia claytonia lanceolata claytonia perfoliata claytonia perfoliata clematis clematis columbiana clematis hirsutissima clematis occidentalis clematis ranunculaceae clematis orientalis cleome cleome lutea cleome serrulata coccinea collinsia collinsia parviflora collomia collomia debilis collomia grandiflora collomia linearis collomia tenella columbiana columbianum comandra comandra umbellata comata commixta communis complexo compositus compound compound leaves compressa concinna concolor confertifolia confinis confusus congesta conium conium maculatum conringia conringia orientalis contorta convallarioides convolvulaceae convolvulus convolvulus arvensis convolvulus convolvulaceae conyza conyza canadensis corallorhizaY corallorhiza maculata corallorhiza orchidaceaeY corallorhiza striata corallorhiza trifida cordatus cordifolia cordylanthus cordylanthus maritimus corispermum corispermum hyssopifolium cornaceae corniculata cornus cornus stolonifera corolla corolla corolla cressa corydalis corydalis aurea corydalis caseana corymbosa cotula coulteri cowania cowania mexicana cowania rosaceae crassifolia crassulaceae crassulus crataegus crataegus douglasii crataegus monogyna crepis crepis acuminata crepis acuminata crepis atrabarba crepis modocensis crepis occidentalis crepis runcinata cressa cressa convolvulaceae cressa truxillensis crispa crispus cristatum crusgalli cryptandrus cryptantha cryptantha affinis cryptantha humilis cryptantha torreyana cryptogramma cryptogramma crispa cucurbitaceae cuneata cuneifolia cupressaceae curassavicum curvipes cuscuta cuscuta approximata cuscuta indecora cuscuta occidentalis cuscuta pentagona cuscuta salina cuscutaceae cuspidatum cyananthus cylindrica cymbalaria cymopterus cymopterus hendersonii cymopterus longipes cymopterus purpurascens cynodon cynodon dactylon cynoglossum cynoglossum officinale cyperaceae cyperus cyperus esculentus cypripedium cypripedium calceolus cypripedium fasciculatum cystopteris cystopteris bulbifera cystopteris fragilis dactylis dactylis glomerata dactyloctenium dactyloctenium aegyptium dactylon danthonia danthonia intermedia danthonia unispicata danthonioides dasystachyum datura datura wrightii daucus daucus carota debile debilis delphinium delphinium nuttallianum delphinium occidentale demersum densa densiflorum densifolia dentata dentatus depauperata deschampsia deschampsia cespitosa deschampsia danthonioides deschampsia elongata described descurainia descurainia californica descurainia pinnata descurainia richardsonii descurainia sophia desertorum deweyana diandrus dianthopsis dicentra dicentra uniflora dichotomiflorum dicotsb dicots dicotyledons dictyotum digitaria digitaria ischaemum digitaria sanguinalis digyna dilatata dimorpha dioecious dioica diplotaxis diplotaxis muralis dipsacaceae dipsacus dipsacus sylvestris disperma dispersa disporum disporum trachycarpum dissected{ dissectum distans distichlis distichlis spicata divergens diverse diversifolia diversifolius dodecandra dodecatheon dodecatheon alpinum dodecatheon pulchellum domingensis douglasii downingia downingia laeta downingia campanulaceae draba draba aurea draba brachystylis draba draba crassifolia draba cuneifolia draba densifolia draba nemorosa draba nivalis draba oligosperma draba rectifructa draba reptans draba stenoloba draba verna dracunculus drummondiana dryopteris dryopteris filix-mas dubius dulcamara dumosus eatonii echinata echinochloa echinochloa crusgalli echinocystis echinocystis lobata edulis elaeagnaceae elaeagnus elaeagnus angustifolia elaeagnus angustifolia elaeagnaceae elaeagnus elaeagnaceae elatius elegans eleocharis eleocharis acicularis eleocharis palustris eleocharis parishii eleocharis parvula eleocharis pauciflora eleocharis rostellata eleusine eleusine indica elevation elodea elodea longivaginata elongata elongatum elymus elymus canadensis elymus cinereus elymus glaucus elymus junceus elymus triticoldes elynoides elysitanion elysitanion elysitanion hansenii emersum engelmannii englemannii ensifolius entireq entirely epilobium epilobium alpinum epilobium angustifolium epilobium brachycarpum epilobium canum epilobium ciliatum epilobium glaberrimum epilobium latifolium epilobium saximontanum epipactis epipactis gigantea equisetaceae equisetum equisetum arvense equisetum hyemale equisetum laevigatum equisetum variegatum eragrostis eragrostis barrelieri eragrostis cilianensis eragrostis orcuttiana eragrostis pectinacea erect erecta eremophilus ericaceae ericoides erigeron erigeron erigeron arenarioides erigeron caespitosus erigeron compositus erigeron coulteri erigeron divergens erigeron eatonii erigeron engelmannii erigeron erigeron erigeron garrettii erigeron glabellus erigeron leiomerus erigeron lonchophyllus erigeron peregrinus erigeron pumilus erigeron speciosus erigeron ursinus eriogonum eriogonum brevicaule eriogonum cernuum eriogonum grayi eriogonum heracleoides eriogonum polygonaceae eriogonum ovalifolium eriogonum racemosum eriogonum umbellatum eriopoda erodium erodium cicutarium erysimum erysimum asperum erysimum cheiranthoides erysimum repandum erythronium erythronium grandiflorum eschscholtzii esculentus esula euclidium euclidium syriacum eupatorium eupatorium maculatum euphorbia euphorbia dentata euphorbia esula euphorbia glyptosperma euphorbia maculata euphorbia marginata euphorbia myrsinites euphorbia myrsinites euphorbiaceae euphorbia peplus euphorbia prostrata euphorbia robusta euphorbia serpyllifolia euphorbia spathulata euphorbiaceae europaea eurotia eurotia lanata eurotia chenopodiaceae eurycarpum exaltatum exarata exigua exilis fabaceae fabaceae vitaceae fagaceae fascicularis fasciculata fasciculatum fatua fendleri fendleriana ferns festuca festuca arundinacea festuca bromoides festuca myuros festuca octoflora festuca ovina festuca pratensis festuca subulata filicinum filiformis filix-femina filix-mas fimbriata flabellaris flaccid flammula flavescens flexilis floerkea floerkea proserpinacoides floribunda floribundus flowering flowers flowers foeniculaceum foliaceus foliosissimum foliosus fontanum formosum fragaria fragaria vesca fragiferum fragilis fragrans fremontii fritillaria fritillaria atropurpurea fritillaria pudica frondosa frondosus fruiting fruits fruticosa fumaria fumaria officinalis fumariaceae further gairdneri galium galium aparine galium bifolium galium boreale galium mexicanum galium multiflorum galium multiflorum rubiaceae galium trifidum galium triflorumlorum galium triflorum galiumgalium gambelii gardneri garrettii gaura gaura parviflora gayophytum gayophytum racemosum gayophytum ramosissimum geniculatus genistifolia gentiana gentiana affinis gentianaceae gentianella gentianella amarella geraniaceae geranium geranium bicknellii geranium carolinianum geranium pusillum geranium richardsonii geranium viscosissimum germanica aleppicum macrophyllum rossi triflorum urbanum geyeri geyeriana gigantea gilia gilia aggreqata gilia leptomeria gilia sinuata gilia tenerrima glabella glabellus glaberrimum glaberrimus glabra glabrous glabrum glandular glandulosa glandulosum glauca glaucodes glaucum glaucus glaux glaux maritima glaux primulaceae glechoma glechoma hederacea gleditsia gleditsia triacanthos glomerata glomeratus glyceria glyceria grandis glyceria striata glycyrrhiza glycyrrhiza lepidota glyptosperma gnaphalium gnaphalium chilense gnaphalium palustre goodyera goodyera oblongifolia gordoni gracile gracilis gramineum gramineus grandidentatum grandiflora grandiflorum grandis grayi greenT green angiospermsT green angiosperms grindelia grindelia squarrosa groenlandica grossulariaceae group_ group aquatic plants_ group flowers group monocotyledonsa group group herbaceous dicots group herbaceous dicotsc group group woody dicotsb groups\ guadalupensis guttatus gymnosperms habenaria habenaria dilatata habenaria hyperborea habenaria sparsiflora habenaria unalascensis hackelia hackelia floribunda hackelia micrantha hackelia patens hairy halepense halogeton halogeton glomeratus haloragaceae hansenii haplopappus haplopappus acaulis haplopappus lanceolatus haplopappus macronema haplopappus macronema asteraceae haplopappus parryi haplopappus rydbergii haplopappus rydbergii asteraceae harknessii hastata haydeniana hederacea hederaceae hederifolia hedysarum hedysarum boreale helenium helenium autumnale helenium hoopesii helianthella helianthella uniflora helianthus helianthus annuus helianthus nuttallii heliotropium heliotropium curassavicum heliotropium boraginaceae hendersonii heracleoides heracleum heracleum sphondylium herbaceousc herbaceous herbaceous dicots herbage herbage subglabrous herbs hermaphroditica hesperis hesperis matronalis hesperium hesperius heterophylla heterosperma heterotheca heterotheca villosa heuchera heuchera parvifolia heuchera rubescens hibiscus hieracium hieracium albiflorum hieracium gracile hieracium scouleri elevation hippocastanaceae hippocastanum hippuridaceae hippuris hippuris vulgaris hirsuta hirsutissima holboellii holcus holcus lanatus holodiscus holodiscus dumosus holosteum holosteum umbellatum hoodii hookeri hoopesii hordeaceus hordeum hordeum brachyantherum hordeum jubatum hordeum marinum hordeum murinum hordeum pusillum hordeum vulgare hortensis hudsonianum humilis humulus humulus lupulus humulus cannabaceae hutchinsia hutchinsia procumbens hybridum hydrocharitaceae hydrophilus hydrophyllaceae hydrophyllum hydrophyllum capitatum hydrophyllum occidentale hyemale hyemalis hymenoides hymenoxys hymenoxys grandiflora hyperborea hypericaceae hypericum hypericum formosum hyssopifolia hyssopifolium hystrix idaeus idahoense iliamna iliamna rivularis illota inamoenus incana incarnata incisum indecora indica inerme inermis integerrimus integrifolius interior intermedia intermedium interrupta interruptus intybus involucral involucral bracts involucrata iridaceae germanica pseudacorus isatis isatis tinctoria ischaemum isoetaceae isoetes isoetes bolanderi axillaris xanthifolia ivesia ivesia gordoni ivesia utahensis jamesia jamesia americana jamesia saxifragaceae jamesiana japonicus jonesii jovis jubatum juncaceae juncaginaceae junceus juncus juncus arcticus juncus bufonius juncus confusus juncus drummondii juncus ensifolius juncus longistylis juncus mertensianus juncus parryi juncus regelii juncus torreyi juniperinum juniperus juniperus communis juniperus osteosperma juniperus scopulorum kaber kalmia kalmia ericaceae kalmia polifolia kelloggii kentrophyta kingii kingii kochia kochia americana kochia americana chenopodiaceae kochia scoparia koeleria koeleria macrantha involucrata lacking lactuca lactuca biennis lactuca ludoviciana lactuca serriola lactuca tatarica lacustre laeta laevicaulis laevigatum lamiaceae lamium lamium amplexicaule lamium purpureum lanata lanatus lanceolata lanceolatum lanceolatus lanszwertii lanuginosa lanuginosum lapathifolium lappula lappula echinata lappula redowskii lapsana lapsana communis larix larix occidentalis lasiandra lasiocarpa lathyrus lathyrus lathyrus brachycalyx lathyrus lanszwertii lathyrus latifolius lathyrus pauciflorus lathyrus sylvestris latifolia latifolium latifolius layia layia glandulosa leads leads nowhere leaflet leaflets leaveso leaves leaves leaves basal leaves alternate leaves cauline leaves dissected{ leaves entires leaves entirely basal leaves flaccid leaves glabrous leaves minutely toothedt leaves palmate leaves spiny leaves oblique leaves opposite leaves pinnately compound leaves pinnately leaves prickly leaves simple leaves symmetrical leaves threadlike leaves toothed ledifolius ledum ledum glandulosum ledum ericaceae leersia leersia oryzoides legume legume glabrous legume sessile legume stipitate legume woolly leiomerus lemmonii lemna lemna minor lemna trisulca lemnaceae lenticularis leonardii leonurus leonurus cardiaca lepidium lepidium campestre lepidium densiflorum lepidium dictyotum lepidium montanum lepidium perfoliatum lepidium virginicum lepidota leptochloa leptochloa fascicularis leptocladus leptocoma leptodactylon leptodactylon watsonii leptomeria leptophyllum leptosepala lesquerella lesquerella garrettii lesquerella occidentalis lesquerella utahensis lettermanii leucanthemum leucelene leucelene ericoides leucodermis leucopoa leucopoa kingii lewisia lewisia pygmaea lewisia rediviva lewisia rediviva portulacaceae lewisia triphylla lewisii ligusticum ligusticum filicinum liliaceae limnanthaceae limosella limosella aquatica limosella scrophulariaceae linaceae linanthus linanthus harknessii linanthus nuttallii linaria linaria genistifolia linaria vulgaris linariifolia linearifolia linearis linum linum kingii linum perenne listera listera convallarioides lithophragma lithophragma glabrum lithophragma parviflorum lithophragma tenellum lithospermum lithospermum arvense lithospermum incisum lithospermum ruderale lloydia lloydia serotina loasaceae lobata lobularia lobularia maritima lolium lolium perenne lomatium lomatium ambiguum lomatium bicolor lomatium dissectum lomatium foeniculaceum lomatium grayi lomatium nuttallii lomatium triternatum lonchitis lonchophyllus longifolia longipes longirostris longispinus longistylis longivaginata lonicera lonicera utahensis low-middle low-middle elevation ludoviciana lunaria lunaria annua lupinus lupinus argenteus lupinus brevicaulis lupinus caudatus lupinus kingii lupinus sericeus lupulina lupulus lutea luteus luzula luzula parviflora luzula spicata luzulina lyallii lychnis lychnis lycium lycium barbarum lycium solanaceae lycopus lycopus americanus lycopus asper lygodesmia lygodesmia dianthopsis lysimachia lysimachia ciliata lythraceae lythrum lythrum salicaria machaeranthera machaeranthera canescens machaeranthera commixta machaeranthera kingii macounii macrantha macrocera macronema macrophylla macrophyllum maculata maculatum madia madia glomerata madia gracilis maine aquaticse aquatics major\ major groups malcolmia lupinus kingii@ malcolmia mertensia arizonica modocensis@ najas marina najadaceae@ nuttalliana@ osmorhiza occidentalis@ parnassia peplus phoradendron juniperinum@ plantago eriopoda@ poaceae polemonium pulcherrimum@ populus potentilla fruticosa puccinellia distans@ ranunculus redowskii@ ribes montigenum@ rigida rubia tinctorum@ salicornia chenopodiaceae@ salix lasiandra@ senecio amplectens@ silene drummondii@ solidago sparsiflora@ spiny/prickly stipa viridula@ szowitsianum@ three@ triphylla@ vaccinium cespitosum veronica scrophulariaceae viscosissimum@ woody dicots amaranthus@ arctostaphylos ericaceae@ asteraceae group bidens@ brassicaceae bromus carex malcolmia malcolmia africana malus malus sylvestris malva malva neglecta malva trionum malvaceae malvaceus margaritacea marginata marinar marinum maritima maritimus marrubium marrubium vulgare marsilea marsilea vestita marsileaceae matricaria matricaria maritima matronalis media medicago medicago lupulina medicago sativa melica melica bulbosa melica spectabilis melilotus melilotus melilotus officinalis mentha mentha arvensis mentha piperita mentha spicata mentzelia mentzelia albicaulis mentzelia dispersa menziesii mertensia mertensia arizonica mertensia arizonica mertensia brevistyla mertensia ciliata mertensia oblongifolia mertensia viridis mertensianus mexicana mexicanum micrantha micranthum microcarpa microcarpus microphylla microptera microseris microseris nutans microsteris microsteris gracilis mid-montane miliaceum millefolium mimulus mimulus floribundus mimulus guttatus mimulus lewisii mimulus moschatus mimulus rubellus mimulus suksdorfii mimulus tilingii miniata minimum minimus minor minus minutelyt mirabilis mirabilis linearis miser missouriensis mitella mitella pentandra mitella stauropetala mmentzelia mmentzelia laevicaulis modocensis moldavica moldavica parviflora mollis monardella monardella odoratissima moneses moneses uniflora monocotyledonsa monoecious monogyna monolepis monolepis nuttalliana monspeliensis montana montanum montanus montia montia chamissoi monticola montigenum moschatus muhlenbergia muhlenbergia asperifolia muhlenbergia filiformis multifida multiflora multiflorum multilobatus multiradiata munita muralis murinum myosurus myosurus apetalus myosurus minimus myosurus ranunculaceae myriophyllum myriophyllum spicatum myrsinites myuros najadaceaer najasr najas guadalupensis najas marina najadaceaer nardina nasturtium nasturtium brassicaceae nasturtium officinale nauseosus navarretia navarretia breweri nebrascensis neglecta negundo nemophila nemophila breviflora nemorosa neomexicana nepeta nepeta cataria nephrophylla nervosa neurophora nicotiana nicotiana attenuata nigra nigrum nitens nivalis prickles tendrils terminal leaflet nodosus non-flowering non-vascularA non-vascular plantsA non-whorledm norvegica apiculate cacti myrsinites further described glandular succulent vinelike nowhere nutans nutkana nuttalliana nuttallianum nuttallii nyctaginaceae oblique oblongifolia obtusa obtusifolius obtusiloba occidentale occidentalis octoflora odontoloma odorata odoratissima oenothera oenothera biennis oenothera caespitosa oenothera hookeri oenothera pallida officinale officinalis oleraceae oleraceus oligosperma onagraceae onopordum onopordum acanthium ophioglossaceae opposite opuntia opuntia aurea opuntia fragilis opuntia polyacantha orchidaceaeY orcuttiana oregana oreophilus orientalis orobanchaceae orobanche orobanche corymbosa orobanche fasciculata orobanche uniflora orogenia orogenia linearifolia orthocarpus orthocarpus luteus orthocarpus tolmiei orthoceras orthorhynchus oryzoides oryzopsis oryzopsis hymenoides osmorhiza osmorhiza chilensis osmorhiza depauperata osmorhiza occidentalis osteosperma otherD other 3-leaflets other parasitesV other spore-bearingD ovalifolium ovina oxalidaceae oxalis oxalis corniculata oxyria oxyria digyna oxytropis oxytropis viscida pachistima pachistima myrsinites pachystachya pallida palmate palustre palustris paniculatus panicum panicum capillare panicum dichotomiflorum panicum lanuginosum panicum miliaceum papaveraceae papilionaceous pappus pappus lacking pappus plumose pappus present pappus smooth parasitesV parasiticU parasitic angiospermsU parietaria parietaria urticaceae parietaria pensylvanica parishii parnassia parnassia parnassia fimbriata parnassia saxifragaceae parnassia palustris parryi parthenium parthenocissus parthenocissus quinquefolia parviflora parviflorum parviflorus parvifolia parvula pastinaca pastinaca sativa patagonica patens patientia patula pauciflora pauciflorus paucifolius pectinacea pectinatus pedatum pedicularis pedicularis groenlandica pedicularis racemosa pellaea pellaea breweri penstemon penstemon cyananthus penstemon humilis penstemon leonardii penstemon montanus penstemon platyphyllus penstemon procerus penstemon rydbergii penstemon whippleanus pensylvanica pentagona pentandra peplus peplus peregrina peregrinus perelegans perennans perenne perennial perennials perennis perfoliata perfoliatum perideridia perideridia gairdneri perityle perityle stansburii persica persicaria petals petals lacking petals present portulacaceae petasata petradoria petradoria pumila petrophytum petrophytum caespitosum petrophytum rosaceae phacelia phacelia hastata phacelia heterophylla phacelia linearis phacelia tetramera phaeocephala phalaris phalaris arundinacea phalaris canariensis phleum phleum alpinum phleum pratense phlox phlox hoodii phlox longifolia phlox pulvinata phoradendron phoradendron juniperinum phragmites phragmites australis phylicifolia physalis physalis heterophylla physalis virginiana physaria physaria acutifolia physaria chambersii physocarpus physocarpus alternans physocarpus malvaceus picea picea englemannii picea pungens pinaceae pinnata pinnate pinnately pinnatifida pinus pinus contorta pinus flexilis pinus monticola pinus ponderosa piperita pistil pistil pistillate pistils pistils plagiobothrys plagiobothrys leptocladus plagiobothrys scouleri plagiobothrys tenellus plantaginaceae plantago plantago elongata plantago eriopoda plantago lanceolata plantago major plantago patagonica plantago tweedyi plantago-aquatica plantsA platyphyllus plectritis plectritis macrocera plumose alpina annua bulbosa compressa fendleriana glauca leptocoma nervosa palustris pratensis secunda trivialis poaceae poaceae poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae-key poaceae-key groups polanisia polanisia dodecandra polemoniaceae polemonium polemonium foliosissimum polemonium micranthum polemonium occidentale polemonium pulcherrimum polemonium viscosum polifolia polyacantha polygon polygonaceae polygonum polygonum amphibium polygonum aviculare polygonum convolvulus polygonum cuspidatum polygonum douglasii polygonum kelloggii polygonum lapathifolium polygonum minimum polygonum polygonaceae polygonum persicaria polygonum ramosissimum polygonum viviparum polypodiaceae polypodium polypodium hesperium polypogon polypogon interruptus polypogon monspeliensis polypogon semiverticillatus polyrhiza polystichum polystichum lonchitis polystichum scopulinum ponderosa populus populus populus acuminata populus populus salicaceae populus angustifolia populus balsamifera populus fremontii populus salicaceae populus tremuloides porrifolius portulaca portulaca oleraceae portulacaceae potamogeton potamogeton alpinus potamogeton crispus potamogeton filiformis potamogeton foliosus potamogeton gramineus potamogeton nodosus potamogeton pectinatus potamogeton polygon potamogeton pusillus potamogeton richardsonii potamogetonaceae potentilla potentilla anserina potentilla biennis potentilla concinna potentilla diversifolia potentilla fruticosa potentilla fruticosa potentilla glandulosa potentilla gracilis potentilla norvegica potentilla ovina potentilla rivalis praeceptorum praegracilis pratense pratensis present prickles prickly primula primula parryi primulaceae procerus procumbens proserpinacoides prostrata prostrate prunella prunella vulgaris prunus prunus americana prunus persica prunus virginiana pseudacorus pseudoacacia pseudotsuga pseudotsuga menziesii psilocarphus psilocarphus brevissimus psilocarphus asteraceae psilostachya psoralea psoralea lanceolata pteridium pteridium aquilinum pubescens puccinellia puccinellia distans puccinellia fasciculata puccinellia nuttalliana pudica pulchellum pulcherrimum pulvinata pumila pumilus punctata pungens purpurascens purpurea purpureum purshia purshia rosaceae purshia tridentata pusillum pusillus pygmaea pyramidata pyrola pyrola asarifolia pyrola chlorantha pyrola minor pyrola secunda pyrolaceae quamash quercus quercus gambelii quinquefolia racemosa racemosum radiata radicans ramosissima ramosissimum ranunculaceae ranunculus ranunculus ranunculus adoneus ranunculus alismaefolius ranunculus aquatilis ranunculus arvensis ranunculus circinatus ranunculus cymbalaria ranunculus eschscholtzii ranunculus flabellaris ranunculus flammula ranunculus glaberrimus ranunculus inamoenus ranunculus jovis ranunculus longirostris ranunculus macounii ranunculus ranunculaceae ranunculus orthorhynchus ranunculus repens ranunculus sceleratus ranunculus testiculatus ranunculus testiculatus ranunculaceae raphanistrum raphanus raphanus raphanistrum rapunculoides rayflowers raynoldsii rectifructa recutita rediviva redowskii regelii repandum repens reptans reticulata reticulatus retroflexus retrorsa rhamnaceae rhamnus rhamnus alnifolia rhamnus rhamnaceae rhexifolia rhomboidea glabra radicans trilobata trilobata anacardiaceae ribes ribes aureum ribes cereum ribes flowering ribes fruiting ribes hudsonianum ribes inerme ribes lacustre ribes montigenum ribes non-flowering ribes grossulariaceae ribes three ribes vegetative ribes viscosissimum ribes wolfii ribess ribess flowering richardsonii rigida rivalis rivularis robinia robinia pseudoacacia robusta romanzoffiana rorippa rorippa curvipes rorippa palustris rorippa tenerrima canina nutkana rubiginosa woodsii rosaceae rosea rossi rossii rostellata rostrata rostratum rribes rribes hudsonianum rubella rubellus rubescens rubia rubia tinctorum rubiaceae rubiginosa rubra rubrum rubus rubus idaeus rubus leucodermis rubus parviflorus rudbeckia rudbeckia occidentalis ruderale rumex rumex acetosella rumex crispus rumex dentatus rumex maritimus rumex obtusifolius rumex patientia rumex paucifolius rumex salicifolius rumex venosus runcinata ruppia ruppia maritima ruppiaceae rydbergii sagina sagina saginoides saginoides sagittaria sagittaria cuneata sagittata sagittatum salicaceae salicaria salicifolius salicornia salicornia europaea salicornia chenopodiaceae salicornia utahensis salina salix salix pistillate catkins salix amygdaloides salix arctica salix staminate catkins salix bebbiana salix vegetative salix drummondiana salix exigua salix fragilis salix geyeriana salix glauca salix salix lasiandra salix salicaceae salix phylicifolia salix reticulata salix rigida salix scouleriana salsola salsola salvia salvia sclarea salviniaceae sambucus sambucus caerulea sambucus caprifoliaceae sambucus racemosa sanguinalis sanguisorba sanguisorba minor sanguisorba rosaceae santalaceae saponaria saponaria officinalis sarcobatus sarcobatus vermiculatus sarothrae sarrachoides sativa saundersii saxicola saxifraga saxifraga debilis saxifraga odontoloma saxifraga rhomboidea saxifragaceae saximontanum scapoidea sceleratus scirpus scirpus scirpus scirpus acutus scirpus americanus scirpus maritimus scirpus microcarpus scirpus pungens sclarea sclerochloa sclerochloa scoparia scoparium scopulina scopulinum scopulorum scouleri scouleriana scribneri scrophularia scrophularia lanceolata scrophulariaceae secale secale cereale secunda sedum sedum debile sedum lanceolatum seed-bearingB seed-bearing plantsB seedlessF seedless aquaticG seedless terrestrialF selaginella selaginella watsonii selaginellaceae semiverticillatus senecio senecio amplectens senecio atratus senecio canus senecio crassulus senecio eremophilus senecio fremontii senecio hydrophilus senecio integerrimus senecio multilobatus senecio serra senecio streptanthifolius senecio triangularis senecio vulgaris sepium septentrionalis sericeus series serotina serpyllifolia serra serriola serrulata sessile sesuvium sesuvium verrucosum setaria setaria verticillata setaria viridis setarisetaria shepherdia shepherdia canadensis shepherdia elaeagnaceae shrub sibbaldia sibbaldia procumbens hederaceae sidalcea sidalcea neomexicana sidalcea oregana silene silene acaulis silene antirrhina silene douglasii silene drummondii silene menziesii simaroubaceae simplep simple leaves simulata sinuata sisymbrium sisymbrium altissimum sisyrinchium sisyrinchium idahoense sitanion sitanion hystrix suave smelowskia smelowskia calycina smilacina smilacina racemosa smilacina stellata smithii smooth solanaceae solanum solanum carolinense solanum dulcamara solanum dulcamara solanaceae solanum nigrum solanum rostratum solanum sarrachoides solanum triflorum solidago solidago canadensis solidago missouriensis solidago multiradiata solidago solidago occidentalis solidago sparsiflora leaves cauline sonchus sonchus arvensis sonchus asper sonchus oleraceus sophia sorbus sorbus scopulina sorghum sorghum halepense sparganiaceae sparganium sparganium angustifolium sparganium emersum sparganium eurycarpum sparsiflora sparsiflorum spartina spartina gracilis spathulata speciosa speciosus spectabilis spergularia spergularia marina spergularia media spergularia caryophyllaceae spergularia rubra sphaeralcea sphaeralcea coccinea sphaeralceagrossular sphaeromeria sphaeromeria diversifolia sphaeromeria asteraceae sphondylium spicata spicatum spinosa spiny spiny/prickly spiny/prickly spiny/prickly leaves spiranthes spiranthes cernua spiranthes romanzoffiana spirodela spirodela polyrhiza spore-bearingC spore-bearing plantsC sporobolus sporobolus airoides sporobolus cryptandrus squarrosa ssenecio stachys stachys palustris staminate stansburii stauropetala stellaria stellaria calycantha stellaria jamesiana stellaria longipes stellaria media stellaria nitens stellaria obtusa stellaria umbellata stellata leaves claytonia leaves montia stems stems erect portulacaceae stems prostrate portulaca stenoloba sterilis stipa stipa columbiana stipa comata stipa lettermanii stipa viridula stipata stipitate stipules stipules lacking stipules present stolonifera straminiformis streptanthifolius streptanthus streptanthus cordatus streptopus streptopus amplexifolius striata stricta strumarium suaeda suaeda calceoliformis suaeda occidentalis suaeda torreyana suave suaveolens subglabrous subshrubs subulata succulent suksdorfii sulphurea swertia swertia gentianaceae swertia perennis swertia radiata sylvestris symmetrical symphoricarpos symphoricarpos caprifoliaceae symphoricarpos oreophilus synthyris synthyris scrophulariaceae synthyris pinnatifida syriacum syzigachne szowitsianum tamaricaceae tamarix tamarix ramosissima tamarix tetrandra tap-rooted tap-rooted annuals taraxacum taraxacum officinale tatarica tectorum tendrils tenella tenellum tenellus tenerrima terminal terminal leaflet terrestrialF terrestrial plants^ terrestris terristris tessellata testiculatus tetradymia tetradymia canescens tetradymia asteraceae tetradymia spinosa tetradymia spinosa asteraceae tetramera tetrandra thaliana thalictrum thalictrum fendleri thalictrum sparsiflorum thapsus thelypodium thelypodium sagittatum thlaspi thlaspi arvense thlaspi montanum threadlike three thurberiana tilingii tinctoria tinctorum tolmiei tomentosa toothedt torreyana torreyi townsendia townsendia montana trachycarpum trachycaulum tragopogon tragopogon dubius tragopogon porrifolius tragopogon pratensis shrub tremuloides triacanthos triangularis tribulus tribulus terrestris tribulus terristris trichomanes tricolor tridentata trifida trifidum triflorum trifolium trifolium fragiferum trifolium hybridum trifolium pratense trifolium repens trifolium variegatum trifolium wormskjoldii triglochin triglochin maritima triglochin palustris trilobata trionum triphylla trisetum trisetum canescens trisetum spicatum trisetum wolfii trisulca triteleia triteleia grandiflora triternatum triticeum triticoldes triticum triticum aestivum trivialis truxillensis tweedyi typha typha domingensis typha latifolia typhaceae ulmaceae ulmus ulmus pumila umbellata umbellatum umbrinella unalascensis undulatum uniflora unispicata upper upper leaves glabrous urbanum ursinus urtica urtica dioica urtica urticaceae urticaceae urticifolia utahensis uva-ursi vaccaria vaccaria pyramidata vaccinium vaccinium cespitosum vaccinium cespitosum vaccinium ericaceae vaccinium scoparium valeriana valeriana acutiloba valeriana edulis valeriana occidentalis valeriana valerianaceae valerianaceae vallicola variegatum various vegetative velutinus venenosus venosus veratrum veratrum californicum verbascum verbascum blattaria verbascum thapsus verbascum virgatum verbena verbena bracteata verbena hastata verbenaceae vermiculatus verna veronica veronica americana veronica anagallis-aquatica veronica arvensis veronica biloba veronica catenata veronica hederifolia veronica scrophulariaceae veronica scrophulariaceae veronica peregrina veronica persica veronica serpyllifolia veronica wormskjoldii verrucosum verticillata vesca vestita vicia vicia americana vicia villosa viguiera viguiera ciliata viguiera multiflora villosa vinca vinca major vinca minor vinca apocynaceae vinelike viola viola adunca viola beckwithii viola beckwithii violaceae viola canadensis viola nephrophylla viola nuttallii viola odorata viola palustris viola purpurea viola tricolor violaceae virgatum virginiana virginicum viride viridis viridula viscaceae viscida viscidiflorus viscosissimum viscosum vitaceae viviparum vulgare vulgaris watsonii wheeleri whippleanus whorledH wolffia wolffia punctata wolfii woodsia woodsia oregana woodsia scopulina woodsii woodyb woody dicots woody dicots woody-based woody-based perennials woolly wormskjoldii wrightii wyethia wyethia amplexicaulis agrohordeum agrositanion elysitanion xanthifolia xanthium xanthium strumarium xanthocephalum xanthocephalum asteraceae xanthocephalum sarothrae zannichellia zannichellia palustris zannichelliaceae zigadenus zigadenus elegans zigadenus paniculatus zigadenus venenosus zygophyllaceae series 15-30 series leaflets 3-leaflets 4-many 4-many leaflets leaflets aquatic plantse bisexual rayflowers abies abronia aceraceae achillea aconitum actaea adiantum adonis aegilops agastache agoseris agrohordeum agropyron agrositanion agrositanion agrostis aizoaceae alisma alismataceae allenrolfea allium alnus alopecurus alternate althaea alyssum amaranthaceae amaranthus ambrosia amelanchier amsinckia anagallis anaphalis anchusa androsace anemone angelica angiosperms annuals antennaria anthemis apera apiaceae apiculate apocynaceae apocynum aquaticH aquatic seed-bearingm aquatic spore-bearingk aquaticsJ aquatics complex leaves{ aquatics entires aquatics non-whorled aquatics simple leavesq aquatics whorledJ aquilegia arabidopsis arabis arceuthobium arctium arctostaphylos arctostaphylos ericaceae arenaria argemone argophyllus aristida arnica arrhenatherum artemisia asclepiadaceae asclepias asparagus asperugo aspidotis asplenium aster asteraceae asteraceae group asteraceae group asteraceae group asteraceae group asteraceae groups asteraceae groups astragalus astragalus argophyllus athyrium atriplex avena azolla balsamorhiza banner banner banner 15-30 barbarea basal bassia bellis below below mid-montane berberidaceae berberis berula betula betulaceae bidens bisexual boisduvalia boraginaceae borago botrychium bracts branches branches brassica brassicaceae brassicaceae brassicaceae flowers brickellia bromus bromus cactaceae cacti calamagrostis callitrichaceae callitriche calochortus caltha calystegia camassia camelina camissonia campanula campanulaceae cannabaceae cannabis capparaceae caprifoliaceae capsella cardamine cardaria carduus carex carex carex group carex group carex group carex group carex group carex group carex groups carexx carexx group carum caryophyllaceae caryophyllaceae castilleja catabrosa catkins cauline ccarex ccarex groups ceanothus celastraceae celtis celtis ulmaceae cenchrus centaurea centaurium cerastium ceratophyllaceae ceratophyllum cercocarpus chaenactis chamomilla cheilanthes chenopodiaceae chenopodium chimaphila chloris chlorocrambe chorispora chrysanthemum chrysothamnus cichorium cicuta cinna circaea cirsium clarkia claytonia clematis cleome collinsia collomia comandra complex{ compound caryophyllaceae compound described@ dicots dryopteris entire@ flaccid fruits gilia group herbaceous herbaceous dicots juncus@ leaves entirely basal@ lithospermum@ monardella@ phlox@ physalis aceae ranunculus rosaceae santalaceae@ solanum tap-rooted annuals@ veronica woody xanthium@ asteraceae brassicaceae caryophyllaceae cyperaceae grosulariaceae malvaceae poaceae ranunculaceae salicaceae tamaricaceae@ amaranthus@ astragalus carex cleome draba fumaria@ iliamna@ lomatium opuntia polemonium@ ribes senecio@ tetradymia@ compound compound leaves conium conringia convolvulaceae convolvulus conyza corallorhiza cordylanthus corispermum cornaceae cornus corolla corolla corydalis cowania crassulaceae crataegus crepis cressa cryptantha cryptogramma cucurbitaceae cupressaceae cuscuta cuscutaceae cymopterus cynodon cynoglossum cyperaceae cyperus cypripedium cypripediuma cystopteris dactylis dactyloctenium danthonia datura daucus delphinium deschampsia described descurainia dicentra dicots dicots dicots dicotyledons digitaria diplotaxis dipsacaceae dipsacus flowers disporum dissected} distichlis diverse dodecatheon downingia draba dryopteris echinochloa echinocystis elaeagnaceae elaeagnus eleocharis eleusine elevation elodea elymus elysitanion elysitanion entires entirely epilobium epipactis equisetaceae equisetum eragrostis erect ericaceae erigeron erigeronn eriogonum erodium erysimum erythronium euclidium eupatorium euphorbia euphorbiaceae eurotia fabaceae fabaceae vitaceae fagaceae ferns festuca flaccid flaccid floerkea flowering flowers fragaria fritillaria fruiting fruits fruits fumaria fumariaceae further galium gaura gayophytum gentiana gentianaceae gentianella geraniaceae geranium gilia glabrous glandular glaux glechoma glyceria glycyrrhiza gnaphalium goodyera greenZ green angiospermsZ green angiosperms grindelia grossulariaceae groupd group group group aquatic plantsd group monocotyledons group group herbaceous dicots group group woody dicots groups^ gymnosperms habenaria hackelia hairy halogeton haplopappus haplopappus leaves entire hedysarum helenium helianthella helianthus heliotropium heracleum herbaceous herbaceous herbaceous herbaceous dicots herbaceous dicots herbage herbage subglabrous herbs hesperis heterotheca heuchera hibiscus hieracium hippuridaceae hippuris holcus holodiscus holosteum hordeum humulus hutchinsia hydrocharitaceae hydrophyllaceae hydrophyllum hymenoxys hypericaceae hypericum iliamna involucral involucral bracts iridaceae isatis isoetaceae isoetes ivesia jamesia juncaceae juncaginaceae juncus juniperus kalmia kalmia ericaceae kochia koeleria lacking lactuca lamiaceae lamium lappula lapsana larix lathyrus layia leaflet leaflets leavesq leaves leaves leaves basal leaves alternate leaves cauline leaves dissected} leaves entirew leaves entirely basal leaves flaccid leaves glabrous leaves minutely toothedu leaves palmate leaves spiny leaves oblique leaves opposite leaves pinnately compound leaves pinnately leaves prickly leaves simple leaves symmetrical leaves threadlike ledum leersia legume legume glabrous legume sessile legume stipitate lemna lemnaceae leonurus lepidium leptochloa leptodactylon lesquerella leucelene leucopoa lewisia ligusticum liliaceae limnanthaceae limosella linanthus linaria linum listera lithophragma lithospermum lloydia loasaceae lobularia lolium lomatium lonicera low-middle low-middle elevation lunaria lupinus luzula lychnis lycium lycopus lygodesmia lysimachia lythraceae lythrum machaeranthera madia maing aquaticsg aquatics major^ major groups malcolmia malus malva malvaceae marrubium marsilea marsileaceae matricaria medicago melica melilotus mentha mentzelia mertensia microseris microsteris mid-montane mimulus minutelyu mirabilis mitella moldavica monardella moneses monocotyledons monoecious monolepis montia muhlenbergia myosurus myriophyllum myrsinites najadaceae najas nasturtium nemophila nepeta nicotiana prickles tendrils terminal leaflet non-flowering non-whorled apiculate cacti myrsinites further described glandular succulent vinelike nyctaginaceae oblique oenothera onagraceae onopordum ophioglossaceae opposite opuntia orchidaceae orobanchaceae orobanche orogenia orthocarpus oryzopsis osmorhiza otherF other 3-leaflets other parasitesX other spore-bearingF oxalidaceae oxalis oxyria oxytropis pachistima palmate panicum papaveraceae papilionaceous pappus pappus present pappus smooth parasitesX parasiticV parasitic angiospermsV parietaria parnassia parthenocissus pastinaca pedicularis pellaea penstemon perennial perennials perideridia perityle petals petals lacking petals present portulacaceae petradoria petrophytum phacelia phalaris phleum phlox phoradendron phragmites physalis physaria physocarpus picea pinaceae pinnate pinnately pinus pistil pistil pistillate plagiobothrys plantago plants plectritis poaceae poaceae poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae-key poaceae-key groups polanisia polemoniaceae polemonium polygon polygonaceae polygonum polygonum polygonaceae polypodiaceae polypodiaceae polypodium polypogon polystichum populus portulaca portulacaceae potamogeton potamogeton polygon potamogetonaceae potentilla present prickles prickly primula primulaceae prunella prunus pseudotsuga psilocarphus psoralea pteridium puccinellia purshia pyrola pyrolaceae quercus ranunculaceae ranunculus ranunculus raphanus rayflowers rhamnaceae rhamnus ribes ribes flowering ribes fruiting ribes ribes non-flowering ribes grossulariaceae ribes three ribes vegetative rorippa rosaceae rosaceae rubia rubiaceae rubus rudbeckia rumex ruppia ruppiaceae sagina sagittaria salicaceae salicornia salix salix pistillate catkins salix staminate catkins salix vegetative salix salix salicaceae salsola salvia salviniaceae sambucus sanguisorba santalaceae saponaria sarcobatus saxifraga saxifragaceae scirpus sclerochloa scrophularia scrophulariaceae secale sedum seed-bearingP seed-bearing plantsP seedlessH seedless aquaticH seedless terrestrialL selaginella selaginellaceae senecio series sessile sesuvium setaria shepherdia shrub sibbaldia sidalcea silene simpleq simple leaves sisymbrium sisyrinchium sitanion smelowskia smilacina smooth solanaceae solanum solanum solidago leaves cauline sonchus sorbus sorghum sparganiaceae sparganium spartina spergularia sphaeralcea sphaeromeria spiny spiny/prickly spiny/prickly leaves spiranthes spirodela spore-bearingD spore-bearing plantsD sporobolus stachys staminate stellaria stems stems erect portulacaceae stipa stipitate stipules stipules lacking stipules present streptanthus streptopus suaeda subglabrous succulent swertia symmetrical symphoricarpos synthyris tamaricaceae tamarix tap-rooted tap-rooted annuals taraxacum tendrils terminal terminal leaflet terrestrialL terrestrial plants` tetradymia thalictrum thelypodium thlaspi threadlike three toothedu townsendia tragopogon shrub tribulus trifolium triglochin trisetum triteleia triticum typha typhaceae ulmaceae ulmus upper upper leaves glabrous urtica urticaceae vaccaria vaccinium valeriana valerianaceae various vascularB vascular plantsB vegetative veratrum verbascum verbena verbenaceae veronica veronica vicia viguiera vinca vinca apocynaceae vinelike viola viscaceae vitaceae whorledJ wolffia woodsia woody woody woody dicots woody-based woody-based perennials wyethia agrohordeum xanthium xanthocephalum zannichellia zannichelliaceae zigadenus zygophyllaceae aceraceae aizoaceae alismataceae amaranthaceae anacardiaceae apiaceae apocynaceae asclepiadaceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae berberidaceae betulaceae boraginaceae brassicaceae brassicaceae cactaceae callitrichaceae campanulaceae cannabaceae capparaceae caprifoliaceae caryophyllaceae caryophyllaceae celastraceae ceratophyllaceae chenopodiaceae convolvulaceae cornaceae crassulaceae cucurbitaceae cupressaceae cuscutaceae cyperaceae cyperaceae dipsacaceae elaeagnaceae equisetaceae ericaceae euphorbiaceae fabaceae fagaceae fumariaceae gentianaceae geraniaceae grossulariaceae grosulariaceae grosulariaceae haloragaceae hippocastanaceae hippuridaceae hydrocharitaceae hydrophyllaceae hypericaceae iridaceae isoetaceae juncaceae juncaginaceae lamiaceae lemnaceae lepidium liliaceae limnanthaceae linaceae loasaceae lythraceae malvaceae malvaceae marsileaceae najadaceae nyctaginaceae onagraceae ophioglossaceae orchidaceae orobanchaceae oxalidaceae papaveraceae pinaceae plantaginaceae poaceae poaceae poaceae polemoniaceae polygonaceae polypodiaceae portulacaceae potamogetonaceae primulaceae pyrolaceae ranunculaceae ranunculaceae rhamnaceae rosaceae rubiaceae ruppiaceae salicaceae salicaceae salviniaceae santalaceae saxifragaceae scrophulariaceae selaginellaceae simaroubaceae solanaceae sparganiaceae tamaricaceae typhaceae ulmaceae urticaceae valerianaceae verbenaceae violaceae viscaceae vitaceae zannichelliaceae zygophyllaceae abies abronia achillea aconitum actaea adiantum adonis aegilops aesculus agastache agoseris agrohordeum agrohordeum agropyron agrositanion agrostis ailanthus alisma allenrolfea allium alnus alopecurus althaea alyssum amaranthus ambrosia amelanchier amsinckia anagallis anaphalis anchusa androsace anemone angelica antennaria anthemis apera apocynum aquilegia arabidopsis arabis arceuthobium arctium arctostaphylos arenaria argemone aristida arnica arrhenatherum artemisia asclepias asparagus asperugo aspidotis asplenium aster astragalus astragalus athyrium atriplex avena azolla balsamorhiza barbarea bassia beckmannia bellis berberis berula betula bidens boisduvalia borago botrychium brassica brickellia bromus calamagrostis callitriche calochortus caltha calystegia camassia camelina camissonia campanula cannabis capsella caragana cardamine cardaria carduus carex carex carum castilleja catabrosa ceanothus celtis cenchrus centaurea centaurium cerastium ceratophyllum cercocarpus chaenactis chamomilla cheilanthes chenopodium chimaphila chloris chlorocrambe chorispora chrysanthemum chrysothamnus cichorium cicuta cinna circaea cirsium clarkia claytonia clematis cleome cleome collinsia collomia comandra conium conringia convolvulus conyza corallorhiza cordylanthus corispermum cornus corydalis cowania crataegus crepis cressa cryptantha cryptogramma cuscuta cymopterus cynodon cynoglossum cyperus cypripedium cystopteris dactylis dactyloctenium danthonia datura daucus delphinium deschampsia descurainia dicentra digitaria diplotaxis dipsacus disporum distichlis dodecatheon downingia draba draba dryopteris echinochloa echinocystis elaeagnus eleocharis eleusine elodea elymus elysitanion elysitanion epilobium epipactis equisetum eragrostis erigeron eriogonum erodium erysimum erythronium euclidium eupatorium euphorbia eurotia festuca floerkea fragaria fritillaria fumaria galium gaura gayophytum gentiana gentianella geranium gilia glaux glechoma gleditsia glyceria glycyrrhiza gnaphalium goodyera grindelia habenaria hackelia halogeton haplopappus hedysarum helenium helianthella helianthus heliotropium heracleum hesperis heterotheca heuchera hibiscus hieracium hippuris holcus holodiscus holosteum hordeum humulus hutchinsia hydrophyllum hymenoxys hypericum iliamna isatis isoetes ivesia jamesia juncus juniperus kalmia kochia koeleria lactuca lamium lappula lapsana larix lathyrus layia ledum leersia lemna leonurus lepidium leptochloa leptodactylon lesquerella leucelene leucopoa lewisia ligusticum limosella linanthus linaria linum listera lithophragma lithospermum lloydia lobularia lolium lomatium lomatium lonicera lunaria lupinus luzula lychnis lycium lycopus lygodesmia lysimachia lythrum machaeranthera madia malcolmia malus malva marrubium marsilea matricaria medicago melica melilotus mentha mentzelia mertensia microseris microsteris mimulus mirabilis mitella moldavica monardella moneses monolepis montia muhlenbergia myosurus myriophyllum najas nasturtium navarretia nemophila nepeta nicotiana oenothera onopordum opuntia opuntia orobanche orogenia orthocarpus oryzopsis osmorhiza oxalis oxyria oxytropis pachistima panicum parietaria parieteria parnassia parthenocissus pastinaca pedicularis pellaea penstemon perideridia perityle petradoria petrophytum phacelia phalaris phleum phlox phoradendron phragmites physalis physaria physocarpus picea pinus plagiobothrys plantago plectritis polanisia polemonium polygonum polypodium polypogon polystichum populus portulaca potamogeton potentilla primula prunella prunus pseudotsuga pseutsuga psilocarphus psoralea pteridium puccinellia purshia pyrola quercus ranunculus raphanus rhamnus ribes ribes robinia rorippa rubia rubus rudbeckia rumex ruppia sagina sagittaria salicornia salix salsola salvia sambucus sanguisorba saponaria sarcobatus saxifraga scirpus sclerochloa scrophularia secale sedum selaginella senecio sesuvium setaria shepherdia sibbaldia sidalcea silene sisymbrium sisyrinchium sitanion smelowskia smilacina solanum solidago sonchus sorbus sorghum sparganium spartina spergularia sphaeralcea sphaeromeria spiranthes spirodela sporobolus stachys stellaria stipa streptanthus streptopus suaeda swertia symphoricarpos synthyris tamarix taraxacum tetradymia thalictrum theiypodium thelypodium thlaspi townsendia tragopogon tribulus trifolium triglochin trisetum triteleia triticum typha ulmus urtica vaccaria vaccinium valeriana veratrum verbascum verbena veronica vicia viguiera vinca viola wolffia woodsia wyethia agrohordeum agrositanion elysitanion xanthium xanthocephalum zannichellia zigadenus 13-30@ 2-5-rayed@ 20-30 5-15@ about above achene achenes globose headlike cluster leaves them@ acute along annual annual valleys midmontane fruiting pedicels anthers apocynaceae@ appearing appressed-ascending@ around ash-gray@ basal 0.1-0.8 0.1-1 0.1-2 0.1-60 0.2-0.4 0.2-0.5 0.2-0.8 0.2-5 0.3-0.7 0.3-1 0.3-1.5 0.3-2 0.3-3 0.4-1 0.4-3 0.5-0.8 0.5-1 0.5-1.2e 0.5-1.5 0.5-10 0.5-12 0.5-2 0.5-2.5 0.5-3 0.5-4 0.5-5 0.5-9 0.6-0.8 0.6-1.1 0.6-1.3 0.6-2.4 0.7-1.1 0.7-1.3 0.7-1.7 0.7-2.6 0.7-3.5 0.8-1.5x 0.8-1.7 0.8-2 0.8-2.5 0.8-3 0.9-1.4 1-0.5 1-1.3 1-1.4 1-1.5 1-1.6 1-1.8 1-2.5 1-3-nerved 1-3.5 1-4.5 1-5-seeded 1-7-nerved 1-7.5 1-chambered 1-few 1-flowered 1-many 1-nerved 1-seeded 1-severald 1-several-seeded 1-sided 1.2-1.8 1.2-2 1.2-2.4 1.3-1.8 1.3-2.3 1.3-4 1.4-13 1.4-2 1.5-10 1.5-13 1.5-2 1.5-2.5 1.5-3 1.5-3.5 1.5-4 1.5-4.5 1.5-5 1.5-6 1.5-8 1.6-2 1.7-3 1.8-2.4 1.8-3.5 10-14 10-15 10-16 10-18 10-20 10-21 10-24 10-25 10-30 10-40 10-50 10-flowered 10-many 10-numerous 11-28 12-15 12-20 12-24 13-21 13-30 14-20 15-20 15-25 15-30 15-34 15-35 15-40 1acking 1obes 2-12d 2-2.5 2-2.7 2-3.5 2-3.8 2-4-flowered 2-4-rayed 2-4-toothed 2-4-valved 2-4.5 2-5-parted 2-5-rayed 2-5.2 2-6.5 2-awned 2-branched 2-edged 2-flowered 2-lipped 2-lobed 2-many-branched 2-many-seeded 2-nerved 2-numerous 2-seeded 2-seriate 2-several 2-styled 2-times 2-valved 2.2-3 2.2-5 2.3-3.5 2.5-10 2.5-3 2.5-3.8 2.5-4 2.5-5 2.5-6 2.5-8 20-30 20-40 20-nerved 25-35 3-4.5 3-5-lobed 3-5-nerved 3-5-rayed 3-5-seeded 3-5.2 3-5.5 3-7-lobed 3-7-nerved 3-8.5 3-angled 3-branched 3-cleft 3-lobed 3-many 3-nerved 3-numerous 3-ranked 3-valved 3-veined 3.5-12 3.5-6 4-12-flowered 4-12-nerved 4-5.4 4-6.5 4-7.5 4-angledG 4-celled 4-grooved 4-lobed 4-merous 4-rayed 4-winged 4.5-10 5-10-nerved 5-12-flowered 5-7-nerved 5-8-nerved 5-lobed 5-many-rayed 5-nerved 5-seeded 5.8-8 6-15-flowered 6-16t 6-34-seeded 6-numerous 7-11-nerved 7-15-nerved 8asal 8asal leaves densely white-hairy least beneath hairs 9-17-lobed abortion about about above] abruptly absent abundantly accordingly accrescent acheneo achene achene 2.5-4 style achene achene achene 5-8-nerved leaves typically twisted achene flattened subterete typically toothed along achene distinct longitudinal connected numerous achene stylar persisting triangular-conic achenelike achenes| achenes beakless involucres bell-shaped flowering achenes dorsiventrally compressed ventral achenes glabrous margins inflated stems nearly always achenes globose headlike cluster leaves achenes nearly filling perigynium 1.4-2 achenes spiny globose cluster annual 1.5-6 achenes spiny annual valleys foothills mostly achenes spiny hairy cluster annual mostly achenes usually greenish black distinctly tapered achenes round oblong resin glands achenes prominent irregularly toothed achenes dorsal margins inflated leaves cauline achenes prominent smooth leaves stem-clas acorn across actually acute acute Wtish adherent adjacento aerial after again aggregated agrostis aligned alkaline alluvial almost alongC along alpine alpine subalpine plants simple much-branched alternate alternating always_ ambrosia anchoredI androgynous angledZ angles annua annual annual annual corolla gibbous central annual corolla white cream usually purple-t annual evidently restricted saline alkaline soils annual taproot leaves below inflorescence distinc annual hairs involucre purple crosswalls annual leaves fleshy pubescent annual legume obliquely curved-ellipsoid inflated annual disturbed sites valleys lacking short annual sites petals white lavender leaves annual valleys annual valleys midmontane fruiting pedicels annual often mat-forming 0.3-2 panicle pyramidal annual rarely leaves entirely basal annual stems solitary often branched annual typically gray-hairy style obsolete annual erect threadlike leafy lower annuals annuals slender taproots immature fruit strongly compre annuals leaves linear linear-oblanceolate annuals moist shaded sites annuals meadows valleys floral bracts typicall annulusM antennaria anterior anther anther glabrous anther opening across staminode glabrous anthers anthers anthers 1-1.6 maturity palea least anthers rachis internodes middle anthers lemmas mostly least anthers least opening terminal subter anthers awned opening apical pores anthers coiled after shedding pollen anthers connivent around style anthers typically lemmas 2.2-5 anthers reflexed awnlike appendages leaves leathery apart apetalousU apexM apical apically apicuiate apiculate apiculate-tipped apparently appearance appearing 3728B Herbaceous DICOTS A Hypericum 3728H 3729I 3729J 3728N 3729O Hypericum formosum Hypericum formosum around arrangedC arrowhead-shaped ascending ascending-spreading asclepiadaceae Erodium cicutarium 1201G 3727H 3727I 3727J 3727N 3728O Show Description & Photos Erodium cicutarium Erodium GERANIACEAE[ Erodium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. attached attachment aurea 3681D Basal leaves often persistent; stem leaves mostly oblonceolate, entire, not prolonged as wings along the stem; rays to 2.5 cm long, spreading; achene about 3 mm long. Helenium hoopesii 3679G 3680H 3681I 3681J 3681N 3681O Show Description & Photos present least first second florets stout axillary axils axisC backs backtrack backtrack backtrack backtrack backtrack backtrack backtrack backtrack balloonlike balsamifera banded bands banks banner banner entirely glabrous hairs banner hairy about two-thirds banner barbed barely twigs neither ridged winged basaln basal basal blades mostly broadly arrowhead-shaped gray-green basal blades entire toothed teeth basal leaves flowers yellow involucel basal leaves pinnatifid blades least twice basal leaves appearing whorled basal leaves arrowhead-shaped entire nearly gray-green basal leaves least flowering basal leaves persistent rosette involucre basal leaves persistent rosette nutlets shape basal leaves distinctly lobed basal leaves distinctly longer basal leaves pinnate leaflets cleft basal leaves pinnate leaflets dissected linear basal leaves ternately divided basal leaves usually erect strongly basal leaves withered flowering leaves mostly lanceo basal leaxes ternately lobed plants alpine subalpine basal lower leaves about wider basal lower leaves entire toothed shallow basal leaves pinnately ternately lobed dissect basallyB baseF basal leaves usually erect strongly conspicuous dorsal suture prolonged below bent@ berry bicolored bloom bluish-black@ bract subtending lowest spike margins fused bracts branches bristle@ brown calyx lobes typically acute calyx reduced minute teeth capsule carpels catkins terminating short leafy branchlets capsule stip@ chiefly click closely coarse compound conspicuously continue continue corolla corolla flowers headlike clusters rarely perianth enveloped bractlets these based basesF beaded beakx conspicuous dorsal suture prolonged stylar column inflorescence loose beaked beakless beaklike beaks bearded bearing bearinq because becoming before behind bell-shaped bellshaped below below below below below below below below beneath berries berries maturity purple black leaves often berries black nearly sessile rounded shiny berries red-purple black berries glabrous berries twigs green yellow-green leaves generally berryU black-tinged black-tipped blackish_ blackish-green bladdery bladeM bladeless bladelike blades_ bloom blue-black blue-green blue-purple blue-violet bluish bluish-black bluish-green bluish-white blunt blunt-toothed borneB basal leaves regularly lobed bottoms bowl-shaped brackisho bract bract subtending lowest spike membranous sheathing bract subtending lowest spike margins fused bracteate bractlet bractlets bractlets fused closely subtending calyx bractlike bracts_ bracts bracts spiny-toothed bracts acute 3-lobed toothed rarely entire bracts membranous greenish white often tinged bracts narrowly long-tapered membranous often bracts inflorescence longer calyx stems bracts yellow plants usually below alpine bracts subtending umbel times branchf branch becoming rigid spinelike fruiting bracts branchedG branchesB branches branches armed prickles sometimes bristles leaves branches becoming spinose branches nearly white mostly spine-tipped plants monoeci branches opposite annual perennial herbs branches spiny flowering heads solitary axillary peduncle branches bristles straight mostly terete prick branching branchlets branchlets armed branchlets armed glands berries usually purple branchlets armed leaves densely pubescent surfaces brancted breaking bright brighter brightly bristle bristle-tipped bristlelikep bristles bristles retrorsely barbed mostly bristly[ bristly-hairy brittle broad[ broadened broader broadest broadly broken ze-tipped brown_ brown brown-dotted brown-hairy brown-purple brown-scurfy brown-woolly brownish brownish-green brush budsd bulblets bulbous bulbous-based bulbs bulbs generally tightly clusterd short burlike buttonlike callitriche callus calluses calyx calyx lobes typically acute calyx leave mostly longer internod calyx becoming papery inflated dark-nerved petals calyx consisting solitary bractlike segment partially calyx conspicuously pubescent hairs often reddish calyx distinctly 2-lipped irregularly lobed calyx glabrous loosely enclosing immature fruit calyx glabrous minute straight black hairs calyx glabrous greatly inflated fruiting calyx lobes broadly rounded corolla scales about calyx lobes least flowers calyx conspicuously colored floral bracts calyx enlarged strongly veined fruit calyx prominently l5-nerved glandular pubescent calyx reduced inconspicuous fruit winged evidently naked calyx reduced minute teeth calyx teeth developed triangular 0.4-1 calyx including teeth calyx pubescence entirely black hairs calyx essentially uniform texture often expanded calyx glabrous hairy often calyx small obsolete calyx winged strongly keeled along nerves fruiting calyx sharp-pointed strongly recurved teeth calyx lowermost tooth longer corolla cannot canyon capsular capsuleT capsule capsule longer mostly 1-seeded calyx distinctly capsule stipe leaves mostly loosely woolly-hairy capsule stipe 1-2.5 catkins matur capsule stipes leaves often least times capsule stipes leaves subtending catkins entire capsule thickened distinctly raised margin around capsules capsules glabrous catkin rachis usually obscured capsules glabrous catkin rachis usually obscured capsules hairy catkins leaves entire capsules narrowly cylindric often curved opening teeth capsules opening teeth sepals narrowly membranous-mar capsules typically distinctly tapered carex carpel carpels carpels caryopsis catkin catkin rachis pubescent crinkled wool-like hairs catkin scales brown black catkin scales long-hairy sides catkin scales yellow greenish light brown occasio catkin scales yellow light brown catkin scales yellowish green drying light catkin scales yellowish light brown catkin scales yellow drying light brown capsule stipes catkins catkins appearing before leaves sessile nearl catkins appearing before leaves catkins mostly scales deciduous catkins preceeding leaves catkins sessile nearly first leaves narrowly oblanceol catkins terminating short leafy branchlets capsule caudex caudex clothed remains petiole bases ultimate caudex slender rhizomelike branches bearing fibrous roots caudex simple forked surmounting elongate taproot cauline caution center centimeters] centralC central flower umbel typically purple certainty chaffy chainlike chamber chambered chambersi channeled chartaceous chieflyd chiefly chlorophyllQ ciliate cinnamon circumference circumscissile clasping clawed cleft click click click click click click climbing clinging close closed closely closely clothed clothing cloverlikeA club-shaped clump-forming clumps cluster clusterd clusteredM clusters| coarse coarse coarse annual ovary ovoid beaked plants coarselyo cobblestone cobwebby cobweblike coiledM collar collectively coloniald coloniese color colored colorless column column length upper sepal commissure common commonly_ compactf completely composed compoundM compound compressed concave concavities concealedf concealing coneB conelikeG cones confined confluent confused conic connected connivent considerably consisting conspicuosly conspicuous conspicuously conspicuously constricted constriction containing contiguous continuation continueO continue continue continue genus continue continue continue continue continuous contorted contracted contrast convergent convexe copious copiously copper copper-colored coppery-tinged cordate corispermum corky corky-thickened cormlikeF cornflower corolla corolla corolla corolla 1.5-3 purple-veined calyx teeth corolla 1.5-4 externally glabrous lower stems glabro corolla 10-18 flower heads plants perenn corolla 15-30 lobes mostly least corolla across nutlets marginal prickles corolla white plants corolla 4-lobed fruit glabrous hairy schizocar corolla 4-lobed purple white stamens corolla 4-merous plants alkaline saline corolla white pink-veined leaves corolla 5-lobed yellow scarlet salmon rarely white corolla flowers headlike clusters rarely corolla about longer calyx calyx corolla yellow white pinkish corolla least shallowly lobed stems twining corolla bilaterally symmetrical corolla purple rarely white corolla purple 12-20 across either corolla blue-purple 0.8-1.7 slightly corolla blue-purple corolla cleft nearly short corolla reddish-purple corolla either greenish white variously mottled corolla fringe-appendaged throat pleated below corolla fused lobes conspicuously corolla greenish-brown yellow-green upper corolla greenish-white yellow-green dotted purpl corolla lavender rose-purple throughout 2.2-3 corolla deeply lobed stems erect corolla across crest lacking corolla corolla across nutlets numerous sharp corolla occasionally individuals corolla shorter usually markedly corolla abruptly broadened toward margins corolla forming broad inflated pouch corolla spotted often toothed laterally corolla slender sometimes short tubular corolla lobes greenish cream spreading corolla lobes rarely white corolla lobes marginally fringed nectary corolla nearly radially symmetrical about green corolla violet white leaves shallowly lobed berry corolla lavender rose-purple throughout 2.2-3 corolla papilionaceous resembling sweetpea@ corolla shorter lobes@ cream cylindric degree description dipsaceae@ disarticulating distinctly disturbed@ ebracteate either enfolding@ enlarged entire equal even@ even@ lectively flowering@ flowering flowers flowers short mostly recurved pedicels closely flowers bilaterally symmetrical purple white rarely flowers raceme@ flowers mostly solitary corolla white usually flowers sessile nearly fruiting pedicels flowers unisexual plants dioecious stems corolla papilionaceous resembling sweetpea corolla papilionaceous sweetpea-like mostly 2-2.5 corolla purple corolla radially symmetrical nearly 4-lobed corolla floral 20-30 capsules sessile corolla red-purple white upper strongly hooded corolla rose-purple 3-5.5 corolla rose-purple yellow typically red-spotted corolla salverform lobes funnelform bell-sha corolla scarcely exceeding calyx corolla small membranous straw-colored 4-lobed corolla strongly 2-lipped least pistillate corolla bracts small borne above midlen corolla pedicels mostly ultimately reflexed corolla lobes entire nearly nutle corolla about equal lobes corolla exceeding calyx least fruit corolla shorter lobes corolla white mature fruit reticulate transverse corolla white radially symmetrical corolla white purple corolla white often gibbous corolla white markings rarely entirely white corolla yellow nutlets basally attached white grayish corolla yellow stems erect corolla yellow orange herbage strongly bristly-ha corolla yellow yellow-green longer corolla yellow elongate slender corollas corollas 0.6-1.1 mostly mouth corollas averaging 2-2.5 leaves midstem broadly corymbs cottonwood countieso county covered covering cream cream creek crenate crenate-serrate crest crested crevices crinkled crisp-hairy cross cross-wrinkled crosswalls crowded crown crushed cultivated cultivation cup-like cup-shaped cuplike cupped curly curvedx curved-ascending curved-ellipsoid cyathia cyathium cylinder cylindric[ cylindric cylindric-ovoid cymes cymose dark-nerved darker deciduous decumbent decumbent-spreading decumbent-stemmed decumbent-stemmed mat-forming perennial alpine decurrent deeplyp defined definite deflexed degreeegree degree Wiscence dehiscent dehiscing delicate dendritic dense densely depauperate descending describedo description description description description description description description description developed developingC diameterf dicotyledonsb didymous differentG differentiatedd differing dilated diminutive dimorphic dingy-white dioecious dioecious shrubs subshrubs woody-based perennial herbs dioecious subshrubs shrubs trees moist sites speci direction directly disarticulating 3613B Herbaceous DICOTS Parthenocissus quinquefolia 3612G 3613H 3613I 3613J 3613N 3614O Show Description & Photos Parthenocissus quinquefolia Parthenocissus VITACEAE[ Parthenocissus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1138^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Humulus lupulus 1071G 3614H 3614I disturbed ditchbanks ditches diverge divergent diverse diversely divided dolabriform dome-shaped dorsalx dorsall dorsally dorsiventrally dotted double double-toothed doubly downward dried drooping drop-shaped drupe drupelets drupelike drupes drying ducts during dying eachi flower subtended single bract scale these green involucral bract completely enfolding flower thallus single occasionally earlike early easily ebracteate edgewise eglandular eitherh either either leaves equitant elevated] elevations ellipsoid elliptic elliptic-oblong elliptic-orbicular elliptical elongate elongate-triangular elongating embeddedF emergent emergent leaves linear whorls emitting empty encircle encircled encircling enclosed encloses enclosing endingp enlarged equal equally equitant erectM erect-appressed erect-ascending erodium erose escape escaped escapin escaping especially essentiallyB euphorbiaceae evenly evergreenC 3567B Major Groups Selaginella 3567H 3568I 3568J 3567N 3568O Selaginella watsonii Selaginella watsonii Selaginella SELAGINELLACEAEZ SELAGINELLACEAE[ Selaginella\ Spore-bearing Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 3568B Major Groups Selaginella watsonii 3567G 3568H 3568I 3568J 3568N 3569O Show Description & Photos Selaginella watsonii 3560B Major Groups Isoetes bolanderi 3559G 3560H 3560I 3560J 3560N 3561O Show Description & Photos Isoetes bolanderi Isoetes ISOETACEAE[ Isoetes\ Spore-bearing] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. few-flowered few-nerved few-toothed fewer fewtoothed fibers fibrous filaments filled filling finely firstf first glume first glume widest midlength mostly 3-nerved within fitting flakes flared flat-topped flats flattened[ fleshyC fleshy-fibrous flexible flexuous floating floatinq flora1 flora1 yellow-green petals yellow fading white floral floral bracts sometimes calyx brightly colored floral bracts narrowly broadly lanceolate rarely ovate floral bracts thin-margined broadest below floral styles hairy lower anthe floral sepals collectively flowering floral narrowly cylindric bell-shaped floret floret terete ultimately hardened callus develo florets florets chiefly unisexual least functionally vestigial florets plump about times longer maturity florets unisexual pistillate florets sometimes having nonfun flower] flower clusters mostly sessile flower heads subtended involucre basally fused flower whorls axils separated length flower-bearing flowered floweringd flowering flowering flowering stems subscapose leafy densely flowering stems whorl leaflike bracts flowersA flowers flowers slender jointed peduncles arising under flowers 3-numerous sessile common receptacle flowers short mostly recurved pedicels closely flowers pedicels lower flowers flowers 1-several cuplike involucre flowers 1-several typically distributed along flowers rarely solitary pedicels about flowers pedicels about calyx flowers axillary peduncle pedicels flowers 4-merous filaments usually through flowers flowers about prominent basal leaves petals flowers bracteate flowers staminate flowers capsules sessile stems usually freely branched flowers capsules subsessile axils pedicels flowers apetalousU flowers least flowers available flowers bilaterally symmetrical flowers bilaterally symmetrical purple white rarely flowers bilaterally symmetrical lower petal differin flowers bisexual achenes style flowers violet rarely white flowers blue-purple legumes coiled spira flowers borne slender jointed pedicels flowers axillary terminal cymes petals often flowers bright yellow sometimes red-tinged petals flowers closely subtended bractlets sessile pedic flowers conspicuously elevated above involucre flowers borne short initially headlike racemes flowers dingy-white cream flowers distinctly pedicelled loose paniclelike inflore flowers ebracteate elongate spikelike raceme flowers epigynous perigynous sometimes short flowers greenish flowers greenish about outer perianth segments flowers raceme flowers axillary terminal clusters corolla greenis flowers clusters pedicels averaging about flowers compact terminal panicles flowers conspicuous terminal axillary simple compo flowers cymose clusters branches petals flowers dense leafy-bracteate headlike subspicate flowers globose subglobose heads flowers mostly simple racemes calyx subtended flowers panicles diameter flowers panicles perianth berry reddish flowers racemes panicles flowers solitary rarely globose hemispheric terminal flowers spikelike racemes erect peduncles flowers terminal umbels flowers umbellate membranous-bracteate cymes flowers lavender purple flowers lavender-blue flowers mostly bisexualt style flowers mostly bisexualt flowers mostly solitary corolla white usually flowers mostly solitary rarely axils leaves flowers mostly unisexual sessile dense globose clusters flowers nearly white lavender purplish sepals bearded flowers nodding corolla lobes strongly reflexed anthers flowers normally flowers numerous elongate racemes drupe reddish-black flowers often floating diameter flowers slender bracteate peduncles arising directly flowers blue-violet rarely white 1.5-4 flowers pedicelled calyx green corolla diversely colored flowers purplish-brown reddish-yellow stems leafy through flowers radially symmetrical white nearly flowers orange herbage densely gray-stel flowers sessile mostly solitary stems flowers sessile nearly fruiting pedicels flowers sessile subsessile calyx rarely white coroll flowers short-pedicelled flowers solitary sessile subsessile petals 10-20 flowers solitary terminal flowers solitary axils flowers solitary axils flowers solitary naked scapes clustered flowers solitary petals white leaves opposite flowers tapered stalk-like wider pedic flowers tightly clustered terminal globose heads perianth flowers diameter whitish yellow flowers about across flowers typically clustered sepals 2-3.5 flowers unisexual achenes style flowers unisexual borne globose heads staminate flowers unisexual pistillate flower enclosed flatt 3558C Leaves mostly 1.5-7 cm long, typically green throughout; herbage glabrous or pubescent with short, spreading, tapered hairs, not appearing scurfy Viola nuttallii 3556G 3557H 3558I 3558J 3558N 3558O Show Description & Photos Viola purpureapurea flowers yellow cream stigmas subglobose herbage often following@ forming fruit fruit loment constricted between seeds ultimately fruit indehiscent about covered minute hooked@ fruit somewhat flattened either strongly curved fruiting calyx somewhat fleshy mostly lobes full@ fused generally genus glabrous gland-dotted glossy glume glumes acute first mostly 1.2-2 lemmas 2-2.7 glumes least central spikelet hairy gray-hairy greenish-white growing@ oblong-cylindric 1.5-3.5 often irregular herbage herbage minutely glandular-punctate involucre resinous herbage woolly-hairy flowers rose-purple leaflets obtuse 3527C 1D}Racemes 5-7 mm wide at flowering; petals 4, white to pinkish, more than 2 mm long and widely spreading to ultimately reflexed Tamarix tetrandra 3526G 3528H 3527I 3527J 3527N 3529O Show Description & Photos Tamarix ramosissima Tamarix frosted fru1t fruitP fruit fruit 2-6.5 stipe fruit broadly elliptic suborbicular fruit chambered capsule fruit berryU fruit berry fruit capsule fruit circumscissile capsule fruit drupe fruit membranous capsule fruit gland-dotted subglobose legume fruit greenish circumscissile capsule containing shiny fruit legume fruit lenticular 3-angled achene fruit loment constricted between seeds ultimately fruit longitudinally pitted achene fruit many-seeded capsule least fruit membranous ovoid globose capsuleT fruit minutely pitted achene longs fruit mostly 1-chambered capsule fruit non-glossy subglobose flattened utricle fruit fruit white berry fruit schizocarp fruit several many-seeded capsule fruit several-seeded silique fruit silique times fruit smooth fruit spiny capsule fruit spiny schizocarp fruit subcylindric capsule fruit burlike numerous hooked prickles fruit chiefly entirely vertical flowers globose cluste fruit crisp-hairy fruit diverse structure capsular fruit globose ellipsoid times fruit indehiscent about covered minute hooked fruit minutely papillose mostly straight pedicels distinctly fruit narrowed toward stylopo fruit obovoid about minute hooked hairs fruit subglobose nutlets fruit fused ultimately 1-seeded follicles fruit 3-many follicles sepals petaloid white fruit achenes borne receptacle single fruit achenes headlike clusters| fruit follicles fruit follicles about fruit ovoid somewhat pear-shaped nutlets borne fruit strongly compressed achenes borne fruit stipe least located between fruit maturity leaflets dimorphic fruit velvety-hairy fruit separating maturity nutlets sometimes fewer fruit somewhat flattened either strongly curved fruit suborbicular broadly oblong strongly flattened fruit terete nearly 0.5-3 petals white fruit typically obovate obcordate fruit unlobed fruit whitish yellow maturity fruit conspicuous bristles fruiting fruiting bracts orbicular ovate dorsally smooth fruiting bracts variable larger fruiting bracts widest above middle wedge-shaped fruiting calyx lobes hooked spine calyx flowering fruiting calyx somewhat fleshy mostly lobes fruiting calyx thickened greatly enlarged ultimately fruiting pedicels siliques erect-appressed nearly fruiting pedicels ascending fruiting pedicels fruiting pedicels longer fruit petals mostly yellow fruiting pedicels mostly 15-40 mostly arcuate-spread fruiting pedicels mostly erect-appressed narrowly diverge fruiting pedicels pubescent throughout fruiting pedicels straight horizontally spreading capsul fruiting pedicels stout fruit fruits fruits available fully functionally funnelform furrowed furrows furthero fusedB 3524C 2D~Stigma to 1 mm long, the beak of the mature achene (including the stigma) to 2 mm long; leaves generally submerged or floating Sparganium angustifolium 3523G 3525H 3524I 3524J 3524N 3526O Show Description & Photos Sparganium emersum genus genus geyeri gibbous giving glabrate glabrous gland gland perianth segments indistinct non-thicke gland-dotted gland-dotted gland-tipped glandless glands glandular glandular-ciliate glandular-hairy glandular-punctate glandular-serrate glandular-stipitate glaucous glechoma glistening globoseT globose-ovoid glossy 3515C Stems typically woody below and vinelike (herbaceous throughout and erect in young plants), some of the leaves 3-lobed or ternate, corolla purple, berry bright red at maturity glumes acute first mostly 1.2-2 lemmas 2-2.7 glumes lemmas divided glumes lemmas keeled moder glumes lemmas minutely scabrous least upper glumes lemmas obtuse spikelets often subsess glumes lemmas unawned glumes least longer equal longer glumes least longer equal longer glumes awnlike throughout progressively tapered glumes broadest above midlength abruptly acute glumes distinctly awned glumes hairy lemma awned middle glumes lacking spikelets 1-flowered lemmas subelliptic glumes mostly nearly elliptical abruptly tapered glumes least spikelets broaden glumes least central spikelet hairy glumes lemmas distinctly awned glumes lemmas strongly compressed ciliate glumes semicircular somewhat inflated panic 0.7-3.5 glumes semicircular outline spikes often glumes subulate narrowly lanceolate elliptic lemma glumes arising between short glumes ultimately recurved glutinous golden-brown gooseberries gradually grainlike grainlike swellings typically forming inner sepals gramineum grass grasslikeA gravelly gray-brown gray-green gray-hairy gray-hairy gray-pubescent gray-scurfy gray-stellate gray-woolly grayish greatlyG greenQ green-margined green-tipped greenish greenish-black greenish-brown greenish-chartaceous greenish-lavender greenish-tan greenish-white greenish-white greenish-yellow grooved grooves ground group group group heads entirely flowers obscure group heads flowers yellow group heads flowers groups growth gynobase habit habit usually vinelike habitat habitats hairlike hairs hairs hairs involucre purple crosswalls hairs minute those blades mostly incurved those hairs involucre crinkled hairs midstem spreading curved downward hairyJ 3504C Fruiting pedicels 3-15 mm long, straight and ascending to recurved; capsule either about as broad as high or notched to the middle or beyond; corolla diverse (Veronica) 3500G 3503H 3505I 3506J 3504N having headlike| heads heads branched inflorescence involucre essentially heads entirely bisexual flowers anthers forming heads entirely flowers corolla present heads hemispheric involucral bracts abruptly acute obtuse heads terminal rounded flat-topped clusters plants heads nodding solitary rarely reduced latera heads oblong-cylindric 1.5-3.5 often irregular heads sessile nearly stems frequently thick succul heads solitary terminal stems branches involucre heads solitary pistillate narrower about heads subsessile scapes rarely heart-shaped height heliotropium helmet-shaped hemispheric herbaceousa herbageQ herbage herbage conspicuously gray-woolly throughout wings herbage conspicuously hairy stipitate-glandular throughou herbage conspicuously stipitate-glandular throughout petals herbage densely covered stiff minutely many-barbed herbage densely pubescent throughout sessile 5-many-ray herbage densely pubescent throughout sessile many-rayed herbage densely pubescent simple branched herbage glabrous sparsely pubescent herbage gland-dotted glandular-punctate sometimes minutel herbage glandular-hairy throughout corolla herbage glandular-hairy throughout petals white notched herbage glaucous anthers 1.2-2.4 herbage hairy throughout irregularly aligned hairs herbage hairy degree least herbage minutely glandular-punctate involucre resinous herbage pubescent throughout hairs stipitate herbage pubescent throughout mostly dolabriform hairs herbage pubescent dolabriform hairs these appressed herbage silky-woolly throughout floral bracts narrow herbage sparsely pubescent throughout minute stiff herbage sparsely densely crisp-hairy throughout herbage spiny throughout herbage spiny-prickly throughout herbage stiff-hairy capsules smoothe nearly about herbage strongly aromatic lower surfaces sessile herbage strongly aromatic lower surfaces bearing herbage typically glandular-hairy throughout stamens herbage reddish-brown white minutely herbage branched hairs least below herbage woolly closely gray-hairy least lower herbage woolly-hairy flowers rose-purple leaflets obtuse herbage woolly-hairy larger basal leaves herbage woolly-hairy degree herbaqe herbaqe scurfy least leaves calyx lobes herbs hidden higher hollowB hollow-stemmedA honey hooded hoodii hoodlike hoods hooked horizontal horizontally horns horny-tipped horse-chestnut horseshoe hortensis hostT hroken hybrid identifiable included inflorescence inflorescence panicle branches inner involucral bracts averaging least sharp@ involucral bracts equal twigs loosely woolly herbage@ involucral bracts conspicuous involucre 15-20 yellow yellow-green involucre pinnately divided rarely entire bracts@ keyed lacking lateral blades often about ultimate segment@ sheaths turning ash-gray black-banded above below@ leaflets mostly lanceolate long-tapered least ihroughout ill-defined illota imbricate immature immature fruit notched immature fruit obovate triangular becoming nearly immediately imparting imperceptible species branches leaves involucres spiny incised included includesA including incompletely inconspicuous[ inconspicuously inconspicuously incurved indehiscent indistinct individual individual spikes few-flowered perigynia mostly individual spikes shorter individually individuals indumentum indusium indusium actually evidently lacking indusium attached around margins splitting indusium horseshoe kidney-shaped attached along inner indusium peltate attached central stalk spreading inferiorW inflated inflorescence inflorescence inflorescence 1.5-6 spikes loosely inflorescence compact many-flowered spike 1.5-3 inflorescence compact somewhat loose terminal cluster inflorescence densely crowded inflorescence large ultimately panicle inflorescence narrow panicle flowers usually purple inflorescence simple raceme petals lobed threadlike inflorescence solitary terminal spikelike panicle spikelet inflorescence terminal subtended involucre inflorescence usually dense terminal spike inflorescence panicle branches inflorescence panicle branches inflorescence often leaves sparsely densely pubes inflorescence appearing lateral bract subtending inflorescence appearing lateral involucral bract terete inflorescence black nearly overall aspect spike inflorescence borne peduncles shorter leave inflorescence bracteate inflorescence evidently terminal flower whorls subtended inflorescence terminal subterminal spikelike inflorescence compound umbels inflorescence numerous short spikelike clusters inflorescence often diameter flat-topped inflorescence small partly concealed broad leafli initiallyJ inner inner involucral bracts averaging least sharp inner perianth segments 2.5-4 white lavender inner sepals 15-35 fruiting plants strongly rhizo inner sepals lacking grainlike swellings inner sepals maturity teeth subulate inner sepals laterally toothed teeth lobes least inrolled insertion intermediate intermingled internali internally internodal internode internodeso interrupted intervals intoO intramarginal intramarginal prickles lacking rarely nutlet invading invo1ucrate involucel involucel present equal longer flowers ultima involucral involucral bract shorter slightly exceeding involucral bracts basally fused membranous involucral bracts equal twigs loosely woolly herbage involucral bracts equal nearly woolly indumentum involucral bracts single series exceeding involucral bracts aligned sometimes loosely beneath involucral bracts least outer tapered involucral bracts averaging distinctly involucral bracts broad pectinately fringed involucral bracts distinctly acute long-tapered often involucral bracts distinctly imbricate outer involucral bracts imbricate least green glandula involucral bracts dimorphic series outer herbaceous involucral bracts linear averaging about disti involucral bracts broadest above middle involucral bracts subequal loosely imbricate outer involucral bracts conspicuous involucral bracts conspicuous involucral bracts conspicuous glutinous dorsal ridge involucral bracts membranous upper portion outer involucral bracts herbaceous gland-dotted involucral bracts yellow-green darker longitudinal involucral leaves sessile nearly blades simple involucral leaves slender petioles involucrate involucre involucre middle inner bracts ovate involucre 15-20 yellow yellow-green involucre 3-4.5 inconspicuous scarcely exceedin involucre 3-4.5 inner bracts linear-lanceolate involucre heads 1-several involucre leaves involucre involucel conspicuous fused white bracts involucre involucel multiple lanceolate elliptic involucre cyathium glands spaced around upper involucre densely glandular-hairy herbaceous throughout involucre densely pubescent least toward involucre green purple long-tapered bract involucre bracts single fused series involucre bracts subtending numerous flowers calyx involucre multiple bracts involucre narrowly elongate prickly widely spreading-asce involucre pinnately divided rarely entire bracts involucre pale-chartaceous shiny resin heads involucre shiny resin bracts involucre spiny degree often burlike involucre strongly resinous-shiny green involucre moderately spreading simple involucres involucres solitary sessile short-peduncled involute inward irregular irregularly irreqularly joint jointed juice juice least upper peduncles milky junction tapered acute purple legume sessile subses keeled keels based mainly fruit keyed keyed keyed keyed keyed keyed keyed kidney kidney-shaped knoblike known l5-nerved lacelike lacerate lackingA lacking lance-ovate lanceolate large large shrub small leaflets serrate flowers white large shrub small leaves typically greenish above large shrub bearing stout thorns leaves elliptic largely] larger larger leaves least perigynium largest lateralp blade glabrous simple gland-tipped hairs blades least upper terete flower clusters blades densely white brown-woolly lower surfa blades mostly often spreading blades green glabrous nearly above densely blades glabrous pubescent blades mostly least blades mostly minutely stellate-hai blades often about ultimate segment blades petioles much-expanded membranous bases| blades ternate-pinnate dissected lacelike 1.3-4 scale acute ventral margins scale compressed lateral margins acute scale distinctly compressed lateral margins scale terete rounded lateral margins inous scales margins conspicuously minutely toothed especia margins occasionally revolute margins toothed irregularly cleft petioles sheathing scape segments ovate obovate appearing whorled sheath margins often least unilaterally ciliate sheaths glabrous mature panicles about one-third sheaths least two-thirds length margins sheaths turning ash-gray black-banded above below leafless leaflet leafletlike leafletsI leaflets those lower leaves leaflets 1-7.5 palmately lobed leaflets stems conspicuously winged plants cultivated leaflets margins coarsely irregularly leaflets usually toothed sometimes obscurely leaflets similar shape terminal leaflets stalked leaflets mostly lanceolate long-tapered leaflets mostly lanceolate long-tapered leaflets divided segments these appeari leaflets divided relatively distinct narrowly elong leaflets entire obscurely toothed throughout speci leaflets entire wavy-margined leaflets narrowly elongate least times leaflets sessile short-stalked stalk termin leaflets sparsely densely white-woolly lower surfa leaflets spiny-toothed along margins flowers yellow leaflets terminating short spinelike blades leaflets typically dimorphic those upper leaflike leafyG leafy-bracteate leafy-stemmed leasto least leasthalt leathery leave leavesA leavesM leavesM leaves 0.1-1 least times entire@ leaves leathery revolute densely white-woolly-h@ leaves floral bracts pungently spine-tipped fruiting leaves basal usually withering during before flowering leaves coarsely toothed triangular teeth mostly leas@ leaves dimorphic floating leathery petioled mostly leaves equal surpassing inflorescence leaves gland-dotted lower surface@ leaves fascicles fascicle surrounded leaves light blue-green glaucous glabrous except leaves linear narrowly elongate rarely leaves mostly arrowhead-shaped hastately lobed stems weak@ leaves mostly entire sometimes leaves pinnate leaflets latter wide@ leaves leaves leaves leaves 0.1-1 least times entire leaves 0.5-2 wedge-shaped apical leaves 1.5-3 staminate portion leaves evidently opposite often sheathing leaves times deeply parted segments often linear leaves leaves times ternately compound leaves abruptly acute leaves 1-nerved pubescent minute appressed dolabriform leaves 1.5-8 flowers lavender leaves opposite nearly about midstem corolla leaves opposite nearly flowers usually corolla leaves petioles peduncles leaves 3-nerved entire serrate strongly leaves short erect leaves mostly acute leaves leathery revolute densely white-woolly-h leaves nodest leaves brighter green above below involucre white leaves abruptly narrowed distinct petiole calyx leaves abruptly tapered petiole blades typically leaves basal leaves basal mostly subterete somewhat fleshy leaves clustered sheaths seldom cross-wrin leaves nearly least times longer leaves simple entire minutely toothed leaves simple often hastate leaves stem-clasping margins somewhat leaves submerged leaves alternate leaves alternate densely pubescent stiff minutely many- leaves alternate flowers bisexual stamens branches alterna leaves alternate annual non-stinging hairs leaves floral bracts pungently spine-tipped fruiting leaves twigs densely stipitate-glandular flowers yellow leaves usually twigs brown-scurfy degree leaves arising flowers usually leaves arrowhead-shaped ovate leaves arrowhead-shaped prominent basal lobes stems leaves least times entire occasional leaves least compound rarely simple appearing leaves least lower hastately lobed inner leaves least hastately lobed leaves least lower times compound herbage pubesce leaves midstem above sessile clasping leaves averaging short-hai leaves basal cauline stems simple erect 0.5-4 leaves basal cauline those markedly leaves basal usually withering during before flowering leaves basally expanded sheath leaves below inflorescence mostly opposite nearly leaves blue-green glabrous ultimate segments mostly leaves blue-green mostly broadly ovate arranged close leaves broadly triangular mostly least leaves cauline least occasionally reduced leaves chiefly basal leaves chiefly basal oblanceolate oblong outline pinna leaves chiefly basal blades leaves chiefly cauline evenly distributed along leaves chiefly cauline least lower times pinnate leaves chiefly cauline least twice leaves ciliate simple hairs blades otherwise glabro leaves cloverlike fan-shaped leaflets terminal leaves coarsely toothed triangular teeth mostly leaso leaves compound leaves compound least leaves compound fruit achene white berry leaves compound leaflets leaves compound petioled lacking achenes 2-awned common leaves compound leaflets leaves compound leaflets mostly broad acute leaves compound leaflets basal leaves broad leaves conspicuously long-hairy leaves developed leaves contracted short petiole succul leaves deeply dissected mostly linear segments leaves deeply pinnately lobed central unlobed portion leaves deeply pinnately palmately lobed leaves densely gray-pubescent surfaces revolute leaves dimorphic basal lower leaves dissec leaves dimorphic floating leathery petioled mostly leaves dissected threadlike segments leaves either glabrous hairs branched flowers leaves either scalelike evidently lacki leaves either terete fan-shaped leaflets cloverlikh leaves entire leaves entire flowers bisexual styles fruit 2-many-see leaves entire flowers solitary terminal cluster leaves entire flowers white nearly ovary inferior leaves entire doubly toothed pubescent degree leaves entire toothed immature fruit beaked style leaves entire stamens arising corolla diffe leaves entirely basaln leaves entirely basal caution bracts subtending umbels leaves entirely basal flowers terminal umbel subtended leaves entirely glabrous tapered toward leaves equal surpassing inflorescence leaves essentially glabrous lobed lobes entire leaves evenly distributed along scarcely reduced leaves expanded short sheath bases leaves blade about sharpl leaves margins entire smooth sepals leaves folded lengthwise center distinctly equitant leaves glabrous long-tapered lower blades leaves glabrous inconspicuously hairy leaves lacking leaves glabrous nearly lobed lobes entire leaves glabrous throughout leaves glabrous sparsely pubescent beneath appressed abrous sparsely pubescent beneath appressed basal rosette blades mostly ovate oblong leaves whorl confused leave 3493C Fruiting pedicels straight and horizontally spreading; capsules mostly broader than long; leaves 3-5 times as long as wide, entire or crenate; flowers mostly pink, 3-5 mm wide Veronica catenata 3491G 3494H 3493I 3493J 3493N 3495O Show Description & Photos Veronica anagallis-aquatica (Veronica) leaves linear narrowly elongate rarely leaves lobed merely toothed wedge-shaped leaves long-petioled fan-shaped terminal leafletsJ leaves long-petioled fan-shaped terminal leaflets leaves merely toothed leaves minutely gland-dotted usually light green beneath leaves minutely stellate-pubescent least beneath flowers leaves minutely toothed least apexr leaves moderately thick coarsely regularly serrate leaves mostly 0.5-3 leaves occasionally stipitate- leaves mostly 3-5-lobed achene leaves mostly times longer often entire leaves mostly times leaves mostly least times longer narrowly leaves mostly clustered shoots deciduou leaves mostly elliptic 3470C 2.5DvPlants not glandular-hairy within the inflorescence (sometimes granularglandular, especially at the base of the calyx) (Penstemon) 3468G 3469H 3473I 3474J 3470N 3470O Penstemon procerus (Penstemon) (Penstemon) (Penstemon) leaves often dimorphic lower chiefly linear upper leaves often hastate ovate elliptic toothed leaves pinnate leaflets occasionally again divide leaves pinnate incompletely bipinnate leaves pinnate incompletely bipinnate leaflets leaves ternate stems usually vinelike leaves opposite leaves opposite entire leaves opposite coarsely toothed leaves opposite fleshy fruit circumscissile capsule plants leaves opposite flowers unisexual stamens branches opposit leaves opposite mostly broad leaves opposite midstem throughout leaves opposite rarely subopposite leaves opposite whorled leaves opposite whorled occasionally altern opposite petals fused around stalk posite petals fused around stalk leaves opposite robust perennial stinging hairs leaves opposite sometimes needlelike appearing whorled leaves opposite those above usually larger those below leaves scars chiefly entirely opposite leaves scars flowering stems opposite leaves segments stiff pungent-tipped leaves appearing simple lateral leaflets leaves oblique opposite througho leaves ovate obovate leaves pinnately lobed leaves revolute corolla rose-purple bowl-sha leaves simple appearing leaves toothed involucre wider leaves ovate 10-40 stem-clasping leaves ovate nearly 0.5-2 subentire toothed leaves ovate nearly involucre about leaves ovate nearly involucre about leaves ovate subcordate plants rhizomatous clump-form leaves palmately 3-5-lobed rarely ovate lobed leaves palmately lobed leaves palmately 3-5-lobed fruit double samara leaves palmately 3-7-lobed terminal largest leaves palmately compound leaves palmately compound fruit spiny capsule typically leaves palmately compound leaflets mostly narrow leaves palmately compound obcordate leaflets leaves palmately lobed leaves palmately lobed revolute leaves palmately lobed lobes acute teeth leaves parallel-veined often dimorphic often leaves petioled flowering spike mostly 1-1.5 calyx leaves pinnate leaflets densely white-hairy leaves pinnate pinnatifid plants monoecious pistillat 3465C 1.5D*Flowers red-purple, leaves pinnately lobed Pedicularis groenlandica 3463G 3464H 3465I 3465J 3465N 3465O Show Description & Photos Pedicularis racemosa Pedicularis SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Pedicularis\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1073^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `*Flowers red-purple, leaves pinnately lobedh 3466C A Penstemontemon leaves rarely including petiole leaves reduced basally fused scales forming short usuallyB leaves reduced scales leaves regularly toothed throughout sometimes finely leaves rounded margins typically toothed leaves scabrous surfaces ellipsoid consp leaves scabrous surfaces often oblique leaves scalelike inconspicuous stems fleshy jointed leaves scalelike subtending cluster needlelike leaves sessile nearly petioles leaves shallowly deeply pinnately lobed midnerve leaves short-petioled least below leaves simple leaves simple entire leaves simple entire least appearing leaves simple entire siliques petals leaves simple deeply pinnately lobed lobes mostly oblong leaves rarely including petiole leaves resinous-varnished glossy above prominently 3-vei@ leaves simple entire toothed@ leaves flowering stems usually leaves typically entire corolla leaves within inflorescence broadly white-margined gland@ lemmas lemmas distinctly 3-nerved mostly dorsiventrally compres@ lenticels@ ligule membranous often hairs margins linear-lanceolate@ lobe@ lobes locally loose somewhat fleshy annual tall@ lower lower leaves sparsely moderately hairy simple major margins mature seeds prominently furrowed ridged furrows midmontane leaves simple entire toothedm leaves simple entire toothed variously lobed dissec leaves simple 3-lobed ternate leaves simple plants sites midmontane subalpine leaves slender terete tufted cormlike leaves spiny least margins leaves spiny-toothed prickly-bristly along margins leaves square rectangular cross section mostly distinc leaves terete nearly tipped elongate hairl leaves ternate terminal leaflet largest leaves ternate-pinnate bipinnate leaflets about twice leaves ternately dissected leaves ternately palmately compound leaves thick typically glossy above strongly 3-veined leaves leaves glossy pinnately veined stipules deciduo leaves threadlike linear narrowly lanceolate callit leaves flowering stems usually leaves plants flowers erect leaves entire leaves lacking leaves involucral bracts series leaves about plants tufted matted midmontane leaves about plants marshy areas leaves about purple-veined purple-tinged leaves toothed except occasionally leaves toothed involucre 12-24 plants moist valle leaves toothed regularly shallowly lobed leaves toothed entire petals slender rhizomat leaves toothed obscurely shallowly lobed lobes leaves toothed pinnately lobed compound chiefly altern leaves toothed subentire leaves typically coarsely toothed anthers copiously woolly-h leaves typically entire corolla leaves typically minutely toothed least acute leaves typically revolute apically toothed pinnately leaves typically tapered elongate tail-lik leaves usually longer scape leaves usually withered flowering leaves wedge-shaped truncate toothed leaves white-woolly lower surface stigmas leaves whorled leaves uppermost leaves whorled involucre chartaceous greenish leaves whorled nodes leaves leaflets conspicuosly gland-dotted leaves primary leaflets ultimate segments equal leaves branched simple hairs latter typica leaves prominent membranous stipules leaves primary lateral veins usually averaging leaves woolly-hairy least lower surface often leaving leaxes legume legume elevated stipelike structure 1.5-5 legume glabrous minutely pubescent legume oblong 1-1.5 gland-dotted legumes lemma lemma least unawned awned lemma 3-branched ligule hairs lemma 3.5-6 lemma least annual lemma arising below bifid spikelet lemma arising between distinct apical teeth slightl lemma arising midlength below lemma arising midlength straight twisted extend lemma distinctly flattened least usuall lemma relatively stout exceeding glumes lemma 0.5-3 lemma first glumes within lemma lemmas unawned 3-lobed lemma lemma averaging least plants annual sprin lemma glabrous minutely scabrous lemma leathery shiny awnless subtended rudimentary lemma narrowly ellipsoid least short-hairy lemma prominently nerved nerves convergent later lemma awned below lemma arising below lemmas lemmas lemmas maturity lemmas panicles lower branch lemmas rounded 7-15-nerved lemmas awnless tapered straight rarely lemmas least lower lemmas averaging midnerve lemmas awn-tipped lemmas awnless awn-tip about glabrou lemmas awnless lemmas becoming hardened often shiny maturity glabrou lemmas distinctly 3-nerved lemmas distinctly 3-nerved mostly dorsiventrally compres lemmas dorsiventrally compressed 3.5-6 ligule membra lemmas yellow-brown truncate erose lemmas gradually tapered acute lemmas green moderately either awned lemmas keeled rounded secunda 5-nerved lemmas lanceolate acute sheath lemmas webbed lemmas prominently nerved sheaths closed nearl lemmas rounded backs nerves parallel sometimes lemmas whitish gray-green occasionally purple-tinged lemmas 1-4.5 callus conspicuously lemmas awnless auricles normally length lengthwise lenticels lenticular lessP level levels light light-colored lighter lightly ligule ligule stems mostly ligule lacking spikelets irregular clusters along ligule membranous often hairs margins ligule membranous spikelets 5-12-flowered glumes minutely ligule hairs sheaths often long-hairy vicinit ligule hairs sometimes membranous lemma ligule upper blades lemma ligules ligules upper leaves lemmas glabrou ligules upper leaves acute obtuse likely linearF linear-elliptic linear-lanceolate linear-oblanceolate lines lining lobef lobed_ lobes lobes local locallyH locally located locust loment longG long-beakedp long-ciliate long-exserted long-hairy long-petioledJ long-tailed long-tapered longer longest longitudinal longitudinally loose loose loosely annual midmontane above panicles narrow annuals drying flats foothills flowers mat-forming plants alpine subalpine stems somewhat fleshy annual flowers subalpine shrub often mat-forming leaves revolute woolly annuals disturbed sites valleys lowerd lower lower floret usually staminate twisted abruptly lower surface silvery-scurfy brown-dotted lower surface velvet-like pubescence short rounded heart-shaped invol lower leaves ovate oblong mostly lower lemmas blades lower middle stems pubescent crinkled multicell lower basal blades pubescent dolabri lower leaves petioled upper blades sessile lower leaves sparsely moderately hairy simple lower leaves typically hastately lobed otherwise lower stems sparsely pubescent simple spreading hairs lower stems coarse spreading yellowish hairs lower stems mostly simple spreading hairs flowers white lowermost lowermost scales least spikelet spike lowest lowest pinnae equal shorter those immediatel lowland lowland plants marshy areas middle leaves magnification panicle branches usually distinctly drooping typica typically teiete numerous mostly prominent mainly major malodorous many-barbed many-flowered many-nerved many-rayed many-seeded marginx marginal marginally margined margins margins margins ultimate segments serrate marked markedly markings marshes marshy mat-forming matted mature mature capsule scarcely constricted between mature fruit usually drooping broadly oblong oblanceolate mature perigynia numerous closely spaced mature seeds prominently furrowed ridged furrows matures maturityZ meadows mealy means mechanically medial medium medium shrubs valleys foothills meeting membranousT membranous-bordered membranous-bracteate membranous-margined membranous-winged menziesiiZ merely mericarps mericarps glabrous obscurely hairy short-beaked calyx mericarps subcylindric sharp-pointed mesic microscopic mid-nerve middle middle leaves distinctly petioled blades elonga middle leaves least midlength midlenqth midline midmontane midmontane midnerv midnerve midnerves midrib midstem midstrip midvein milky minor minor groups include minutelyp minutely mistaken mitella moderately modified[ moist monocotyledons_ monoeciouss monoecious trees large shrubs moist sites montane moreP mosslikeA mostt mostly multicellular narrowly nectary@ non-convergent notched@ often older twigs typically gray-brown exfoliating opposite orbicular otherwise outer involucral bracts strongly reflexed flowering achen@ ovary fruit smooth slightly roughened hairy ovary totally inferior@ ovoid panicle narrow green tawny occasionally tinged purpl@ pappus lacking flowers@ partially particular pedicels perennial perianth mostiv mostlyP mostly mottled mountain mountains mouth much-branchedf much-expanded| mucronate multicellular multicellular multiple nakedC naked portion panicle branches averaging narrow narrowed narrower narrowly native nearJ nearlyT nectaries nectary needlelikeC needlelike leaves fascicle scales needlelike leaves 3-8.5 fascicle often curved neither nerve nerved nerveless nerves never growth branchlets glabrous mostly whitish green nextO nodal nodding nodesB non-convergent non-glossy non-leathery non-stinging non-thickened nonalkaline nonaromatic leaves lobed margins entire serrate petal nonfunctional nonresinous nonsessile normally further described notch notched numerous nutlet nutlets nutlets subcylindric nutlets about equal gynobase nutlets apically hairy nutlets shape cross short thick basal nutlets ringed stiffly spreading barbed prickles nutlets ventrally keeled occasionally appearing hairy leaves nutlets ventral medial fruiting calyx nutlike nyctaginaceae object oblanceolate 3459C 6.5DgCorolla 4-8 mm long, about 1.5 mm longer than the calyx; calyx teeth rounded and mucronate, not ciliate Mimulus suksdorfii 3457G 3458H 3459I 3459J 3459N 3459O Show Description & Photos Mimulus rubellus A (Mimulus) SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Mimulus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1069^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. obtuse occasionallyE occupying occurring off-center oftenT often older older twigs typically gray-brown exfoliating oliveZ once-pinnate lower bracts equal longer one-fourth one-half one-third only_ opaque opening opposing opposite opposite opposite opposite opposite opposite opposite opposite orangeT orange-brown orange-red orbicular 3456C Leaves mostly ovate, usually toothed, mostly rounded at the base and petioled; green, not red-tinged; herbage with crinkled, gland-tipped hairs Mimulus floribundus 3455G 3457H 3456I 3456J 3456N 3458O otherwise otherwise otherwise otherwise otherwise otherwise outer outer bracts blackish-green brown mostly acute outer involucral bracts spiny along margins herbage outer involucral bracts strongly reflexed flowering achen outer involucral bracts brown greenish-black outer sepals distinctly wider inner margi outermost outermost involucral bracts acute obtuse outline outward ovaries ovaries obscured broad stigma stamin ovaries achenes hairy style jointed middle ovaries fruit bristly flowers greenish-white fruiting ovaries fruit glabrous flowers yellow-green fruiting ovaryW ovary fruit smooth slightly roughened hairy ovary immature fruit linear cylindric petals entire ovary immature fruit somewhat inflated plants disturb ovary immature fruit strongly flattened notched ovary deeply 4-lobed flowering ovary deeply divided ovary densely hairy style lacking lobes stigm ovary densely long-hairy ovary inferior ovary inconspicuously crested ovary inferiorW ovary inferior degree perianth pinkish tinged ovary linear ovary merely 4-grooved ovary immature fruit broad above tapered ovary immature fruit cylindric nearly ovary immature fruit linear ovary papillose notched pedicels densely ovary shallowly deeply 4-lobed flowering separating ovary superior ovary totally inferior ovary unlobed ovate ovate-lanceolate ovate-rhombic ovate-triangular overT overall overlappingG ovoidT ovoid ovules paired pairs pale-chartaceous pale-margined palea palea least lemma panicles narrow palmatelyb palustris pancle panic panicle panicle mostly narrow branches erect panicle narrow green tawny occasionally tinged purpl panicle rachis branches minutely soft-hairy inflorescenc paniclelike panicles panicles often least often panicles loose branches ascending widely panicles mostly least ligules upper panicles mostly dense narrowly oblong relatively paniculately papery papilionaceous papillae papillose papillose-toothed pappus pappus bristles subplumose usually basal leaves generall pappus lacking flowers pappus lacking principal blades longer pappus involucre species secon pappus persistent slender usually short inter pappus rarely readily deciduous scales coroll pappus least flowers consisting scales pappus hairlike bristles these often minutely barbed pappus hairlike smooth plumose bristles least pappus minutely barbed subplumose hairlike bristles pappus numerous hairlike bristles pappus subplumose plumose terminal minute pappus well-developed scales lobes linear heads parallel parallel-veined_ parasite parasiticQ partedp partially partially partially woody vines leaves opposite times ternately particular particular particular particular particular particular particular partitions partly parts pattern pea-tree pear-shaped pectinately pedicel pedicelledZ pedicels pedicels pedicels densely pubescent simple hairs siliques pedicels erect ascending siliques twisted often pedicels glabrous pedicels regularly pubescent rather coarse spreading pedicels shorter spikelets excluded pedicels typically white-woolly peduncies peduncle peduncled pedunclesJ peduncles inflated below flowering heads yellow peduncles subsessile yellow glands sepals greenish-whit peglike peltate pendent pendulous perennial perennial perennial stout scaly rhizomes restricted perennial occupying native habitats well-drai perennial rhizomelike bright perennial foothills subalpine capsules perennial simple palmately lobed leaves perennials perennials thick woody taproots foothills above perennials leaves opposite corolla least perennials mostly calyx 9-17-lobed inrol perianthW perianth perianth 1-2.5 yellow predominately purple-brown perianth 3-4.5 red-tinged blades rounded perianth evidently lacking 1-many slender bristles perianth greenish-white perianth whorls perianth whorls sepals often promptly deciduous perianth rarely whorls outer flowering perianth fused petaloid segments fruit either berrylike perianth fused petaloid segments ovary inferior leaves perianth corolla petaloid bilaterally symmetrical perianth petaloid nearly white lobed about perianth radially symmetrical sometimes petaloid perianth segments perianth segments either green least white perianth segments gland perianth segments united leasthalt their length 15-30 perianth white sepals petal spurs 2.5-5 pericarp perigynia perigynia 1.5-3 perigynia 2.5-3 lightly obscurely nerved dorsal perigynia conspicuously perigynia 5.8-8 spikes loosely aggregated perigynia broadest above shortly wedge-shaped perigynia distinctly compressed gradually tapered perigynia green greenish-tan walls several-nerve perigynia green straw-colored throughout lightly coppe perigynia nerveless except margins occasionally perigynia oblong-ovate abruptly tapered mostly perigynia ovate bicolored mostly glossy red-brown perianth white sepals petal spurs 2.5-5 perigynia pubescent degree body@ petal petals petals cream yellow rarely white purple wings petals lacking minute fleshy lobes epigynous disc@ white cream usually petioles terete slightly channeled above leaves dist@ photographs pinnae pistil weakly fused carpels styles fused pistils style elongate plumose maturity leaves plants plants lower leaves often hastately lobed plants densely woolly restricted valleys calyx lackin@ plants glaucous growing mostly lowland meadows plants disturbed sites valleys@ plants valleys foothills outer involucral bracts aver@ perigynia pubescent degree perigynia smooth shiny thick-walled brown mostly ovate perigynia thin-walled nerveless dorsal perigynia thin-walled nerveless nearly perigynia ultimately filled achene somewhat turgi perigynia winged around entire margin except perigynia relatively broad conspicuously bidenta perigynia marginal nerves typically shifted perigynium perigynium broadest rounded gradually tapered perigynous periphery persistent persistently persisting petal petal petal-like petaloid petals petals petals 10-20 often purple-veined sepals petals 15-25 escape cultivation petals white deeply 2-lobed petals slender annual rarely petals petals sepals usually reflexed achene strai petals typically bicolored lowermost pouched spurre petals fully expanded fruit clusters subgl petals fully expanded stems hollow petals petals stems typically unbranched immature petals about twice sepals longer petals least stigmas 4-lobed capsules sessile petals least petals least fruit orange pomes achene petals sepals nerves prominently thickened petals cream yellow rarely white purple wings petals deeply lobed silicles glabrous leaves petals either greenish white variously mottled petals entire apically 3-lobed stamens opposite petals equal shorter sepals receptacle coarse petals exserted appendages ovary stipe petals floral sometimes present below sepals petals fused petals fused around stalk ovary petals lacking petals lacking fruit achene persistent plumose petals lavender purple pinkish petals lavender purple rarely white sepals typically petals petals lobed flowering stems leafy leaves deeply lobed petals mostly least purple rarely petals taprooted annuals petals purple white 15-25 plants petals purple rarely white capsules petals pinkish red-purple calyx lobes 2.5-4 anthe petals predominately violet occasionally white throu petals predominately white leaves distinctly petals purple-brown above toward herbage entir petals spurred fruit follicles petals stylar column stigma petals bilobed petals ovules replum petals sepals styles about petals white floral lackin petals white petals white 2.5-5 petals white often purple veins stigmas petals white cream petals white cream usually petals white greenish purple petals white pinkish purple-tipped upper petals yellow petals yellow petals yellow achenes pustulose rounded faces petals yellow fading white pubescence mostly petals yellow occasionally fading white petals yellow rarely purple fruit splitting petioleI petiole above rachis green greenish-tan petiole bases previous seasons persistent petioled petiolelike petioles| petioles terete slightly channeled above leaves petioles about petrophytum photographs photographs photographs photographs photographs photographs photographs physaria pink-tinged pink-veined pinkish pinkish-white pinnae pinnae pinnae spiny-toothed deeply cleft toward petiol pinnate pinnatelyb pinnatifid pistil pistil pistil style short plumose maturity leaves deeply pistil fruit white berry stamens numerous longer pistil sometimes composed weakly fused carpels splittin pistil partially united carpels carpel prolo pistil partially united carpels carpel pistil weakly fused carpels styles fused pistillateZ pistillate catkins available pistillate catkins solitary bracts papery deciduous pistillate flowers mostly clustered axils fruiting pistillate flowers superior ovary pistillate heads scattered flattened spines pistillate portion spike light cinnamon brown fertile pistillate scales least mostly broad pistillate scales longer slightly shorter pistillate scales whitish broad translucent pistils pistils 10-many pistils style elongate plumose maturity leaves pistils style elongate plumose maturity leaves pistils 3-numerous fruit follicles achenes pistils pistils stamens numerous pistils numerous linear receptacle pitteds placed places planoconvex plantA plant occurring marshes along ditchbanks plant prostrate weedy annual plant valleys slender rhizomes ultimately stolons arising plant valleys midmontane plantsA plants plants plants principal leaves pleated plants glumes subulate linea plants leaves rarely often plants inflorescence usually narrowly oblong plants 1.5-10 upper leaves typically ciliate plants typically occupying sites involucral plants lower leaves often hastately lobed plants above plants annual rarely herbage pubescent plants annual restricted valleys lemma exceeding plants annual spikes thick plants apparently restricted moist sites valleys plants aquatic largely totally submerged plants aquatic free-floating totally largely submerged] plants aquatic occasionally stranded plants aquatic rarely stranded alluvial flats least plants armed gooseberries sometimes branchlets plants armed thorns prickles spinose branch plants coarse heads large cornflower occasionally plants compact free-floating typically plants densely uniformly pubescent throughout matte plants densely hairy throughout caudex without fibrous roots plants densely woolly restricted valleys calyx lackin plants dioecious leaves times ternately compound periant plants dioecious leaves gray-scurfy fleshy plants dioecious inflorescence entirely staminate plants distinctly succulent species stems fleshy plants entirely glabrous plants entirely glabrous stigma sessile nearly broad plants erect ascending mostly valleys plants caudex bearing fibrous roots plants short caudex bearing fibrous roots surmoun plants glabrous glaucous plants glabrous ihroughout simple rarely forke plants glabrous sometimes inconspicuously pubescent plants glandular-hairy throughout leaves oblong irregularly plants glandular-hairy within inflorescence inflorescence plants glaucous growing mostly lowland meadows plants growing shallow water leaves compound glabrous plants hairy petals deeply lobed styles plants moist sites valleys foothills panicle plants shallow water rarely stranded plants invading gardens rions often mat-forming pedicel plants mat-forming rarely dioeci plants usually branched heads leafy-bracteate cluster plants mat-forming leaves entirely chiefly basal plants mat-forming leaves plants minute differentiated stems plants monoeciouss plants monoecious pistillate flowers lacking calyx plants montane plants mostly panicle linear somewhat plants nonaromatic plants green lacking chlorophyll scapes yellowish plants disturbed sites valleys plants disturbed sites valleys foothills leave plants sites valleys plants mesic sites 0.5-3 leaves borne plants elevations plants midmontane leaves petioled throughout plants midmontane calyx finely uniformly stellate plants midmontane alpine stems short-stalked plants moist native habitats foothills alpine plants slopes woodlands plants saline growth succulent plants subalpine above stems tufted prostrate plants valleys foothills plants upper montane alpine leaves entire basal plants upper montane alpine fibrous remains plants valleys foothills plants valleys foothills rarely annual mostl plants valleys foothills outer involucral bracts plants well-drained moist sites plants gray-green dense velvety pubescence inflo plants parasitic branches evergreer often plants parasitic branches pseudotsuga menziesii plants parasitic saprophytic lacking chlorophyll herbQ plants perennial occupying mostly undisturbed sites plants pubescent least below minute branched hairs plants pubescent hairs 2-many-branched plants rarely typically forming dense plants rarely occupying mostly plants reproducing spores flowers seeds lackingA plants rhizomatous panicle branches mostly stiffly erect plants rhizomatous stems generally spaced perigynia plants rhizomatous stems loosely tufted solitary plants rhizomatous valleys foothills petals plants scapose densely tufted mat-forming usually plants scapose mat-forming upper montane alpine plants semiparasitic branches evergreen treesU plants shrubs small trees forming dense stands rarely stipitate-glandular inflorescence often plants stoloniferous slender decumbent prostrate plants strongly rhizomatous stems loosely plants flowers terminal axillary cluste plants plants plants pubescence velvety inflorescence spike plants leaves coarsely toothed plants leaves essentially entire plants valleys plants typically leafy-stemmed basal leaves palmately 3-5-lo plants typically stoloniferous scapose occupying mostly plants rhizomatous valleys foothills petals plants somewhat grasslike@ plants usually often occurring woods points portion bescent raceme rachis spike continuous breaking nodes rare@ rarely inner involucral bracts mostly broadest@ recent reconsider recurved reflexed revolute rooting saline scales season second glumes angled lateral margins seemingly@ selection sepals sepals petaloid 1-2.5 sepals lacking modified plumose segments@ sessile shifted@ shorter shown plants usually often occurring woods plants conspicuous stolons flowers borne naked pedic plants numerous usually rigid branches herbage plants branched hairs least below plants leaves floatinq 3-5-lobed plants stinging hairs plants stolons leaves pinnate leaflets densely plants tendrils stems leaves plants woody plants woody shrub fruit berry plants woody-based forming dense plants woody-based forming dense basal plants woolly-hairy least leaves mostly plants yellow greenish-yellow sepals pleated plumose plump point points points pollen polypogon pomes poorly population populations pores portionM pouch pouched pratensis preceeding predominately present pressed previous prickle prickleso prickles flattened stout slightly strongly recurved prickly prickly-bristly prickly-hairy primary principal principal principal involucral bracts equal single series often principal involucral bracts glabrous throughout minutely principal involucral bracts single equal herbaceous principal involucral bracts nearly always black-tipped principal leaves times pinnatifid taprooted annual principal leaves deeply lobed dissected principal leaves deeply lobed finely dissected principal leaves linear rarely glandular-puncta principal leaves wedge-shaped toothed truncate proceed process procumbent producedJ progressively projected projectingM prolonged prominent prominent prominently promptly prostrateG prostrate densely white-woolly annual leaves opposite prostrate ascending annual valleys inflorescen protuberance prow-shaped pseudotsugaZ pubescence pubescence branched simple hairs grayish pubescent pubescent punctate pungent pungent-tipped pungently purple purple-based purple-black purple-brown purple-spotted purple-tinged purple-tipped purple-veined purplish purplish-brown pustulose pustulose-based pyramidal quadrangular quickly raceme raceme raceme secund style leaves finely toothed racemelike racemes racemes flowered pedicels mostly racemes flowering petals white pinkish racemes 10-flowered lower calyx tooth racemose racemosely rachilla rachis rachis petiole green yellowish petiole brown rachis branches spikelet pedicels within spikelike rachis disarticulating maturity rachis inflorescence disarticulating nodes rachis spike continuous breaking nodes rachis ultimately disarticulating glumes linear broad radiallyT ragged raised ranging ranks ranunculaceae rarely raspberry raspberry-like rather flowers inconspicuous hairlike erect white flowers lacking inconspicuous plants typically gray-p flowers lacking leaves reduced above pappu flowers present conspicuous plants glabrous spars 10-21 leaves sessile pinnatifid toothed 15-25 white pinkish involuc 20-40 herbage glabrous fruit broadly oblong leaves petioled least below inner involucral bracts mostly broadest purple white purple achenes compressed tapered short-beak inconspicuous lacking pappus copious white mostly immature heads nodding pappus ovate suborbicular pappus leaves present corollas 5-lobed involucre white least prominently 3-lobed white lavender heads often numer white ultimate segments yellow yellow axils tufts woolly hairs achene yellow orange rarely fading cream yellow ultimate segments often least reaching readily recent recent recent recent recent recent recent recent receptacle receptacle naked white receptacle subglobose broadly dome-shaped maturity reconsider reconsider reconsider reconsider reconsider 3449C 1.5DsCorolla yellow, often red-spotted or streaked at the throat or, in one small-flowered species, sometimes red-purple A (Mimulus) 3447G 3448H 3450I 3451J 3449N 3449O A (Mimulus) A (Mimulus) reconsider rectangular rectangular-oblong recurvedp recurved red-brown red-orange red-purple red-spotted red-tinged red-veined reddish reddish-black reddish-brown reddish-orange reddish-purple reddish-yellow reducedB reduced involucral bracts lacking midnerve scales reflexed reflexed regular regularly relatively remaining remains remoteM remotely removable replaced replum reportedo reproducingA resemble resemblingd resin resin ducts leaves cross section beneath resinous resinous-shiny resinous-varnished restricted resulting retained reticulate reticulate-veined reticulatelyb retrorse retrorsely revealing revolute revolute rhizomatous rhizomatous perennial panicle least narrowly rhizomeI rhizome leaves hairy lacking scales rhizomelike rhizomes rhombic rhomboid ribbed ridge ridged ridges right rigid ringed robust robust perennial stinging hairs rocksA rocky rootcrown rootcrown bearing dense tufts orange-brown scapes rooting rooting rootlessd rootsd rose-pink rose-purple rose-tinged rose-violet rosette rosettes rotate roughened round round-lobed rounded rounded shrub foothills leaves crenate glabrous rudimentary rumex ruptured s-shaped saclike saline saline salmon salt-tolerant salverform samara samaras sandy saprophyticQ saucer-shaped scabrous scabrous-hairy scabrous-margined scale scalelikeA scalesB scales scales midlength spikelet scales spikelet spirally arranged spikelets ovate scaly scantily scape scape scapes scapose scarcely scarlet scarlet-tipped scars scattered schizocarp scopulina scraped scrophulariaceae scume scurfy scurfy-scabrous scythe-shaped season season's seasons second second glume narrowly long-tapered second glume lemma truncate erose second glumes angled lateral margins secondary section secund secunda seed-bearing seedsA seeds capsule seeds conspicuously tailed perianth segments seeds distinctly papillose magnification seeds replum petals seeds naked seeds obtuse angles facets nearly smooth seeds sepals about bracts seeds hairs sepals erect ascen seeds distinct longitudinal ridges stems 1-several seemingly segmentM segmented segmentsW seldom selection selection selection selection selection selection selection semicircular semiparasiticU sepal sepalsZ sepals sepals species minute deciduous sepals sometimes present sepals sepals acute obtuse hooded sepals throughout fruit 1-several-seeded silic sepals petaloid 1.5-6 sepals rarely stems erect sepals stylar column sepals petaloid 1-2.5 sepals petaloid 1-2.5 sepals green white yellowish margins sepals petals 11-28 seeds often winge sepals about greenish-white achenes laterally sepals alternating bractlets latter sometimes minut sepals leaflets stipitate-glandular least sepals petals sepals petals petals about sepals petals fruit obovoid about minut sepals petals lacking flowers naked callitriche sepals yellow petals minutely black-dotted especiall sepals fruiting typically dimorphic outer distinctl sepals least petals capsules sepals pouched earlike sepals throughout fused sepals lacking fruit vertical pericarp sepals lacking modified plumose segments sepals narrowly cylindric sepals oblong typically hooded obtuse membranous sepals petaloid upper spurred hooded sepals pinkish-white purplish sepals prominently 3-nerved least capsules sepals pubescent simple hairs annual sepals united below longer apical sepals yellow plants valleys foothills separated separating septate series serrate sessileG sessile sets_ several several-nerved several-seeded shade shaded shades shallow shallowly shape sharing sharp sharp-edged sharp-pointed sharply sheaths sheathing_ sheathsB sheaths closed shedding shifted shiny shoots shortB short-awned short-beaked short-ciliate short-clawed short-cylindric short-hairy Wrt-lived short-pedicelled short-peduncled short-petioled short-rhizomatous short-stalked shorter shorter shortly shown shown shown shown shown shown shown shredding shrub shrub leaflets entire nearly always revolute ovaries shrub leaves opposite densely gray-hairy lower shrub prostrate leaves needleli shrub midmontane subalpine branches often shrub valleys foothills stems branches elongate shrub small shrub leaves minutely toothed shrub branched fruiting bracts shrub strongly arching slender stems branches leaves shrubsC subshrubs stems woody dying shrubs trees shrubs woody-based perennials valleys foothill shrubs principal leaves wedge-shaped toothed lobed shrubs prickles shrubs slender nodal spines often internodal prickl siberian sides sidestep shrub midmontane subalpine branches often shrubs subshrubs stems woody dying sidestep silicles didymous valve balloonlike silicles strongly inflated mostly subglobose ovoid 2.5-8 siliques narrowly ellipsoid@ siliques strongly flattened parallel replum single single species genus locally sinus slits spikelet spikelets 1-flowered lateral spikelets spikelets laterally compressed placed edgewise altern@ spikelets dissimilar florets usually staminate spinelike spreading stamens staminate@ leaves sessile auriculate-clas@ stems sidestep sidestep sidestep sidestep sidestep sidestep sidestep silicle silicle ovary pubescent silicles silicles 10-18 broadly wing-margine silicles 10-18 broadly winged around nearly silicles wingless broadly silicles broadest above middle rounded above tapered silicles compressed right angles narrow replum silicles didymous valve balloonlike silicles elliptic-oblong least twice silicles glabrous occasionally scattered hairs silicles inflated pubescent degree sessile silicles bladdery herbage minutely hairy silicles mostly elliptic seeds silicles mostly moderately inflated ovate cordate silicles notched style silicles oblong obovate suborbicular least silicles obovate oblanceolate tapered silicles immature fruit distinctly longer silicles ovoid ellipsoid compressed silicles prominently reticulate-veined maturity silicles slightly compressed right angles replum silicles slightly longer silicles strongly inflated mostly subglobose ovoid 2.5-8 silicles strongly moderately compressed parallel silicles terete nearly least twice silicles triangular obcordate silicles winged least wings forming silicles stout often recurved short silicle silicles apical basal sinuses between silique silique style terete slender inconspicuous siliques siliques pedicels typicall siliques 20-30 replum often 2-nerved lower leave siliques narrowly ellipsoid siliques petals purple-brown herbage glabrous siliques petals cream leaves entire toothed siliques 4.5-10 maturity pubescent mostly siliques fruiting pedicels coarsely hairy throu siliques 1.5-2 petals yellow siliques chiefly erect strongly ascending divergent siliques chiefly horizontally spreading loosely pendulous siliques erect narrowly divergent siliques gradually tapered sharp point style lacking siliques hairy throughout siliques siliques siliques pubescent dolabriform hairs appressed siliques quadrangular subterete 1-1.3 expande siliques strongly compressed stigma narrower siliques strongly flattened parallel replum siliques terminating sterile basally 1-seeded siliques transversely differentiated short sterile siliques valves nerveless nearly silky silky-woolly silvery silvery-scurfy silvery-white similar simpleB singleD single single single genus familyD single genus family locallyH single genus local family single species genus locallyg single species genus locally sinus sinus sinuses sites situatedi slenderI slender annual leaves alternate pinnately lobed flowers slender annual corolla slightly slimy slits slits slopes smallA small shrubs stems branches jointed nodes small trees shrubsP smoothe leaves minutely coarsely toothed sometimesC 3422C Petals pinnately divided into 6(4-10) lobes; stamens alternate with the sepals; sepals greenish, triangular and less than 1 mm long Mitella pentandra 3420G 3421H 3422I 3422J 3422N 3422O Show Description & Photos Mitella stauropetala species species species species species species species species specimen specimens speckled spicate spicate branches 10-16 whorls spike spike ellipsoid ovoid perigynia 4-7.5 spike solitary terminal alternate spike solitary terminal staminate spike spikelet nodes spike-like spikelet spikelet spikelet disarticulating above glumes empty glumes spikelet solitary terminal lemma spikelet single well-developed floret specie spikelet-bearing spikelets spikelets rachis alternate spikelets flowered spikelets 1-flowered spicate branches about spikelets maturity keels glumes lemmas spikelets 2-flowered florets appearing arise spikelets 1-flowered lateral spikelets spikelets compound umbellate inflorescenc spikelets panicle branches nodding spikelets 6-15-flowered panicles blades spikelets about first glume reduced lacking spikelets least 4-12-flowered sheaths spikelets crowded subopposite widely divergent spikelets crowded triangular rachis spikelets cylindric fitting closely concavities spikelets disarticulating below glumes falling entir spikelets dorsiventrally compressed lemmas convex spikelets enclosed within spiny plant prostrate spikelets hairy second glume sterile lemma rounded spikelets dense 1-sided clusters otherwise spikelets laterally compressed lemma sides visible between spikelets laterally compressed placed edgewise altern spikelets 1-flowered spicate branches spikelets mostly 2-flowered rachilla long-hairy first spikelets mostly plants spikelets rather distant shorter internodes spikelets sessile nearly rachis spikelets solitary terminal rarely spikelets solitary terminal style thicke spikelets strongly flattened lemmas sharply keeled befor spikelets subsessile closely crowded spikelets subtended 1-many bristles spikelets terete subterete somewhat compressed spikelets glumes ciliate keels exceedi spikelets two-thirds broad broadly rounded spikelets typically sessile spikelets dissimilar florets usually staminate spikelike spikes spikes maturity including spikes brownish overall aspect occasionally moderately spikes compact rachis obscured closely overlappin spikes generally bicolored perigynia green straw spikes whorls occasionally 1-several spike spikes including spreading least spikes loose rachis internodes lemma spikes sessile nearly headlike clusters uniformly spine spine-tipped spineless spinelike spinelike spinesp spinose spiny[ spiny-prickly spiny-toothed spirallyC spirals split splitting spongy spoonshaped sporangiaB sporangia borne terminal distinct stemB sporangia clustered terminal portion compound sporangia developing lower surface along sporangia embedded expanded basesF sporangiumM spore-bearingh sporesA spores produced hardened initially hairy sporocarps borneJ sporocarpsJ spotted sprawling spreadingP spreading spreading-ascending spreading-hairy spreadinq spring spring-flowering lowermost petal nearly spurred spurs square stalkd stalk-like stalked stalks stamen stamens stamens stamens stamens verbascum stamens flower stamens arising corolla below sinuses between stamens stamens stamens 6-numerous anthers often coiled after dehiscence stamens stigma fused column center stamens style included within corolla stamens evidently numerous stamens exserted stamens connivent around styles stamens numerous stamens numerous longer petals stamens numerous stamens numerous filaments fused surround stamens exserted anther parallel nearly staminal staminal filaments fused below surrounding surrounding staminate staminate catkins available staminate flowers stamen anther 4-celled staminate flowers perianth sheathing bract staminode staminodes stands star-shaped steep stellate stellate-hairy stellate-pubescent stemB below stipitate-glandular without simple hairs immediately below whitish short leaves fused species surroundinq leaves 2-several developed fused species leaves about broad mostiv plant leaves least times seeds smooth leaves auriculate-clasping petals leaves evidently whorled leaves lacking bractlike mostly white involucre leaves lacking reduced basal leaves leaves longer petals white leaves sessile auriculate-clas leaves partially completely fused disc-sha leaves whorled nodes leaves bulblets least axils leaves petioles typically lobed point segments spineless nearly fruit spineless stem-clasping stem-sheathing steminate stemsB stems stems 0.3-3 stems mostly solitary arising intervals stems branches jointed evidently leafless least stems sheaths strongly flattened 2-edged ligule stems leaves glabrous glaucous stems leaves glabrous variously pubescent stems leaves conspicuous spines stems petioles leaves purple-spotted plants 0.5-3 stems stems bulbous florets generally modified stems modified thick mostly least flattene@ stems usually curved branched@ sterile stigma mature achene including stigmas shorter style twigs stipules petiole their leaves often minu@ striate style style lacking stigma sessile expanded disclike style blades glabrous pubescent subalpine subshrub woody-based perennial leaves summer surface switch tall@ terete@ thalli narrowly elliptic slender stalks toothed stems bulbous florets generally modified stems bulbous-based lemmas prominently 7-11-nerved typically stems conspicuously winged throughout decurrent stems dimorphic fertile stems fleshy pinkish brown stems elongate climbing means other tendrils stems entirely glabrous least below inflorescence stems erect nearly rooting nodes petals stems erect plants valleys midmontane stems erect rarely branched sparingly stems erect usually leaves typically stems essentially hollow simple whorls branchesB stems glabrous least above stems glabrous below inflorescence stems glabrous finely short-hairy never woolly-hairy stems sprawling trailing herbaceous stems leafy mostly unbranched always stems modified thick mostly least flattene stems modified thick succulent somewhat cylindric stems mostly thick 15-34 vertic stems often except ursinus stems branches becoming distinctly spinelike stems prostrate occasionally ascending leaves altern stems prostrate ascending stems prostrate ascending leaves succulent bright blue- stems pubescent below stalked spreading branched hairs stems pubescent dolabriform hairs mostly stout stems pubescent stiffly spreading often pustulose-based stems rarely erect decumbent leaflets stems solitary leaves chiefly cauline flowers stems stout erectt stems terete throughout sheaths thin-membranous stems densely glandular-hairy throughout heads stems usually curved branched stems tufted often numerous much-branched caudex stems tufted often numerous much-branched caudex stems twining plants often orange yellowT stems typically woody below vinelike herbaceous througho stems usually branched hairs moderately stems usually prostrate freely branched mostly 0.5-3 stems usually solid often 3-angled stems pairs leaves lowermost often wilted stems yellow glandular tissue shortly below stems distinct curly hairs below stems feltlike layer matted woolly hairs frequentl stems solitary stems minute recurved prickles stems minute branched hairs leaves sterileM sterile sterile segments cylindric often somewhat flatt stiff stiff-hairy stiffly stigma stigma subsessile peltate oblong often least stigma terminating dense white uding stigmas stigmas achenes lenticular 1.5-2.5 including stigmas achenes accordingly 3-angled occasionally stigmas carpels fruit linear tapered mostl stigmas flowering expanded peltate stigmas elongate calyx turgid often appearing stigmas shorter style twigs stigmas shorter style twigs stigmas distinctly shorter stigmatic stinging stipe stipelike stipes stipitate stipitate-glandular stipular stipules stipules stipules stipules apparently multiple nodes pairs stipules least those first nodes basally fused stipules blade sheathing stipules petiole their leaves often stipules fused sheathing blade stipules membranous sheathing stipules membranous least partially fused sheathing stipules present axillary fused stipules present fused blade stipules prominent fused petiole stolon stolonifera stoloniferous stolons stoutt straight strandedE straw-colored streams streamside striate striate strictly striped strips strongly strongly rhizomatous plants lowland alkaline saline structureG stylar style style style 0.2-0.4 catkin scales entire occasionally style 0.2-0.8 petals yellow fading white 2-3.8 style 0.3-1 exceeding stylar notch style silicles oblanceolate obcordate leaves style 2-lobed 2-branched corolla white lavender style 3-lobed style minutely stipitate-glandular terminal leaflet style excluding stigmas 0.3-1 mature leaves generall style excluding stigmas obsolete leaves style expanded below stigma latter style glabrous hooked plants cultivated weedy style jointed persistent lower portion hooked style lacking achenes beakless stigma persistent style lacking stigma sessile expanded disclike style blades glabrous pubescent style mature fruit siliques petal style mature fruit obsolete style mature fruit siliques style persistent after flowering forming achene style widest midlength tapered arising below style dense white hairs encircling cylind styles styles styles fused styles throughout their length styles 2-branched occasionally simple stigmas 1.8-3.5 styles becoming spirally twisted maturity stylopodium sub-globose subalpine subalpine subcordate subcylindric subelliptic subentire subequal subglabrous subglobose subherbaceous submerged] submerged floating leaves distinct petioles ranging subopposite suborbicular subplumose subscapose subscapose annual leaves arising subsessile subshrub subshrub midmontane alpine leaves densely stipitate-gl subshrub woody-based perennial leaves subshrub herbage stipitate-glandular throughout subshrub typically growing crevices subshrub herbage stipitate-glandular heads mostly clust subshrubsc subshrubs midmontane alpine about flowers subshrubs suffrutescent herbs stems distinctly woody subshrubs stems largely woody leaves densely stipitate-gland subspicate subtended_ subtending subteretex subterminal subulate succulent[ suffrutescent summerummer summer summit superior surface] surfaces surmounting surpassing surround surrounded surrounding surroundinq suture sweetpea sweetpea-like swellings switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch symmetricalT sympetalous tail-like tailed tapered tapering taproot taprooted taprooted annual leaves generally opposite taprooted annuals short-lived perennials leaves chiefly taproots tar-scented tar-scented annual involucral bracts herbaceous single tardily tawny teetho teiete tendril tendrils tereteA terminalB terminal blunt strongly resinous scars often terminal leaflet basal leaves often broader terminating ternate ternate-pinnate ternately texture thallie thalli 0.5-1.2 lower surface convex rootlesse thalli narrowly elliptic slender stalks thalloidd thallusd thanZ their thenC therefore these these thick[ thick-walled thickened thicker thine thin-margined thin-membranous thin-walled thinly thorns thorny those threadlike three-fourths throat throuchout through throughouta throughout tightly timesp tinged tipped principal involucral bracts erect-appressed tissue tissue covering ovary bearing stalked glands anthers together toothp toothedb toothed toothlike top-shaped totally] toward trailing transecting translucent transparent transverse transversely valleys catkins mostly scales valleys leaves white-woolly lower surface shrub valleys foothills escaped cultivat stipular spines thorns fruit legume tree-of-heaven treesC catkins individual flowers subtended trees often forming large colonies slopes above trees large shrubs valleys foothills leaves trees shrubs lacking flowersC trees leaves least broad triangular triangularo triangular-conic triangular-ovate trichomanes trueA truly truncate trunk valleys leaves white-woolly lower surface@ trees flowers catkins individual flowers subtended twigs twigs upper stems smooth dense feltlike covering twigs previous sometimes those season@ typically ultimately under upper upper leaves conspicuously auriculate-clasping appearing usual usually variable vein@ vines violet@ withering keyed particular species young twigs white dense woolly hairs primary 0.5-1 1-1.3@ 1.2-2@ 1.5-6@ 2-branched 20-30 tubercle tubercled tubercles tuberculate tubers tubes tubular tuftedF tufts turgid turions turning twice twigs 3409C 16.5D Older twigs diverse in color, usually yellow-brown to very dark when dried, rarely exfoliating; leaves glabrous or more often minutely pubescent; usually at least the lower surface of some of the leaves with some reddish hairs A Redundant 3407G 3408H 3410I typically u-shaped ultimate ultimate segments hairlike ultimate segments threadlike ultimate twigs mostly thick scale ultimately 3356C Catkins and leaves present (Salix) 3352G 3355H 3363I 3364J 3356N 3356O (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS AMCatkin scales pale yellow to greenish or light brown, occasionally red-tinged A*Catkin scales medium brown to nearly black upper upper calyx nearly obsolete leaves upper corolla hooded dorsally densely white-hairy upper sheaths bladeless blades reduced upper surface bearing minute apically hooked bristles upper surface glabrous stipules generally upper surfaces densely prickly herbage green stems upper leaves appearing encircle blades ovate upper leaves conspicuously auriculate-clasping appearing upper leaves entire upper leaves sessile auriculate-clasping short upper corolla hooded long-tapered beaked erect upper calyx entire acute upper sepal helmet-shaped hooded spurred upper leaves sessile distinctly auriculate-cla upper leaves ciliate gland-tipped hairs petals upper leaves pinnatifid segments linear threadli upper leaves sessile auriculate-clasping siliques upper stems least pubescent relatively spreadin upper stems typically long-hairy uppermost uppermost calyx tooth conspicuously broader longer upwardM urn-shaped ursinus usual usual usual usual usual usual usual usual usuallyB usually utricle v-shaped valeriana valley valleyso valve valves variable 3354C Catkins appearing with the leaves, subsessile or terminating short leafy branchlets, the scales mostly pale to brownish or some of them dark-tipped Salix geyeriana 3351G 3353H 3354I 3354J 3354N 3354O Show Description & Photos Salix drummondiana (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1030^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. vines vines stems evidently woody vines tendrils vines tendrils leaves palmately compound flowers greeni violaceae viscid viscid-hairy visiblee vivid walls water] waterways wavy-margined weakly webbed wedge-shaped wedqe-shaped weeds weedy well-developed well-drained -spaced whiteT white white-chartaceous white-ciliate white-fibrous white-hairy white-margined white-membranous white-membranous white-streaked white-veined white-woolly white-woolly-hairy whitish_ wholly whorl whorledj whorlsA widely widely wider widest width wilted wind-disseminated wing-margined winge winged winging wingless wings withA withered withering withering within withn without wooded woodlands woods woodsia woody_ woody-based woody-based subshrub leaves about woody-based perennial herbs subshrubs shrubs woody-based perennial subshrub leaves abruptly contracted wool-like woolly woolly-hairy wrinkled xanthium y-shaped yellowT yellow-brown yellow-greenZ yellow-mealy yellow-orange yellowish keyed particular species keyed particular species keyed particular species keyed particular species keyed particular species keyed particular species keyed particular species youngM young leaves mostly least times young twigs white woolly hairs species young twigs white dense woolly hairs primary zigzag 0-1-nerved 0-1.5 0-4.5 0.1-0.6 0.1-0.8 0.1-1 0.1-1.2 0.1-15 0.2-0.4 0.2-0.5 0.2-0.6 0.2-0.7 0.2-0.8 0.2-1 0.2-1.2 0.2-1.5 0.2-2 0.2-3 0.2-3.5 0.2-4 0.2-5 0.2-8 0.3-0.7 0.3-1 0.3-1.5 0.3-2 0.3-5 0.4-0.7 0.4-1 0.4-1.5 0.4-2 0.5-0.7 0.5-0.8 0.5-1 0.5-1 0.5-1.2e 0.5-1.5 0.5-10 0.5-12 0.5-13 0.5-15G 0.5-2 0.5-2.5 0.5-3 0.5-4 0.5-5 0.5-6 0.5-9 0.6-0.8 0.6-1.1 0.6-1.3 0.7-1.1 0.7-1.3 0.7-1.7 0.8-1 0.8-1.7 0.8-13 0.8-2 0.8-2.2 0.8-2.5 0.8-3 0.8-5 0.9-1.4 0vary 0vary fruit glabrous minutely hairy 1-0.5 1-1.3 1-1.4 1-1.5 1-1.6 1-1.7 1-1.8 1-2.2 1-2.5 1-3-nerved 1-3.5 1-5-nerved 1-7-nerved 1-few 1-flowered 1-many 1-many-nerved 1-nerved 1-numerous 1-seeded 1-several 1-several-seeded 1-sided 1.1-3 1.2-1.5 1.2-12 1.2-2 1.2-2.2 1.2-3 1.3-1.7 1.3-1.8 1.3-2 1.3-4 1.4-2 1.4-2.2 1.4-3 1.4-3.5 1.5-10 1.5-12 1.5-13 1.5-2 1.5-2.5 1.5-3 1.5-3.3 1.5-3.5 1.5-4 1.5-4.5 1.5-5x 1.5-6 1.5-7 1.5-8 1.6-2 1.7-2.3 1.7-3 1.8-2.4 1.8-2.8 1.8-3 1.8-3.5 1.9-2.3 10-14 10-17 10-18 10-20 10-20-ribbed 10-21 10-25 10-30 10-40 10-50 10-80 10-chambered 10-flowered 10-l5 10-nerved 11-28 12-15 12-16 12-20 12-24 12-25 13-21 15-20 15-25 15-30 15-34 15-35 15-40 15-nerved 1obes 2-2.5 2-2.7 2-3.5 2-3.8 2-4-flowered 2-4-rayed 2-4-seeded 2-4-toothed 2-4.5 2-5-parted 2-5-rayed 2-6-flowered 2-6.5 2-awned 2-branched 2-branched 2-celled 2-cleft 2-edged 2-flowered 2-forked 2-lipped 2-lobedI 2-many 2-many-flowered 2-nerved 2-ranked 2-rayed 2-seeded 2-severalP 2-styled 2-times 2-valved 2.2-3 2.2-5 2.3-3.5 2.5-10 2.5-1o 2.5-3 2.5-3.8 2.5-4 2.5-5 2.5-5o 2.5-6 2.5-8 2.5-9 2.8-4.5 20-30 3310C Catkins terminating very short leafy branchlets, capsule stipes 1-2(2.5) mm long, style and stigma collectively to about 0.8 mm long, catkin scales yellow to brown or black, leaves soon becoming sparsely hairy and pale glaucous beneath Salix geyeriana 3308G 33113311 3-3.8 3-4.5 3-5-flowered 3-5-lobed 3-5-nerved 3-5-nerved 3-5-seeded 3-5-toothed 3-5.5 3-7-lobed 3-7-nerved 3-8.5 3-9-nerved 3-angled 3-branched 3-cleft 3-forked 3-lobed 3-many 3-nerved 3-numerous 3-styled 3-toothed 3-veined 3.1-4.8 3.4-5.5 3-5-nerved 3.5-4.5@ about above abruptly achene 5-8-nerved leaves typically twisted achenes densely short-hairy often glabrous margi@ achenes usually greenish black distinctly tapered acute alpine annual annual panicle spikelike ovoid glumes anthers pendage@ arranged auricles glabrous shorter panicle branch bearin@ awnless axisP basal basal leaves 10-25 flowers white pink-tinged rays@ basal leaves pinnate leaflets cleft 3-5-nerved@ anthers opening longitudinally@ calyx obsolete lobes modified plumose segments@ corolla about longer calyx calyx@ entire@ flower heads lacking involucre sometimes closely subtende@ flowers about diameter blue-violet@ fruiting pedicels typically strongly curved-ascending capsul@ herbaceous@ inflorescence diversely colored never black blackish single nonresinous scale flower subten@ leaves 1.5-3 staminate portion leaves alternate least midstem@ leaves mostly alternate blades diverse flowers often leaves nearly always parallel-veined often sheathing species spikes sessile nearly headlike clusters uniformly style hairy upper flattened terminal@ 3.5-4.5 3.5-5 3.5-6 3.5-8 3.5-8.5 30-80 4-12-nerved 4-5.4 4-6.5 4-7-nerved 4-7.5 4-9-nerved 4-angled 4-awned 4-grooved 4-lobed 4-many 4-merous 4-nerved 4-rayed 4-seeded 4-winged 4.5-10 5-11-nerved 5-8-nerved 5-lobed 5-many-flowered 5-many-nerved 5-merous 5-nerved 5-numerous 5-seeded 5.8-8 6-15-flowered 6-34-seeded 6.4-17 7-18-flowered 75-150 8-10s 8-14-seeded 8-nerved 8asal 8asal leaves densely white-hairy least beneath hairs about about aboveB above abruptly 3303C Twigs not mottled as above, sometimes uniformly pale-glaucous, catkins either sessile to subsessile or terminating short leafy branchlets (Salix) achene 5-8-nerved leaves typically twisted achene ellipsoid terete beakedx achene essentially smooth ribbed achene distinct longitudinal connected numerous achene stylar persisting confluent short achene stylar persisting triangular-conic achenes achenes densely short-hairy often glabrous margi achenes glabrous margins inflated stems nearly always achenes leaves linear broadly elliptic achenes lacking resin glands dorsal corolla achenes smaller perigynium 1-1.7 achenes nearly filling perigynium 1.4-2 achenes spiny least cluster perennials achenes spiny perennials valleys alpine mostly achenes sometimes hairy spiny typically least achenes spiny globose cluster annual 1.5-6 achenes spiny annual valleys foothills mostly achenes spiny hairy cluster annual mostly achenes striate weakly ribbed scabrous cross-wrinkled achenes subterete about 8-nerved receptacle convex ultimate achenes usually greenish black distinctly tapered achenes prominent irregularly toothed achenes slender involucres cylindric flowerin achenes obscure dorsal spikes achenes dorsal margins inconspicuous leaves achenes prominent smooth leaves stem-clas achenes yellowish brown slightly tapered across actually acute acute acute-toothed acutely acutish additional adherent aerial after aggregated albino aligned alkaline 3297C 1.5DDCatkins and leaves both present, the leaves often not fully expanded (Salix) 3295G 3296H 3306I 3307J 3297N 3297O (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) Salix A: Pistillate catkins SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_HPlants erect to ascending, mostly more than 2 dm tall, valleys to alpine``Low, mat-forming plants of alpine and subalpine, the stems mostly prostrate, rarely to 2 dm tall 3292C Leaves longer than wide, finely toothed, firm to somewhat leathery, not consistently thickened on the margins; petioles subterete to dorsiventrally flattened A (Populus) 3290G 3291H 3293I 3294J 3292N 3292O Populus angustifolia Populus acuminata X Populus fremontii A (Populus) SALICACEAE 3290C Petioles flattened, OR the leaves only slightly darker above than beneath, finely or coarsely toothed to shallowly lobed; filaments shorter than the anthers; capsules glabrous A (Populus) 3288G 3289H 3291I and/or angled angles annua annual annual annual 1-2.5 occupying waste places often annual corolla white cream usually purple-t annual evidently restricted saline alkaline soils annual hairs involucre purple crosswalls annual leaves fleshy pubescent annual legume obliquely curved-ellipsoid inflated annual disturbed sites valleys lacking short annual disturbed valley sites capsules annual sites petals white lavender leaves annual valleys stems glabrous least above flowers annual valleys midmontane fruiting pedicels annual often mat-forming 0.3-2 panicle pyramidal annual biennial taproot about annual panicle spikelike ovoid glumes annual stems solitary often branched annual perennial herbs annual perrenial herbs diverse habitats native annual typically gray-hairy style obsolete annual erect threadlike leafy lower annuals annuals slender fibrous roots taproots valleys annuals leaves sessile calyx lobes fruiting unequal annuals mostly calyx obsolete petals annuals meadows valleys floral bracts typicall annulusM anterior anther anther opening along sides staminode sparsely beard anthers anthers anthers 1-1.6 maturity palea least anthers rachis internodes middle anthers lemmas mostly least anthers rachis internodes middle anthers diverse opening along sides anthers lacking appendage-like scales anthers lacking appendages leaves leathery anthers lemmas rarely anthers awned anthers connivent around style anthers plants otherwise anthers opening longitudinally anthers typically least lemmas 2-3.5 anthers typically lemmas 2.2-5 antrorsely apart apetalous apexM apical apically apicuiate apiculate apiculate-tipped apparent apparently appear appearance appearing appenaaged appendage appendage-like appendaged appendages appressed appressed-ascending appressed-hairy aquilegia arching arcuate-spreading areas arise arising armedo aromatic around arranged arranged arrangement arrowhead-shaped ascending ascending-spreading ash-gray aspect aspen-fir associated associations asymmetrical asymmetrically attached attachment auricles auricles ciliate shorter panicle branch except awnless awnlike lacking present lowermost floret short present least first second florets stout axillary axils axisP backs balsamita banded bands banks banner banner 15-30 banner entirely glabrous hairs banner glabrous hairy entire dorsal surface banner hairy two-thirds length banner hairy about two-thirds banner usually midline margin barbed barely twigs neither ridged winged barrel-shaped basalj basal basal blades margins callus-toothed basal blades oblong elliptic green pappus basal blades entire toothed teeth basal leaves often spreading pubescent basal leaves 10-25 flowers white pink-tinged basal leaves about wider achenes basal leaves pinnatifid blades least twice basal leaves arrowhead-shaped entire nearly gray-green basal leaves least merely toothed about basal leaves either palmate least basal leaves elliptic lanceolate entire juvenile blades basal leaves entire remotely toothed basal leaves persistent rosette nutlets shape basal leaves lacking involucre pappus lacking basal leaves lacking rosette nutlets lanceolate basal leaves lacking ternately lobed present plant basal leaves often persistent leaves mostly oblonceolat basal leaves distinctly lobed basal leaves distinctly longer basal leaves pinnate leaflets cleft basal leaves ternate leaflets wedge-shaped toothed basal leaves ternately divided basal leaves usually erect strongly basal leaves typically subglabrous sparsely pubescent basal leaves present entire remotely toothed basal leaves present basal leaves withered flowering leaves mostly lanceo basal lower leaves distinctly longer basal lower leaves lobed one-third basally` baseJ bell-shaped bent@ berries maturity reddish-brown leaves rarely bicolored bidentate blade bloom bracts bracts acute 3-lobed toothed rarely entire@ branched branches branchlets unarmed glands berries either broad brown-purple@ calix calyx calyx glabrous hairs teeth long-cil@ capsule globose wider usually 2-4-seeded calyx capsules catkin catkins caudex branched simple taproot short involucr chiefly closely coarsely commonly continue continue copiously corolla perianth enveloped bractlets these perianth enveloped bractlets based bases basifixed beaded conspicuous dorsal suture prolonged either darker perigynium stylar column inflorescence loose stylar column about inflorescence beakedx beakless beaklike beaks bearded bearing because becoming before behind beiow bell-shaped bell-shaped bellshaped below beneath berries berries maturity reddish-brown leaves rarely berries black nearly sessile rounded shiny berries twigs mostly reddish-brown leaves generally berries glandular sessile stalked glands berries reddish-brown rarely yellow berries reddish-brown purple black bearing berries twigs green yellow-green leaves generally berry berry black maturity calyx accrescent fruit herbag berry yellow green maturity calyx enlarging berrylike between beyond bicolored bicolored bidentate biennial bifid bilaterallyT bilobed bipinnate bisexual black black-banded black-bristly black-striped black-tinged black-tipped blackish` blackish-green bladdery bladeM blade bladesG bloom blue-green blue-purple blue-violet bluish bluish-green bluish-white blunt blunt-hairy blunt-toothed borneB bottoms bowl-shaped bract bract subtending lowest spike membranous sheathing bract subtending lowest spike sheathless nearly bract subtending lowest spike margins bract subtending lowest spike margins fused bracteate bractlet bractlets bractlets petals bractlike bracts` bracts bracts acute 3-lobed toothed rarely entire bracts shorter inflorescence occasionally bracts violet-purple orange plants often bracts either leaflike rarely bracts narrowly long-tapered membranous often bracts long-tapered anterior sepals 1-nerved bracts inflorescence longer calyx stems bracts inflorescence shorter calyx stems bracts yellow plants usually below alpine bracts rounded obtuse rarely acute entire bracts subtending umbel times bracts subtending umbel often times bracts entire branch branch becoming rigid spinelike fruiting bracts branchedI branched branchesU branches branches alternate subshrub branches spine-tipped fruiting bracts either strongly branches spine-tipped plants otherwise above branches spiny flowering heads clustered branches numerous spreading shrub rounded branches spiny flowering heads solitary axillary peduncle branches unarmed leaves simple palmately lobed green branches bristles straight mostly terete prick branches flattened broad-based mostly recurved prickles branches thorns branching branchlets branchlets armed glands berries usually purple branchlets armed leaves densely pubescent surfaces branchlets unarmed branchlets unarmed glands berries either branchlets unarmed glands berries either branchlets unarmed leaves glabrous variously pubescent brancted breaking bright bristle bristle-tipped bristlelike bristles bristles antrorsely barbed mostly bristles retrorsely barbed mostly bristly bristly-hairy brittle broad broad broad-based broadened broader broadest broadly broken bronze-tipped brown` brown-dotted brown-hairy brown-nerved brown-purple brown-scurty brownish brush bulbifera bulblets bulbous bulbous-based bulbs bulbs generally tightly clusterd short bulbs spaced along slender rhizome intervals about burlike buttonlike calix calix callus callus-toothed calluses calyx calyx calyx 1.5-3 lobes obtuse rarely acutish calyx 10-17 pubescence white hairs black calyx lobes typically acute calyx leave mostly longer internod calyx 5-lobed lobes fruiting dorsally smooth unequ calyx 6.4-17 calyx leaves mostly shorter inter calyx least calyx conspicuously pubescent hairs often reddish calyx darkened numerous often black hairs calyx diverse often modified lacking calyx either few-nerved obscurely many-nerved pubescent calyx glabrous loosely enclosing immature fruit calyx glabrous minute straight black hairs calyx glabrous hairs teeth long-cil calyx gray-mealy usually completely enclosing immature calyx hairy greatly inflated veiny fruiting calyx conspicuously colored floral bracts calyx lobes essentially equal width corolla 10-ner calyx lobes acute long-tapered corolla scales lacking calyx lobes broadly rounded corolla scales about calyx lobes least flowers calyx modified featherlike segments obsolete calyx conspicuously colored floral bracts calyx neither keeled winged 1.5-3 green througho calyx above calyx papery inflated fruiting petals calyx radially symmetrical obscurely 2-lipped teeth calyx teeth minute obsolete calyx pubescence entirely black hairs calyx composed distinct green segments alternating calyx glabrous hairy often calyx hairs below sinus between calyx tubular bell-shaped lobed plants calyx teeth lacking branched hairs calyx lowermost tooth longer corolla calyx lowermost tooth exceeding coroll camelna cannot canyon caplike capsule capsule globose wider usually 2-4-seeded calyx capsule longer mostly 1-seeded calyx distinctly capsule sometimes thickened styles capsule stipe leaves mostly loosely woolly-hairy capsule stipe 1-2.5 catkins matur capsule stipe leaves appressed silky capsule stipe lacking catkins capsule stipes 0.8-2.2 leaves subtending catkins capsule stipes leaves often least times capsule stipes leaves rarely times capsule stipes leaves subtending catkins entire capsule thickened distinctly raised margin around capsules capsules capsules generally linear sometimes somewhat tapered below capsules glabrous catkin rachis usually obscured capsules glabrous catkin rachis usually obscured capsules glabrous catkins leaves catkin-bear capsules hairy catkin rachis lacking crinkled hairs capsules hairy sometimes slightly catkin rachis capsules opening teeth sepals narrowly membranous-mar capsules opening teeth sepals membranous capsules ovoid lance-cylindric straight opening capsules about capsules typically distinctly tapered carpels caryopsis catkin catkin catkin rachis above scales often densely pubescen catkin rachis pubescent crinkled wool-like hairs catkin rachis short-hairy hairs straight catkin scales long-hairy sides catkin scales medium brown black catkin scales medium brown black capsule stipes 0-4.5 catkin scales medium brown black persistent catkin scales medium brown nearly black catkin scales nearly black catkin scales yellow light brown catkin scales yellow light brown scale catkin scales yellowish green externally glabrous catkin scales yellow drying light brown capsule stipes catkin-bearing catkins catkins catkins leaves present leaves often fully catkins leaves present catkins appearing before leaves sessile nearl catkins appearing leaves subsessile terminating catkins often scales persistent catkins sessile nearly first leaves narrowly oblanceol catkins sessile subsessile occasionally leafy catkins sessile terminating leafy branches first leaves catkins terminating short leafy branchlets capsule caudex caudex clothed remains petiole bases ultimate caudex lacking petiole bases these conspicuous caudex branched simple taproot short involucr caudex branched simple taproot short involucr caudex slender rhizomelike branches bearing fibrous roots caudex simple occasionally forked lacking fibrous caudex simple forked surmounting elongate taproot caulinen caution center centralP centrally chaffy chainlike chamber chambers channeled character characters chartaceous chiefly chiefly chlorophyllQ chrysanthemum cilia ciliate ciliatus cinnamon circular circumference circumscissile clasping clawed clearings clearly cleft climbing closed closely closely clothed club-shaped clump-forming clumps cluster clusterd clusteredM clustersP coarse coarsely coarsely cobblestone cobweblike coherent coiledM collar collective collectively colonial coloniese color coloration colored colorless column column length upper sepal column length upper sepal combination commissure common commonly_ commonly compactI compactly completely composed compoundG compressed compressed-keeled concave concavely concealed concealing coneA conelike cones confined confluent congested connected connivent considerably consistently consisting conspicuous conspicuously constricted constriction contiguous continuation continueO continue continue continue continue genus continue continue continue continuous contorted contracted contrast convergent convexe copious copiously copiously copper-brown coppery-tinged cordate corky corky-thickened corolla corolla corolla 1.5-2 lavender anthers corolla 1.5-3 purple-veined calyx teeth corolla 1.5-4 externally glabrous lower stems glabro corolla 10-18 flower heads plants perenn corolla across nutlets marginal prickles corolla greenish yellow white corolla white plants corolla corolla 3.5-8 bracts broad closely subtending corolla pedicels erect spreading leaves corolla lobes corolla generally externally hairy toward corolla about longer calyx calyx corolla 4-lobed violet white stamens fruit corolla 4-lobed monocolored uppermost slightly corolla 4-merous plants alkaline saline corolla white pink-veined leaves corolla flower heads plants annual corolla 5-lobed fruit fleshy glabrous berrylike corolla 5-lobed variously colored stamens corolla 5-merous plants foothills alpine corolla flowers headlike clusters rarely corolla about longer calyx calyx corolla bilaterally symmetrical corolla lavender purple rarely red-spott corolla rarely purple white corolla rarely white crest minutely papillose corolla blue-purple 0.8-1.7 slightly corolla about longer calyx calyx@ corolla cleft nearly short@ corolla white cream yellow herbage finely corolla above stigmas neither expanded corolla lobes entire nearly nutle@ corolla yellow white yellow yellow-green crinkled dactylis decurrent@ dense densely dicotyledons@ directly@ distinctly diverse either elongate enfolding@ plants otherwise above@ every extending female cones twigs usually pubescent leaves few-toothed first glume widest midlength mostly 3-nerved within flexuous-spreading floral broadly flared mostly saucer-shaped corolla cleft nearly short corolla color diverse purple plants corolla blue-purple streaked green occasionally corolla distinctly 2-lipped obscurely 5-lobed corolla diverse color spurred corolla greenish-white yellow-green dotted purpl corolla lavender rose-purple throughout 2.2-3 corolla deeply lobed stems erect corolla across crest present often yellow corolla across nutlets dorsally smooth gloss corolla across nutlets numerous sharp corolla equal slightly shorter longer corolla shorter usually markedly corolla white yellow orange leaves variously corolla white cream yellow herbage finely corolla abruptly broadened toward margins corolla essentially grooved corolla abruptly broadened entire flower corolla spurred corolla spotted often toothed laterally corolla striped margins entire often thickened corolla slender sometimes short tubular corolla lobes rose-purple rarely white corolla lobes greenish cream spreading corolla lobes purple occasionally yellow often corolla nearly radially symmetrical white corolla nearly radially symmetrical about green corolla appendaged throat pleated below sinus corolla above leaves diverse corolla above stigmas neither expanded corolla red-purple corolla spreading petals corolla violet white leaves shallowly lobed berry corolla papilionaceous resembling sweetpea corolla purple corolla radially symmetrical corolla rarely lavender rose-purple corolla floral 20-30 capsules sessile corolla rose-purple 3-5.5 corolla salverform funnelform equal longer corolla scarlet salmon rarely white stems typical corolla lavender rarely white corolla calyx teeth corolla flowers stems branch corolla about across nutlets marginal prickles corolla 10-50 lobes minutely ragged nutlets corolla lobes entire nearly nutle corolla about equal longer lobes corolla about equal lobes corolla shorter scarcely exceeding calyx corolla white mature fruit reticulate transverse corolla white nutlets ventrally attached uniformly covered corolla white lavender-pink rose-purple floral corolla white radially symmetrical corolla white purple yellow shorter corolla white markings rarely entirely white corolla yellow bilaterally symmetrical unilate corolla yellow rose-purple upper corolla yellow leaves deeply pinnatifid berry enclosed corolla yellow mature fruit reticulate transverse corolla yellow often red-spotted streaked throat corolla yellow white yellow yellow-green corollas corollas 0.6-1.1 mostly mouth corollas 1.1-3 usually corollas averaging 2-2.5 leaves midstem broadly corollas lavender purple 1.8-2. corollas leaves midstem mostly tapered corymbose corymbs county coveredM covering cream creamy creek crenate crenate-serrate crest crested crevicesE crinkled crinkled crisp-hairy cross cross-wrinkled crosswalls crowded crown cryptogramma cultivated cultivation cup-shaped cuplike cupped curly currants curved curved-ascending curved-ellipsoid curving cyathia cylindric cylindric-ovoid cymes cystopteris dactylistylis dactylis dark-tipped darkened darker debilis deciduousC deciduous shrubs usually otherwise decumbent decumbent-ascending decumbent-based decumbent-spreading decumbent-stemmed decumbent-stemmed mat-forming perennial alpine decurrent deeplym defined definite deflexed degree dehiscence dehiscent dehiscing delicate dendritic dense 3278C Ovary and fruit smooth to slightly roughened but not hairy, the mericarps globose; leaves 1-5(6) mm wide, nearly always rounded to obtuse at the apex, not at all apiculate-tipped Galium trifidum 3276G 3279H 3278I 3278J 3278N 3280O Show Description & Photos (Galium) (Galium) Z RUBIACEAE directly disarticulating flowers purple-black leaves entire toothed rarely disc-like disc-shaped discernible disinctly dissected_ dissimilar distal distance distant distended distinct distinctly distinctly distinguish distinguishableB distinguished distributed disturbed diverge divergent diverseT diverse diversely divided dolabriform dome-shaped dorsalG dorsall dorsally dorsiventrally dotted double double-toothed doubly dried drooping drop-shaped drupe drupelets drupes drying ducts during dwarfedP dying eachM flower either pedicelled well-developed calyx flower subtended usually dissimilar bracts lemma involucral bract completely enfolding marginal thallus roots early easily ebracteate eglandular eitherA either elevated elevations ellipsoidx elliptic elliptic-lanceolate elliptic-orbicular elliptical elongate elongate elongate-triangular elongated elongating emergent] emergent leaves oblong obovate spoon-shaped opposite empty encircling enclosedA enclosing enircling enlarged enlarging entire` equal equalling equally equitant eragrostis erectG erect annual foothills midmontane corolla mostly salmo erect annual palmately compound leaves erect plants otherwise above erect plants valleys alpine mostly erect-appressed erect-ascending erose escaped escaping especially essentially essentialy evergreenU every every evident` evidentlyt examine exceeded exceeding except excepted excluded excluding exfoliating exfoliatinq expandedx exserted extended extending extending extensionM externally faces facets faded fading faintly fairly falling families familyD fan-shapedJ fascicle fascicles featherlike feature feltlike female female 15-25 seeds female mostly seeds wingless female cones twigs usually pubescent leaves female cones twigs glabrous leaves rigid pungen ferns fertile fertile stamens species alternating fertile stamens staminodes sometimes present corolla fertile stamens corolla variously colored strongly fertile stamens few-flowered few-nerved few-rayed few-toothed few-toothed fewer fewtoothed fibers fibrous filaments filled filling finely first first glume least typically first glume gradually tapered mostly first glume first glume widest midlength mostly 3-nerved within flaccid flakes flared flat-topped flats flattened flatwise fleshy fleshy-fibrous flexible flexuous flexuous-spreading flexuous-spreading floating floatinq flora1 flora1 yellow-green petals yellow fading white floral floral bracts green greenish-yellow upper floral bracts lance-ovate ovate floral bracts narrowly broadly lanceolate rarely ovate floral bracts typically thin-margined distinctly floral bracts thin-margined broadest below floral styles hairy lower anthe floral styles hairy glabrous anthers floral sepals collectively flowering floral sepals collectively flowering floral broadly flared mostly saucer-shaped floral green red-purple petals white primary floret floret either terete hardened callus florets florets bisexual florets bisexual anthers often lemmas florets times lemma florets plump about times longer maturity flowerA flower arrangement diverse flower clusters mostly sessile flower clusters about borne usually flower heads lacking involucre sometimes closely subtendetende flower heads lacking involucre sometimes closely subtende flower whorls forming compact terminal spikes flower whorls axils separated length flower-bearing flowered flowering flowering midsummer mesic slopes flowering stems leafy bracteate basal leaves exceedin flowering stems leafy throughout glabrous minutely hairy flowering stems naked rarely bracts midlen flower heads lacking involucre sometimes closely subtende flowering stems slender tall@ flowers flowers pedicels lower leav@ flowers capsules pedicelled stems simple sparingly flowers closely subtended bractlets sessile pedic@ flowers clusters pedicels averaging about flowers small axillary clusters short spikes flowers umbels leaves cauline flowers sessile subsessile calyx rarely white coroll flowers white involucre often glandular variously hairy flowers yellow 1-several previous seas@ following@ foothills frequently fruit fruit silicle times wide@ fruit above@ fruiting fruiting calyx somewhat fleshy mostly lobes flowering stems slender flowering stems whorl leaflike bracts flowerinq flowersC flowers flowers pedicels lower flowers pedicels longer calyx lobes flowers axillary peduncle peduncles hairli flowers pedicels lower flowers 1-numerous terminal inflorescence flowers flowers pedicels about calyx flowers across flowers 5-merous filaments usually fused flowers axillary peduncle pedicels flowers 4-merous filaments usually through flowers flowers about prominent basal leaves petals flowers axillary petals lacking flowers axillary inflorescence generally loose flowers capsules pedicels borne bract flowers capsules pedicelled stems simple sparingly flowers capsules sessile stems usually freely branched flowers capsules subsessile axils pedicels flowers fruit above flowers bilaterally symmetricalT flowers bisexual achenes style flowers bisexual enclosed saclike structure periant flowers bisexual unisexual plants otherwise flowers bisexual solitary pedicelled loose densely flowers bisexual stems leaves obtuse acutish flowers blue-purple legumes coiled spira flowers borne above plant petals white flowers axillary terminal cymes petals often flowers bracteate compact loose heads panicles flowers bright yellow sometimes red-tinged petals flowers closely subtended bractlets sessile pedic flowers borne short initially headlike racemes flowers distinctly pedicelled loose paniclelike inflore flowers distinctly pedicelled umbellate clusters flowers diverse flowers either pedicelled clustered stems flowers either solitary axils leafy-bracteate flowers erect corolla lobes widely spreading anthers include flowers erect petals typically conspicuously longer flowers greenish flowers greenish purple-brown flowers greenish-white cream leaves developed flowers hypogynous flowers compound umbel flowers raceme panicle perianth flowers axillary terminal clusters flowers axillary terminal clusters corolla greenis greenis flowers clusters pedicels averaging about flowers clusters pedicels flowers clusters 2-many inflorescence terminal flowers compact terminal panicles flowers conspicuous terminal axillary simple compo flowers dense leafy-bracteate headlike subspicate flowers elongate racemes flowers numerous small clusters corolla white flowers interrupted narrow panicles calyx typically subte flowers compact terminal axillary spikeli flowers mostly simple racemes calyx subtended flowers pairs axils terminal short flowers panicles perianth berry reddish flowers racemes panicles flowers racemes perianth berry green green flowers racemes petals longer flowers small axillary clusters short spikes flowers solitary rarely globose hemispheric terminal flowers terminal axillary panicles flowers umbellate membranous-bracteate cymes flowers lavender-pink purple white herbage sparsely flowers flowers mostly ebracteate flowers mostly solitary corolla white usually flowers mostly solitary rarely axils leaves flowers mostly unisexual sessile dense globose clusters flowers nearly white lavender purplish sepals bearded flowers normally flowers above flowers above characters flowers borne conspicuously elongated receptacle flowers closely subtended bractlets sessile flowers solitary terminal headlike clusters flowers umbels leaves cauline flowers umbels leaves cauline flowers involucrate flowers pedicelled within cuplike involucre flowers yellow plants otherwise above flowers numerous elongate racemes drupe reddish-black flowers bracteate peduncles arising axils flowers bisexual pistillate flowers lavender white stigmas threadlike herbage flowers purple rarely white flowers purple flowers purple-brown mottled green yellow capsule flowers radially symmetrical mostly white yellow fruit flowers radially symmetrical petals similar flowers rarely purple flowers red-purple leaves pinnately lobed flowers rounded tapered stalklike flowers sessile nearly short spikes aggregated flowers sessile subsessile calyx rarely white coroll flowers sessile subsessile calyx rarely white coroll flowers short long-pedicelled fruiting pedicels flowers solitary sessile subsessile petals 10-20 flowers solitary naked scapes clustered flowers solitary small umbellate clusters drupe yellow flowers subtended white-membranous bracts flowers 2-lipped blue-violet flowers about flowers about flowers typically clustered sepals 2-3.5 flowers typically solitary sepals flowers unavailable flowers unisexualt flowers unisexual achenes style flowers unisexual plants dioecious stems flowers usually nodding petals slightly longer short flowers white fading mature nodding stems flowers white involucre often glandular variously hairy flowers white numerous pendulous racemes flowers white greenish yellow-green sometimes flowers white greenish-white fruit broad lateral flowers white nearly leaves toothed flowers white rose-purple flowers white variously colored either flowers white yellow racemes often flowers white medium headlike clusters flowers white yellow purple-brown either flowers green rose-colored perianth flowers reddish floral stamens exserted beyond flowers yellow-green floral stamens shorter flowers fused perianth segmentsW flowers showy petal-like parts these white flowers yellow flowers yellow 1-several previous flowers yellow often externally purple-tinged capsule flowers yellow rarely purple flowers yellow sepals bearded plants moist flowers yellow sometimes fading mature flowers yellow legumes curved single incom fluted folded follicles follicles densely white-woolly follicles glabrous inconspicuously hairy white woolly foothill upper montane plants taproot caudex foothills frequently fresh fringed fromA frosted fruitA fruit fruit fruit 12-25 linear fruit stipe fruit several-seeded longs fruit 1-seeded nutlet about fruit 10-chambered capsule capsule berry fruit capsule utricle achene fruit compressed obscurely 4-lobed schizocarp fruit glabrous capsule mostly fruit legume constricted between seeds 2-valved fruit legume loment glycyrrhiza burlike fruit loment legume fruit loment suborbicular segments fruit fruit berry fruit white berry fruit schizocarp splitting mericarps fruit shiny achene circumscissile capsule fruit silicle times fruit small grapelike berry fruit achenet fruit achene 3-lobed capsule fruit ovoid capsule fruit leaves diverse fruit chiefly entirely horizontal flowers diversely arran fruit club-shaped concavely narrowed below fruit crisp-hairy herbage sparsely densely crisp-hairy fruit diverse fruit diverse above fruit diverse seeds mostly least fruit either sessile pedicel stipe fruit glabrous minutely scabrous fruit globose ellipsoid times fruit minutely papillose mostly straight pedicels distinctly fruit narrowed toward stylopo fruit narrowly elongate terete flattened 0.5-6 fruit narrowly oblong lanceolate outline fruit above fruit drooping broadly oblong oblanceolate fruit forming burlike cluster light brown terete achenes fruit usually numerous achenes sepals whitish green fruit ovoid fruit maturity fruit maturity leaflets dimorphic fruit velvety-hairy fruit smooth often curved pedicels mostly slightly shorter fruit sometimes species fleshy fruit splitting nutlike mericarps| fruit strongly flattened petals purple-brown fruit usually silicles siliques fruit white fruit whitish yellow maturity fruit without lateral recurved spinesp fruiting fruiting fruiting bracts longer fruit about fruiting bracts lanceolate triangular rhombic least fruiting bracts variable larger fruiting bracts widest above middle wedge-shaped fruiting bracts widest below middle fruiting calyx lobes broad membranous calyx fruiting calyx above fruiting calyx thickened sometimes elongating fruiting calyx somewhat fleshy mostly lobes fruiting calyx thickened greatly enlarged ultimately fruiting pedicels straight ascending fruiting pedicels fruiting pedicels glabrous rarely irregularly hairy fruiting pedicels longer fruit petals mostly yellow fruiting pedicels mostly 15-40 mostly arcuate-spread fruiting pedicels mostly erect-appressed narrowly diverge fruiting pedicels mostly widely spreading least fruiting pedicels narrowly divergent recurved deflexed fruiting pedicels often slender fruiting pedicels recurved fruiting pedicels shorter fruit petals white fruiting pedicels straight horizontally spreading capsul fruiting pedicels strongly recurved abruptly deflexed fruiting pedicels typically strongly curved-ascending capsul fruiting pedicels typically strongly curved-ascending capsul fruits fully functionally funnelform furrowed furrows further fusedP fusiform generaliv generally fruiting pedicels typically strongly curved-ascending capsul generally genus glabrous glands glaucous glume glumes anthers 2.3-3.5 stout peren@ glumes broadest below middle tapered glumes scabrous throughout hairy lemma awnle@ gray-brown gray-mealy greenish growing@ habitats hairs hairs involucre minute with@ hairy heads heads nodding solitary rarely reduced latera@ hairs branched@ herbage conspicuously hairy glandular throughout herbage typically glandular-hairy throughout stamens higher indusium attached hoodlike commonly reflexe@ inflorescence generally genusD genus gibbous giving glabrate glabrous glabrous glabrous gland gland perianth segments distinctly thickened gland perianth segments indistinct non-thicke gland-dotted gland-tipped glands glands glandular glandular-ciliate glandular-hairy glandular-punctate glandular-serrate glandular-toothed glaucous Wbose globose-ovoid glossy glume glume glume hairlike nearly glumes glumes spikes erect glumes 1-5-nerved plants otherwi glumes 15-20 lemma glumes 2.5-10 spikes maturity typically nodding glumes anthers 2.3-3.5 stout peren glumes lemma rarely glumes acute first mostly 1.2-2 lemmas 2-2.7 glumes awnlike annuals perennials diverse habitats glumes lemmas acute spikelets sessile glumes lemmas acute lemmas green glumes lemmas awnless terminating simple glumes lemmas minutely scabrous least upper glumes lemmas rounded glumes lemmas short-awned glumes lemmas smooth midnerve anthers 1.2-1.5 glumes lemmas unawned glumes least present spikelets inflorescence glumes awnless awn-tip glumes awnless about glumes broadest above midlength abruptly acute glumes broadest below middle tapered glumes consistently shorter lowermost glumes either broadest above 3-5-nerved lemmas glumes including least lemma glumes mostly blunt first 0.6-1.3 lemmas 1.9-2.3 glumes mostly nearly elliptical abruptly tapered glumes narrowly elongate spikes mostly glumes narrowly lanceolate mostly long-tapered glumes narrowly oblong lanceolate terete flattened glumes abruptly awned coarsely ciliate glumes ciliate scabrous lateral spikelets glumes least central spikelet hairy glumes lemmas strongly compressed coarsely glumes lemmas terminating simple glumes ranging narrowly lanceolate broad glumes scabrous throughout hairy lemma awnle glumes shorter floret sometimes slightly glumes anthers rarely plants glumes unawned mostly glumes arising between short glumes ultimately recurved glutinous glycyrrhiza golden-brown gradually grain-like grainlike grainlike swellings typically forming inner gramineum granular granularglandular grapelike grassesA grasslikeF gravelly gray-brown gray-hairy gray-mealy gray-mealy gray-pubescent gray-scurfy gray-woolly grayish greatly greenQ green-margined green-nerved green-tipped greenish greenish greenish-black greenish-brown greenish-chartaceous greenish-tan greenish-white greenish-yellow grooved grooves ground group group group heads entirely flowers obscure group heads flowers yellow group heads flowers groups growth gynaecandrous gynobase habit habit diverse habitat habitats habitats hairlike hairs hairs hairs minute those blades mostly incurved those hairs moderately coarse those blades regular hairs involucre crinkled hairs involucre minute hairs midstem appressed strongly ascending hairs involucre lacking purple crosswalls hairyF hairy halfway halves hardenedF hastate hastately havingQ headlike heads heads heads bell-shaped involucral bracts sharply acute long-ta heads borne leafy stems scapes mostly heads clustered stems axils involucre heads entirely bisexual flowers anthers forming heads entirely flowers flowe heads hemispheric involucral bracts abruptly acute obtuse heads compact clusters pistillate staminate heads heads spikes racemes panicles inflorescence heads mostly ovoid occasionally oblong-cylindric heads mostly short-peduncled loose corymbose clusters heads nodding solitary rarely reduced latera heads solitary nodding involucre rarely heads oblong-cylindric 1.5-3.5 often irregular heads sessile nearly stems frequently thick succul heads solitary terminal stems branches involucre heads solitary involucre usually imbricate glabrous white heads solitary pistillate narrower about heads flowers heart-shaped height hemispheric herbaceous_ herbaceous woody-based nonclimbing plants herbage herbage herbage appressed-hairy woolly flowers laven herbage either partially glabrous especially herbage finely softly pubescent least lower herbage glabrous herbage glabrous capsules conspicuously warty-papillose herbage glabrous hairy above leaves mostly herbage glabrous pubescent above branc herbage glabrous glandular distinctly scurfy leaves herbage glabrous pubescent hairs branched herbage glabrous minutely sparsely pubescent herbage glabrous minutely pubescent straight hairs herbage glabrous sparsely glandular-hairy above stamens herbage glabrous variously hairy rarely woolly herbage glabrous variously pubescent conspicuousl herbage glabrous variously pubescent leaves 1-5-nerved herbage glabrous sparsely hairy glandular petals herbage glabrous variously pubescent dolabriform hairs herbage glabrous variously pubescent hairs simple herbage green glabrous sparsely hairy woolly herbage hairy throughout irregularly aligned hairs herbage minutely glandular-punctate involucre resinous herbage neither gland-dotted glandular-punctate herbage above herbage woolly herbage conspicuously hairy glandular throughout herbage glandular-punctate involucre resinous herbage glaucous anthers herbage prickly herbage scurfy mealy herbage stipitate-glandular petals diverse herbage strongly aromatic glands present often herbage strongly aromatic sometimes bearing sessile herbage woolly plants otherwise above herbage pubescent many-rayed mostly sessile stellate herbage silky-woolly throughout floral bracts narrow herbage sparsely densely pubescent branched hairs herbage stiff-hairy capsules smoothe nearly about herbage strongly aromatic lower surfaces sessile herbage strongly aromatic lower surfaces bearing herbage subglabrous variously hairy hairs herbage typically glandular-hairy throughout stamens herbage simple hairs leaves stems glabr herbage woolly-hairy flowers rose-purple leaflets obtuse herbage woolly-hairy larger basal leaves herbsC herbs leaves linear oblanceolate outline entire herbs leaves mostly alternate obscurely hairy glabrou herbs ovaries achenes glabrous herbs sometimes woody stems herbaceous herbs stems herbaceous dying herbs vines shrubs trees producing flowersC herbs green nonwoody stems sometimes woody hidden higher higher hillsides hollow honey hooded hoodii hoodlike hoodlike appendages lacking hoods hoods widely spreading hoods incurved ascending horizontally horned horns horny-tipped horse-chestnut horseshoe-shaped hroken hypogynous 3265C Flowers typically solitary, sepals 3-6 mm wide at the base, petals 2.5-4 cm long, floral tube (hip) 5-9 mm wide at flowering and 15-20 mm long in fruit Rosa nutkana 3261G 3264H 3265I 3265J 3265N 3265O Show Description & Photos incised include included includesA including incomplete incompletely inconspicuous inconspicuously incurved indistinct indistinguishable individual individual spikes few-flowered perigynia mostly individual spikes numerously flowered compactly individual spikes mostly sessile indumentum indusium indusium attached hoodlike commonly reflexe indusium above indusium above blades indusium present sometimes inconspicuous inferior infiorescence inflated inflorescence inflorescence inflorescence compact somewhat loose terminal cluster inflorescence densely crowded inflorescence large ultimately panicle inflorescence narrow panicle flowers usually purple inflorescence narrow sometimes spikelike panicle 0.2-3.5 inflorescence spikelike raceme elongating about inflorescence leaves glabrous mealy-scurfy inflorescence axillary flower whorls subtended well-d inflorescence borne peduncles equal longer inflorescence borne peduncles shorter leave inflorescence conspicuous pistillate scales leaflike inflorescence diversely colored never black blackish inflorescence above inflorescence bracteate inflorescence spikes closely inflorescence compound umbels inflorescence terminal subterminal spikelike inflorescence cymes distinctly pedicelled inflorescence 2-many axillary racemes sometimes panic inflorescence confluent remote spikes least inflorescence numerous short spikelike clusters inflorescence multiple racemosely arranged spicate branch inflorescence compact heads these rarely inflorescence often diameter flat-topped inflorescence small partly concealed broad leafli inflorescence terminal bracts subtending inflorescen inflorescence terminal involucral bract flattened inflorescence diversely colored never black blackish inflorescence about short-pyramidal inner sepals fruiting plants othe@ involucral involucral bracts imbricate woolly indumentu@ involucral bracts conspicuous glutinous dorsal ridge involucre 15-20 yellow yellow-green involucre densely glandular sparsely bracts@ juniperus lacking large lateral layer blades ternate-pinnate dissected lacelike 1.3-4 black-banded summit leaflets 4-many entire rarely irregularly toothed@ leaflets terminating spinelike least leavesi inflorescence about short-pyramidal inflorescence typically spikelike panicle petals entire inflorescence usually somewhat flat-topped flowers mostl initiallyJ inner inner involucral bracts averaging least sharp inner involucral bracts averaging inner perianth segments banded inner sepals 15-35 fruiting plants strongly rhizo inner sepals maturity 2.5-3 teeth bristlelike inner sepals maturity teeth subulate inner sepals entire minutely toothed teeth inner sepals fruiting plants inner sepals least bearing grainlike swellings inrolled insertion intact interedium intermingled intermixed internal internodal internode internodeso internodes armed prickleso interrupted intervals intoO intramarginal intramarginal prickles lacking rarely nutlet intramarginal prickles present nearly nutlets introduced involucel involucel lacking ultimate segments conspicuously unequ involucel present equal longer flowers ultima involucral involucral involucral bract usually exceeding involucral bract shorter slightly exceeding involucral bracts 3-numerous fused involucral bracts least outer abruptly tapered involucral bracts averaging least outermost involucral bracts averaging distinctly involucral bracts broadest above middle averaging involucral bracts imbricate series bract involucral bracts series outer short inner involucral bracts lacking glutinous dorsal ridge involucral bracts linear averaging about disti involucral bracts loosely scarcely imbricate involucral bracts imbricate twigs loosel involucral bracts imbricate woolly indumentu involucral bracts above involucral bracts above involucre burlike involucral bracts gland-dotted reflexed leaves involucral bracts dimorphic above leaves simple involucral bracts dimorphic above pappus retrorse involucral bracts distinctly expanded above middle involucral bracts distinctly striate leaves involucral bracts pappus above involucral bracts broadest above middle involucral bracts rounded obtuse involucral bracts scarcely darkened involucral bracts strongly imbricate outer mostly involucral bracts subequal loosely imbricate outer involucral bracts conspicuous involucral bracts conspicuous glutinous dorsal ridge involucral leaves sessile nearly blades simple involucral leaves sessile distinctly winged broad involucral leaves usually petioled blades compound involucral leaves slender petioles involucral tracts above every particular leaves involucrate involucre involucre 15-20 yellow yellow-green involucre rarely heads involucre principal bracts lanceolate involucre about leaves often involucre leaves involucre involucel lacking above aerial leave involucre involucel conspicuous fused white bracts involucre densely pubescent least toward involucre distinctly glandular simple hairs minute involucre green inconspicuous lacking fruit winge involucre lacking present rarely pinnately divided involucre lacking inconspicuous sometimes replaced involucre inner bracts involucre conspicuous involucre above involucre densely glandular sparsely bracts involucre hairy above involucre plants otherwise involucre shiny resin plants otherwise involucre shiny-resinous species involucre spiny lacking psilocarphus involucre strongly resinous bracts recurved involucre basally fused bracts subtending flowers involucre bracts series involucre without glands involucre yellowish bracts yellow greenish involucres involucres small large clusters terminal stems involucres sessile nearly involute inward irregular irregularly joined joint jointed juice juice least upper peduncles milky junction juniperusZ juvenile rounded legume borne stipe 1.4-3.5 tapered acute purple legume sessile subses keeled keels based mainly flowers kidney kidney-shaped knoblike lacelike lackingC lacking lance-cylindric lance-ovate lanceolate large large shrub small branches jointed minut largely] larger larger leaves rarely perigynia largest lateralp 3229C Ivesia 1685G 3229H 3230I 3231J 3229N 3230O Ivesia gordoni Ivesia utahensis Ivesia Ivesia ROSACEAE[ Ivesiavesia layer layia leafF blade glabrous simple gland-tipped hairs blade elongate septate hairs gland blades least upper terete flower clusters blades considerably longer broad ultimate blades either inrolled mostly blades mostly often spreading blades channeled upper surface folded blades generally inrolled 0.5-2 plants solita blades glabrous blades green glabrous nearly above densely blades glabrous pubescent blades distinctly bicolored blades ternate-pinnate dissected lacelike 1.3-4 scale acute ventral margins scale blunt rounded ventral margi scale distinctly compressed lateral margins scale rounded acutish caplike scale terete rounded lateral margins scale terminating acute ventral margi scales diverse single nonresinous scale single nonresinous scale sheathing scape sheaths least well-developed blade sheaths closed nearly often mechanically sheaths glabrous mature panicles about one-third sheaths long-hairy panicles sometimes sheaths mostly green black-banded summit sheaths mostly green black-banded summit sheaths ciliate margins hairs sheaths turning ash-gray black-banded above below vertically lobedF leafless leaflet leafletsJ leaflets 0.8-5 suborbicular elliptic rounded leaflets those lower leaves leaflets 4-many entire rarely irregularly toothed leaflets sessile leaflets similar shape terminal leaflets stalked leaflets least leaves stems leaflets mostly lanceolate long-tapered leaflets regularly serrate lobed flowers bisexual leaflets distinctly toothed lobed leaflets divided segments these appeari leaflets either conspicuously toothed throughout entire leaflets entire averaging appearing leaflets glabrous pubescent hairs woolly leaflets leaflets mostly those lower leaflets dissected numerous confluent threadlik leaflets dimorphic above usually uniformly serrate leaflets spiny-toothed otherwise above every leaflets terminating spinelike leaflets ovate broadly lanceolate mostly leaflets terminating short spinelike blades leaflets dimorphic terminal larger leaflets typically dimorphic those upper leaflets unequally stalked terminal leaflet consi leaflike leafyB leafy-bracteate leafy-stemmed leastM least leathery leave leavesB leavesi leaves leaves leaves leaves leaves leaves 0.1-1 least times entire leaves 1.5-3 staminate portion leaves rarely longer truncate rounded leaves generally sessile peduncles recurved leaves times longer toothed styles 0.4-1 leaves times pinnate ternate ultimate segments leaves times pinnate leaves times pinnately lobed stems 0.1-1.2 leaves times ternate occasionally primary leaves times ternate ternate-pinnate leaves abruptly acute leaves 1.5-12 flowering stems leaves 1.5-8 flowers lavender leaves opposite nearly flowers usually corolla leaves times ternate stems mostly short tufted erect leaves plants hillsides leaves petioles peduncles leaves 1.5-3 staminate portion leaves 2-ranked blades short elongate@ leaves abruptly tapered petiole blades typically lower hastately lobed inner@ leaves chiefly cauline least twice leaves deeply palmately lobed mostly opposite appearing leaves elliptic narrowly lanceolate least them@ leaves entirely basal stems naked small bract@ leaves flattened somewhat triangular square leaves glabrous throughout twigs yellowish drying leaves gland-dotted lower surface petals white leaves times either them@ leaves linear narrowly oblanceolate stem-@ leaves plants otherwise leaves mostly 3-nerved glabrous pubescent minute leaves 2-ranked blades short elongate leaves alternate flowers usually solitary corolla leaves overall blades times pinnate leaves long-tapered leaves 3-nerved entire serrate strongly leaves short erect leaves mostly acute leaves abruptly narrowed distinct petiole calyx leaves abruptly gradually tapered acute clustered sheaths seldom cross-wrin leaves nearly least times longer leaves similar floating present leaves stem-clasping margins somewhat leaves suborbicular ovate elliptic leaves alternate leaves alternate mostly narrowly elongate evidently leaves alternate least midstem leaves alternate flowers bisexual stamens branches alterna leaves alternate midstem entirely basal leaves alternate distinctly fleshy fruit 1-seeded leaves alternate occasionally lowermost opposite leaves alternate occasionally lowermost opposite leaves alternate opposite leaves alternate sometimes opposite leaves alternate rarely opposite toothed leaves bracts spinose fruiting diverse leaves fruit diverse leaves twigs glabrous hairy leaves arising caudex petioles often partially leaves arising flowers usually leaves arrowhead-shaped prominent basal lobes stems arrowhead-shaped prominent basal lobes stems leaves least lower hastately lobed inner leaves least hastately lobed leaves least lower pinnatifid immature fruit beaked leaves basal cauline stems simple erect 0.5-4 leaves basal cauline those markedly leaves basal usually withering during before flowering leaves basal cauline basal persistent least leaves broadly triangular mostly least leaves cauline leaves cauline least partn leaves cauline species deciduous stems often leaves cauline sometimes restricted lower leaves cauline usually green flowering sepals leaves chiefly basal about minutely leaves chiefly basal simple entire toothed branched hairs leaves chiefly basal leaves markedly reduced upward leaves chiefly cauline least twice leaves chiefly cauline markedly reduced upward stems leaves chiefly entirely cauline leaves ciliate least truncate subcordate leaves ciliate simple hairs blades otherwise glabro leaves clearly compound leaflets present leaves leaves compound leaves compound least leaflets broad leaves compound deeply parted dissectedm leaves compound simple regularly toothed lobed leaves compound petioled lacking achenes 2-awned common leaves conspicuously long-hairy leaves developed leaves green least above leathery conspicuously leaves deeply 3-7-lobed few-toothed leaves deeply dissected mostly linear segments leaves deeply palmately lobed mostly opposite appearing leaves deeply pinnately lobed central unlobed portion leaves dimorphic basal lower leaves dissec leaves dimorphic floating leathery petioled mostly leaves distinctly cauline least leaves distributed along lower portion leaves diverse leaves diverse above every particular plants leaves either acute rarely blades obtuse leaves either glabrous hairs branched flowers leaves either times leaves either times leaves either dissected numerous small segments leaves either prominently cauline simple about leaves elliptic plants annual flowers bisexual leaves elliptic narrowly lanceolate least leaves entirer leaves entire involucre plants midmontane leaves entire involucre mostly longer bracts leaves entire finely coarsely toothed lobed plants leaves entire lobed divided termi leaves entire minutely toothedo leaves entire occasionally minutely toothed anthers glabr leaves entire shallowly lobed halfway leaves entire toothed leaves entire toothed occasionally 3-5-lobed plants leaves entire toothed pedicels either glabrous pubesce leaves entire toothed sometimes irregularly cleft fruit leaves entire toothed shallowly lobed leaves entire wavy-margined definite teeth leaves entire submerged notched subtruncate leaves entire toothed blades lobed leaves entirely basal stems naked small bract leaves entirely cauline blades leaves entirely glabrous tapered toward petiole leaves equal shorter scape leaves equal surpassing inflorescence leaves essentially glabrous lobed lobes entire leaves essentially symmetrical leaves leaves evidently nodes opposite otherst leaves evidently spirally arranged along branches leaves expanded sheath 1.5-5 longx leaves often remote progressively reduced upward leaves finely coarsely toothed subentire leaves margins entire smooth sepals leaves flaccid plants above every parti leaves channeled folded center capsule leaves flattened somewhat triangular square leaves folded lengthwise center distinctly equitant leaves frequently cleft divided pairs basal leaves glabrate sparsely woolly-hairy least leaves glabrous leaves glabrous long-tapered lower blades leaves glabrous inconspicuously hairy leaves lacking leaves glabrous minutely hairy woolly leaves glabrous minutely hairy scabrous other leaves glabrous nearly lobed lobes entire leaves glabrous occasionally hairy along midrib leaves glabrous pubescent basifixed hairs corolla leaves glabrous simple hairs leaves glabrous throughout yellowish drying leaves glabrous sparsely hairy woolly involucre glabr leaves gland-dotted lower surface petals white leaves glandular pubescent mostly 5-lobed often finely leaves glaucous beneath leaves gradually tapered petiole blades generally leaves gradually abruptly tapered lobed leaves gray-mealy degree rounded acute leaves green yellow-green sometimes turning brown leaves kidney-shaped suborbicular coarsely toothed leaves lacking stipules leaves leaflets entire toothed occasionally 2-cleft leaves leathery coarsely sparingly blunt-toothed leaves leathery green least upper surface leaves leaves times either leaves linear throughout about entirely submerg leaves linear pappus minute scales 3208C 23DlPetals 5-19 mm wide when fully expanded; stems not hollow, rarely to 2 dm tall; plants mostly in mesic sites (Ranunculus) 3205G 3209H 3210I 3211J 3208N 3210O Ranunculus glaberrimus 3204C 21DdAchenes with dorsal margins inflated; leaves all cauline; plants of wet sites, valleys to midmontane (Ranunculus) 3203G 3205H 3206I 3207J 3204N 3206O Ranunculus sceleratus Ranunculus flabellaris (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) leaves lacelike usually ultima leaves leathery often variable leaves lobed leaves lobed stems erect prostrate leaves leaves reduced upward blades leaves ovate obovate often twice leaves palmately lobed leaves revolute corolla greenish-white urn-shape leaves revolute otherwise above every particul leaves spiny leaves numerous crowded slightly reduced upward leaves obscurely veined corolla mostly across stamen leaves least lower stems branches coarsely leaves often dimorphic lower chiefly linear upper leaves often fleshy leaves often hastate ovate elliptic toothed leaves often leaves pinnate incompletely bipinnate leaflets leaves ternate stems usually vinelike leaves opposite leaves opposite least midstem below nearly glabrou leaves opposite flowers unisexual stamens branches opposit leaves opposite involucre herbaceous bracts leaflike leaves opposite whorled leaves opposite robust perennial stinging hairs leaves scars alternate sometimes crowded leaves scars flowering stems alternate leaves scars flowering stems alternate leaves leaves scars flowering stems opposite leaves segments sometimes apiculate leaves leaflets lobed toothed flowers 1-numerous lacki leaflets lobed toothed flowers 1-numerous lacki leaves conspicuously cauline flowers solitar leaves entire nearly sometimes merely leaves plants diverse leaves leaves often pinnatifid leaves involucral leaves ovate obovate leaves revolute corolla rose-purple bowl-sha leaves ovate 10-40 stem-clasping leaves ovate subcordate plants rhizomatous clump-form leaves palmately 3-5-lobed rarely ovate lobed leaves palmately 3-7-lobed terminal largest leaves palmately compound leaves palmately compound fruit spiny capsule typically leaves palmately lobed nearly stamens arising leaves conspicuously cauline flowers solitar@ leaves lobed least one-third dist@ leaves palmately lobed divided basal present leaves pinnately lobed merely toothed sometimes revolute@ leaves short-petioled throughout@ leaves simple toothed pinnately lobed@ leaves spoon-shaped triangular finely toothed teeth leaves thick typically glossy above strongly 3-veined leaves toothed pinnately lobed lacking distinct leafl@ leaves usually green above white-woolly below typic@ leaves primary leaflets ultimate segments equal leaves terminal unpaired leaflet leaves within inflorescence broadly white-margined gland@ lobed locallyL longer mat-forming plants alpine subalpine stems lower leaves palmately lobed divided basal present leaves petioled flowering spike mostly 1-1.5 calyx leaves petioled petioles leaves pinnate pinnatifid toothed siliques leaves pinnate-veined dimorphic leaves pinnately compound leaves pinnately compound flowers panicles leaves pinnately compound dissected occasionally leaves pinnately compound plants disturbed sites leaves pinnately compound leaflets leaves pinnately compound ultimate segments threadli leaves pinnately dissected linear narrowly oblong leaves pinnately lobed often toothed leaves pinnately lobed singly doubly serrate lower leaves pinnately lobed merely toothed leaves pinnately lobed merely toothed sometimes revolute leaves pinnately palmately compound rarely ternate leaves pinnatifid pinnate pedicels densely pubescent leaves progressively reduced upward lower blades leaves prominently veined corolla about across stame leaves pubescent throughout stiff spreading hairs leaves pubescent simple hairs leaves pubescent simple hairs glabrous siliques leaves rarely staminate portio leaves serrate midnerve calyx lobes distinctly leaves sessile contracted petiole fleshy revolut leaves sessile petioles about flowering leaves sessile throughout leaves shallowly deeply pinnately lobed midnerve leaves sharply toothed flowers rose-purple ovary leaves short-petioled least below leaves short-petioled throughout leaves shorter inflorescence blades leaves simple leaves simple entire leaves simple entire toothed lobed leaves simple entire toothed dissected lackin leaves simple entire toothed dissected withou leaves simple entire pinnatifid occasionally appearing leaves simple entire pinnatifid appearing compound leaves simple divided distinct leaflets leaves simple species blades compound leaves simple pinnately compound leaves simple 3-lobed ternate leaves simple palmately lobed leaves simple plants sites midmontane subalpine leaves simple sessile often present achenes 4-awne leaves simple sometimes dissected lacking definite lacking definite leaves simple toothed pinnately lobed leaves margins sometimes minutely scabrous leaves solitary clustered shoots surrounded leaves sometimes slightly lighter green beneath above leaves subglabrous sparsely hairy crinkled leaves submerged floating least leaves tapered acute leaves tapered calyx keeled lobes leaves tapered petioled leaves ternate pinnate leaves ternate leaflets green surfaces fruit leaves ternate-pinnate bipinnate leaflets about twice leaves ternately compound leaves ternately compound leaflets broad sepals violet leaves ternately palmately compound leaves ternately pinnately compound plants otherwise leaves thick typically glossy above strongly 3-veined leaves acute-toothed sinuses between lobes leaves glossy pinnately veined stipules deciduo leaves shallowly deeply pinnately lobed rarely leaves otherwise above flowers diverse leaves flowers usually white leaves flowering stems usually leaves leaves spreading leaves mostly rounded leaves about plants marshy areas leaves about purple-veined purple-tinged leaves toothed except occasionally leaves toothed flowers unisexual style essentially lacking leaves toothed involucre 12-24 plants moist valle leaves toothed lobed leaves toothed pinnately lobed lacking distinct leafl leaves toothed rounded wedge-shaped blade leaves typically least times involucre leaves typically coarsely toothed anthers copiously woolly-h leaves typically dissected numerous segments achen leaves typically entire corolla leaves typically green persistent flowering leaves typically persistently hairy degree hairs leaves usually alternate corolla various leaves usually present[ leaves usually withered flowering perianth mostly leaves various leaves vertically 2-lobed sessile short branched stemI leaves wavy-margined shallowly 3-5-lobed 1-3.5 leaves developed leaves white-woolly lower surface stigmas leaves leaflets occasionally simple 3179C 8.5DfPetals 7-18 mm long, sepals erect to spreading, achene beak recurved at the tip, plants of the valleys Ranunculus repens 3177G 3178H 3179I 3179J 3179N 3179O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus macounii (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. lemma lemma 3.5-6 lemma least annual lemma arising above midlength diverse lenqth lemma arising above usually abruptly lemma arising midlength straight twisted extend lemma delicate exceeding glumes lemma relatively stout exceeding glumes lemma terete plants otherwise above lemma terminal long-tapered entire rarely lemma terminal arising between apical teeth lemma unbranched ligule membranous lemma awnless awned below lemma awnless lemma lemma 0.5-3 lemma first glumes within lemma averaging lacking plants lemma averaging first glumes within lemma lower lemma lemmas unawned lobed lemma glabrous minutely scabrous lemma broadly fusiform subglobose 2.5-4 long-ha lemma prominently obscurely nerved lateral nerve lemma awned below lemmas lemmas lemmas 1.4-2.2 panicles 0.5-1.5 branch lemmas panicles lower branch lemmas 4-9-nerved sometimes obscurely rounded keeled lemmas abruptly tapered mostly obtuse usually lemmas least distinctly awned lemmas averaging midnerve margin lemmas awned often abrup lemmas awned glabrous sparsely strongly hairy spikelet lemmas awnless occasionally awned callus lemmas awnless awn-tip about glabrou lemmas awnless lemmas becoming hardened often shiny maturity glabrou lemmas bright green sometimes purple-tinged purple lemmas either membranous awned glumes diverse winged lemmas either rhombic-ovate inflated lemmas keeled backs nerves convergent lemma backs lemmas keeled midrib 1.5-2.5 ligule lemmas lessthan mostly keeled 3-5-nerv lemmas lemmas often obscurely nerved sheaths least partially lemmas black-tinged acute lemmas papery white grayish acute lemmas rounded sometimes keeled lemmas hardened minutely hairy lemmas unawned lemmas webbed sometimes sparsely lemmas distinct nerves nerves obscure lemmas lemmas auricles lacking lemon lenath length lengthwise lenqth lenticular lessI lessthan level lewisia light lighter lightly ligule ligule stems mostly ligule hairs spikelets 1-flowered glumes stiff-hai ligule membranous sheaths long-hairy vicinit ligule membranous sometimes ciliate cilia shorter ligule stems rarely ligule upper blades lemma ligule present plants otherwise above every partic ligules ligules entirely hairs membranous ciliate inflores ligules upper leaves lemmas glabrou ligules upper leaves acute obtuse ligules upper leaves obtuse truncate 0.5-1.2 ligules rarely lemmas hairy margin linear linear linear-elliptic linear-lobed lines lining liqule liqule upper blades lemma little lobeF lobedF lobed lobes local locallyH locallyL locally locust loment longG long-awned long-ciliate long-exserted long-hairy long-pedicelled long-petioledJ long-stipitate long-tapered longer longer longest longitudinal longitudinally loose loosely annual midmontane above panicles narrow annuals leaves alternate opposite corolla mat-forming plants alpine subalpine stems shrub leaflets entire typically revolute flowers somewhat fleshy annual low-lying lowerF lower lower floret bisexual awnless upper floret staminate lower surface scurfy brown-dotted plants lower surface sparsely hairy glabrous usually lower surface velvet-like pubescence short ovate rounded heart-shaped invol lower leaves ovate oblong mostly lower leaves pinnatifid upper entire petals 10-20 lower lemmas blades lower lemmas blades lower middle stems pubescent crinkled multicell lower basal blades pubescent dolabri lower basal leaves pubescent mostly simple lower leaves petioled upper blades sessile lower leaves sparsely moderately hairy simple lower stems either glabrous pubescent mostly branche lower stems glabrous simple branched hairs lower stems lacking coarse yellowish hairs achenes distinctl lower stems moderately densely pubescent simple lower stems sparsely pubescent simple spreading hairs lower stems coarse spreading yellowish hairs lowermost lowermost scales least spikelet spike lowermost scales spikelet lowest lowest pinnae equal shorter those immediatel lowest pinnae longer those immediately above lowland lower stems either glabrous pubescent mostly branche@ lowland plants marshy areas middle leaves major maturity membranous middle midmontane minutely moist mostly narrow nearly nerves further described@ nutlets lanceolate ovate basal leaves present obovate occasionally often older twigs diverse color usually yellow-brown lower bracts equal longer than@ opening otherwise@ outer involucral bracts ascending appressed achenes lowland plants marshy areas middle leaves magnification panicle branches bearing spikelets spreadi panicle branches usually distinctly drooping typica angled ribbed erect-asce typically teiete numerous mostly prominent mainly major majorityA malodorous manner many-branched many-chambered many-nerved many-rayed margin margin marginal marginally margined marginsM marked markedly markings marshy massf mat-forming mat-forming perennials leaves opposite entire deeply matted mature mature capsule generally distinctly constricted between mature capsule scarcely constricted between mature perigynia regularly spaced nerves sometimes mature perigynia numerous closely spaced mature seeds prominently furrowed ridged furrows mature seeds facets smooth ridged pitted maturityZ maturity meadows mealy mealy-scurfy mechanically medial medium medium shrubs branch becoming spinose leave medium small shrubs leaves gray-green nearly white meeting membranous| membranous membranous-bordered membranous-bracteate membranous-margined menbranous-margined merely mericarps| mericarps conspicuously stiff-hairy beaked mesicE microscopic microscopically mid-nerve middle middle middle leaves distinctly petioled blades elonga middle leaves lacking middle leaves above midlength midline midmontane dnerve midnerves midrib midstem midsummer midvein midway milky minute minutelyo minutely mistaken moderate moderately modified[ moistE moist monocolored monocotyledons` monoecious monoecious annuals montane mostlyC mostly mostly mottled mountain mountains mouth muchm much-branched mucro mucronate multicellular multiple nakedA naked portion panicle branches averaging naked portion panicle branches averaging narrow narrow narrowed narrower narrowly native nearJ nearly` nearly nectary needlelikeC needlelike leaves 3-8.5 fascicle often curved needlelike leaves rarely longer needlelike leaves fascicles scales unarmed neither| nerve nerved nerveless nerves nerves never growth branchlets glabrous mostly whitish green growth branchlets minutely hairy mostly red-brown nextO niddle plant distinctly spiny nodding nodest non-bristly non-colonial n-glandular non-jointed non-thickened nonclimbing leaves lobed margins entire serrate petal nonpapillose nonparasiticQ nonpersistent nonpetaloid nonprickly nonresinous nonsessile nonwoody normally further described otherwise abovef otherwise above every particular notch notched nouth numerous numerously nutlet nutlets nutlets ovoid nutlets about twice gynobase nutlets attached below nutlets lanceolate ovate basal leaves present nutlets ringed barbed prickles nutlets ventrally grooved appearing hairy leaves uniform nutlets ventral medial fruiting calyx nutlets ventral center usually situated nutlike| o-many o-several obcordate object oblanceolate oblique obliquely oblonceolate oblong oblong-cylindric oblong-ellipsoid oblong-elliptic oblong-oblanceolate oblong-ovate oblongifolia oblonq obovate 3175C Leaves simple, entire or toothed to much dissected but lacking distinct leaflets; plants glabrous or variously hairy but not coarsely so (Ranunculus) 3165G 3174H occasionally occupying occurring often often older older twigs diverse color usually yellow-brown older twigs typically gray-brown exfoliating lower bracts equal longer one-fifth one-fourth one-half one-third only` opaque opening opening opposing oppositej evidently shorter leaves simple orange orange-brown orbicular oriented other otherst otherwiseP outer outer inner sepals fruiting equal nearly achene outer bracts blackish-green brown mostly acute outer bracts brownish rounded sometimes outer involucral bracts ascending appressed achenes outer involucral bracts spiny along margins herbage outer involucral bracts spiny along margins herbage outer involucral bracts uniformly white pink-tinged outer petals erect slightly spreading spurred outer sepals distinctly wider inner margi outer sepals similar inner margins often outermost outermost involucral bracts acute obtuse outline outlining outside outward outwardly ovaries ovaries achenes glabrous receptacle sometimes hairy ovaries fruit glabrous flowers yellow-green fruiting ovaryW outer involucral bracts ascending appressed achenes ovary ovary inconspicuously crested perianth greenis@ palea panicle usually pyramidal rarely papillose pappus present principal blades longer pedicel pedicels mostly longer spikelets panicle perennial mostly stems 1-several perennials leaves distinctly lobed plant otherwis perianth 3-4.5 red-tinged blades rounded perianth segments various@ perigynia conspicuously@ perigynia above every particular inflorescence perigynium@ persistent petals petals purple-veined sepals allowly notched fruit pubesce@ ovary ovary fruit hairy degree mericarps subglobos ovary fruit flattened notched ovary fruit smooth slightly roughened hairy ovary immature fruit strongly flattened plants native ovary conspicuously crested ovary conspicuously crested perianth white lavender- ovary deeply 4-lobed ovary densely hairy style lacking lobes stigm ovary entire 2-lobed ovary entire species lobed lobes ovary glabrous hairy neither distinctly papillose ovary glabrous rarely sparsely hairy style obsolete ovary inconspicuously crested perianth greenis ovary inferior ovary deeply divided ovary immature fruit elliptic ovate lanceolate ovary immature fruit linear herbage variously hairy ovary immature fruit linear broadest above ovary immature fruit strongly flattened mostly elliptic ovary orbicular oblong ovary shallowly 4-grooved flowering ovary superiorW ovary superior inferior ovary superior one-third inferior ovary superior perianth diverse ovate ovate-lanceolate ovate-rhombic overZ overall overlapping overtopping ovoid ovules paired pairs pale-glaucous pale-margined pale-nerved palea palea palea obsolete lemma panicl palmate palmately_ pancle panicle panicle linear congested spikelike panicle mostly narrow branches erect panicle narrow green tawny occasionally tinged purpl panicle contracted green purple tawny panicle rachis branches glabrous scabrous soft-ha panicle rachis branches smooth scabrous minut panicle usually pyramidal rarely paniclelike panicles panicles often least often panicles usually mostly panicles compact narrow somewhat pyramidal panicles either plants otherwise panicles loose branches ascending widely panicles mostly least ligules upper panicles mostly dense narrowly oblong relatively paniculate paniculately papery papilionaceous papillae papillose papillose papillose-toothed pappus pappus bristles minutely barbed usually white nearly pappus bristles subplumose usually basal leaves generall pappus consisting short crown persistent pappus lacking flowers pappus vestigial pappus scales involucre 10-30 pappus hairlike bristles lacking plants otherwise pappus readily deciduous lanceolate scales either pappus scales lacking layia scales present pappus scales pappus lacking pappus smooth minutely barbed bristles without basal pappus present flowers pappus present principal blades longer pappus present scales parallel parallel-veined` parasite parasites parasiticZ parryi partQ partedm partially particular partitions partly parts passing pattern pea-tree pear-shaped pearly pedicel pedicel pedicelled pedicels pedicels erect ascending siliques twisted often pedicels glabrous pedicels glabrous pubescent above stems rarely pedicels glabrous sparsely crisp-hairy pedicels hairy pedicels mostly longer spikelets panicle pedicels regularly pubescent rather coarse spreading pedicels shorter spikelets excluded pedicels sparsely pubescent minute mostly 2-forked pedicels typically white-woolly pedicels widely spreading siliques usually equally peduncle peduncled pedunclesJ peduncles inflated below flowering heads peduncles inflated below flowering heads yellow peduncles subsessile yellow glands sepals greenish-whit peduncles without glands sepals bright lower surfa peglike pendent pendulous perennial perennial stout scaly rhizomes restricted perennial occupying native habitats well-drai perennial corolla yellow nutlets white grayish glossy perennial rhizomelike bright perennial rhizomes leaves below inflorescence sessi perennial mostly stems 1-several perennial leaves perennial foothills lower montane perennial foothills subalpine capsules perennial biennial usually present involucral bracts perennial stems erect prostrate slender threadlik perennial stems tufted 2.5-1o uppermost sheath perennial simple palmately lobed leaves perennials perennials corolla mostly narrow expan perennials either sites occurring higher elevat perennials elongate rhizomes well-developed perennials leaves distinctly lobed plant otherwis perennials leaves distinctly lobed plant otherwis perennials leaves mostly elliptic least blade perennials legume somewhat inflated oblique perennials occupying diverse habitats petals diverse perennials foothills alpine stems lacking glutinous perennials midmontane above stems perennials native sites scabrous variously hairy espec perennials variously hairy style 0.2-1.5 perennials leaves above hairs lacking perennials stout often woody rootstocks basal leaves perennjal perianthW perianth 3-4.5 red-tinged blades rounded perianth often red-tinged blades terete perianth consisting sepals petals perianth green variously colored petaloid perianth single whorl perianth whorl variously colored achenes numer perianth whorls essentialy similar sometim perianth segments similar series flowers perianth basally fused petaloid segments series perianth segments fruit achenes borne dense perianth perianth present plants terrestrial leaves diverse perianth radially symmetrical nearly occasionally perianth segments gland distinctly 2-lob perianth segments gland perianth segments fewer perianth segments nearly perianth segments various perianth white nearly otherwise perianth white sepals petal spurs 2.5-5 perianth white lavender-pink perianth yellow reddish petal spurs plants pericarp perigynia perigynia 2.5-3 lightly obscurely nerved dorsal perigynia 3-3.8 typically conspicuously nerved perigynia 3.4-5.5 otherwise above perigynia conspicuously perigynia 5.8-8 spikes loosely aggregated perigynia broadly ovate gradually tapered perigynia distinctly compressed gradually tapered perigynia distinctly several-nerved faces diversely perigynia either distinctly bicolored shade brown perigynia elliptic markedly bicolored greenish straw perigynia entirely glabrous minutely scabrous perigynia green greenish-tan walls several-nerve perigynia green straw-colored throughout lightly coppe perigynia lanceolate broadest gradually perigynia minutely rough-textured brown perigynia nerved dorsal sometimes obscurely perigynia nerveless except margins occasionally perigynia above every particular inflorescence perigynia filled achene margins perigynia wing-margined above usually marginally perigynia oblong-ovate abruptly tapered mostly perigynia perigynia ovate bicolored mostly glossy red-brown perigynia nearly black thin-walled nerveless perigynia smooth shiny thick-walled brown mostly ovate perigynia subglobose slightly compressed abruptly perigynia thin-walled nerveless nearly perigynia ultimately filled achene somewhat turgi perigynia narrow subterete 0.2-0.6 plant perigynia relatively broad conspicuously bidenta perigynia marginal nerves occasionally shifted perigynia marginal nerves typically shifted perigynium perigynium broadest above wedge-shaped abruptly perigynium broadest rounded gradually tapered perigynja perigynja 2.8-4.5 periphery perrenial pers-stent persistent persistently persisting petal petal-like petaloid petaloid-tipped petals petals petals petals 1-2.2 stylar column stigmas petals fruit clusters cylindric barrel-shap petals plants native habitats small petals ovules replum plant petals 2-4.5 sepals styles petals occasionally numerous petals biennial perennial anthe petals sepals usually reflexed achene strai petals petals petals plants native habitats small petals petals white variously colored deeply bilobed petals fully expanded fruit clusters subgl petals perennials well-developed caudex petals purple-veined sepals petals sepals erect spreading achene petals about equal slightly exceeding sepals petals about twice sepals longer petals white sometimes yellow toward achenes petals sepals nerves prominently thickened petals conspicuous arely white purple wings petals creamy white sepals narrowly membranous-mar petals deeply lobed silicles glabrous leaves petals diverse lobed petals diverse color cream yellow plants petals either least slightly shorter petals entire basal leaves wider cordate petals entire flowering stems leafless except debilis petals entire apically 3-lobed stamens opposite petals entire shallowly notched fruit pubesce petals equal shorter sepals receptacle coarse petals exserted appendages ovary stipe petals fused least petals fused least petals fused their length petals lacking fringed nectary glands style stigma petals lacking fruit achene persistent plumose petals laterally fringed lower basal leaves petals stigmas entire globose petals petals longer sepals receptacle minutely hairy petals floral least petals mostly diverse color petals above petals above lacking petals spurred sometimes lacking fruit achenes petals lavender purple petals purple rarely white capsules petals purple stigmas fruiting petals pinkish red-purple calyx lobes 2.5-4 anthe petals pinnately divided lobes stamens alternate petals predominately violet occasionally white throu petals predominately white leaves distinctly petals predominately yellow leaves rounded wedge-shaped petals predominately yellow white often purple-tinged petals present petals present fruit diverse style persistent petals white petals spurred aquilegia petals sepals styles about petals fruit small velvety drupes petals stems typically branched petals stems hollow often petals purple rarely white capsules seed@ petals stems hollow often petals white greenish@ epals finely nerved throughou@ petioles terete slightly channeled above leaves dist@ pinkish pinnately pistillate catkins clusters bracts woody pistils style elongate plumose maturity leaves plants plants either conspicuously pubescent tufts wooll@ plants glabrous throughout pubescent simple hairs plants mat-forming leaves entirely chiefly basal plants scapose tufted mat-forming caudex plants stoloniferous leaves variously compound leafl plants valleys calyx coarsely pubescent spreadin@ plants parasitic species juniperus green usually petals stems hollow often petals about petals typically included appendages minute lacking petals white petals white 0.5-13 occasionally lacking plant petals white 2.5-5 petals white pubescence mostly minute many-bran petals white often purple veins stigmas petals white rarely fruit splitting petals white cream lavender purple purple-b petals white pinkish purple-tipped upper petals white purple fruit herbage habitat diverse petals yellow achenes pustulose rounded faces petals yellow capsules 1.5-3.5 seeds about petals yellow fading white basal nectary present leaves petals yellow fading white purple-tipped petals yellow fading white sepals finely nerved throughou petals yellow white petals yellow-green calyx lobes anthers opening petiole petiole least lower portion rachis petiole bases previous seasons lacking petioledG petiolelike petioles petioles longer petioles flattened leaves slightly darker above petioles terete slightly channeled above leaves pink-tinged pink-veined pinkishZ pinnae pinnae mostly oblong outline pinnae sharply serrate spiny-toothed least pinnae spiny-toothed deeply cleft toward petiol pinnate pinnate-veined pinnatelyG pinnately pinnatifid pistil pistil pistil style short plumose maturity leaves deeply pistil fruit diverse pistil receptacle linear pistil above pistillateZ pistillate catkins clusters bracts woody pistillate catkins available pistillate flowers mostly clustered axils fruiting pistillate flowers mostly elongate nearly leafless spikes pistillate flowers inferior ovary pistillate heads short terete spines encircling pistillate heads scattered flattened spines pistillate portion spike brown flowers lacking pistillate portion spike light cinnamon brown fertile pistillate scales mostly distinctly shorter pistillate scales red-brown greenish straw-colored pistillate scales shorter narrower pistillate scales whitish broad translucent pistils pistils pistils 1-numerous pistils 2-many flowering pistils style elongate plumose maturity leaves pistils fruit above pistils plants otherwise above every pitted placed places planoconvex plantQ plant shrub rarely small plant valleys plant short stout mostly erect rootstock rarely plant slender rhizomes ultimately stolons arising plant middle upper montane plant valleys midmontane plantsA plants plants plants plants plants plants occupying mostly moist sites leaves chiefl plants inflorescence mostly rhomboid ovoid plants leaves rarely often plants inflorescence usually narrowly oblong plants plants annual occupying disturbed sites valleys plants annual restricted valleys lemma exceeding plants annual spikes thick plants aromatic plants bright green glabrous inconspicuously plants coarse plants conspicuously hairy subglabrous minutely plants differentiated stems leavesd plants dioeciouss plants either least shorter glumes plants either conspicuously pubescent tufts wooll plants either leaves plants either plants either otherwise above plants either forming dense plants entirely glabrous stigma sessile nearly broad plants caudex without fibrous roots plants glabrous ihroughout simple rarely forke plants glabrous nearly petals entire shallowly plants glabrous pubescent woolly montane calyx plants glabrous pubescent simple hairs plants glabrous rarely simple hairs leaves plants glabrous variously hairy plants glabrous throughout hairs simple appear plants glabrous throughout pubescent hairs plants glabrous throughout pubescent simple hairs plants glandular-hairy throughout leaves oblong irregularly plants glaucous growing mostly lowland meadows plants green least prior flowering stems leafy plants hairy least margins leaves calyx lobes plants herbaceous throughout fruit capsule diversely plants herbaceous throughout sometimes woody-based plants moist sites semi-aquatic leaves plants lacking rhizomes stems densely tufted plants lacking spines plants lacking stinging hairs plants lacking tendrils plants lacking above combination characters plants lacking underground turions often mat-forming pedicel plants otherwise above plants usually branched heads leafy-bracteate cluster plants mat-forming leaves entirely chiefly basal plants monoecious flowers bisexual leaves glabrous plants monoecious inflorescence least pisti plants mostly panicle scarcely plants mostly panicle linear somewhat plants neither stoloniferous scapose stems leafy plants non-colonial shrubs trees diverse habitats plants above plants above characters plants above every character plants above every detail plants above every particular plants opposite plants woolly-hairy leaves mostly shallowly lobed plants scapose tufted mat-forming caudex plants climbing plants free-floating compact lessf plants glandular-hairy throughout leaves diverse plants glandular-hairy within inflorescence sometime plants glaucous growing well-drained soils mostly plants grasslikeF plants growing branches evergreen treesU plants having above combination characters plants mat-forming leaves entirely cauline lower plants mat-forming plants mat-forming otherwise above plants otherwise above plants otherwise above every particular plants parasitic branches plants rhizomatous stems generally closely tufted plants scapose mat-forming valleys midmontane plants stoloniferous leaves variously compound leafl plants stoloniferous leaves variously compound leafl plants stoloniferous stems rooting nodes plants succulent plants weedy plants diverse habitats plants mesic sites 0.5-3 leaves borne plants moist rarely sites plants drying flats shallow water plants mesic moist sites midmontane above naked plants mesic disturbed sites valleys plants midmontane calyx finely uniformly stellate plants midmontane alpine plants midmontane alpine biennial perennial occupyi plants midmontane alpine stems short-stalked plants moist native habitats foothills alpine plants native habitats foothills subalpine leaves plants saline plants subalpine above stems tufted prostrate plants valleys calyx coarsely pubescent spreadin plants upper montane middle leaves 10-40 plants upper montane alpine fruiting pedicels plants upper montane alpine outer involucral bracts plants upper montane alpine fibrous remains plants valleys foothills plants valleys foothills outer involucral bracts plants valleys foothills stems lacking glands pubesce plants valleys alpine plants valleys midmontane plants valleys midmontane lacking petiole bases plants valleys midmontane stems solitary tufted plants places sometimes shallow water plants slopes plants otherwise diverseT plants gray-green dense velvety pubescence inflo plants parasitic species juniperus green usually 3163C Ranunculus 1613G 3163H 3164I plants rhizomatous stems generally spaced perigynia plants rhizomatous stems loosely tufted solitary plants robust rarely branched heads inconspicuously bracteat plants scapose basal leaves toothed flowers typically numero plants seed-bearingh plants shrub small diverse habitats plants shrubs small trees forming dense stands rarely plants sparsely densely hairy woolly plants stipitate-glandular inflorescence often plants stoloniferous slender decumbent prostrate plants strongly aromatic plants taprooted involucre glabrous white-hairy plants terrestrial mesic rarely moist sites often plants terrestrial leaves ultimate segments plants terrestrial growing water largely emergent plants terrestrial rooted water largely emergent] gent] plants rhizomatous stems generally spaced perigynia plants slender robust heads above pappus numero@ plants thinly pubescent crinkled cobweblike plants stolons leaves pinnate leaflets densely@ portion prickles slender moderately stout straight slightly primula@ processes@ pubescent purple raceme rachis rarely mostly immature heads nodding pappus receptacle slightly convex leaves neither decurrent reddish reddish-orange regularly removable@ rhizomatous woody-based perennials rarely flowering rockE rose@ rounded seeds distinctly papillose magnification@ segments sepals sepals initially green yellowish reddish-tinged plants thinly pubescent crinkled cobweblike plants occupying slopes involucral bracts plants leaves mostly lobes plants leaves coarsely toothed plants leaves essentially entire plants typically leafy-stemmed basal leaves palmately 3-5-lo plants typically occurring lower elevations plants typically stoloniferous scapose occupying mostly plants unarmed plants unarmed currants plants weakly rhizomatous stems closely tufted plants well-developed caudex midmontane alpine plants leaves finely dissected submerged plants bisexual flowers otherwise diverse plants chiefly bisexual flowers flower plants leaves floatinq 3-5-lobed plants stolons leaves pinnate leaflets densely plants underground turions mat-forming pedicels plants without rhizomes panicle branches often drooping plants without stolons flowering stems leafy plants woody-based forming dense basal plants woolly-hairy least leaves mostly plants woolly-hairy degree plants yellow greenish-yellow sepals pleated plumose plump point points pollen polygonaceae polypogon pomes poorly population populations pores portion portion pouched pratensis predominately presentG pressed previous prickleso prickles slender moderately stout straight slightly prickly prickly-bristly primary principal principal involucral bracts least sparsely woolly-hairy principal involucral bracts glabrous throughout minutely principal involucral bracts nearly always black-tipped principal involucral bracts black-tipped outer bracts principal blades stamens principal leaves times pinnatifid taprooted annual principal leaves either coarsely principal leaves entire toothed shallowly lobed rarely principal leaves linear entire rhizomatous perennial principal leaves serrate petioles prior process processes procumbent producedJ producingC progressively projected prolonged prominent prominently prostrate prostrate ascending annual valleys inflorescen prostrate-spreading prow-shaped psilocarphus pubescence pubescence branched simple hairs grayish pubescence simple hairs grayish leaves fleshy pubescententent pubescent pungent pungent-tipped pungently purple purple purple-banded purple-based purple-black purple-brownT purple-spotted purple-tinged purple-tipped purple-veined purpletinged purplish pustulose pustulose-based pyramidal quadrangular quickly raceme raceme raceme secund style leaves obscurely toothe raceme secund style leaves finely toothed racemelike racemes racemes flowerinq petals white racemes flowered pedicels mostly racemes flowering petals white pinkish racemes 10-flowered lower calyx tooth racemes mostly 7-18-flowered pedicels mostly racemes 10-flowered lower calyx tooth about racemose racemosely rachilla rachis rachis rachis petiole brown purple-brown throughout rachis petiole green yellowish petiole brown rachis continuous maturity rachis continuous disarticulating maturity rachis inflorescence continuous breaking rachis spike continuous breaking nodes rachis spike disarticulating maturity lateral rachis remaining intact dried specimens somewhat radially ragged raised range ranging ranks rarelyC rarely rarely raspberry raspberry-like rather flowers exceeding involucre immatu flowers inconspicuous hairlike erect white flowers lacking inconspicuous plants typically gray-p flowers lacking leaves reduced above pappu flowers present rayed 10-17 inner involucral bracts tapered 10-21 leaves sessile pinnatifid toothed 15-25 white pinkish involuc herbage often short-hairy fruit 10-25 leaves petioled least below inner involucral bracts mostly broadest purple white orange orange mature achenes abruptly narrowed slend evident pappus copious white lacking corollas 4-lobed involucre diameter other white maturity longer broad often pappus otherwise above every mostly immature heads nodding pappus mostly immature heads nodding pappus above pappus present achenes often purple lavender white upper present corollas 5-lobed involucre purple glabrous achene abruptly contract white achenes cylindric truncate white ultimate segments yellow axils tufts woolly hairs achene yellow mature achenes gradually tapered stout yellow orange sometimes fading cream yellow ultimate segments often least reaching readily receptacle receptacle chaffy least center smooth rigid receptacle slightly convex leaves neither decurrent receptacle subglobose broadly dome-shaped maturity receptacular recurvedM red-brown red-purple red-spotted red-tinged reddish reddish-black reddish-brown reddish-orange reddish-orange reddish-purple reddish-tinged rediviva reduced` reduced involucral bracts lacking midnerve scales reduced involucral bracts present lowermost scales reflexed region regular regularly relatively remainder remaining remains remote remotely removable replaced replum reported reproducingA resembling resin resin ducts leaves midway between lateral margin resin ducts leaves cross section beneath resinous restricted resulting reticulate reticulate-veined reticulately_ retrorse retrorsely revealing revolute revolute-margined rhizomatous rhizomatous woody-based perennials rarely flowering rhizomatous perennial panicle least narrowly rhizome rhizome caudex often leaves distinctly flatt rhizomelike rhizomes rhombic rhombic-ovate rhomboid ribbed ridge ridged ridges right rigid ringed robust robust perennial flowers 15-35 bell-sha robust perennial stinging hairs rockE rootcrown rootcrown bearing dense tufts orange-brown scapes rootcrown lacking conspicuous tufts scapes rooted] rooting rootlesse roots rootstock rootstocks rosaceae rose-colored rose-lavender rose-pink rose-purple rosette rosettes rough-textured roughened round round-toothed rounded 3156C 3.5DKLeaves 2-3 times ternate; stems mostly short, tufted, and erect to trailing Clematis columbiana 3154G 3155H 3156I 3156J 3156N 3156O Show Description & Photos Clematis occidentalis (Clematis) scabrous scabrous-margined scale scalelikeC scalesA scales midlength spikelet least scales spikelet vertical spikelets linear scaly scantily scape scape scapes scapose scarcelyB scarlet scarlet-tipped scars scattered schizocarp scraped scume scurfy scurfy-scabrous season season's seasons second second glume 3-4.5 elliptic obtuse second glume narrowly long-tapered second glumes either tapered rounded second glumes angled lateral margins secondary section secund secunda seeds seed-bearingh seedsA seeds 1.3-1.7 sepals least larger seeds conspicuously tailed perianth segments seeds developing within fruitC seeds distinctly papillose magnification seeds replum plants otherwise seeds lacking distinct ridges stems sometimes matted mostly seeds merely apiculate perianth segments smooth seeds numerous capsule seeds obtuse angles facets nearly smooth seeds sharply angled facets distinct transverse seeds smooth nearly magnification seeds sepals about bracts seeds distinct longitudinal ridges stems 1-several seeds without hairs sepals spreading segment segmented segmentsW segments seldom semi-aquatic semicircular semiparasiticQ sepal sepalsZ sepals sepals 0-1-nerved rarely faintly 3-nerved sepals appendaged sepals petaloid lewisia rediviva sepals green 0.2-0.7 sepals 2.5-4 lacking awn-tip stylar column sepals basally fused fruit vertical often sepals throughout fruit 1-several-seeded silic sepals petaloid 1-2.5 sepals petaloid 1-2.5 flowers normally sepals fused greenish sepals sometimes alternating bractlets sepals petaloid white variously colored sepals fewer rarely stems sepals initially green yellowish reddish-tinged sepals petals 11-28 seeds often winge sepals about equal broadly cylindric bell-shaped sepals leaflets entirely glabrous rarely sepals leaflets stipitate-glandular least sepals petals fruit obovoid about minut sepals petals sepals arising floral sepals fruiting typically dimorphic outer distinctl sepals least sepals diverse spurred hooded sepals either fused sepals fused rarely lacking fruit utricle sepals nearly sepals fused 5-lobed calyx sepals glabrous pubescent hairs simple sepals green yellowish conspicuous ovary superior sepals lanceolate tapered acute often slightly incurve sepals narrowly cylindric sepals alternating bractlets sepals above sepals oblong typically hooded obtuse membranous sepals calyx lobes sepals white purple plants midmo sepals present sepals petals capsules sepals rounded hooded styles sepals petals seeds wingless sepals present alternating bractlets stipules sepals yellow plants valleys foothills separated septate series serrate sepals lanceolate tapered acute often slightly incurve@ sessile@ sharp short shorter shrub elongate arching usually sparsely thorny stems sides@ silicles faintly veined maturity usually glabrous silicles orbicular wider notched entire silique style terete slender inconspicuous@ siliques 4.5-10 maturity pubescent mostly siliques terete quadrangular slightly flattened simple single single species genus locally sites slender small smooth sometimes spaced@ species0 panicle callus long-hairy hairs spikelets keels glumes lemmas spikelets strongly flattened lemmas sharply keeled befor@ spikes sessileI sets_ several several-nerved several-seededs shade shaded shallow shallowly shape shaped sharp sharp sharp-edged sharp-pointed sharply shattered sheaths sheathing` sheathless sheaths sheaths shifted shiny shiny-resinous shoots shortI short short-awned short-beaked short-ciliate short-clawed short-hairy short-pedicelled short-peduncled short-petioled short-pyramidal short-rhizomatous short-stalked short-tapered shorter shorter shortly showy shredding shrub shrub 0.2-2 herbage glabrous variously hairy shrub leaflets entire nearly always revolute ovaries shrub leaves opposite densely gray-hairy lower shrub prostrate leaves needleli shrub midmontane subalpine branches often shrub small shrub below subalpine mat-forming leaves typical shrub stout thorns spinose twigs leaves shrub branched fruiting bracts branched fruiting bracts shrub elongate arching usually sparsely thorny stems shrubbyP shrubsA shrubs foothills above leaves white-woolly beneat shrubs foothills midmontane branches erect shrubs valleys foothills leaves stipitate-gla shrubs small trees mostly leaves shrubs small trees diverse sites above every shrubs small trees thorns spinose branches shrubs trees above shrubs trees above every particular shrubs flowers normally pairs upper shrubs prickles sometimes bristles fruit coheren siberian sides silicle silicle ovary glabrous silicle ovary pubescent silicles silicles 10-18 broadly wing-margine silicles wingless broadly silicles about broad oblanceolate seeds silicles least oblanceolate silicles broadest below middle valves margined silicles densely hairy sepals deciduous persistent silicles either compressed parallel broad replum silicles either cylindric silicles faintly veined maturity usually glabrous silicles glabrous occasionally scattered hairs silicles globose nearly silicles globose slightly compressed parallel silicles mostly moderately inflated ovate cordate silicles neither winged notched silicles beaked pedicels either spreading longer silicles bladdery herbage glabrous stiffly silicles tapered silicles inflated stellate-hairy silicles didymous valves fused throughout fruit silicles distinctly notched silicles notched style silicles oblong obovate suborbicular least silicles orbicular nearly widest middle silicles orbicular wider notched entire silicles immature fruit distinctly longer silicles ovate subglobose rounded silicles ovoid ellipsoid compressed silicles prominently reticulate-veined maturity silicles slightly compressed right angles replum silicles strongly inflated mostly subglobose ovoid 2.5-8 silicles subglobose ovoid compressed silicles winged sometimes silicles variable shape times silicles apical basal sinuses between silicles apical sinus longer basal silique silique flattened stout 3-nerved sometimes silique style terete slender inconspicuous siliques siliques 0.3-5 siliques maturity pubescent mostly siliques otherwise above every particu siliques pedicels typicall siliques 2-6.5 petals white siliques 20-30 replum often 2-nerved lower leave siliques replum 1-nerved nerveless siliques narrowly ellipsoid siliques fruiting pedicels glabrous minutely siliques 4.5-10 maturity pubescent mostly siliques fruiting pedicels coarsely hairy throu siliques narrowly oblong siliques least siliques chiefly horizontally spreading strictly deflexed siliques densely pubescent spreading branched hairs siliques erect narrowly divergent siliques glabrous rarely hairs siliques lacking sterile segment below fertile siliques narrowly widely divergent 1-1.5 siliques above every particular herbage siliques beaked siliques quadrangular subterete 1-1.3 expande siliques strongly compressed stigma narrower siliques strongly descending strictly deflexed siliques terete quadrangular slightly flattened siliques petals yellow leaves least siliques valves 1-many-nerved often silky silky-hairy silky-woolly silvery-hairy silvery-white similar similarly simple_ simple simulating singleD single single genus familyD single genus family locallyH single genus local family single species genus locallyg single species genus locally single species genus locally singly sinus sinuses sitesE situated slendert slender slender annual rarely ovary flattened slender annual corolla slightly slimy slits slopes small small-flowered smaller smooth smooth smoothe soft-hairy softly soils solitaryP someQ leaves 3-lobed divided leaflets leaves linear througho sometimesM sometimes somewhat confluent nearly least along margin round nearly indusium somewhat horseshoe-shaped spaced sparingly sparse sparsely speciesZ species specimen specimens speckled spicate spicate branches single whorl 1.5-6 spike spike ellipsoid ovoid perigynia 4-7.5 spike about linear narrowly lanceolate perig spike spikelets nearly spikelet spikelet often 2-flowered rachilla long-ha spikelet ultimately disarticulating below glumes spikelet-bearing spikelets spikelets spikelets maturity plants spikelets 12-20 mostly sessile compact inflores spikelets nodes spikelets nodes spikelets maturity keels glumes lemmas spikelets 2-6-flowered florets arising above spikelets 2-flowered florets appearing arise spikelets 2.5-3 first glume small triangu spikelets 5-many-flowered spikelets panicle callus long-hairy hairs spikelets panicle callus long-hairy hairs spikelets compound umbellate inflorescenc spikelets panicle branches nodding spikelets 6-15-flowered panicles blades spikelets about first glume reduced lacking spikelets pedicelled lemmas unawned spikelets crowded rachis those niddle spikelets disarticulating above glumes florets mostly spikelets dorsiventrally compressed lemma backs visible spikelets dorsiventrally laterally compressed appressed spikelets either compressed averaging times spikelets either dorsiventrally compressed placed flatwis spikelets numerous rarely solitary spikelets glabrous somewhat scabrous second glume spikelets hairy second glume sterile lemma rounded spikelets keels glumes lemmas spikelets plants otherwise above spikelets 1-flowered spicate branches spikelets mostly 10-20 excluding elongate lemma spikelets mostly 3-5-flowered plants otherwise above spikelets mostly plants spikelets enclosed spiny plant habit habita spikelets panicle branches erect spikelets subtended bristles spikelets spikelet clusters either encircling alternat spikelets pedicelled sessile subsessile clusters spikelets rather distant shorter internodes spikelets remote crowded appressed rachis spikelets short long-pedicelled inflorescence compact spikelets solitary terminal rarely spikelets strongly flattened lemmas sharply keeled befor spikelets subsessile closely crowded spikelets terete before flowering lemmas u-shaped cross spikelets terete laterally species dorsiventr spikelets terete subterete somewhat compressed spikelets flowered sheaths spikelets two-thirds broad broadly rounded spikelets similar florets spikelets 2-many well-developed florets spikelike spikes spikes spikes 2-many sometimes appearing solitary spikes maturity including spikes maturity including spikes brownish overall aspect occasionally moderately spikes compact rachis internodes rarely spikes compact rachis obscured closely overlappin spikes generally bicolored perigynia green straw spikes including ascending about spikes loose rachis internodes lemma spikes mostly yellow-green straw-colored sometimes spikes multiple often secund arranged terminal spikes racemosely paniculately arranged plants moist spikes sessile nearly headlike clusters uniformly spikes sessile lowermost stiffly peduncled confluent spikes typically loose rachis internodes mostly least spikes typically uniformly brown nearly black perigy spine spine-tip spine-tipped spineless spinelike spinesp spinose spiny spiny-toothed spiral spirally spirals split splitting| spongy spoon-shaped spoonshaped sporangiaB sporangia borne lower vertically lobed leafF spikes sessile nearly headlike clusters uniformly sporangia developing along margins lower spreading-ascending stamens more@ stamens fused connivent around style stands@ leaves lacking bractlike mostly white involucre@ segments spineless nearly fruit spineless@ stems stems minutely crisp-hairy below inflorescen@ stems dimorphic fertile stems fleshy pinkish brown stems leaves habitat diverse@ stems prostrate-spreading subalpine alpine@ stems densely glandular-hairy throughout heads stems minute branched hairs leaves stigmas stipe stipules petiole their leaves often minu@ straight stylar style lacking stigmas sessile cauti@ sporangia developing along margins lower sporangia present clustered underside sporangiumM sporesJ spores produced hardened initially hairy sporocarps borneJ sporobolus sporocarpsF spotted sprawling spreadingP spreading-ascending spreading-ascending spreading-hairy spring lowermost petal nearly about plants otherwise above spurred spurs square stalk stalked stalklike stalks stamens stamens stamens fewer stamens stamens unequal pairs stamens flower stamens 3-many stamens stamens arising opposite corolla lobes stamens filaments long-hairy stamens style included within corolla stamens connivent around stigma forming column stamens either anthers coiled stamens exserted beyond corolla included stamens fewer stamens filaments fused genus stamens fused connivent around style stamens included stamens included barely exserted anther widely stamens numerous longer petals staminal staminal filaments aquilegia inner series staminate staminate flowers stamens anthers 2-celled staminodal staminode staminodes staminodes lacking star-shaped stellate stellate-hairy stemB basal leaves regularly lobed narrowly below glabrous glandular often pubescent below glandular pubescent below stipitate-glandular without simple hairs immediately below whitish short leaves least times seeds smooth leaves conspicuously longer broad leaves petals perennials leaves several pairs sepals leaves lacking bractlike arising leaves lacking bractlike mostly white involucre leaves longer petals white leaves mostly least petals white leaves sessile auriculate-clasping leaves twice seeds pitted leaves whorled sometimes lacking leaves opposite alternate throughout leaves leaves partially completely fused disc-sha leaves present mostly violet involucre leaves developed basal leaves often lacking herbag leaves present sessile auriculate-clasping leaves present sessile petioles lobed leaves bulblets least axils leaves without bulblets axils stigma segments bearing spines least upper segments spineless nearly fruit spineless stem-clasping stemsB stems stems mostly solitary arising intervals stems minutely crisp-hairy below inflorescen stems 1-few simple caudex 2.5-9 typically stems 1-few simple sparingly branched caudex often stems 1.5-8 mostly erect often branched inflo stems 3-angled sheaths least lower thin-membrano stems branches non-jointed leafy plants succulent stems branches unarmed spinelike stems petioles sometimes purple-tinged stems sheaths strongly flattened 2-edged ligule stems leaves glabrous glaucous stems leaves glabrous variously pubescent stems leaves sparsely densely hairy appress stems bulbous florets generally modified stems decumbent prostrate freely rooting nodes stems decumbent-based often branched throughout leaves acute stems dimorphic fertile stems fleshy pinkish brown stems erect nearly rooting nodes petals stems erect rarely branched sparingly stems erect ascending railing often woody-based stems erect usually leaves typically stems erect yellowish purple-brownT stems generally 4-angled least above nonprickly stems generally curved-ascending stems glabrous finely short-hairy never woolly-hairy stems glabrous pubescent hairs distinct stems glabrous pubescent basifixed hairs generally stems glabrous sparsely pubescent mostly sessile stems glabrous minutely hairy stems lacking prickles stems lacking yellow bands below nodes although stems leafy mostly unbranched always stems leaves habitat diverse stems minutely pubescent below inflorescence stems mostly thick vertic stems mostly thick 15-34 vertic stems naked distance above typically branc stems aboveB stems bearing recurved prickles stems bulbous florets stamens stems bulbous-based lemmas variously nerved typicall stems dimorphic green without regular whorls stems modified above[ stems vinelike herbaceous throughout leaves diverse stems winged throughout upper surfaces stems often hollow terete flattened 3-angled stems often stems scapes erect ascending leaves opposite stems prostrate ascending prostrate ascending leaves succulent bright blue- stems prostrate-spreading subalpine alpine stems pubescent below stalked spreading branched hairs stems pubescent sometimes lines descending stems pubescent degree below inflorescence plant stems pubescent dolabriform hairs mostly stout stems pubescent simple hairs simple stems pubescent spreading pustulose-based stems pubescent stiffly spreading often pustulose-based stems rarely erect decumbent leaflets stems simple sparingly branched inflorescence stems slender stems solitary leaves chiefly cauline flowers stems terete occasionally somewhat flattened stems terete throughout sheaths thin-membranous stems terete throughout sheaths thin-membranous stems densely glandular-hairy throughout heads stems usually curved branched stems usually climbing trailing leaflets stems tufted often numerous much-branched caudex stems tufted basal leaves prominent flowers stems typically erect nearly leaves above gland stems typically woody below vinelike herbaceous througho stems typically woolly-hairy degree throughout stems usually branched hairs moderately stems pairs leaves blades stems 2-many leaves stems yellow glandular tissue shortly below stems distinct curly hairs below stems feltlike layer matted woolly hairs frequentl stems least least stems minute branched hairs leaves stems unicellular non-glandular hairs leaves lacking stems woody throughout nearly sterile sterile segments cylindric often somewhat flatt stiff stiff-hairy stiffly stigma stigma 1.5-2 mature achene includi stigma above stigma mature achene including stigmas stigmas stigmas 0.5-1 equal longer style stigmas 0.5-1 often equal longer stigmas achenes lenticular 1.5-2.5 including stigmas achenes accordingly lenticular occasionall stigmas achenes 3-angled planoconvex stigmas carpels fruit linear tapered mostl stigmas carpels fruit oblong rounded stigmas elongate calyx turgid often appearing stigmas entire lobes stigmas shorter style twigs stigmas linear stigmas distinctly shorter stigmas subglobose calyx lobes thickened capsule stigmatic stinging stipe stipe stipes stipitate stipitate-glandular stipitate-qlandular stipule stipule margins throughout stipules stipules stipules stipules apparently those young shoots fused stipules apparently multiple nodes pairs stipules either lacking above stipules petiole their leaves often stipules fused blade stipules fused blade often stipules fused blade blade petiole stipules lacking stipules lacking leaves basally sheathing often membrano stipules lacking fused petiole throughout rarely stipules lacking fused petiole throughout their stipules lacking sheathing stipules present membranous sheathing stoloniferous stolons stout straight straight strandedI strap-shaped straw-colored strawberry streaked streamside striate strictly striped stripes strips strongly structure stylar stylar style style 0.2-0.4 catkin scales entire occasionally style 0.2-0.8 petals yellow fading white 2-3.8 style 0.3-1 exceeding stylar notch style lacking style lacking stigmas sessile cauti style rarely lacking stigma sessile style 2-lobed undivided species lacki style arising between lobes apically 2-branched style glabrous rarely pubescent stipitate-gl style minutely stipitate-glandular terminal leaflet style 2.5-4 leaves pubescent simple hairs style either 2-lobed plants otherwise style either jointed portion persistent style either obsolete shorter stylar notch style excluding stigmas 0.3-1 leaves leathery style excluding stigmas 0.3-1 mature leaves generall style excluding stigmas generally mature style excluding stigmas obsolete leaves style glabrous hooked plants cultivated weedy style hairy upper flattened style lacking achenes beakless stigma persistent style largely deciduous after flowering achene style mostly catkin scales entire style hooked glabrous plants mostly native style obsolete plants lower valleys style obsolete petals white 3.5-5 upper surface style mature fruit siliques petal style mature fruit least style mature fruit siliques style persistent after flowering forming achene style present achenes leaves style sometimes slightly thickened expanded style widest midlength tapered arising below style widest arising below style hairy upper flattened styles@ submerged floating leaves distinct petioles ranging subulate@ surface symmetrical tailed@ tapered terete stalked thin-membranous throughout toothed toward trees shrubs subshrubs woody vines@ tubular@ twigs twigs stipitate-glandular involucre bracts typically ultimate twigs mostly thick scale leaves oppo@ uniformly upper upper sepal spurred hooded petals concealed within@ usually variable@ verna@ white styles styles 2-branched occasionally simple stigmas 1.8-3.5 styles styles simple stigmas solitary 0.5-2 inflorescen stylopodium subalpine subcordate subcylindric subentire subequal subglabrous subglobose submerged submerged floating leaves distinct petioles ranging submerged leaves sessile often tapered subobovate suborbicular subplumose subsessile subshrub subshrub subalpine alpine branches densely white-wool subshrub woody-based perennial leaves subshrubsa subspicate subtended` subtending subterete subterminal subtruncate subulate subwoodyP succulent suffrutescent suffrutescent herbage coarsely hairy variously gland summer-flowering summit superiorW supported surfaceG Wfaces surmounting surpassing surround surrounded suture sweetpea swellings symmetricalT 3148C Perianth white or the sepals pale blue; petal spurs 2.5-5 cm long; plants of mesic sites, growing mostly in aspen-fir or mountain brush associations Aquilegia caerulea 3147G tap-rooted tap-rooted annuals sometimes branched tapered 3145C 2DvInvolucral leaves sessile or nearly so, the blades simple and 3-cleft; achenes less than 3 mm long excluding the style Anemone parviflora 3144G 3146H terminal terminal sharp-pointed sometimes shiny terminal leaflet basal leaves broader terminating termnnating ternate ternate-pinnate ternately terrestrialE texture thallie thalli 0.5-1.2 lower surface convex rootlesse thalli least nearly 1-several thalli narrowly elliptic slender stalks thalli suborbicular oblonq 1.5-4 stalked thalli suborbicular oblonq 1.5-4 stalked thallus thanI themselves theseA thick thick-walled thickened thicker thickish thine thin-edged thin-leaved thin-margined thin-membranous 3143C Involucral leaves with slender petioles 1-4 cm long and to 1 mm wide, the blades compound, the leaflets merely toothed to shallowly cleft, or the lateral ones deeply cleft on the outer margin; achenes short-hairy at maturity Anemone quinquefolia 3142G 3144H 3143I 3143J 3143N 3145O Show Description & Photos throughout thrust tightly timberlineP times tinged 3130C Bracts subtending the umbel not more than 3 times as long as wide,abruptly acute at the apex; mostly erect, the tips incurved at maturity; plants of valleys and foothills Androsace occidentalis 3129G 3131H 3130I 3130J 3130N 3132O Show Description & Photos together toothed_ 3128C 1DuLeaves abruptly narrowed to a distinct petiole, calyx not keeled, the lobes 3-nerved; corolla lobes strongly reflexed Androsace filiformis 3127G 3129H 3128I 3128J 3128N 3130O Show Description & Photos (Androsace) A Androsaceosace 3123C 8DvLeaves all stem-clasping at the base, the margins somewhat wavy; stipules white-fibrous, the fibers usually persistent Potamogeton richardsonii 3122G 3124H 3123I 3123J 3123N 3125O Show Description & Photos (Potamogeton) (Potamogeton) trees shrubs subshrubs woody vinesa trees sometimes dwarfed shrubby timberlineP triangular triangular-conic triangular-ovate triglochin trueA truly truncate tubercle tubercled tubercles tuberculate tubers tubes tubular tufted tufted plants diverse habitats glumes lemmas flexible tufts turgid turions turning twigs twigs twigs below leaves typically gray-brown exfoliating twigs covered loose white woolly involucre twigs diverse bicolored above twigs diverse yellow-brown red-brown nearly black twigs loosely densely woolly hairs matted twigs mottled above sometimes uniformly pale-glaucous twigs mottled bluish-white bloom occasionally twigs mottled bluish-white bloom rarely thinly twigs readily breaking sometimes those season twigs branches white-woolly sparsely twigs slender flexible herbage straight twigs sometimes faintly glaucous throughout lacking 3120C 6.5D,Leaves, or some of them, more than 3 mm wide (Potamogeton) 3118G 3119H 3121I 3122J 3120N 3120O Potamogeton nodosus (Potamogeton) Potamogeton pusillus (Potamogeton) typically u-shaped ultimate ultimate segments linear ovate averaging least ultimate segments threadlike typically least ultimate twigs mostly thick scale 3113C Achenes with a prominent and irregularly toothed or wavy dorsal keel; spikes usually less than 5 mm long; peduncles rather stout, to 2 cm long Potamogeton foliosusiosus uniformly unilaterally uninterrupted unisexualt unless unlobed unmodified unpaired unwinged upcurved upper upper upper calyx leaves scattered along upper calyx nearly obsolete leaves upper surface bearing minute apically hooked bristles upper surface glabrous minutely scabrous perennial upper surface glabrous stipules generally upper surface stipitate-glandular stipules lacking upper surfaces densely prickly herbage green stems upper surfaces glabrous gray-woolly lacking prickles upper leaves sessile petioled stem-clasping upper leaves typically wavy-margined toothed lobed upper leaves present auriculate-clasping upper leaves present sessile auriculate-cl upper corolla forming upper sepal spurred hooded petals concealed within upper leaves glandular petals deeply upper leaves petioled sessile stem-clasping upper leaves sessile auriculate-clasping siliques upper leaves present either pinnatifid upper stems least pubescent relatively spreadin upper stems subglabrous short mostly appressed obscu uppermost uppermost calyx tooth conspicuously broader longer upright upward urn-shaped usuallyG usually usually utricle v-shaped valley valleys valve valves variable various variously_ vastA vegetation vegetative vegetative veined_ veins veins lower surface indistinct obscure veiny velvety-hairy velvety-pubescent ventral ventrally verna vertical verticallyF vestigial vicinity stems climbing unarmed vinelike vinesC vines tendrils vines without tendrils leaves simple blades ternate violet violet-blue violet-purple viscid visiblee vivid vulgaris walls warty-papillose waste water] waterways watery where whiteZ white white-chartaceous white-ciliate white-fibrous white-hairy white-margined white-membranous white-veined white-woolly whitish` whole wholly whorl whorled whorls whose widef winged woody-based yellow young leaves rarely times longer wide@ both@ dicots@ juniperus@ poaceae group potentilla@ sphaeralcea@ widely wider widest width wildflowersA wing-margined winge winged winged wingless wings withJ withered withering withinC withn withoutp wooded woodsia woodyP woody-based woody-based woody-based subshrub leaves about woody-based perennial subshrub leaves abruptly contracted woody-based perennial corolla 12-16 wool-like woolly woolly-hairy wrinkled xanthium yellow yellow yellow-banded yellow-brown yellow-glandular yellow-green yellow-mealy yellow-orange yellowishT yellowish-white youngM young leaves mostly least times young leaves rarely times longer young twigs diverse sometimes white hairs young twigs lacking woolly hairs zigzag aquatic plantsd abies aceraceae agoseris agropyron agrositanion agrositanion agrostis aizoaceae alisma alismataceae allium alopecurus alyssum amaranthaceae amaranthus ambrosia amsinckia anacardiaceae androsace anemone angelica antennaria anthemis apiaceae apocynaceae apocynum aquaticd aquilegia arabis arenaria arnica artemisia asclepiadaceae asclepias asplenium aster asteraceae astragalus atriplex avena balsamorhiza barbarea betulaceae bidens bisexual boraginaceae betulaceae bidens bisexual boraginaceae brassica brassicaceae brassicaceae flowers brassicaceae fruits brickellia bromus calamagrostis callitriche camissonia campanulaceae cannabaceae capparaceae caprifoliaceae cardamine cardaria carex carex group carex group carex group carex group carex group carex group carex groups caryophyllaceae castilleja catkins cerastium chaenactis chamomilla chenopodiaceae chenopodium chrysanthemum chrysothamnus cirsium claytonia clematis cleome collomia compositae convolvulaceae corallorhiza corydalis crataegus crepis cruciferae cryptantha cuscuta cymopterus cyperaceae cypripedium cystopteris danthonia delphinium deschampsia descurainia dicots digitaria dodecatheon draba elaeagnaceae eleocharis elymus epilobium equisetum eragrostis ericaceae erigeron eriogonum erysimum euphorbia fabaceae festuca flowering flowers fritillaria fruiting fruits fumariaceae galium gayophytum gentianaceae geraniaceae geranium gilia glyceria gnaphalium gramineae grossulariaceae group group bisexual rayflowers group flowers group group groups habenaria hackelia haplopappus helianthus herbaceous herbaceous dicots heuchera hieracium hordeum hydrophyllaceae hydrophyllum iridaceae isoetaceae ivesia juncaceae juncus juniperus kochia lactuca lamiaceae lamium lappula lathyrus leguminosae lemna lemnaceae lepidium lesquerella lewisia liliaceae linanthus linaria linum lithophragma lithospermum lomatium lonicera lupinus luzula lycopus machaeranthera madia malvaceae marsileaceae medicago melica melilotus mentha mentzelia mertensia mimulus mitella monocotyledons muhlenbergia myosurus nyctaginaceae oenothera onagraceae opuntia orchidaceae orobanche orthocarpus osmorhiza panicum parnassia pedicularis penstemon phacelia phalaris phleum phlox physalis physaria physocarpus picea pinaceae pinus pistillate plagiobothrys plantago plantsA poaceae poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group poaceae group polemoniaceae polemonium polygonaceae polygonum polypodiaceae polypogon polystichum populus portulacaceae potamogeton potamogetonaceae ulaceae prunus puccinellia pyrola pyrolaceae ranunculaceae ranunculus rayflowers rhamnaceae ribes ribes flowering ribes fruiting ribes vegetative rorippa rosaceae rubiaceae rubus rumex salicaceae salicornia salix salix pistillate catkins salix staminate catkins salix vegetative salviniaceae sambucus saxifraga saxifragaceae scirpus scrophulariaceae sedum seed-bearing selaginellaceae senecio sesuvium setaria sidalcea silene smilacina solanaceae solanum solidago sonchus sparganium spergularia sphaeralcea spiranthes spore-bearing sporobolus staminate stellaria stipa suaeda swertia tamarix tetradymia thalictrum thlaspi tragopogon trifolium triglochin trisetum typha ulmaceae urticaceae vaccinium valeriana valerianaceae vascularA vascular plantsA vegetative verbascum verbena veronica vicia viguiera vinca viola woodsia woody woody dicots zigadenus 3095C Woodsia 1568G 3095H 3096I 3097J 3095N 3096O Woodsia oregana Woodsia scopulina Woodsia (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Woodsia\ Ferns A6Leaf blade glabrous or with simple, gland-tipped hairs AiLeaf blade with elongate, flat, septate hairs as well as gland-tipped ones, at least on the lower surface Woodsia 3096C 1D6Leaf blade glabrous or with simple, gland-tipped hairs ALISMATACEAE APIACEAE APOCYNACEAE ASTERACEAE BETULACEAE BORAGINACEAE BRASSICACEAE BRASSICACEAE Flowers BRASSICACEAE Fruits CAMPANULACEAE CANNABACEAE CAPPARACEAE CAPRIFOLIACEAE CARYOPHYLLACEAE CHENOPODIACEAE CONVOLVULACEAE CYPERACEAE ELAEAGNACEAE ERICACEAE FABACEAE FUMARIACEAE GENTIANACEAE GERANIACEAE HYDROPHYLLACEAE IRIDACEAE JUNCACEAE LAMIACEAE LEMNACEAE LILIACEAE MALVACEAE NYCTAGINACEAE ONAGRACEAE ORCHIDACEAE PINACEAE POACEAE POACEAE Group A POACEAE Group B POACEAE Group C POACEAE GrB oup D POACEAE Group E POLEMONIACEAE POLYGONACEAE POLYPODIACEAE PORTULACACEAE PRIMULACEAE PYROLACEAE RANUNCULACEAE RHAMNACEAE ROSACEAE RUBIACEAE SALICACEAE SAXIFRAGACEAE SCROPHULARIACEAE SOLANACEAE ULMACEAE URTICACEAE VALERIANACEAE J. americana J. americana J. americana 1805M 1786V 3864W 3864Y !Ab5/24 Proofed for hyphens; converted to "option 1 and 2" format; seems to run well with copy" 3085C 11.5D Lower leaves mostly narrowly lanceolate, rarely more than 5 cm wide, the margins conspicuously wavy; inner sepals 3-6 mm long at maturity, the grainlike swellings typically well developed on all 3 sepals Rumex crispus 3083G 3084H 3085I 3085J 3085N 3085O Show Description & Photos A back1NameB Carry1B Carry2B Carry3B FamilyB GenusB GroupB taxonB node1B Option1B Option2B StatusB "A Key GenusB Key FamilyB Key LinkB taxon recordB Abies Agoseris Agropyron Agrositanion (X) Agrostis Alisma Allium Alopecurus Alyssum Amaranthus Ambrosia Amsinckia Androsace Anemone Angelica Antennaria Anthemis Apocynum Aquilegia Arabis Arenaria Arnica Artemisia Asclepias Asplenium Aster Astragalus Atriplex Avena Balsamorhiza Barbarea Bidens Brassica Brickellia Bromus Calamagrostis Callitriche Camissonia Cardamine Cardaria Carex Groups Carex Group A Carex Group B Carex Group C Carex Group D Carex Group E Carex Group F Castilleja stium Chaenactis Chamomilla Chenopodium Chrysanthemum Chrysothamnus Cirsium Claytonia Clematis Cleome Collomia Corallorhiza Corydalis Crataegus Crepis Cryptantha Cuscuta Cymopterus Cypripedium Cystopteris Danthonia Delphinium Deschampsia Descurainia Digitaria Dodecatheon Draba Eleocharis Elymus Epilobium Equisetum Eragrostis Erigeron Eriogonum Erysimum Euphorbia Festuca Fritillaria Galium Gayophytum Geranium Gilia Glyceria Gnaphalium Habenaria Hackelia Haplopappus Helianthus Heuchera A Layout #1 @zA Layout #2 A Layout #3 A Layout #4 A Layout #1B Hieracium Hordeum Hydrophyllum Ivesia Juncus Juniperus Kochia Lactuca Lamium Lappula Lathyrus Lemna Lepidium Lesquerella Lewisia Linanthus Linaria Linum Lithophragma Lithospermum Lomatium Lonicera Lupinus Luzula Lycopus Machaeranthera Madia Medicago Melica Melilotus Mentha Mentzelia Mertensia Mimulus Mitella Muhlenbergia Myosurus Oenothera Opuntia Orobanche Orthocarpus Osmorhiza Panicum Parnassia Pedicularis Penstemon Phacelia Phalaris Phleum Phlox Physalis Physaria Physocarpus Pinus Plagiobothrys Plantago Polemonium Polygonum Polypogon Polystichum Populus Potamogeton Potentilla Prunus Puccinellia Pyrola Ranunculus Ribes, Flowering Ribes, Fruiting Ribes, Vegetative Rorippa Rubus Rumex Salicornia Salix A: Pistillate catkins Salix B: Staminate catkins Salix C: Vegetative Sambucus Saxifraga Scirpus Sedum Senecio Setaria Sidalcea Silene Smilacina Solanum Solidago Sonchus Sparganium Spergularia Sphaeralcea Spiranthes Sporobolus Stellaria Stipa Suaeda Swertia Tamarix Tetradymia Thalictrum Thlaspi Tragopogon Trifolium Triglochin Trisetum Typha Vaccinium Valeriana Verbascum Verbena Veronica Vicia Viguiera Vinca Viola Woodsia Zigadenus ALISMATACEAE APIACEAE APOCYNACEAE ASTERACEAE BETULACEAE BORAGINACEAE BRASSICACEAE BRASSICACEAE Flowers BRASSICACEAE Fruits CAMPANULACEAE CANNABACEAE CAPPARACEAE CAPRIFOLIACEAE CARYOPHYLLACEAE CHENOPODIACEAE CONVOLVULACEAE CYPERACEAE ELAEAGNACEAE ERICACEAE FABACEAE FUMARIACEAE GENTIANACEAE GERANIACEAE HYDROPHYLLACEAE IRIDACEAE JUNCACEAE LAMIACEAE LEMNACEAE LILIACEAE MALVACEAE NYCTAGINACEAE ONAGRACEAE ORCHIDACEAE PINACEAE POACEAE POACEAE Group A POACEAE Group B POACEAE Group C POACEAE GrB oup D POACEAE Group E POLEMONIACEAE POLYGONACEAE POLYPODIACEAE PORTULACACEAE PRIMULACEAE PYROLACEAE RANUNCULACEAE RHAMNACEAE ROSACEAE RUBIACEAE SALICACEAE SAXIFRAGACEAE SCROPHULARIACEAE SOLANACEAE ULMACEAE URTICACEAE VALERIANACEAE A Layout #2B next1NumR next2NumT recordNumZ next1Name\ next2Name^ partnerName` back1Named Option1f Option2h Key Genusk Key Familym Key Link A Layout #3B A recordNumC nodeD cardNameE partnerNumF back1NumG next1NumH next2Num 3046C Flowers in more or less compact, terminal or axillary spikelike racemes and sometimes panicles, the pedicels subtended only by sheathing stipules (Polygonum) 3044G 3045H 3057I 3058J 3046N 3046O Polygonum amphibium (Polygonum) (Polygonum) Make KeyV Clear node2 d criterion keyName record w New Taxonx Link 2y Tie Fz Tie G{ Tie Down| Tie Both} Next fam taxon @ Tie group node1 Option1 Option2 partnerName M back1Name Status Key Link A Layout #4B 3043C Leaves basal as well as cauline; stems simple and erect, 0.5-4 dm tall; inflorescence a solitary, terminal, spikelike raceme, the lower flowers normally replaced by bulblets; plants of subalpine to alpine Polygonum viviparum Major GroupsC Vascular Plants Spore-bearing PlantsS Seed-bearing PlantsT Non-Vascular PlantsU PLANTS\ Vascular Plants Plants reproducing by spores, true flowers and seeds lacking includes ferns, a cloverlike aquatic, a small grasslike aquatic with terete leaves, a dry mosslike plant associated with rocks, and hollow-stemmed plants with whorls of minute, scalelike leaves Plants reproducing by seeds, these either naked and developing on cone scales or enclosed in a fruit developing from a true flower includes the vast majority of plants: trees, shrubs, grasses, "wildflowers" Vascular Plants Major GroupsC SEED-bearing Major GroupsC Stems essentially hollow, simple or with whorls of branches; leaves reduced to basally fused scales forming short, usually black-banded sheaths at the nodes; sporangia borne in a terminal cone distinct from the stem EQUISETACEAE 2450I 2450J A Equisetum A Equisetum Other spore-bearingU Spore-bearing PlantsZ EQUISETACEAE\ SPORE-bearing_ Single genus in family.` Single genus in family. Major GroupsC Stems and leaves not as above; sporangia not borne in a terminal cone OR, if so, the cone scarcely distinguishable from the leafy stem Other spore-bearing 3022C Leaflets entire, averaging more than 6 mm long, not appearing whorled on the rachis; corolla tube not or scarcely exceeding the calyx, about equal to or half as long as the corolla lobes (Polemonium) 3020G 3021H 3023I 3024J 3022N Plants reproducing by spores, true flowers and seeds lacking (includes ferns, a cloverlike aquatic, a small grasslike aquatic with terete leaves, a dry mosslike plant associated with rocks, and hollow-stemmed plants with whorls of minute, scalelike leaves) Spore-bearing Plants EQUISETACEAES Other spore-bearingT Seed-bearing PlantsU Vascular Plants\ SPORE-bearing Stems essentially hollow, simple or with whorls of branches; leaves reduced to basally fused scales forming short, usually black-banded sheaths at the nodes; sporangia borne in a terminal cone distinct from the stem Stems not as above; leaves not as above; sporangia not borne in a terminal cone OR, if so, the cone scarcely distinguishable from the leafy stem 3012C 1.5D0Woody-based perennial with corolla 12-16 mm long Linanthus nuttallii 3010G 3011H 3012I 3012J 3012N 3012O Show Description & Photos Linanthus harknessii A Linanthus POLEMONIACEAE[ Linanthus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `0Woody-based perennial with corolla 12-16 mm longh 3013C Phlox Plants not grasslike; leaf vertically lobed sporangia borne on the lower lobe of a vertically lobed leaf or in hardened, hairy sporocarps Major GroupsC 3.5DOPlants terrestrial, in dry to mesic, rarely moist sites, often in rock crevices Seedless terrestrial SELAGINELLACEAES FernsT Seedless aquaticU Other spore-bearing\ SPORE-bearing Plants somewhat mosslike; leaves to 3 mm long, simple, sessile, and overlapping on branched, prostrate stems; sporangia borne in a terminal, 4-angled, conelike structure not greatly different from the leafy stem Ferns; leaves mostly 0.5-15 dm long, usually pinnately lobed or compound, petioled and erect; sporangia when present borne on the dorsal surface of the leaf blades Major GroupsC Plants somewhat grasslike; leaves linear and terete, tufted from a cormlike base; sporangia embedded in the expanded leaf bases ISOETACEAE 3560I 3560J Isoetes Isoetes Aquatics ( whorled)U Seedless aquaticZ ISOETACEAE\ SPORE-bearing_ Single genus in family locally.` Single genus in family locally.d ISOETACEAE Major GroupsC 4.5DsPlants not grasslike, sporangia borne on the lower lobe of a vertically lobed leaf or in hardened, hairy sporocarps Seedless aquaticS Seedless terrestrialT EQUISETACEAEU Spore-bearing Plants\ SPORE-bearing A2Plants aquatic or occasionally stranded on wet mud AOPlants terrestrial, in dry to mesic, rarely moist sites, often in rock crevices Major GroupsC 3D2Plants aquatic or occasionally stranded on wet mud Seedless aquatic ISOETACEAES Aquatics ( whorled)T Seedless terrestrialU Other spore-bearing\ SPORE-bearing Plants somewhat grasslike; leaves linear and terete, tufted from a cormlike base; sporangia embedded in the expanded leaf bases SPORE-bearing Family Genus Make Key Carry Clear Main Loop Main Loop safe Order getOptions Get names Check order Check order Copy New Taxon/Link Link 2 Tie family Tie genus Tie both Tie down Next fam ( Tie group find taxon rename B1Name tax rec Aquatics ( whorled) MARSILEACEAES SALVINIACEAET ISOETACEAEU Seedless aquatic\ SPORE-bearing Leaves cloverlike, with 4 fan-shaped leaflets terminal on a slender petiole to 15 cm long, plants arising from a rhizome anchored in mud Leaves vertically 2-lobed sessile on a short, branched stem; plants compact typically less than 3 cm in diameter, free-floating or stranded on mud Major GroupsC Leaves cloverlike, with 4 fan-shaped leaflets terminal on a slender petiole to 15 cm long, arising from a rhizome anchored in mud MARSILEACEAE 3561I 3561J Marsilea 3007C Corolla to 1.1 cm long, blue to lavender or pink, rarely white; plants 0.5-3(4) dm tall; leaves toothed to shallowly lobed, or if deeply so, the lobes and central uncleft portion unequal (Gilia) 3005G 3006H 3008I 3009J 3007N 3007O Gilia sinuata Marsilea SALVINIACEAEU Aquatics ( whorled)Z MARSILEACEAE\ SPORE-bearing Single genus in family locally. Leaves long-petioled with 4 fan-shaped terminal leaflets; spores produced in hardened, initially hairy sporocarps borne on short peduncles near the base of the leaves Single genus in family locally. Leaves long-petioled with 4 fan-shaped terminal leaflets; spores produced in hardened, initially hairy sporocarps borne on short peduncles near the base of the leaves MARSILEACEAE Major GroupsC Leaves vertically 2-lobed sessile on a short, branched stem; plants compact typically less than 3 cm in diameter, free-floating or stranded on mud single nonresinous scale flower subten@ sheaths mostly green black-banded summit leaflets 4-many entire rarely irregularly toothed@ leaflets terminating spinelike least leavesi lapping on branched, prostrate stems; sporangia borne in a terminal, 4-angled, conelike structure not greatly different from the leafy stem SELAGINELLACEAE 3567I 3567J Selaginella Selaginella SPORE-bearing_ Single genus in family locally.` Single genus in family locally.d SALVINIACEAE Major GroupsC Plants somewhat mosslike, the leaves to 3 mm long, simple, sessile, and overlapping on branched, prostrate stems; sporangia borne in a terminal, 4-angled, conelike structure not greatly different from the leafy stem SELAGINELLACEAE 3567I 3567J Selaginella Selaginella Selaginella SALVINIACEAE 3563I 3563J Azolla Azolla MARSILEACEAEU Aquatics ( whorled)Z SALVINIACEAE\ SPORE-bearing_ Single genus in family locally.` Single genus in family locally.d SALVINIACEAE Major GroupsC Plants somewhat mosslike, the leaves to 3 mm long, simple, sessile, and overlapping on branched, prostrate stems; sporangia borne in a terminal, 4-angled, conelike structure not greatly different from the leafy stem SELAGINELLACEAE 3567I 3567J Selaginella Selaginella FernsU Seedless terrestrialZ SELAGINELLACEAE\ SPORE-bearing_ Single genus in family locally.` Single genus in family locally.d SELAGINELLACEAE Major Groups Ferns; leaves mostly 0.5-15 dm long, usually pinnately lobed or compound, petioled and erect; sporangia when present borne on the dorsal surface of the leaf blades Ferns 1556J OPHIOGLOSSACEAES POLYPODIACEAET SELAGINELLACEAEU Seedless terrestrial\ SPORE-bearing Sporangia clustered on the terminal portion of a compound leaf, this segment projecting upward and remote from the sterile portion of the blade; sporangium lacking an annulus; young leaves erect, not coiled at the apex Sporangia when present clustered on the underside of the leaf, sometimes along the margins, often covered, at least initially, by an extension of the leaf blade or by the recurved leaf margins; each sporangium with an annulus; young leaves coiled at the apex single nonresinous scale flower subten margins conspicuously minutely toothed especia margins entire nearly margins occasionally obscurely entire achene petioles sheathing scape shape diverse oblanceolate obovate sheaths least well-developed blade sheaths closed nearly often mechanically sheaths glabrous mature panicles about one-third sheaths long-hairy panicles sometimes sheaths mostly green black-banded summit POLYPODIACEAES POLYPODIACEAET OPHIOGLOSSACEAEU FernsZ POLYPODIACEAE\ SPORE-bearing Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Major GroupsC Trees or shrubs lacking true flowers; seeds naked, developing on the face of scales, the latter spirally arranged along a central axis to form a cone, the scales sometimes fleshy and fused, the cone then berrylike; leaves scalelike or needlelike, usually evergreen (Gymnosperms) Gymnosperms CUPRESSACEAES PINACEAET AngiospermsU Seed-bearing Plants\ SEED-bearing Small trees or shrubs; leaves mostly scalelike, appressed, and more or less overlapping; or low shrubs with leaves all needlelike and spreading; cone scales fleshy and fused to form a hardened, berrylike fruit 2999C 2DrDecumbent-stemmed to mat-forming perennial of alpine or subalpine, corolla mostly violet to pink, stamens exserted Collomia debilis 2997G 3000H 2999I 2999J 2999N 3001O Show Description & Photos Collomia grandiflora (Collomia) POLEMONIACEAE[ Collomia\ DICOTYLEDONS drumm the scales sometimes fleshy and fused, the cone then berrylike; leaves scalelike or needlelike, usually evergreen (Gymnosperms) Gymnosperms CUPRESSACEAES PINACEAET AngiospermsU Seed-bearing Plants\ SEED-bearing Small trees or shrubs; leaves mostly scalelike, appressed, and more or less overlapping; or low shrubs with leaves all needlelike and spreading; cone scales fleshy and fused to form a hardened, berrylike fruit PINACEAET AngiospermsU Seed-bearing Plants\ SEED-bearing Small trees or shrubs; leaves mostly scalelike, appressed, and more or less overlapping; or low shrubs with leaves all needlelike and spreading; cone scales fleshy and fused to form a hardened, berrylike fruit Small trees with leaves mostly scalelike, appressed, and more or less overlapping, or low shrubs with leaves all needlelike and spreading; cone scales fleshy and fused to form a hardened, berrylike fruit CUPRESSACEAE 2309I 2309J A Juniperus A Juniperus PINACEAEU GymnospermsZ CUPRESSACEAE\ Gymnosperms Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Major GroupsC Trees (sometimes dwarfed and shrubby at timberline); leaves needlelike and spreading, solitary or in clusters of 2-several; cone scales woody or subwoody, fused to a central axis at the base, otherwise free PINACEAE 1317I 1317J Trees (sometimes dwarfed and shrubby at timberline); leaves needlelike and spreading, solitary or in clusters of 2-several; cone scales woody or subwoody, fused to a central axis at the base, otherwise free Major GroupsC Herbs, vines, shrubs, or trees producing true flowers; seeds developing within a fruit; leaves rarely scalelike or needlelike, mostly deciduous, occasionally lacking (Angiosperms) Angiosperms Parasitic AngiospermsS Green AngiospermsT GymnospermsU Seed-bearing Plants\ SEED-bearing_RPlants parasitic or saprophytic, lacking chlorophyll, the herbage not at all green`[Plants nonparasitic or semiparasitic, having some chlorophyll, some part of the plant green Major GroupsC PINACEAES PINACEAET CUPRESSACEAEU GymnospermsZ PINACEAE\ Gymnosperms Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Major GroupsC 10DRPlants parasitic or saprophytic, lacking chlorophyll, the herbage not at all green Parasitic Angiosperms CUSCUTACEAES Other parasitesT Green AngiospermsU Angiosperms\ Parasitic Angiosperms Stems twining over host plants, often orange or yellow; flowers radially symmetrical, white or nearly so; fruit a membranous, ovoid to globose capsule AgStems erect, yellowish to purple-brown; flowers bilaterally symmetrical, plants otherwise diverse Major GroupsC 10.5D[Plants nonparasitic or semiparasitic, having some chlorophyll, some part of the plant green Green Angiosperms xR VISCACEAES Green Angiosperms 2T Parasitic AngiospermsU Angiosperms\ Green Angiosperms A]Plants semiparasitic on the branches of evergreen trees, flowers apetalous, fruit a berry A5Plants not growing on the branches of evergreen trees Major GroupsC Stems twining over host plants, often orange or yellow; flowers radially symmetrical, white or nearly so; fruit a membranous, ovoid to globose capsule CUSCUTACEAE 2314I 2314J Cuscuta Cuscuta Other parasitesU Parasitic AngiospermsZ CUSCUTACEAE\ Parasitic Angiosperms Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Major GroupsC 11.5DaStems erect, yellowish to purple-brown; flowers bilaterally symmetrical, plants otherwise diverse Other parasites Corallorhiza of ORCHIDACEAE OROBANCHACEAET CUSCUTACEAEU Parasitic Angiosperms\ Parasitic Angiosperms A5Flowers with free perianth segments; ovary inferior A6Flowers with fused perianth segments; ovary superior Major GroupsC 12D3Flowers with free perianth segments; ovary inferior Corallorhiza of ORCHIDACEAE 2726I 2726J Corallorhiza Corallorhiza OROBANCHACEAEU Other parasitesZ ORCHIDACEAE Corallorhiza Parasitic Angiosperms Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Major GroupsC 12.5D4Flowers with fused perianth segments; ovary superior OROBANCHACEAE 2744I 2744J A Orobanche A Orobanche Corallorhiza of ORCHIDACEAE Other parasitesZ OROBANCHACEAE\ Parasitic Angiosperms Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Major GroupsC 13DYPlants semiparasitic on the branches of evergreen trees, flowers apetalous, fruit a berry A VISCACEAE 3583I 3585J Arceuthobium Phoradendron Green Angiosperms 2U Green AngiospermsZ VISCACEAE\ Parasitic Angiosperms Plants parasitic on the branches of Pseudotsuga menziesii; yellow-green, usually less than 2 dm tall; stems generally angled; pistillate flowers with 2 sepals; fruit pedicelled, olive green at maturity Phoradendron Green Angiosperms 2U Green AngiospermsZ VISCACEAE\ Parasitic Angiosperms Plants parasitic on the branches of Pseudotsuga menziesii; yellow-green, usually less than 2 dm tall; stems generally angled; pistillate flowers with 2 sepals; fruit pedicelled, olive green at maturity Phoradendron Green Angiosperms 2U Green AngiospermsZ VISCACEAE\ Parasitic Angiosperms Plants parasitic on the branches of Pseudotsuga menziesii; yellow-green, usually less than 2 dm tall; stems generally angled; pistillate flowers with 2 sepals; fruit pedicelled, olive green at maturity Major GroupsC Stems modified into thick, succulent, somewhat cylindric or broad and flattened, typically spiny or bristly segments; leaves lacking or inconspicuous A CACTACEAE 2207I 2207J Opuntia Opuntia Major Groups 1U Green Angiosperms 2Z CACTACEAE\ Green Angiosperms Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Major GroupsC 14.5D3Stems not modified as above, leaves usually present Major Groups 1 GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS S Terrestrial Plantslants Plants parasitic on species of Juniperus; green, usually over 2 dm tall; stems terete; pistillate flowers with 3 sepals; fruit sessile, white to pinkish at maturity. Major GroupsC 13.5D5Plants not growing on the branches of evergreen trees Green Angiosperms 2 xR CACTACEAES Major Groups 1T VISCACEAEU Green Angiosperms\ Green Angiosperms Stems modified into thick, succulent, somewhat cylindric or broad and flattened, typically spiny or bristly segments; leaves lacking or inconspicuous A8Stems not modified as above; leaves usually presentesent T CACTACEAEU Green Angiosperms 2\ Green Angiosperms Plants aquatic, free-floating or totally to largely submerged (occasionally a flower or leaf elevated a few centimeters above the water surface) A:Plants terrestrial or rooted in water but largely emergent Major GroupsC Plants aquatic, free-floating or totally to largely submerged (occasionally a flower or leaf elevated a few centimeters above the water surface) GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS A. Aquatic PlantsS A. Aquatic PlantsT Terrestrial PlantsU Major Groups 1\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Major GroupsC 15.5D:Plants terrestrial or rooted in water but largely emergent Terrestrial Plants GROUP B. MONOCOTYLEDONS S DICOTYLEDONST GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS U Major Groups 1\ Terrestrial Plants Leaves nearly always parallel-veined, often sheathing at the base, the blades simple and entire or rarely basally lobed, occasionally reduced and only the sheathing base evident; perianth segments commonly in 2 sets of 3, sometimes reduced or lacking and the flowers subtended by whitish or green to brown or blackish bracts or scales; plants not woody (MONOCOTYLEDONS) Continue into next key. Major GroupsC Leaves mostly pinnately, palmately, or reticulately veined, simple or compound, toothed to variously dissected; perianth segments commonly in 2 sets of 4 or 5, or lacking; plants herbaceous or woody (DICOTYLEDONS) Major GroupsC `Leaves nearly always parallel-veined, often sheathing at the base, the blades simple and entire or rarely basally lobed, occasionally reduced and only the sheathing base evident; perianth segments commonly in 2 sets of 3, sometimes reduced or lacking and the flowers subtended by whitish or green to brown or blackish bracts or scales; plants not woody GROUP B. MONOCOTYLEDONS MONOCOTYLEDONSS MONOCOTYLEDONST DICOTYLEDONSU Terrestrial Plants\ Terrestrial Plants Leaves nearly always parallel-veined, often sheathing at the base, the blades simple and entire or rarely basally lobed, occasionally reduced and only the sheathing base evident; perianth segments commonly in 2 sets of 3, sometimes reduced or lacking and the flowers subtended by whitish or green to brown or blackish bracts or scales; plants not woody (MONOCOTYLEDONS) Continue? Leaves nearly always parallel-veined, often sheathing at the base, the blades simple and entire or rarely basally lobed, occasionally reduced and only the sheathing base evident; perianth segments commonly in 2 sets of 3, sometimes reduced or lacking and the flowers subtended by whitish or green to brown or blackish bracts or scales; plants not woody (MONOCOTYLEDONS) Continue? Major GroupsC 16.5D Leaves mostly pinnately, palmately, or reticulately veined, simple or compound, toothed to variously dissected; perianth segments commonly in 2 sets of 4 or 5, or lacking; plants herbaceous or woody (DICOTYLEDONS) DICOTYLEDONS Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS S Group D. WOODY DICOTS T GROUP B. MONOCOTYLEDONS U Terrestrial Plants\ Terrestrial Plants AGHerbs; stems herbaceous throughout or woody only at or near the base ANTrees, shrubs, subshrubs or woody vines; stems woody throughout or nearly so Major GroupsC 17DDHerbs; stems herbaceous throughout or woody only at or near the base Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST Group D. WOODY DICOTS U DICOTYLEDONS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ALeaves mostly pinnately, palmately, or reticulately veined, simple or compound, toothed to variously dissected; perianth segments commonly in 2 sets of 4 or 5, or lacking; plants herbaceous or woody (DICOTYLEDONS) Herbs; stems herbaceous throughout or woody only at or near the base Continue? ALeaves mostly pinnately, palmately, or reticulately veined, simple or compound, toothed to variously dissected; perianth segments commonly in 2 sets of 4 or 5, or lacking; plants herbaceous or woody (DICOTYLEDONS) Herbs; stems herbaceous throughout or woody only at or near the base Continue? Major GroupsC 17.5DLTrees, shrubs, subshrubs or woody vines; stems woody throughout or nearly so Group D. WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTSS WOODY DICOTST Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS U DICOTYLEDONS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS ILeaves mostly pinnately, palmately, or reticulately veined, simple or compound, toothed to variously dissected; perianth segments commonly in 2 sets of 4 or 5, or lacking; plants herbaceous or woody (DICOTYLEDONS) Trees, shrubs, subshrubs or woody vines; stems woody throughout or nearly so Continue? ILeaves mostly pinnately, palmately, or reticulately veined, simple or compound, toothed to variously dissected; perianth segments commonly in 2 sets of 4 or 5, or lacking; plants herbaceous or woody (DICOTYLEDONS) Trees, shrubs, subshrubs or woody vines; stems woody throughout or nearly so Continue? EDONS) Trees, shrubs, subshrubs or woody vines; stems woody throughout or nearly so Continue? ILeaves mostly pinnately, palmately, or reticulately veined, simple or compound, toothed to variously dissected; perianth segments commonly in 2 sets of 4 or 5, or lacking; plants herbaceous or woody (DICOTYLEDONS) Trees, shrubs, subshrubs or woody vines; stems woody throughout or nearly so Continue? rPlants minute or 2-12 mm long, not differentiated into stems and leaves (thalloid, the thallus on a slender stalk in one species and resembling a leaf), colonial and free-floating, often forming a green layer over the surface of the water, rootless or with 1-several roots from the lower surface of the thallus, reproducing chiefly from vegetative buds, rarely flowering A LEMNACEAE 1242I 1242J Wolffia Wolffia Main AquaticsU A. Aquatic PlantsZ LEMNACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Thalli 0.5-1.2 mm long, the lower surface convex and rootless (visible as colonies forming a thin scum on the surface of the water) AquaticsC A. Aquatic Plants xR LEMNACEAES Main AquaticsT A. Aquatic PlantsU GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS \ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS tPlants minute or 2-12 mm long, not differentiated into stems and leaves (thalloid, the thallus on a slender stalk in one species and resembling a leaf); colonial and free-floating, often forming a green layer over the surface of the water, rootless or with 1-several roots from the lower surface of the thallus, reproducing chiefly from vegetative buds, rarely flowering A+Plants differentiated into stems and leaves A. Aquatic Plants AquaticsC Thalli 0.5-1.2 mm long, the lower surface convex and rootless (visible as colonies forming a thin scum on the surface of the water) AquaticsC 1.5D+Plants differentiated into stems and leaves Main Aquatics SALVINIACEAES Main Aquatics 2T LEMNACEAEU A. Aquatic Plants\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Plants compact and free-floating, typically less than 3 cm in diameter; stems much-branched, largely concealed by the minute, overlapping, vertically 2- lobed leaves; spores produced in sporocarps on the submerged lower lobe of the first leaf of a branch AgPlants not free-floating OR, if so, not in a compact mass less than 3 cm wide; not otherwise as above AquaticsC Plants compact and free-floating, typically less than 3 cm in diameter; the much-branched stems largely concealed by the minute, overlapping, vertically 2- lobed leaves; spores produced in sporocarps on the submerged lower lobe of the first leaf of a branch SALVINIACEAE 3563I 3563J Azolla Azolla Main Aquatics 2U Main AquaticsZ SALVINIACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC 2.5DePlants not free-floating OR, if so, not in a compact mass less than 3 cm wide, not otherwise as above Main Aquatics 2 Aquatic Spore-bearingS Aquatic Seed-bearingT SALVINIACEAEU Main Aquatics\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS AWLeaves either terete or with 4 fan-shaped leaflets (cloverlike); plants spore-bearing A+Leaves not as above; plants seed-bearing AquaticsC 3DTLeaves either terete or with 4 fan-shaped leaflets (cloverlike), plants sporebearing Aquatic Spore-bearing ISOETACEAES MARSILEACEAET Aquatic Seed-bearingU Main Aquatics 2\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Leaves slender and terete, tufted from a cormlike base, the blades to 15 cm long, each with 4 internal air chambers; spores produced in sporangia situated in the expanded leaf bases 2960C Ligules of upper stem leaves 3-7 mm long; lemmas with glabrous lateral and marginal nerves; plant sometimes stoloniferous but not truly rhizomatous Leaves slender and terete, tufted from a cormlike base, the blades to 15 cm long, each with 4 internal air chambers; spores produced in sporangia situated in the expanded leaf bases ISOETACEAE 3559I 3559J Isoetes Isoetes MARSILEACEAEU Aquatic Spore-bearingZ ISOETACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC Leaves long-petioled with 4 fan-shaped terminal leaflets; spores produced in hardened, initially hairy sporocarps borne on short peduncles near the base of the leaves MARSILEACEAE 3561I 3561J Marsilea Leaves long-petioled with 4 fan-shaped terminal leaflets; spores produced in hardened, initially hairy sporocarps borne on short peduncles near the base of the leaves AquaticsC 3.5D(Leaves not as above, plants seed-bearing Aquatic Seed-bearing Aquatics ( whorled)S Aquatics (non-whorled)T Aquatic Spore-bearingU Main Aquatics 2\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS AAStem leaves evidently whorled, 3 or more at some or all the nodes AIStem leaves opposite or alternate throughout or the leaves entirely basal AquaticsAquaticsC Marsilea ISOETACEAEU Aquatic Spore-bearingZ MARSILEACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Leaves long-petioled with 4 fan-shaped terminal leaflets; spores produced in hardened, initially hairy sporocarps borne on short peduncles near the base of the leaves Leaves long-petioled with 4 fan-shaped terminal leaflets; spores produced in hardened, initially hairy sporocarps borne on short peduncles near the base of the leaves AquaticsC 5DAStem leaves evidently whorled, 3 or more at some or all the nodes Aquatics ( whorled) Aquatics (simple leaves)S Aquatics (complex leaves)T Aquatics (non-whorled)U Aquatic Seed-bearingaring GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS A Leaves simple, entire or toothed A2Leaves compound or deeply parted to much dissected AquaticsC 5.5DIStem leaves opposite or alternate throughout or the leaves entirely basal Aquatics (non-whorled) Leaves entirely basalS Leaves cauline ...T Aquatics ( whorled)U Aquatic Seed-bearing\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Leaves entirely basal A Leaves cauline, at least in part AquaticsC 6D Leaves simple, entire or toothed Aquatics (simple leaves) Najas marina of NAJADACEAE Aquatics (entire ...)T Aquatics (complex leaves)U Aquatics ( whorled)\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS $Leaves coarsely toothed with triangular teeth mostly at least 1 mm long; internodes often armed with prickles; flowers unisexual; fruit an ovoid achene 4-5 mm long; plant reported from adjacent counties, to be expected in fresh or brackish water of the valleys (not further described) AGLeaves entire or minutely toothed; internodes not armed with prickles AquaticsC 6.5D2Leaves compound or deeply parted to much dissected Aquatics (complex leaves) CERATOPHYLLACEAES Leaves dissected ...d ... Aquatics (simple leaves)U Aquatics ( whorled)\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Leaves (1)2-4 times deeply parted, the segments often linear, minutely toothed, each tooth ending in a minute, bristlelike tip; fruit a long-beaked achene with lateral, recurved spines AaLeaves much dissected into entire threadlike segments; fruit without lateral, recurved spines AquaticsC Leaves coarsely toothed with triangular teeth mostly at least 1 mm long; internodes often armed with prickles; flowers unisexual; fruit an ovoid achene 4-5 mm long; plant reported from adjacent counties, to be expected in fresh or brackish water of the valleys (not further described) Najas marina of NAJADACEAE CERATOPHYLLACEAES Leaves dissected ... 2952C Anthers 2-3 mm long, lemmas mostly at least 4 mm long and glabrous or less often minutely hairy near the base, rhizomatous perennials Poa nervosa AquaticsC 8D/Leaves minutely toothed, at least near the apex Leaves minutely toothed ... NAJADACEAES HYDROCHARITACEAET Leaves entireU Aquatics (entire ...)\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS AuLeaves expanded to form a short sheath at the base; plants monoecious; fruit a minutely pitted achene 2-3 mm long AyLeaves not forming a sheath at the base; plants dioecious; fruit 8-10 mm long, several-seeded, each seed 5-6 mm long AquaticsC Leaves entire Leaves entire HIPPURIDACEAES Leaves 3 or 4 ...4 ... ... 3589I 3589J Najas Najas Aquatics (entire ...)U Aquatics (simple leaves)Z NAJADACEAE[ Najas\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Leaves minutely toothed ...U Aquatics (entire ...)\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS AjLeaves 6-16 at most of the nodes; stems stout and erect; flowers mostly bisexual; fruit a smooth nut AzLeaves evidently 3 or 4 at some nodes, opposite at others; stems slender and lax; flowers unisexual; fruit an achene AquaticsC 9DqLeaves expanded to form a short sheath at the base; plants monoecious; fruit a minutely pitted achene 2-3 mm long NAJADACEAE 3589I 3589J Najas Najas 2938C Stems bulbous at the base; florets generally modified into purple-based bulblets, any unmodified florets usually webbed at the base and in compact panicles; plants of disturbed sites, appearing very early in the spring HERBACEOUS DICOTSS ONAGRACEAET CAPPARACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Ovary superior Ovary inferior Herbaceous DICOTSC Ovary superior HERBACEOUS DICOTS LIMNANTHACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST ONAGRACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Ovary deeply divided; fruit of (1)2-3 subglobose nutlets; sepals and petals (2)3(4), the petals about half as long as the sepals; leaves pinnate with 3-7 leaflets, the latter to 3(5) mm wide; annuals of moist, shaded sites NAJADACEAE 3589I 3589J Najas Najas 7DdLeaves 6-16 at most of the nodes, stems stout and erect, flowers mostly bisexual, fruit a smooth nut HIPPURIDACEAE 3593I 3593J Hippuris Hippuris Leaves 3 or 4 ...U Leaves entireZ HIPPURIDACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC 10.5DtLeaves evidently 3 or 4 at some nodes, opposite at others; stems slender and lax; flowers unisexual; fruit an achene Leaves 3 or 4 ... ZANNICHELLIACEAES NAJADACEAET HIPPURIDACEAEU Leaves entire\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS AquaticsC Achene flattened to subterete, typically toothed along the curved dorsal margin, with a slender beak 0.8-1.5 mm long; leaves not sheathing at the base AdAchene ellipsoid, terete, not beaked; leaves expanded at the base to form a sheath 1.5-5 mm long AquaticsC Achene flattened to subterete, typically toothed along the curved dorsal margin, with a slender beak 0.8-1.5 mm long; leaves not sheathing at the base ZANNICHELLIACEAE 3595I 3595J Zannichellia Zannichellia NAJADACEAEU Leaves 3 or 4 ...Z ZANNICHELLIACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC 11.5D`Achene ellipsoid, terete, not beaked; leaves expanded at the base to form a sheath 1.5-5 mm long NAJADACEAE 3589I 3589J Najas Najas ZANNICHELLIACEAEU Leaves 3 or 4 ...Z NAJADACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC Leaves (1)2-4 times deeply parted, the segments often linear, minutely toothed, each tooth ending in a minute, bristlelike tip; fruit a long-beaked achene with lateral, recurved spines CERATOPHYLLACEAE 2936C QAnnual, often mat-forming, 0.3-2(3.5) dm tall; panicle pyramidal, 1.5-4(8) cm long, the branches widely spreading or occasionally deflexed; margin of the second glume typically angled or flared at about midlength or above; lemmas not webbed at the base, generally hairy on all the nerves, rarely entirely glabrous, anthers to 1.2 mm long A Poa annua 2935G 2937H 2936I 2936J 2936N 2938O Show Description & Photos A^Leaves neither expanded nor membranous at the base; fruit splitting into 4 nutlike mericarps AquaticsC 13DcLeaf blades or petioles with much-expanded, membranous bases; fruit of achenes in headlike clusters RANUNCULACEAE 1610I 1610J RANUNCULACEAES RANUNCULACEAET HALORAGACEAEU Leaves dissected ...Z RANUNCULACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. AquaticsC 13.5D\Leaves neither expanded nor membranous at the base, fruit splitting into 4 nutlike mericarps HALORAGACEAE 3599I 3599J Myriophyllum 3597I 3597J Ceratophyllum Ceratophyllum Leaves dissected ...U Aquatics (complex leaves)Z CERATOPHYLLACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC 12.5D]Leaves much dissected into entire threadlike segments; fruit without lateral, recurved spines Leaves dissected ... RANUNCULACEAES HALORAGACEAET CERATOPHYLLACEAEU Aquatics (complex leaves)\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS AeLeaf blades or petioles with much-expanded, membranous bases; fruit of achenes in headlike clusters Myriophyllum RANUNCULACEAEU Leaves dissected ...Z HALORAGACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC Leaves entirely basal Leaves entirely basal ALISMATACEAE Limosella of SCROPHULARIACEAE Leaves cauline ...U Aquatics (non-whorled)\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Leaf petioles sheathing the scape at the base; inflorescence bracteate; fruit of achenes borne on the receptacle in a single ring or in globose, headlike clusters A^Leaf petioles not sheathing the scape; inflorescence not bracteate; fruit an ovoid capsule AquaticsC 14.5D Leaves cauline, at least in part Leaves cauline ... Leaves opposite ...S Leaves alternateT Leaves entirely basalU Aquatics (non-whorled)\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS A%Leaves opposite or rarely subopposite Leaves alternate AquaticsC Leaf petioles sheathing the scape at the base; inflorescence bracteate; fruit of achenes borne on the receptacle in a single ring or in globose, headlike clusters ALISMATACEAE ALISMATACEAES ALISMATACEAE Limosella of SCROPHULARIACEAE Leaves entirely basalZ ALISMATACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. AquaticsC 15.5DZLeaf petioles not sheathing the scape, inflorescence not bracteate, fruit an ovoid capsule Limosella of SCROPHULARIACEAE 1707I 1707J A Limosella A Limosella ALISMATACEAEU Leaves entirely basalZ SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Limosella\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS single ring or in globose, headlike clusters ALISMATACEAE Flowers solitary on naked scapes or clustered at tips of leafy stolons; basal leaves exceeding the scapes, plants growing in shallow water or along wet banks Flowers solitary on naked scapes or clustered at tips of leafy stolons; basal leaves exceeding the scapes, plants growing in shallow water or along wet banks AquaticsC 16D%Leaves opposite or rarely subopposite Leaves opposite ... Leaves threadlike ... Veronica of SCROPHULARIACEAE Leaves alternateU Leaves cauline ...\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Leaves threadlike to linear or narrowly lanceolate (in Callitriche palustris some of the leaves floating, to 6 mm long and to 4 mm wide); corolla either lacking or of 3 free, white petals AsLeaves all suborbicular to ovate or elliptic, 2-10 cm long and usually toothed; corolla blue, unequally 4-lobed AquaticsC 16.5D Leaves alternate Leaves alternate Leaves simple ...S Leaves pinnately ... or ..T Leaves opposite ...U Leaves cauline ...\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS A0Leaves all simple and entire or minutely toothed AgLeaves pinnately compound or much dissected, occasionally some of the juvenile leaves entire or ternate AquaticsC Leaves threadlike to linear or narrowly lanceolate (in Callitriche palustris some of the leaves floating, to 6 mm long and to 4 mm wide); corolla either lacking or of 3 free, white petals Leaves threadlike ... Stipules present ...S Stipules lacking ... Veronica of SCROPHULARIACEAE Leaves opposite ...\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS ArStipules present, free or fused with the blade; leaves 1-10 cm long; stigmas at flowering expanded and peltate A9Stipules lacking; leaves to 3 cm long; stigmas linear AquaticsC 17.5DoLeaves all suborbicular to ovate or elliptic, 2-10 cm long and usually toothed; corolla blue, unequally 4-lobed Veronica of SCROPHULARIACEAE 3486I 3486J Veronica Veronica Leaves threadlike ...U Leaves opposite ...Z SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Veronica\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. AquaticsC GDnStipules present, free or fused with the blade; leaves 1-10 cm long; stigmas at flowering expanded and peltate Stipules present ... ZANNICHELLIACEAES RUPPIACEAET Stipules lacking ...U Leaves threadlike ...\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Stipules free of the blade, sheathing the stem; fruit of obliquely oblong achenes, these generally toothed along the curved dorsal margins; style persistent Stipules fused to the base of the blade, often free at the tips; fruit of stipitate, ovoid to pear-shaped nutlets in clusters of (1)2-8; style obsolete AquaticsC HD5Stipules lacking, leaves to 3 cm long, stigmas linear Stipules lacking ... Leaves minutely toothed ...S CALLITRICHACEAET Stipules present ...U Leaves threadlike ...\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Leaves typically minutely toothed at least near the acute to obtuse apex; ovary unlobed; fruit unlobed; staminate flowers with a perianth or sheathing bract Leaves entire, the submerged ones notched to subtruncate at the apex; ovary deeply 4-lobed; fruit splitting into 4 mericarps; staminate flowers naked AquaticsC Stipules free of the blade, sheathing the stem; fruit of obliquely oblong achenes, these generally toothed along the curved dorsal margins and with a persistent style ZANNICHELLIACEAE 3595I 3595J Zannichellia Zannichellia RUPPIACEAEU Stipules present ...Z ZANNICHELLIACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC 19.5D Stipules fused to the base of the blade, often free at the tips; fruit of stipitate, ovoid to pear-shaped nutlets in clusters of (1)2-8, the styles obsolete RUPPIACEAE 3603I 3603J Ruppia Ruppiappia ZANNICHELLIACEAEU Stipules present ...Z RUPPIACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC Leaves typically minutely toothed at least near the acute to obtuse apex; ovary and fruit unlobed; staminate flowers with a perianth or sheathing bract Leaves minutely toothed ... NAJADACEAES HYDROCHARITACEAET CALLITRICHACEAEU Stipules lacking ...\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Leaves basally expanded into a sheath 2-5 mm long; staminate flowers with 1 stamen, the anther 4-celled; pistillate flowers with a superior ovary; fruit a longitudinally pitted achene to 3 mm long 3603I 3603J Ruppia Ruppia 2929C Phalaris Continue into next key. AquaticsC Leaves basally expanded into a sheath 2-5 mm long; staminate flowers with 1 stamen, the anther 4-celled; pistillate flowers with a superior ovary; fruit a longitudinally pitted achene to 3 mm long NAJADACEAE 3589I 3589J Najas Najas HYDROCHARITACEAEU Leaves minutely toothed ...Z NAJADACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC 21.521.521.5ly toothed ...U Stipules lacking ...Z CALLITRICHACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Continue into next key. Leaves not basally expanded into a sheath; staminate flowers with 9 stamens, the anthers 2-celled; pistillate flowers with an inferior ovary; fruit 8-10 mm long, the seeds several, not longitudinally pitted Leaves not basally expanded into a sheath; staminate flowers with 9 stamens, the anthers 2-celled; pistillate flowers with an inferior ovary; fruit 8-10 mm long, the seeds several, not longitudinally pitted HYDROCHARITACEAE 3591I 3591J Elodea Elodea NAJADACEAEU Leaves minutely toothed ...Z HYDROCHARITACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC 22D0Leaves all simple and entire or minutely toothed Leaves simple ... Downingia of CAMPANULACEAE VariousT Leaves pinnately ... or ..r .. Leaves alternate\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS AuLeaves mostly elliptic, to 2 cm long and 5 mm wide; flowers bilaterally symmetrical; fruit a subcylindric capsule A'Plants not as above in every particular AquaticsC 22.5DgLeaves pinnately compound or much dissected, occasionally some of the juvenile leaves entire or ternate Leaves pinnately ... or .. Ranunculus of RANUNCULACEAE Leaves pinnately compoundT Leaves simple ...U Leaves alternate\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Leaves dissected into threadlike segments; flowers often floating, 1 cm or more in diameter; fruit of achenes in headlike clusterssters Leaves pinnately compound, the ultimate segments not threadlike; flowers usually emergent, less than 1 cm wide; fruit not as above AquaticsC 23DqLeaves mostly elliptic, to 2 cm long and 5 mm wide; flowers bilaterally symmetrical; fruit a subcylindric capsule Downingia of CAMPANULACEAE 1068I 1068J A Downingia A Downingia VariousU Leaves simple ...Z CAMPANULACEAE[ Downingia\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS ANTS floating, 1 cm or more in diameter; fruit of achenes in headlike clusters Low, somewhat fleshy annual to 2 dm tall, flowers to 7 mm long, 2-lipped; fruit a subcylindric capsule 2-4 5 cm long, dehiscing by longitudinal slits` Low, somewhat fleshy annual to 2 dm tall, flowers to 7 mm long, 2-lipped; fruit a subcylindric capsule 2-4 5 cm long, dehiscing by longitudinal slits AquaticsC 23.5D'Plants not as above in every particular Various POACEAES Leaves flaccid ... Downingia of CAMPANULACEAE Leaves simple ...\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS 9Leaves firm, the blade 2-10 mm wide, to about 1 dm long, sharply differentiated from the sheathing base, the junction of blade and sheath marked by a membranous ligule 2-6 mm long; stems erect; submerged plants not flowering and therefore not identifiable with certainty but likely to be Agrostis stolonifera 2902C Glumes mostly blunt, the first 0.6-1.3 mm long; lemmas 1.9-2.3 mm long, mostly obovate, green or purple-tinged, distinctly membranous-margined at the tips; stamens 2; caryopsis ovoid, nearly as wide as long; ligule of upper stem leaves 1.5-4 mm long; leaf blades 2-12 mm wide AquaticsC 24.5DCLeaves flaccid or, if firm, plants not as above in every particular Leaves flaccid ... Stipules present ...S SPARGANIACEAET POACEAEU Various\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Stipules present, axillary to the leaf or, if fused with the leaf, the blade abruptly freed from the sheathing stipular base a short distance above the node; fruit of stipitate nutlets or of achenes borne in a spike or spikelike raceme Stipules lacking, leaves basally sheathing and often membranous-margined the blades uninterrupted throughout their length; fruit of achenes borne globose heads 1-3 cm wide AquaticsC ACLeaves flaccid or, if firm, plants not as above in every particular Stipules present, axillary to the leaf or, if fused with the leaf, the blade abruptly freed from the sheathing stipular base a short distance above the node; fruit of stipitate nutlets or of achenes borne in a spike or spikelike raceme Stipules present ... RUPPIACEAES POTAMOGETON. / POLYGON.T SPARGANIACEAEU Leaves flaccid ...\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Fruit of ovoid to somewhat pear-shaped nutlets borne on slender stipes, the latter elongating as the fruit matures; flowers naked; leaves threadlike, less than 1 mm wide; stipules fused with the blade, the sheathing membranous base usually brown and distinctly expanded AquaticsC AquaticsC 2892C Auricles glabrous; shorter panicle branch of each pair bearing only 1 or 2 spikelets, lemmas to about 7 mm long, smooth or scabrous only at the apex, stems mostly less than 4 mm wide near the base Festuca pratensis 2890G 2893H 2892I 2892J 2892N 2894O Show Description & Photos Festuca arundinacea A (Festuca) POACEAE[ Festuca\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Fruit of sessile achenes; flowers with a green- to pink- or rose-colored perianth; leaves often more than 1 mm wide; stipules free or fused with the blade AquaticsC 25.5D Stipules lacking, leaves basally sheathing and often membranous-margined the blades uninterrupted throughout their length, fruit of achenes borne globose heads 1-3 cm wide SPARGANIACEAE 3521I 3521J Sparganium Sparganium Stipules present ...U Leaves flaccid ...Z SPARGANIACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 2881C 1D{Spikelets 2-3 mm wide at maturity, keels of glumes and lemmas with minute disc-shaped glands, herbage malodorous when fresh Eragrostis cilianensis 2880G 2882H 2881I 2881J 2881N 2883O Show Description & Photos (Eragrostis) Eragrostis POTAMOGETONACEAE Polygonum of POLYGONACEAE RUPPIACEAEU Stipules present ...\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS ATLeaves parallel-veined, often dimorphic, often less than 3 mm wide; perianth green A[Leaves pinnate-veined, not dimorphic, all more than 3 mm wide; perianth pink to deep rose AquaticsC 27DRLeaves parallel-veined, often dimorphic, often less than 3 mm wide; perianth green POTAMOGETONACEAE 3108I 3108J Potamogeton Potamogeton AquaticsC Fruit of ovoid to somewhat pear-shaped nutlets borne on slender stipes, the latter elongating as the fruit matures; flowers naked; leaves threadlike, less than 1 mm wide; stipules fused with the blade, the sheathing membranous base usually brown and distinctly expanded RUPPIACEAE 3603I 3603J Ruppia Ruppia POTAMOGETON. / POLYGON.U Stipules present ...Z RUPPIACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 2549I 2549J Swertia Swertia HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ GENTIANACEAE Swertia Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 55.5D#Petals not as above, leaves diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS Actaea of RANUNCULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS Swertia of GENTIANACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AquaticsC Leaves dissected into threadlike segments; flowers often floating, 1 cm or more in diameter; fruit of achenes in headlike clusters Ranunculus of RANUNCULACEAE 3163I 3163J Ranunculus Ranunculus Leaves pinnately compoundU Leaves pinnately ... or ..Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. AquaticsC 28.5D Leaves pinnately compound, the ultimate segments not threadlike; flowers usually emergent, less than 1 cm wide; fruit not as above Leaves pinnately compound Nasturtium of BRASSICACEAE Berula of APIACEAE Ranunculus of RANUNCULACEAE Leaves pinnately ... or ..\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS AXLeaflets entire or wavy-margined; flowers in a raceme; fruit a several-seeded silique AuLeaflets distinctly toothed or lobed; flowers in a compound umbel; fruit a schizocarp, splitting into 2 mericarps AquaticsC 29DULeaflets entire or wavy-margined, flowers in a raceme, fruit a several-seeded silique Nasturtium of BRASSICACEAECEAE 3720I 3720J Nasturtium officinale Nasturtium officinale Berula of APIACEAE Leaves pinnately compoundZ BRASSICACEAE[ Nasturtium\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC 29.5DqLeaflets distinctly toothed or lobed; flowers in a compound umbel; fruit a schizocarp, splitting into 2 mericarps Berula of APIACEAE Berula Berula Nasturtium of BRASSICACEAE Leaves pinnately compoundZ APIACEAE[ Berula\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Leaflets typically dimorphic, those of the upper stem more deeply incised than those of the lower stem; fruit to 2 mm long, the ribs inconspicuous Leaflets typically dimorphic, those of the upper stem more deeply incised than those of the lower stem; fruit to 2 mm long, the ribs inconspicuous MonocotyledonsC MONOCOTYLEDONS (MONOCOTYLEDONS)S (MONOCOTYLEDONS)T MONOCOTYLEDONSU GROUP B. MONOCOTYLEDONS \ MONOCOTYLEDONS Flowers without petal-like parts, the perianth segments small and membranous, whitish to green, brown or nearly black, sometimes reduced to bristlelike segments or lacking; fruit dry, diverse in structure but if capsular not more than 1 cm long Flowers with more or less showy, petal-like parts, these white or nearly so to variously colored, mostly at least 8 mm long; fruit sometimes more than 1 cm long, in some species fleshy MONOCOTYLEDONS MonocotyledonsC Flowers without petal-like parts, the perianth segments small and membranous, whitish to green, brown or nearly black, sometimes reduced to bristlelike segments or lacking; fruit dry, diverse in structure but if capsular not more than 1 cm long (MONOCOTYLEDONS) 2876C 7DqGlumes and lemmas divided at the apex into 2 or more awn segments, the lateral segments often short and toothlike X Elysitanion 2871G 2877H 3834I 3834J 2876N 2878O Elysitanion hansenii X Elysitanion hansenii X ORCHIDACEAES (MONOCOTYLEDONS)T (MONOCOTYLEDONS)U MONOCOTYLEDONS\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Flowers bilaterally symmetrical, the lower petal (lip) differing in form, size, or color from the other petals; stamens 1 or 2, united with the style; fruit a 3-valved capsule with numerous, nearly microscopic seeds A{Flowers radially symmetrical, the 3 petals similar; stamens 3-many; fruit diverse, the seeds mostly at least 1 mm long MonocotyledonsC 2o variously colored, mostly at least 8 mm long; fruit sometimes more than 1 cm long, in some species fleshy (MONOCOTYLEDONS) xR TYPHACEAES (MONOCOTYLEDONS)T (MONOCOTYLEDONS)U MONOCOTYLEDONS\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Inflorescence a compact, many-flowered spike 1.5-3(4) dm long; pistillate flowers forming an essentially smooth, velvety brown cylinder to 3.5 cm wide; stems 1-3 m tall; leaves long and narrow; plants of wet places ADInflorescence not as above; stems, leaves and habitat diverse Inflorescence a compact, many-flowered spike 1.5-3(4) dm long, the pistillate flowers forming an essentially smooth, velvety brown cylinder to 3.5 cm wide; stems 1-3 m tall; leaves long and narrow; plants of wet places A TYPHACEAE 3529I 3529J Typha Typha (MONOCOTYLEDONS)U (MONOCOTYLEDONS)Z TYPHACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. MonocotyledonsC 2.5D4Inflorescence not as above, stems and leaves diverse (MONOCOTYLEDONS) SPARGANIACEAES (MONOCOTYLEDONS)T TYPHACEAEU (MONOCOTYLEDONS)\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Flowers unisexual and borne in globose heads, the staminate flowers above the pistillate; achenes or achenelike fruit in globose heads 1-3 cm wide, each fruit terete, beaked, and subtended by 3-6 perianth segments; leaves alternate, basally sheathing; plants of wet places AXFlowers bisexual or, if unisexual, the plants not otherwise as above in every particular MonocotyledonsC Flowers unisexual and borne in globose heads, the staminate flowers above the pistillate; achenes or achenelike fruit in globose heads 1-3 cm wide, each fruit terete, beaked, and subtended by 3-6 perianth segments; leaves alternate, basally sheathing; plants of wet places SPARGANIACEAE 3521I Sparganium Sparganium (MONOCOTYLEDONS) (MONOCOTYLEDONS) SPARGANIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. MonocotyledonsC 3.5DXFlowers bisexual or, if unisexual, the plants not otherwise as above in every particular (MONOCOTYLEDONS) (MONOCOTYLEDONS)S (MONOCOTYLEDONS)T SPARGANIACEAEU (MONOCOTYLEDONS)\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Perianth evidently lacking or of 1-many slender bristles, each flower subtended by 1 or 2 scalelike bracts or the bracts (glumes) rarely lacking 3521I WEach flower subtended by (1)2 usually dissimilar bracts (lemma and palea), these green to whitish or purple-tinged and usually straw-colored in age, the lemma sometimes enfolding the palea, occasionally the palea lacking or obscure; stems often hollow and terete or flattened but not 3-angled; leaves 2-ranked, the blades short to elongate MonocotyledonsC Perianth of 6 segments in 2 similar series of 3 each, flowers with or without bracts (in Triglochin the perianth soon deciduous, bracts lacking) (MONOCOTYLEDONS) Perianth of 6 segments in 2 similar series of 3 each, flowers with or without bracts (in Triglochin the perianth soon deciduous, bracts lacking) 2835C Lemmas awnless or with an awn-tip to about 1 mm long, glabrous; spikelets 7-12 mm wide at maturity; annual of chiefly disturbed sites Bromus brizaeformis 2834G 2836H 2835I 2835J 2835N 2837O Show Description & Photos Each flower subtended by a single bract (scale), these green or brown to black, the perianth of bristles or lacking, the ovary in Carex enclosed in a saclike structure (perigynium); stems usually solid, often 3-angled; leaves mostly 3-ranked, the blades occasionally reduced or lacking CYPERACEAE 1138I 1138J CYPERACEAES CYPERACEAET POACEAE (MONOCOTYLEDONS) CYPERACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. MonocotyledonsC MonocotyledonsC JUNCAGINACEAES JUNCACEAET (MONOCOTYLEDONS) (MONOCOTYLEDONS) MONOCOTYLEDONS Flowers ebracteate in an elongate spikelike raceme; fruit of 3 or 6 fused to ultimately free, 1-seeded follicles; leaves all basal, mostly subterete and somewhat fleshy Flowers bracteate in compact to loose heads or panicles, rarely the flowers mostly solitary along stems and branches; fruit of capsules, each with 3-numerous seeds; leaves diverse, not fleshy MonocotyledonsC SEach flower subtended by (1)2 usually dissimilar bracts (lemma and palea), these green to whitish or purple-tinged and usually straw-colored in age, the lemma sometimes enfolding the palea, occasionally the palea lacking or obscure; stems often hollow and terete or flattened but not 3-angled; leaves 2-ranked, the blades short to elongate POACEAE 1326I 1326J POACEAE-Key to GroupsS POACEAE-Key to GroupsT CYPERACEAE (MONOCOTYLEDONS) POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. MonocotyledonsC Flowers ebracteate in an elongate spikelike raceme; fruit of 3 or 6 fused to ultimately free, 1-seeded follicles, leaves all basal, mostly subterete and somewhat fleshy JUNCAGINACEAE 2651I 2651J Triglochin Triglochin T JUNCACEAE (MONOCOTYLEDONS) JUNCAGINACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. MonocotyledonsC Flowers bracteate in compact to loose heads or panicles, rarely the flowers mostly solitary along stems and branches; fruit of capsules, each with 3-numerous seeds; leaves diverse, not fleshy A JUNCACEAE 1211I 1211J xR JUNCACEAES JUNCACEAET JUNCAGINACEAE (MONOCOTYLEDONS) Z JUNCACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. MonocotyledonsC Flowers bilaterally symmetrical, the lower petal (lip) differing in form, size, or color from the other petals; stamens 1 or 2, united with the style; fruit a 3-valved capsule with numerous, nearly microscopic seeds ORCHIDACEAE 1304I 1304J ORCHIDACEAES ORCHIDACEAET (MONOCOTYLEDONS) (MONOCOTYLEDONS) ORCHIDACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. MonocotyledonsC 7.5DvFlowers radially symmetrical, the 3 petals similar; stamens 3-many; fruit diverse; the seeds mostly at least 1 mm long (MONOCOTYLEDONS) 1208I xR IRIDACEAES (MONOCOTYLEDONS)T ORCHIDACEAE (MONOCOTYLEDONS) MONOCOTYLEDONS AtOvary totally inferior; EITHER the leaves equitant OR the fruit a globose to obovoid capsule less than 7 mm long A?Ovary superior or one-third inferior; leaves and fruit diverse MonocotyledonsC 8DpOvary totally inferior, either the leaves equitant or the fruit a globose to obovoid capsule less than 7 mm long A IRIDACEAE 1208I 1208J xR IRIDACEAES IRIDACEAET (MONOCOTYLEDONS) (MONOCOTYLEDONS) Z IRIDACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. MonocotyledonsC 8.5D>Ovary superior or one-third inferior, leaves and fruit diverse (MONOCOTYLEDONS) 1246J ALISMATACEAES LILIACEAET IRIDACEAE (MONOCOTYLEDONS) MONOCOTYLEDONS Pistils 10-many; fruit of strongly compressed achenes borne in a ring or in a headlike cluster; plants in shallow water or rarely stranded on mud an 7 mm long 2816C Awns present on at least the first and second florets, stout, strongly twisted and abruptly bent; lemmas glabrous to variously hairy over the back, densely hairy at the base Avena fatua 2815G 2817H A LILIACEAE 1246I 1246J xR LILIACEAES LILIACEAET ALISMATACEAE (MONOCOTYLEDONS) Z LILIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC HERBACEOUS DICOTSF TendrilsS No TendrilsT HERBACEOUS DICOTSU Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS \ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AKPlants with tendrils from stems or tips of leaves; habit usually vinelike A(Plants lacking tendrils; habit diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS ATPistil 1; fruit a capsule or a berry; plants of dry to moist or rarely wet sites Herbaceous DICOTSC 1DCPlants with tendrils from stems or tips of leaves, usually vinelike Tendrils FABACEAE / VITACEAES CUCURBITACEAET No TendrilsU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Leaves compound Leaves simple, palmately lobed Herbaceous DICOTSC 1.5D&Plants lacking tendrils, habit diverse No Tendrils HERBACEOUS DICOTS VinelikeS HERBACEOUS DICOTS Not vinelikeT TendrilsU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ASPlant a vine or vinelike; stems elongate and climbing by means other than tendrils HERBACEOUS DICOTS AXPlants not climbing; stems sometimes prostrate or lax and supported by other vegetation Herbaceous DICOTSC Leaves compound FABACEAE / VITACEAE FABACEAES VITACEAET CUCURBITACEAEU Tendrils\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ANLeaves pinnately compound; corolla bilaterally symmetrical; fruit a legume AgLeaves ternately or palmately compound; corolla radially symmetrical; fruit a small grapelike berry Herbaceous DICOTSC Leaves simple, palmately lobed CUCURBITACEAE 3606I 3606J Echinocystis Echinocystis FABACEAE / VITACEAEU TendrilsZ CUCURBITACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single genus in family locally. Single genus in family locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 3DJLeaves pinnately compound, corolla bilaterally symmetrical, fruit a legume FABACEAE 1155I 1155J FABACEAES FABACEAET VITACEAEU FABACEAE / VITACEAEZ FABACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Clematis of RANUNCULACEAE Leaves simpleT HERBACEOUS DICOTS Not vinelikeU No Tendrils\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ACLeaves 1-2 times ternately compound; pistils and stamens numerous AiLeaves simple or, in one species, a few of the blades compound; pistils 1 or 2; stamens fewer than 10 Herbaceous DICOTSC 4.5D[Plants not climbing, the stems sometimes prostrate or lax and supported by other vegetation HERBACEOUS DICOTS Not vinelike xR SucculentS Not SucculentT HERBACEOUS DICOTS VinelikeU No Tendrilsrils23O Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AsPlants distinctly succulent; in some species the stems fleshy and jointed, with the leaves inconspicuous or lacking Plants not succulent Herbaceous DICOTSC 5DALeaves 1-2 times ternately compound, pistils and stamens numerous Clematis of RANUNCULACEAE 3150I 3150J Clematis Clematis Leaves simpleU HERBACEOUS DICOTS VinelikeZ RANUNCULACEAE Clematis Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 2815C Avena 1449G 2815H 2816I 2817J 2815N 2816O Avena fatua Avena sativa Avena Avena POACEAE[ Avena\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Awns present on at least the first and second florets, stout, strongly twisted and abruptly bent; lemmas glabrous to variously hairy over the back, densely hairy at the base` Awns lacking or present on the lowermost floret only, short and straight to curved, not abruptly bent; lemmas glabrous or scabrous over the back, glabrous or nearly so at the based Avena }DYStipules membranous and sheathing the stem at each node; leaves arrowhead-shaped to ovate Polygonum of POLYGONACEAE 3040I 3040J A Polygonum A Polygonum Stipules lackingU Leaves simpleZ POLYGONACEAE A Polygonum Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 6.5D1Stipules lacking or not sheathing, leaves diverse Stipules lacking Humulus of CANNABACEAE Leaves not palmate Herbaceous DICOTSC 5.5DeLeaves simple or, in one species, a few of the blades compound; pistils 1 or 2; stamens fewer than 10 Leaves simple Polygonum of POLYGONACEAE Stipules lacking Clematis of RANUNCULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS Vinelike\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A[Stipules membranous and sheathing the stem at each node; leaves arrowhead-shaped to ovate A4Stipules lacking or not sheathing; leaves diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC Polygonum of POLYGONACEAE Leaves simple\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AgLeaves palmately lobed; plants dioecious, the pistillate flowers enclosed in large overlapping bracts Leaves not palmately lobed Herbaceous DICOTSC 7DeLeaves palmately lobed; plants dioecious, the pistillate flowers enclosed in large overlapping bracts Humulus of CANNABACEAE 1071I 1071J Humulus Humulus Leaves not palmateU Stipules lackingZ CANNABACEAE Humulus Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A2Perennial vine with simple, palmately lobed leaves A2Perennial vine with simple, palmately lobed leaves Herbaceous DICOTSC Leaves not palmately lobed Leaves not palmate Asperugo of BORAGINACEAE No prickles Humulus of CANNABACEAE Stipules lacking\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AzStems with minute, recurved prickles; corolla blue-purple, to 3 mm long; calyx much enlarged, strongly veined in fruit Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AKStems lacking prickles; flowers more than 3 mm long; calyx not as above Herbaceous DICOTSC 8DvStems with minute, recurved prickles; corolla blue-purple, to 3 mm long; calyx much enlarged, strongly veined in fruit Asperugo of BORAGINACEAE Asperugo Asperugo No pricklesU Leaves not palmateZ BORAGINACEAE Asperugo Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Fruiting calyx thickened and greatly enlarged, ultimately composed of 2 opposing, bractlike, lobed and toothed segments to about 2 cm wide; stems usually sprawling, bearing minute recurved prickles Fruiting calyx thickened and greatly enlarged, ultimately composed of 2 opposing, bractlike, lobed and toothed segments to about 2 cm wide; stems usually sprawling, bearing minute recurved prickles Herbaceous DICOTSC 8.5DGStems lacking prickles, flowers more than 3 mm long, calyx not as above No prickles 1800J Leaves alternate Vinca of APOCYNACEAE Asperugo of BORAGINACEAE Leaves not palmate\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A2Leaves alternate; corolla white, pink, or purple minute recurved prickles A7Leaves opposite; corolla blue, rarely purple or white Herbaceous DICOTSC 9D0Leaves alternate; corolla white, pink, or purple Leaves alternate CONVOLVULACEAE Solanum dulcamara of SOLANACEAE Vinca of APOCYNACEAE No prickles\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ALFlowers white or pink; fruit a capsule; leaves all simple, often hastate A\Flowers purple; fruit a red berry; some of the leaves 3-lobed or divided into 3 leaflets Herbaceous DICOTSC 9.5D5Leaves opposite; corolla blue, rarely purple or white Vinca of APOCYNACEAE 1800I 1800J Vinca Vinca Leaves alternateU No pricklesZ APOCYNACEAE Vinca Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 10DHFlowers white or pink; fruit a capsule; leaves all simple, often hastate CONVOLVULACEAE 1133I 1133J CONVOLVULACEAES CONVOLVULACEAE Solanum dulcamara of SOLANACEAE Leaves alternateZ CONVOLVULACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 10.5DXFlowers purple, fruit a red berry, some of the leaves 3-lobed or divided into 3 leaflets Solanum dulcamara of SOLANACEAE 1734I 1734J Solanum dulcamara Solanum dulcamara CONVOLVULACEAEU Leaves alternateZ SOLANACEAE Solanum Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ACPlants glabrous or variously hairy; flowers and fruit not as above AgVine with stems climbing, unarmed; leaves simple or some of them 3-lobed or ternate; corolla purple AgVine with stems climbing, unarmed; leaves simple or some of them 3-lobed or ternate; corolla purple Herbaceous DICOTSC 11DsPlants distinctly succulent; in some species the stems fleshy and jointed, with the leaves inconspicuous or lacking A Succulent xR CACTACEAES Not CactiT Not SucculentU HERBACEOUS DICOTS Not vinelike\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Stems modified into thick (mostly at least 2 cm wide), flattened or cylindric segments; bristles and often spines arising from specialized areas on the segments; leaves inconspicuous or lacking; flowers 4-15 cm in diameter, the petaloid perianth segments numerous A'Plants not as above in every particular Herbaceous DICOTSC 11.5D Plants not succulent Not Succulent HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST SucculentU HERBACEOUS DICOTS Not vinelike\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ADStipules membranous, at least partially fused and sheathing the stem A'Stipules either lacking or not as above Herbaceous DICOTSC Stems modified into thick (mostly at least 2 cm wide), flattened or cylindric segments; bristles and often spines arising from specialized areas on the segments; leaves inconspicuous or lacking; flowers 4-15 cm in diameter, the petaloid perianth segments numerous A CACTACEAE 2207I 2207J Opuntia Opuntia T Not CactiU SucculentZ CACTACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 12.5D'Plants not as above in every particular A Not Cacti A%Euphorbia myrsinites of EUPHORBIACEAE Not E. myrsinites T CACTACEAEU Succulent\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Leaves blue-green, mostly broadly ovate, arranged in close spirals, emitting a milky juice; stems prostrate; flowers inconspicuous, in small clusters from a cup-shaped involucre A#Plants not as above in every detail Herbaceous DICOTSC Herbaceous DICOTSC 12.5D'Plants not as above in every particular Leaves blue-green, mostly broadly ovate, arranged in close spirals, emitting a milky juice; stems prostrate; flowers inconspicuous, in small clusters from a cup-shaped involucre A%Euphorbia myrsinites of EUPHORBIACEAE 2475I 2475J Euphorbia myrsinites Euphorbia myrsinites Not E. myrsinites U Not CactiZ EUPHORBIACEAE A Euphorbia Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Herbaceous DICOTSC Stems prostrate to ascending; leaves succulent, a bright blue-green when fresh, appearing spirally arranged, strongly overlapping; horns of the glands dilated or lobed Stems prostrate to ascending; leaves succulent, a bright blue-green when fresh, appearing spirally arranged, strongly overlapping; horns of the glands dilated or lobed Herbaceous DICOTSC 13.5D#Plants not as above in every detail Not E. myrsinites Pistils 4-5 CRASSULACEAES Pistil 1 A%Euphorbia myrsinites of EUPHORBIACEAE U Not Cacti\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ATPistils 4 or 5; fruit of follicles; petals yellow, 5-9 mm long; plants montane ApPistil 1; fruit a capsule or a utricle (achene); petals not as above or lacking; plants of valleys to alpine Herbaceous DICOTSC 14DNPistils 4 or 5; fruit of follicles; petals yellow, 5-9 mm long; plants montane Pistils 4-5 CRASSULACEAE 2306I 2306J Sedum Sedum Pistil 1 Not E. myrsinites CRASSULACEAE Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 14.5DlPistil 1, fruit a capsule or a utricle (achene), petals not as above or lacking, plants of valleys to alpine Pistil 1 Petals LackingS Petals Present PORTULACACEAET Pistils 4-5 CRASSULACEAE Not E. myrsinites Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ARPetals lacking; sepals or calyx lobes 4 or 5, in some species obscure or 1acking A?Petals present; sepals 2(4-9 and petaloid in Lewisia rediviva) Herbaceous DICOTSC 15DPPetals lacking; sepals or calyx lobes 4 or 5, in some species obscure or 1acking Petals Lacking xR AIZOACEAES CHENOPODIACEAET Petals Present PORTULACACEAEU Pistil 1\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AvLeaves opposite, mostly broad; ovary half inferior; stamens evidently numerous; fruit a circumscissile capsule Leaves alternate and mostly narrowly elongate or evidently lacking and the stems jointed; ovary superior; stamens 1-5; fruit a utricle (achene)ene) Herbaceous DICOTSC A>Petals present, sepals 2(4-9 and petaloid in Lewisia rediviva) Petals Present PORTULACACEAE 1587I 1587J PORTULACACEAES PORTULACACEAET Petals LackingU Pistil 1 PORTULACACEAE Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC ovary superior; stamens 1-5; fruit a utricle (achene) DnLeaves opposite, mostly broad; ovary half inferior; stamens evidently numerous; fruit a circumscissile capsule A AIZOACEAE 3624I 3624J Sesuvium Sesuvium CHENOPODIACEAEU Petals LackingZ AIZOACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single genus in family locally. Single genus in family locally. d AIZOACEAE Herbaceous DICOTSC 16.5D Leaves alternate and mostly narrowly elongate or evidently lacking and the stems jointed, ovary superior, stamens 1-5, fruit a utricle (achene) CHENOPODIACEAE 1100I 1100J CHENOPODIACEAES CHENOPODIACEAET AIZOACEAEU Petals LackingZ CHENOPODIACEAECEAE Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 17DDStipules membranous, at least partially fused and sheathing the stem HERBACEOUS DICOTS Spergularia of CARYOPHYLLACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU Not Succulent\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A9Leaves opposite; fruit a several- to many-seeded capsule Leaves alternate Herbaceous DICOTSC 17.5D'Stipules either lacking or not as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS xR LOASACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU Not Succulent\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Herbage densely covered with stiff, minutely many-barbed hairs, the leaves readily fragmenting and clinging to clothing; flowers yellow; stamens numerous; ovary inferior A.Herbage not as above flowers not as above Herbaceous DICOTSC 18D8Leaves opposite, fruit a several- to many-seeded capsule Spergularia of CARYOPHYLLACEAE 2245I 2245J Spergularia Spergularia 2813C Lemma awn relatively stout, exceeding the glumes by 1.5 mm or more, abruptly bent, arising just below midlength or near the base of the lemma; anthers 1.2-2 mm long Alopecurus geniculatus 2812G 2814H 2813I 2813J 2813N 2815O Show Description & Photos ALPetals present; corolla bilaterally symmetrical; fruit a loment or legume Herbaceous DICOTSC 19DlPetals lacking, the perianth radially symmetrical, sometimes petaloid, fruit a lenticular or 3-angled achene POLYGONACEAE 1549I 1549J POLYGONACEAES POLYGONACEAET FABACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ POLYGONACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 19.5DMPetals present, the corolla bilaterally symmetrical: fruit a loment or legume FABACEAE 1155I 1155J FABACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ CARYOPHYLLACEAE Spergularia Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 18.5D Leaves alternate HERBACEOUS DICOTS 1549I POLYGONACEAES FABACEAE Spergularia of CARYOPHYLLACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AjPetals lacking; perianth radially symmetrical, sometimes petaloid; fruit a lenticular or 3-angled achene FABACEAET POLYGONACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ FABACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC Herbage densely covered with stiff, minutely many-barbed hairs, the leaves readily fragmenting and clinging to clothing; flowers yellow; stamens numerous; ovary inferior A LOASACEAE 2687I 2687J A Mentzelia A Mentzelia HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ LOASACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 20.5D Herbage and flowers not as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS Urtica of URTICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST LOASACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Plants with stinging hairs; stems 0.3-3 m tall; leaves opposite, coarsely toothed; flowers unisexual, in usually drooping, axillary spikes or panicles; fruit an achene AKPlants lacking stinging hairs, not otherwise as above in every particular Herbaceous DICOTSC Plants with stinqinq hairs: stems 0.3-3 m tall; leaves opposite, coarsely toothed; flowers unisexual, in usually drooping, axillary spikes or panicles; fruit an achene Urtica of URTICACEAE 1750I 1750J Urtica Urtica HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ URTICACEAE Urtica Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A6Leaves opposite; robust perennial with stinging hairs A6Leaves opposite; robust perennial with stinging hairs Herbaceous DICOTSC 21.5DIPlants lacking stinging hairs, not otherwise as above in every particular HERBACEOUS DICOTS APIACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTS Urtica of URTICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Inflorescence of compound umbels; leaves at least once compound (rarely simple or appearing so); ovary inferior; fruit a schizocarp Inflorescence not of compound umbels or, if so, the leaves simple; leaves various; ovary superior; fruit an achene or a 3-lobed capsule Herbaceous DICOTSC 22above in every particular HERBACEOUS DICOTS Inflorescence of compound umbels, leaves at least once compound (rarely simple or appearing so), ovary inferior, fruit a schizocarp APIACEAE APIACEAES APIACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ APIACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 22.5D Inflorescence not of compound umbels or, if so, the leaves simple, the ovary superior, the fruit an achene or a 3-lobed capsule HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST APIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Flower arrangement diverse but, IF clustered in heads and subtended by an involucre, THEN each flower either pedicelled or with a well-developed calyx, or sometimes both ---------- [Major groups include the majority of herbaceous plants.] Herbaceous DICOTSC Flowers (1)3-numerous and sessile on a common receptacle in heads (often appearing to be a single flower) subtended by an involucre consisting of a whorl of bracts, these free and in 1-several series or, in a few species fused and cup-like or forming spiny burs; perianth in a single whorl and radially symmetrical or nearly so, or with the outer whorl either much reduced or modified into bristles, scales, or awns HERBACEOUS DICOTS DIPSACACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Involucre of narrowly elongate, prickly, widely spreading-ascending bracts the longer ones at least half as long as the 3-10 cm long cylindric heads; calyx cup-shaped, about 1 mm long; plants chiefly in the valleys AcInvolucre not as above; calyx diverse, often modified or lacking; plants of valleys to alpine Herbaceous DICOTSC 23.5aceous DICOTSC AuSepals not as above; stamens free (the filaments fused in one genus), the anthers lacking appendage-like scales les, or awns HERBACEOUS DICOTS DIPSACACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Involucre of narrowly elongate, prickly, widely spreading-ascending bracts the longer ones at least half as long as the 3-10 cm long cylindric heads; calyx cup-shaped, about 1 mm long; plants chiefly in the valleys Flowers not pedicelled within a cuplike involucre OR, if evidently so, THEN perianth consisting of free sepals and petals ---------- [Major families: Most of the herbaceous dicots Others: Most of them too!] no work mak Herbaceous DICOTSC Involucre of narrowly elongate, prickly, widely spreading-ascending bracts the longer ones at least half as long as the 3-10 cm long cylindric heads; calyx cup-shaped, about 1 mm long; plants chiefly in the valleys DIPSACACEAE 3650I 3650J Dipsacus Dipsacus HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ DIPSACACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single genus in family locally. Single genus in family locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 24.5D]Involucre not as above; calyx diverse, often modified or lacking, plants of valleys to alpine HERBACEOUS DICOTS NYCTAGINACEAE S ASTERACEAET DIPSACACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ~Involucral bracts (4)5, free or basally fused, membranous or becoming so in age, minutely to densely hairy; flowers bisexual, with the anthers free and the ovary superior; calyx petaloid, salverform or funnelform, the limb deciduous, the tube persistent around the ovary and enclosing the developing fruit; corolla lacking; leaves chiefly opposite, entire or wavy-margined NYCTAGINACEAE S ASTERACEAET DIPSACACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ~Involucral bracts (4)5, free or basally fused, membranous or becoming so in age, minutely to densely hairy; flowers bisexual, with the anthers free and the ovary superior; calyx petaloid, salverform or funnelform, the limb deciduous, the tube persistent around the ovary and enclosing the developing fruit; corolla lacking; leaves chiefly opposite, entire or wavy-margined 1286I 1286J NYCTAGINACEAES NYCTAGINACEAET ASTERACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ NYCTAGINACEAE \ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 3Involucral bracts 3-numerous and free or, if fused, not both membranous and hairy; flowers either unisexual or the anthers fused around the style and the ovary inferior; calyx lacking or modified into bristles, scales, or awns; corolla tubular, often with a strap-shaped limb, rarely lacking, leaves diverse ASTERACEAE ASTERACEAES ASTERACEAET NYCTAGINACEAE U HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ASTERACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. 2800C Palea at least half as long as the lemma; panicles narrow, rarely more than 2 cm wide; glumes mostly 1.3-2.3 mm long, blunt to acute at the tips (Agrostis 2) Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC Flowers 2 or more (rarely solitary) on pedicels to about 7 mm long, arising from within a cuplike involucre; perianth of 2 similar petaloid series or lacking HERBACEOUS DICOTS EUPHORBIACEAE Eriogonum of POLYGONACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Involucre (cyathium) with 1-5 glands spaced around the upper margin, the glands sometimes bearing petaloid appendages (rarely some of the involucres glandless); perianth lacking; fruit a 3-lobed capsule exserted from the involucre; plants glabrous or short-hairy, not woolly 2460I 2460J A Euphorbia A Euphorbia Eriogonum of POLYGONACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ EUPHORBIACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 27.5D Involucre without glands, perianth of basally fused petaloid segments in 2 series of 3 each, fruit an achene; plants woolly-hairy to some degree Eriogonum of POLYGONACEAE 3027I 3027J A Eriogonum A Eriogonum EUPHORBIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ POLYGONACEAE Involucre without glands; perianth of basally fused petaloid segments in 2 series of 3 each; fruit an achene; plants woolly-hairy to some degree A Eriogonum Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 28D8Perianth or corolla petaloid and bilaterally symmetrical HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Leaves compound APLeaves simple, entire or toothed to much dissected but without distinct leaflets Herbaceous DICOTSC 28.5DOPerianth radially symmetrical or nearly so, occasionally nonpetaloid or lacking HERBACEOUS DICOTS or corolla petaloid and bilaterally symmetrical HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTS165G 3027I 3027J A Eriogonum A Eriogonum EUPHORBIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ POLYGONACEAE A Eriogonum Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 28D8Perianth or corolla petaloid and bilaterally symmetrical HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Perianth of 2 (rarely more) whorls, the outer at flowering differing markedly from the inner in shape, size, or color or, in a few species, greatly reduced Perianth of (0)1 or more whorls of essentialy similar (sometimes unequal) occasionally entirely petaloid segments, the inner whorl in Rumex of Polygonaceae greatly expanded and membranous at fruiting, often with grain-like swellings on one or more segments Herbaceous DICOTSC Leaves compound HERBACEOUS DICOTS Valeriana of VALERIANACEAE 2755C Pinus 1318G 2755H 2756I 2757J 2755N 2756O (Pinus) (Pinus) Pinus Pinus PINACEAE Pinus Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 30.5D Plants not as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS FUMARIACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTS Valeriana of VALERIANACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Sepals 2 and free, in some species minute and soon deciduous; petals 4, one or both of the outer 2 pouched or spurred at the base; leaves much dissected, glabrous and glaucous AWSepals either more than 2 or fused; plants not otherwise as above in every particular Herbaceous DICOTSC HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Corolla white, to 4 mm long, the tube often gibbous at the base; calyx inrolled at flowering, the lobes expanded and featherlike at fruiting Plants not as above Herbaceous DICOTSC 29.5DPLeaves simple, entire or toothed to much dissected but without distinct leaflets HERBACEOUS DICOTS 3540I xR VIOLACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Sepals free, each pouched at the base or with an earlike appendage below the point of attachment; stamens connivent around the pistil, the anthers with appendage-like scales prolonged beyond the pollen sacs A~Corolla 4-lobed, monocolored, the uppermost lobe slightly longer than the other 3; capsule flattened and typically obcordate Herbaceous DICOTSC Sepals fused to form a (2)5-lobed calyx; corolla papilionaceous (resembling a sweetpea); fruit a legume or a loment, in Glycyrrhiza burlike FABACEAE 1155I 1155J FABACEAES FABACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ FABACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC FUMARIACEAE Sepals 2 and free, in some species minute and soon deciduous; petals 4, one or both of the outer 2 pouched or spurred at the base; leaves much dissected, glabrous and glaucous FUMARIACEAE 1188I 1188J FUMARIACEAES FUMARIACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ FUMARIACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 31.5DUSepals either more than 2 or fused, plants not otherwise as above in every particular HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS FABACEAET FUMARIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A1Sepals free throughout or fused only at the base. FUMARIACEAES FUMARIACEAE 2754C 1.5DGFemale cones 6-10 cm long; twigs glabrous; leaves rigid, pungent-tipped Picea pungens 2752G 2753H 2754I 2754J 2754N 2754O Show Description & Photos Picea englemannii Picea PINACEAE[ Picea\ GYMNOSPERMS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `GFemale cones 6-10 cm long; twigs glabrous; leaves rigid, pungent-tippedh 2750C Resin ducts of the leaves (seen in cross section) just beneath the epidermis of the lateral margins, male cones rose to dark red or occasionally yellow, female cone scales much broader than long, seeds 8-12 mm long Abies concolor 2749G 2751H 2750I 2750J 2750N 2752O Show Description & Photos Abies lasiocarpa Sepals fused to form a (2)5-lobed calyx; corolla papilionaceous (resembling a sweetpea); fruit a legume or a loment, in Glycyrrhiza burlike. Herbaceous DICOTSC 32D0Sepals free throughout or fused only at the base HERBACEOUS DICOTS Viola beckwithii of VIOLACEAE Synthyris of SCROPHULARIACEAE FABACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A]Petals 5, typically bicolored, the lowermost pouched or spurred at the base; capsule ovoid 3DZPetals 5, typically bicolored, the lowermost pouched or spurred at the base; capsule ovoid Viola beckwithii of VIOLACEAE 3545I 3545J Viola beckwithii Viola beckwithii Synthyris of SCROPHULARIACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS A VIOLACEAE Viola Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A3Leaves deeply dissected into mostly linear segments A3Leaves deeply dissected into mostly linear segments A"Petals fused, at least at the base Herbaceous DICOTSC 35D1Petals free, not fused to form a tube at the base HERBACEOUS DICOTS RANUNCULACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ARSepals petaloid, the upper spurred or hooded; stamens numerous; ovary superior A\Sepals diverse but not spurred or hooded, stamens 10 or fewer; ovary superior or inferior nthyris Herbaceous DICOTSC 33.5D|Corolla 4-lobed, monocolored, the uppermost lobe slightly longer than the other 3; capsule flattened and typically obcordate Synthyris of SCROPHULARIACEAE 1722I 1722J A Synthyris A Synthyris Viola beckwithii of VIOLACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ SCROPHULARIACEAE A Synthyris Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A%Corolla tube about equal to the lobes A%Corolla tube about equal to the lobes Herbaceous DICOTSC Sepals free, each pouched at the base or with an earlike appendage below the point of attachment; stamens connivent around the pistil, the anthers with appendage-like scales prolonged beyond the pollen sacs A VIOLACEAE 3540I 3540J Viola Viola HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ VIOLACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Single genus in family locally.` Single genus in family locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 34.5DoSepals not as above; stamens free (the filaments fused in one genus), the anthers lacking appendage-like scales HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST VIOLACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A1Petals free, not fused to form a tube at the base 2747C 2DiFlowers (3)4-10, pedicels about as long as the stem, calyx lobes mostly equal to or shorter than the tube Orobanche fasciculata 2746G 2748H 2747I 2747J 2747N 2749O Show Description & Photos Orobanche uniflora (Orobanche)nche) 2746C Flowers not closely subtended by 2 bractlets, none sessile, the pedicels 2-15 cm long; calyx lobes slightly longer or shorter than the tube (Orobanche) 2744G 2745H 2747I 2748J 2746N 2746O Orobanche fasciculata Orobanche uniflora Orobanche corymbosa A Orobanche OROBANCHACEAE[ Orobanche\ DICOTYLEDONS_iFlowers (3)4-10, pedicels about as long as the stem, calyx lobes mostly equal to or shorter than the tube`QFlowers 1-3, pedicels much longer than the stem, calyx lobes longer than the tube fused, at least at the base HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Ovary superior Ovary inferior Herbaceous DICOTSC 35.5D"Petals fused, at least at the base HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Ovary superior Ovary inferior Astragalus of FABACEAE ONAGRACEAET RANUNCULACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AWOvary superior; corolla papilionaceous (resembling that of a sweetpea); leaves linear A@Ovary inferior; corolla of 4 spreading petals; leaves diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC 37DUOvary superior, corolla papilionaceous (resembling that of a sweetpea), leaves linear Astragalus of FABACEAE 2481I 2481J Astragalus Astragalus ONAGRACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ FABACEAE Astragalus Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 37.5D=Ovary inferior, corolla of 4 spreading petals, leaves diverse ONAGRACEAE 1289I 1289J ONAGRACEAES ONAGRACEAE Astragalus of FABACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ONAGRACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 189key. Herbaceous DICOTSC Ovary superior HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS SCROPHULARIACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Fruit separating at maturity into 4 nutlets (sometimes fewer by abortion); ovary shallowly to deeply 4-lobed at flowering; stems typically 4-angled; leaves opposite Fruit a capsule; ovary entire or 2-lobed; stems not distinctly 4-angled or if so the corolla greenish-brown; leaves diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC 38.5D Ovary inferior HERBACEOUS DICOTS VALERIANACEAE Downingia of CAMPANULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AgSepals lacking or modified into plumose segments; leaves opposite; plants of open slopes or woodlands A]Sepals present, 2-8 mm long; leaves alternate; plants of drying mud flats or shallow water Herbaceous DICOTSC Fruit separating at maturity into 4 nutlets (sometimes fewer by abortion), ovary shallowly to deeply 4-lobed at flowering, stems typically 4-angled, leaves opposite HERBACEOUS DICOTS xR LAMIACEAES VERBENACEAET SCROPHULARIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Ovary deeply 4-lobed at flowering; style arising between the lobes, 2-lobed at the apex, both lobes stigmatic; herbage mostly softly hairy or subglabrous, often strongly aromatic; flowers diverse in color Ovary shallowly 4-grooved at flowering; style arising at the apex, 2-lobed, one lobe subglobose and stigmatic, the other minute, linear, and not stigmatic; herbage mostly stiff-hairy, not aromatic; flowers blue to purple xR LAMIACEAES VERBENACEAET SCROPHULARIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS orolla greenish-brown; leaves diverse rous, often strongly aromatic; flowers diverse in color Ovary shallowly 4-grooved at flowering; style arising at the apex, 2-lobed, one lobe subglobose and stigmatic, the other minute, linear, and not stigmatic; herbage mostly stiff-hairy, not aromatic; flowers blue to purple Herbaceous DICOTSC 39.5D{Fruit a capsule, ovary entire or 2-lobed; stems not distinctly 4-angled or if so the corolla greenish-brown; leaves diverse Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 40.5D Ovary shallowly 4-grooved at flowering, the style arising at the apex, 2-lobed, one lobe subglobose and stigmatic, the other minute, linear, and not stigmatic; herbage mostly stiff-hairy, not aromatic; flowers blue to purple VERBENACEAE 3537I 3537J Verbena Verbena T LAMIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ VERBENACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 41DeSepals lacking or modified into plumose segments, leaves opposite, plants of open slopes or woodlands VALERIANACEAE 1745I 1745J VALERIANACEAES VALERIANACEAE Downingia of CAMPANULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ VALERIANACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 41.5DZSepals present, 2-8 mm long; leaves alternate; plants of drying mud flats or shallow water Downingia of CAMPANULACEAE 1068I 1068J A Downingia A Downingia Perianth of 2 (rarely more) whorls, the outer at flowering differing markedly from the inner in shape, size, or color or, in a few species, greatly reduced HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A-Sepals 2 (sometimes present only on the buds) A!Sepals or calyx lobes more than 2 Herbaceous DICOTSC Perianth of (0)1 or more whorls of essentialy similar (sometimes unequal) occasionally entirely petaloid segments, the inner whorl in Rumex of Polygonaceae greatly expanded and membranous at fruiting, often with grain-like swellings on one or more segments VALERIANACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS CAMPANULACEAE A Downingia Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Low, somewhat fleshy annual to 2 dm tall; flowers to 7 mm long, 2-lipped; fruit a subcylindric capsule 2-4 5 cm long, dehiscing by longitudinal slits Low, somewhat fleshy annual to 2 dm tall; flowers to 7 mm long, 2-lipped; fruit a subcylindric capsule 2-4 5 cm long, dehiscing by longitudinal slits Herbaceous DICOTSC Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTS xR VISCACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AbPlants parasitic on branches of an evergreer tree, often much branched; leaves reduced to scales A%Plants not parasitic on tree branches Herbaceous DICOTSC 43D-Sepals 2 (sometimes present only on the buds) HERBACEOUS DICOTS PAPAVERACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AcHerbage spiny throughout; flowers white, 5-13 cm in diameter; fruit a spiny capsule 3-5 cm long Herbaceous DICOTSC 2741C Spiranthes 1316G 2741H 2739C Column more than half the length of the upper sepal; lip 6-10 mm long, usually pendent; pollen sacs 1.5-2 mm long; racemes loosely flowered Habenaria sparsiflora 2738G 2740H 2739I 2739J 2739N 2741O Show Description & Photos Habenaria hyperborea 2735C Leaves basal, usually withering during or before flowering; sepals 2-4 mm long, 1-nerved; plants growing on moderately dry, wooded slopes Habenaria unalascensis 2734G 2736H 2735I 2735J 2735N 2737O Show Description & Photos (Habenaria) A Habenaria Urtica of URTICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST PAPAVERACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Flowers greenish, to about 2 mm long, outer perianth segments narrow and about half as long as the broad, entire, inner ones; fruit a smooth, whitish achene Flowers white or variously colored, either more than 2 mm long or the inner perianth segments bilobed; fruit diverse, not as above Herbaceous DICOTSC Flowers greenish, to about 2 mm long, outer perianth segments narrow and about half as long as the broad, entire, inner ones; fruit a smooth, whitish achene Urtica of URTICACEAE 1750I 1750J Urtica Urtica HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ URTICACEAE Urtica Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _5Leaves opposite, robust perennial with stinging hairs`5Leaves opposite, robust perennial with stinging hairs Herbaceous DICOTSC 45.5D Flowers white or variously colored, either more than 2 mm long or the inner perianth segments bilobed; fruit diverse, not as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS Circaea of ONAGRACEAE PORTULACACEAE Urtica of URTICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Petals 2, white, deeply 2-lobed at the apex; leaves thin; fruit indehiscent, about 2 mm long, covered with minute, hooked hairs Petals 4-9, white to variously colored, not deeply bilobed; leaves often fleshy; fruit a glabrous capsule mostly more than 2 mm long Herbaceous DICOTSC Petals 2, white, deeply 2-lobed at the apex; leaves thin; fruit indehiscent, about 2 mm long, covered with minute, hooked hairs Circaea of ONAGRACEAE 1290I 1290J Circaea Circaea Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC Calyx reduced to minute teeth or to a mere rim less than 1 mm long (in Valeriana modified into featherlike segments apparent only at fruiting); corolla sympetalous, 3-5-lobed; ovary completely inferior HERBACEOUS DICOTS Vaccinium of ERICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AMLeaves alternate; flowers solitary in leaf axils; fruit a blue or red berry PORTULACACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ONAGRACEAE Circaea Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Sepals and petals 2; fruit obovoid, about 2 mm long, with minute, hooked hairs; leaves opposite, those above usually larger than those below` Sepals and petals 2; fruit obovoid, about 2 mm long, with minute, hooked hairs; leaves opposite, those above usually larger than those below Herbaceous DICOTSC 46.5D Petals 4-9, white to variously colored, not deeply bilobed; leaves often fleshy; fruit a glabrous capsule mostly more than 2 mm long PORTULACACEAE 1587I 1587J PORTULACACEAES PORTULACACEAE Circaea of ONAGRACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ PORTULACACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. A;Leaves opposite or whorled; flowers and fruit not as above Herbaceous DICOTSC 47.5DKCalyx at least 1 mm long OR, if shorter, the corolla and ovary not as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AHPetals free, a floral tube sometimes present below the sepals and petals A$Petals fused, at least near the base Herbaceous DICOTSC 48DKLeaves alternate, flowers solitary in leaf axils, fruit a blue or red berry Vaccinium of ERICACEAE 2457I 2457J A Vaccinium A Vaccinium HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ERICACEAE A Vaccinium Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 48.5D:Leaves opposite or whorled, flowers and fruit not as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS xR RUBIACEAES VALERIANACEAE Vaccinium of ERICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AILeaves whorled at all or some of the nodes; calyx very small or obsolete HERBACEOUS DICOTS AGLeaves opposite; calyx modified into featherlike segments or obsolete Herbaceous DICOTSC 49DHLeaves whorled at all or some of the nodes, calyx very small or obsolete A RUBIACEAE 1689I 1689J xR RUBIACEAES RUBIACEAET VALERIANACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ RUBIACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 49.5DELeaves opposite, calyx modified into featherlike segments or obsolete VALERIANACEAE 1745I 1745J VALERIANACEAES VALERIANACEAET RUBIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ VALERIANACEAECEAECEAEous DICOTSC Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 50DHPetals free, a floral tube sometimes present below the sepals and petals HERBACEOUS DICOTS PAPAVERACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AFHerbage spiny-prickly throughout; flowers white, 5-13 cm in diameter A%Herbage not prickly; flowers diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC 50.5D$Petals fused, at least near the base HERBACEOUS DICOTS ometimes present below the sepals and petals HERBACEOUS DICOTS PAPAVERACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTSACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ VALERIANACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 50DHPetals free, a floral tube sometimes present below the sepals and petals HERBACEOUS DICOTS PAPAVERACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTS Herbaceous DICOTSC 50DHPetals free, a floral tube sometimes present below the sepals and petals HERBACEOUS DICOTS PAPAVERACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTS PLANTAGINACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Corolla small, membranous and straw-colored, 4-lobed; inflorescence a usually dense, terminal spike; fruit a circumscissile capsule; leaves entirely basal `&Plants not as above in every character Herbaceous DICOTSC 51DDHerbage spiny-prickly throughout; flowers white, 5-13 cm in diameter PAPAVERACEAE 3721I 3721J Argemone Argemone HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ PAPAVERACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single species in genus locally. ATLeaves gland-dotted on the lower surface; plants woody at the base; flowers white ApLeaves glabrous; plants herbaceous throughout or sometimes woody-based; flowers white or pink to rose-purple Herbaceous DICOTSC 52.5D3Anthers diverse in size but opening along the sides HERBACEOUS DICOTS SAXIFRAGACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AGAnthers at least 1 mm long and opening by terminal or subterminal pores opening by terminal or subterminal pores A1Clears contents of several fields in all records. A Main Loop Single species in genus locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 51.5D$Herbage not prickly, flowers diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST PAPAVERACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AGAnthers at least 1 mm long and opening by terminal or subterminal pores A3Anthers diverse in size but opening along the sides Herbaceous DICOTSC 52DGAnthers at least 1 mm long and opening by terminal or subterminal pores HERBACEOUS DICOTS Ledum of ERICACEAES PYROLACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Pistil of 2-4 partially united carpels with the carpel tips generally prolonged as short, more or less divergent beaks on the superior or partially to wholly inferior ovaries; petals white or pink, entire or shallowly to deeply lobed; leaves about as wide as long, often chiefly basal AHPistil not as above; petals diverse but not lobed; leaves diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC 53DQLeaves gland-dotted on the lower surface, plants woody at the base, flowers white Ledum of ERICACEAE 1151I 1151J Ledum Ledum PYROLACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ERICACEAE Ledum Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ZLeaves gland-dotted on the lower surface; petals free, white; fruit a gland-dotted capsule`ZLeaves gland-dotted on the lower surface; petals free, white; fruit a gland-dotted capsule Herbaceous DICOTSC 53.5DmLeaves glabrous, plants herbaceous throughout or sometimes woody-based, flowers white or pink to rose-purple PYROLACEAE 1605I 1605J PYROLACEAES PYROLACEAE Ledum of ERICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ PYROLACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC HERBACEOUS DICOTST SAXIFRAGACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Petals either greenish to white and variously mottled with purple OR blue-purple mottled with white or green, each bearing near the base a pair of marginally fringed nectary glands 1-9 mm long; leaves entire and opposite whorled, occasionally some of them alternate A)Petals not as above; leaves diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC Petals either greenish to white and variously mottled with purple or blue-purple mottled with white or green, each bearing near the base a pair of marginally fringed nectary glands 1-9 mm long; leaves entire and opposite whorled, occasionally some of them alternate Swertia of GENTIANACEAE Pistil of 2-4 partially united carpels with the carpel tips generally prolonged as short, more or less divergent beaks on the superior or partially to wholly inferior ovaries; petals white or pink, entire or shallowly to deeply lobed; leaves about as wide as long, often chiefly basal SAXIFRAGACEAE 1695I 1695J SAXIFRAGACEAES SAXIFRAGACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ SAXIFRAGACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 54.5DAPistil not as above, petals diverse but not lobed, leaves diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS Swertia of GENTIANACEAE 2732C Leaves 2, opposite or nearly so; flowers usually 2-4; corolla lip 1-l.5 cm long, greenish-yellow banded with dark purple around the opening Cypripedium fasciculatum 2731G 2733H 2732I 2732J 2732N 2734O Show Description & Photos AnStigma subsessile and peltate to oblong, often at least 1 mm across; fruit a berry,; leaves ternate-pinnate A/Stigma not as above; fruit and leaves diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC 56DkStigma subsessile and peltate to oblong, often at least 1 mm across, fruit a berry, leaves ternate-pinnate Actaea of RANUNCULACEAE 1629I 1629J Actaea Actaea HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ RANUNCULACEAE Actaea Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A|Pistil 1; fruit a red or white berry; stamens numerous, longer than the petals; petals white, 4-10, each 2.5-5 mm long A|Pistil 1; fruit a red or white berry; stamens numerous, longer than the petals; petals white, 4-10, each 2.5-5 mm long Herbaceous DICOTSC 56.5D-Stigma not as above, fruit and leaves diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTS Actaea of RANUNCULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSICOTS Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A,Sepals 3 or 4; petals 3 or 4; pistil 1 AkSepals 5 (sometimes alternating with bractlets); petals (3)5, occasionally numerous; pistils 1-numerous Herbaceous DICOTSC 57D"Sepals and petals 3 or 4, pistil 1 HERBACEOUS DICOTS CAPPARACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Leaves ternately or palmately compound; stamens 6-numerous, the anthers often coiled after dehiscence; plants of dry sites in the valleys Herbaceous DICOTSC A{Leaves simple or pinnately compound; stamens either not more than 6 or the anthers not coiled; plants of diverse habitats Herbaceous DICOTSC 57.5DgSepals 5 (sometimes alternating with bractlets); petals (3)5, occasionally numerous; pistils 1-numerous HERBACEOUS DICOTS GERANIACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Pistil of 5 weakly fused carpels with the 5 styles fused to form a column ultimately much exceeding the petals and terminating in 5 free stigmas; fruit separating into 5 mericarps, each with an elongate persistent style; leaves palmately lobed or, in Erodium, pinnately much dissected CAPPARACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTS A5Pistils and fruit not as above; leaves diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC Leaves ternately or palmately compound; stamens 6-numerous, the anthers often coiled after dehiscence; plants of dry sites in the valleys CAPPARACEAE 1073I 1073J CAPPARACEAES CAPPARACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ CAPPARACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 58.5DyLeaves simple or pinnately compound, stamens either not more than 6 or the anthers not coiled, plants of diverse habitats HERBACEOUS DICOTS 2731C Cypripedium 1307G 2731H 2732I 2733J 2731N 2732O Cypripedium fasciculatum Cypripedium calceolus Cypripedium Cypripedium ORCHIDACEAE[ Cypripedium\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Leaves 2, opposite or nearly so; flowers usually 2-4; corolla lip 1-l.5 cm long, greenish-yellow banded with dark purple around the opening`}Leaves 3 or more, alternate; flowers usually solitary; corolla lip 2-3 cm long, yellow, often purple-spotted near the openingd Cypripedium A5Ovary not deeply divided; fruit a capsule; petals 4 Herbaceous DICOTSC Ovary superior HERBACEOUS DICOTS LIMNANTHACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTS Ovary inferior Herbaceous DICOTSC Ovary superior HERBACEOUS DICOTS LIMNANTHACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTS 3725I 3725J Floerkea Floerkea HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ LIMNANTHACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 60.5D3Ovary not deeply divided, fruit a capsule, petals 4 HERBACEOUS DICOTS CARYOPHYLLACEAES BRASSICACEAET LIMNANTHACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AMLeaves opposite and entire; styles 2-5; fruit a mostly 1-chambered capsule US DICOTSZ ONAGRACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ApLeaves alternate (rarely opposite and then toothed); style 1 or lacking; fruit usually of silicles or siliques Herbaceous DICOTSC 61DJLeaves opposite and entire, styles 2-5, fruit a mostly 1-chambered capsule CARYOPHYLLACEAE 1194I 1194J Swertia Swertia BRASSICACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A5Corolla cleft nearly to the base, the tube very short A5Corolla cleft nearly to the base, the tube very short Herbaceous DICOTSC 61.561.561.5 lDnLeaves alternate (rarely opposite and then toothed), style 1 or lacking, fruit usually of silicles or siliques BRASSICACEAE BRASSICACEAES BRASSICACEAET CARYOPHYLLACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ BRASSICACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _LSepals 4 and free throughout; fruit of 1-several-seeded silicles or siliques`LSepals 4 and free throughout; fruit of 1-several-seeded silicles or siliques Herbaceous DICOTSC Pistil of 5 weakly fused carpels with the 5 styles fused to form a column ultimately much exceeding the petals and terminating in 5 free stigmas; fruit separating into 5 mericarps, each with an elongate persistent style; leaves palmately lobed or, in Erodium, pinnately much dissected GERANIACEAE 1200I 1200J GERANIACEAE GERANIACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ GERANIACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 62.5D.Pistils and fruit not as above, leaves diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST GERANIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Fertile stamens (8)10-numerous AGFertile stamens 1-7, in a few species 5 and alternating with staminodes Herbaceous DICOTSC Fertile stamens (8)10-numerous HERBACEOUS DICOTS Family rename & " " & B1Name tax rec Herbaceous DICOTSC Sepals and the yellow petals minutely black-dotted, especially along the margins; pistil 1 with 3 styles; leaves opposite and entire, gland-dotted and often black-dotted, especially along the margins HYPERICACEAE 3728I 3728J A Hypericum A Hypericum HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ HYPERICACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single genus in family locally. Single genus in family locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 64.5D'Plants not as above in every particular HERBACEOUS DICOTS HYPERICACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Sepals and the yellow petals minutely black-dotted, especially along the margins; pistil 1 with 3 styles; leaves opposite and entire, gland-dotted and often black-dotted, especially along the margins `'Plants not as above in every particular Herbaceous DICOTSC 63.5DGFertile stamens 1-7, in a few species 5 and alternating with staminodes HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Leaves simple and entire A!Leaves much dissected or compound tely black-dotted, especially along the margins; pistil 1 with 3 styles; leaves opposite and entire, gland-dotted and often black-dotted, especially along the margins HYPERICACEAE 3728I 3728J A Hypericum A Hypericum much dissected or compound Herbaceous DICOTSC Sepals and the yellow petals minutely black-dotted, especially along the margins; pistil 1 with 3 styles; leaves opposite and entire, gland-dotted and often black-dotted, especially along the margins HYPERICACEAE 3728I 3728J A Hypericum A Hypericum A Hypericum HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HYPERICACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Staminal filaments fused below to form a tube surrounding the ovary; leaves about as wide as long and mostly palmately lobed or variously compound AQStaminal filaments free (or in Aquilegia the inner series fused); leaves diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC Staminal filaments fused below to form a tube surrounding the ovary; leaves about as wide as long and mostly palmately lobed or variously compound HERBACEOUS DICOTS xR MALVACEAES OXALIDACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS 2695C Sphaeralcea 1282G 2695H 2696I 2697J 2695N 2696O Sphaeralcea coccineacinea A]Stamens numerous (more than 10); plants pubescent, some or all of the hairs 2-many-branched A;Stamens 10; plants glabrous or pubescent with simple hairs Herbaceous DICOTSC APStaminal filaments free (or in Aquilegia the inner series fused), leaves diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS APPistil 1, sometimes composed of weakly fused carpels splitting apart at fruiting A!Pistils 2-many, free at flowering Single species in genus locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 67DPPistil 1, sometimes composed of weakly fused carpels splitting apart at fruiting HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ARStyles 2-5, free or fused only near the base; fruit a firm to membranous capsule A?Style 1 (rarely lacking and the stigma sessile); fruit diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC 67.5D!Pistils 2-many, free at flowering HERBACEOUS DICOTS ROSACEAES RANUNCULACEAECEAECEAEOTS Herbaceous DICOTSC 68DPStyles 2-5, free or fused only near the base; fruit a firm to membranous capsule HERBACEOUS DICOTS CARYOPHYLLACEAES OXALIDACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ACLeaves simple; flowers white or pink to red or purple; styles 2-5 A5Leaves ternately compound; flowers yellow; styles 5 Herbaceous DICOTSC 68.5D>Style 1 (rarely lacking and the stigma sessile), fruit diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS ZYGOPHYLLACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTSCOTSICOTS Stamens 4 or 5, arising opposite the corolla lobes; flowers 2-many in involucrate umbels or occasionally solitary, exceeding the basal leaves or the leaves rarely overtopping the flowers in the robust Primula parryi of open slopes Herbaceous DICOTSC 97.5D+Leaves distinctly cauline, at least in part HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _@Leaves opposite or whorled, occasionally a few of them alternate`5Leaves alternate, occasionally the lowermost opposite Herbaceous DICOTSC HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A_Leaves compound; flowers yellow; fruit a spiny schizocarp; plant a prostrate, weedy annual ABLeaves simple; plants not otherwise as above in every particular Herbaceous DICOTSC 69DALeaves simple, flowers white or pink to red or purple, styles 2-5 CARYOPHYLLACEAE 1194I 1194J Swertia Swertia OXALIDACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _5Corolla cleft nearly to the base, the tube very shorthort HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Flowers epigynous or perigynous, sometimes with a very short, saucer-shaped floral tube; sepals typically alternating with bractlets, the latter sometimes minute (lacking in Petrophytum, a woody-based plant mat-forming on rack); petals often short-clawed, never spurred; stipules usually well developed, sometimes leafletlike or partially fused with the petioles, the tips free Flowers hypogynous; sepals not alternating with bractlets; petals spurred in Aquilegia; stipules lacking, the petiole bases often expanded and menbranous-margined but the margins entire {`5Corolla cleft nearly to the base, the tube very short Herbaceous DICOTSC 69.5D3Leaves ternately compound, flowers yellow, styles 5 OXALIDACEAE 3730I 3730J Oxalis Oxalis CARYOPHYLLACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ OXALIDACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 70DZLeaves compound, flowers yellow; fruit a spiny schizocarp; plant a prostrate, weedy annual ZYGOPHYLLACEAE 3732I 3732J Tribulus Tribulus HERBACEOUS DICOTSCOTSCOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ZYGOPHYLLACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 70.5D@Leaves simple, plants not otherwise as above in every particular HERBACEOUS DICOTS xR LOASACEAES LYTHRACEAET ZYGOPHYLLACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AoLeaves alternate, densely pubescent with stiff, minutely many-barbed hairs; Flowers yellow; ovary inferior Leaves opposite, at least at midstem and below, nearly glabrous or pubescent with other than rigid, barbed hairs; flowers purple; ovary superior cies in genus locally. xR LOASACEAES LYTHRACEAET ZYGOPHYLLACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ribulus HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ZYGOPHYLLACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 70.5D@Leaves simple, plants not otherwise as above in every particular HERBACEOUS DICOTS xR LOASACEAES LYTHRACEAET ZYGOPHYLLACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS T LOASACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ LYTHRACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single genus in family locally. Single genus in family locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC yFlowers epigynous or perigynous, sometimes with a very short, saucer-shaped floral tube; sepals typically alternating with bractlets, the latter sometimes minute (lacking in Petrophytum, a woody-based plant mat-forming on rack); petals often short-clawed, never spurred; stipules usually well developed, sometimes leafletlike or partially fused with the petioles, the tips free ROSACEAE 1642I 1642J ROSACEAES ROSACEAET RANUNCULACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ROSACEAECEAE Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC Flowers hypogynous; sepals not alternating with bractlets; petals spurred in Aquilegia; stipules lacking, the petiole bases often expanded and menbranous-margined but the margins entire RANUNCULACEAE 1610I 1610J RANUNCULACEAES RANUNCULACEAET ROSACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ RANUNCULACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC plants moist sites plants gray-green dense velvety pubescence inflo plants parasitic branches evergreer often plants parasitic branches pseudotsuga menziesii plants parasitic saprophytic lacking chlorophyll herbQ plants perennial occupying mostly undisturbed sites plants pubescent least below minute branched hairs plants pubescent hairs 2-many-branched plants rarely typically forming dense plants rarely occupying mostly plants reproducing spores flowers seeds lackingA plants rhizomatous panicle branches mostly stiffly erect plants rhizomatous stems generally spaced perigynia plants rhizomatous stems loosely tufted solitary Leaves simple and entire HERBACEOUS DICOTS RANUNCULACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Stamens 6; flowers lavender to purple; fruit a capsule obscured by tne persistent, strongly ribbed calyx; leaves opposite or appearing whorled, usually scurfy, an annual of alkaline soils in the valley `'Plants not as above in every particular Herbaceous DICOTSC 73.5D!Leaves much dissected or compound HERBACEOUS DICOTS A(Ranunculus testiculatus of RANUNCULACEAE 2652C 1DLstigmas and carpels 3; fruit linear, tapered to the base, mostly 6-9 mm long Triglochin palustris 2651G 2653H 2652I 2652J 2652N 2654O Show Description & Photos Triglochin maritima Triglochinchin 2640C Base of each perianth enveloped by 2(3) bractlets (these at the apex of the pedicel in nonsessile flowers); leaves all basal, threadlike; inflorescence small, rarely to as much as 2 cm long; capsule valves notched Juncus confusus Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AgLeaves opposite; petals free or fused only around the stalk of the ovary; plants of well-drained soil ATLeaves alternate; petals fused more than half their length; plants of saline soil Herbaceous DICOTSC 95DeLeaves opposite, petals free or fused only around the stalk of the ovary, plants of well-drained soil CARYOPHYLLACEAE 1194I 1194J Swertia Swertia Cressa of CONVOLVULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS 2630C Inflorescence appearing lateral, the involucral bract terete (at least above the base), stiffly erect beyond the inflorescence and seemingly a continuation of the stem (sometimes shorter than or barely exceeding the flowers, the leaf blades then reduced and bristlelike or lacking) (Juncus) 2629G Stems with a solitary leaf; a cluster of more or less fused, greatly modified staminodes opposite each of the petals; style short or lacking, the stigmas 4 AtStems with 2-many leaves; staminodes lacking; styles 1-5, well developed, each with a solitary, unlobed stigma Herbaceous DICOTSC Stems with a solitary leaf; a cluster of more or less fused, greatly modified staminodes opposite each of the petals; style short or lacking, the stigmas 4 Parnassia of SAXIFRAGACEAE 3423I 3423J A Parnassia Leaves alternate or sometimes opposite near the base; petals blue, yellow, or evidently whitish and minute (the latter actually lobes of a fleshy epigynous disc); fruit a many-chambered capsule or a drupe Herbaceous DICOTSC 77DTLeaves opposite, flowers white or pink to lavender, fruit a 1(2-5)-chambered capsule CARYOPHYLLACEAE 1194I 1194J Swertia Swertia HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A5Corolla cleft nearly to the base, the tube very short A5Corolla cleft nearly to the base, the tube very short A Parnassia HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ SAXIFRAGACEAE A Parnassia Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 76.5DnStems with 2-many leaves; staminodes lacking; styles 1-5, well developed, each with a solitary, unlobed stigma HERBACEOUS DICOTS CARYOPHYLLACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTS Parnassia of SAXIFRAGACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AYLeaves opposite; flowers white or pink to lavender; fruit a 1(2-5)-chambered capsule 2607C 4.5DbLeaves glandular or pubescent, mostly 5-lobed, often finely toothed; plants of foothills to alpine (Ribes, Vegetative) 2601G 2606H 2608I 2609J 2607N 2607O Ribes hudsonianum (Ribes, Vegetative) SANTALACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ LINACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single genus in family locally. Single genus in family locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 79DhLow woolly annuals of disturbed sites in the valleys and foothills; fruit in ellipsoid, burlike clusters A(Ranunculus testiculatus of RANUNCULACEAE 3180I 3180J Ranunculus testiculatus Ranunculus testiculatus ROSACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ RANUNCULACEAE Ranunculus Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Herbage woolly-hairy; larger basal leaves with 3 or more linear lobes, each lobe about equal in width to the flat petiole; achenes in a burlike cluster; annuals of disturbed areas in the valleys and foothills` Herbage woolly-hairy; larger basal leaves with 3 or more linear lobes, each lobe about equal in width to the flat petiole; achenes in a burlike cluster; annuals of disturbed areas in the valleys and foothills Herbaceous DICOTSC 79.5DTPlants sparsely to densely hairy but not woolly, fruit not forming a burlike cluster ROSACEAE 1642I 1642J ROSACEAES ROSACEAE A(Ranunculus testiculatus of RANUNCULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ROSACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC Corolla small, membranous and straw-colored, 4-lobed; inflorescence a usually dense, terminal spike; fruit a circumscissile capsule; leaves entirely basal PLANTAGINACEAE 2762I 2762J Plantago Plantago HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ PLANTAGINACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 80.5D&Plants not as above in every character HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSCOTS petals yellow fading white sepals finely nerved throughou@ petioles terete slightly channeled above leaves dist@ pinkish pinnately pistillate catkins clusters bracts woody pistils style elongate plumose maturity leaves plants plants either conspicuously pubescent tufts wooll@ plants glabrous throughout pubescent simple hairs plants mat-forming leaves entirely chiefly basal plants nonparasitic semiparasitic having chlorophyll@ plants scapose tufted mat-forming caudex plants stoloniferous leaves variously compound leafl plants valleys calyx coarsely pubescent spreadin@ plants parasitic species juniperus green usually petals white greenish petals white pinkish purple-tipped upper petals white purple fruit herbage habitat diverse petals yellow achenes pustulose rounded faces petals yellow capsules 1.5-3.5 seeds about petals yellow fading white basal nectary present leaves petals yellow fading white purple-tipped plants lacking underground turions often mat-forming pedicel plants mat-forming rarely dioeci plants usually branched heads leafy-bracteate cluster plants mat-forming leaves entirely chiefly basal plants mat-forming leaves plants minute differentiated stems plants monoeciouss plants monoecious pistillate flowers lacking calyx plants montane plants mostly panicle linear somewhat plants nonaromatic plants green lacking chlorophyll scapes yellowish HERBACEOUS DICOTST PLANTAGINACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Ovary inferior Ovary superior Herbaceous DICOTSC Ovary inferior HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Leaves alternate Leaves opposite or whorled Herbaceous DICOTSC 81.5D Ovary superior HERBACEOUS DICOTS xR MALVACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS DICOTSICOTS 1067I 1067J CAMPANULACEAES CAMPANULACEAE Vaccinium of ERICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ CAMPANULACEAE A Campanula Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC Leaves whorled, 3 or more leaves at all but the uppermost nodes; calyx obsolete or reduced to small teeth; fruit either a berry or a schizocarp with (1)2 globose or subglobose, often minutely bristly mericarps A RUBIACEAE 1689I 1689J xR RUBIACEAES RUBIACEAET VALERIANACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ RUBIACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 83DqAnthers awned, opening by apical pores; leaves to 3(5) cm long, finely toothed (teeth best seen with a hand lens) Vaccinium of ERICACEAE 2457I 2457J A Vaccinium A Vaccinium Campanula of CAMPANULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ERICACEAE A Vaccinium Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 83.5DOAnthers opening longitudinally, leaves more than 5 cm long and coarsely toothed Campanula of CAMPANULACEAE 2603C Shrubs of foothills to midmontane, 1-2 m tall; branches erect to spreading, the branchlets with few to numerous prickles or spines; leaves (1)2-8 cm wide, glabrous to minutely hairy, often ciliate, occasionally with a few stipitate glands, not pubescent as above (Ribes, Vegetative) 2600G 2602H 2604I 2605J 2603N 2603O Ribes inerme Ribes lacustre Ribes montigenum Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 85.5D Plants not as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST MALVACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Ovaries 2, obscured by a broad stigma at the apex of a staminal column or by connivent stamens, OR in Vinca subtended by conspicuous green nectaries; the ovaries free below and united above by the style or stigma; fruit of usually paired follicles; plants often with milky juice; leaves opposite in all but one species and then the corolla lobes greenish-white to purple-brown. APOCYNACEAE ASCLEPIADACEAE VALERIANACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. `'Plants not as above in every particular Herbaceous DICOTSC xOvaries 2, obscured by a broad stigma at the apex of a staminal column or by connivent stamens, OR in Vinca subtended by conspicuous green nectaries; the ovaries free below and united above by the style or stigma; fruit of usually paired follicles; plants often with milky juice; leaves opposite in all but one species and then the corolla lobes greenish-white to purple-brown HERBACEOUS DICOTS Vinca of APOCYNACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Flowers lavender-blue; stamens not connivent around the styles; stigma terminating in a dense tuft of white hair; vegetative stems trailing 2566C Floral tube 2-4 mm long; styles hairy on the lower half; anthers often tipped with a rounded knoblike process, a cuplike gland lacking; racemes 2-4-flowered; branchlets with 1(3) spines at some or rarely all of the nodes Ribes inerme 2565G 2567H 2566I 2566J 2566N ASCLEPIADACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ APOCYNACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC Ovary shallowly to deeply 4-lobed at flowering, separating at maturity into (1-3)4 nutlets (in Heliotropium the stigma sessile, expanded, and obscuring the 4-lobed ovary) HERBACEOUS DICOTS Heliotropium of BORAGINACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AZPlants glabrous and glaucous; style lacking, the stigma sessile, expanded and disclike Stamens and stigma fused to form a column in the center of the flower, this encircled by hoodlike appendages arising at the base of each stamen; styles 2, sharing a common stigma ASCLEPIADACEAE 1803I 1803J A Asclepias A Asclepias APOCYNACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ASCLEPIADACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 88.5D Stamens connivent around the stigma, not forming a column; hoodlike appendages lacking; styles essentially lacking, the large stigma sessile or nearly so APOCYNACEAE APOCYNACEAES APOCYNACEAECEAE lacking, the large stigma sessile or nearly so APOCYNACEAE APOCYNACEAES APOCYNACEAET ASCLEPIADACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ APOCYNACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC APOCYNACEAES APOCYNACEAET ASCLEPIADACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ APOCYNACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC VERBENACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ LAMIACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 93D(Styles 2-5, free throughout their length HERBACEOUS DICOTS OXALIDACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A]Leaves palmately compound with 3 obcordate leaflets; petals yellow; plants invading gardens AGLeaves simple and entire; petals white to greenish; plants not weedy HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTS Heliotropium Heliotropium HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ BORAGINACEAE Heliotropium Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Plants entirely glabrous; stigma sessile and nearly as broad as the shallowly lobed ovary at flowering; plants of moist, alkaline to saline sites in the valleys` Plants entirely glabrous; stigma sessile and nearly as broad as the shallowly lobed ovary at flowering; plants of moist, alkaline to saline sites in the valleys Herbaceous DICOTSC 90.5DrPlants hairy (at least on margins of leaves and calyx lobes), green or glaucous; style present, the stigma diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS BORAGINACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTS Heliotropium of BORAGINACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Stamens 5; stems terete to flattened or 4-angled in Asperugo and then the angles armed with minute, recurved prickles; herbage not aromatic, often hairy throughout, in some species pungently so Stamens 2 or 4 in 2 unequal pairs; stems generally 4-angled (at least above) and nonprickly; OR the herbage strongly aromatic, glabrous or hairy but not pungently so Herbaceous DICOTSC Stamens 5; stems terete to flattened or 4-angled in Asperugo and then the angles armed with minute, recurved prickles; herbage not aromatic, often hairy throughout, in some species pungently so BORAGINACEAE BORAGINACEAES BORAGINACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ BORAGINACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 91.5D Stamens 2 or 4 in 2 unequal pairs; stems generally 4-angled (at least above) and nonprickly; OR the herbage strongly aromatic, glabrous or hairy but not pungently so HERBACEOUS DICOTS 1214J VERBENACEAES LAMIACEAET BORAGINACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Ovary merely 4-grooved; style arising from the apex, obscurely branched only 1 lobe stigmatic; herbage not aromatic, stiff-hairy; flowers blue to purple Ovary deeply 4-lobed; style arising between the lobes and apically 2-branched, both branches stigmatic; herbage often strongly aromatic, mostly subglabrous to soft-hairy; flower color diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC Ovary merely 4-grooved, style arising from the apex, obscurely branched only 1 lobe stigmatic; herbage not aromatic, stiff-hairy; flowers blue to purple VERBENACEAE 3537I 3537J Verbena Verbena T LAMIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ VERBENACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 92.5D Ovary deeply 4-lobed, style arising between the lobes and apically 2-branched, both branches stigmatic; herbage often strongly aromatic, mostly subglabrous to soft-hairy; flower color diverse A LAMIACEAE 1214I 1214J xR LAMIACEAES LAMIACEAECEAEy. Herbaceous DICOTSC 93.5DoStyle 1 or lacking and then the 1 or 2 stigmas sessile (caution: style occasionally deciduous with the corolla) HERBACEOUS DICOTS POLEMONIACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Style 3-lobed at the apex; calyx tube often thin-membranous below the sinuses of the calyx teeth; leaves in some species needlelike Style 2-lobed or undivided at the apex, in some species lacking and the stigmas sessile; calyx tube rarely if ever thin-membranous below the sinuses; leaves not needlelike Herbaceous DICOTSC 94D[Leaves palmately compound with 3 obcordate leaflets, petals yellow, plants invading gardens OXALIDACEAE 3730I 3730J Oxalis Oxalis HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ OXALIDACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single genus in family locally. Single genus in family locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 94.5DDLeaves simple and entire, petals white to greenish, plants not weedy HERBACEOUS DICOTS CARYOPHYLLACEAE Cressa of CONVOLVULACEAE OXALIDACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSCOTS CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _5Corolla cleft nearly to the base, the tube very short`5Corolla cleft nearly to the base, the tube very short Herbaceous DICOTSC 95.5DQLeaves alternate, petals fused more than half their length, plants of saline soil Cressa of CONVOLVULACEAE 1135I 1135J Corolla <1.5 cm Cressa Corolla <1.5 cm Cressa CARYOPHYLLACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ CONVOLVULACEAE Cressa Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _QCorolla less than 1 cm long, deeply lobed; stems erect to decumbent, not vinelike`QCorolla less than 1 cm long, deeply lobed; stems erect to decumbent, not vinelike Herbaceous DICOTSC _SLeaves entirely basal (caution: bracts subtending umbels may resemble small leaves)`+Leaves distinctly cauline, at least in part Herbaceous DICOTSC 97DSLeaves entirely basal (caution: bracts subtending umbels may resemble small leaves) HERBACEOUS DICOTS Limosella of SCROPHULARIACEAE PRIMULACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Stamens 4, arising from the corolla below the sinuses between the lobes; flowers solitary on scapes shorter than the basal leaves or sometimes clustered at the apex of a leafy stolon; small plant of wet habitats 1135I 1135J Style 3-lobed at the apex, calyx tube often thin-membranous below the sinuses of the calyx teeth, leaves in some species needlelike POLEMONIACEAE 1524I 1524J POLEMONIACEAES POLEMONIACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ POLEMONIACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 96.5D Style 2-lobed or undivided at the apex, in some species lacking and the stigmas sessile; calyx tube rarely if ever thin-membranous below the sinuses; leaves not needlelike HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST POLEMONIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS OTS AtPlants hairy (at least on margins of leaves and calyx lobes), green or glaucous; style present, the stigma diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC 89.5D6Ovary entire or in some species lobed, the lobes not 4 HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _(Styles 2-5, free throughout their length`oStyle 1 or lacking and then the 1 or 2 stigmas sessile (caution: style occasionally deciduous with the corolla) Herbaceous DICOTSC 90DVPlants glabrous and glaucous; style lacking, the stigma sessile, expanded and disclike Heliotropium of BORAGINACEAE Stamens 4, arising from the corolla below the sinuses between the lobes; flowers solitary on scapes shorter than the basal leaves or sometimes clustered at the apex of a leafy stolon; small plant of wet habitats Limosella of SCROPHULARIACEAE 1707I 1707J A Limosella A Limosella PRIMULACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ SCROPHULARIACEAE A Limosella Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Flowers solitary on naked scapes or clustered at tips of leafy stolons, basal leaves exceeding the scapes, plants growing in shallow water or along wet banks` Flowers solitary on naked scapes or clustered at tips of leafy stolons, basal leaves exceeding the scapes, plants growing in shallow water or along wet banks Herbaceous DICOTSC Stamens 4 or 5, arising opposite the corolla lobes; flowers 2-many in involucrate umbels or occasionally solitary, exceeding the basal leaves or the leaves rarely overtopping the flowers in the robust Primula parryi of open slopes PRIMULACEAE 1594I 1594J PRIMULACEAES PRIMULACEAE Limosella of SCROPHULARIACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ PRIMULACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 99D@Leaves opposite or whorled, occasionally a few of them alternate HERBACEOUS DICOTS Kalmia of ERICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _XFertile stamens 10, corolla rose-purple and bowl-shaped, leaves leathery mostly revolute`SFertile stamens 2-5 (staminodes sometimes present), corolla and leaves not as above Herbaceous DICOTSC 99.5D5Leaves alternate, occasionally the lowermost opposite HERBACEOUS DICOTS Convolvulus of CONVOLVULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Leaves mostly arrowhead-shaped or hastately lobed; stems weak, trailing or climbing; corollas at least 1.5 cm long, white or pink, often striped, broadly funnelform and shallowly lobed` Plants not as above Herbaceous DICOTSC 100DXFertile stamens 10, corolla rose-purple and bowl-shaped, leaves leathery mostly revolute Kalmia of ERICACEAE 1153I 1153J Kalmia Kalmia HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ERICACEAE Kalmia Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _kLeaves (or some of them) revolute; corolla rose-purple, bowl-shaped, to about 12 mm across; fruit a capsule`kLeaves (or some of them) revolute; corolla rose-purple, bowl-shaped, to about 12 mm across; fruit a capsule Herbaceous DICOTSC 100.5DSFertile stamens 2-5 (staminodes sometimes present), corolla and leaves not as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTS ASCLEPIADACEAES APOCYNACEAE Vinca of APOCYNACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Stamens and stigma fused to form a column in the center of the flower, this encircled by hoodlike appendages arising at the base of each stamen; styles 2, sharing a common stigma Stamens connivent around the stigma, not forming a column; hoodlike appendages lacking; styles essentially lacking, the large stigma sessile or nearly so Herbaceous DICOTSC Kalmia of ERICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _NCorolla fused only near the base, the lobes conspicuously longer than the tube`4Corolla tube about equal to or longer than the lobes Herbaceous DICOTSC 101DNCorolla fused only near the base, the lobes conspicuously longer than the tube HERBACEOUS DICOTS Swertia of GENTIANACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Corolla either greenish to white and variously mottled with purple, or blue-purple and often mottled with green or white, each lobe bearing near the base a pair of marginally fringed nectary glands 1-9 mm long; leaves entire, the lower 0.2-5 dm long`$Corolla not as above, leaves diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC 101.5D4Corolla tube about equal to or longer than the lobes HERBACEOUS DICOTS GENTIANACEAES SCROPHULARIACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Corolla salverform with pink lobes or funnelform to bell-shaped and either pleated below the sinuses or fringe-appendaged in the throat; stigmas 2, fan-shaped to oblong, occasionally abruptly recurved and appearing solitary`OCorolla not as above stigmas 1 or 2, neither expanded and fan-shaped nor oblong Herbaceous DICOTSC Corolla either greenish to white and variously mottled with purple, or blue-purple and often mottled with green or white, each lobe bearing near the base a pair of marginally fringed nectary glands 1-9 mm long; leaves entire, the lower 0.2-5 dm long Swertia of GENTIANACEAE 2549I 2549J Swertia Swertia HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ GENTIANACEAE Swertia Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 102.5D$Corolla not as above, leaves diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS PRIMULACEAE Veronica of SCROPHULARIACEAE Swertia of GENTIANACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS OTS 2549I 2549J Corolla 5-lobed, yellow or scarlet to salmon (rarely white or pale blue); stamens 5, opposite the corolla lobes; fruit a globose to ovoid capsule`tCorolla 4-lobed, blue to violet or white, stamens 2; fruit a slightly to strongly compressed, mostly 2-lobed capsule Herbaceous DICOTSC Corolla 5-lobed, yellow or scarlet to salmon (rarely white or pale blue); stamens 5, opposite the corolla lobes; fruit a globose to ovoid capsule PRIMULACEAE 1594I 1594J PRIMULACEAES PRIMULACEAE Veronica of SCROPHULARIACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ PRIMULACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 103.503.5103.5 DtCorolla 4-lobed, blue to violet or white, stamens 2; fruit a slightly to strongly compressed, mostly 2-lobed capsule Veronica of SCROPHULARIACEAE 3486I 3486J Veronica Veronica PRIMULACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ SCROPHULARIACEAE Veronica Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC Corolla salverform with pink lobes or funnelform to bell-shaped and either pleated below the sinuses or fringe-appendaged in the throat; stigmas 2, fan-shaped to oblong, occasionally abruptly recurved and appearing solitary GENTIANACEAE 1193I 1193J GENTIANACEAES GENTIANACEAET SCROPHULARIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ GENTIANACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 104.5DOCorolla not as above stigmas 1 or 2, neither expanded and fan-shaped nor oblong SCROPHULARIACEAE 1706I 1706J SCROPHULARIACEAES SCROPHULARIACEAET GENTIANACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ SCROPHULARIACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 105olitary GENTIANACEAE Leaves mostly arrowhead-shaped or hastately lobed; stems weak, trailing or climbing; corollas at least 1.5 cm long, white or pink, often striped, broadly funnelform and shallowly lobed Convolvulus of CONVOLVULACEAE 3617I 3617J Convolvulus arvensis Convolvulus arvensis HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ CONVOLVULACEAE Convolvulus Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 105.5D Plants not as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS Swertia of GENTIANACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS Convolvulus of CONVOLVULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Corolla lobes with a pair of marginally fringed nectary glands about 1 mm long near the base; style short to obsolete, the stigmas 2, slightly expanded, often recurved and appearing solitary`DPetals lacking fringed nectary glands, style and stigma not as above Herbaceous DICOTSC Corolla lobes with a pair of marginally fringed nectary glands about 1 mm long near the base; style short to obsolete, the stigmas 2, slightly expanded, often recurved and appearing solitary Swertia of GENTIANACEAE 2549I 2549J Swertia Swertiaertia HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ GENTIANACEAE Swertia Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 106.5DDPetals lacking fringed nectary glands, style and stigma not as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS HYDROPHYLLACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTS Swertia of GENTIANACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Style 2-lobed or 2-branched; corolla white to lavender or purple, to 1 cm long; either the stamens exserted (but not connivent around the style) OR the stamens included and the calyx appendaged between the lobesobes `QStyle either not 2-lobed or the plants not otherwise as above in every particular Herbaceous DICOTSC Style 2-lobed or 2-branched; corolla white to lavender or purple, to 1 cm long; either the stamens exserted (but not connivent around the style) OR the stamens included and the calyx appendaged between the lobes HYDROPHYLLACEAE 1203I 1203J HYDROPHYLLACEAES HYDROPHYLLACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ HYDROPHYLLACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 107.5DQStyle either not 2-lobed or the plants not otherwise as above in every particular HERBACEOUS DICOTS Arctostaphylos of ERICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST HYDROPHYLLACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _9Anthers with reflexed awnlike appendages, leaves leathery`/Anthers lacking appendages, leaves not leathery Herbaceous DICOTSC 108D9Anthers with reflexed awnlike appendages, leaves leathery Arctostaphylos of ERICACEAE 1154I 1154J Arctostaphylos Arctostaphylos HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ERICACEAE Arctostaphylos Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _hLeaves not revolute; corolla greenish-white or pink, urn-shaped, to about 5 mm across; fruit a red druperupe `hLeaves not revolute; corolla greenish-white or pink, urn-shaped, to about 5 mm across; fruit a red drupe Herbaceous DICOTSC 108.5D/Anthers lacking appendages, leaves not leathery HERBACEOUS DICOTS SCROPHULARIACEAES SOLANACEAE Arctostaphylos of ERICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _RStamens 2 or 4 or in Verbascum 5, and then some or all of the filaments long-hairy`'Stamens 5, the filaments not long-hairy Herbaceous DICOTSC ARStamens 2 or 4 or in Verbascum 5, and then some or all of the filaments long-hairy SCROPHULARIACEAE 1706I 1706J SCROPHULARIACEAES SCROPHULARIACEAET SOLANACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSCOTSICOTS SCROPHULARIACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 109.5D'Stamens 5, the filaments not long-hairy SOLANACEAE 1731I 1731J SOLANACEAES SOLANACEAET SCROPHULARIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ SOLANACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 110D`Plants parasitic on branches of an evergreer tree, often much branched; leaves reduced to scales A VISCACEAE 3583I 3585J Arceuthobium Phoradendron HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ VISCACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Plants parasitic on the branches of Pseudotsuga menziesii, yellow-green, usually less than 2 dm tall; stems generally angled; pistillate flowers with 2 sepals; fruit pedicelled, olive green at maturity Plants parasitic on species of Juniperus, green, usually over 2 dm tall; stems terete; pistillate flowers with 3 sepals; fruit sessile, white to pinkish at maturity. to scales A VISCACEAE 3583I 3585J Arceuthobium HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST VISCACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ed; pistillate flowers with 2 sepals; fruit pedicelled, olive green at maturity` Plants parasitic on the branches of Pseudotsuga menziesii, yellow-green, usually less than 2 dm tall; stems generally angled; pistillate flowers with 2 sepals; fruit pedicelled, olive green at maturity Herbaceous DICOTSC 110.5D%Plants not parasitic on tree branches HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST VISCACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS een, usually less than 2 dm tall; stems generally angled; pistillate flowers with 2 sepals; fruit pedicelled, olive green at maturity Plants parasitic on species of Juniperus, green, usually over 2 dm tall; stems terete; pistillate flowers with 3 sepals; fruit sessile, white to pinkish at maturity. HIPPURIDACEAE A(Callitriche palustris of CALLITRICHACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AbEmergent leaves linear, in whorls of (2)3-l6; flowers without bracts; fruit a nut 2-3 mm long Emergent leaves oblong to obovate or spoon-shaped, opposite; flowers subtended by 2 white-membranous bracts; fruit a compressed, obscurely 4-lobed schizocarp Herbaceous DICOTSC 111.5D6Perianth present OR plants terrestrial, leaves diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS POLYGONACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS [Flowers borne on slender, jointed pedicels; perianth segments 4-6, either green, at least in part, or white to rose, generally with an inner and outer series, in Rumex at fruiting the inner segments expanded, membranous, and often bearing grainlike swellings; stipules membranous and stem-sheathing or lacerate, in a few species soon deciduous AYFlowers not as above; stipules, when present, not both membranous and sheathing Herbaceous DICOTSC 112D]Emergent leaves linear, in whorls of (2)3-l6; flowers without bracts; fruit a nut 2-3 mm long HIPPURIDACEAEACEAE 3593I 3593J Hippuris Hippuris A(Callitriche palustris of CALLITRICHACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ HIPPURIDACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 112.5D Emergent leaves oblong to obovate or spoon-shaped, opposite; flowers subtended by 2 white-membranous bracts; fruit a compressed, obscurely 4-lobed schizocarp A(Callitriche palustris of CALLITRICHACEAE 2213I 2213J Callitriche palustris Callitriche palustris HIPPURIDACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ CALLITRICHACEAE Callitriche Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Leaves often dimorphic, the lower chiefly linear, the upper oval to spoonshaped, to 4 mm wide, often in rosettes and floating; flowers subtended by 2 white-membranous bractlets; mericarps oblong to oblanceolate, the ventral margin straight or nearly so 2213I 2213J Callitriche palustris POLYGONACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ POLYGONACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 113.5DOFlowers not as above; stipules, when present, not both membranous and sheathing HERBACEOUS DICOTS A!Lewisia rediviva of PORTULACACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST POLYGONACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Perianth segments 16 or more; flowers solitary on a short, jointed scape with a whorl of bracts subtending the joint; low fleshy perennial of dry open sites, valleys to midmontane AHPerianth segments fewer than 16 the plants not otherwise as above Herbaceous DICOTSC Perianth segments 16 or more; flowers solitary on a short, jointed scape with a whorl of bracts subtending the joint; low fleshy perennial of dry open sites, valleys to midmontane A!Lewisia rediviva of PORTULACACEAE 3104I 3104J Lewisia rediviva Lewisia rediviva HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ PORTULACACEAE Lewisia Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ICOTSC 113.5 Leaves often dimorphic, the lower chiefly linear, the upper oval to spoonshaped, to 4 mm wide, often in rosettes and floating; flowers subtended by 2 white-membranous bractlets; mericarps oblong to oblanceolate, the ventral margin straight or nearly so Herbaceous DICOTSC WFlowers borne on slender, jointed pedicels; perianth segments 4-6, either green, at least in part, or white to rose, generally with an inner and outer series, in Rumex at fruiting the inner segments expanded, membranous, and often bearing grainlike swellings; stipules membranous and stem-sheathing or lacerate, in a few species soon deciduous POLYGONACEAE 1549I 1549J POLYGONACEAE Sepals 4-9, petaloid, 1-2.5 cm long; flowers normally more than 3 cm wide; flowering stem jointed, with a whorl of small bracts below the joint Sepals 4-9, petaloid, 1-2.5 cm long; flowers normally more than 3 cm wide; flowering stem jointed, with a whorl of small bracts below the joint Herbaceous DICOTSC 114.5DDPerianth segments fewer than 16 OR the plants not otherwise as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTS A!Lewisia rediviva of PORTULACACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Stem leaves whorled at some or all of the nodes (not to be confused with secondary leaves clustered in the axils of the primary ones) A*Stem leaves not whorled, sometimes lacking Herbaceous DICOTSC Stem leaves whorled at some or all of the nodes (not to be confused with secondary leaves clustered in the axils of the primary ones) HERBACEOUS DICOTS xR RUBIACEAES RANUNCULACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Perianth of fused petaloid segments; fruit either berrylike or dry and didymous with each half globose to ellipsoid and glabrous or hairy`YPerianth of free segments; fruit of achenes borne in dense, globose to: headlike clusters 344cking `~Plants glabrous or pubescent but not woolly, montane; calyx modified, the lobes inrolled at flowering and featherlike in fruit Herbaceous DICOTSC 117.5D2Plants lacking the above combination of characters HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _8Leaves compound, fruit an achene or a red or white berry`TLeaves simple, sometimes much dissected but lacking definite leaflets; fruit diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC 118D?Plants densely woolly, restricted to the valleys; calyx lacking Psilocarphus of ASTERACEAE 3665I 3665J Psilocarphus brevissimus Psilocarphus brevissimus VALERIANACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS Herbaceous DICOTSC 115.5D*Stem leaves not whorled, sometimes lacking HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _DPerianth of fused petaloid segments, ovary inferior, leaves opposite`2Plants lacking the above combination of characters Herbaceous DICOTSC Perianth of fused petaloid segments; fruit either berrylike or dry and didymous with each half globose to ellipsoid and glabrous or hairy A RUBIACEAE 1689I 1689J xR RUBIACEAES RUBIACEAET RANUNCULACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ RUBIACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 116.5DYPerianth of free segments; fruit of achenes borne in dense, globose to: headlike clusters RANUNCULACEAE 1610I 1610J RANUNCULACEAES RANUNCULACEAET RUBIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ RANUNCULACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 117DDPerianth of fused petaloid segments, ovary inferior, leaves opposite HERBACEOUS DICOTS Psilocarphus of ASTERACEAE VALERIANACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _?Plants densely woolly, restricted to the valleys; calyx lackingkingCOTSZ RANUNCULACEAE ASTERACEAE Psilocarphus Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 118.5D~Plants glabrous or pubescent but not woolly, montane; calyx modified, the lobes inrolled at flowering and featherlike in fruit VALERIANACEAE 1745I 1745J VALERIANACEAES VALERIANACEAE Psilocarphus of ASTERACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ VALERIANACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC stems erect ascending trailing often woody-based stems erect usually leaves typically stems erect yellowish purple-brownT stems generally 4-angled least above nonprickly stems generally curved-ascending stems glabrous finely short-hairy never woolly-hairy stems glabrous pubescent hairs distinct stems glabrous pubescent basifixed hairs generally stems glabrous sparsely pubescent mostly sessile stems glabrous minutely hairy stems lacking prickles stems lacking yellow bands below nodes although stems leafy mostly unbranched always D8Leaves compound, fruit an achene or a red or white berry HERBACEOUS DICOTS CANNABACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Leaves palmately compound, the (3)5-7(9) leaflets mostly narrowly elliptic, coarsely toothed; flowers unisexual, the plants usually dioecious; annual at least 1 m tall at flowering, occurring in disturbed sites at low elevations`YLeaves ternately or pinnately compound, plants not otherwise as above in every particular Herbaceous DICOTSC 119.5DTLeaves simple, sometimes much dissected but lacking definite leaflets; fruit diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS SAXIFRAGACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS &Pistil of 2-4 partially united carpels, the carpel tips prolonged as short, usually divergent beaks, these persistent, or in Mitella becoming obscure and the capsule appearing circumscissile; stamens 5 or 10; leaves about as broad as long, often chiefly or entirely basal; plants montane Plants not as above Herbaceous DICOTSC Leaves palmately compound, the (3)5-7(9) leaflets mostly narrowly elliptic, coarsely toothed; flowers unisexual, the plants usually dioecious; annual at least 1 m tall at flowering, occurring in disturbed sites at low elevations CANNABACEAE 1070I 1070J CANNABACEAES CANNABACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ CANNABACEAEACEAE 1681I 1681J Sanguisorba Sanguisorba HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ROSACEAE Sanguisorba Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Flowers mostly unisexual, sessile in dense globose clusters; floral tube ovoid, nearly closed at the mouth; sepals 4; petals lacking` Flowers mostly unisexual, sessile in dense globose clusters; floral tube ovoid, nearly closed at the mouth; sepals 4; petals lacking Herbaceous DICOTSC 121.5D'Plants not as above in every particular HERBACEOUS DICOTS ROSACEAES RANUNCULACEAE Sanguisorba of ROSACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 120.5DYLeaves ternately or pinnately compound, plants not otherwise as above in every particular HERBACEOUS DICOTS Sanguisorba of ROSACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST CANNABACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _iFlowers tightly clustered in terminal globose heads, perianth segments 4, leaves pinnately once compound `'Plants not as above in every particular Herbaceous DICOTSC 121DiFlowers tightly clustered in terminal globose heads, perianth segments 4, leaves pinnately once compound Sanguisorba of ROSACEAE 2553C Petals to 0.8 cm long; stylar column to 2 cm long, with stigmas to about 1 mm long; principal leaves 2-7 cm wide; plants annual or biennial (Geranium) 2552G 2554H 2555I 2556J 2553N 2555O (Geranium) Geranium pusillum (Geranium) Sepals alternating with bractlets, the latter sometimes minute or rarely lacking; stipules present on at least the basal leaves, often partially fused to the petiole but free at the tips; leaves mostly once compound` Sepals when present not alternating with bractlets; stipules lacking, the petiole base often expanded and simulating stipules but the margins entire; leaves ternately or pinnately (1)2-4 times compound Herbaceous DICOTSC Sepals alternating with bractlets, the latter sometimes minute or rarely lacking; stipules present on at least the basal leaves, often partially fused to the petiole but free at the tips; leaves mostly once compound ROSACEAE 1642I 1642J ROSACEAES ROSACEAET RANUNCULACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ROSACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 122.5D Sepals when present not alternating with bractlets; stipules lacking, the petiole base often expanded and simulating stipules but the margins entire; leaves ternately or pinnately (1)2-4 times compound RANUNCULACEAE 1610I 1610J RANUNCULACEAES RANUNCULACEAET ROSACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ RANUNCULACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC Herbaceous DICOTSC 122nded and simulating stipules but the margins entire; leaves ternately or pinnately (1)2-4 times compound Herbaceous DICOTSC SAXIFRAGACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _2Pistils 3-numerous, fruit of follicles or achenes ` Pistil 1, fruit diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC 124D2Pistils 3-numerous, fruit of follicles or achenes RANUNCULACEAE 1610I 1610J RANUNCULACEAES RANUNCULACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ RANUNCULACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 124.5D Pistil 1, fruit diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST RANUNCULACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _JOvary inferior to some degree, perianth pinkish or tinged with rose-purplerplerple Pistil of 2-4 partially united carpels, the carpel tips prolonged as short, usually divergent beaks, these persistent, or in Mitella becoming obscure and the capsule appearing circumscissile; stamens 5 or 10; leaves about as broad as long, often chiefly or entirely basal; plants montane SAXIFRAGACEAE 1695I 1695J SAXIFRAGACEAES SAXIFRAGACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ SAXIFRAGACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 123.5D Plants not as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS RANUNCULACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTSCOTS ` Ovary superior, perianth diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC 125DJOvary inferior to some degree, perianth pinkish or tinged with rose-purple HERBACEOUS DICOTS xR AIZOACEAES SANTALACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _`Leaves opposite, fleshy; fruit a circumscissile capsule; plants of alkaline soils in the valleys`YLeaves alternate, not distinctly fleshy; fruit a 1-seeded drupe; plants of dry hill sides Herbaceous DICOTSC 125.5D Ovary superior, perianth diverse HERBACEOUS DICOTS Glaux of PRIMULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS OTS OTS Herbaceous DICOTSC 124.5 Perianth petaloid, pink to nearly white, lobed about half the length; flowers solitary and sessile in leaf axils; fruit an ovoid capsule; lower leaves opposite; Plants of moist lowland meadows` Perianth green or variously colored but not petaloid, the segments free or fused; plants not otherwise as above in every particular Herbaceous DICOTSC 126D`Leaves opposite, fleshy; fruit a circumscissile capsule; plants of alkaline soils in the valleys A AIZOACEAE 3624I 3624J Sesuvium Sesuvium SANTALACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ AIZOACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single genus in family locally. Single genus in family locally. 3663H Herbaceous DICOTSC 126.5DYLeaves alternate, not distinctly fleshy; fruit a 1-seeded drupe; plants of dry hill sides SANTALACEAE 3736I 3736J Comandra Comandra T AIZOACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ SANTALACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single genus in family locally. Single genus in family locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC Perianth petaloid, pink to nearly white, lobed about half the length; flowers solitary and sessile in leaf axils; fruit an ovoid capsule; lower leaves opposite; Plants of moist lowland meadows Glaux of PRIMULACEAE 1602I 1602J Glaux Glaux HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ PRIMULACEAE Glaux Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _HFlowers sessile or subsessile; calyx pink, rarely white; corolla lacking`HFlowers sessile or subsessile; calyx pink, rarely white; corolla lacking Herbaceous DICOTSC 127.5D Perianth green or variously colored but not petaloid, the segments free or fused; plants not otherwise as above in every particular HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTS Glaux of PRIMULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ZLeaves opposite, sometimes needlelike and appearing whorled or scalelike and inconspicuousuous opposite; Plants of moist lowland meadows stigma glabrous stigma above stigma mature achene including stigmas `HLeaves alternate (occasionally the lowermost opposite) or entirely basal Herbaceous DICOTSC 128DZLeaves opposite, sometimes needlelike and appearing whorled or scalelike and inconspicuous HERBACEOUS DICOTS Salicornia of CHENOPODIACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _jLeaves scalelike and inconspicuous, stems fleshy and jointed with opposite branches, plants of saline soil` Plants not as above Herbaceous DICOTSC 128.5DHLeaves alternate (occasionally the lowermost opposite) or entirely basal HERBACEOUS DICOTS BRASSICACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS COTS OTS COTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _LSepals 4 and free throughout; fruit of 1-several-seeded silicles or siliques`_Sepals free or fused, 1-5 or rarely lacking; fruit a utricle, achene, or circumscissile capsule Herbaceous DICOTSC 129DjLeaves scalelike and inconspicuous, stems fleshy and jointed with opposite branches, plants of saline soil Salicornia of CHENOPODIACEAE 2298I 2298J Salicornia Salicornia HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ CHENOPODIACEAE Salicornia Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 129.5D Plants not as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS CARYOPHYLLACEAE Urtica of URTICACEAE Salicornia of CHENOPODIACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _JLeaves entire, flowers bisexual, styles 2-5, fruit a 2-many-seeded capsule`bLeaves toothed; flowers unisexual; style essentially lacking, the stigmas tufted; fruit of achenes Herbaceous DICOTSC 130DJLeaves entire, flowers bisexual, styles 2-5, fruit a 2-many-seeded capsule CARYOPHYLLACEAE 1194I 1194J Swertia Swertia Urtica of URTICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSCOTS CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _5Corolla cleft nearly to the base, the tube very short`5Corolla cleft nearly to the base, the tube very short Herbaceous DICOTSC 130.5DbLeaves toothed; flowers unisexual; style essentially lacking, the stigmas tufted; fruit of achenes Urtica of URTICACEAE 1750I 1750J Urtica Urtica CARYOPHYLLACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ URTICACEAE Urtica Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _5Leaves opposite, robust perennial with stinging hairs`5Leaves opposite, robust perennial with stinging hairs Herbaceous DICOTSC 0DLSepals 4 and free throughout; fruit of 1-several-seeded silicles or siliques BRASSICACEAE BRASSICACEAE FruitsS BRASSICACEAE FlowersT HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ BRASSICACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Key based mainly on fruit` Key based mainly on Flowersd BRASSICACEAE CRUCIFERAE Herbaceous DICOTSC 131.5D_Sepals free or fused, 1-5 or rarely lacking; fruit a utricle, achene, or circumscissile capsule HERBACEOUS DICOTS CHENOPODIACEAES HERBACEOUS DICOTST BRASSICACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Fruit a non-glossy, subglobose to flattened utricle, the thin outer wall adherent to or dehiscing irregularly from the solitary, dull or shiny seed, in Corispermum the fruit winged; calyx segments (0-4)5, smooth or variously appendaged, sometimes horizontally winged; in some genera the pistillate flowers naked and enclosed within 2 opposing bracts; herbage glabrous or variously hairy, in some species having a scurfy or mealy indumentumntum CHENOPODIACEAE 1100I 1100J CHENOPODIACEAES CHENOPODIACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ CHENOPODIACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 132.5DiFruit a shiny achene or a circumscissile capsule; sepals 1-5, not appendaged; herbage not scurfy or mealy HERBACEOUS DICOTS AMARANTHACEAE Parietaria of URTICACEAE CHENOPODIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AvFruit a shiny achene or a circumscissile capsule; sepals 1-5, not appendaged; herbage not scurfy or mealy Herbaceous DICOTSC Fruit a non-glossy, subglobose to flattened utricle, the thin outer wall adherent to or dehiscing irregularly from the solitary, dull or shiny seed, in Corispermum the fruit winged; calyx segments (0-4)5, smooth or variously appendaged, sometimes horizontally winged; in some genera the pistillate flowers naked and enclosed within 2 opposing bracts; herbage glabrous or variously hairy, in some species having a scurfy or mealy indumentum 2552C Geranium 1202G 2552H 2553I 2554J 2552N 2553O (Geranium) (Geranium) Geranium Geranium GERANIACEAE[ Geranium\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Petals to 0.8 cm long; stylar column to 2 cm long, with stigmas to about 1 mm long; principal leaves 2-7 cm wide; plants annual or biennial` Petals 1-2.2 cm long; stylar column to 4 cm long, with stigmas at least 3 mm long even at flowering; principal leaves 6-17 cm wide; plants perenniald Geranium Fruit a greenish, circumscissile capsule containing a shiny black, lenticular seed; leaves minutely bristle-tipped at the apex and often prominently white-veined on the lower surface; coarse plants of open, disturbed sites Fruit of shiny, light brown, terete achenes; leaves neither white-veined nor bristle-tipped; slender plants of shaded sites or in rock crevices on open slopes Herbaceous DICOTSC Fruit a greenish, circumscissile capsule containing a shiny black, lenticular seed; leaves minutely bristle-tipped at the apex and often prominently white-veined on the lower surface; coarse plants of open, disturbed sites AMARANTHACEAE sile capsule; sepals 1-5, not appendaged; herbage not scurfy or mealy HERBACEOUS DICOTS AMARANTHACEAE Parietaria of URTICACEAE CHENOPODIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Fruit a greenish, circumscissile capsule containing a shiny black, lenticular seed; leaves minutely bristle-tipped at the apex and often prominently white-veined on the lower surface; coarse plants of open, disturbed sites Fruit of shiny, light brown, terete achenes; leaves neither white-veined nor bristle-tipped; slender plants of shaded sites or in rock crevices on open slopes Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Woody DICOTSC WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTSS WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU Group D. WOODY DICOTS \ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _(Vines, stems evidently woody at the base` Trees, shrubs, or subshrubsd WOODY DICOTS 1D(Vines, stems evidently woody at the base WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTSS WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS A7Leaves alternate; perianth in 2 whorls; fruit a berry 1761I 1761J Amaranthus Amaranthus Parietaria of URTICACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ AMARANTHACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Single genus in local family.` Single genus in local family.d AMARANTHACEAE Herbaceous DICOTSC 133.5D Fruit of shiny, light brown, terete achenes; leaves neither white-veined nor bristle-tipped; slender plants of shaded sites or in rock crevices on open slopes Parietaria of URTICACEAE 1751I 1751J AMARANTHACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ URTICACEAE Parietaria Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS A>Leaves opposite; perianth in a single whorl; fruit an achene Trees, shrubs, or subshrubs WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTSS WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _?Leaves either scalelike and 1-4(6) mm long or evidently lacking` Leaves well developed 2D5Leaves alternate, perianth in 2 whorls, fruit a berry WOODY DICOTS VITACEAES SOLANACEAET WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _@Vines with tendrils, leaves palmately compound, flowers greenish` Vines without tendrils, leaves simple or a few blades ternately compound, flowers purple or the corolla lobes lavender to white fading to brown 3526I 3526J Tamarix Tamarix WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ TAMARICACEAE\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Parthenocissus SOLANACEAEU WOODY DICOTSZ VITACEAE\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Single genus in family locally. Single genus in family locally. WOODY DICOTS VITACEAES SOLANACEAET WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTSS WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _?Leaves either scalelike and 1-4(6) mm long or evidently lacking` Leaves well developed 2D5Leaves alternate, perianth in 2 whorls, fruit a berry WOODY DICOTS VITACEAES SOLANACEAET WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS 2.5DShrubs of foothills and above, leaves not white-woolly beneath 41.5DBLeaves pinnately lobed to merely toothed or some of them subentire WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTSS WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _(Leaves, or some of them, pinnately lobed`;Leaves finely to coarsely toothed or some of them subentire 42D=Tree of the valleys, leaves white-woolly on the lower surface Populus alba of SALICACEAE er surface 2449C 4.5D]Spikelets 12-20 mm long, mostly sessile in a compact inflorescence; scales yellowish to brown Scirpus maritimus 2443G 2448H 2449I 2449J 2449N 2449O 2443C Inflorescence terminal, the bracts subtending the inflorescence 2 or more, spreading and leaflike, not appearing to be a continuation of the stem A (Scirpus) 2441G 2442H 2448I 2449J 2443N 2443O Scirpus microcarpus Scirpus maritimus A (Scirpus) Scirpus 3287I 3287J Populus alba Populus alba WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ SALICACEAE Populus Group D. WOODY DICOTS _MLeaves white-woolly on the lower surface; stigmas 2, each with 2 linear lobes`MLeaves white-woolly on the lower surface; stigmas 2, each with 2 linear lobes Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Fruit red at maturity; leaflets to 5 cm long, dimorphic, the terminal one larger than the lateral and tapered to the base but not distinctly stalked; branches numerous, spreading, the shrub rounded` Fruit red at maturity; leaflets to 5 cm long, dimorphic, the terminal one larger than the lateral and tapered to the base but not distinctly stalked; branches numerous, spreading, the shrub rounded 43.5D&Plants not as above in every character WOODY DICOTS ROSACEAES GROSSULARIACEAE Rhus trilobata of ANACARDIACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS COTS Rhus trilobata WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ANACARDIACEAE 2442C Inflorescence appearing lateral, the bract subtending the inflorescence (or one of them) stiffly erect and appearing to be a continuation of the stem A (Scirpus) 2441G 2443H 2444I 2445J 2442N 2444O Scirpus acutus A (Scirpus) A (Scirpus) Scirpus CYPERACEAE[ Scirpus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_4Stems terete throughout, sheaths not thin-membranous`AStems 3-angled; sheaths, at least the lower ones, thin-membranous Stipules prominent and fused to the petiole only near the base OR the herbage pubescent with minute star-shaped hairs, stamens more than 10, fruit either of small dry follicles or of fleshy drupelets in a cluster` Stipules lacking or fused with the petiole throughout their length or nearly so, herbage lacking branched hairs, stamens 5, fruit a berry Stipules prominent and fused to the petiole only near the base OR the herbage pubescent with minute star-shaped hairs, stamens more than 10, fruit either of small dry follicles or of fleshy drupelets in a cluster ROSACEAE 1642I 1642J ROSACEAES ROSACEAET GROSSULARIACEAEU WOODY DICOTSZ ROSACEAE\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Stipules lacking or fused with the petiole throughout their length or nearly so, herbage lacking branched hairs, stamens 5, fruit a berry GROSSULARIACEAE 3741I 3741J Ribes, three keys Ribes, three keys ROSACEAEU WOODY DICOTSZ GROSSULARIACEAE\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. GROSSULARIACEAE 45D(Leaves, or some of them, pinnately lobed WOODY DICOTS Cowania of ROSACEAE WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSCOTS Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Leaves 6-15 mm long, leathery, revolute, densely white-woolly-hairy on the lower surface, green and typically gland-dotted above; flowers with 3-10 free pistils; fruit an achene with a persistent plumose style 3-6 cm long`-Leaves not as above, plants otherwise diverse 45.5D;Leaves finely to coarsely toothed or some of them subentire WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTSS WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Subshrubs of midmontane to alpine, to about 3 dm tall; flowers white to pink, or deep rose-purple; stamens 8-10, the anthers opening by terminal pores`WTrees or shrubs (at least 5 dm tall) of diverse habitats, plants not otherwise as above Cowania of ROSACEAE WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS Leaves 6-15 mm long, leathery, revolute, densely white-woolly-hairy on the lower surface, green and typically gland-dotted above; flowers with 3-10 free pistils; fruit an achene with a persistent plumose style 3-6 cm long Cowania of ROSACEAE 1668I 1668J Cowania Cowania WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ROSACEAE Cowania Group D. WOODY DICOTS _wPistils 3-10; style elongate and plumose at maturity; leaves 3-7-lobed, conspicuously gland-dotted on the upper surface`wPistils 3-10; style elongate and plumose at maturity; leaves 3-7-lobed, conspicuously gland-dotted on the upper surface 46.5D-Leaves not as above, plants otherwise diverse WOODY DICOTS Sphaeromeria of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTS Cowania of ROSACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Subshrub to 4 dm tall, typically growing in rock crevices; leaves usually mostly entire, obscurely pubescent and glandular-punctate; flowers yellow, borne in involucrate heads; fruit an achene` Plants not as above Subshrub to 4 dm tall, typically growing in rock crevices; leaves usually mostly entire, obscurely pubescent and glandular-punctate; flowers yellow, borne in involucrate heads; fruit an achene Sphaeromeria of ASTERACEAE Sphaeromeria Sphaeromeria WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ASTERACEAE[ SphaeromeriameriaN Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Woody-based herb or subshrub to 4 dm tall, leaves to about 4 mm wide, entire or a few blades pinnatifid, the lobes linear; plants montane` Woody-based herb or subshrub to 4 dm tall, leaves to about 4 mm wide, entire or a few blades pinnatifid, the lobes linear; plants montane 47.5D Plants not as above WOODY DICOTS FAGACEAES Leads nowhere Sphaeromeria of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Leaves minutely stellate-pubescent (at least beneath); flowers unisexual, the staminate in catkins; fruit a nut (acorn) subtended at the base by a cuplike involucre`qLeaves either glabrous or the hairs not branched; flowers bisexual, white or nearly so; fruit a pome or an achene WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ASTERACEAE[ Sphaeromeria Leaves minutely stellate-pubescent (at least beneath); flowers unisexual, the staminate in catkins; fruit a nut (acorn) subtended at the base by a cuplike involucre FAGACEAE 3752I 3752J Quercus Quercus Leads nowhereU WOODY DICOTSZ FAGACEAE\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Single genus in family locally. Single genus in family locally. 48.5DqLeaves either glabrous or the hairs not branched; flowers bisexual, white or nearly so; fruit a pome or an achene Leads nowhere Leads nowhereS Leads nowhereT FAGACEAEU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS ^ ]_qLeaves either glabrous or the hairs not branched; flowers bisexual, white or nearly so; fruit a pome or an achene`qLeaves either glabrous or the hairs not branched; flowers bisexual, white or nearly so; fruit a pome or an achene Subshrubs of midmontane to alpine, to about 3 dm tall; flowers white to pink, or deep rose-purple; stamens 8-10, the anthers opening by terminal pores WOODY DICOTS Vaccinium of ERICACEAE Chimaphila of PYROLACEAE WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _uLeaves light green and thin, minutely toothed; flowers solitary in leaf axils, sympetalous; fruit a red or blue berryberry76H Leads nowhereS Leads nowhereT FAGACEAEU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS ^ Leaves dark green, at least above, leathery, conspicuously toothed, flowers in terminal clusters, the petals free; fruit a subglobose capsule 49.5DWTrees or shrubs (at least 5 dm tall) of diverse habitats, plants not otherwise as above WOODY DICOTS Populus of SALICACEAE WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Trees; flowers in catkins, individual flowers subtended by a persistent cuplike disc, otherwise naked; fruit a 2-4-valved capsule; seeds with a tuft of white hair, wind-disseminated; leaf petioles often flattened or channeled on the upper surface, the blades firm to distinctly leathery, smooth and glabrous to obscurely hairy or, in one species, densely white-woolly on the lower surface, the teeth often gland-tipped Shrubs or trees, not as above `DuLeaves light green and thin, minutely toothed; flowers solitary in leaf axils, sympetalous; fruit a red or blue berry Vaccinium of ERICACEAE 2457I 2457J A Vaccinium A Vaccinium Chimaphila of PYROLACEAE WOODY DICOTSZ ERICACEAE[ Vaccinium\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 50.5D Leaves dark green, at least above, leathery, conspicuously toothed, flowers in terminal clusters, the petals free; fruit a subglobose capsule Chimaphila of PYROLACEAE 1606I 1606J Chimaphila Chimaphila Vaccinium of ERICACEAE WOODY DICOTSZ PYROLACEAE Chimaphila Group D. WOODY DICOTS _lLeaves chiefly cauline, at least twice as long as wide and distinctly serrate; flowers in racemelike corymbs`lLeaves chiefly cauline, at least twice as long as wide and distinctly serrate; flowers in racemelike corymbs Continue into next key. 50.5D Leaves dark green, at least above, leathery, conspicuously toothed, flowers in terminal clusters, the petals free; fruit a subglobose capsule Chimaphila of PYROLACEAE Trees; flowers in catkins, individual flowers subtended by a persistent cuplike disc, otherwise naked; fruit a 2-4-valved capsule; seeds with a tuft of white hair, wind-disseminated; leaf petioles often flattened or channeled on the upper surface, the blades firm to distinctly leathery, smooth and glabrous to obscurely hairy or, in one species, densely white-woolly on the lower surface, the teeth often gland-tipped Populus of SALICACEAE 3284I 3284J Populus Populus WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ SALICACEAE[ Populus\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 51.551.5 Shrubs or trees, not as above WOODY DICOTS Ceanothus of RHAMNACEAE WOODY DICOTS Populus of SALICACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Leaves resinous-varnished and glossy above, prominently 3-veined from the base, rounded to obtuse at the apex, minutely glandular-serrate, 2-6 cm wide; flowers white; shrub of foothills to upper montane`'Plants not as above in every particular Leaves resinous-varnished and glossy above, prominently 3-veined from the base, rounded to obtuse at the apex, minutely glandular-serrate, 2-6 cm wide; flowers white; shrub of foothills to upper montane Ceanothus of RHAMNACEAE 1640I 1640J A Ceanothus 2435C Achene with distinct longitudinal ribs connected by numerous fine horizontal lines, the base of the style well differentiated as a triangular-conic tubercle; the lowermost scale flower-bearing, usually with reddish-brown to red-purple strips on either side of the midnerv Eleocharis acicularis 2433G 2436H 2435I 2435J 2435N 2437O Trees or large shrubs of the valleys and foothills; leaves usually arranged on the twigs in 2 rows, ovate or narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, often at least slightly oblique at the base, pinnately veined or 3-nerved, either strongly scabrous or nearly smooth with tufts of hair in the vein axils of the lower surface; flowers inconspicuous and apetalous; fruit either a reddish-orange drupe or a suborbicular samara Plants not as above Trees or large shrubs of the valleys and foothills; leaves usually arranged on the twigs in 2 rows, ovate or narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, often at least slightly oblique at the base, pinnately veined or 3-nerved, either strongly scabrous or nearly smooth with tufts of hair in the vein axils of the lower surface; flowers inconspicuous and apetalous; fruit either a reddish-orange drupe or a suborbicular samara ULMACEAE 1742I 1742J A Ceanothus WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ RHAMNACEAE[ Ceanothus\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _jLeaves thick and typically glossy above, strongly 3-veined from the base stipules persistent; petals white`jLeaves thick and typically glossy above, strongly 3-veined from the base stipules persistent; petals white 52.5D'Plants not as above in every particular WOODY DICOTS ULMACEAES WOODY DICOTS Ceanothus of RHAMNACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS ULMACEAES ULMACEAET WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ULMACEAE\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 53.5D Plants not as above WOODY DICOTS ASTERACEAES WOODY DICOTST ULMACEAEU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Shrubs or woody-based perennials of the valleys and foothills, usually in dry rocky sites; leaves mostly suborbicular to ovate-triangular, occasionally broadly lanceolate; flowers yellow or greenish-white, borne in involucrate heads; fruit of achenes`GShrubs or small trees of diverse sites, not as above in every character 54 ddish-orange drupe or a suborbicular samara ULMACEAE 1742I 1742J Shrubs or woody-based perennials of the valleys and foothills, usually in dry rocky sites; leaves mostly suborbicular to ovate-triangular, occasionally broadly lanceolate; flowers yellow or greenish-white, borne in involucrate heads; fruit of achenes ASTERACEAE ASTERACEAES ASTERACEAET WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ASTERACEAE\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 54.5DGShrubs or small trees of diverse sites, not as above in every character WOODY DICOTS Rhamnus of RHAMNACEAE ROSACEAET ASTERACEAEU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS OTS Shrub to 1.5 m tall; leaves 4-9 cm long, minutely toothed, often appearing crenate; flowers unisexual, apetalous; fruit a bluish-black drupe in axillary clusters of 2-5; known from a single population in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County Shrubs or small trees mostly more than 1.5 m tall; leaves often either shorter than 4 cm or longer than 9 cm, frequently distinctly serrate; flowers bisexual, the petals white, pink, or rose; fruit a pome, achene, or drupe, the latter yellow to red or, if black, numerous in a raceme Shrub to 1.5 m tall; leaves 4-9 cm long, minutely toothed, often appearing crenate; flowers unisexual, apetalous; fruit a bluish-black drupe in axillary clusters of 2-5; known from a single population in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County Rhamnus of RHAMNACEAE 1641I 1641J Rhamnus Rhamnus ROSACEAEU WOODY DICOTSZ RHAMNACEAE[ Rhamnus\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _kLeaves thin and not glossy, pinnately veined; stipules deciduous; petals lacking, the calyx greenish-yellow`kLeaves thin and not glossy, pinnately veined; stipules deciduous; petals lacking, the calyx greenish-yellow Shrubs or small trees mostly more than 1.5 m tall; leaves often either shorter than 4 cm or longer than 9 cm, frequently distinctly serrate; flowers bisexual, the petals white, pink, or rose; fruit a pome, achene, or drupe, the latter yellow to red or, if black, numerous in a raceme ROSACEAE 1642I 1642J ROSACEAES ROSACEAE Rhamnus of RHAMNACEAE WOODY DICOTSZ ROSACEAE\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTSS WOODY DICOTS Petrophytum of ROSACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Leaves and usually twigs gray- to brown-scurfy to some degree with minute, silvery or grayish to brown, appressed, star-shaped hairs or scales`GLeaves and twigs glabrous or hairy but not at all gray- or brown-scurty Leaves and usually twigs gray- to brown-scurfy to some degree with minute, silvery or grayish to brown, appressed, star-shaped hairs or scales WOODY DICOTS Elaeagnus of ELAEAGNACEAE Atriplex of CHENOPODIACEAE WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS COTS as above Continue into next key. Large shrub or small tree, leaves typically greenish above and silvery-scurfy to stellate below, flowers with sepals internally yellow, fruit drupelike` Medium to small shrubs; leaves gray-green to nearly white, equally scurfy on both surfaces; flowers inconspicuous; fruit a utricle enclosed in smooth or crested or winged bracts 57.5DGLeaves and twigs glabrous or hairy but not at all gray- or brown-scurty WOODY DICOTS Eurotia of CHENOPODIACEAE WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Herbage densely pubescent with both simple and branched, star-shaped hairs, the pubescence often becoming reddish; leaves usually revolute; subshrub of the valley bottoms`=Herbage glabrous or, if pubescent, none of the hairs branched 58DY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Large shrub or small tree, leaves typically greenish above and silvery-scurfy to stellate below, flowers with sepals internally yellow, fruit drupelike Elaeagnus of ELAEAGNACEAE 1146I 1146J A Elaeagnus A Elaeagnus Atriplex of CHENOPODIACEAE WOODY DICOTSZ ELAEAGNACEAE A Elaeagnus Group D. WOODY DICOTS _lLeaves alternate, flowers bisexual, stamens 4, branches alternate and usually thorny, plants of the valleys `lLeaves alternate, flowers bisexual, stamens 4, branches alternate and usually thorny, plants of the valleys 58.5 glabrous or, if pubescent, none of the hairs branched Medium to small shrubs; leaves gray-green to nearly white, equally scurfy on both surfaces; flowers inconspicuous; fruit a utricle enclosed in smooth or crested or winged bracts Atriplex of CHENOPODIACEAE 2265I 2265J Atriplex Atriplex Elaeagnus of ELAEAGNACEAE WOODY DICOTSZ CHENOPODIACEAE[ Atriplex\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbage densely pubescent with both simple and branched, star-shaped hairs, the pubescence often becoming reddish; leaves usually revolute; subshrub of the valley bottoms Eurotia of CHENOPODIACEAE 1113I 1113J Eurotia Eurotia WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ CHENOPODIACEAE[ Eurotia\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Pubescence of both branched and simple hairs, grayish or red-brown, leaves revolute, not fleshy; pistillate flowers and fruiting bracts almost completely obscured by long hairs, the bracts not winged` Pubescence of both branched and simple hairs, grayish or red-brown, leaves revolute, not fleshy; pistillate flowers and fruiting bracts almost completely obscured by long hairs, the bracts not winged 59.5D=Herbage glabrous or, if pubescent, none of the hairs branched WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTSS WOODY DICOTS Eurotia of CHENOPODIACEAE 2418C Pistillate scales longer or only slightly shorter than the body of the perigynia, the apex long-tapered to awn-tipped; perigynia of the lateral spikes 5-25, pale green to red brown, appressed-ascending to somewhat spreading, never reflexed (Carex Group F) 2416G CHENOPODIACEAES WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Leaves linear to cylindric, fleshy, glabrous or short-hairy; flowers apetalous and minute; fruit a utricle, in some species enclosed in a membranous-winged calyx; plants of alkaline or saline soils of the valley bottoms`'Plants not as above in every particular 61D1Medium to low shrubs of the valleys and foothills WOODY DICOTS A%Chrysothamnus nauseosus of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTS A#Haplopappus macronema of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS COTS .5D Young twigs lacking woolly hairs WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Young twigs gray to white with woolly hairs, in one species the hairs matted forming a feltlike covering removable only with a sharp object; leaves to 6 mm wide` Young twigs lacking woolly hairs Twigs and upper stems with a smooth, dense, feltlike covering of matted woolly hairs; flowers yellow, in heads subtended by an involucre with the bracts in vertical ranks` Twigs loosely to densely woolly, the hairs not matted as above; flowers diverse, if in involucrate heads, the bracts not in vertical ranks 61.5D[Subshrub of subalpine and alpine, branches densely white-woolly, leaves stipitate-glandular A#Haplopappus macronema of ASTERACEAE 1969I 1969J Haplopappus macronema Haplopappus macronema WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS COTS w_cTwigs covered with a loose, white, woolly mat; involucre 9-13 mm high, the bracts equal to subequal`cTwigs covered with a loose, white, woolly mat; involucre 9-13 mm high, the bracts equal to subequal Twigs and upper stems with a smooth, dense, feltlike covering of matted woolly hairs; flowers yellow, in heads subtended by an involucre with the bracts in vertical ranks A%Chrysothamnus nauseosus of ASTERACEAE 1902I 1902J Chrysothamnus nauseosus Chrysothamnus nauseosus WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ASTERACEAE[ Chrysothamnus\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS OTS roup D. WOODY DICOTS x_pStems with a feltlike layer of matted woolly hairs (frequently imperceptible unless scraped with a sharp object)`pStems with a feltlike layer of matted woolly hairs (frequently imperceptible unless scraped with a sharp object) 62.5D Twigs loosely to densely woolly, the hairs not matted as above; flowers diverse, if in involucrate heads, the bracts not in vertical ranks WOODY DICOTS Tetradymia of ASTERACEAE A"Kochia americana of CHENOPODIACEAE A%Chrysothamnus nauseosus of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS COTS Plants with numerous, usually rigid branches; herbage with woolly hairs only; flowers yellow, in involucrate heads; fruit an achene`vTwigs slender and flexible; herbage with both straight and woolly hairs; flowers minute and apetalous; fruit a utricle Plants with numerous, usually rigid branches; herbage with woolly hairs only; flowers yellow, in involucrate heads; fruit an achene Tetradymia of ASTERACEAE 2044I 2044J Tetradymia Tetradymia A"Kochia americana of CHENOPODIACEAE WOODY DICOTSZ ASTERACEAE[ Tetradymia\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 63.5DvTwigs slender and flexible; herbage with both straight and woolly hairs; flowers minute and apetalous; fruit a utricle A"Kochia americana of CHENOPODIACEAE 2296I 2296J Kochia americana Kochia americana Tetradymia of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTSZ CHENOPODIACEAE[ Kochia\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Subshrub or woody-based perennial herb; leaves more or less fleshy, often subterete, mostly about 1 mm wide, pubescent with crinkled to woolly hairs or glabraterate Continue into next key. Subshrub or woody-based perennial herb; leaves more or less fleshy, often subterete, mostly about 1 mm wide, pubescent with crinkled to woolly hairs or glabrate Leaves linear to cylindric, fleshy, glabrous or short-hairy; flowers apetalous and minute; fruit a utricle, in some species enclosed in a membranous-winged calyx; plants of alkaline or saline soils of the valley bottoms CHENOPODIACEAE 1100I 1100J CHENOPODIACEAES CHENOPODIACEAET WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ CHENOPODIACEAE\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 64.5D'Plants not as above in every particular WOODY DICOTS A#Haplopappus rydbergii of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTST CHENOPODIACEAEU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _zLeaves and twigs densely stipitate-glandular; flowers yellow, in invo1ucrate heads; subshrub of foothills to lower montane` Plants not as above 65DzLeaves and twigs densely stipitate-glandular; flowers yellow, in invo1ucrate heads; subshrub of foothills to lower montane A#Haplopappus rydbergii of ASTERACEAE 1970I 1970J Haplopappus rydbergii Haplopappus rydbergii WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS COTS ~_QTwigs stipitate-glandular; involucre 5-8 mm high, the bracts distinctly imbricate`QTwigs stipitate-glandular; involucre 5-8 mm high, the bracts distinctly imbricate 65.5D Plants not as above WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTSS WOODY DICOTS A$Haplopappus rydbergii of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Leaves narrowly elongate and flat or spirally twisted, none more than 5 mm wide; flowers yellow, in involucrate heads; fruit an achene; shrub less than 1 m tall`ELeaves more than 5 mm wide or, if less, plants not otherwise as above Leaves narrowly elongate and flat or spirally twisted, none more than 5 mm wide; flowers yellow, in involucrate heads; fruit an achene; shrub less than 1 m tall WOODY DICOTS Xanthocephalum of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _xHerbage sparsely pubescent throughout with minute, stiff hairs; leaves 1-nerved, rarely more than 2 mm wide; twigs green`mHerbage glabrous or variously pubescent; leaves 1-5-nerved, often more than 2 mm wide; twigs whitish to green 66.5DELeaves more than 5 mm wide or, if less, plants not otherwise as above WOODY DICOTS Lycium of SOLANACEAE WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Shrub of valleys and foothills; stems and branches elongate, arched and drooping; corolla greenish-lavender fading to brown or white; fruit a red berry`1Trees or shrubs, not as above in every particular 67DxHerbage sparsely pubescent throughout with minute, stiff hairs; leaves 1-nerved, rarely more than 2 mm wide; twigs green Xanthocephalum of ASTERACEAE Xanthocephalum Xanthocephalum WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ASTERACEAE[ Xanthocephalum\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _9Leaves linear, to 3 mm wide, pappus of 8-10 minute scales`9Leaves linear, to 3 mm wide, pappus of 8-10 minute scales 67.5DmHerbage glabrous or variously pubescent; leaves 1-5-nerved, often more than 2 mm wide; twigs whitish to green WOODY DICOTS Sphaeromeria of ASTERACEAE A)Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus of ASTERACEAE Xanthocephalum of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Leaves 1-nerved, pubescent with minute, appressed, dolabriform hairs; involucre to 4 mm high; pappus lacking; subshrub, chiefly in rock crevices` Leaves mostly 3-nerved, glabrous or pubescent with minute, spreading, basifixed hairs; involucre 5-8 mm high; pappus of numerous white bristles; shrub of diverse habitats Leaves 1-nerved, pubescent with minute, appressed, dolabriform hairs; involucre to 4 mm high; pappus lacking; subshrub, chiefly in rock crevices Sphaeromeria of ASTERACEAE Sphaeromeria Sphaeromeria A)Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus of ASTERACEAE lorus of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTSZ ASTERACEAE[ Sphaeromeria\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Woody-based herb or subshrub to 4 dm tall, leaves to about 4 mm wide, entire or a few blades pinnatifid, the lobes linear; plants montane` Woody-based herb or subshrub to 4 dm tall, leaves to about 4 mm wide, entire or a few blades pinnatifid, the lobes linear; plants montane 68.5D Leaves mostly 3-nerved, glabrous or pubescent with minute, spreading, basifixed hairs; involucre 5-8 mm high; pappus of numerous white bristles; shrub of diverse habitats A)Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus of ASTERACEAE 1903I 1903J Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Sphaeromeria of ASTERACEAEACEAE WOODY DICOTSZ ASTERACEAE[ Chrysothamnus\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _8Stems glabrous or finely short-hairy, never woolly-hairy`8Stems glabrous or finely short-hairy, never woolly-hairy Shrub of valleys and foothills; stems and branches elongate, arched and drooping; corolla greenish-lavender fading to brown or white; fruit a red berry Lycium of SOLANACEAE 3620I 3620J Lycium barbarum Lycium barbarum WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ SOLANACEAE[ Lycium\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. of ASTERACEAE Orogenia (APIACEAE) APIACEAE[ Perideridia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. Stems and petioles of leaves purple-spotted, plants 0.5-3 m tall, involucre and involucel of ovate to lanceolate bracts, petals white, fruit 2-3 mm long Conium 3647I 3647J Conium maculatum Conium maculatum (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Conium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 16.516.516.5 69.5D1Trees or shrubs, not as above in every particular WOODY DICOTS Celtis of ULMACEAE WOODY DICOTS Lycium of SOLANACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _vLeaves scabrous on both surfaces, often oblique at the base, fruit a drupe; large shrub or small tree of the foothills`JLeaves glabrous or minutely hairy but not scabrous, not otherwise as above 70DvLeaves scabrous on both surfaces, often oblique at the base, fruit a drupe; large shrub or small tree of the foothills Celtis of ULMACEAE 1744I 1744J Celtis Celtis WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ULMACEAE[ Celtis\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _lLeaves 3-nerved at the base, entire or once serrate, strongly scabrous; fruit a globose reddish-orange drupe`lLeaves 3-nerved at the base, entire or once serrate, strongly scabrous; fruit a globose reddish-orange drupe 70.5DJLeaves glabrous or minutely hairy but not scabrous, not otherwise as above WOODY DICOTS Populus of SALICACEAE WOODY DICOTS Celtis of ULMACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _GTrees with leaves at least as broad as long, triangular to suborbicular`ITrees or shrubs; leaves longer than broad or, if ovate, shrubs, not trees 71DGTrees with leaves at least as broad as long, triangular to suborbicular Populus of SALICACEAE 2395C 6.5DAPerigynia not as above in every particular, inflorescence diverse (Carex Group F) 2392G 2394H 2396I 2397J 2395N 2395O Carex illota _~Twigs whitish; leaves commonly viscid along the nerves on the upper surface; flowers yellow, in involucrate heads; small shrub`0Twigs not whitish, plants not otherwise as above 72D~Twigs whitish; leaves commonly viscid along the nerves on the upper surface; flowers yellow, in involucrate heads; small shrub A)Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus of ASTERACEAE 1903I 1903J Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ASTERACEAE[ Chrysothamnus\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _8Stems glabrous or finely short-hairy, never woolly-hairy`8Stems glabrous or finely short-hairy, never woolly-hairy 72.572.5 3284I 3284J Populus Populus WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ SALICACEAE[ Populus\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 71.5DITrees or shrubs; leaves longer than broad or, if ovate, shrubs, not trees WOODY DICOTS A)Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTS Populus of SALICACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS D0Twigs not whitish, plants not otherwise as above WOODY DICOTS Ledum of ERICACEAE WOODY DICOTS A)Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Leaves minutely gland-dotted, usually light green beneath and dark glossy green above; twigs minutely hairy and gland-dotted; petals white; ovary and capsule gland-dotted; shrub of moist sites from midmontane to subalpine`'Plants not as above in every particular Leaves minutely gland-dotted, usually light green beneath and dark glossy green above; twigs minutely hairy and gland-dotted; petals white; ovary and capsule gland-dotted; shrub of moist sites from midmontane to subalpine Ledum of ERICACEAE 1151I 1151J Ledum Ledum WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ERICACEAE[ Ledum\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ZLeaves gland-dotted on the lower surface; petals free, white; fruit a gland-dotted capsule`ZLeaves gland-dotted on the lower surface; petals free, white; fruit a gland-dotted capsule 73.5D'Plants not as above in every particular WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTS Salix of SALICACEAE Ledum of ERICACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Leaves leathery, rarely if ever more than 3.5 cm long and 12 mm wide; flowers bisexual in racemes or axillary clusters; plants of mesic or dry sites in the mountainsains Leaves not leathery, often more than 3.5 cm long, variable in width; flowers unisexual, in catkins; plants of mostly wet sites in the mountains or in low-lying areas in the valleys Leaves leathery, rarely if ever more than 3.5 cm long and 12 mm wide; flowers bisexual in racemes or axillary clusters; plants of mesic or dry sites in the mountains WOODY DICOTS Arctostaphylos of ERICACEAE Cercocarpus of ROSACEAE Salix of SALICACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _pLow subalpine shrub, often mat-forming; leaves not revolute; corolla sympetalous, pink or white; fruit berrylikeylikeary clusters; plants of mesic or dry sites in the mountains Shrub or tree below subalpine, not mat-forming; leaves typically revolute; petals lacking, fruit an achene with an elongate, plumose style 74.5D Leaves not leathery, often more than 3.5 cm long, variable in width; flowers unisexual, in catkins; plants of mostly wet sites in the mountains or in low-lying areas in the valleys Salix of SALICACEAE 1694I 1694J Salix Salix WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ SALICACEAE Salix Group D. WOODY DICOTS Leaf buds with a single, nonresinous scale; each flower subtended by an entire or toothed scale, a disc lacking; stamens 2-8; leaf petiole terete or channeled above, the leaves diverse 75DpLow subalpine shrub, often mat-forming; leaves not revolute; corolla sympetalous, pink or white; fruit berrylike Arctostaphylos of ERICACEAE 1154I 1154J Arctostaphylos Arctostaphylos Cercocarpus of ROSACEAE WOODY DICOTSZ ERICACEAE[ Arctostaphylos\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _hLeaves not revolute; corolla greenish-white or pink, urn-shaped, to about 5 mm across; fruit a red drupe`hLeaves not revolute; corolla greenish-white or pink, urn-shaped, to about 5 mm across; fruit a red drupe 75.5ite or pink, urn-shaped, to about 5 mm across; fruit a red drupe`hLeaves not revolute; corolla greenish-white or pink, urn-shaped, to about 5 mm across; fruit a red drupe Shrub or tree below subalpine, not mat-forming; leaves typically revolute; petals lacking, fruit an achene with an elongate, plumose style Cercocarpus of ROSACEAE 1659I 1659J Cercocarpus Cercocarpus Arctostaphylos of ERICACEAE WOODY DICOTSZ ROSACEAE[ Cercocarpus\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Petals lacking; fruit an achene with a persistent plumose style to 8 cm long; leaves elliptic, to 3.5 cm long, entire and revolute` Petals lacking; fruit an achene with a persistent plumose style to 8 cm long; leaves elliptic, to 3.5 cm long, entire and revolute Major GroupsC Not further describedE Not further describedF Not further describedS Not further describedribed Not further describedU Not further described\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS ^ Not further described` Not further described ALISMATACEAE Sagittaria Alisma ALISMATACEAEU ALISMATACEAEZ ALISMATACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_cAchenes in a globose headlike cluster; leaves, or some of them, arrowhead-shaped with lateral lobes`IAchenes in a ring; leaves linear to broadly elliptic, not laterally lobedd ALISMATACEAE 1DcAchenes in a globose headlike cluster; leaves, or some of them, arrowhead-shaped with lateral lobes Sagittaria 3601I 3601J Sagittaria cuneata Sagittaria cuneata Alisma Sagittaria ALISMATACEAE[ Sagittaria\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1.5DIAchenes in a ring; leaves linear to broadly elliptic, not laterally lobed Alisma 1758I 1758J Alisma Alisma Sagittaria Alisma ALISMATACEAE[ Alisma\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 2387C Perigynia 3-3.8 mm long, typically conspicuously nerved, some of the nerves extending into the beak, the dorsal suture not prolonged onto the body of the perigynium; spikes with staminate flowers terminal (these inconspicuous at fruiting) Carex jonesii 2384G 2386H 2387I 2387J 2387N 2387O Show Description & Photos Carex illota (Carex Group F) CYPERACEAE[ Carex\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] APIACEAEZ APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaflets 1-7.5 dm wide, palmately lobed; upper stems typically long-hairy; petals white; fruit typically obovate to obcordate Leaflets less than 1 dm wide, stems glabrous to minutely hairy; petals yellow or white; fruit diverse but not as above Leaves either much dissected into numerous small segments (the blades often lacelike) OR divided into relatively few, distinct, narrowly elongate, entire segmentsE (APIACEAE 2)F Daucus (APIACEAE)T (APIACEAE)U APIACEAE APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Ovary densely long-hairy; fruit with conspicuous bristles; involucre of pinnately divided or rarely entire bracts; central flower of each umbel typically dark red to purple; plants of disturbed sites in the valleys 0vary and fruit glabrous to minutely hairy; involucre lacking or, if present, rarely pinnately divided; flowers red or rarely purple; plants of diverse habitats Daucus Sium suave Berula (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Sium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. fruit diverse but not as above Leaves either much dissected into numerous small segments (the blades often lacelike) OR divided into relatively few, distinct, narrowly elongate, entire segmentsE (APIACEAE 2)F Daucus (APIACEAE)T (APIACEAE)U APIACEAE D}Leaflets 1-7.5 dm wide, palmately lobed; upper stems typically long-hairy; petals white; fruit typically obovate to obcordate A Heracleum 3639I 3639J Heracleum sphondylium Heracleum sphondylium (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Heracleum\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 2.5D}Leaflets less than 1 dm wide, OR the stems glabrous to minutely hairy; petals yellow or white; fruit diverse but not as aboveE (APIACEAE 3)F (APIACEAE)S (APIACEAE) A Heracleum (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS AILeaflets narrowly elongate, at least some of them 3 times as long as wide ANLeaflets ovate to broadly lanceolate, mostly less than 3 times as long as wide 3DILeaflets narrowly elongate, at least some of them 3 times as long as wideE (APIACEAE 4)F (APIACEAE)S (APIACEAE)T (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Involucre of multiple bracts; fruit glabrous, ellipsoid to subglobose, to 3 mm long and splitting down the middle at maturity; plants usually growing in shallow water of valleys and foothills Involucre lacking or inconspicuous, sometimes replaced by a solitary, reduced, sheathing petiole; plants not otherwise as above (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaflets typically dimorphic, those of the upper stem more deeply incised than those of the lower stem; fruit to 2 mm long, the ribs inconspicuous AxLeaflets not dimorphic as above, usually uniformly serrate throughout; fruit 2-3 mm long, the ribs more or less corky Involucre lacking or inconspicuous, sometimes replaced by a solitary, reduced, sheathing petiole; plants not otherwise as aboveE (APIACEAE 7)F Cicuta (APIACEAE)T (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS (APIACEAE) (APIACEAE) 3.5DNLeaflets ovate to broadly lanceolate, mostly less than 3 times as long as wideE (APIACEAE 5)F (APIACEAE)S (APIACEAE)T (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS A>Leaves once pinnate, a few leaflets occasionally again divided AMLeaves 1-3 times ternate, occasionally 1 or 2 of the primary leaflets pinnate Involucre of multiple bracts; fruit glabrous, ellipsoid to subglobose, to 3 mm long and splitting down the middle at maturity; plants usually growing in shallow water of valleys and foothillsE (APIACEAE 6)F Berula (APIACEAE)CEAE) Calyx teeth well developed, triangular, 0.4-1 mm long; lateral veins of the leaflets prominent, oriented toward the sinuses between the teeth; stem base thickened and hollow with internal transverse partitions; fruit to 4 mm long, the ribs corky-thickened Calyx teeth minute or obsolete; lateral veins not prominent or not regularly termnnating in the sinuses between the teeth; stem base neither thickened nor with internal partitions; fruit 3-25 mm long, the ribs not corky Leaves once pinnate or incompletely bipinnate, the leaflets usually more than twice as long as wide, often minutely scabrous, especially along the veins` Leaves once pinnate or incompletely bipinnate, the leaflets usually more than twice as long as wide, often minutely scabrous, especially along the veins 7.5DHLeaves 1-3 times ternate to ternate-pinnate; fruit 12-25 mm long, linear Osmorhiza occidentalis 1794I 1794J Osmorhiza occidentalis Osmorhiza occidentalis Angelica pinnata (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Osmorhiza\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaflets typically dimorphic, those of the upper stem more deeply incised than those of the lower stem; fruit to 2 mm long, the ribs inconspicuous Berula 3640I 3640J Berula erecta Berula erecta (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Berula\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 5.5DuLeaflets not dimorphic as above, usually uniformly serrate throughout; fruit 2-3 mm long, the ribs more or less corky 3641I 3641J Sium suave (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Cicuta\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Calyx teeth minute or obsolete, lateral veins not prominent or not regularly termnnating in the sinuses between the teeth; base of the stem neither thickened nor with internal partitions; fruit 3-25 mm long, the ribs not corkyE (APIACEAE 8)F Angelica pinnata Osmorhiza occidentalis Cicuta (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS AdLeaves once pinnate or incompletely bipinnate; fruit 3-6 mm long, broadly elliptic to suborbicular AJLeaves 1-3 times ternate to ternate-pinnate; fruit 12-25 mm long, linear 7DbLeaves once pinnate or incompletely bipinnate; fruit 3-6 mm long, broadly elliptic to suborbicular Angelica pinnata 1772I 1772J Angelica pinnata Angelica pinnata Osmorhiza occidentalis (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Angelica\ DICOTYLEDONS 2358C ,Perigynia pale to nearly black, thin-walled, nerveless on both faces, green-nerved on the margins, strongly flattened except as distended by the developing achene or sometimes slightly inflated; terminal spike gynaecandrous, the lateral spikes pistillate or gynaecandrous, bicolored or uniformly dark (Carex Group C) 2356G 2357H 2359I 2360J 2358N 2358O Carex nova Carex atrata Carex raynoldsii _WOvaries and fruit glabrous, flowers yellow-green, fruiting pedicels less than 1 cm long`WOvaries and fruit glabrous, flowers yellow-green, fruiting pedicels less than 1 cm long 8D>Leaves once pinnate, a few leaflets occasionally again dividedE (APIACEAE 9)F Berula (APIACEAE)T (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Involucre and involucel of multiple lanceolate to elliptic bracts; aerial leaves typically dimorphic, the upper blades with narrower, more incised leaflets than those below; fruit 1.5-2 mm long, wingless, splitting down the center, the mericarps rounded on the backs Involucre and involucel lacking or not as above; aerial leaves not dimorphic fruit 3-7 mm long, with narrow to broad lateral wings, splitting along the margins, the mericarps flat 8.5DMLeaves 1-3 times ternate, occasionally 1 or 2 of the primary leaflets pinnatennatenate stigma mature achene including stigmas stigmas achenes lenticular 1.5-2.5 including stigmas achenes accordingly 3-angled occasionally stigmas carpels fruit linear tapered mostl stigmas flowering expanded peltate stigmas elongate calyx turgid often appearing stigmas shorter style twigs Continue into next key. Ovary densely long-hairy, the fruit with conspicuous bristles, involucre of pinnately divided or rarely entire bracts; central flower of each umbel typically dark red to purple; plants of disturbed sites in the valleys Daucus 3644I 3644J Daucus carota Daucus carota (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Daucus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 12.512.512.5ts occasionally again dividedE (APIACEAE 9)F Berula (APIACEAE 10)F Angelica wheeleri A Osmorhiza (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_SRays 20-40; herbage glabrous; fruit 4-7 mm long, broadly oblong, strongly flattened`\Rays 3-14; herbage often short-hairy; fruit 10-25 mm long, narrowly cylindric or club-shaped Involucre and involucel of multiple lanceolate to elliptic bracts; aerial leaves typically dimorphic, the upper blades with narrower, more incised leaflets than those below; fruit 1.5-2 mm long, wingless, splitting down the center, the mericarps rounded on the backs Berula 3640I 3640J Berula erecta Berula erecta ACEAE)U (APIACEAE) (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Berula\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Involucre and involucel lacking or not as above; aerial leaves not dimorphic fruit 3-7 mm long, with narrow to broad lateral wings, splitting along the margins, the mericarps flatE (APIACEAE 11)F A Pastinaca Angelica pinnata Berula (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_lFlowers yellow, fruit with narrow lateral wings and threadlike dorsal ribs, plants of disturbed valley sites` Flowers white or greenish-white; fruit with broad lateral wings and narrow dorsal wings; plants of native sites, foothills to subalpinepine al ribs, plants of disturbed valley sites A Pastinaca , the mericarps flatE (APIACEAE 11)F A Pastinaca Angelica pinnata Berula (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_lFlowers yellow, fruit with narrow lateral wings and threadlike dorsal ribs, plants of disturbed valley sites` Flowers white or greenish-white; fruit with broad lateral wings and narrow dorsal wings; plants of native sites, foothills to subalpine 10DlFlowers yellow, fruit with narrow lateral wings and threadlike dorsal ribs, plants of disturbed valley sites A Pastinaca Pastinaca 1772I 1772J Angelica pinnata Angelica pinnata A Pastinaca (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Angelica\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves once pinnate or incompletely bipinnate, the leaflets usually more than twice as long as wide, often minutely scabrous, especially along the veins` Leaves once pinnate or incompletely bipinnate, the leaflets usually more than twice as long as wide, often minutely scabrous, especially along the veins 11DSRays 20-40; herbage glabrous; fruit 4-7 mm long, broadly oblong, strongly flattened Angelica wheeleri 1773I 1773J Angelica wheeleri Angelica wheeleri A Osmorhiza (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Angelica\ DICOTYLEDONS_WLeaves ternate-pinnate or bipinnate, the leaflets about twice as long as wide, glabrous`WLeaves ternate-pinnate or bipinnate, the leaflets about twice as long as wide, glabrous 11.5D\Rays 3-14; herbage often short-hairy; fruit 10-25 mm long, narrowly cylindric or club-shaped A Osmorhiza 1792I 1792J A Osmorhiza A Osmorhiza Angelica wheeleri (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Osmorhiza\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. ylindric or club-shaped A Osmorhiza 1792I 1792J A Osmorhiza A Osmorhiza Angelica wheeleri (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Osmorhiza\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Osmorhiza\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 0vary and fruit glabrous to minutely hairy; involucre lacking or, if present, rarely pinnately divided; flowers red or rarely purple; plants of diverse habitatsE (APIACEAE 12)F (APIACEAE)S (APIACEAE) Daucus (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_}Leaflets divided into relatively few, distinct, narrowly elongate, entire segments, at least some of them more than 1 cm long`iLeaflets much dissected into numerous, confluent or threadlike segments, these rarely more than 1 cm long 13D}Leaflets divided into relatively few, distinct, narrowly elongate, entire segments, at least some of them more than 1 cm longE (APIACEAE 13)F 1779J (APIACEAE) Lomatium (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS wers red or rarely purple; plants of diverse habitatsE (APIACEAE 12)F (APIACEAE) fusiform tubersE (APIACEAE 15)F Orogenia Perideridia Lomatium 2-3 mm long`}Stems and leaf petioles sometimes purple-tinged but not distinctly spotted, plants not otherwise as above in every particular Flowers white; fruit to 5 mm long, somewhat compressed at right angles to the commissure and splitting down the center of the flattened surface; plants with globose or fusiform tubersE (APIACEAE 15)F Orogenia Perideridia Lomatium AuPlants 4-12 dm tall; flowering in midsummer on dry to mesic slopes; umbel rays 8-20; fruiting pedicels 3-8 mm long 14.5D Flowers yellow or rarely purple; fruit 5-16 mm long, strongly compressed parallel with the commissure and splitting along the margins; plants taprooted Lomatium 1779I 1779J Lomatium Lomatium (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Lomatium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Flowers white; fruit to 5 mm long, somewhat compressed at right angles to the commissure and splitting down the center of the flattened surface; plants with globose or fusiform tubers Flowers yellow or rarely purple; fruit 5-16 mm long, strongly compressed parallel with the commissure and splitting along the margins; plants taprooted 13.5DiLeaflets much dissected into numerous, confluent or threadlike segments, these rarely more than 1 cm longE (APIACEAE 14)F Conium (APIACEAE)T (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS DnPlants to 2 dm tall, flowering in the wake of snow melt; umbel rays 1-8; fruiting pedicels less than 2 mm long Orogenia 3645I 3645J Orogenia linearifolia Orogenia linearifolia Perideridia (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Orogenia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. 15.5DqPlants 4-12 dm tall, blooming in midsummer on dry to mesic slopes; umbel rays 8-20; fruiting pedicels 3-8 mm long Perideridia 3646I 3646J Perideridia gairdneri Perideridia gairdneri apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiaceae apiculate apocynaceae apocynum apocynum androsaemifolium apocynum cannabinum apocynum apocynaceae applegatei approximata aquaticF aquatic seed-bearingj aquatic spore-bearingi aquatica apocynaceae apparent apparently appearance appearing appenaaged appendage appendage-like appendaged appendages apple appressedP D}Stems and leaf petioles sometimes purple-tinged but not distinctly spotted, plants not otherwise as above in every particularE (APIACEAE 16)F (APIACEAE)S (APIACEAE) Conium (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_/Ultimate leaf segments hairlike, to 0.5 mm wide`DUltimate leaf segments linear to ovate, averaging at least 1 mm wide 17D/Ultimate leaf segments hairlike, to 0.5 mm wideE (APIACEAE 17)F Lomatium Carum (APIACEAE) (APIACEAE) APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Petals yellow or rarely purple; fruit 7-16 mm long, splitting along the margins; scapose or subscapose plants of native habitatstats70J (APIACEAE)S (APIACEAE) Conium (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE Single species in genus locally. Leaves blue-green and glabrous, the ultimate segments mostly ovate to oblong and usually distinctly overlapping; flowers yellow, purplish, or rarely white; fruit with well-developed lateral wings Cymopterus 1774I 1774J Cymopterus Cymopterus (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Cymopterus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 19.5D Plants not as aboveE (APIACEAE 19)F (APIACEAE)S (APIACEAE) Cymopterus (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS Petals white or rarely pink; fruit 3-5 mm long, splitting down the center; plants with well-developed stem leaves, occupying disturbed sites in the valleys 17.5DDUltimate leaf segments linear to ovate, averaging at least 1 mm wideE (APIACEAE 18)F Cymopterus (APIACEAE)T (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves blue-green and glabrous, the ultimate segments mostly ovate to oblong and usually distinctly overlapping; flowers yellow, purplish, or rarely white; fruit with well-developed lateral wings` Plants not as above Petals yellow or rarely purple; fruit 7-16 mm long, splitting along the margins; scapose or subscapose plants of native habitats Lomatium 1779I 1779J Lomatium Lomatium 2346C Perigynia distinctly compressed and gradually tapered to a poorly defined beak, sparsely hairy; bract subtending the lowest pistillate spike forming a sheath 0.5-4 5 cm long; leaves much shorter than the inflorescence Carex luzulina 2345G 2347H 2346I 2346J 2346N 2348O _#Plants of the valleys and foothills` Plants of midmontane to alpine 20D#Plants of the valleys and foothillsE (APIACEAE 20)F Carum Lomatium (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Biennial of disturbed valley sites, glabrous; flowers white, rarely pink; fruit 3-5 mm long, splitting down the center, the ribs not winged` Perennials of native sites, scabrous to variously hairy, especially on lower leaf surfaces; flowers yellow, sometimes purpletinged; fruit 5-20 mm long, splitting along the margins, the lateral ribs winged 20.5D Plants of midmontane to alpineE (APIACEAE 21)F Cymopterus hendersonii Ligusticum (APIACEAE)U (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE Carum (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Lomatium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 18.5D Petals white or rarely pink; fruit 3-5 mm long, splitting down the center; plants with well-developed stem leaves, occupying disturbed sites in the valleys Carum 3648I 3648J Carum carvi Carum carvi Lomatium (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Carum\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Flowers greenish to pink or purple-brown; stamens fused or connivent around the style; stigma glabrous; stems erect to ascending Herbaceous DICOTSC 86.5D'Plants not as above in every particular HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Ovary shallowly to deeply 4-lobed at flowering, separating at maturity into (1-3)4 nutlets (in Heliotropium the stigma sessile, expanded, and obscuring the 4-lobed ovary) A6Ovary entire or in some species lobed, the lobes not 4 Perennials of native sites, scabrous to variously hairy, especially on lower leaf surfaces; flowers yellow, sometimes purpletinged; fruit 5-20 mm long, splitting along the margins, the lateral ribs winged Lomatium 1779I 1779J Lomatium Lomatium Carum (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Lomatium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 22D^Basal leaves 1-3 cm wide, flowers yellow, rays 4-8, involucel confined to one side of umbellet Cymopterus hendersonii 1777I 1777J Cymopterus hendersonii Cymopterus hendersonii Ligusticum (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Cymopterus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants of upper montane to alpine, the fibrous remains of old petioles persistent at the base; leaves bright green, the ultimate segments not distinctly overlapping` Plants of upper montane to alpine, the fibrous remains of old petioles persistent at the base; leaves bright green, the ultimate segments not distinctly overlapping 22.5DsBasal leaves 10-25 cm wide; flowers white or pink-tinged; rays 10-30; involucel lacking or, if present, not 1-sided Ligusticum 3649I 3649J Ligusticum filicinum 1777I 1777J Ligusticum filicinum Cymopterus hendersonii (APIACEAE)Z APIACEAE[ Ligusticum\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. APOCYNACEAE 1800I 1797J Vinca Apocynum APOCYNACEAE Vinca of APOCYNACEAE APOCYNACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS AhFlowers solitary from leaf axils; corolla blue to purple, rarely white, over 1.5 cm wide; seeds naked Flowers in axillary or terminal clusters; corolla greenish-white to white or pink, much less than 1.5 cm wide; seeds with an apical tuft of hair APOCYNACEAE 1DiFlowers solitary from leaf axils, the corolla blue to purple, rarely white, over 1.5 cm wide; seeds naked Vinca 1800I 1800J Vinca Vinca Apocynum APOCYNACEAEZ APIACEAE[ Vinca\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Flowers in axillary or terminal clusters, the corolla greenish-white to white or pink, much less than 1.5 cm wide; seeds with an apical tuft of hair Apocynum 1797I 1797J Apocynum Apocynum Vinca APOCYNACEAEZ APOCYNACEAE[ Apocynum\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. ASTERACEAE ASTERACEAE: Group AS ASTERACEAE: Groups B - DT ASTERACEAEU ASTERACEAEZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Heads entirely of bisexual ray flowers, the anthers forming a tube around the style (in some species easily mistaken for a disc corolla); juice: at least the upper stem or peduncles milky; leaves in a few species spiny or prickly-bristly, but the involucre not spiny Heads entirely of disc flowers or of both ray and disc flowers; juice: plants with watery juice, leaves with or without spines ASTERACEAE COMPOSITAE ASTERACEAE: Group AS ASTERACEAE: Groups B - DT ASTERACEAEU ASTERACEAEZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Heads entirely of bisexual ray flowers, the anthers forming a tube around the style (in some species easily mistaken for a disc corolla); at least the upper stem or peduncles with milky juice; in a few species the leaves spiny or prickly-bristly, but the involucre not spiny ASTERACEAE: Group A A: Bisexual rayflowersS A: Bisexual rayflowersT ASTERACEAE: Groups B - DU ASTERACEAEZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS GROUP A: Heads entirely of bisexual ray flowers, the anthers forming a tube around the style (in some species easily mistaken for a disc corolla); juice: at least the upper stem or peduncles milky; leaves in a few species spiny or prickly-bristly, but the involucre not spiny GROUP A: Heads entirely of bisexual ray flowers, the anthers forming a tube around the style (in some species easily mistaken for a disc corolla); juice: at least the upper stem or peduncles milky; leaves in a few species spiny or prickly-bristly, but the involucre not spiny 1.5DpHeads entirely of disc flowers or of both ray and disc flowers; plants with watery juice, with or without spines ASTERACEAE: Groups B - D ASTERACEAE: Group BS ASTERACEAE: Groups C - DT ASTERACEAE: Group AU ASTERACEAEZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Heads entirely of disc flowers, a corolla present only in the staminate flowers of the monoecious Ambrosia and Xanthium; in some species the branches, leaves, or involucres spinyspiny `NHeads with both ray and disc flowers; no part of the plant distinctly spiny Heads entirely of disc flowers, a corolla present only in the staminate flowers of the monoecious Ambrosia and Xanthium; in some species the branches, leaves, or involucres spiny ASTERACEAE: Group B GROUP B: Disc Flowers onlyS GROUP B: Disc Flowers onlyT ASTERACEAE: Groups C - DU ASTERACEAE: Groups B - DZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Group B Heads entirely of disc flowers or the rays obscure, a corolla lacking in the pistillate flowers of Ambrosia and Xanthium; in some species the branches, leaves or involucres spiny.` Group B Heads entirely of disc flowers or the rays obscure, a corolla lacking in the pistillate flowers of Ambrosia and Xanthium; in some species the branches, leaves or involucres spiny. 2.5DKHeads with both ray and disc flowers, no part of the plant distinctly spiny ASTERACEAE: Groups C - D ASTERACEAE: Group CS ASTERACEAE: Group DT ASTERACEAE: Group BU ASTERACEAE: Groups B - DZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_-Rays yellow to orange, rarely fading to cream`!Rays blue, purple, pink, or white 3D-Rays yellow to orange, rarely fading to cream ASTERACEAE: Group C GROUP C: Both, rays Y, OrS GROUP C: Both, rays Y, OrT ASTERACEAE: Group DU ASTERACEAE: Groups C - DZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_~Group C Heads with both ray and disc flowers; rays yellow to orange, occasionally fading to cream; no part of the plant spiny.`~Group C Heads with both ray and disc flowers; rays yellow to orange, occasionally fading to cream; no part of the plant spiny. 3.5D!Rays blue, purple, pink, or white ASTERACEAE: Group D xR!GROUP D: Both, rays Bu, Pu, Pk, WS!GROUP D: Both, rays Bu, Pu, Pk, WT ASTERACEAE: Group CU ASTERACEAE: Groups C - DZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_rGroup D Heads with both ray and disc flowers, the rays blue to purple, pink, or white; no part of the plant spiny.`rGroup D Heads with both ray and disc flowers, the rays blue to purple, pink, or white; no part of the plant spiny. GROUP A: Heads entirely of bisexual ray flowers, the anthers forming a tube around the style (which in some species may be mistaken for a disc corolla); at least upper stem or peduncles with milky juice; in a few species the leaves spiny or prickly-bristly, the involucre not spiny. A: Bisexual rayflowers Spiny/prickly leavesS Leaves not spinyT A: Bisexual rayflowersU ASTERACEAE: Group AZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONSp D _`Leaves spiny-toothed, or prickly-bristly along the margins or on the midrib of the lower surface` Leaves not spinyd GROUP A: Bisexual rayflowers 1D`Leaves spiny-toothed, or prickly-bristly along the margins or on the midrib of the lower surface Spiny/prickly leaves Sonchus Lactuca Leaves not spinyU A: Bisexual rayflowersZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Achenes beakless, involucres bell-shaped at flowering and usually at least 7 mm wide at the base, inflorescence typically glandular-stipitate`|Achenes with a slender beak, involucres cylindric at flowering and less than 7 mm wide, inflorescence lacking stalked glands Leaves not spiny Leaves not spiny Some leaves caulineulineline Leaves all basalT Spiny/prickly leavesU A: Bisexual rayflowersZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_gLeaves cauline, at least in part, occasionally much reduced, in some species confined to the lower stem`>Leaves entirely basal, stems naked or with 1 or 2 small bracts Achenes beakless, involucres bell-shaped at flowering and usually at least 7 mm wide at the base, inflorescence typically glandular-stipitate Sonchus 2039I 2039J Sonchus Sonchus Lactuca Spiny/prickly leavesZ ASTERACEAE[ Sonchus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 2.5s cauline D|Achenes with a slender beak, involucres cylindric at flowering and less than 7 mm wide, inflorescence lacking stalked glands Lactuca 1986I 1986J Lactuca Lactuca Sonchus Spiny/prickly leavesZ ASTERACEAE[ Lactuca\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 3DgLeaves cauline, at least in part, occasionally much reduced, in some species confined to the lower stem Some leaves cauline 1 series involucral bractsS 2 series involucral bractsT Leaves all basalU Leaves not spinyZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS _tLeaves lax and grasslike, well distributed along the stem, the blades narrowly elongate, entire, and parallel-veined`QLeaves not grasslike or, if narrowly elongate, confined chiefly to the lower stem 3.5D>Leaves entirely basal, stems naked or with 1 or 2 small bracts Leaves all basal A Taraxacum (ASTERACEAE)T Some leaves caulineU Leaves not spinyZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Outer involucral bracts strongly reflexed at flowering; achenes long-beaked, the body with 4 or 5 ribs bearing short hard points`oOuter involucral bracts ascending to appressed; achenes with or without a beak, the body smooth or 10-20-ribbed 4DtLeaves lax and grasslike, well distributed along the stem, the blades narrowly elongate, entire, and parallel-veined 1 series involucral bracts Tragopogon Lygodesmia 2 series involucral bractsU Some leaves caulineZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Involucral bracts 8-13 in a single series, exceeding the rays or, if shorter, the rays yellow; pappus tan and plumose (obscurely so at flowering)` Involucral bracts in 2 series, the outer very short, the inner 5 or 6 bracts exceeded by the lavender to pink or rarely white rays; pappus of hairlike bristles 4.5DQLeaves not grasslike or, if narrowly elongate, confined chiefly to the lower stem 2 series involucral bracts Rays Bu Pu Pk WS Rays Y OrT 1 series involucral bractsU Some leaves caulineZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_!Rays blue, pink, purple, or white`BRays yellow or dark orange (sometimes fading to cream or purplish) Involucral bracts 8-13 in a single series, exceeding the rays or, if shorter, the rays yellow; pappus tan and plumose (obscurely so at flowering) Tragopogon 2047I 2047J Tragopogon Tragopogon Lygodesmia 1 series involucral bractsZ ASTERACEAE[ Tragopogon\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Involucral bracts in 2 series, the outer very short, the inner 5 or 6 bracts exceeded by the lavender to pink or rarely white rays; pappus of hairlike bristles Lygodesmia 3654I 3654J Lygodesmia dianthopsis Lygodesmia dianthopsis Tragopogon 1 series involucral bractsZ ASTERACEAE[ Lygodesmia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 6D!Rays blue, pink, purple, or white Rays Bu Pu Pk W A Cichorium DiverseT Rays Y OrU 2 series involucral bractsZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONSpappus of hairlike bristles Lygodesmia 3654I 3654J Plants coarse; heads large, cornflower blue or occasionally lavender, rarely white, sessile or nearly so along stout, stiffly spreading, often nearly naked stems and branches; pappus a crown of minute scales; plants of disturbed sites`nPlants slender to robust, heads not as above, pappus of numerous hairlike bristles, plants of diverse habitats 6.5DBRays yellow or dark orange (sometimes fading to cream or purplish) A Rays Y Or Pappus lacking Lapsana Pappus presentT Rays Bu Pu Pk WU 2 series involucral bractsZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_pPappus lacking; principal leaf blades not much longer than broad, involucral bracts firm, keeled on the midnerve`yPappus present; principal leaf blades much longer than wide, OR the involucral bracts not firm and keeled on the midnerve Plants coarse; heads large, cornflower blue or occasionally lavender, rarely white, sessile or nearly so along stout, stiffly spreading, often nearly naked stems and branches; pappus a crown of minute scales; plants of disturbed sites A Cichorium 3655I 3655J Cichorium intybus Cichorium intybus DiverseU Rays Bu Pu Pk WZ ASTERACEAE[ Cichorium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 7.5DnPlants slender to robust, heads not as above, pappus of numerous hairlike bristles, plants of diverse habitats Diverse Lygodesmia Leaves > 5 mm wide A Cichorium Rays Bu Pu Pk WZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_oLeaves to 5 mm wide; involucral bracts in 2 series, the 5 or 6 inner bracts much longer than the few outer ones`QLeaves or some of them more than 5 mm wide, OR the involucral bracts not as above 8DoLeaves to 5 mm wide; involucral bracts in 2 series, the 5 or 6 inner bracts much longer than the few outer ones Lygodesmia 3654I 3654J Lygodesmia dianthopsis Lygodesmia dianthopsis Leaves > 5 mm wideU DiverseZ ASTERACEAE[ Lygodesmia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Leaves > 5 mm wideZ ASTERACEAE[ Lactuca\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 9.5D3Rays white; achenes cylindric, truncate at the apex A Hieracium 1978I 1978J A Hieracium A Hieracium Lactuca Leaves > 5 mm wideZ ASTERACEAE[ Hieracium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 10DpPappus lacking; principal leaf blades not much longer than broad, involucral bracts firm, keeled on the midnerve Continue into next key. Pappus lacking Lapsana 3656I 3656J Lapsana communis Lapsana communis Pappus presentU Rays Y OrZ ASTERACEAE Lapsana DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 10.5DyPappus present; principal leaf blades much longer than wide, OR the involucral bracts not firm and keeled on the midnerve Pappus present Pappus plumose Microseris m, keeled on the midnerve calyx obsolete lobes modified plumose segments@ calyx composed distinct green segments alternating capsule globose wider usually 2-4-seeded calyx capsules catkin catkins caudex branched simple taproot short involucr chiefly closely coarsely commonly compressed continue continue copiously corolla Pappus smooth Pappus lacking Lapsana U Rays Y OrZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Pappus of subplumose to plumose awns terminal on minute scales, herbage glabrous or mealy; involucral bracts usually mealy and pubescent with microscopic, appressed black hairs, especially near the tips, rarely entirely glabrous` Pappus of smooth to minutely barbed bristles without basal scales; herbage and involucre glabrous to variously hairy, not mealy, black hairs if present neither microscopic nor appressed Pappus of subplumose to plumose awns terminal on minute scales, herbage glabrous or mealy; involucral bracts usually mealy and pubescent with microscopic, appressed black hairs, especially near the tips, rarely entirely glabrous Pappus plumose Microseris 3657I 3657J Microseris nutansutans Microseris nutans Pappus smoothU Pappus presentZ ASTERACEAE Microseris DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 11.5D Pappus of smooth to minutely barbed bristles without basal scales; herbage and involucre glabrous to variously hairy, not mealy, black hairs if present neither microscopic nor appressed Pappus smooth Hieracium scouleri Herbage subglabrous Pappus plumose Microseris Pappus presentZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Herbage with long, reddish-brown or white, soft but minutely barbed hairs; pappus of relatively few fragile bristles; involucre with minute branched white hairs as well as gland-tipped black bristlelike hairs and long soft simple ones` Herbage subglabrous to variously hairy, the hairs not as above; pappus usually copious and soft; involucre glabrous to pubescent but not as above Herbage with long, reddish-brown or white, soft but minutely barbed hairs; pappus of relatively few fragile bristles; involucre with minute branched white hairs as well as gland-tipped black bristlelike hairs and long soft simple ones Hieracium scouleri 1982I 1982J Hieracium scouleri Hieracium scouleri Herbage subglabrousU Pappus smoothZ ASTERACEAE[ Hieracium\ DICOTYLEDONS_RLeaves conspicuously long-hairy, stem leaves well developed, plants 2.5-10 dm tall`RLeaves conspicuously long-hairy, stem leaves well developed, plants 2.5-10 dm tall 12.5D Herbage subglabrous to variously hairy, the hairs not as above; pappus usually copious and soft; involucre glabrous to pubescent but not as above Herbage subglabrous Agoseris heterophylla Crepis Hieracium scouleri Pappus smoothZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Subscapose annual with 1 or 2 leaves arising at the base of the stem, hairs at the base of the involucre with purple crosswallsallseri `KPerennials with some leaves above the base, hairs lacking purple crosswalls Subscapose annual with 1 or 2 leaves arising at the base of the stem, hairs at the base of the involucre with purple crosswalls Agoseris heterophylla 1809I 1809J Agoseris heterophylla Agoseris heterophylla Crepis Herbage subglabrousZ ASTERACEAE[ Agoseris\ DICOTYLEDONS_VAnnual, hairs at the base of involucre with purple crosswalls, achene body 2-5 mm long`VAnnual, hairs at the base of involucre with purple crosswalls, achene body 2-5 mm long 13.5DKPerennials with some leaves above the base, hairs lacking purple crosswalls Crepis 1913I 1913J Crepis Crepis Agoseris heterophylla Herbage subglabrousZ ASTERACEAE[ Crepis\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Outer involucral bracts strongly reflexed at flowering; achenes long-beaked, the body with 4 or 5 ribs bearing short hard points A Taraxacum 3658I 3658J Taraxacum officinale Taraxacum officinale (ASTERACEAE)U Leaves all basalZ ASTERACEAE[ Taraxacum\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 14.5DoOuter involucral bracts ascending to appressed; achenes with or without a beak, the body smooth or 10-20-ribbedE (ASTERACEAE 1)F Hieracium gracile (ASTERACEAE) A Taraxacum Leaves all basalZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants from a short caudex bearing fibrous roots and surmounting a rhizome; involucre typically black-hairy, the hairs sometimes tipped with black glands; plants of upper montane to alpine` Plants taprooted; involucre glabrous to white-hairy or, if black-bristly, some of the bristles with yellow glands; plants of lower elevations Plants from a short caudex bearing fibrous roots and surmounting a rhizome; involucre typically black-hairy, the hairs sometimes tipped with black glands; plants of upper montane to alpine Hieracium gracile 1981I 1981J Hieracium gracile Hieracium gracile (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Hieracium\ DICOTYLEDONS_hLeaves glabrous or inconspicuously hairy, stem leaves lacking or reduced to bracts, plants 0.5-3 dm tall`hLeaves glabrous or inconspicuously hairy, stem leaves lacking or reduced to bracts, plants 0.5-3 dm tall 15.5D Plants taprooted; involucre glabrous to white-hairy or, if black-bristly, some of the bristles with yellow glands; plants of lower elevationsE (ASTERACEAE 2)F calyx obsolete lobes modified plumose segments calyx radially symmetrical obscurely 2-lipped teeth calyx teeth minute obsolete calyx pubescence entirely black hairs Crepis runcinata Agoseris (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Crepis\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Stems and leaves glabrous or variously pubescent but the hairs not wool-like, stem leaves mostly bractlike or lacking, plants chiefly in the valleys` Stems and leaves glabrous or variously pubescent but the hairs not wool-like, stem leaves mostly bractlike or lacking, plants chiefly in the valleys 16.5D Heads solitary; involucre usually imbricate, glabrous to white-hairy, never with black hairs, the bracts not abruptly ciliate at the tips Agoseris 1808I 1808J Agoseris Agoseris Crepis runcinata (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Agoseris\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Group B Heads entirely of disc flowers or the rays obscure, a corolla lacking in the pistillate flowers of Ambrosia and Xanthium; in some species the branches, leaves or involucres spiny. GROUP B: Disc Flowers only (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE)T GROUP B: Disc Flowers onlyU ASTERACEAE: Group BZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_TShrubs or subshrubs, the stems woody in part, not dying back to the ground each year`uHerbs with green or nonwoody stems, sometimes woody near the base but dying back to the ground or nearly so each year GROUP B: Disc Flowers only 1DTShrubs or subshrubs, the stems woody in part, not dying back to the ground each yearE (ASTERACEAE 3)F (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U Disc Flowers onlyZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Twigs with a layer of white to greenish woolly hair obscuring the bark, in one species smooth and inconspicuous, removable only with a sharp object`6Twigs or branches not white-woolly or only sparsely so 1.5DuHerbs with green or nonwoody stems, sometimes woody near the base but dying back to the ground or nearly so each yearE (ASTERACEAE 4)F (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U Disc Flowers onlyZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_$Leaves spiny at least on the margins` Leaves not spiny Twigs with a layer of white to greenish woolly hair obscuring the bark, in one species smooth and inconspicuous, removable only with a sharp objectE (ASTERACEAE 5)F Haplopappus macronema (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_DSubshrub of midmontane to alpine, leaves densely stipitate-glandular`CShrubs of the valleys and foothills, leaves not stipitate-glandular 2.5D6Twigs or branches not white-woolly or only sparsely soE (ASTERACEAE 6)F (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_bInvolucre 1-5 mm high, the middle and inner bracts ovate to oblong and broadly membranous-margined`bInvolucre 5-13 mm high, the principal bracts lanceolate to oblong, not broadly membranous-margined 3DDSubshrub of midmontane to alpine, leaves densely stipitate-glandular Haplopappus macronema 1969I 1969J Haplopappus macronema Continue into next key. ly membranous-margined nconspicuous, removable only with a sharp object (ASTERACEAE) Haplopappus macronema (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_DSubshrub of midmontane to alpine, leaves densely stipitate-glandular`CShrubs of the valleys and foothills, leaves not stipitate-glandular 2.55G Haplopappus macronema (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_DSubshrub of midmontane to alpine, leaves densely stipitate-glandular`CShrubs of the valleys and foothills, leaves not stipitate-glandular Haplopappus macronema (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ DICOTYLEDONS_cTwigs covered with a loose, white, woolly mat; involucre 9-13 mm high, the bracts equal to subequal`cTwigs covered with a loose, white, woolly mat; involucre 9-13 mm high, the bracts equal to subequal 3.5DCShrubs of the valleys and foothills, leaves not stipitate-glandularE (ASTERACEAE 7)F Tetradymia Chrysothamnus nauseosus Haplopappus macronema (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_uInvolucral bracts 4-6, equal or nearly so; woolly indumentum loose and conspicuous; in one species the branches spinypiny leaves plants otherwise leaves mostly 0.5-3 leaves occasionally stipitate- leaves mostly 1.5-2 times broadly wedge-shap leaves mostly 1.5-7 typically green throughout herba leaves mostly leaves stipitate-glandular throug leaves mostly 3-5-lobed achene leaves mostly times longer often entire leaves mostly 3-nerved glabrous pubescent minute leaves mostly times 1902I 1902J Chrysothamnus nauseosus Chrysothamnus nauseosus Tetradymia (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Chrysothamnus\ DICOTYLEDONS_pStems with a feltlike layer of matted woolly hairs (frequently imperceptible unless scraped with a sharp object)`pStems with a feltlike layer of matted woolly hairs (frequently imperceptible unless scraped with a sharp object) 5DbInvolucre 1-5 mm high, the middle and inner bracts ovate to oblong and broadly membranous-marginedE (ASTERACEAE 8)F A Artemisia Sphaeromeria (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAEACEAE DICOTYLEDONS_ Principal leaves wedge-shaped, 3(5)-toothed at the truncate apex (those within the inflorescence often entire and acute) herbage gray-green with densely matted hairs` Leaves linear to narrowly oblong, entire and acute at the apex, or some of the blades pinnatifid with linear segments; herbage green, sparsely pubescent with minute dolabriform hairs 5.5DbInvolucre 5-13 mm high, the principal bracts lanceolate to oblong, not broadly membranous-marginedE (ASTERACEAE 9)F Haplopappus rydbergii (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_=Subshrub to 4 dm tall, herbage stipitate-glandular throughout`yShrub 0.2-2 m tall, herbage glabrous or variously hairy to glandular-punctate or gland-dotted but not stipitate-glandular 6ute) herbage gray-green with densely matted hairs anthers opening longitudinally anthers typically least lemmas 2-3.5 appendage@ arranged auricles glabrous shorter panicle branch bearin averaging awnless axisP basal basal leaves 10-25 flowers white pink-tinged rays@ basal leaves pinnate leaflets cleft Principal leaves wedge-shaped, 3(5)-toothed at the truncate apex (those within the inflorescence often entire and acute) herbage gray-green with densely matted hairs A Artemisia 1847I 1847J A Artemisia A Artemisia Sphaeromeria (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Artemisia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Leaves linear to narrowly oblong, entire and acute at the apex, or some of the blades pinnatifid with linear segments; herbage green, sparsely pubescent with minute dolabriform hairs Sphaeromeria Sphaeromeria Sphaeromeria A Artemisia (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Sphaeromeria\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Woody-based herb or subshrub to 4 dm tall, leaves to about 4 mm wide, entire or a few blades pinnatifid, the lobes linear; plants montane` Woody-based herb or subshrub to 4 dm tall, leaves to about 4 mm wide, entire or a few blades pinnatifid, the lobes linear; plants montane 7D=Subshrub to 4 dm tall, herbage stipitate-glandular throughout Haplopappus rydbergii 1970I 1970J Haplopappus rydbergii Haplopappus rydbergii (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappusappus DICOTYLEDONS_QTwigs stipitate-glandular; involucre 5-8 mm high, the bracts distinctly imbricate`QTwigs stipitate-glandular; involucre 5-8 mm high, the bracts distinctly imbricate 7.5DyShrub 0.2-2 m tall, herbage glabrous or variously hairy to glandular-punctate or gland-dotted but not stipitate-glandularE (ASTERACEAE 10)F Tetradymia (ASTERACEAE) Haplopappus rydbergii (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_IInvolucral bracts 4-6 and equal, twigs loosely woolly, herbage gray-green`VInvolucral bracts more than 5 and imbricate, twigs not loosely woolly, herbage various 8DIInvolucral bracts 4-6 and equal, twigs loosely woolly, herbage gray-green Tetradymia 2044I 2044J Tetradymia 2304C Floral bracts thin-margined and broadest at or below the middle, branches of the inflorescence mostly stiffly erect-ascending, flowers generally 3-7 per axil, plants to 8 dm tall Suaeda calceoliformis 2296C Subshrub or woody-based perennial herb; leaves more or less fleshy, often subterete, mostly about 1 mm wide, pubescent with crinkled to woolly hairs or glabrate Kochia americana 2295G 2297H 2296I 2296J 2296N 2298O Involucral bracts imbricate in 4-7 series, each bract with several distinct longitudinal lines; leaves lanceolate to ovate, 1-5 cm wide Brickellia 1887I 1887J Brickellia Brickellia Chrysothamnus (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Brickellia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 10D$Leaves spiny at least on the marginsE (ASTERACEAE 12)F (ASTERACEAE) Cirsium (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS Stems conspicuously winged throughout by the decurrent leaf bases, upper leaf surfaces not prickly-hairy, pappus minutely barbed` Stems not winged throughout OR, if so, the upper leaf surfaces densely prickly- hairy; pappus bristles plumose, at least below, sometimes obscurely so 10.5D Leaves not spinyE (ASTERACEAE 13)F (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_-Involucre spiny to some degree, often burlike`,Involucre not spiny, lacking in Psilocarphus Stems conspicuously winged throughout by the decurrent leaf bases, upper leaf surfaces not prickly-hairy, pappus minutely barbedE (ASTERACEAE 14)F A Onopordum Carduus Cirsium (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONSEDONS _IHerbage conspicuously gray-woolly throughout, stem wings to 1 cm or wider`YHerbage green, glabrous or sparsely hairy but not woolly; stem wings to about 0.5 mm wide 11.5D Stems not winged throughout OR, if so, the upper leaf surfaces densely prickly- hairy; pappus bristles plumose, at least below, sometimes obscurely so Cirsium 1904I 1904J Cirsium Cirsium (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Cirsium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 12DIHerbage conspicuously gray-woolly throughout, stem wings to 1 cm or wider A Onopordum 3660I 3660J Onopordum acanthium Onopordum acanthium Carduus (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Onopordum\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 12.5DYHerbage green, glabrous or sparsely hairy but not woolly; stem wings to about 0.5 mm wide Carduus 3661I 3661J Carduus nutans Carduus nutans A Onopordum Prostrate, densely white-woolly annual; leaves opposite and entire, a whorl of leaves closely subtending the subglobose heads, a true involucre lacking`'Plants not as above in every particular 14DXInvolucral bracts broad, the apex pectinately fringed or bearing stout, branching spines A Centaurea 3662I 3662J Centaurea repens Centaurea repens (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Centaurea\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 14.5D5Involucral bracts not as above, the involucre burlikeE (ASTERACEAE 17)F (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Carduus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 13D-Involucre spiny to some degree, often burlikeE (ASTERACEAE 15)F A Centaurea (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_XInvolucral bracts broad, the apex pectinately fringed or bearing stout, branching spines`5Involucral bracts not as above, the involucre burlike 13.5D,Involucre not spiny, lacking in PsilocarphusE (ASTERACEAE 16)F Psilocarphus (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONSDONSutans A Onopordum Herbaceous DICOTSC 82.5D Leaves opposite or whorled HERBACEOUS DICOTS xR RUBIACEAES VALERIANACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Leaves whorled, 3 or more leaves at all but the uppermost nodes; calyx obsolete or reduced to small teeth; fruit either a berry or a schizocarp with (1)2 globose or subglobose, often minutely bristly mericarps A_Leaves opposite; calyx obsolete or the lobes modified into plumose segments; fruit an achene HERBACEOUS DICOTS Vaccinium of ERICACEAE Campanula of CAMPANULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AsAnthers awned, opening by apical pores; leaves to 3(5) cm long, finely toothed (teeth best seen with a hand lens) APAnthers opening longitudinally; leaves more than 5 cm long and coarsely toothed Herbaceous DICOTSC 82.5D Leaves opposite or whorled HERBACEOUS DICOTS Stamens numerous, the filaments fused to form a tube surrounding the ovary; plants pubescent, some or all of the hairs branched Plants not as above Herbaceous DICOTSC Leaves alternate HERBACEOUS DICOTS Vaccinium of ERICACEAE Campanula of CAMPANULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AsAnthers awned, opening by apical pores; leaves to 3(5) cm long, finely toothed (teeth best seen with a hand lens) APAnthers opening longitudinally; leaves more than 5 cm long and coarsely toothedothed fruit capsule fruit capsule berry fruit capsule utricle achene fruit compressed obscurely 4-lobed schizocarp fruit glabrous capsule mostly fruit legume constricted between seeds 2-valved fruit legume loment glycyrrhiza burlike fruit loment legume fruit loment suborbicular segments fruit fruit berry fruit white berry fruit schizocarp splitting mericarps fruit shiny achene circumscissile capsule 15.5DcLeaves wavy-margined to very shallowly 3-5-lobed; burs 1-3.5 cm long, the spines hooked at the apexE (ASTERACEAE 18)F Xanthium Arctium Ambrosia (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ULeaves scabrous on both surfaces, burs ellipsoid with 2 conspicuous beaks at the apex` Leaves glabrate to sparsely woolly-hairy on at least the lower surface, not at all scabrous; burs subglobose, none of the spines differentiated as beaks 16DULeaves scabrous on both surfaces, burs ellipsoid with 2 conspicuous beaks at the apex Xanthium 3663I 3663J Xanthium strumarium Xanthium strumarium Ambrosia (ASTERACEAE) A Centaurea (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_eLeaves deeply pinnately or palmately lobed; burs to 1 cm long, the spines straight to slightly curved`cLeaves wavy-margined to very shallowly 3-5-lobed; burs 1-3.5 cm long, the spines hooked at the apex 15DeLeaves deeply pinnately or palmately lobed; burs to 1 cm long, the spines straight to slightly curved Ambrosia 1813I 1813J Ambrosia Ambrosia (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Ambrosia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Arctium (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Xanthium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 16.5D Leaves glabrate to sparsely woolly-hairy on at least the lower surface, not at all scabrous; burs subglobose, none of the spines differentiated as beaks Arctium 3664I 3664J Arctium minus Arctium minus Xanthium (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Arctium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Prostrate, densely white-woolly annual; leaves opposite and entire, a whorl of leaves closely subtending the subglobose heads, a true involucre lacking Psilocarphus 3665I 3665J Psilocarphus brevissimus Psilocarphus brevissimus (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Psilocarphus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 17.5D'Plants not as above in every particularE (ASTERACEAE 19)F (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE) Psilocarphus (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Flowers conspicuously elevated above the involucre on a conic to subcylindric receptacle, leaves either finely dissected or ovate to lance-ovate`9Flowers not borne on a conspicuously elongated receptacle Flowers conspicuously elevated above the involucre on a conic to subcylindric receptacle, leaves either finely dissected or ovate to lance-ovateE (ASTERACEAE 20)F Chamomilla A Rudbeckia (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_DDisc flowers yellow-green, leaves finely dissected, herbage aromatic`]Disc flowers purple-black, leaves entire to toothed or rarely 3-5-lobed, herbage not aromatic 18.5D9Flowers not borne on a conspicuously elongated receptacleE (ASTERACEAE 21)F (ASTERACEAE)EAE)CEAE) (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_yInvolucre of bracts in a single fused series, that of at least the staminate flowers cup-shaped, 2-5 mm high, and nodding`aInvolucre with bracts in one or more series and free or, if partially fused the heads not nodding 19DDDisc flowers yellow-green, leaves finely dissected, herbage aromatic Chamomilla 1893I 1893J Chamomilla Chamomilla A Rudbeckia (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Chamomilla\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 19.519.5 19.5tic D]Disc flowers purple-black, leaves entire to toothed or rarely 3-5-lobed, herbage not aromatic A Rudbeckia 3666I 3666J Rudbeckia occidentalis Rudbeckia occidentalis Chamomilla (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Rudbeckia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 20DyInvolucre of bracts in a single fused series, that of at least the staminate flowers cup-shaped, 2-5 mm high, and noddingE (ASTERACEAE 22)F Ambrosia (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves pinnate to pinnatifid; plants monoecious, the pistillate flowers in upper leaf axils, 1-7 enclosed within hardened nutlike involucres`}Leaves entire or toothed, occasionally 3-5-lobed; plants not monoecious, each head with both staminate and pistillate flowers 20.5DaInvolucre with bracts in one or more series and free or, if partially fused the heads not noddingE (ASTERACEAE 23)F (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Pappus of hairlike bristles, these often minutely barbed, occasionally subplumose, often club-shaped in staminate flowers of Antennaria `,Pappus of scales or awns or a pappus lacking Leaves pinnate to pinnatifid; plants monoecious, the pistillate flowers in upper leaf axils, 1-7 enclosed within hardened nutlike involucres Ambrosia 2295C Kochia 2295G 2295H 2296I 2297J 2295N 2296O Kochia americana Kochia scoparia Kochia Kochia CHENOPODIACEAE[ Kochia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Subshrub or woody-based perennial herb; leaves more or less fleshy, often subterete, mostly about 1 mm wide, pubescent with crinkled to woolly hairs or glabrate`UAnnual; leaves not fleshy, flat and 2-8 mm wide, pubescent with appressed silky hairsd Kochia Continue into next key. Pappus of hairlike bristles, these often minutely barbed, occasionally subplumose, often club-shaped in staminate flowers of Antennaria E (ASTERACEAE 24)F (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves opposite or whorled`%Leaves alternate, at least at midstem 22.5D,Pappus of scales or awns or a pappus lackingE (ASTERACEAE 25)F Bidens (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Involucral bracts in 2 dimorphic series: the outer herbaceous, the inner membranous and striate; leaves compound with 3-5 distinct leaflets (rarely simple)`bInvolucral bracts not dimorphic as above; leaves simple, the blades in some species much dissected petals cream yellow rarely white purple wings petals entire shallowly notched fruit pubesce@ Involucral bracts not as above Leaves whorled, 3-6 per node; involucre chartaceous, greenish to rose- or purple-tinged, the bracts pale and firm, at least the outer 1 or 2 series prominently 3-5-nerved Eupatorium 3667I 3667J Eupatorium maculatum Eupatorium maculatum Arnica (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Eupatorium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 24.5DULeaves opposite; involucre herbaceous, the bracts leaflike and not prominently nerved Arnica petals cream yellow rarely white purple wings petals creamy white sepals narrowly membranous-mar petals deeply lobed silicles glabrous leaves petals diverse lobed petals diverse color cream yellow plants petals either least slightly shorter petals entire basal leaves wider cordate petals entire flowering stems leafless except debilis petals entire apically 3-lobed stamens opposite 1834I 1834J Arnica Arnica Eupatorium (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Arnica\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Principal involucral bracts in a single row, equal, herbaceous and frequently laterally overlapping, an inconspicuous outer series of bracts often subtending the principal ones, the bracts of one or both series sometimes black-tipped Senecio 2001I 2001J Senecio Senecio (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 25.5D Involucral bracts not as aboveE (ASTERACEAE 28)F (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE) Senecio (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_HHerbage woolly or closely gray-hairy on at least the lower leaf surfaces`DHerbage glabrous or variously pubescent but not conspicuously woolly 26DHHerbage woolly or closely gray-hairy on at least the lower leaf surfacesE (ASTERACEAE 29)F Antennaria (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_hPlants low and mat-forming, rarely more than 3 dm tall, dioecious; basal leaves persistent and prominent`'Plants not as above in every particular Continue into next key. 27.5D'Plants not as above in every particularE (ASTERACEAE 31)F A Anaphalis Gnaphalium Antennaria (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_9Leaves a brighter green above than below, involucre white`dLeaves not bicolored, equally hairy on both surfaces; involucre white to yellowish or greenish-brownt-forming, rarely more than 3 dm tall, dioecious; basal leaves persistent and prominent`'Plants not as above in every particular 26.5DDHerbage glabrous or variously pubescent but not conspicuously woolly in every particular 26.5DDHerbage glabrous or variously pubescent but not conspicuously woolly petals taprooted annuals@ petals white cream usually petioles terete slightly channeled above leaves dist@ photographs pinnae pistil weakly fused carpels styles fused pistils style elongate plumose maturity leaves plant vinelike@ plants plants lower leaves often hastately lobed plants densely woolly restricted valleys calyx lackin@ plants glaucous growing mostly lowland meadows plants lacking underground turions often mat-forming pedicel@ plants disturbed sites valleys@ plants valleys foothills outer involucral bracts aver@ plants moist sites@ Gnaphalium (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Anaphalis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 28.5DdLeaves not bicolored, equally hairy on both surfaces; involucre white to yellowish or greenish-brown Gnaphalium 1963I 1963J Gnaphalium Gnaphalium A Anaphalis (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Gnaphalium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Involucre 3-4.5 mm high, the inner bracts linear-lanceolate, to about 0.4 mm wide, each scarcely more than a green to brownish-green midrib with a narrow membranous margin Conyza 3669I 3669J Conyza canadensis Conyza canadensis (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Conyza\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 29.5DdInvolucre more than 4.5 mm high or the inner bracts more than 0.4 mm wide and not otherwise as aboveE (ASTERACEAE 32)F Brickellia (ASTERACEAE) 2271C Perennial herb mostly less than 6 dm tall, stems 1-several from a horizontal woody base, simple or sparingly branched; fruiting bracts to 6 mm long, dorsally smooth to variously appendaged but not winged Atriplex gardneri m high or the inner bracts more than 0.4 mm wide and not otherwise as aboveE (ASTERACEAE 32)F 682 a narrow membranous margin Conyza 3669I 3669J Conyza canadensis Conyza canadensis (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Conyza\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 29.5DdInvolucre more than 4.5 mm high or the inner bracts more than 0.4 mm wide and not otherwise as aboveE (ASTERACEAE 32)F 682an 0.4 mm wide and not otherwise as aboveE (ASTERACEAE 32)F ,DWInvolucral bracts not distinctly striate, leaves not both petioled and triangular-ovateE (ASTERACEAE 33)F A Centaurea (ASTERACEAE) Brickellia (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_wInvolucral bracts with a membranous upper portion, the outer bracts broad, the inner lanceolate with densely hairy tips` Involucral bracts not as above 31DwInvolucral bracts with a membranous upper portion, the outer bracts broad, the inner lanceolate with densely hairy tips A Centaurea 3662I 3662J Centaurea repens Centaurea repens (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Centaurea\ DICOTYLEDONS Conyza (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_jInvolucral bracts yellow-green with darker longitudinal lines, leaves petioled and mostly triangular-ovate`WInvolucral bracts not distinctly striate, leaves not both petioled and triangular-ovate 30DjInvolucral bracts yellow-green with darker longitudinal lines, leaves petioled and mostly triangular-ovate Brickellia 1887I 1887J Brickellia Brickellia (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Brickellia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 30.530.5 Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 31.5D Involucral bracts not as aboveE (ASTERACEAE 34)F Machaeranthera (ASTERACEAE) A Centaurea (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Involucral bracts with tips herbaceous and gland-dotted, at least some of them abruptly reflexed; leaves toothed to entire, the teeth when present minutely horny-tipped`gInvolucral bracts not both gland-dotted and reflexed; leaves diverse, teeth if present not horny-tipped Involucral bracts with tips herbaceous and gland-dotted, at least some of them abruptly reflexed; leaves toothed to entire, the teeth when present minutely horny-tipped Machaeranthera 1993I 1993J Machaeranthera Machaeranthera (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Machaeranthera\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 32.5DgInvolucral bracts not both gland-dotted and reflexed; leaves diverse, teeth if present not horny-tippedE (ASTERACEAE 35)F Petradoria (ASTERACEAE) Machaeranthera (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Involucre pale-chartaceous and shiny with resin, heads in compact terminal clusters; basal leaf blades thick and usually stiffly ascending, narrowly elongate, 3-5-nervedrved rse, teeth if present not horny-tippedE (ASTERACEAE 35)F Petradoria (ASTERACEAE) Machaeranthera Machaeranthera (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Machaeranthera\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 32.5DgInvolucral bracts not both gland-dotted and reflexed; leaves diverse, teeth if present not horny-tippedE (ASTERACEAE 35)F Petradoria (ASTERACEAE) Machaeranthera Aster Petradoria (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves ternately dissected` Leaves entire or toothed Leaves ternately dissected Erigeron compositus 1923I 1923J Erigeron compositus Erigeron compositus Aster (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Basal leaves ternately divided` Basal leaves ternately divided 34.5D Leaves entire or toothed Aster 1856I 1856J Aster Aster 2255C Annual with an erect threadlike stem leafy only on the lower half; sepals 3-5 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, long-tapered to a fine tip Stellaria nitens 2254G 2256H 2255I 2255J 2255N 2257O Show Description & Photos (Stellaria) (Stellaria) 2251C Stems with a distinct line of curly hairs on one side below the upper leaves; plants of disturbed sites in the valleys and foothills Stellaria media 2250G 2252H 2251I 2251J 2251N 2253O Show Description & Photos (Stellaria) A Stellaria Erigeron compositus (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Aster\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. petals lacking minute fleshy lobes epigynous petals laterally fringed lower basal leaves petals lavender purple pinkish petals lavender purple rarely white sepals typically petals petals lobed flowering stems leafy leaves deeply lobed petals mostly least purple rarely Continue into next key. 37.5DBasal or stem leaves pinnately or ternately lobed to dissected`?Leaves (leaflets) entire or toothed, occasionally 1- or 2-cleftd GROUP C: Both, rays Y, Or 1D>Basal or stem leaves pinnately or ternately lobed to dissectedE (ASTERACEAE 44)F Layia (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE) GROUP C: Both, rays Y, Or ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_nFoothill annual, leaf lobes toothlike, involucre with spreading hairs and large dark glands, rays 5-12 mm wide`HPerennials, leaves distinctly lobed, OR the plant not otherwise as above 1.5711J (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE) (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Layia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 2.5DHPerennials, leaves distinctly lobed, OR the plant not otherwise as aboveE (ASTERACEAE 46)F A Hymenoxys (ASTERACEAE) Layia (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_{Pappus of well-developed scales, leaf lobes linear, heads 4-7 cm in diameter including the rays, plants subalpine to alpine`EPappus of hairlike bristles or lacking, plants not otherwise as above 3D{Pappus of well-developed scales, leaf lobes linear, heads 4-7 cm in diameter including the rays, plants subalpine to alpine A Hymenoxys 3673I 3673J Hymenoxys grandiflora Hymenoxys grandiflora (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Hymenoxys\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 3.5DEPappus of hairlike bristles or lacking, plants not otherwise as aboveE (ASTERACEAE 47)F Senecio (ASTERACEAE) A Hymenoxys (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_+Pappus of numerous, soft, hairlike bristles` Pappus none or vestigial 4D+Pappus of numerous, soft, hairlike bristles Senecio 2001I stands star-shaped stellate stellate-hairy stemB Senecio Senecio (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Pappus none or vestigialE (ASTERACEAE 48)F Balsamorhiza Anthemis tinctoria Senecio (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_,Leaves chiefly basal, the blades 1-6 dm long`2Leaves entirely cauline, the blades to O.5 dm long 5D,Leaves chiefly basal, the blades 1-6 dm long Balsamorhiza these this@ throughout times toothed transparent 1879I 1879J Balsamorhiza Balsamorhiza Anthemis tinctoria (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Balsamorhiza\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 5.5D2Leaves entirely cauline, the blades to O.5 dm long Anthemis tinctoria 1833I 1833J Anthemis tinctoria Anthemis tinctoria Balsamorhiza (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Anthemis\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Rays yellow, ultimate leaf segments often at least 2 mm wide and toothed; leaves conspicuously gray-hairy, at least beneath; achenes compressed and 4-angled` Rays yellow, ultimate leaf segments often at least 2 mm wide and toothed; leaves conspicuously gray-hairy, at least beneath; achenes compressed and 4-angled Basal leaves at least half as long as the flowering stem, the blades 1-6 dm long, arrowhead-shaped or oblong; heads at least 5 cm wide overallE (ASTERACEAE 49)F Balsamorhiza sagittata Wyethia (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_XBasal leaf blades mostly broadly arrowhead-shaped, gray-green to silvery; pappus lacking 2247C Stipules apparently 2 per node (those on young shoots fused at the base and sheathing the node), mostly triangular and short-tapered or erose at the tip; stamens and styles diverse; seeds often winged (Spergularia) 2245G 2246H 2248I 2249J 2247N 2247O Spergularia marina P`hBasal leaf blades oblong to elliptic, dark green; pappus a short crown, sometimes with awnlike processes Basal leaves when present less than half as long as the stem, OR the blades not as above and the heads less than 5 cm in diameterE (ASTERACEAE 50)F Madia (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Each involucral bract completely enfolding a ray flower, the involucre thus appearing grooved; pappus none; tar-scented annuals`_Each involucral bract not completely enfolding a marginal flower, plants not otherwise as above 7DXBasal leaf blades mostly broadly arrowhead-shaped, gray-green to silvery; pappus lacking Balsamorhiza sagittata 1880I 1880J Balsamorhiza sagittata Balsamorhiza sagittata Wyethia (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Balsamorhiza\ DICOTYLEDONS_cBasal leaves arrowhead-shaped, entire or nearly so, gray-green to silvery-white, especially beneath`cBasal leaves arrowhead-shaped, entire or nearly so, gray-green to silvery-white, especially beneath 7.5DhBasal leaf blades oblong to elliptic, dark green; pappus a short crown, sometimes with awnlike processes Wyethia 3674I 3674J Wyethia amplexicaulis Wyethia amplexicaulis Balsamorhiza sagittata (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Wyethia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Each involucral bract completely enfolding a ray flower, the involucre thus appearing grooved; pappus none; tar-scented annuals Madia 1998I 1998J Madia Madia (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Madia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 8.5D_Each involucral bract not completely enfolding a marginal flower, plants not otherwise as aboveE (ASTERACEAE 51)F Flowers 1-numerous in a terminal inflorescence; perianth segments various; anthers not awned; fruit a capsule or a berry, the latter sometimes red but the surface then distinctly papillose (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE) Madia (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_*Leaves opposite near midstem or throughout`/Leaves alternate near midstem or entirely basal 9D*Leaves opposite near midstem or throughoutE (ASTERACEAE 52)F Bidens (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Involucral bracts in 2 dimorphic series: the outer herbaceous, the inner membranous with dark lines; pappus of rigid, retrorsely barbed awns persistent on the achene`FInvolucral bracts not dimorphic as above, pappus not retrorsely barbed 9.5D/Leaves alternate near midstem or entirely basal (ASTERACEAE) (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONSDONSTERACEAE 51)F W_GSubshrubs or suffrutescent herbs, stems distinctly woody above the base`MHerbs, the stems herbaceous to the base, dying back at the end of each season Involucral bracts in 2 dimorphic series: the outer herbaceous, the inner membranous with dark lines; pappus of rigid, retrorsely barbed awns persistent on the achene Bidens 1884I 1884J Bidens Bidens (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Bidens\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 10.5DFInvolucral bracts not dimorphic as above, pappus not retrorsely barbed (ASTERACEAE) Arnica (ASTERACEAE) Bidens (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_9Pappus of minutely barbed to subplumose hairlike bristles`-Pappus when present of scales or awns or both 11D9Pappus of minutely barbed to subplumose hairlike bristles Arnica 1834I 1834J Arnica Arnica (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Arnica\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 11.5D-Pappus when present of scales or awns or both (ASTERACEAE) Viguiera (ASTERACEAE) Arnica (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Pappus none, involucre 5-13 mm high, in one species with secondary leaves or a branch commonly arising from axils of the primary leaves, one species restricted to wet places` Pappus of awns or scales or both; involucre 10-30 mm high; secondary leaf clusters and branches not a conspicuous feature if present; plants of mesic to dry places Pappus none, involucre 5-13 mm high, in one species with secondary leaves or a branch commonly arising from axils of the primary leaves, one species restricted to wet places Viguiera 2052I 2052J Viguiera Viguiera (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Viguiera\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 12.5D Pappus of awns or scales or both; involucre 10-30 mm high; secondary leaf clusters and branches not a conspicuous feature if present; plants of mesic to dry places (ASTERACEAE) Helianthella Helianthus Viguiera (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_nPappus of 2 persistent, slender awns, usually with short intermediate scales; disc corollas and anthers yellow` Pappus of readily deciduous, lanceolate scales; either the lobes of the disc corollas purple-brown or the anthers black-striped 13E)Z ASTERACEAE ^DnPappus of 2 persistent, slender awns, usually with short intermediate scales; disc corollas and anthers yellow Helianthella 3675I 3675J Helianthella uniflora Helianthella uniflora Helianthus (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Helianthella\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 13.5D Pappus of readily deciduous, lanceolate scales; either the lobes of the disc corollas purple-brown or the anthers black-striped Helianthus 1975I 1975J Helianthus Helianthus Helianthella (ASTERACEAE) ASTERACEAE[ Helianthus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 14DGSubshrubs or suffrutescent herbs, stems distinctly woody above the base (ASTERACEAE) Perityle (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS scales; either the lobes of the disc corollas purple-brown or the anthers black-striped Helianthus 1975I 1975J Helianthus Leaves ovate or nearly so, 0.5-2 cm long, subentire to toothed or 3-5-lobed; heads solitary at the tips of stems and branches; pappus of a single stiff bristle borne on a minute crown of scales; plants of the valleys`VLeaves narrowly elongate or obovate, plants not otherwise as above in every particular 14.5DMHerbs, the stems herbaceous to the base, dying back at the end of each season (ASTERACEAE) (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Involucre shiny with resin, less than 1 cm high, the bracts pale-chartaceous throughout or green-tipped; leaves gland-dotted to glandular-punctate or resinous along the veins, not stipitate-glandular`rInvolucre not shiny-resinous, in some species more than 1 cm high, the bracts green to chartaceous; leaves diverse Leaves ovate or nearly so, 0.5-2 cm long, subentire to toothed or 3-5-lobed; heads solitary at the tips of stems and branches; pappus of a single stiff bristle borne on a minute crown of scales; plants of the valleys Perityle 3676I 3676J Perityle stansburii Perityle stansburii (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Perityle\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 15.5DVLeaves narrowly elongate or obovate, plants not otherwise as above in every particular (ASTERACEAE) Xanthocephalum (ASTERACEAE) Perityle (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Principal leaves linear, rarely to 3 mm wide, glandular-punctate and often minutely scabrous-hairy, not glandular-stipitate; pappus of minute scales`qPrincipal leaves either more than 3 mm wide or coarsely hairy to stipitate-glandular, pappus of hairlike bristles Principal leaves linear, rarely to 3 mm wide, glandular-punctate and often minutely scabrous-hairy, not glandular-stipitate; pappus of minute scales Xanthocephalum 3678I 3678J Xanthocephalum sarothrae Xanthocephalum sarothrae (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Xanthocephalumhalumalum DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 16.5DqPrincipal leaves either more than 3 mm wide or coarsely hairy to stipitate-glandular, pappus of hairlike bristles (ASTERACEAE) Haplopappus rydbergii Heterotheca Xanthocephalum (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_kSubshrub with herbage stipitate-glandular, heads mostly clustered, involucre 3-6 mm wide, rays to 6 mm long` Suffrutescent herb, herbage coarsely hairy or variously glandular or both, heads mostly solitary on stems and branches, involucre more than 6 mm wide, rays 6-20 mm long 17DkSubshrub with herbage stipitate-glandular, heads mostly clustered, involucre 3-6 mm wide, rays to 6 mm long Haplopappus rydbergii 1970I 1970J Haplopappus rydbergii Haplopappus rydbergii Heterotheca (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ DICOTYLEDONS_QTwigs stipitate-glandular; involucre 5-8 mm high, the bracts distinctly imbricate`QTwigs stipitate-glandular; involucre 5-8 mm high, the bracts distinctly imbricate 17.5D Suffrutescent herb, herbage coarsely hairy or variously glandular or both, heads mostly solitary on stems and branches, involucre more than 6 mm wide, rays 6-20 mm long Heterotheca 3677I 3677J Heterotheca villosa Heterotheca villosa Haplopappus rydbergii (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Heterotheca\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Involucre shiny with resin, less than 1 cm high, the bracts pale-chartaceous throughout or green-tipped; leaves gland-dotted to glandular-punctate or resinous along the veins, not stipitate-glandular (ASTERACEAE) A Grindelia (ASTERACEAE)EAE)F (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves, or some of them, toothed; involucre wider than long, at least the outer bracts with the slender green tips strongly recurved; pappus of 2-6 deciduous awns` Leaves entire; involucre mostly longer than wide, the bracts not recurved at the tips; pappus of either minute scales or hairlike bristles 18.5DrInvolucre not shiny-resinous, in some species more than 1 cm high, the bracts green to chartaceous; leaves diverse (ASTERACEAE) Layia (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Foothill annual with rays to 2 cm long and at least 5 mm wide, involucres with spreading hairs and large dark glands, pappus scales of disc achenes partially obscured by an outer ring of long hairs` Plants not as above (ASTERACEAE) Leaves, or some of them, toothed; involucre wider than long, at least the outer bracts with the slender green tips strongly recurved; pappus of 2-6 deciduous awns A Grindelia 3671I 3671J Grindelia squarrosa Grindelia squarrosa (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Grindelia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 19.5D Leaves entire; involucre mostly longer than wide, the bracts not recurved at the tips; pappus of either minute scales or hairlike bristles (ASTERACEAE) Xanthocephalum (ASTERACEAE) A Grindelia (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_9Leaves linear, to 3 mm wide, pappus of 8-10 minute scales``Some of the leaves more than 3 mm wide OR, if linear throughout, the pappus of hairlike bristles 20D9Leaves linear, to 3 mm wide, pappus of 8-10 minute scales Xanthocephalum 3678I 3678J Xanthocephalum sarothrae Xanthocephalum sarothrae (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Xanthocephalum\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 20.5D`Some of the leaves more than 3 mm wide OR, if linear throughout, the pappus of hairlike bristles (ASTERACEAE) Solidago occidentalis Petradoria Xanthocephalum (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_kPlants 5-20 dm tall, typically occupying wet sites; involucral bracts thin and papery; basal leaves lacking`gPlants to 3 dm tall, occupying dry slopes; involucral bracts thick and leathery; basal leaves prominent 21DkPlants 5-20 dm tall, typically occupying wet sites; involucral bracts thin and papery; basal leaves lacking Solidago occidentalis 2033I 2033J Solidago occidentalis Solidago occidentalis Petradoria (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Solidago\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Herbage minutely glandular-punctate; involucre resinous, the bracts acute; plants of valleys and foothills, mostly 5-20 dm tall` Herbage minutely glandular-punctate; involucre resinous, the bracts acute; plants of valleys and foothills, mostly 5-20 dm tall 21.5DgPlants to 3 dm tall, occupying dry slopes; involucral bracts thick and leathery; basal leaves prominent Petradoria 3670I 3670J Petradoria pumila Petradoria pumila Solidago occidentalis 22.5D Plants not as above (ASTERACEAE) (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE) Layia (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_@Pappus of hairlike, smooth to plumose bristles, at least in part` Pappus of scales awns, or lacking (in Layia scales present on disc achenes only and partially obscured by an outer ring of long hairs) 23D@Pappus of hairlike, smooth to plumose bristles, at least in part (ASTERACEAE) Senecio (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Layia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Petradoria\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Principal involucral bracts equal in a single series, often laterally overlapping and thickened on the backs, most species with inconspicuous outer bracts, one or both series of bracts black-tipped in some species; pappus copious, of soft white hairlike bristles `(Involucral bracts or pappus not as above 23.5D Pappus of scales awns, or lacking (in Layia scales present on disc achenes only and partially obscured by an outer ring of long hairs) (ASTERACEAE) (ASTERACEAE) Viguiera (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_HPappus of at least the disc flowers consisting of scales or awns or both`+Pappus lacking on both ray and disc flowers Principal involucral bracts equal in a single series, often laterally overlapping and thickened on the backs, most species with inconspicuous outer bracts, one or both series of bracts black-tipped in some species; pappus copious, of soft white hairlike bristles Senecio 2001I 2001J Senecio Senecio (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 24.5D(Involucral bracts or pappus not as above (ASTERACEAE) Heterotheca (ASTERACEAE) Senecio (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS 9Herbage conspicuously hairy or stipitate-glandular throughout; stems 1-many, usually branched; involucre 6-12 mm high, the bracts pale to greenish, distinctly imbricate, narrow and sharply acute; pappus typically in 2 series, the outer much shorter than the inner (rarely lacking); plants of valleys to midmontane `tHerbage not conspicuously hairy or glandular throughout OR, if so, the plants not as above in every other particular 9Herbage conspicuously hairy or stipitate-glandular throughout; stems 1-many, usually branched; involucre 6-12 mm high, the bracts pale to greenish, distinctly imbricate, narrow and sharply acute; pappus typically in 2 series, the outer much shorter than the inner (rarely lacking); plants of valleys to midmontane Heterotheca 3677I 3677J Senecio Heterotheca villosa Heterotheca villosa (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Heterotheca\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 25.5DtHerbage not conspicuously hairy or glandular throughout OR, if so, the plants not as above in every other particular (ASTERACEAE) Haplopappus Solidago Heterotheca (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS9H 3677I 3677J w_CInvolucre 7-12 mm high, rays 4-12 mm long, heads 1-several per stem`WInvolucre 2-6 mm high, rays rarely as much as 6 mm long, heads few to numerous per stem 26DCInvolucre 7-12 mm high, rays 4-12 mm long, heads 1-several per stem Haplopappus 1966I 1966J Haplopappus Haplopappus Solidago (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 26.5DWInvolucre 2-6 mm high, rays rarely as much as 6 mm long, heads few to numerous per stem Solidago 2028I 2028J Solidago Solidago Haplopappus (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Solidago\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 27DHPappus of at least the disc flowers consisting of scales or awns or both (ASTERACEAE) Helenium (ASTERACEAE) Viguiera (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Receptacle subglobose to broadly dome-shaped at maturity, leaves either decurrent on the stem as narrow wings or strongly sheathing at the base of the stemstem9G 2028I 2028J z`VReceptacle flat to slightly convex, leaves neither decurrent nor sheathing at the base 27.5D+Pappus lacking on both ray and disc flowers Viguiera 2052I 2052J Viguiera Viguiera (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Viguiera\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Receptacle subglobose to broadly dome-shaped at maturity, leaves either decurrent on the stem as narrow wings or strongly sheathing at the base of the stem Helenium 3679I 3679J Helenium Helenium 2196C Physaria 2196H 2197I 2198J 2196N 2197O Physaria acutifolia Physaria chambersii Physaria Physaria BRASSICACEAEACEAE }`qPappus consisting of a short crown and 2 persistent awns, disc corollas and anthers yellow, plants 0.2-1.2 m tall Pappus of 2 (rarely more) readily deciduous scales; disc corollas dark brown or, if yellow, the anthers black-striped; plants 0.5-3(4) m tall Helianthus 1975I 1975J Helianthus Helianthus Helianthella (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Helianthus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 29.5DqPappus consisting of a short crown and 2 persistent awns, disc corollas and anthers yellow, plants 0.2-1.2 m tall Helianthella (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Helenium\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Receptacle subglobose to broadly dome-shaped at maturity, leaves either decurrent on the stem as narrow wings or strongly sheathing at the base of the stem` Receptacle subglobose to broadly dome-shaped at maturity, leaves either decurrent on the stem as narrow wings or strongly sheathing at the base of the stem 28.5DVReceptacle flat to slightly convex, leaves neither decurrent nor sheathing at the base (ASTERACEAE) Helianthus Helianthella Helenium (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Pappus of 2 (rarely more) readily deciduous scales; disc corollas dark brown or, if yellow, the anthers black-striped; plants 0.5-3(4) m tall 3675I 3675J Helianthella uniflora Helianthella uniflora Helianthus (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Helianthella\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 0DrGroup D Heads with both ray and disc flowers, the rays blue to purple, pink, or white; no part of the plant spiny. A!GROUP D: Both, rays Bu, Pu, Pk, W (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE)T!GROUP D: Both, rays Bu, Pu, Pk, WU ASTERACEAE: Group DZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_1Principal leaves deeply lobed to finely dissectedcted `pPrincipal leaves entire or toothed to shallowly lobed, rarely a few nonpersistent basal leaves more deeply lobedd!GROUP D: Both, rays Bu, Pu, Pk, W 1D1Principal leaves deeply lobed to finely dissected (ASTERACEAE) Achillea (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE) A!GROUP D: Both, rays Bu, Pu, Pk, W ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_hRays ovate to suborbicular, 2-3(4) mm long; pappus none; leaves mostly narrowly oblong, finely dissected`\Rays longer than broad, often more than 4 mm long; pappus present or lacking; leaves diverse 1.5DpPrincipal leaves entire or toothed to shallowly lobed, rarely a few nonpersistent basal leaves more deeply lobed (ASTERACEAE) (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE)EAE) (ASTERACEAE)U!GROUP D: Both, rays Bu, Pu, Pk, WZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Pappus lacking on disc flowers` Pappus present on disc flowers 2DhRays ovate to suborbicular, 2-3(4) mm long; pappus none; leaves mostly narrowly oblong, finely dissected Achillea 3682I 3682J Achillea millefolium Achillea millefolium (ASTERACEAE)U (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Achillea\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 2.5D\Rays longer than broad, often more than 4 mm long; pappus present or lacking; leaves diverse (ASTERACEAE) Erigeron compositus (ASTERACEAE) Achillea (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_Style (beak) 2.5-4 mm long, leaves pubescent with simple hairs 21.5DXFruiting pedicels narrowly divergent to recurved or deflexed siliques erect to pendulous (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsS (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Siliques more than 5 cm long` Siliques 0.3-5 cm long 22DPStyle less than 1 mm long, leaf blades glabrous or pubescent with branched hairs (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Arabis glabra Rorippa (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Rorippa\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 20.5D&Plants not as above in every character (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsS (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Rorippa (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_;Fruiting pedicels and siliques erect-appressed or nearly so`XFruiting pedicels narrowly divergent to recurved or deflexed siliques erect to pendulous 2104C Siliques quadrangular to subterete, 1-1.3 mm wide, the expanded stigma as wide as the mature silique or nearly so; sepals not pouched at the base; upper leaves entirely glabrous Arabis glabra 2102G 2105H 2104I 2104J 2104N 2106O Show Description & Photos Arabis hirsuta (Arabis) Silique beak (style) to 4 mm long, terete, slender, inconspicuously 1-nerved; fruiting pedicels mostly strictly appressed to the rachis` Silique beak (style) to 4 mm long, terete, slender, inconspicuously 1-nerved; fruiting pedicels mostly strictly appressed to the rachis 23D=Siliques 4-10 cm long, petals cream, leaves entire or toothed Arabis glabra 2104I 2104J Arabis glabra Arabis glabra Descurainia (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Arabis\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONSSSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Brassica\ DICOTYLEDONS Descurainia Brassica nigra (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_=Siliques 4-10 cm long, petals cream, leaves entire or toothed`MSiliques to 3 cm long, petals yellow, leaves at least once pinnately compound 22.5D>Style (beak) 2.5-4 mm long, leaves pubescent with simple hairs Brassica nigra 2128I 2128J Brassica nigra Brassica nigra (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Brassica\ DICOTYLEDONS Siliques quadrangular to subterete, 1-1.3 mm wide, the expanded stigma as wide as the mature silique or nearly so; sepals not pouched at the base; upper leaves entirely glabrous` Siliques quadrangular to subterete, 1-1.3 mm wide, the expanded stigma as wide as the mature silique or nearly so; sepals not pouched at the base; upper leaves entirely glabrous 23.5DMSiliques to 3 cm long, petals yellow, leaves at least once pinnately compound Descurainia 2138I 2138J Descurainia Descurainia Arabis glabra (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Descurainia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Plants growing in shallow water; leaves compound, glabrous or nearly so; siliques 1-3 cm long, the style to 1.2 mm long; seeds in 2 rows on each side of the replum`|Plants in dry to moist sites, not semi-aquatic; leaves and siliques diverse but not with the above combination of characters 25DnPlants of midmontane, 6-24 dm tall; leaves petioled throughout, some of them hastately lobed, otherwise entire Chlorocrambe 3759I 3759J Chlorocrambe hastata Chlorocrambe hastata (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Chlorocrambe\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Siliques more than 5 cm long (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Chlorocrambe (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_nPlants of midmontane, 6-24 dm tall; leaves petioled throughout, some of them hastately lobed, otherwise entire` Plants typically occurring at lower elevations, 2-lO(l5) dm tall; stem leaves either sessile or pinnately lobed to compound, not hastate 24.5D Siliques 0.3-5 cm long (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Nasturtium (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS 2085C Plagiobothrys Fruiting pedicels to 1 cm long and as stout as the fruit or nearly so; siliques not distinctly constricted between the seeds; leaves pinnatifid to pinnate, the upper leaves with linear segments Sisymbrium 3766I 3766J Sisymbrium altissimum Sisymbrium altissimum (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Sisymbrium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 26.5D Fruiting pedicels often more than 1 cm long and more slender than the fruit; siliques often constricted between the seeds; leaves ovate to broadly oblong or lanceolate, entire or nearly so 25.5D Plants typically occurring at lower elevations, 2-lO(l5) dm tall; stem leaves either sessile or pinnately lobed to compound, not hastate (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Sisymbrium (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Chlorocrambe (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Fruiting pedicels to 1 cm long and as stout as the fruit or nearly so; siliques not distinctly constricted between the seeds; leaves pinnatifid to pinnate, the upper leaves with linear segments` Fruiting pedicels often more than 1 cm long and more slender than the fruit; siliques often constricted between the seeds; leaves ovate to broadly oblong or lanceolate, entire or nearly so (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits A Conringia Thelypodium Sisymbrium (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_6Siliques 6-13 cm long and 1.5-2 mm wide, petals yellow`MSiliques 2-6.5 cm long and to 1.2 mm wide, petals white to lavender or purple 27D6Siliques 6-13 cm long and 1.5-2 mm wide, petals yellow A Conringia 3767I 3767J Conringia orientalis Conringia orientalis Thelypodium (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Conringiangia DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 27.5DMSiliques 2-6.5 cm long and to 1.2 mm wide, petals white to lavender or purple Thelypodium 3758I 3758J Thelypodium sagittatum Thelypodium sagittatum A Conringia (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Thelypodium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 28(BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Conringia Plants growing in shallow water; leaves compound, glabrous or nearly so; siliques 1-3 cm long, the style to 1.2 mm long; seeds in 2 rows on each side of the replum Nasturtium 3720I 3720J Nasturtium officinale Nasturtium officinale (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Nasturtium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 28.5D|Plants in dry to moist sites, not semi-aquatic; leaves and siliques diverse but not with the above combination of characters (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsS (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Nasturtium (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_5Style of mature fruit obsolete or less than 1 mm long`(Style of mature fruit at least 1 mm long 29D5Style of mature fruit obsolete or less than 1 mm long (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsS (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_iLeaves pubescent with mostly branched hairs, rarely stipitate-glandular throughout; siliques to 3 cm long`FLeaves pubescent with simple hairs or glabrous, siliques l.5-5 cm long 29.5D(Style of mature fruit at least 1 mm long (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsS (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) Fruitsruitsuits87J (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Upper leaves sessile and auriculate-clasping, or the short petioles lobed at the point of attachment to the stem and the lobes stem-clasping`1Upper leaves when present not auriculate-clasping 30DiLeaves pubescent with mostly branched hairs, rarely stipitate-glandular throughout; siliques to 3 cm long (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Descurainia Arabidopsis (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_wLeaves chiefly cauline, at least the lower 1-3 times pinnate; branched hairs dendritic, minute, and soft; petals yellow`vLeaves chiefly basal, simple, entire or toothed; branched hairs relatively coarse, mostly 2- or 3-forked; petals white 30.5ruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits DFLeaves pubescent with simple hairs or glabrous, siliques l.5-5 cm long (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Cardamine hirsuta Barbarea orthoceras (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants of disturbed sites in the valleys and foothills, leaves short-hairy on the upper surface, petals white, siliques 1.5-2.5 cm long ` Plants of native habitats, foothills to subalpine; leaves glabrous or sparsely hairy with long spreading hairs; petals yellow; siliques 2-5 cm long 31DwLeaves chiefly cauline, at least the lower 1-3 times pinnate; branched hairs dendritic, minute, and soft; petals yellow Descurainia 2138I 2138J Descurainia Descurainia Arabidopsis (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Descurainia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 31.5DvLeaves chiefly basal, simple, entire or toothed; branched hairs relatively coarse, mostly 2- or 3-forked; petals white Arabidopsis 3768I 3768J Arabidopsis thaliana Arabidopsis thaliana Descurainia (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Plants of disturbed sites in the valleys and foothills, leaves short-hairy on the upper surface, petals white, siliques 1.5-2.5 cm long Cardamine hirsuta 2132I 2132J Cardamine hirsuta Cardamine hirsuta Barbarea orthoceras (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Cardamine\ DICOTYLEDONSDONScurainia _QLeaves pinnately compound, plants of disturbed sites in the valleys and foothills`QLeaves pinnately compound, plants of disturbed sites in the valleys and foothills 32.5D Plants of native habitats, foothills to subalpine; leaves glabrous or sparsely hairy with long spreading hairs; petals yellow; siliques 2-5 cm long Barbarea orthoceras 2124I 2124J Barbarea orthoceras Barbarea orthoceras Cardamine hirsuta (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Barbarea\ DICOTYLEDONSDONSZ BRASSICACEAE[ Cardamine\ DICOTYLEDONS Style of mature fruit to 1 mm long; siliques 2-5 cm long; petals 3-5 mm long; upper leaves pinnatifid or, if merely toothed, mostly oblanceolate and narrowed to a winged petiole` Style of mature fruit to 1 mm long; siliques 2-5 cm long; petals 3-5 mm long; upper leaves pinnatifid or, if merely toothed, mostly oblanceolate and narrowed to a winged petiole Upper leaves sessile and auriculate-clasping, or the short petioles lobed at the point of attachment to the stem and the lobes stem-clasping (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Thelypodium Barbarea (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ULeaves simple and entire, siliques to 1.2 mm wide, petals white to lavender or purple`LLeaves pinnate to pinnatifid or toothed, siliques 1-2 mm wide, petals yellow 33.5D1Upper leaves when present not auriculate-clasping (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Diplotaxis A Cardamine (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves chiefly basal, oblanceolate to oblong in outline, pinnatifid to toothed or rarely entire; petals yellow; siliques with seeds in 2 rows on each side of the replum` Leaves either prominently cauline, simple, and about as wide as long or chiefly basal and pinnately compound; siliques with seeds in 1 row on each side of the replum 34DULeaves simple and entire, siliques to 1.2 mm wide, petals white to lavender or purple Thelypodium 3758I 3758J Thelypodium sagittatum iliques 1-2 mm wide, petals yellow 2081C 3DPCalyx 4-13 mm long, the lobes typically acute at the apex; anthers 2.5-4 mm long Mertensia arizonica 2079G 2082H 2081I 2081J 2081N 2083O Show Description & Photos Mertensia ciliata Thelypodium sagittatum Barbarea (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ TheIypodium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. A Cardamine 2130I 2130J A Cardamine A Cardamine Diplotaxis (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Cardamine\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Silicles terete or nearly so and at least twice as long as wide, short-cylindric to club-shaped or fusiform, not more than 2 mm wide (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Descurainia californica Rorippa (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits 2034C Herbage not glandular-punctate; involucre not resinous, the bracts obtuse to abruptly acute; plants of midmontane, rarely more than 5 dm tall Solidago missouriensis 2031G 2033H 2034I 2034J 2034N 2034O Show Description & Photos Solidago occidentalis (Solidago)dago) (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants pubescent at least below with minute branched hairs, rarely glabrous throughout; at least the lower leaves pinnately compound; stems erect, at least 3.5 dm tall`xPlants glabrous or rarely with a few simple hairs; leaves entire to pinnatifid; stems prostrate to erect, 0.5-10 dm long 36.5D4Silicles either not cylindric or more than 2 mm wide (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsS (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_`Silicles inflated and pubescent to some degree with sessile, stellate, sometimes scalelike hairs`-Silicles not both inflated and stellate-hairy Plants pubescent at least below with minute branched hairs, rarely glabrous throughout; at least the lower leaves pinnately compound; stems erect, at least 3.5 dm tall Fruits Descurainia californica 2143I 2143J Descurainia californica Descurainia californica Rorippa (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Descurainia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Siliques 3-5(7) mm long and to 1.3 mm wide, narrowly ellipsoid to club-shaped, with a style 0.2-0.5 mm long; seeds 1-3(4) on each side of the replum; herbage not stipitate-glandular; plants of mesic sites` Siliques 3-5(7) mm long and to 1.3 mm wide, narrowly ellipsoid to club-shaped, with a style 0.2-0.5 mm long; seeds 1-3(4) on each side of the replum; herbage not stipitate-glandular; plants of mesic sites 37.5 stems erect, at least 3.5 dm tall DxPlants glabrous or rarely with a few simple hairs; leaves entire to pinnatifid; stems prostrate to erect, 0.5-10 dm long Rorippa 2199I 2199J Rorippa Rorippa Descurainia californica Rorippa BRASSICACEAE[ Rorippa\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 38D`Silicles inflated and pubescent to some degree with sessile, stellate, sometimes scalelike hairs (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Physaria Lesquerella (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_\Silicles didymous, each valve balloonlike and free at the apex, the fruit thus notched above`\Silicles not didymous, the valves fused throughout, the fruit rounded and entire at the apex 38.5D-Silicles not both inflated and stellate-hairy (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsS (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Silicles compressed at right angles to the narrow replum, with the line of dehiscence down the middle of the flattened surface, the valves flat to moderately inflated`QSilicles either compressed parallel with the broad replum or globose or nearly so 39D\Silicles didymous, each valve balloonlike and free at the apex, the fruit thus notched above Physaria 2196I 2196J Physaria Physaria Lesquerella (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Physaria\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 39.5D\Silicles not didymous, the valves fused throughout, the fruit rounded and entire at the apex Lesquerella 3770I 3770J Lesquerella Lesquerella Physaria (BRASSICACEAE)Z BRASSICACEAE[ Lesquerella\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Silicles compressed at right angles to the narrow replum, with the line of dehiscence down the middle of the flattened surface, the valves flat to moderately inflated (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Capsella (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Silicles triangular to obcordate, 3-5 mm wide and flat or nearly so across the apex, tapered to an acute base; style to 0.5 mm long, seeds 6-12 on each side of the replum; plants of valleys to midmontane` Silicles not both 3-5 mm wide at the apex and tapered to an acute base, OR the plants not otherwise as above in every particular 40.5DQSilicles either compressed parallel with the broad replum or globose or nearly so (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsS (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_fSilicles strongly to moderately compressed parallel with the broad replum, dehiscing along the margins` Silicles globose or nearly so Silicles triangular to obcordate, 3-5 mm wide and flat or nearly so across the apex, tapered to an acute base; style to 0.5 mm long, seeds 6-12 on each side of the replum; plants of valleys to midmontane Capsella 3775I 3775J Capsella bursa-pastoris Capsella bursa-pastoris (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Capsella\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 41.5D Silicles not both 3-5 mm wide at the apex and tapered to an acute base, OR the plants not otherwise as above in every particular (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsS (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Capsella (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_GSilicles winged, at least at the apex, the wings forming a stylar notch`/Silicles neither winged nor notched at the apex 42DGSilicles winged, at least at the apex, the wings forming a stylar notch (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Thlaspi montanum (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Style 1-4 mm long; silicles oblanceolate to obcordate; leaves entire to toothed, those of the stem auriculate-clasping; plants of midmontane to alpine`xStyle obsolete or to 1 mm long; plants of the lower valleys to upper montane, not otherwise as above in every particular 42.5D/Silicles neither winged nor notched at the apex (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Hutchinsia (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Silicles mostly elliptic; seeds (2)3-10 on each side of the replum; pubescence if any of branched hairs; low annual of the valleys, often in alkaline to saline soil soil Silicles about as broad as long or oblanceolate, seeds 1(2) on either side of the replum, pubescence if any of simple hairs, perennials of diverse habitats Style 1-4 mm long; silicles oblanceolate to obcordate; leaves entire to toothed, those of the stem auriculate-clasping; plants of midmontane to alpine Thlaspi montanum 2206I 2206J Thlaspi montanum Thlaspi montanum (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Thlaspi\ DICOTYLEDONS_vSilicles 5-8 mm long and 2-5 mm wide, wingless to broadly wing-margined at the apex; perennial of midmontane to alpinelpineif any of branched hairs; low annual of the valleys, often in alkaline to saline soil `vSilicles 5-8 mm long and 2-5 mm wide, wingless to broadly wing-margined at the apex; perennial of midmontane to alpine 43.5DxStyle obsolete or to 1 mm long; plants of the lower valleys to upper montane, not otherwise as above in every particular (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Thlaspi arvense Lepidium Thlaspi montanum (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Thlaspi\ DICOTYLEDONS_dSilicles 10-18 mm long, broadly winged all around or nearly so; seeds 5-8 on each side of the replum`sSilicles to 6 mm long, winged near the apex and sometimes narrowly so laterally; seeds 1 on each side of the replum DdSilicles 10-18 mm long, broadly winged all around or nearly so; seeds 5-8 on each side of the replum Thlaspi arvense 2205I 2205J Thlaspi arvense Thlaspi arvense Lepidium (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Thlaspi\ DICOTYLEDONS_jSilicles 10-18 mm long and 7-15 mm wide, broadly wing-margined all around; annual of valleys and foothills`jSilicles 10-18 mm long and 7-15 mm wide, broadly wing-margined all around; annual of valleys and foothills 44.5DsSilicles to 6 mm long, winged near the apex and sometimes narrowly so laterally; seeds 1 on each side of the replum Lepidium 2185I 2185J Lepidium Lepidium Thlaspi arvense (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Lepidium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Silicles mostly elliptic; seeds (2)3-10 on each side of the replum; pubescence if any of branched hairs; low annual of the valleys, often in alkaline to saline soil Hutchinsia 3776I 3776J Hutchinsia procumbens Hutchinsia procumbens (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Hutchinsia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 45.5D Silicles about as broad as long or oblanceolate, seeds 1(2) on either side of the replum, pubescence if any of simple hairs, perennials of diverse habitats (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Lepidium montanum (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Hutchinsia (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Silicles slightly longer than wide and less than 4 mm long; style 0.3-1 mm long; leaves (or some of them) usually pinnatifid, those of the stem not auriculate-claspingping Silicles at least as wide as long or oblanceolate and 5-8 mm long; style 1-4 mm long; leaves entire or toothed, those of the stem auriculate-clasping Silicles slightly longer than wide and less than 4 mm long; style 0.3-1 mm long; leaves (or some of them) usually pinnatifid, those of the stem not auriculate-clasping Lepidium montanum 2192I 2192J Lepidium montanum Lepidium montanum (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Lepidium\ DICOTYLEDONS_cStyle 0.3-1 mm long, exceeding the stylar notch (if any) in fruit; stamens 6; biennial to perennial`cStyle 0.3-1 mm long, exceeding the stylar notch (if any) in fruit; stamens 6; biennial to perennial 46.5D Silicles at least as wide as long or oblanceolate and 5-8 mm long; style 1-4 mm long; leaves entire or toothed, those of the stem auriculate-clasping (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Thlaspi montanum Cardaria draba Lepidium montanum (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_bSilicles obovate to oblanceolate, tapered to the base, 5-8 mm long; plants of midmontane to alpine``Silicles ovate to subglobose, rounded at the base, to 5 mm long, plants of valleys and foothills 47DbSilicles obovate to oblanceolate, tapered to the base, 5-8 mm long; plants of midmontane to alpine Thlaspi montanum 2206I 2206J Thlaspi montanum Thlaspi montanum Cardaria draba (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Thlaspi\ DICOTYLEDONS_vSilicles 5-8 mm long and 2-5 mm wide, wingless to broadly wing-margined at the apex; perennial of midmontane to alpine`vSilicles 5-8 mm long and 2-5 mm wide, wingless to broadly wing-margined at the apex; perennial of midmontane to alpine 47.5D`Silicles ovate to subglobose, rounded at the base, to 5 mm long, plants of valleys and foothills Cardaria draba 2137I 2137J Cardaria draba Thlaspi montanum Cardaria draba Thlaspi montanum (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Cardaria\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Silicles mostly moderately inflated and ovate to cordate, 2.5-5 mm long; fruiting pedicels widely spreading; main axes of the inflorescence typically hairy` Silicles mostly moderately inflated and ovate to cordate, 2.5-5 mm long; fruiting pedicels widely spreading; main axes of the inflorescence typically hairy 48DfSilicles strongly to moderately compressed parallel with the broad replum, dehiscing along the margins (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Draba (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS _8Silicles elliptic-oblong, at least twice as long as wide`CSilicles variable in shape, not more than 1.5 times as long as wide 48.5D Silicles globose or nearly so (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits A Euclidium (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsT (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Silicles with a stout, often recurved, short beak, the silicle body 2-3 mm long; pedicels erect-appressed, stout, to 1.5 mm long; herbage with some forked hairs` Silicles not beaked; pedicels either spreading or longer than 1.5 mm; herbage glabrous or, if pubescent, all of the hairs simple 49D8Silicles elliptic-oblong, at least twice as long as wide Draba 2145I 2145J Draba Draba 2029C 1DwInvolucral bracts subequal to loosely imbricate, the outer at least half the length of the inner; petioles long-ciliate Solidago multiradiata 2028G 2030H 2029I 2029J 2029N 2031O Show Description & Photos `{Silicles broadest at or below the middle, the valves margined or not, the style to 2 mm long; leaves not pubescent as above Silicles broadest above the middle, rounded above and tapered to an acute base, the valves strongly convex and narrowly margined, the style 2-3 mm long; leaves pubescent with branched and long simple hairs, the latter most numerous on upper leaf surfaces Camelina 3777I 3777J Camelina microcarpa Camelina microcarpa (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Camelina\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Draba\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 49.5DCSilicles variable in shape, not more than 1.5 times as long as wide (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Camelina (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Draba (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Silicles broadest above the middle, rounded above and tapered to an acute base, the valves strongly convex and narrowly margined, the style 2-3 mm long; leaves pubescent with branched and long simple hairs, the latter most numerous on upper leaf surfaces !D{Silicles broadest at or below the middle, the valves margined or not, the style to 2 mm long; leaves not pubescent as above (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Draba (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Camelina (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_7Plants scapose and mat-forming, upper montane to alpine`9Plants not scapose and mat-forming, valleys to midmontane 51D7Plants scapose and mat-forming, upper montane to alpine Draba 2145I 2145J Draba Draba (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Draba\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. 2010C Plants glaucous and growing in wet, mostly lowland meadows; stems stout and solitary, 4-20 dm tall, arising from a short buttonlike caudex with numerous, unbranched, fleshy-fibrous roots Senecio hydrophilus 2008G 2011H 2010I 2010J 2010N 2012O Show Description & Photos A (Senecio) 3778I 3778J Lobularia maritima Lobularia maritima Alyssum (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Lobularia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 52.5D Herbage pubescent with many-rayed, mostly sessile, stellate hairs; petals yellow fading to white; low annuals of valleys to midmontane Alyssum 2090I 2090J Alyssum Alyssum A Lobularia Continue into next key. 51.5D9Plants not scapose and mat-forming, valleys to midmontane (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits A Lobularia Alyssum Draba (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Herbage pubescent with dolabriform hairs, these appressed and usually appearing simple; petals white to lavender; perennial, escaped from cultivation` Herbage pubescent with many-rayed, mostly sessile, stellate hairs; petals yellow fading to white; low annuals of valleys to midmontane (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Alyssum\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Silicles with a stout, often recurved, short beak, the silicle body 2-3 mm long; pedicels erect-appressed, stout, to 1.5 mm long; herbage with some forked hairs A Euclidium 3779I 3779J Euclidium syriacum Euclidium syriacum (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsU (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Euclidium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 2005C 2.5D'Plants not as above in every particular A (Senecio) 2003G 2004H 2006I 2007J 2005N 2005O Senecio amplectens Cardaria Cardaria Rorippa (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Cardaria\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 54.5D Silicles not bladdery, herbage glabrous or with a few stiffly spreading hairs, leaves (or some of them) typically pinnately lobed, petals yellow Rorippa 2199I 2199J Rorippa Rorippa Cardaria (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE[ Rorippa\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. 53.5D Silicles not beaked; pedicels either spreading or longer than 1.5 mm; herbage glabrous or, if pubescent, all of the hairs simple (BRASSICACEAE) Fruits Cardaria Rorippa A Euclidium (BRASSICACEAE) FruitsZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_zSilicles more or less bladdery, herbage minutely hairy or rarely entirely glabrous, leaves entire or toothed, petals white` Silicles not bladdery, herbage glabrous or with a few stiffly spreading hairs, leaves (or some of them) typically pinnately lobed, petals yellow Continue into next key. Key based mainly on Flowers BRASSICACEAE Flowers (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersS (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT BRASSICACEAE FlowersU BRASSICACEAEZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS A+Petals yellow, occasionally fading to white AXPetals white to cream or lavender to pink or purple (purple-brown), occasionally lacking BRASSICACEAE Flowers 1D+Petals yellow, occasionally fading to white (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersS (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU BRASSICACEAE FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONSDONSo next key. +_AUpper stem leaves both sessile and distinctly auriculate-clasping`BUpper leaves when present not both sessile and auriculate-clasping 1.5DXPetals white to cream or lavender to pink or purple (purple-brown), occasionally lacking (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersS (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU BRASSICACEAE FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_CStem leaves (or some of them) both sessile and auriculate-clasping `4Stem leaves not both sessile and auriculate-clasping 2DAUpper stem leaves both sessile and distinctly auriculate-clasping (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Lepidium perfoliatum (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAECEAECEAE DICOTYLEDONS_ Upper leaves appearing to encircle the stem, the blades ovate and entire; basal and lower leaves pinnately dissected, soon deciduous` Leaves not as above 2.5DBUpper leaves when present not both sessile and auriculate-clasping (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Descurainia (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves (at least the lower) 1-3 times compound; herbage pubescent at least below with minute branched hairs, rarely stipitate-glandular throughout`rLeaves simple, entire to pinnatifid or, if appearing compound, the herbage glabrous or pubescent with simple hairs Upper leaves appearing to encircle the stem, the blades ovate and entire; basal and lower leaves pinnately dissected, soon deciduous Lepidium perfoliatum 2188I 2188J Lepidium perfoliatum Lepidium perfoliatum (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Lepidium\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves dimorphic: the basal and lower stem leaves much dissected (deciduous at fruiting), the middle and upper leaves ovate and entire, appearing to surround the stem; petals yellow` Leaves dimorphic: the basal and lower stem leaves much dissected (deciduous at fruiting), the middle and upper leaves ovate and entire, appearing to surround the stem; petals yellow Leaves not as above (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Camelina (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Lepidium perfoliatum 2000C Heads clustered at tips of stems or in leaf axils; involucre tapered at both ends, 2-5 mm wide; rays 1-5, each 2-3 mm long, sometimes lacking Madia glomerata 1998G 1999H 2000I 2000J 2000N 2000O Show Description & Photos Madia gracilis 1988C Leaves glabrous or occasionally hairy along the midrib but not prickly-bristly, achenes with a beak to about 2 mm long or beaklessE Leaves glabrousF 1986G 1987H 1991I 1992J 1988N 1988O Lactuca biennis Lactuca tatarica (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_`Leaves with both branched and simple hairs, the latter typically numerous on upper leaf surfaces`)Leaves glabrous or with simple hairs only 4 D`Leaves with both branched and simple hairs, the latter typically numerous on upper leaf surfaces Camelina 3777I 3777J Camelina microcarpa Camelina microcarpa (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Camelina\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1982C 2.5DRLeaves conspicuously long-hairy, stem leaves well developed, plants 2.5-10 dm tall Hieracium scouleri 1979G 1981H 1982I 1982J 1982N 1982O Show Description & Photos Hieracium gracile (Hieracium) ASTERACEAE[ Hieracium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 1947C Stems usually branched; hairs moderately long, soft, fine, and mostly spreading; plants annual or biennial from a small taproot (rarely perennial with a well-developed caudex) Erigeron divergens 1945G 1948H 1947I 1947J 1947N 1949O Show Description & Photos (Erigeron) (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] 2126I 2126J Brassica rapa Brassica rapa (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Brassica\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Upper stem leaves sessile and auriculate-clasping; siliques spreading-ascending, the fruiting pedicels 7-25 mm long; herbage glaucous and glabrous or nearly so` Upper stem leaves sessile and auriculate-clasping; siliques spreading-ascending, the fruiting pedicels 7-25 mm long; herbage glaucous and glabrous or nearly so 7.5D0Herbage not glaucous OR the anthers to 1 mm long (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Barbarea Rorippa Brassica rapa U (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Petals at least 3 mm long` Petals less than 3 mm long Petals at least 3 mm long Barbarea 2122I 2122J Barbarea Barbarea Rorippa (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Barbarea\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Petals less than 3 mm long Rorippa 2199I 2199J Rorippa Rorippa Barbarea 1946C 12.5D0Hairs of midstem appressed or strongly ascending (Erigeron) 1944G 1945H 1951I 1952J 1946N 1946O Erigeron eatonii Erigeron engelmannii (Erigeron) (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Caudex simple or once forked, surmounting an elongate taproot; involucral bracts typically at least 1 mm wide, commonly purple-tinged; plants of mid montane to alpine` Caudex much branched or, if simple, the taproot short; involucral bracts to about 0.7 mm wide, rarely purple-tinged; plants of valleys and foothills (often at higher altitudes outside our range _hHerbage pubescent throughout with mostly dolabriform hairs, these appressed and usually appearing simple`NHerbage glabrous to variously pubescent, the hairs if simple usually spreading 11DhHerbage pubescent throughout with mostly dolabriform hairs, these appressed and usually appearing simple Erysimum 2180I 2180J Erysimum Erysimum (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Erysimum\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 11.5DNHerbage glabrous to variously pubescent, the hairs if simple usually spreading (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersS (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Erysimum (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_/Herbage with some branched hairs,at least below`@Herbage with simple hairs only or the leaves and stems glabrous 12D/Herbage with some branched hairs,at least below (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersS (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Herbage densely pubescent throughout with sessile, many-rayed, stellate hairs in some species the rays partially fused and the hairs scalelike` Herbage glabrous in part or not pubescent as above (the branched hairs stalked, or few-rayed, or soft and dendritic, never scalelike) 12.5D@Herbage with simple hairs only or the leaves and stems glabrous (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersS (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_DStem leaves with petioles typically lobed at the point of attachment`bStem leaves when present sessile, or the petioles not lobed at the point of attachment to the stem Herbage densely pubescent throughout with sessile, many-rayed, stellate hairs in some species the rays partially fused and the hairs scalelike (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Alyssum (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_5Petals not more than 4 mm long, low taprooted annuals`Plants glabrous throughout or pubescent with simple hairs only (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1018G 1019H 1047I 1048J 1020N 1020O (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersS (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_HPetals pink to purple, or white and 15-25 mm long; plants of the valleys`UPetals white, 0.5-13(15) mm long or occasionally lacking; plants of valleys to alpine 1021C (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSE\ DICOTYLEDONS 1018C 40.5D Herbage glabrous to variously pubescent, dolabriform hairs, if present, confined to the lower part of the plant; leaves diverse (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1016G 1017H 1019I 1020J 1018N 1018O (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersS (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers A Lobularia (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_0Herbage with some branched hairs, at least below`>Plants glabrous throughout or pubescent with simple hairs only 1019C 41D0Herbage with some branched hairs, at least below (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1018G 1020H 1021I 1022J 1019N 1021O Alyssum (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Herbage densely pubescent throughout with sessile, 5-many-rayed, stellate hairs, the rays spreading and mostly appressed (Physaria, a low perennial, may key here if the yellow petals have faded) Alyssum 1019G 1022H 2090I 2090J 1021N 1023O Alyssum Alyssum (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Alyssum\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1022C 42.5DnHerbage sparsely to densely pubescent, the branched hairs stalked and few-rayed or minute, soft, and dendritic (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1019G 1021H 1023I 1024J 1022N 1022O (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersS (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Alyssum (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_fPlants of valleys and foothills, or rarely an annual of mostly disturbed sites occurring above 6000 ft`PPlants of midmontane to alpine, biennial or perennial, occupying native habitats 1023C 43DfPlants of valleys and foothills, or rarely an annual of mostly disturbed sites occurring above 6000 ft (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1022G 1024H 1025I 1026J 1023N 1025O (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersS (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Petals white to cream`!Petals pink to lavender or purple 1024C 43.5DPPlants of midmontane to alpine, biennial or perennial, occupying native habitats (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1022G 1023H 1041I 1042J 1024N 1024O Smelowskia (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_zLeaves pinnatifid or pinnate, pedicels densely pubescent with simple hairs, petals white to pale lavender or purple-tinged`cLeaves entire or toothed, pedicels either glabrous or pubescent with branched hairs, petals diverse 1025C Petals white to cream (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1023G 1026H 1027I 1028J 1025N 1027O (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersS (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_.Petals to 1.5 mm long, not bilobed at the apex`LPetals either at least 2 mm long or slightly shorter and bilobed at the apex 1026C 44.5D!Petals pink to lavender or purple (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1023G 1025H 1037I 1038J 1026N 1026O Hesperis (BRASSICACEAE) Flowerswersowers (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_0Petals 15-25 mm long, an escape from cultivation`EPetals 4-12(14) mm long, plants of native habitats or small and weedy 1027C 45D.Petals to 1.5 mm long, not bilobed at the apex (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1025G 1028H 1029I 1030J 1027N 1029O A Euclidium Hutchinsia (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_]Coarse annual to 6 dm tall, ovary ovoid and beaked, plants of open slopes and disturbed sites`~Slender annual rarely more than 2 dm tall; ovary flattened, not beaked; plants of lowland meadows and alkaline to saline flats 1028C 45.5DLPetals either at least 2 mm long or slightly shorter and bilobed at the apex (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1025G 1027H 10311031 1032J 1028N 1028O (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Draba (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_HOvary and immature fruit linear to cylindric, petals entire or nearly so` Ovary or immature fruit elliptic or ovate to lanceolate, petals in D. verna bilobed (Camelna, with upper leaves typically auriculate-clasping, may key here if yellow petals have faded) 1029C 46D]Coarse annual to 6 dm tall, ovary ovoid and beaked, plants of open slopes and disturbed sites A Euclidium 1027G 1030H 3779I 3779J 1029N 1031O Euclidium syriacum Euclidium syriacum Hutchinsia (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Euclidiumdium DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1030C 46.5D~Slender annual rarely more than 2 dm tall; ovary flattened, not beaked; plants of lowland meadows and alkaline to saline flats Hutchinsia 1027G 1029H 3776I 3776J 1030N 1030O Hutchinsia procumbens Hutchinsia procumbens A Euclidium (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Hutchinsia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1031C DHOvary and immature fruit linear to cylindric, petals entire or nearly so (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1028G 1032H 1033I 1034J 1031N 1033O Hesperis (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Draba (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_0Petals 15-25 mm long, an escape from cultivation`EPetals 2-10(12) mm long, plants of native habitats or small and weedy 1032C 47.5D Ovary or immature fruit elliptic or ovate to lanceolate, petals in D. verna bilobed (Camelna, with upper leaves typically auriculate-clasping, may key here if yellow petals have faded) Draba 1028G 1031H 2145I 2145J 1032N 1032O Draba Draba (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Drabaraba DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1033C 48D0Petals 15-25 mm long, an escape from cultivation Hesperis 1031G 1034H 3765I 3765J 1033N 1035O Hesperis matronalis Hesperis matronalis (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Hesperis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1034C 48.5DEPetals 2-10(12) mm long, plants of native habitats or small and weedy (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1031G 1033H 1035I 1036J 1034N 1034O Arabidopsis Arabis Hesperis (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_YPetals 2-4 mm long; slender annual, rarely to 3(4) dm tall; anthers less than 0.5 mm long`WPetals 3-10 mm long; biennial or perennial, 1-12 dm tall; anthers more than 0.5 mm long 1035C 49DYPetals 2-4 mm long; slender annual, rarely to 3(4) dm tall; anthers less than 0.5 mm long Arabidopsis 1034G 1036H 3768I 3768J 1035N 1037O Arabidopsis thaliana Arabidopsis thaliana Arabis (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAECEAE Arabidopsis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1036C 49.5DWPetals 3-10 mm long; biennial or perennial, 1-12 dm tall; anthers more than 0.5 mm long Arabis 1034G 1035H 2097I 2097J 1036N 1036O Arabis Arabis Arabidopsis (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Arabis\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1037C 50 D0Petals 15-25 mm long, an escape from cultivation Hesperis 1026G 1038H 3765J 1037N 1039O Hesperis matronalis Hesperis matronalis (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Hesperis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1038C 50.5DEPetals 4-12(14) mm long, plants of native habitats or small and weedy (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1026G 1037H 1039I 1040J 1038N 1038O A Malcolmia Arabis Hesperis (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS 1026G 1038H Ovary densely hairy; style lacking, the two lobes of the stigma erect and fused, forming a sharp tip; plants occupying disturbed sites` Ovary glabrous or rarely sparsely hairy; style obsolete or short, the stigma disc-like, not forming an acute tip; plants of native habitats 1039C Ovary densely hairy; style lacking, the two lobes of the stigma erect and fused, forming a sharp tip; plants occupying disturbed sites A Malcolmia 1040H 3763I 3763J 1039N 1041O Malcolmia africana Malcolmia africana Arabis A Malcolmia BRASSICACEAE[ Malcolmia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1040C 51.5D Ovary glabrous or rarely sparsely hairy; style obsolete or short, the stigma disc-like, not forming an acute tip; plants of native habitats Arabis 1038G 1039H 2097I 2097J 1040N 1040O Arabis Arabis A Malcolmia (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Arabis\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1041C 52DzLeaves pinnatifid or pinnate, pedicels densely pubescent with simple hairs, petals white to pale lavender or purple-tinged Smelowskia 1042H 3764I 3764J 1041N 1043O Smelowskia calycina Smelowskia calycina (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Smelowskia BRASSICACEAE[ Smelowskia\ DICOTYLEDONS 1042C 52.5DcLeaves entire or toothed, pedicels either glabrous or pubescent with branched hairs, petals diverse (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1024G 1041H 1043I 1044J 1042N 1042O Arabis (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Smelowskia (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_$Petals lavender to purple or pinkish` Petals white 1043C 53D$Petals lavender to purple or pinkish Arabis 1042G 2097I 2097J 1043N 1045O Arabis Arabis (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Arabis\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1044C 53.5D Petals white (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1042G 1043H 1045I 1046J 1044N 1044O Arabis hirsuta Draba Arabis (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_zPlants 1.5-10 dm tall; upper stem leaves typically ciliate with simple hairs, the lower pubescent with mostly simple hairsairs 1042G `NPlants either less than 1.5 dm tall or to 3 dm tall and not pubescent as above 1045C 54DzPlants 1.5-10 dm tall; upper stem leaves typically ciliate with simple hairs, the lower pubescent with mostly simple hairs Arabis hirsuta 1044G 1046H 2105I 2105J 1045N 1047O Arabis hirsuta Arabis hirsuta Draba (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Arabis\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Siliques strongly compressed, 1-2 mm wide, the stigma narrower than the mature silique; outer sepals pouched at the base; upper leaves typically ciliate with simple spreading hairshairsaves typically ciliate with simple hairs, the lower pubescent with mostly simple hairs Siliques strongly compressed, 1-2 mm wide, the stigma narrower than the mature silique; outer sepals pouched at the base; upper leaves typically ciliate with simple spreading hairs 1046C 54.5DNPlants either less than 1.5 dm tall or to 3 dm tall and not pubescent as above Draba 1044G 1045H 2145I 2145J 1046N 1046O Draba Draba Arabis hirsuta (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Draba\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1047C 55DHPetals pink to purple, or white and 15-25 mm long; plants of the valleys (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1020G 1048H 1049I 1050J 1047N 1049O (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Lunaria (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_.Ovary or immature fruit cylindric or nearly so`GOvary or immature fruit strongly flattened, mostly elliptic or fusiform 1048C 55.5DUPetals white, 0.5-13(15) mm long or occasionally lacking; plants of valleys to alpine (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1020G 1047H 1053I 1054J 1048N 1048O Chlorocrambe (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersT (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants 6-24 dm tall; lower stem leaves often hastately lobed; petals laterally toothed at midlength, twisted and usually notched at the apex`4Plants less than 6 dm tall or not otherwise as above 1049C 56D.Ovary or immature fruit cylindric or nearly so (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1047G 1050H 1051I 1052J 1049N 1051O Hesperis Raphanus Lunaria (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_TLeaves entire or toothed: immature fruit not beaked. the style obsolete or nearly so`=Leaves (at least the lower) pinnatifid, immature fruit beaked 1050C 56.5DGOvary or immature fruit strongly flattened, mostly elliptic or fusiform Lunaria 1047G 1049H 3756I 3756J 1050N 1050O Lunaria annua Lunaria annua (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Lunaria\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1051C 57DTLeaves entire or toothed: immature fruit not beaked. the style obsolete or nearly so Hesperis 1049G 1052H 3765I 3765J 1051N 1053O Hesperis matronalis Hesperis matronalis Raphanus (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Hesperis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1052C 57.5D=Leaves (at least the lower) pinnatifid, immature fruit beaked Raphanus 1049G 1051H 3762I 3762J 1052N 1052O Raphanus raphanistrum Raphanus raphanistrum Hesperis (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Raphanus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1053C Plants 6-24 dm tall; lower stem leaves often hastately lobed; petals laterally toothed at midlength, twisted and usually notched at the apex Chlorocrambe 1048G 1054H 3759I 3759J 1053N 1055O Chlorocrambe hastata Chlorocrambe hastata (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Chlorocrambe\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1054C 58.5D4Plants less than 6 dm tall or not otherwise as above (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1048G 1053H 1055I 1056J 1054N 1054O Cardamine cordifolia (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Chlorocrambe (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_lStem leaves about as broad as long. mostiv 2-1O cm wide; plants of moist to wet places, midmontane and abovebove Stem leaves conspicuously longer than broad or all of them less than 2 cm wide, plants either below midmontane or not occupying wet sites 1055C 59DlStem leaves about as broad as long. mostiv 2-1O cm wide; plants of moist to wet places, midmontane and above Cardamine cordifolia 1054G 1056H 2131I 2131J 1055N 1057O Cardamine cordifolia Cardamine cordifolia (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Cardamine\ DICOTYLEDONS_;Leaves simple; plants of wet sites, midmontane to subalpine`;Leaves simple; plants of wet sites, midmontane to subalpine 1056C 59.559.5 59.5 moist to wet places, midmontane and above Stem leaves conspicuously longer than broad or all of them less than 2 cm wide, plants either below midmontane or not occupying wet sites (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1054G 1055H 1057I 1058J 1056N 1056O Lepidium (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Cardamine cordifolia (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_COvary and immature fruit strongly flattened and notched at the apex`:Ovary and fruit not both flattened and notched at the apex 1057C 60DCOvary and immature fruit strongly flattened and notched at the apex Lepidium 1056G 1058H 2185I 2185J 1057N 1059O Lepidium Lepidium (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) Flowerswers BRASSICACEAE[ Lepidium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1058C 60.5D:Ovary and fruit not both flattened and notched at the apex (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1056G 1057H 1059I 1060J 1058N 1058O Draba crassifolia (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Lepidium (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_tPlants of upper montane to alpine; leaves entire, all basal or 1 or 2 on the lower stem; style obsolete or nearly so`'Plants not as above in every particular 1059C 61DtPlants of upper montane to alpine; leaves entire, all basal or 1 or 2 on the lower stem; style obsolete or nearly so Draba crassifoliaolia 1058G 1060H 2168I 2168J 1059N 1061O Draba crassifolia Draba crassifolia (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Draba\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants glabrous Ihroughout or with a few simple (rarely forked) hairs, stems not tufted, fruit to about 3 times as long as wide, style obsolete or nearly so, petals yellow` Plants glabrous Ihroughout or with a few simple (rarely forked) hairs, stems not tufted, fruit to about 3 times as long as wide, style obsolete or nearly so, petals yellow 1060C 61.5D'Plants not as above in every particular (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1058G 1059H 1061I 1062J 1060N 1060O (BRASSICACEAE) Flowersowersrassifolia (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers Draba crassifolia (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_FOvary and immature fruit somewhat inflated, plants of disturbed sites `FOvary and immature fruit strongly flattened, plants of native habitats 1061C 62DFOvary and immature fruit somewhat inflated, plants of disturbed sites (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1060G 1062H 1063I 1064J 1061N 1063O Cardaria Raphanus (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_KLeaves toothed or entire, petals 2-4 mm long, slender rhizomatous perennial`XLower leaves pinnatifid, the upper entire; petals 10-20 mm long; coarse taprooted annual 1062C 62.5DFOvary and immature fruit strongly flattened, plants of native habitats (BRASSICACEAE) Flowers 1060G 1061H 1065I 1066J 1062N 1062O Hutchinsia Lepidium montanum (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersU (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS__Petals to 1.5 mm long, ovules 2-10 on each side of the replum, plants restricted to the valleys`XPetals 2-4 mm long, ovules 1 on each side of the replum, plants of valleys upper montane 1063C 63DKLeaves toothed or entire, petals 2-4 mm long, slender rhizomatous perennial Cardaria 1061G 1064H 2133I 2133J 1063N 1065O Cardaria Cardaria Raphanus (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Cardaria\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1064C 63.5DXLower leaves pinnatifid, the upper entire; petals 10-20 mm long; coarse taprooted annual Raphanus 1061G 1063H 3762I 3762J 1064N 1064O Raphanus raphanistrum Raphanus raphanistrum Cardaria (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Raphanus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1065C 64 CEAE[ Cardaria\ DICOTYLEDONS D_Petals to 1.5 mm long, ovules 2-10 on each side of the replum, plants restricted to the valleys Hutchinsia 1062G 1066H 3776I 3776J 1065N 1067O Hutchinsia procumbens Hutchinsia procumbens Lepidium montanum (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Hutchinsia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1066C 64.5DXPetals 2-4 mm long, ovules 1 on each side of the replum, plants of valleys upper montane Lepidium montanum 1062G 1065H 2192I 2192J 1066N 1066O Lepidium montanum Lepidium montanum Hutchinsia (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Lepidium\ DICOTYLEDONS_cStyle 0.3-1 mm long, exceeding the stylar notch (if any) in fruit; stamens 6; biennial to perennial`cStyle 0.3-1 mm long, exceeding the stylar notch (if any) in fruit; stamens 6; biennial to perennial 1067C CAMPANULACEAE 1067H 1068I 1069J 1067N 1068O A Downingia A Campanula CAMPANULACEAEU CAMPANULACEAEZ CAMPANULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONSium montanum Low, somewhat fleshy annual to 2 dm tall, flowers to 7 mm long, 2-lipped; fruit a subcylindric capsule 2-4 5 cm long, dehiscing by longitudinal slits` Robust perennial 3-10 dm tall; flowers 15-35 mm long, bell-shaped; fruit a cup-shaped capsule to about 0.7 cm long, dehiscing at the based CAMPANULACEAE 1068C Low, somewhat fleshy annual to 2 dm tall, flowers to 7 mm long, 2-lipped; fruit a subcylindric capsule 2-4 5 cm long, dehiscing by longitudinal slits A Downingia 1067G 1069H 3605I 3605J 1068N 1070O Downingia laeta Downingia laeta A Campanula CAMPANULACEAEZ CAMPANULACEAE[ Downingia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1069C Robust perennial 3-10 dm tall; flowers 15-35 mm long, bell-shaped; fruit a cup-shaped capsule to about 0.7 cm long, dehiscing at the base A Campanula 1067G 1068H 3780I 3780J 1069N 1069O Campanula rapunculoides Campanula rapunculoides A Downingia CAMPANULACEAEZ CAMPANULACEAE[ Campanula\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1070C CANNABACEAE 1070H 1071I 1072J 1070N 1071O Humulus Cannabis CANNABACEAEU CANNABACEAEZ CANNABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_2Perennial vine with simple, palmately lobed leaves`+Erect annual with palmately compound leavesd CANNABACEAE 1071C 1D2Perennial vine with simple, palmately lobed leaves Humulus 1070G 1072H 3614I 3614J 1071N 1073O Humulus lupulus Humulus lupulus Cannabis CANNABACEAEZ CANNABACEAE[ Humulus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1072C 1071O D+Erect annual with palmately compound leaves Cannabis 1070G 1071H 3615I 3615J 1072N 1072O Cannabis sativa Cannabis sativa Humulus CANNABACEAEZ CANNABACEAE[ Cannabis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1073C CAPPARACEAE 1073H 1074I 1075J 1073N 1074O A Polanisia Cleome CAPPARACEAEU CAPPARACEAEZ CAPPARACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS 1072C Herbage glandular-hairy throughout; petals white, notched at the apex; stamens 6-20, the anthers not coiled after dehiscence; capsules sessile or nearly so and erect` Herbage glabrous to sparsely hairy, not glandular; petals yellow or pink to purple (rarely white), entire at the apex; stamens 6, the anthers coiled after dehiscence; capsules long-stipitate and spreading to droopingd CAPPARACEAE 1074C Herbage glandular-hairy throughout; petals white, notched at the apex; stamens 6-20, the anthers not coiled after dehiscence; capsules sessile or nearly so and erect A Polanisia 1073G 1075H 3781I 3781J 1074N 1076O Polanisia dodecandra Polanisia dodecandra Cleome CAPPARACEAEZ CAPPARACEAEACEAE [ Polanisia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1075C Herbage glabrous to sparsely hairy, not glandular; petals yellow or pink to purple (rarely white), entire at the apex; stamens 6, the anthers coiled after dehiscence; capsules long-stipitate and spreading to drooping Cleome 1073G 1074H 2215I 2215J 1075N 1075O Cleome Cleome A Polanisia CAPPARACEAEZ CAPPARACEAE[ Cleome\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1076C CAPRIFOLIACEAECEAE 1076H 2221I 1078J 1076N 1077O Sambucus (CAPRIFOLIACEAE)T CAPRIFOLIACEAEU WOODY DICOTSZ CAPRIFOLIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS ACLeaves pinnately compound; flowers in panicles 3-30 cm in diameter A\Leaves simple; flowers solitary or paired in upper leaf axils and in short terminal racemes CAPRIFOLIACEAE 1077C 1DBLeaves pinnately compound, flowers in panicles 3-30 cm in diameter Sambucus 1076G 1078H 2221I 2221J 1077N 1079O Sambucus Sambucus (CAPRIFOLIACEAE)U CAPRIFOLIACEAEZ CAPRIFOLIACEAE[ Sambucusucus DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1078C 1.5D[Leaves simple; flowers solitary or paired in upper leaf axils and in short terminal racemes (CAPRIFOLIACEAE) 1076G 1077H 1079I 2218J 1078N 1078O Symphoricarpos Lonicera Sambucus CAPRIFOLIACEAEZ CAPRIFOLIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Corolla white or pink, radially symmetrical, the tube not pouched at the base; fruit a white drupe; leaves generally bluish-green, mostly 1-4 cm long, often toothed to cleft (CAPRIFOLIACEAE)U CAPRIFOLIACEAEZ CAPRIFOLIACEAE[ Sambucus Corolla yellow, bilaterally symmetrical with the tube unilaterally pouched at the base; fruit a black or red berry; leaves green, mostly 5-15 cm long, entire or wavy-margined 1079C Corolla white or pink, radially symmetrical, the tube not pouched at the base; fruit a white drupe; leaves generally bluish-green, mostly 1-4 cm long, often toothed to cleft Symphoricarpos 1078G 1080H 3782I 3782J 1079N 1081O Symphoricarpos oreophilus Symphoricarpos oreophilus Lonicera (CAPRIFOLIACEAE) CAPRIFOLIACEAE[ Symphoricarpos\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1080C Corolla yellow, bilaterally symmetrical with the tube unilaterally pouched at the base; fruit a black or red berry; leaves green, mostly 5-15 cm long, entire or wavy-margined Lonicera 1078G 1079H 2218I 2218J 1080N 1080O Lonicera Lonicera Symphoricarpos (CAPRIFOLIACEAE)Z CAPRIFOLIACEAE[ Lonicera\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1081C CARYOPHYLLACEAE 1081H 1082I 1083J 1081N 1082O (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)S (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)T CARYOPHYLLACEAEU CARYOPHYLLACEAEZ CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_?Sepals united below to form a tube longer than the apical teeth` Sepals free or nearly sod CARYOPHYLLACEAE 1082C 1D?Sepals united below to form a tube longer than the apical teeth (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 1081G 1083H 1084I 1085J 1082N 1084O Silene (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)T (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)U CARYOPHYLLACEAEZ CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_pPetals white to greenish or pink to purple, to 2 cm long; plants often less than 4 dm tall, foothills to alpine` petals rose to red or, if white to pink, more than 2 cm long; plants mostly 4-11 dm tall, Occupying disturbed sites in the valleys and foothills 1083C Sepals free or nearly so (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 1897C 1DXRay flowers present and conspicuous, plants glabrous to sparsely hairy with simple hairs (Chrysanthemum) 1896G 1898H 1899I 1900J 1897N 1899O Chrysanthemum leucanthemum Chrysanthemum parthenium Chrysanthemum balsamita Chrysanthemum ASTERACEAE[ Chrysanthemum\ DICOTYLEDONS petals rose to red or, if white to pink, more than 2 cm long; plants mostly 4-11 dm tall, Occupying disturbed sites in the valleys and foothills (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 1082G 1084H 1086I 1087J 1085N 1085O Vaccaria (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) Silene (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_yCalyx winged or strongly keeled along the nerves at fruiting, 1-1.5 cm long, the teeth usually purple; petals rose to red`sCalyx neither keeled nor winged, 1.5-3 cm long, green throughout or irregularly purple-tinged, petals white to pink 1086C 3DyCalyx winged or strongly keeled along the nerves at fruiting, 1-1.5 cm long, the teeth usually purple; petals rose to red Vaccaria 1085G 1087H 3699I 3699J 1086N 1088O Vaccaria pyramidata 1081G 1082H 1090I 1091J 1083N 1083O Spergularia (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)T (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)U CARYOPHYLLACEAEZ CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_)Leaves with prominent membranous stipules` Leaves lacking stipules 1084C 2DpPetals white to greenish or pink to purple, to 2 cm long; plants often less than 4 dm tall, foothills to alpine Silene 1082G 1085H 2236I 2236J 1084N 1086O Silene Silene (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)U (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Silene\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1085C Vaccaria pyramidata (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)U (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Vaccaria\ DICOTYLEDONS 1087C 3.5DsCalyx neither keeled nor winged, 1.5-3 cm long, green throughout or irregularly purple-tinged, petals white to pink (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 1085G 1086H 1088I 1089J 1087N 1087O Lychnis A Saponaria Vaccaria (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_7Plants hairy, petals deeply lobed at the apex, styles 5`MPlants glabrous or nearly so, petals entire to shallowly notched, styles 2(3) 1088C 4D7Plants hairy, petals deeply lobed at the apex, styles 5 Lychnis 1087G 1089H 3700I 3700J 1088N 1090O Lychnis alba Lychnis alba A Saponaria (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Lychnis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1089C 4.5DMPlants glabrous or nearly so, petals entire to shallowly notched, styles 2(3) A Saponaria 1087G 1088H 3701I 3701J 1089N 1089O Saponaria officinalis Saponaria officinalis Lychnis (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Saponaria\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1090C 5D)Leaves with prominent membranous stipules Spergularia 1083G 1091H 2245I 2245J 1090N 1092O Spergularia Spergularia (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)U (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Spergularia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1091C Leaves lacking stipules (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 1083G 1090H 1092I 1093J 1091N 1091O (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)LACEAE)EAE)EAE) (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) Spergularia (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_HLeaves to about 1 mm wide; plants tufted to matted, midmontane and above`XLeaves, or some of them, more than 1 mm wide; plants of diverse habit, valleys to alpine 1092C 6DHLeaves to about 1 mm wide; plants tufted to matted, midmontane and above (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 1091G 1093H 1094I 1095J 1092N 1094O Arenaria Sagina (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)U (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_GSepals 3-8 mm long, acute or obtuse and hooded at the apex; styles 3(4)`CSepals to 2.5 mm long, rounded at the apex, not hooded; styles (4)5 1093C 6.5DXLeaves, or some of them, more than 1 mm wide; plants of diverse habit, valleys to alpine (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 1091G 1092H 1096I 1097J 1093N 1093O A Holosteum (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)T (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)U (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_yUpper stem leaves ciliate with gland-tipped hairs, petals erose at the tips, capsule opening by 6 strongly recurved teeth` Upper stem leaves not glandular or, if so, the petals deeply lobed; capsule opening by 6-10 straight to slightly spreading teeth 1094C 7DGSepals 3-8 mm long, acute or obtuse and hooded at the apex; styles 3(4) Arenaria 1092G 1095H 2224I 2224J 1094N 1096O Arenaria Arenaria Sagina (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Arenaria\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1095C 7.5DCSepals to 2.5 mm long, rounded at the apex, not hooded; styles (4)5 Sagina 1092G 1094H 3702I 3702J 1095N 1095O Sagina saginoides Sagina saginoides Arenaria (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Sagina\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1096C 8DyUpper stem leaves ciliate with gland-tipped hairs, petals erose at the tips, capsule opening by 6 strongly recurved teeth A Holosteum 1093G 1097H 3703I 3703J 1096N 1098O Holosteum umbellatum Holosteum umbellatum (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)U (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Holosteum\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1097C Upper stem leaves not glandular or, if so, the petals deeply lobed; capsule opening by 6-10 straight to slightly spreading teeth (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 1093G 1096H 1098I 1099J 1097N 1097O A Cerastium A Stellaria A Holosteum (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)EAE) CARYOPHYLLACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Capsules narrowly cylindric, often curved, opening by 10 teeth; styles typically 5; stems generally hairy throughout, the hairs often minutely gland-tipped at least in the inflorescence; plants in our area generally occurring as lawn weeds` Capsules ovoid to lance-cylindric, straight, opening by 6(8) teeth; styles 3-5; stems glabrous or pubescent with simple hairs or, if stipitate-glandular the styles 3; plants of diverse habitats 1098C Capsules narrowly cylindric, often curved, opening by 10 teeth; styles typically 5; stems generally hairy throughout, the hairs often minutely gland-tipped at least in the inflorescence; plants in our area generally occurring as lawn weeds A Cerastium 1097G 1099H 2233I 2233J 1098N 1100O A Cerastium A Cerastium A Stellaria 1892C 1.5D}Foothill to upper montane plants from a taproot, a caudex lacking or poorly developed and not at all woody; stems 1-6 dm tall Chaenactis douglasii 1890G 1891H 1892I 1892J 1892N 1892O Show Description & Photos Chaenactis alpina Chaenactis ASTERACEAE[ Chaenactis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 1100C CHENOPODIACEAE 1100H 1101I 1102J 1100N 1101O (CHENOPODIACEAE)S (CHENOPODIACEAE)T CHENOPODIACEAEU CHENOPODIACEAEZ CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_hStems and branches jointed, evidently leafless, at least the new growth succulent; plants of saline soil`_Stems and branches non-jointed and leafy, plants succulent to woody, occupying diverse habitatsd CHENOPODIACEAE 1101C 1DhStems and branches jointed, evidently leafless, at least the new growth succulent; plants of saline soil (CHENOPODIACEAE) 1100G 1102H 1103I 1104J 1101N 1103O Branches opp. Salicornia Branches alt. Allenrolfea (CHENOPODIACEAE)U CHENOPODIACEAEZ CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_,Branches opposite, annual or perennial herbsherbserbs (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Cerastium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1099C Capsules ovoid to lance-cylindric, straight, opening by 6(8) teeth; styles 3-5; stems glabrous or pubescent with simple hairs or, if stipitate-glandular the styles 3; plants of diverse habitats A Stellaria 1097G 1098H 2250I 2250J 1099N 1099O A Stellaria A Stellaria A Cerastium (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Z CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Stellaria\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Branches alternate, subshrub 1102C 1.5D_Stems and branches non-jointed and leafy, plants succulent to woody, occupying diverse habitats (CHENOPODIACEAE) 1100G 1101H 1105I 1106J 1102N 1102O Woody-based perennialsS Tap-rooted annualsT (CHENOPODIACEAE)U CHENOPODIACEAEZ CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_gWoody-based perennial herbs or subshrubs to shrubs; gray bark usually developed, at least near the base`cTap-rooted annuals, sometimes much branched from the base and appearing shrubby but not woody-based 1103C 2D,Branches opposite, annual or perennial herbs Branches opp. Salicornia 1101G 1104H 2298I 2298J 1103N 1105O Salicornia Salicornia Branches alt. Allenrolfea (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE[ Salicornia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1104C Branches alternate, subshrub Branches alt. Allenrolfea 1101G 1103H 3627I 3627J 1104N 1104O Allenrolfea occidentalis Allenrolfea occidentalis Branches opp. Salicornia Allenrolfea CHENOPODIACEAE[ Allenrolfea\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1881C Basal leaves elliptic to lanceolate, entire (juvenile blades) to deeply pinnately lobed, sparsely to coarsely pubescent but never silvery-hairy (Balsamorhiza) 1879G 1880H 1882I 1883J 1881N 1881O Balsamorhiza hookeri Balsamorhiza macrophylla 1102G 1105H 1115I 1116J 1106N 1106O Salsola (CHENOPODIACEAE)T Woody-based perennialsU (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_bLeaves and floral bracts pungently spine-tipped, fruiting calyx lobes with a broad horizontal wing`4Leaves and bracts not spinose, fruiting body diverse 1107C Plants dioecious; leaves gray-scurfy, flat, not at all fleshy; pistillate flowers enclosed by 2 opposing bracts, these dorsally smooth or appendaged to vertically winged, sometimes scurfy but not hairy Dioecious Atriplex 1105G 1108H 2265I 2265J 1107N 1109O Atriplex Atriplex MonoeciousU Woody-based perennialsZ CHENOPODIACEAE[ Atriplex\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. nnuals 1105C 3DgWoody-based perennial herbs or subshrubs to shrubs; gray bark usually developed, at least near the base Woody-based perennials 1102G 1106H 1107I 1108J 1105N 1107O Dioecious Atriplex MonoeciousT Tap-rooted annualsU (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants dioecious; leaves gray-scurfy, flat, not at all fleshy; pistillate flowers enclosed by 2 opposing bracts, these dorsally smooth or appendaged to vertically winged, sometimes scurfy but not hairy` Plants monoecious or the flowers bisexual; leaves glabrous or hairy but not scurfy, either fleshy to some degree or revolute-margined; pistillate flowers with a horizontally winged or 5-lobed calyx or enclosed in 2 densely hairy bracts Continue into next key. 1108C Plants monoecious or the flowers bisexual; leaves glabrous or hairy but not scurfy, either fleshy to some degree or revolute-margined; pistillate flowers with a horizontally winged or 5-lobed calyx or enclosed in 2 densely hairy bracts Monoecious 1105G 1107H 1109I 1110J 1108N 1108O Sarcobatus (CHENOPODIACEAE) Dioecious Atriplex Woody-based perennialsZ CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Branches nearly white and mostly spine-tipped; plants monoecious, the steminate flowers above the pistillate on axillary spikes; fruit leathery and fusiform, encircled near the middle by a broad membranous wing`LBranches not spine-tipped, plants not otherwise as above in every particular 1109C Branches nearly white and mostly spine-tipped; plants monoecious, the steminate flowers above the pistillate on axillary spikes; fruit leathery and fusiform, encircled near the middle by a broad membranous wing Sarcobatus 1108G 1110H 3628I 3628J 1109N 1111O Sarcobatus vermiculatus Sarcobatus vermiculatus (CHENOPODIACEAE)U MonoeciousZ CHENOPODIACEAE[ Sarcobatus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1110C 5.5DLBranches not spine-tipped, plants not otherwise as above in every particular (CHENOPODIACEAE) 1108G 1109H 1111I 1112J 1110N 1110O Suaeda torreyana (CHENOPODIACEAE) Sarcobatus MonoeciousZ CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves contracted at the base to a very short petiole, succulent and subterete, glabrous or rarely minutely hairy; inflorescence glabrous or minutely hairy, the calyx lobes unappendaged` Leaves sessile, not contracted to a petiole, fleshy or revolute, conspicuously hairy or glabrate; inflorescence conspicuously hairy, either the sepals winged at maturity or the flowers obscured by long hairs 1111C Leaves contracted at the base to a very short petiole, succulent and subterete, glabrous or rarely minutely hairy; inflorescence glabrous or minutely hairy, the calyx lobes unappendaged Suaeda torreyana 1110G 1112H 2302I 2302J 1111N 1113O 1110O Suaeda torreyana Suaeda torreyana (CHENOPODIACEAE)U (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE[ Suaeda\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Woody-based perennial or subshrub; leaves abruptly contracted to a very short petiole; calyx lobes equal, smooth on the backs, unappendaged even at maturity; plants glabrous or minutely short-hairy; seeds vertical or horizontal` Woody-based perennial or subshrub; leaves abruptly contracted to a very short petiole; calyx lobes equal, smooth on the backs, unappendaged even at maturity; plants glabrous or minutely short-hairy; seeds vertical or horizontal 1112C Leaves sessile, not contracted to a petiole, fleshy or revolute, conspicuously hairy or glabrate; inflorescence conspicuously hairy, either the sepals winged at maturity or the flowers obscured by long hairs (CHENOPODIACEAE) 1110G 1111H 1113I 1114J 1112N 1112O Eurotia Kochia americana Suaeda torreyana (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Pubescence of both branched and simple hairs, grayish or red-brown, leaves revolute, not fleshy; pistillate flowers and fruiting bracts almost completely obscured by long hairs, the bracts not winged` Pubescence of simple hairs only, grayish; leaves fleshy to some degree, not revolute; flowers densely white-woolly; fruiting calyx horizontally winged 1113C Pubescence of both branched and simple hairs, grayish or red-brown, leaves revolute, not fleshy; pistillate flowers and fruiting bracts almost completely obscured by long hairs, the bracts not winged Eurotia 1112G 1114H 3626I 3626J 1113N 1115O Eurotia lanata Eurotia lanata Kochia americana (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE[ Eurotia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1114C Pubescence of simple hairs only, grayish; leaves fleshy to some degree, not revolute; flowers densely white-woolly; fruiting calyx horizontally winged Kochia americana 1112G 1113H 2296I 2296J 1114N 1114O Kochia americana rs, the bracts not winged Eurotia (LILIACEAE)Z LILIACEAE[ Allium\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1253C Inner perianth segments 2.5-4 cm long, white or lavender to rose-violet and banded or spotted with bright yellow and red or purple Calochortus 1250G 1254H 3806I 3806J 1253N 1255O Calochortus nuttallii Calochortus nuttallii (LILIACEAE)U (LILIACEAE)Z LILIACEAE[ Calochortus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. Kochia americana Eurotia (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE[ Kochia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Subshrub or woody-based perennial herb; leaves more or less fleshy, often subterete, mostly about 1 mm wide, pubescent with crinkled to woolly hairs or glabrate` Subshrub or woody-based perennial herb; leaves more or less fleshy, often subterete, mostly about 1 mm wide, pubescent with crinkled to woolly hairs or glabrate 1115C 8DbLeaves and floral bracts pungently spine-tipped, fruiting calyx lobes with a broad horizontal wing Salsola 1106G 1116H 3783I 3783J 1115N 1117O Salsola kali Salsola kali (CHENOPODIACEAE)CEAE) Tap-rooted annualsZ CHENOPODIACEAE[ Salsola\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1116C 8.5D4Leaves and bracts not spinose, fruiting body diverse (CHENOPODIACEAE) 1106G 1115H 1117I 1118J 1116N 1116O (CHENOPODIACEAE)S (CHENOPODIACEAE) Salsola Tap-rooted annualsZ CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Inflorescence and often the leaves sparsely to densely pubescent with simple hairs, these long and silky or short and woolly, sometimes with both long and short hairs, never glandular`mInflorescence and leaves glabrous or mealy-scurfy or, if pubescent, the hairs either gland-tipped or branched 1117C (CHENOPODIACEAE) Inflorescence and often the leaves sparsely to densely pubescent with simple hairs, these long and silky or short and woolly, sometimes with both long and short hairs, never glandular (CHENOPODIACEAE) 1116G 1118H 1119I 1120J 1117N 1119O Bassia Kochia scoparia (CHENOPODIACEAE)U (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_bFruiting calyx lobes with a hooked spine, calyx at flowering densely hairy throughout or nearly so`ZFruiting calyx lobes with a broad membranous wing; calyx lobes at flowering merely ciliate 1118C 9.5DmInflorescence and leaves glabrous or mealy-scurfy or, if pubescent, the hairs either gland-tipped or branched (CHENOPODIACEAE) 1116G 1117H 1121I 1122J 1118N 1118O (CHENOPODIACEAE)S (CHENOPODIACEAE)EAE) (CHENOPODIACEAE)U (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_fLeaves at least 3 times as long as wide, entire or occasionally some of them obscurely hastately lobed`^Leaves either less than 3 times as long as wide or some of them toothed to conspicuously lobed 1119C 10DbFruiting calyx lobes with a hooked spine, calyx at flowering densely hairy throughout or nearly so Bassia 1117G 1120H 3784I 3784J 1119N 1121O Bassia hyssopifolia Bassia hyssopifolia Kochia scoparia (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE[ Bassia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1120C 10.5DZFruiting calyx lobes with a broad membranous wing; calyx lobes at flowering merely ciliate Kochia scoparia 1117G 1119H 2297I 2297J 1120N 1120O Kochia scoparia Kochia scoparia Bassia (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE[ Kochia\ DICOTYLEDONS_UAnnual; leaves not fleshy, flat and 2-8 mm wide, pubescent with appressed silky hairs`UAnnual; leaves not fleshy, flat and 2-8 mm wide, pubescent with appressed silky hairs 1121C 11DfLeaves at least 3 times as long as wide, entire or occasionally some of them obscurely hastately lobed (CHENOPODIACEAE) 11181118 1122H 1123I 1124J 1121N 1123O Chenopodium leptophyllum (CHENOPODIACEAE)T (CHENOPODIACEAE)U (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_UHerbaqe scurfy, at least in part; leaves flat; calyx lobes merely keeled on the backs` Herbage glabrous or glandular, not distinctly scurfy; leaves terete to flat; calyx lobes either appendaged or reduced to minute membranous scales and evidently lacking 1122C 11.5D^Leaves either less than 3 times as long as wide or some of them toothed to conspicuously lobed (CHENOPODIACEAE) 1118G 1121H 1129I 1130J 1122N 1122O Atriplex (CHENOPODIACEAE)T (CHENOPODIACEAE)U (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS 1118ly lobed (CHENOPODIACEAE) *Plants monoecious; pistillate flowers lacking a calyx and enclosed in 2 opposing bracts, these mostly suborbicular or triangular to wedge-shaped, dorsally smooth to variously appendaged; fruit vertical (in A. hortensis the flowers dimorphic, a few with a 3-5-lobed calyx, the fruit then horizontal) Plants with chiefly bisexual flowers, each flower with a calyx of 1-5 free or basally fused, mostly lanceolate to oblong sepals, occasionally a calyx lacking; fruit vertical or horizontal 1123C 12DUHerbaqe scurfy, at least in part; leaves flat; calyx lobes merely keeled on the backs Chenopodium leptophyllum 1121G 1124H 2291I 2291J 1123N 1125O Chenopodium leptophyllum Chenopodium leptophyllum (CHENOPODIACEAE)U (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE[ Chenopodium\ DICOTYLEDONS_bLeaves 0.1-1 cm wide, at least 3 times as long as wide, entire or rarely obscurely hastately lobed`bLeaves 0.1-1 cm wide, at least 3 times as long as wide, entire or rarely obscurely hastately lobed 1124C 12.5D Herbage glabrous or glandular, not distinctly scurfy; leaves terete to flat; calyx lobes either appendaged or reduced to minute membranous scales and evidently lacking (CHENOPODIACEAE) 1121G 1123H 1125I 1126J 1124N 1124O A Halogeton (CHENOPODIACEAE) Chenopodium leptophyllum (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves terete or nearly so and tipped with an elongate hairlike bristle, fruiting calyx of most flowers horizontally winged at the apex` Plants not as above 11251125 Leaves terete or nearly so and tipped with an elongate hairlike bristle, fruiting calyx of most flowers horizontally winged at the apex A Halogeton 1124G 1126H 3785I 3785J 1125N 1127O Halogeton glomeratus Halogeton glomeratus (CHENOPODIACEAE)U (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE[ Halogeton\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1126C 13.5D Plants not as above (CHENOPODIACEAE) 1124G 1125H 1127I 1128J 1126N 1126O Corispermum Suaeda A Halogeton (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Calyx reduced and inconspicuous; fruit winged, evidently naked in the axil of a conspicuous, membranous-margined bract; leaves glabrous or pubescent With branched hairs, neither succulent nor glaucous; plants of sandy soil` Calyx 5-lobed, the lobes at fruiting dorsally smooth or unequally horned; fruit not winged, enclosed in the calyx; leaves glabrous and glaucous, distinctly succulent; plants of saline soil 1127C Calyx reduced and inconspicuous; fruit winged, evidently naked in the axil of a conspicuous, membranous-margined bract; leaves glabrous or pubescent With branched hairs, neither succulent nor glaucous; plants of sandy soil Corispermum 1126G 1128H 3786I 3786J 1127N 1129O Corispermum hyssopifolium Corispermum hyssopifolium Suaeda (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE[ Corispermum\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1128C 14.5D Calyx 5-lobed, the lobes at fruiting dorsally smooth or unequally horned; fruit not winged, enclosed in the calyx; leaves glabrous and glaucous, distinctly succulent; plants of saline soil Suaeda 1126G 1127H 2301I 2301J 1128N 1128O Suaeda Suaeda Corispermum (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE[ Suaeda\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1129C *Plants monoecious; pistillate flowers lacking a calyx and enclosed in 2 opposing bracts, these mostly suborbicular or triangular to wedge-shaped, dorsally smooth to variously appendaged; fruit vertical (in A. hortensis the flowers dimorphic, a few with a 3-5-lobed calyx, the fruit then horizontal) Atriplex 1122G 1130H 2265I 2265J 1129N 1131O Atriplex Atriplex (CHENOPODIACEAE)U (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE[ Atriplex\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1130C 15.515.515.5 Continue into next key. Plants with chiefly bisexual flowers, each flower with a calyx of 1-5 free or basally fused, mostly lanceolate to oblong sepals, occasionally a calyx lacking; fruit vertical or horizontal (CHENOPODIACEAE) 1122G 1129H 1131I 1132J 1130N 1130O A Monolepis Chenopodium Atriplex (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Sepals lacking or 1-3 and free; fruit vertical, the pericarp distinctly pitted at maturity; leaves tapered to a petiole below a pair of divergent lateral lobes` Sepals 3-5 and basally fused; fruit vertical or more often horizontal, the pericarp not pitted at maturity or, if so, the leaves not as above 1131C 1130C Sepals lacking or 1-3 and free; fruit vertical, the pericarp distinctly pitted at maturity; leaves tapered to a petiole below a pair of divergent lateral lobes A Monolepis 1130G 1132H 3787I 3787J 1131N 1133O Monolepis nuttalliana Monolepis nuttalliana Chenopodium (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE[ Monolepis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1132C 16.5D Sepals 3-5 and basally fused; fruit vertical or more often horizontal, the pericarp not pitted at maturity or, if so, the leaves not as above Chenopodium 1130G 1131H 2280I 2280J 1132N 1132O Chenopodium Chenopodium A Monolepis (CHENOPODIACEAE)Z CHENOPODIACEAE[ Chenopodium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1133C CONVOLVULACEAE 1133H 1134I 1135J 1133N 1134O Corolla >1.5 cm Corolla <1.5 cm Cressa CONVOLVULACEAEU CONVOLVULACEAEZ CONVOLVULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_FCorolla at least 1.5 cm long, shallowly lobed; stems twining, vinelike`QCorolla less than 1 cm long, deeply lobed; stems erect to decumbent, not vineliked CONVOLVULACEAE 1134C DFCorolla at least 1.5 cm long, shallowly lobed; stems twining, vinelikeE Corolla >1.5 cmF 1133G 1135H 1136I 1137J 1134N 1136O Convolvulus Calystegia Corolla <1.5 cm Cressa CONVOLVULACEAEZ CONVOLVULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_]Corolla to 2 5 cm long; bracts small, borne at or above midlenqth on the peduncle or pedicel`PCorolla 3.5-8 cm long; bracts broad, closely subtending and concealing the calyx 1135C 1.5DQCorolla less than 1 cm long, deeply lobed; stems erect to decumbent, not vinelike Corolla <1.5 cm Cressa 1133G 1134H 3618I 3618J 1135N 1135O Cressa truxillensis Cressa truxillensis 1134C Corolla >1.5 cmU CONVOLVULACEAEZ CONVOLVULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1136C 2D]Corolla to 2 5 cm long; bracts small, borne at or above midlenqth on the peduncle or pedicel Convolvulus 1134G 1137H 3617I 3617J 1136N 1138O Convolvulus arvensis Convolvulus arvensis Calystegia Corolla >1.5 cmZ CONVOLVULACEAE[ Convolvulus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 11371137 2.5DPCorolla 3.5-8 cm long; bracts broad, closely subtending and concealing the calyx Calystegia 1134G 1136H 3619I 3619J 1137N 1137O Calystegia sepium Calystegia sepium Convolvulus Corolla >1.5 cmZ CONVOLVULACEAE[ Calystegia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1138C CYPERACEAE 1138H 1139I 1140J 1138N 1139O Carex (CYPERACEAE)T CYPERACEAEU CYPERACEAEZ CYPERACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSDONS Flowers unisexual, each pistillate flower enclosed in a flattened to 3-angled saclike structure (perigynium), a perianth lacking; spikes often with both male and female flowers`OFlowers bisexual, not enclosed in a saclike structure; perianth of 0-6 bristlesd CYPERACEAE 1139C Flowers unisexual, each pistillate flower enclosed in a flattened to 3-angled saclike structure (perigynium), a perianth lacking; spikes often with both male and female flowers Carex 1138G 1140H 2323I 2323J 1139N 1141O Carex Groups Carex Groups (CYPERACEAE)U CYPERACEAEZ CYPERACEAE[ Carex\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1140C 1.5DOFlowers bisexual, not enclosed in a saclike structure; perianth of 0-6 bristles (CYPERACEAE) 1138G 1139H 1141I 1142J 1140N 1140O Eleocharis (CYPERACEAE) Carex CYPERACEAEZ CYPERACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets solitary and terminal, the base of the style thickened and persistent on the achene as an apical tubercle or as a short stout beak`]Spikelets few to numerous, rarely solitary; the base of the style not conspicuously thickened 1141C Spikelets solitary and terminal, the base of the style thickened and persistent on the achene as an apical tubercle or as a short stout beak Eleocharis 1140G 1142H 2430I 2430J 1141N 1143O Eleocharis Eleocharis (CYPERACEAE) (CYPERACEAE) CYPERACEAE[ Eleocharis\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1142C 2.5D]Spikelets few to numerous, rarely solitary; the base of the style not conspicuously thickened (CYPERACEAE) 1140G 1141H 1143I 1144J 1142N 1142O Scirpus Cyperus Eleocharis (CYPERACEAE) CYPERACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_`Scales of each spikelet spirally arranged; spikelets ovate to oblong, mostly more than 2 mm widewide `IScales of each spikelet in 2 vertical rows; spikelets linear, 1-2 mm wide 1143C 3D`Scales of each spikelet spirally arranged; spikelets ovate to oblong, mostly more than 2 mm wide Scirpus 1142G 1144H 2441I 2441J 1143N 1145O Scirpus Scirpus Cyperus (CYPERACEAE) CYPERACEAE[ Scirpus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1144C 3.5DIScales of each spikelet in 2 vertical rows; spikelets linear, 1-2 mm wide Cyperus 1142G 1143H 3788I 3788J 1144N 1144O Cyperus esculentus Cyperus esculentus Scirpus (CYPERACEAE) CYPERACEAE[ Cyperus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1145C ELAEAGNACEAE 1145G 1145H 1146I 1147J 1145N 1146O A Elaeagnus Shepherdia ELAEAGNACEAEU ELAEAGNACEAEZ ELAEAGNACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS 1142G 1143H 3788I 3788J 1144N 1144O _lLeaves alternate, flowers bisexual, stamens 4, branches alternate and usually thorny, plants of the valleys `oLeaves opposite, flowers unisexual, stamens 8, branches opposite and unarmed, plants of midmontane to subalpined ELAEAGNACEAE 1146C 1DlLeaves alternate, flowers bisexual, stamens 4, branches alternate and usually thorny, plants of the valleys A Elaeagnus 1145G 1147H 3739I 3739J 1146N 1148O Elaeagnus angustifolia Elaeagnus angustifolia Shepherdia ELAEAGNACEAEZ ELAEAGNACEAE A Elaeagnus DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1147C 1.5DoLeaves opposite, flowers unisexual, stamens 8, branches opposite and unarmed, plants of midmontane to subalpine Shepherdia 1145G 1146H 3740I 3740J 1147N 1147O Shepherdia canadensis Shepherdia canadensis A Elaeagnus ELAEAGNACEAEZ ELAEAGNACEAE Shepherdia DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1148C A ERICACEAE 1148G 1148H 1149I 1150J 1148N 1149O A Vaccinium (ERICACEAE)T ERICACEAEU ERICACEAEZ ERICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves non-leathery and light green, minutely toothed; flowers solitary and axillary; fruit a red or blue berry with numerous seeds` Leaves leathery or dark green on at least the upper surface, entire; flowers in a terminal inflorescence; fruit a capsule or a druped ERICACEAE 1149C Leaves non-leathery and light green, minutely toothed; flowers solitary and axillary; fruit a red or blue berry with numerous seeds A Vaccinium 1148G 1150H 2457I 2457J 1149N 1151O A Vaccinium A Vaccinium (ERICACEAE)U ERICACEAEZ ERICACEAE[ Vaccinium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1150C Leaves leathery or dark green on at least the upper surface, entire; flowers in a terminal inflorescence; fruit a capsule or a drupe (ERICACEAE) 1148G 1149H 1151I 1152J 1150N 1150O Ledum (ERICACEAE) A Vaccinium (ERICACEAE)Z ERICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ZLeaves gland-dotted on the lower surface; petals free, white; fruit a gland-dotted capsule` Leaves glabrous to minutely hairy but not gland-dotted on the lower surface; petals fused, rose-purple to pink or greenish-white; fruit a glabrous capsule or drupe 1151C 2DZLeaves gland-dotted on the lower surface; petals free, white; fruit a gland-dotted capsule Ledum 1152H 3724I 3724J 1151N 1153O Ledum glandulosum Ledum glandulosum (ERICACEAE) Ledum Z ERICACEAE[ Ledum\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. 1152C Leaves glabrous to minutely hairy but not gland-dotted on the lower surface; petals fused, rose-purple to pink or greenish-white; fruit a glabrous capsule or drupe (ERICACEAE) 1150G 1151H 1153I 1154J 1152N 1152O Kalmia Arctostaphylos Ledum (ERICACEAE) Z ERICACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_kLeaves (or some of them) revolute; corolla rose-purple, bowl-shaped, to about 12 mm across; fruit a capsulesule `hLeaves not revolute; corolla greenish-white or pink, urn-shaped, to about 5 mm across; fruit a red drupe 1153C 3DkLeaves (or some of them) revolute; corolla rose-purple, bowl-shaped, to about 12 mm across; fruit a capsule Kalmia 1154H 3738I 3738J 1153N 1155O Kalmia polifolia Kalmia polifolia Arctostaphylos Kalmia of ERICACEAE Z ERICACEAE[ Kalmia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. 1154C 3.5DhLeaves not revolute; corolla greenish-white or pink, urn-shaped, to about 5 mm across; fruit a red drupe Arctostaphylos 1875C Involucral bracts averaging less than 1 mm wide, distinctly acute or the inner long-tapered at the apex; plants apparently restricted to the valleys Aster hesperius 1873G 1876H 1875I 1875J 1875N 1877O Show Description & Photos Aster eatonii (Aster) ASTERACEAE[ Aster\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1871C Inner involucral bracts averaging at least 1.5 mm wide, sharply acute, regularly purple-tinged to some degree; rays 5-8, violet to purple; plants of middle to upper montane Aster perelegans 1869G 1872H 1871I 1153H 3789I 3789J 1154N 1154O Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Kalmia Arctostaphylos of ERICACEAE Z ERICACEAE[ Arctostaphylos\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. 1155C FABACEAE 1155H 1156I 1157J 1155N 1156O Tree or shrubS HerbsT FABACEAEU FABACEAEZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS A[Tree or shrub of valleys and foothills, escaped from cultivation; branches armed or unarmed ACAnnual to perrenial herbs of diverse habitats, native or introduced 1868C 6.5DpRays less than 13 mm long, other than white at maturity, or more than 14 per head; plants not otherwise as above A (Aster 6) FABACEAE LEGUMINOSAE 1156C 1D[Tree or shrub of valleys and foothills, escaped from cultivation; branches armed or unarmed Tree or shrub 1155G 1157H 1158I 1159J 1156N 1158O Papilionaceous Gleditsia triacanthos L. HerbsU FABACEAEZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS A}Corolla papilionaceous (sweetpea-like), mostly 2-2.5 cm long, yellow or white; leaves all once-pinnate, the leaflets entire Corolla nearly radially symmetrical, to about 4 mm long, greenish; leaves some pinnate, some bipinnate, the leaflets toothed, sometimes obscurely so (Honey Locust, not further described) Gleditsia triacanthos L. Tree or shrubZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS SFlowers yellow, 1-several from each node of the previous season's growth; bark of twigs longitudinally ridged or winged; leaf rachis usually terminating in a minute bristle, an unpaired terminal leaflet lacking, the lateral leaflets 0.8-2.5 cm long; legume to about 6 cm long and 5 mm wide (Siberian Pea-tree, not further described) 1156G 1159H 1160I 1161J 1158N 1160O Caragana arborescens Lam. Robinia pseudoacacia L. 1157C 1.5DCAnnual to perrenial herbs of diverse habitats, native or introduced Herbs 1155G 1156H 1162I 1163J 1157N 1157O Astragalus (Simple leaves) Compound leavesT Tree or shrubU FABACEAEZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS A/Leaves, or some of them, simple or appearing so Leaves compound Flowers white, numerous in pendulous racemes; bark of twigs neither ridged nor winged; leaf rachis usually terminating in an unpaired terminal leaflet, the lateral leaflets 2-5 cm long; legume to about 1.2 dm long and 1.5 cm wide (Black Locust, not further described) 1159C Corolla nearly radially symmetrical, to about 4 mm long, greenish; some of the leaves pinnate, some bipinnate, the leaflets toothed, sometimes obscurely so (honey locust, not further described) Gleditsia triacanthos L. 1156G 1158H 1159I 1159J 1159N 1159O Gleditsia triacanthos L. Gleditsia triacanthos L. PapilionaceousU Tree or shrubZ FABACEAE[ Gleditsia\ DICOTYLEDONS^ Corolla nearly radially symmetrical, to about 4 mm long, greenish; leaves some pinnate, some bipinnate, the leaflets toothed, sometimes obscurely so (Honey Locust, not further described) Corolla nearly radially symmetrical, to about 4 mm long, greenish; leaves some pinnate, some bipinnate, the leaflets toothed, sometimes obscurely so (Honey Locust, not further described) 1160C LFlowers yellow, 1-several from each node of the previous season's growth; bark of twigs longitudinally ridged or winged; leaf rachis usually terminating in a minute bristle, an unpaired terminal leaflet lacking, the lateral leaflets 0.8-2.5 cm long; legume to about 6 cm long and 5 mm wide (Siberian pea-tree, not further described) Caragana arborescens Lam. 1158G 1161H 1160I 1160J 1160N 1162O Caragana arborescens Lam. Caragana arborescens Lam. Robinia pseudoacacia L. PapilionaceousZ FABACEAE[ Caragana\ DICOTYLEDONS^ the lateral leaflets 0.8-2.5 cm long; legume to about 6 cm long and 5 mm wide (Siberian pea-tree, not further described) Caragana arborescens Lam. 1158G 1161H 1160I 1160J 1160N 1162O Caragana arborescens Lam. Caragana arborescens Lam. Robinia pseudoacacia L. PapilionaceousZ FABACEAE[ Caragana\ DICOTYLEDONS^ 1161C Flowers white, numerous in pendulous racemes; twigs neither ridged nor winged; leaf rachis usually terminating in an unpaired terminal leaflet, the lateral leaflets 2-5 cm long; legume to about 1.2 dm long and 1.5 cm wide (black locust, not further described) Robinia pseudoacacia L. 1158G 1160H 1161I 1161J 1161N 1161O Robinia pseudoacacia L. Robinia pseudoacacia L. Caragana arborescens Lam. PapilionaceousZ FABACEAE[ Robinia\ DICOTYLEDONS^ her described) Flowers white, numerous in pendulous racemes; bark of twigs neither ridged nor winged; leaf rachis usually terminating in an unpaired terminal leaflet, the lateral leaflets 2-5 cm long; legume to about 1.2 dm long and 1.5 cm wide (Black Locust, not further described) Flowers white, numerous in pendulous racemes; bark of twigs neither ridged nor winged; leaf rachis usually terminating in an unpaired terminal leaflet, the lateral leaflets 2-5 cm long; legume to about 1.2 dm long and 1.5 cm wide (Black Locust, not further described) PapilionaceousZ FABACEAE[ Robinia\ DICOTYLEDONS^ YLEDONS^ TFlowers yellow, 1-several from each node of the previous season's growth; bark of twigs longitudinally ridged or winged; leaf rachis usually terminating in a minute bristle, an unpaired terminal leaflet lacking, the lateral leaflets 0.8-2.5 cm long; legume to about 6 cm long and 5 mm wide (Siberian Pea-tree, not further described) TFlowers yellow, 1-several from each node of the previous season's growth; bark of twigs longitudinally ridged or winged; leaf rachis usually terminating in a minute bristle, an unpaired terminal leaflet lacking, the lateral leaflets 0.8-2.5 cm long; legume to about 6 cm long and 5 mm wide (Siberian Pea-tree, not further described) 2 dm long and 1.5 cm wide (Black Locust, not further described) Flowers white, numerous in pendulous racemes; bark of twigs neither ridged nor winged; leaf rachis usually terminating in an unpaired terminal leaflet, the lateral leaflets 2-5 cm long; legume to about 1.2 dm long and 1.5 cm wide (Black Locust, not further described) 1855C 4.5DWPrincipal leaves linear and entire, rhizomatous perennial, central disc flowers sterile Artemisia dracunculus 1853G 1854H 1855I 1855J 1855N 1855O Show Description & Photos Artemisia biennis (Artemisia) 1162C 4D/Leaves, or some of them, simple or appearing so Astragalus (Simple leaves) 1157G 1163H 2481I 2481J 1162N 1164O Astragalus Astragalus Compound leavesU HerbsZ FABACEAE[ Astragalus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue for key to genus Continue for key to genus 1163C Leaves compound Compound leaves 1157G 1162H 1164I 1165J 1163N 1163O xR GlandularS Not glandular Astragalus (Simple leaves) HerbsZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS AAHerbage gland-dotted or glandular-punctate, sometimes minutely so 1165C 5.5D3Herbage neither gland-dotted nor glandular-punctate Not glandular 1163G 1164H 1172I 1173J 1165N 1165O 3 LeafletsS 4-many LeafletsT GlandularU Compound leavesZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS A3Leaflets 3, usually toothed, sometimes obscurely so A9 Leaflets (2)4-many, entire or rarely irregularly toothed 1166C 6D[Plants of high elevations; leaves chiefly basal; legume oblong, 1-1.5 cm long, gland-dotted High Elevation Oxytropis 1164G 1167H 3608I 3608J 1166N 1168O Oxytropis viscida Oxytropis viscida A3Herbage neither gland-dotted nor glandular-punctate 1164C 5DAHerbage gland-dotted or glandular-punctate, sometimes minutely so A Glandular 1163G 1165H 1166I 1167J 1164N 1166O High Elevation Oxytropis Low-middle ElevationT Not glandularU Compound leavesZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS A_Plants of high elevations; leaves chiefly basal; legume oblong, 1-1.5 cm long, gland-dotted Plants of valleys to midmontane; leaves chiefly or entirely cauline; fruit burlike, or a loment with 2-8 segments, or a legume and less than 1 cm long Low-middle ElevationU GlandularZ FABACEAE[ Oxytropis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1167C Plants of valleys to midmontane; leaves chiefly or entirely cauline; fruit burlike, or a loment with 2-8 segments, or a legume and less than 1 cm long Low-middle Elevation 1164G 1166H 1168I 1169J 1167N 1167O 2-5 leaflets Psoralea 5-19 leaflets High Elevation Oxytropis U GlandularZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS AkLeaves with 2-5 leaflets, conspicuosly gland-dotted; fruit a gland-dotted, subglobose legume to 5 mm long ALLeaves with 5-19 leaflets, minutely glandular-punctate; fruit not as above 1168C 7DiLeaves with 2-5 leaflets, conspicuosly gland-dotted; fruit a gland-dotted, subglobose legume to 5 mm long 2-5 leaflets Psoralea 1167G 1169H 3609I 3609J 1168N 1170O Psoralea lanceolata Psoralea lanceolata 5-19 leafletsU Low-middle ElevationZ FABACEAE[ Psoralea\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1169C DJLeaves with 5-19 leaflets, minutely glandular-punctate; fruit not as above 5-19 leaflets 1167G 1168H 1170I 1171J 1169N 1169O Glycyrrhiza A Hedysarum 2-5 leaflets Psoralea Low-middle ElevationZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS AiFlowers dingy-white to cream; fruit burlike with numerous hooked prickles; plants of wet to moist sites ArFlowers pink to purple, rarely white; fruit a loment with suborbicular to oval segments; plants on open slopes 1170C DgFlowers dingy-white to cream, fruit burlike with numerous hooked prickles, plants of wet to moist sites Glycyrrhiza 1169G 1171H 3610I 3610J 1170N 1172O Glycyrrhiza lepidota Glycyrrhiza lepidota A Hedysarum 5-19 leafletsZ FABACEAE[ Glycyrrhiza\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1171C 8.5DnFlowers pink to purple, rarely white; fruit a loment with suborbicular to oval segments; plants on open slopes A Hedysarum 1169G 1170H 3611I 3611J 1171N 1171O Hedysarum boreale Hedysarum boreale Glycyrrhiza 5-19 leafletsZ FABACEAE[ Hedysarum\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1172C 9D3Leaflets 3, usually toothed, sometimes obscurely so 3 Leaflets 1165G 1173H 1174I 1175J 1172N 1174O A Trifolium Other 3-leafletsT 4-many LeafletsU Not glandularZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaflets sessile or, if short-stalked, the stalk of the terminal leaflet not conspicuously longer than those of the lateral ones; flowers in globose or subglobose heads, the corolla white to cream or pink to purple Hedysarum boreale 1853C 3.5D]Leaves glabrous to sparsely hairy, not woolly; involucre glabrous or nearly so, 1.5-3 mm high (Artemisia 3) 1852H 1854I 1855J 1853N 1853O Artemisia biennis Artemisia dracunculus Leaflets sessile or, if short-stalked, the stalk of the terminal leaflet not conspicuously longer than those of the lateral ones; flowers in globose or subglobose heads, the corolla white to cream or pink to purple A Trifolium 1172G 1175H 2532I 2532J 1174N 1176O A Trifolium A Trifolium Other 3-leafletsU 3 LeafletsZ FABACEAE[ Trifolium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1175C 10.5D Leaflets unequally stalked, the terminal leaflet with a considerably longer stalk than the lateral ones; flowers in spikelike racemes or in small heads and then the corolla yellow Other 3-leaflets 1172G 1174H 1176I 11771177 Leaflets unequally stalked, the terminal leaflet with a considerably longer stalk than the lateral ones; flowers in spikelike racemes or in small heads and then the corolla yellow 1173C 9.5D9 Leaflets (2)4-many, entire or rarely irregularly toothed 4-many Leaflets 1165G 1172H 1178I 1179J 1173N 1173O PalmateS PinnateT 3 LeafletsU Not glandularZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaves palmately compound Leaves pinnately compound 1174C 1175N 1175O Medicago A Melilotus A Trifolium 3 LeafletsZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Fruit somewhat flattened and either strongly curved or in 1-3 spirals; flowers blue-purple (pink or white) and in racemes to about 4 cm long, or yellow and in racemes to 1 cm long ALFruit ovoid; flowers white or yellow, in racemes often more than 4 cm long 1176C Fruit somewhat flattened and either strongly curved or in 1-3 spirals; flowers blue-purple (pink or white) and in racemes to about 4 cm long, or yellow and in racemes to 1 cm long Medicago 1175G 1177H 2526J 1176N 1178O Medicago Medicago A Melilotus Other 3-leafletsZ FABACEAE[ Medicago\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1177C 11.5DJFruit ovoid, flowers white or yellow, in racemes often more than 4 cm long A Melilotus 1175G 1176H 2529I 2529J 1177N 1177O A Melilotus A Melilotus Medicago Other 3-leafletsZ FABACEAE[ Melilotus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. 2526 Continue into next key. 1178C Leaves palmately compound Palmate 1173G 1179H 1180I 1181J 1178N 1180O A Trifolium Lupinus PinnateU 4-many LeafletsZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Flowers in globose to subglobose heads; herbage glabrous to sparsely pubescent; fruit less than 1 cm long and commonly retained within the persistent calyx Flowers in elongate racemes OR if in headlike clusters, the herbage densely pubescent with long, mostly spreading hairs; fruit at least 1 cm long and not enclosed within the calyx 1816C 2DeLeaves palmately (2)3-5-lobed (rarely ovate and not lobed in depauperate plants), stems 1-3(5) m tall PalmateZ FABACEAE[ Trifolium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1181C 13.5D Flowers in elongate racemes or, if in headlike clusters, the herbage densely pubescent with long, mostly spreading hairs; fruit at least 1 cm long and not enclosed within the calyx Lupinus 1178G 1180H 2517I 2517J 1181N 1181O Lupinus Lupinus A Trifolium Lupinus FABACEAE[ Lupinus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1179G 1182H 1186I 1187J 1183N 1183O A Hedysarum Astragalus No Terminal LeafletU PinnateZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS DFruit a loment, constricted between the seeds and ultimately breaking into 1-seeded segments; flowers pink to rose-purple or rarely white, the wings much shorter and narrower than the broad, nearly straight, obliquely truncate keel; plants chiefly in the foothills; stems 2-numerous and erect to ascending, 2-7 dm tall Fruit a legume, not constricted between the seeds, 2-valved and opening lengthwise; flower color diverse, the wings from slightly shorter to much longer than the keel; plants otherwise diverse, foothills to montane; stems erect to prostrate 1182C 14DnLeaves lacking a terminal unpaired leaflet, the rachis of at least some of the leaves prolonged into a tendril No Terminal Leaflet 1179G 1183H 1184I 1185J 1182N 1184O Vicia Lathyrus Terminal LeafletU PinnateZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS AvStyle with a dense tuft of white hairs encircling the cylindric tip; banner to about 5 mm wide from midline to margin AsStyle hairy only on the upper side of the flattened tip; banner usually more than 5 mm wide from midline to margin 1184C 15DuStyle with a dense tuft of white hairs encircling the cylindric tip, banner to about 5 mm wide from midline to margin Vicia 1182G 1185H 2543I 2543J 1184N 1186O Vicia Vicia Lathyrus No Terminal LeafletZ FABACEAE[ Vicia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1185C 15.5DrStyle hairy only on the upper side of the flattened tip, banner usually more than 5 mm wide from midline to margin Lathyrus 1182G 1184H 2508I 2508J 1185N 1185O Lathyrus Lathyrus 1792C A Osmorhiza 1792H 1793I 1794J 1792N 1793O (Osmorhiza) Osmorhiza occidentalis A Osmorhiza A Osmorhiza Terminal LeafletZ FABACEAE[ Hedysarum\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1187C 16.5D Fruit a legume, not constricted between the seeds, 2-valved and opening lengthwise; flower color diverse, the wings from slightly shorter to much longer than the keel; plants otherwise diverse, foothills to montane, the stems erect to prostrate Astragalus 1183G 1186H 2481I 2481J 1187N 1187O Astragalus Astragalus A Hedysarum Terminal LeafletZ FABACEAE[ Astragalus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. agalus Vicia No Terminal LeafletZ FABACEAE[ Lathyrus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1188C FUMARIACEAE 1188H 1189I 1190J 1188N 1189O Dicentra (FUMARIACEAE)T FUMARIACEAEU FUMARIACEAE FUMARIACEAE DICOTYLEDONS Plants to 0.8 dm tall; leaves entirely basal; flowers solitary and terminal; outer petals widely spreading to recurved at the apex, each pouched at the base Plants 1-10 dm tall; leaves cauline; flowers in racemes or panicles; outer petals erect to slightly spreading, one of them spurred at the base 1777C Plants of upper montane to alpine, the fibrous remains of old petioles persistent at the base; leaves bright green, the ultimate segments not distinctly overlapping Cymopterus hendersonii 1776G 1778H 1777I 1777J 1777N 1779O Show Description & Photos Cymopterus longipes (Cymopterus) 1192J 1190N 1190O A Corydalis Fumaria Dicentra FUMARIACEAEZ FUMARIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS AbCorolla 8-25 mm long, yellow or white to pinkish; fruit a many-seeded capsule at least 8 mm long AkCorolla rarely more than 8 mm long, lavender to rose-purple; fruit a 1-seeded nutlet to about 2.5 mm long 1191C 2D`Corolla 8-25 mm long, yellow or white to pinkish; fruit a many-seeded capsule at least 8 mm long A Corydalis 1190G 1192H 2546I 2546J 1191N 1193O A Corydalis A Corydalis 1189H FUMARIACEAE 1772C Leaves once pinnate or incompletely bipinnate, the leaflets usually more than twice as long as wide, often minutely scabrous, especially along the veins Angelica pinnata 1770C Fruit red at maturity; leaflets to 5 cm long, dimorphic, the terminal one larger than the lateral and tapered to the base but not distinctly stalked; branches numerous, spreading, the shrub rounded Rhus trilobata Thalli 0.5-1.2 mm long, the lower surface convex and rootless (visible as colonies forming a thin scum on the surface of the water) A\Thalli at least 2 mm long, flat or nearly so, with (0)1-several roots from the lower surface d LEMNACEAE 1242C Thalli 0.5-1.2 mm long, the lower surface convex and rootless (visible as colonies forming a thin scum on the surface of the water) Wolffia 1241G 1243H 3588I 3588J 1242N 1244O Wolffia punctata Wolffia punctata (LEMNACEAE)U LEMNACEAEZ LEMNACEAE[ Wolffia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Fumaria (FUMARIACEAE)Z FUMARIACEAE[ Corydalis\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1195C 1.5DLCorolla salverform to funnelform, the tube equal to or longer than the lobes (GENTIANACEAE) 1193G 1194H 1196I 1197J 1195N 1195O Centaurium (GENTIANACEAE) Swertia GENTIANACEAEZ GENTIANACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Corolla lobes pink or rarely white; anthers coiled after shedding pollen; plants apparently restricted to moist sites in the valleys Corolla lobes blue to purple or occasionally yellow, often mottled with green or white; anthers not coiled; plants of midmontane to alpine DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. 1752C 1D!Leaves compound, at least in part (Acer1) 1751G 1753H 1754I 1755J 1752N 1754O Acer negundo Acer glabrum (Acer) Z ACERACEAE[ Acer\ DICOTYLEDONS A6Leaflets 3-7, stalked; plant of valleys to midmontane A7Leaflets 3, sessile; plant of middle and upper montane 1753C Leaves simple (Acer2) Gentianella Gentiana Centaurium (GENTIANACEAE)Z GENTIANACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Corolla fringe-appendaged in the throat, not pleated below the sinuses, the margins between the lobes entire; calyx lobed but lacking a membranous lining Corolla not appendaged in the throat, pleated below the sinuses, the margins of the pleated portion toothed or lobed; calyx lobed and the lobes joined by a membranous lining, or not lobed and the tube entire to 1- or 2-cleft, or toothed and the lining then not evident 1198C 1195G 1196H 1198I 1199J 1197N 1197O 1197N 1197O Corolla fringe-appendaged in the throat, not pleated below the sinuses, the margins between the lobes entire; calyx lobed but lacking a membranous lining Gentianella 1197G 1199H 3791I 3791J 1198N 1200O Gentianella amarella Gentianella amarella Gentiana (GENTIANACEAE)Z GENTIANACEAE[ Gentianella\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1199C 1198C Corolla not appendaged in the throat, pleated below the sinuses, the margins of the pleated portion toothed or lobed; calyx lobed and the lobes joined by a membranous lining, or not lobed and the tube entire to 1- or 2-cleft, or toothed and the lining then not evident Gentiana 1197G 1198H 3792I 3792J 1199N 1199O Gentiana affinis Gentiana affinis Gentianella (GENTIANACEAE)Z GENTIANACEAE[ Gentiana\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1200C GERANIACEAE 1200H 1201I 12021202 1200N 1201O Erodium Geranium GERANIACEAEU GERANIACEAEZ GERANIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaves pinnately much dissected, the basal in a rosette; styles becoming spirally twisted at maturity; mericarps subcylindric and sharp-pointed at the base Leaves palmately lobed to divided, the basal when present mostly erect-ascending on long petioles, not forming a rosette; styles recurved to coiled but not twisted at maturity; mericarps ellipsoid and rounded at the base GERANIACEAE 1201C 1ERANIACEAE 1200H 1201I Leaves pinnately much dissected, the basal in a rosette; styles becoming spirally twisted at maturity; mericarps subcylindric and sharp-pointed at the base Erodium 1200G 1202H 3727I 3727J 1201N 1203O Erodium cicutarium Erodium cicutarium GeraniumU GERANIACEAEZ GERANIACEAE[ Erodium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1202C Leaves palmately lobed to divided, the basal when present mostly erect-ascending on long petioles, not forming a rosette; styles recurved to coiled but not twisted at maturity; mericarps ellipsoid and rounded at the base Geranium 1740C Corolla yellow to yellow-green, the tube longer than the lobes; anthers shorter than the filaments; calyx becoming greatly inflated and membranous in fruit Physalis 1737G 1741H 3507I 3507J 1740N 1742O Physalis Physalis Solanum (SOLANACEAE)Z SOLANACEAE[ Physalis\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Leaves entire or, if lobed or divided near the base, the terminal segment entire and larger than the collective lobes or leaflets HYDROPHYLLACEAE 1204C 1DALeaves pinnately lobed throughout into 3-15 nearly equal segments (HYDROPHYLLACEAE) 1203G 1205H 1206I 1207J 1204N 1206O A Nemophila Hydrophyllum Phacelia HYDROPHYLLACEAEZ HYDROPHYLLACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Annual; flowers inconspicuous, solitary at the nodes on slender recurved peduncies; calyx with reflexed appendages between the lobes; stems armed with minute, retrorse prickles 1200G 1201H 2552I 2552J 1202N 1202O Geranium Geranium Geranium GERANIACEAEZ GERANIACEAE[ Geranium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1203C HYDROPHYLLACEAE 1203H 1204I 1205J 1203N 1204O (HYDROPHYLLACEAE) Phacelia HYDROPHYLLACEAEU HYDROPHYLLACEAEZ HYDROPHYLLACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS AALeaves pinnately lobed throughout into 3-15 nearly equal segments Perennial; flowers conspicuous, numerous, initially in globose clusters on stout peduncles; calyx without reflexed appendages between the lobes; stems hairy but without prickles 1205C Leaves entire or, if lobed or divided near the base, the terminal segment entire and larger than the collective lobes or leaflets Phacelia 1203G 1204H 2617I 2617J 1205N 1205O Phacelia Phacelia (HYDROPHYLLACEAE)U HYDROPHYLLACEAEZ HYDROPHYLLACEAE[ Phacelia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Perennial; flowers conspicuous, numerous, initially in globose clusters on stout peduncles; calyx without reflexed appendages between the lobes; stems hairy but without prickles Hydrophyllum 1204G 1206H 2614I 2614J 1207N 1207O Hydrophyllum Hydrophyllum A Nemophila (HYDROPHYLLACEAE)Z HYDROPHYLLACEAE[ Hydrophyllum\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1208C A IRIDACEAE 1208H 1209I 1210J 1208N 1209O Sisyrinchium T IRIDACEAE 1206C Annual; flowers inconspicuous, solitary at the nodes on slender recurved peduncies; calyx with reflexed appendages between the lobes; stems armed with minute, retrorse prickles A Nemophila 1204G 1207H 3719I 3719J 1206N 1208O Nemophila breviflora Nemophila breviflora Hydrophyllum (HYDROPHYLLACEAE)Z HYDROPHYLLACEAE[ Nemophila\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1207C (MONOCOTYLEDONS) Z IRIDACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS AbFlowers to 10 cm in diameter, whitish to yellow, or blue to dark purple; stems stout, to 1 m tall AeFlowers to about 1.5 cm in diameter, pale to deep blue-violet; flowering stems slender, to 5 dm tall d IRIDACEAE 1209C 1DaFlowers to 10 cm in diameter, whitish to yellow, or blue to dark purple; stems stout, to 1 m tall 1208G 1210H 2624I 2624J 1209N 1211O Sisyrinchium U IRIDACEAEZ IRIDACEAE[ Iris\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1210C 1.5DdFlowers to about 1.5 cm in diameter. pale to deep blue-violet; flowering stems slender, to 5 dm tall Sisyrinchium 1208G 1209H 3793I 3793J 1210N 1210O Sisyrinchium idahoense Sisyrinchium idahoense U IRIDACEAEZ IRIDACEAE[ Sisyrinchium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1211C A JUNCACEAE 1211H 1212I 1213J 1211N 1212O Luzula Juncus T JUNCACEAEU JUNCACEAEZ JUNCACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS AdSeeds 3 per capsule; sheaths closed; leaves in one species long-ciliate, especially near the base A?Seeds numerous in each capsule; sheaths open; leaves glabrous d JUNCACEAE 1212C 1DaSeeds 3 per capsule; sheaths closed, leaves in one species long-ciliate, especially near the base Luzula 1211G 1213H 2648I 2648J 1212N 1214O Luzula Luzula 1710C 2.5D1Corolla diverse in color, not spurred at the base (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 1708G 1709H 1711I 1712J 1710N 1710O (SCROPHULARIACEAE)S (SCROPHULARIACEAE) Linaria (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_sUpper lip of the corolla hooded or long-tapered (beaked), erect to arched, at least partially enclosing the anthers`NUpper lip of the corolla not forming a hood or beak, not enclosing the anthers 1711C 3DsUpper lip of the corolla hooded or long-tapered (beaked), erect to arched, at least partially enclosing the anthersthers 1215I 1216J 1214N 1215O (LAMIACEAE)S (LAMIACEAE)T LAMIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ LAMIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS AiInflorescence evidently terminal, the flower whorls subtended by bracts much smaller than the stem leaves AQInflorescence axillary, the flower whorls subtended by well-developed stem leaves d LAMIACEAE 1215C 1DiInflorescence evidently terminal, the flower whorls subtended by bracts much smaller than the stem leaves (LAMIACEAE) 1214G 1216H 1217I 1218J 1215N 1217O (LAMIACEAE)S (LAMIACEAE)T (LAMIACEAE)U LAMIACEAEZ LAMIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Calyx distinctly 2-lipped or irregularly lobed; flowers in axils of conspicuous bracts, these spiny-toothed and leaflike or unlike the leaves in shape, color, or texture Juncus U JUNCACEAEZ JUNCACEAE[ Luzula\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1213C 1.5D=Seeds numerous in each capsule, sheaths open, leaves glabrous Juncus 1211G 1212H 2627I 2627J 1213N 1213O Juncus Juncus Luzula U JUNCACEAEZ JUNCACEAE[ Juncus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Calyx radially symmetrical or obscurely 2-lipped, the teeth nearly equal or if distinctly unequal, the bracts leaflike but not spiny-toothed. 1216C 1.5DQInflorescence axillary, the flower whorls subtended by well-developed stem leaves (LAMIACEAE) 1214G 1215H 1231I 1232J 1216N 1216O A Marrubium (LAMIACEAE)T (LAMIACEAE)U LAMIACEAEZ LAMIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Calyx with 10 sharp-pointed and strongly recurved teeth, the tube pubescent with minute branched hairs; herbage gray-woolly to some degree AVCalyx with 4 or 5 teeth, the tube lacking branched hairs; herbage not at all woolly , color, or texture 1709C 2D9Corolla yellow with an elongate, slender spur at the base Linaria 1708G 1710H 3444I 3444J 1709N 1711O Linaria Linaria (SCROPHULARIACEAE) (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Linaria\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1218C Calyx radially symmetrical or obscurely 2-lipped, the teeth nearly equal or if distinctly unequal, the bracts leaflike but not spiny-toothed. (LAMIACEAE) 1215G 1217H 1223I 1224J 1218N 1218O Monardella (LAMIACEAE)T (LAMIACEAE)U (LAMIACEAE)Z LAMIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Inflorescence a terminal head subtended by an involucre composed of entire, rounded, membranous bracts; corolla limb of-5 subequal, narrowly elongate lobes; plants usually woody-based; leaves entire Plants not as opposite 1219C Bracts membranous, greenish to white, often tinged with some shade of pink, 1-3 cm long, usually abruptly tapered to a tail-like tip but otherwise entire; principal leaf blades 7-20 cm long and to 12 cm wide; stamens 2 Salvia 1217G 1220H 3794I 3794J 1219N 1221O Salvia sclarea Salvia sclarea (LAMIACEAE) (LAMIACEAE) Z LAMIACEAE[ Salvia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1220C 3.5DqBracts either leaflike or rarely more than 1 cm long, principal leaf blades to 7 cm long and 3 cm wide, stamens 4 (LAMIACEAE) 1704C Petals lobed; flowering stems leafy; leaves deeply lobed to compound, the lobes or leaflets variously toothed or cleft; plants of valleys to midmontane Lithophragma 1701G 1705H 3415I 3415J 1704N 1706O Lithophragma Lithophragma A Saxifraga (SAXIFRAGACEAE)Z SAXIFRAGACEAE[ Lithophragma\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Bracts 1-3 cm long and spiny-toothed, upper lobe of the calyx entire and acute at the apex, corolla scarcely exceeding the calyx A Moldavica 1220G 1222H 3795I 3795J 1221N 1223O Moldavica parviflora Moldavica parviflora Prunella (LAMIACEAE) Z LAMIACEAE[ Moldavica\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1222C Bracts to 1.5 cm long and entire, upper lip of the calyx truncate and usually shallowly 3-toothed, corolla much longer than the calyx Prunella 1217G 1219H 1221I 1222J 1220N 1220O A Moldavica Prunella Salvia (LAMIACEAE) Z LAMIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Bracts 1-3 cm long and spiny-toothed; upper lobe of the calyx entire and acute at the apex; corolla scarcely exceeding the calyx Bracts to 1.5 cm long and entire; upper lip of the calyx truncate and usually shallowly 3-toothed; corolla much longer than the calyx 1221C 1220G 1221H 3796I 3796J 1222N 1222O Prunella vulgaris Prunella vulgaris A Moldavica (LAMIACEAE) Z LAMIACEAE[ Prunella\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1223C Inflorescence a terminal head subtended by an involucre composed of entire, rounded, membranous bracts; corolla limb of-5 subequal, narrowly elongate lobes; plants usually woody-based; leaves entire Monardella 1218G 1224H 3797I 3797J 1223N 1225O Monardella odoratissima Monardella odoratissima (LAMIACEAE) (LAMIACEAE) Z LAMIACEAE[ Monardella\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1224C Plants not as above (LAMIACEAE) 1218G 1223H 1225I 1226J 1224N 1224O Mentha (LAMIACEAE) Monardella (LAMIACEAE) Z LAMIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS A[Corolla radially symmetrical or nearly so, 4-lobed, 2-5 mm long; plants strongly aromatic la odoratissima AVCorolla distinctly 2-lipped, obscurely 5-lobed, 7-16 mm long; plants aromatic or not 1225C 6DYCorolla radially symmetrical or nearly so, 4-lobed; 2-5 mm long; plants strongly aromatic Mentha 1224G 1226H 2660I 2660J 1225N 1227O Mentha Mentha (LAMIACEAE) (LAMIACEAE) Z LAMIACEAE[ Mentha\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1226C 6.5DTCorolla distinctly 2-lipped, obscurely 5-lobed, 7-16 mm long; plants aromatic or not (LAMIACEAE) 1681C Flowers mostly unisexual, sessile in dense globose clusters; floral tube ovoid, nearly closed at the mouth; sepals 4; petals lacking Sanguisorba 1682H 3704I 3704J 1681N 1683O Sanguisorba minor Sanguisorba minor Leaves sessile or nearly so, the petioles not more than 5 mm long; calyx 5-10-nerved; stem hairs widely spreading and often more than 1 mm long Stachys 1226G 1228H 3798I 3798J 1227N 1229O Stachys palustris Stachys palustris (LAMIACEAE) (LAMIACEAE) Z LAMIACEAE[ Stachys\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1228C Leaves petioled, some or all of the petioles more than 5 mm long; calyx 15-nerved; stem hairs mostly appressed, not more than 1 mm long (LAMIACEAE) 1224G 1225H 1227I 1228J 1226N 1226O Stachys (LAMIACEAE) Mentha (LAMIACEAE) Z LAMIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaves sessile or nearly so, the petioles not more than 5 mm long; calyx 5-10-nerved; stem hairs widely spreading and often more than 1 mm long Leaves petioled, some or all of the petioles more than 5 mm long; calyx 15-nerved; stem hairs mostly appressed, not more than 1 mm long 1227C 1653C 6D*Shrubs or trees (alternate lead on p. 529) (ROSACEAE) 1652G 1654H 1655I 1656J 1653N 1655O (ROSACEAE)S (ROSACEAE)T (ROSACEAE)U (ROSACEAE)Z ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_&Leaves pinnately or palmately compound`)Leaves simple, entire or toothed to lobed 1654C Annual to perennial herbs (ROSACEAE) 1652G 1653H 1677I 1678J 1654N 1654O (ROSACEAE)S (ROSACEAE)T (ROSACEAE) (ROSACEAE)EAE) 1229C Stamens well exserted, the anther sacs parallel or nearly so; calyx typically lavender- to rose-tinged, at least above the middle; nutlets minutely hairy at the apex; herbage subglabrous to short-hairy, not velvety-pubescent A Agastache 1228G 1230H 3799I 3799J 1229N 1231O Agastache urticifolia Agastache urticifolia Nepeta (LAMIACEAE) Z LAMIACEAE[ Agastache\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1230C 8.5escent Stamens included or barely exserted, the anther sacs widely divergent and confluent after dehiscence; calyx greenish-white; nutlets smooth or minutely gland-dotted at the apex; herbage velvety-pubescent Nepeta 1228G 1229H 3800I 3800J 1230N 1230O Nepeta cataria Nepeta cataria A Agastache (LAMIACEAE) Z LAMIACEAE[ Nepeta\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1231C 1230C 1230C 1226G 1227H 1229I 1230J 1228N 1228O A Agastache Nepeta Stachys (LAMIACEAE) Z LAMIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Stamens well exserted, the anther sacs parallel or nearly so; calyx typically lavender- to rose-tinged, at least above the middle; nutlets minutely hairy at the apex; herbage subglabrous to short-hairy, not velvety-pubescent Stamens included or barely exserted, the anther sacs widely divergent and confluent after dehiscence; calyx greenish-white; nutlets smooth or minutely gland-dotted at the apex; herbage velvety-pubescent Calyx with 10 sharp-pointed and strongly recurved teeth, the tube pubescent with minute branched hairs; herbage gray-woolly to some degree A Marrubium 1216G 1232H 3801I 3801J 1231N 1233O Marrubium vulgare Marrubium vulgare (LAMIACEAE) (LAMIACEAE) Z LAMIACEAE[ Marrubium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1232C 9.5DSCalyx with 4 or 5 teeth, the tube lacking branched hairs; herbage not at all woollyE (LAMIACEAE)F 1216G 1231H 1233I 1234J 1232N 1232O Leonurus (LAMIACEAE) A Marrubium (LAMIACEAE)Z LAMIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaves palmately lobed, the lobes with acute teeth; upper corolla lip hooded and dorsally densely white-hairy; nutlets apically flat and hairy `%Plants not as above in all characters 1233C Leaves palmately lobed, the lobes with acute teeth; upper corolla lip hooded and dorsally densely white-hairy; nutlets apically flat and hairy Leonurus 1232G 1234H 3802I 3802J 1233N 1235O Leonurus cardiaca Leonurus cardiaca (LAMIACEAE)U (LAMIACEAE)Z LAMIACEAE[ Leonurus\ DICOTYLEDONS LAMIACEAE) 1235C Corolla strongly 2-lipped, at least 10 mm long (the pistillate flowers of Glechoma shorter), rose-purple to lavender or blue, rarely white or pink; leaves mostly about as wide as long and rounded at the apex, coarsely crenate to shallowly round-lobedE (LAMIACEAE)F 1234G 1236H 1237I 1238J 1235N 1237O Glechoma Lamium (LAMIACEAE)U (LAMIACEAE)Z LAMIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Calyx prominently l5-nerved, glandular as well as pubescent; flowers short-pedicelled, (1)2-6 per node; anther sacs glabrous r to rarely pink; leaves mostly longer than broad, acute at the apex, and pinnately cleft or serrate Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1234C 10.5D%Plants not as above in all charactersE (LAMIACEAE)F 1232G 1233H 1235I 1236J 1234N 1234O (LAMIACEAE)S (LAMIACEAE) Leonurus (LAMIACEAE)Z LAMIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Corolla strongly 2-lipped, at least 10 mm long (the pistillate flowers of Glechoma shorter), rose-purple to lavender or blue, rarely white or pink; leaves mostly about as wide as long and rounded at the apex, coarsely crenate to shallowly round-lobed Corolla nearly radially symmetrical, 2-7 mm long, white or lavender to rarely pink; leaves mostly longer than broad, acute at the apex, and pinnately cleft or serrate AbPlants strongly aromatic; stamens 4; principal leaves serrate with petioles more than 2 mm long 1237C 12D|Calyx prominently l5-nerved, glandular as well as pubescent; flowers short-pedicelled, (1)2-6 per node; anther sacs glabrous Glechoma 1235G 1238H 3803I 3803J 1237N 1239O Glechoma hederacea Glechoma hederacea Lamium (LAMIACEAE)Z LAMIACEAE[ Glechoma\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Calyx either few-nerved or obscurely many-nerved, pubescent but not glandular; flowers sessile and relatively numerous in the leaf axils; anther sacs hairy 1236C 11.5D Corolla nearly radially symmetrical, 2-7 mm long, white or lavender to rarely pink; leaves mostly longer than broad, acute at the apex, and pinnately cleft or serrateE (LAMIACEAE)F 1234G 1235H 1239I 1240J 1236N 1236O Lycopus Mentha arvensis (LAMIACEAE)U (LAMIACEAE)Z LAMIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Plants nonaromatic; stamens 2; principal leaves either pinnately lobed or sessile to subsessile, the petioles to about 2 mm long 1648C Leaflets glabrous or pubescent, the hairs not woolly; flowers pink to rose or rarely white, more than 10 mm in diameter, fruit of achenes enclosed in a fleshy, red to purple, subglobose to ellipsoid floral tube (hip) 6-20 mm long 1645G 1647H 3259I 3259J 1648N 1648O Rubus (ROSACEAE)Z ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Lycopus Mentha arvensis (LAMIACEAE)Z LAMIACEAE[ Lycopus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1644C Plants unarmed (ROSACEAE) 1642G 1643H 1651I 1652J 1644N 1644O Petrophytum (ROSACEAE)EAE) A]Flowers white or pink to rose-purple; perianth segments free or nearly so, 5-12(18) mm long 1250C 2.5D3Flowers not in umbels or, if so, the leaves cauline (LILIACEAE) 1248G 1249H 1253I 1254J 1250N 1250O Calochortus (LILIACEAE)T (LILIACEAE)U (LILIACEAE)Z LILIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Inner perianth segments 2.5-4 cm long, white or lavender to rose-violet and banded or spotted with bright yellow and red or purple AOInner perianth segments less than 2.5 cm long or not banded or spotted as above 1251C DICOTYLEDONS Flower whorls in leaf axils and separated by the length of the internodes; leaf blades scarcely reduced upward; calyx hairy throughout; stamens exserted Flower whorls in leaf axils and separated by the length of the internodes; leaf blades scarcely reduced upward; calyx hairy throughout; stamens exserted 1241C A LEMNACEAE 1241G 1241H 1242I 1243J 1241N 1242O Wolffia (LEMNACEAE)T LEMNACEAEU LEMNACEAEZ LEMNACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS r`kLeaves chiefly basal, the stem leaves markedly reduced upward; styles 3; fruit a capsule; plants from bulbs 1267C Leaves evenly distributed along the stem, scarcely reduced upward; style 1, obscurely 3-lobed; fruit a berry; plants rhizomatous A Smilacina 1266G 1268H 2676I 2676J 1267N 1269O A Smilacina A Smilacina A Zigadenus (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE[ Smilacina\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1268C 11.5DkLeaves chiefly basal, the stem leaves markedly reduced upward; styles 3; fruit a capsule; plants from bulbs Single species in genus locally. 1243C 1.5D\Thalli at least 2 mm long, flat or nearly so, with (0)1-several roots from the lower surface (LEMNACEAE) 1241G 1242H 1244I 1245J 1243N 1243O Lemna A Spirodela Wolffia U LEMNACEAEZ LEMNACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS AIEach thallus with a single root, occasionally some of the thalli rootless Each thallus with 2-15 roots 1244C 2DIEach thallus with a single root, occasionally some of the thalli rootless Lemna 1243G 1245H 2665I 2665J 1244N 1246O Lemna 1641C 1.5DkLeaves thin and not glossy, pinnately veined; stipules deciduous; petals lacking, the calyx greenish-yellow Rhamnus 1639G 1640H 3863I 3863J 1641N 1641O Rhamnus alnifolia Rhamnus alnifolia A Ceanothus RHAMNACEAEZ RHAMNACEAE[ Rhamnus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1642C ROSACEAE 1642H 1643I 1644J 1642N 1643O (ROSACEAE)S (ROSACEAE)T ROSACEAEU ROSACEAEZ ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS A:Plants armed with thorns, prickles, or spinose branch tips Lemna A Spirodela (LEMNACEAE)Z LEMNACEAE[ Lemna\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1245C Each thallus with 2-15 roots A Spirodela 1243G 1244H 3587I 3587J 1245N 1245O Spirodela polyrhiza Spirodela polyrhiza Lemna (LEMNACEAE)Z LEMNACEAE[ Spirodela\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1246C A LILIACEAE 1246H 1247I 1248J 1246N 1247O A Asparagus (LILIACEAE)T LILIACEAEU LILIACEAEZ LILIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Leaves scalelike and subtending a cluster of needlelike green branches, the latter resembling leaves; flowers greenish-white to yellowish, bell-shaped; fruit a red berry A]Leaves neither scalelike nor needlelike; plants not otherwise as above in every particular d LILIACEAE 1247C Spirodela polyrhiza Leaves scalelike and subtending a cluster of needlelike green branches, the latter resembling leaves; flowers greenish-white to yellowish., bell-shaped; fruit a red berry A Asparagus 1246G 1248H 3804I 3804J 1247N 1249O Asparagus officinale Asparagus officinale (LILIACEAE)U LILIACEAEZ LILIACEAE[ Asparagus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1248C 1.5DZLeaves neither scalelike nor needlelike, plants not otherwise as above in every particular (LILIACEAE) 1246G 1247H 1249I 1250J 1248N 1248O (LILIACEAE)S (LILIACEAE) A Asparagus U LILIACEAEZ LILIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Flowers in terminal umbels; leaves entirely basal, often basally sheathing and appearing cauline, but not arising from the stem A3Flowers not in umbels or, if so, the leaves cauline 1249C Flowers in terminal umbels; leaves entirely basal, often basally sheathing and appearing cauline, but not arising from the stem (LILIACEAE) 1248G 1250H 1251I 2668J 1249N 1251O A Triteleia Allium (LILIACEAE)U (LILIACEAE)Z LILIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS AnFlowers blue to violet or rarely white; perianth segments united for at leasthalt their length, 15-30 mm long 1635C Sepals about 3 mm long, greenish-white; achenes 7-11, laterally nerved, glabrous or obscurely glandular; herbage glabrous or glandular Thalictrum sparsiflorum 1634G 1636H cDmFlowers blue to violet or rarely white; perianth segments united for at leasthalt their length, 15-30 mm long A Triteleia 1249G 1252H 3805I 3805J 1251N 1253O Triteleia grandiflora Triteleia grandiflora Allium (LILIACEAE)Z LILIACEAE[ Triteleia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. 1252C 3.5D[Flowers white or pink to rose-purple; perianth segments free or nearly so. 5 12(18) mm long Allium 1249G 1251H 2668I 2668J 1252N 1252O Allium Allium A Triteleia 1250G 1253H 1255I 1256J 1254N 1254O Camassia (LILIACEAE) Calochortus (LILIACEAE)Z LILIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS AiFlowers pale to deep blue-violet or rarely white, 1.5-4 cm long, usually numerous in racemes to 3 dm long AfFlowers white to yellow or dark purple-brown, either less than 1.5 cm long or not in elongate racemes 1255C 5DiFlowers pale to deep blue-violet or rarely white, 1.5-4 cm long, usually numerous in racemes to 3 dm long Camassia 1254G 1256H 3807I 3807J 1255N 1257O Camassia quamash Camassia quamash Calochortus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS 1622C Fruit of usually numerous achenes; sepals 5, whitish to green, often red- or purple-tinged, otherwise diverse; petals present, sometimes early deciduousE (RANUNCULACEAE)F 1618G 1621H 1623I 1624J 1622N 1622O Myosurus (RANUNCULACEAE) Caltha (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Annual, rarely as much as 1 dm tall; leaves entirely basal, linear or nearly so and entire or few-toothed; sepals spurred; fruiting heads cylindric, to about 2 mm wide`'Plants not as above in every particular 1597C Flowers at least 10 mm long (PRIMULACEAE) 1595G 1598H 1599I 1600J 1597N 1599O Dodecatheon Primula (PRIMULACEAE) (PRIMULACEAE) PRIMULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_gFlowers nodding, corolla lobes strongly reflexed, anthers fully exserted and connivent around the style`?Flowers erect, corolla lobes widely spreading, anthers included (LILIACEAE)U (LILIACEAE)Z LILIACEAE[ Camassia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. 1256C 5.5DfFlowers white to yellow or dark purple-brown, either less than 1.5 cm long or not in elongate racemes (LILIACEAE) 1254G 1255H 1257I 1258J 1256N 1256O Streptopus (LILIACEAE) Camassia (LILIACEAE)Z LILIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Flowers 1(2) on slender jointed peduncles arising under each of the upper stem leaves; perianth segments to 1.5 cm long, greenish-white to yellow-green; anthers terminating in a slender awnlike structure; fruit a smooth, yellow to red, many-seeded berry (LILIACEAE) (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE[ Streptopus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. 1258C Flowers 1-numerous in a terminal inflorescence; perianth segments various; anthers not awned; fruit a capsule or a berry, the latter sometimes red but the surface then distinctly papillose (LILIACEAE) 1256G 1257H 1259I 1260J 1258N 1258O Erythronium (LILIACEAE) Streptopus (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Leaves (1)2, evidently opposite, often sheathing the base of the scape, 1-5 cm wide; flowers nodding; perianth segments 2-4 cm long, ultimately recurved, yellow or rarely whitehite j`}Leaves more than 2 or distinctly cauline; flowers erect or, if nodding, the perianth segments not recurved, diversely colored 1259C Leaves (1)2, evidently opposite, often sheathing the base of the scape, 1-5 cm wide; flowers nodding; perianth segments 2-4 cm long, ultimately recurved, yellow or rarely white Erythronium 1258G 1260H 3809I 3809J 1259N 1261O Erythronium grandiflorum Erythronium grandiflorum (LILIACEAE) (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE[ Erythronium\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1260C 3160I 3160J Myosurus Myosurus HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ RANUNCULACEAE Myosurus Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 75.5D;Pistil 1, receptacle not linear, stems with at least 1 leaf HERBACEOUS DICOTS Parnassia of SAXIFRAGACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS Myosurus of RANUNCULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS lD}Leaves more than 2 or distinctly cauline; flowers erect or, if nodding, the perianth segments not recurved, diversely colored (LILIACEAE) 1258G 1259H 1261I 1262J 1260N 1260O (LILIACEAE)S (LILIACEAE) Erythronium (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_?Leaves linear to narrowly elongate, rarely as much as 2 cm wide`QLeaves elliptic to narrowly lanceolate, at least some of them more than 2 cm wide 1261C 8D?Leaves linear to narrowly elongate, rarely as much as 2 cm wide (LILIACEAE) 1260G 1262H 1263I 1264J 1261N 1263O Lloydia (LILIACEAE)T (LILIACEAE) (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAECEAE MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Leaves to 2 mm wide; plants to 1.5 dm tall; flowers erect; perianth white with green or purple veins, each segment bearing a transversely wrinkled green gland near the base`'Plants not as above in every particular 1262C 8.5DQLeaves elliptic to narrowly lanceolate, at least some of them more than 2 cm wide (LILIACEAE) 1260G 1261H 1269I 1270J 1262N 1262O Veratrum (LILIACEAE)T (LILIACEAE) (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Plants 1-2 m tall; principal stem leaves 2-4 dm long, pleated along the prominent veins, especially near the base; styles 3; fruit a capsule`jPlants either less than 1 m tall or the leaves less than 2 dm long and not pleated; style 1; fruit a berry 1263C 9inkled green gland near the base 1345G 1346H 1348I 1349J 1347N 1347O Sorghum Panicum Setaria POACEAE Group AZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets typically (2)3 at each node with one sessile and the other one or two pedicelled; lemma of the sessile spikelet with an awn 1-1.5 cm long`(Spikelets all pedicelled, lemmas unawned Leaves to 2 mm wide; plants to 1.5 dm tall; flowers erect; perianth white with green or purple veins, each segment bearing a transversely wrinkled green gland near the base Lloydia 1261G 1264H 3810I 3810J 1263N 1265O Lloydia serotina Lloydia serotina (LILIACEAE) (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE[ Lloydia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1264C 9.5D'Plants not as above in every particular (LILIACEAE) 1261G 1263H 1265I 1266J 1264N 1264O Fritillariaaria Spikelets mostly 10-20 mm long (excluding the elongate lemma awns); lemmas ciliate on the keel and on at least one lateral margin; glumes much shorter than the 2 nearly opposite florets; inflorescence 4-17 cm long 1358C 4.5DUGlumes or lemmas not both strongly compressed and coarsely short-ciliate on the keels POACEAE Group B 1354G 1357H 1361I 1362J 1358N 1358O POACEAE Group BS POACEAE Group BT POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ASpikelets 1 at each node of the rachis (alternate lead on p. 407)`,Spikelets 2 or more at some or all the nodes 1359C 5DrSpikelets to 3.5 mm long; glumes ciliate on the keels, exceeding the solitary floret; inflorescence 1.4-13 cm long Phleum 1357G 1360H 2932I 2932J 1359N 1361O Phleum Phleum (LILIACEAE) Lloydia (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Perianth 1-2.5 cm long, yellow or predominately purple-brown, broadly to narrowly bell-shaped and erect or nodding; anthers 3-6 mm long, dehiscing laterally; lower stems often naked; basal leaves none`VPerianth to 1.1 cm long, white or nearly so, not otherwise as above in every character 1265C Perianth 1-2.5 cm long, yellow or predominately purple-brown, broadly to narrowly bell-shaped and erect or nodding; anthers 3-6 mm long, dehiscing laterally; lower stems often naked; basal leaves none Fritillaria 1264G 1266H 2673I 2673J 1265N 1267O Fritillaria Fritillaria (LILIACEAE) (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE[ Fritillaria\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1266C 10.5DVPerianth to 1.1 cm long, white or nearly so, not otherwise as above in every character (LILIACEAE) 1264G 1265H 1267I 1268J 1266N 1266O A Smilacina A Zigadenus Fritillaria (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Leaves evenly distributed along the stem, scarcely reduced upward; style 1, obscurely 3-lobed; fruit a berry; plants rhizomatoustous 1343C 1.5DALigule present, plants not otherwise as above in every particular POACEAE Group A 1341G 1342H 1344I 1345J 1343N 1343O A Digitaria POACEAE Group A Echinochloa POACEAE Group AZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS ILigule membranous, often with long hairs at the margins of the collar; inflorescence of 2-several, slender, spikelike racemes in a whorl at the apex of the stem or closely spaced on a short axis; spikelets in pairs on the rachis, one subsessile and the other short-pedicelled, sometimes both spikelets pedicelled but unequally so `wLigules entirely of hairs or membranous and ciliate; inflorescence a contracted to open panicle, spikelets not as above 1344C A Zigadenus 1266G 1267H 2679I 2679J 1268N 1268O A Zigadenus A Zigadenus A Smilacina (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE[ Zigadenus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1269C Plants 1-2 m tall; principal stem leaves 2-4 dm long, pleated along the prominent veins, especially near the base; styles 3; fruit a capsule Veratrum 1262G 1270H 3811I 3811J 1269N 1271O Veratrum californicum Veratrum californicum (LILIACEAE) (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE[ Veratrum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1270C 12.5DjPlants either less than 1 m tall or the leaves less than 2 dm long and not pleated; style 1; fruit a berry (LILIACEAE) 1262G 1269H 1271I 1272J 1270N 1270O Disporum A Smilacina Veratrum (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSDONS@ Single species in genus locally. 1275C 1.5D)Bractlets 0-13, free; petals to 3 cm long (MALVACEAE) 1273G 1274H 1276I 1277J 1275N 1275O (MALVACEAE)S (MALVACEAE) Althaea U MALVACEAEZ MALVACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ALeaves toothed or obscurely to shallowly lobed, the lobes rounded`eLeaves (or some of them) lobed for at least one-third the distance to the base, the lobes often acute 1276C 2DALeaves toothed or obscurely to shallowly lobed, the lobes rounded (MALVACEAE) 1275G 1277H 1278I 1279J 1276N 1278O Malva (MALVACEAE) (MALVACEAE) Z MALVACEAE Flowers 1 or 2(3) on short, mostly recurved pedicels closely subtended by 2 opposite or subopposite leaves; perianth (8)10-15 mm long; berries reddish-orange and papillose; stems often branched` Flowers in a raceme or panicle, the perianth to 7(8) mm long; berries reddish or black at maturity but not at all papillose; stems simple 1271C Flowers 1 or 2(3) on short, mostly recurved pedicels closely subtended by 2 opposite or subopposite leaves; perianth (8)10-15 mm long; berries reddish-orange and papillose; stems often branched Disporum 1270G 1272H 3812I 3812J 1271N 1273O Disporum trachycarpum Disporum trachycarpum A Smilacina (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE[ Disporum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. A MALVACEAE 1273H 1274I 1275J 1273N 1274O Althaea (MALVACEAE)T MALVACEAEU MALVACEAEZ MALVACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_kBractlets 6-9, fused and closely subtending the calyx, the latter thus appearing double; petals 3-7 cm long`)Bractlets 0-13, free; petals to 3 cm longd MALVACEAE 1274C 1DkBractlets 6-9, fused and closely subtending the calyx, the latter thus appearing double; petals 3-7 cm long Althaea 1273G 1275H 3813I 3813J 1274N 1276O Althaea rosea Althaea rosea (MALVACEAE)U MALVACEAEZ MALVACEAE[ Althaea\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. (MALVACEAE) DICOTYLEDONS_wFlowers yellow to cream, stigmas subglobose, herbage often densely stellate, leaf petiole mostly shorter than the blade` Flowers pale lavender to white, stigmas threadlike, herbage sparsely stellate, leaf petiole typically several times as long as the blade 1277C 2.5DeLeaves (or some of them) lobed for at least one-third the distance to the base, the lobes often acute (MALVACEAE) 1275G 1276H 1280I 1281J 1277N 1277O Hibiscus (MALVACEAE)T (MALVACEAE) (MALVACEAE) Z MALVACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_tCalyx becoming pale, papery, inflated, and dark-nerved; petals yellow with a dark purple base; stems often prostrate`bCalyx not papery and inflated at fruiting, petals not as above, stems erect to decumbent-ascending 1278C 1336C Spikelets pedicelled (sessile to subsessile in clusters at tips of panicle branches in Dactylis); inflorescence a contracted to open, sometimes spikelike raceme or panicle POACEAE 1334G 1335H 1337I 1338J 1336N 1336O POACEAE Group CS POACEAET POACEAE Group BU POACEAEZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_xSpikelet with a single well-developed floret, in a few species 1 or 2 rudimentary florets above or below the fertile one`,Spikelets with 2-many well-developed florets ~DwFlowers yellow to cream, stigmas subglobose, herbage often densely stellate, leaf petiole mostly shorter than the blade 1276G 1279H 3814I 3814J 1278N 1280O Sida hederaceae Sida hederaceae Malva (MALVACEAE) Z MALVACEAE[ Sida\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1279C Flowers pale lavender to white, stigmas threadlike, herbage sparsely stellate, leaf petiole typically several times as long as the blade Malva 1276G 1278H 3815I 3815J 1279N 1279O Malva neglecta Malva neglecta (MALVACEAE) Z MALVACEAE[ Malva\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1280C 4DtCalyx becoming pale, papery, inflated, and dark-nerved; petals yellow with a dark purple base; stems often prostrate Hibiscus 1277G 1281H 3816I 3816J 1280N 1282O Hibiscus trionum Hibiscus trionum 1578C 11.5D Indusium attached on one side only, hoodlike, commonly reflexed at maturity; leaves thin, the veins distinct. the margins usually flat; rhizomes without persistent old petiole bases Cystopteris 1576G 1577H 3089I 3089J 1578N 1578O Cystopteris Cystopteris Woodsia (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Cystopteris\ FERNS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1282C 5DoFlowers red to orange, herbage more or less densely gray-stellate throughout, plants rarely more than 7 dm tall Sphaeralcea 1281G 1283H 2695I 2695J 1282N 1284O Sphaeralcea Sphaeralcea (MALVACEAE) (MALVACEAE) Z MALVACEAE[ Sphaeralcea\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1283C 5.5DUFlowers lavender-pink to purple or white, herbage sparsely hairy, plants 2-20 dm tall (MALVACEAE) 1281G 1282H 1284I 1285J 1283N 1283O Sidalcea Iliamnaamna Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1286C NYCTAGINACEAE 1286H 1287I 1288J 1286N 1287O Abronia A Mirabilis NYCTAGINACEAEU NYCTAGINACEAE Z NYCTAGINACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_kInvolucre of free bracts subtending numerous flowers; calyx salverform, 1-3 cm long, the limb white or pink`hInvolucre of basally fused bracts subtending 1-3 flowers; calyx funnelform, to 1 cm long, pink to purpled NYCTAGINACEAE 1287C 1DkInvolucre of free bracts subtending numerous flowers; calyx salverform, 1-3 cm long, the limb white or pink Abronia 1286G 1288H 3652I 3652J 1287N 1289O Abronia fragrans 1283H (MALVACEAE) (MALVACEAE) Z MALVACEAE[ Hibiscus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Sphaeralcea (MALVACEAE) Z MALVACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Mericarps glabrous or obscurely hairy, short-beaked; calyx not closely subtended by bractlets or rarely with only 1; upper leaves typically more deeply cleft than the lower ones` Mericarps conspicuously stiff-hairy, not beaked at the apex; calyx closely subtended by 3 linear bractlets; upper and lower leaves similarly cleft 1284C Mericarps glabrous or obscurely hairy, short-beaked; calyx not closely subtended by bractlets or rarely with only 1; upper leaves typically more deeply cleft than the lower ones Sidalcea 1283G 1285H 2692I 2692J 1284N 1286O Sidalcea Sidalcea Iliamna (MALVACEAE) Z MALVACEAE[ Sidalcea\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1285C Mericarps conspicuously stiff-hairy, not beaked at the apex; calyx closely subtended by 3 linear bractlets; upper and lower leaves similarly cleft Iliamna 1283G 1284H 3817I 3817J 1285N 1285O Iliamna rivularis Iliamna rivularis Sidalcea (MALVACEAE) Z MALVACEAE[ Iliamna\ DICOTYLEDONS x closely subtended by 3 linear bractlets; upper and lower leaves similarly cleft Iliamna 1283G 1284H 3817I 3817J 1285N 1285O Iliamna rivularis Iliamna rivularis Sidalcea (MALVACEAE) Z MALVACEAE[ Iliamna\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1286C NYCTAGINACEAE us locally. 1286C NYCTAGINACEAE Abronia fragrans A Mirabilis NYCTAGINACEAEZ NYCTAGINACEAE[ Abronia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1288C 1.5DhInvolucre of basally fused bracts subtending 1-3 flowers; calyx funnelform, to 1 cm long, pink to purple A Mirabilis 1286G 1287H 3653I 3653J 1288N 1288O Mirabilis linearis Mirabilis linearis Abronia NYCTAGINACEAEZ NYCTAGINACEAE[ Mirabilis\ DICOTYLEDONS NYCTAGINACEAE[ Abronia Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1289C ONAGRACEAE 1289H 1290I 1291J 1289N 1290O Circaea (ONAGRACEAE)T ONAGRACEAEU ONAGRACEAEZ ONAGRACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Sepals and petals 2; fruit obovoid, about 2 mm long, with minute, hooked hairs; leaves opposite, those above usually larger than those below Sepals and petals 4; fruit cylindric or nearly so, more than 2 mm long, often pubescent but the hairs not hooked; leaves diverse 1568C 6.5DfVeins of lower leaf surface indistinct or obscure, ultimate leaf segments crenate and flat or revolute Woodsia 1565G 1567H 3095I 3095J 1568N 1568O Woodsia Woodsia Athyrium (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Woodsia\ FERNS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1569C Indusium peltate, attached by a central stalk, spreading out over the sori; ultimate leaf segments spiny-toothed to sharply serrate and usually mucronatenate Plants to 2 m tall; pubescence velvety; inflorescence a spike 1-3 dm long petals about 2 mm long; fruit sessile, hardened and tardily dehiscent, tapered at both ends, 5-11 mm long`'Plants not as above in every particular 1296C Plants to 2 m tall; pubescence velvety; inflorescence a spike 1-3 dm long petals about 2 mm long; fruit sessile, hardened and tardily dehiscent, tapered at both ends, 5-11 mm long Gaura 1295G 1297H 3635I 3635J 1296N 1298O Gaura parviflora Gaura parviflora (ONAGRACEAE)U (ONAGRACEAE)Z ONAGRACEAE[ Gaura\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1297C ONAGRACEAE 1290C Sepals and petals 2; fruit obovoid, about 2 mm long, with minute, hooked hairs; leaves opposite, those above usually larger than those below Circaea 1289G 1291H 3633I 3633J 1290N 1292O Circaea alpina Circaea alpina (ONAGRACEAE)U ONAGRACEAEZ ONAGRACEAE[ Circaea\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. (ONAGRACEAE) Circaea ONAGRACEAEZ ONAGRACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Low annuals on drying mud flats in the foothills; flowers small, lavender-pink, sessile in the axils of scarcely reduced and crowded leaves, capsules to 9 mm long; seeds lacking tufts of hair`'Plants not as above in every particular 1292C Low annuals on drying mud flats in the foothills; flowers small, lavender-pink, sessile in the axils of scarcely reduced and crowded leaves, capsules to 9 mm long; seeds lacking tufts of hair Boisduvalia 1291G 1293H 3818I 3818J 1292N 1294O Boisduvalia glabella Boisduvalia glabella (ONAGRACEAE)U (ONAGRACEAE)Z ONAGRACEAE[ Boisduvaliavalia DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1293C 2.5D'Plants not as above in every particular (ONAGRACEAE) 1291G 1292H 1294I 1295J 1293N 1293O A Epilobium (ONAGRACEAE) Boisduvalia (ONAGRACEAE)Z ONAGRACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Seeds with a tuft of hairs at the apex; sepals erect to ascending at flowering; petals red, white, or some shade of pink to purple`{Seeds without a tuft of hairs at the apex; sepals spreading to reflexed at flowering; petal color diverse, never bright red 1294C Seeds with a tuft of hairs at the apex; sepals erect to ascending at flowering; petals red, white, or some shade of pink to purple A Epilobium 1567C 6DRVeins of lower leaf surface conspicuous, margins of ultimate leaf segments serrate Athyrium 1565G 1568H 3573I 3573J 1567N 1569O Athyrium filix-femina Athyrium filix-femina Woodsia (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Athyrium\ FERNS_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. 1293G 1295H 2701I 2701J 1294N 1296O A Epilobium A Epilobium (ONAGRACEAE)U (ONAGRACEAE)Z ONAGRACEAE[ Epilobium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1295C 3.5D{Seeds without a tuft of hairs at the apex; sepals spreading to reflexed at flowering; petal color diverse, never bright red (ONAGRACEAE) 1293G 1294H 1296I 1297J 1295N 1295O Gaura (ONAGRACEAE) A Epilobium (ONAGRACEAE)Z ONAGRACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaves mostly clustered on spur shoots, to 1 mm wide, deciduous; female cones with awn-tipped bracts, the awn exceeding the scale` Leaves evidently spirally arranged along the branches, more than 1 mm wide evergreen; female cones with bracts minute and included, or 3-toothed and longer than the scales 1320C Leaves mostly clustered on spur shoots, to 1 mm wide, deciduous; female cones with awn-tipped bracts, the awn exceeding the scale Larix 1319G 1321H 3581I 3581J 1320N 1322O Larix occidentalis Larix occidentalis (PINACEAE)U (PINACEAE)Z PINACEAE Larix Gymnosperms Single species in genus locally. D'Plants not as above in every particular (ONAGRACEAE) 1295G 1296H 1298I 1299J 1297N 1297O Clarkia (ONAGRACEAE) Gaura (ONAGRACEAE)Z ONAGRACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves below the inflorescence mostly opposite or nearly so, the blades 5-25 mm wide; flowers 1-few, rarely as many as 20; petals rose-purple, 5-10(12) mm long, the uppermost slightly broader than the other 3` Leaves mostly alternate, the blades diverse; flowers often numerous; petals yellow, white, or pink to rose or lavender, variable in size, the uppermost not broader than the other 3 1298C Leaves below the inflorescence mostly opposite or nearly so, the blades 5-25 mm wide; flowers 1-few, rarely as many as 20; petals rose-purple, 5-10(12) mm long, the uppermost slightly broader than the other 3 Clarkia 1297G 1299H 3636I 3636J 1298N 1300O Clarkia rhomboidea Clarkia rhomboidea (ONAGRACEAE)U (ONAGRACEAE)Z ONAGRACEAE[ Clarkia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1299C Leaves mostly alternate, the blades diverse; flowers often numerous; petals yellow, white, or pink to rose or lavender, variable in size, the uppermost not broader than the other 3 (ONAGRACEAE) 1297G 1298H 1300I 1301J 1299N 1299O Gayophytum (ONAGRACEAE) Clarkia (ONAGRACEAE)Z ONAGRACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS (ONAGRACEAE) Continue into next key. 1304C ORCHIDACEAE 1304H 1305I 1306J 1304N 1305O Corallorhiza (ORCHIDACEAE)T ORCHIDACEAEU ORCHIDACEAEZ ORCHIDACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Plants not green (lacking chlorophyll), the scapes yellowish to red-purple or purple-brown; leaves essentially lacking; capsules reflexed` Plants green, at least prior to flowering; stems leafy or the leaves entirely basal; capsules erect to spreading, or pendent in Epipactisd ORCHIDACEAE 1305C Plants not green (lacking chlorophyll), the scapes yellowish to red-purple or purple-brown; leaves essentially lacking; capsules reflexed Corallorhiza 1304G 1306H 2726I 2726J 1305N 1307O Corallorhiza Corallorhiza Petals to 3 mm long, white or pink to rose; floral tube lacking or less than 1 mm long; low annuals with pedicels and tips of branches typically hairlike or nearly so`|Petals more than 3 mm long; floral tube at least 1 mm long; annuals or perennials, the pedicels and branch tips not hairlike 1300C Petals to 3 mm long, white or pink to rose; floral tube lacking or less than 1 mm long; low annuals with pedicels and tips of branches typically hairlike or nearly so Gayophytum 1299G 1301H 2716I 2716J 1300N 1302O Gayophytum Gayophytum (ONAGRACEAE)U (ONAGRACEAE)Z ONAGRACEAE[ Gayophytum\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1301C D|Petals more than 3 mm long; floral tube at least 1 mm long; annuals or perennials, the pedicels and branch tips not hairlike (ONAGRACEAE) 1299G 1300H 1302I 1303J 1301N 1301O A Oenothera Camissonia Gayophytum (ONAGRACEAE)Z ONAGRACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_jPetals at least 1 cm long; stigmas 4-lobed; capsules sessile, at least 1.5 mm wide at the base at maturity` Petals less than 0.8 cm long, stigmas entire and globose or nearly so, capsules either distinctly pedicelled or less than 1.5 mm wide at maturity 1302C 7DjPetals at least 1 cm long; stigmas 4-lobed; capsules sessile, at least 1.5 mm wide at the base at maturity A Oenothera 1301G 1303H 2719I 2719J 1302N 1304O A Oenothera A Oenothera Camissonia (ONAGRACEAE)Z ONAGRACEAE[ Oenothera\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1303C Petals less than 0.8 cm long, stigmas entire and globose or nearly so, capsules either distinctly pedicelled or less than 1.5 mm wide at maturity Camissonia 1301G 1302H 2698I 2698J 1303N 1303O Camissonia Camissonia A Oenothera (ONAGRACEAE)Z ONAGRACEAE[ Camissonia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. 1304H 1305I 1306J 1304N 1305O Corallorhiza 1301G 1302H 2698I 2698J 1303N 1303O Camissonia Camissonia A Oenothera (ONAGRACEAE)Z ONAGRACEAE[ Camissonia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1304C ORCHIDACEAE 1304H 1305I 1306J 1304N 1305O Corallorhiza 1304H 1305I 1306J 1304N 1305O Corallorhiza (ORCHIDACEAE)U ORCHIDACEAEZ ORCHIDACEAE[ Corallorhiza\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1306C Plants green, at least prior to flowering; stems leafy or the leaves entirely basal; capsules erect to spreading, or pendent in Epipactis (ORCHIDACEAE) 1304G 1305H 1307I 1308J 1306N 1306O Cypripedium (ORCHIDACEAE) Corallorhiza ORCHIDACEAEZ ORCHIDACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_kCorolla lip forming a broad inflated pouch 1-3 cm long, with an opening below the column; fertile anthers 2rs 2 Continue into next key. A Habenaria (ORCHIDACEAE) (ORCHIDACEAE) ORCHIDACEAE[ Habenaria\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_jCorolla lip with a slender, sometimes short, tubular spur arising at the base and prolonged behind the lip`jCorolla lip with a slender, sometimes short, tubular spur arising at the base and prolonged behind the lip 1310C 3.5D#Corolla lip not spurred at the base (ORCHIDACEAE) 1308G 1309H 1311I 1312J 1310N 1310O Goodyera (ORCHIDACEAE) A Habenaria (ORCHIDACEAE) ORCHIDACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSs 2 Cypripedium 1306G 1308H 2731I 2731308H 2731I Corolla lip essentially flat or grooved near the base and concave toward the tip, not more than 1.8 cm long, sometimes prolonged basally into a spur but not strongly pouched and inflated; anthers 1 1307C 2DkCorolla lip forming a broad inflated pouch 1-3 cm long, with an opening below the column; fertile anthers 2 Cypripedium 1306G 1308H 2731I 2731J 1307N 1309O Cypripedium Cypripedium (ORCHIDACEAE) (ORCHIDACEAE) ORCHIDACEAE[ Cypripedium\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1308C Corolla lip essentially flat or grooved near the base and concave toward the tip, not more than 1.8 cm long, sometimes prolonged basally into a spur but not strongly pouched and inflated; anthers 1 (ORCHIDACEAE) 1306G 1307H 1309I 1310J 1308N 1308O A Habenaria (ORCHIDACEAE) Cypripedium (ORCHIDACEAE) ORCHIDACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_jCorolla lip with a slender, sometimes short, tubular spur arising at the base and prolonged behind the lip`#Corolla lip not spurred at the base 1309C 3DjCorolla lip with a slender, sometimes short, tubular spur arising at the base and prolonged behind the lip A Habenaria 1308G 1310H 1309I 1309J 1309N 1311O A Habenaria Leaves in a basal rosette, the blades mostly ovate to oblong, dark green mottled with white; corolla lip margins entire, neither notched nor lobed` Leaves cauline, sometimes restricted to the lower stem but then mostly narrowly elongate and not mottled with white; corolla lip notched at the apex or variously lobed 1311C Leaves in a basal rosette, the blades mostly ovate to oblong, dark green mottled with white; corolla lip margins entire, neither notched nor lobed Goodyera 1310G 1312H 3819I 3819J 1311N 1313O Goodyera oblongifolia Goodyera oblongifolia (ORCHIDACEAE) (ORCHIDACEAE) ORCHIDACEAE[ Goodyera\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. 1563C 4DbLeaves simple, deeply pinnately lobed, the lobes mostly oblong and finely serrate to nearly entire Polypodium 1561G 1564H 3572I 3572J 1563N 1565O Polypodium hesperium Polypodium hesperium (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Polypodium\ FERNS_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. 1564C Leaves 1-3 times pinnateE (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1561G 1563H 1565I 3089J 1564N 1564O (POLYPODIACEAE) Cystopteris Polypodium Single species in genus locally. 1312C Leaves cauline, sometimes restricted to the lower stem but then mostly narrowly elongate and not mottled with white; corolla lip notched at the apex or variously lobed (ORCHIDACEAE) 1310G 1311H 1313I 1314J 1312N 1312O Listera (ORCHIDACEAE) Goodyera (ORCHIDACEAE) ORCHIDACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Leaves 2, opposite or nearly so at about midstem; corolla greenish-white to yellowish, the lip flat or nearly so, 8-13 mm long, notched at the broad tip`uLeaves usually more than 2 and alternate; corolla various, if greenish-white, the lip without a distinct apical notch 1313C 1312G 1313H 1315I 1316J 1314N 1314O A Epipactis Spiranthes Listera (ORCHIDACEAE) ORCHIDACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_@Flowers purplish-brown or reddish-yellow, stems leafy throughout`UFlowers greenish-white to cream, stem leaves best developed near the base of the stem 1315C 6D@Flowers purplish-brown or reddish-yellow, stems leafy throughout A Epipactis 1314G 1316H 3821I 3821J 1315N 1317O Epipactis gigantea Epipactis gigantea Spiranthes (ORCHIDACEAE) Leaves 2, opposite or nearly so at about midstem; corolla greenish-white to yellowish, the lip flat or nearly so, 8-13 mm long, notched at the broad tip Listera 1312G 1314H 3820I 3820J 1313N 1315O Listera convallarioides Listera convallarioides (ORCHIDACEAE) (ORCHIDACEAE) ORCHIDACEAE[ Listera\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1314C 5.5DuLeaves usually more than 2 and alternate; corolla various, if greenish-white, the lip without a distinct apical notch (ORCHIDACEAE) ORCHIDACEAE[ Epipactis\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1316C 6.5DUFlowers greenish-white to cream, stem leaves best developed near the base of the stem Spiranthes 1314G 1315H 2741I 2741J 1316N 1316O Spiranthes Spiranthes A Epipactis (ORCHIDACEAE) ORCHIDACEAE[ Spiranthes\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1317C PINACEAE cream, stem leaves best developed near the base of the stem Spiranthes 1314G 1315H 2741I 2741J 1316N 1316O Spiranthes Spiranthes A Epipactis (ORCHIDACEAE)LEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1316C 6.5DUFlowers greenish-white to cream, stem leaves best developed near the base of the stem Spiranthes 1314G 1315H 2741I 2741J 1316N 1316O Spiranthes Spiranthes A Epipactis (ORCHIDACEAE) 1317H 1318I 1319J 1317N 1318O Pinus (PINACEAE)T PINACEAEU PINACEAEZ PINACEAE\ Gymnosperms Leaves in fascicles of 2, 3, or 5, each fascicle surrounded at the base by a papery sheath (at least when young); mature female cone scales greatly thickened above the base and terminating in a blunt apical protuberance, this sometimes prolonged into a stout prickle Leaves solitary or clustered on spur shoots, not surrounded by a papery sheath at the base, mature female cone papery to somewhat woody, the scales not conspicuously thickened above the base, the apex thin and unarmedd PINACEAE 1318C Leaves in fascicles of 2, 3, or 5, each fascicle surrounded at the base by a papery sheath (at least when young); mature female cone scales greatly thickened above the base and terminating in a blunt apical protuberance, this sometimes prolonged into a stout prickle Pinus 1555C Sepals 6, initially green or yellowish to reddish-tinged, the inner series enlarging in fruit, ultimately membranous and usually strongly reticulate-veined, often with grainlike swellings developing on the midrib; stigmas with numerous threadlike branches Rumex 1553G 1554H 3063I 3063J 1555N 1555O Rumex Rumex A Polygonum (POLYGONACEAE)Z POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1556C POLYPODIACEAEF 1556H 1557I 1558J 1556N 1557O A Pteridium Single species in genus locally. 1321C Leaves evidently spirally arranged along the branches, more than 1 mm wide evergreen; female cones with bracts minute and included, or 3-toothed and longer than the scales (PINACEAE) 1319G 1320H 1322I 1323J 1321N 1321O Picea (PINACEAE) Larix (PINACEAE)Z PINACEAE\ Gymnosperms_ Leaves square or rectangular in cross section, mostly distinctly acute to pungent-tipped at the apex, borne on short, persistent, peglike extensions of the twig` Leaves flattened to somewhat triangular but not square in cross section, rounded to acutish at the apex but not pungent-tipped, arising directly from the twig, the leaf scars depressed to slightly raised but not peglike 1322C 1317G 1319H 2755I 2755J 1318N 1320O Pinus Pinus (PINACEAE)U PINACEAEZ PINACEAE Pinus Gymnosperms Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1319C Leaves solitary or clustered on spur shoots, not surrounded by a papery sheath at the base, mature female cone papery to somewhat woody, the scales not conspicuously thickened above the base, the apex thin and unarmed (PINACEAE) 1317G 1318H 1320I 1321J 1319N 1319O Larix (PINACEAE) Pinus PINACEAEZ PINACEAE\ Gymnosperms arranged along the branches, more than 1 mm wide evergreen; female cones with bracts minute and included, or 3-toothed and longer than the scales (PINACEAE) 1319G 1320H 1322I 1323J 1321N 1321O Picea (PINACEAE) Larix (PINACEAE)Z PINACEAE\ Gymnosperms Single species in genus locally. 1321C Leaves evidently spirally arranged along the branches, more than 1 mm wide evergreen; female cones with bracts minute and included, or 3-toothed and longer than the scales (PINACEAE) 1319G 1320H 1322I 1323J 1321N 1321O Picea (PINACEAE) Larix (PINACEAE)Z PINACEAE\ Gymnosperms (PINACEAE)Z PINACEAE Pseudotsuga Gymnosperms Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1326C POACEAE-Key to Groups 1326H 1327I 1328J 1326N 1327O Cenchrus POACEAET POACEAE-Key to GroupsU POACEAEZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_mSpikelets enclosed within a spiny bur; plant prostrate to ascending, occupying disturbed sites in the valleys`FSpikelets not enclosed by a spiny bur, plant habit and habitat diversed POACEAE GRAMINEAE 1327C 1DmSpikelets enclosed within a spiny bur; plant prostrate to ascending, occupying disturbed sites in the valleys Cenchrus 1326G 1328H 3822I Leaves square or rectangular in cross section, mostly distinctly acute to pungent-tipped at the apex, borne on short, persistent, peglike extensions of the twig Picea 1321G 1323H 2752I 2752J 1322N 1324O Picea Picea (PINACEAE)U (PINACEAE)Z PINACEAE Picea Gymnosperms Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1323C Leaves flattened to somewhat triangular but not square in cross section, rounded to acutish at the apex but not pungent-tipped, arising directly from the twig, the leaf scars depressed to slightly raised but not peglike (PINACEAE) 1321G 1322H 13241324 1325J 1323N 1323O Abies Pseudotsuga Picea (PINACEAE)Z PINACEAE\ Gymnosperms_ Terminal buds blunt and strongly resinous; leaf scars often more than 1 mm wide; female cones erect, the bracts included, the scales deciduous, leaving the cone axis persistent on the branch` Terminal buds sharp-pointed and sometimes shiny but not distinctly resinous; leaf scars to about 1 mm wide; female cones pendent, the bracts 3-toothed and exserted, the scales persistent and the cone falling as a unit 1324C Terminal buds blunt and strongly resinous; leaf scars often more than 1 mm wide; female cones erect, the bracts included, the scales deciduous, leaving the cone axis persistent on the branch Abies 1323G 1325H 2749I 2749J 1324N 1326O Abies Abies Pseudotsuga (PINACEAE)Z PINACEAE Abies Gymnosperms Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1325C Terminal buds sharp-pointed and sometimes shiny but not distinctly resinous; leaf scars to about 1 mm wide; female cones pendent, the bracts 3-toothed and exserted, the scales persistent and the cone falling as a unit Pseudotsuga 1323G 1324H 3582I 3582J 1325N 1325O Pseudotsuga menziesii Pseudotsuga menziesii Abiesbies Spikelets dorsiventrally compressed (the lemmas convex to nearly flat rather than laterally compressed or folded along the midrib), disarticulating below the glumes and falling entire; bisexual floret 1, terminal in the spikelet and usually subtended by a sterile or staminate floret Spikelets terete to laterally or, in a few species, dorsiventrally compressed, disarticulating above or below the glumes; bisexual florets 1-many, rudimentary florets, when present, either above the fertile ones or obscure 1329C Spikelets dorsiventrally compressed (the lemmas convex to nearly flat rather than laterally compressed or folded along the midrib), disarticulating below the glumes and falling entire; bisexual floret 1, terminal in the spikelet and usually subtended by a sterile or staminate floret POACEAE Group A 1328G 1330H 1341I 1341J 1329N 1331O POACEAE Group AS POACEAE Group AT POACEAEU POACEAE 1327N 1329O Cenchrus longispinus Cenchrus longispinus POACEAEU POACEAE-Key to GroupsZ POACEAE[ Cenchrus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1328C 1.5DFSpikelets not enclosed by a spiny bur, plant habit and habitat diverse POACEAE 1326G 1327H 1329I 1330J 1328N 1328O POACEAE Group AS POACEAE Cenchrus POACEAE-Key to GroupsZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS POACEAEU POACEAE-Key to GroupsZ POACEAE[ Cenchrus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1330C Spikelets terete to laterally or, in a few species, dorsiventrally compressed, disarticulating above or below the glumes; bisexual florets 1-many, rudimentary florets, when present, either above the fertile ones or obscure POACEAE 1328G 1329H 1331I 1332J 1330N 1330O Leersia POACEAET POACEAE Group AU POACEAEZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Glumes lacking, spikelets flat, 1-flowered; lemmas subelliptic and minutely stiff-hairy; inflorescence an open, drooping panicle, the branches often flexuous and partially naked; plants of marshes or other wet sites in the valleys`LGlumes (at least one) present; spikelets, inflorescence, and habitat diverseerse 1331C Glumes lacking, spikelets flat, 1-flowered; lemmas subelliptic and minutely stiff-hairy; inflorescence an open, drooping panicle, the branches often flexuous and partially naked; plants of marshes or other wet sites in the valleys Leersia 1330G 1332H 3823I 3823J 1331N 1333O Leersia oryzoides Leersia oryzoides POACEAEU POACEAEZ POACEAE[ Leersia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1332C 3.5DLGlumes (at least one) present; spikelets, inflorescence, and habitat diverse POACEAE 1330G 1331H 1333I 1334J 1332N 1332O Danthonia unispicata POACEAE Leersia POACEAEZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelet solitary and terminal on the stem, lemma awn flat at the base and twisted, arising between the apical lobes of the lemma; leaf sheaths normally conspicuously long-hairy`4Spikelets more than 1, plants not otherwise as above 1333C Spikelet solitary and terminal on the stem, lemma awn flat at the base and twisted, arising between the apical lobes of the lemma; leaf sheaths normally conspicuously long-hairy Danthonia unispicata 1332G 1334H 2853I 2853J 1333N 1335O Danthonia unispicata Danthonia unispicata Spikelets sessile or nearly so at each node of the rachis (in some species the lateral spikelets of a trio short-pedicelled); inflorescence a solitary terminal spike or of multiple spikes whorled to racemosely or paniculately arranged` Spikelets pedicelled (sessile to subsessile in clusters at tips of panicle branches in Dactylis); inflorescence a contracted to open, sometimes spikelike raceme or panicle 1335C Spikelets sessile or nearly so at each node of the rachis (in some species the lateral spikelets of a trio short-pedicelled); inflorescence a solitary terminal spike or of multiple spikes whorled to racemosely or paniculately arranged POACEAE Group B 1334G 1336H 1350I 1350J 1335N 1337O POACEAE Group BS POACEAE Group BT POACEAEU POACEAEZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. POACEAEU POACEAEZ POACEAE[ Danthonia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets solitary and terminal on the stem, rarely 1 or 2 reduced spikelets below the terminal one; callus short-hairy, the hairs less than 1 mm long; sheaths typically long-hairy throughout` Spikelets solitary and terminal on the stem, rarely 1 or 2 reduced spikelets below the terminal one; callus short-hairy, the hairs less than 1 mm long; sheaths typically long-hairy throughout 1334C 4.5D4Spikelets more than 1, plants not otherwise as above POACEAE 1332G 1333H 1335I 1336J 1334N 1334O POACEAE Group BS POACEAE Danthonia unispicata POACEAEZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSuced spikelets below the terminal one; callus short-hairy, the hairs less than 1 mm long; sheaths typically long-hairy throughout 1338C 6.5D,Spikelets with 2-many well-developed florets POACEAE 1336G 1337H 1339I 1340J 1338N 1338O POACEAE Group DS POACEAE Group ET POACEAE Group CU POACEAEZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Glumes (at least the longer one) equal to or longer than the body of the lowermost lemma, in some species surpassing all the florets`\Glumes consistently shorter than the body of the lowermost lemma, sometimes only slightly so 1339C Glumes (at least the longer one) equal to or longer than the body of the lowermost lemma, in some species surpassing all the florets POACEAE Group D 1338G 1340H 1448I 1448J 1339N 1341O POACEAE Group DS POACEAE Group DT POACEAE Group EU POACEAEZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1340C 7.5D\Glumes consistently shorter than the body of the lowermost lemma, sometimes only slightly so POACEAE Group E 1338G 1339H 1473I 1473J 1340N 1340O POACEAE Group ES POACEAE Group ET POACEAE Group DU POACEAEZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1341C POACEAE Group A 1329G 1341H 1342I 1343J 1341N 1342O Echinochloa POACEAE Group AT POACEAE Group AU POACEAE Group AZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSDONSDONSEAE Group ET POACEAE Group CU POACEAEZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Ligule lacking; spikelets in irregular clusters along one side of the panicle branches; glumes and sterile lemmas with stiff, spreadinq hairs on the nerves, usually awned`ALigule present, plants not otherwise as above in every particulard POACEAE Group A 1342C Ligule lacking; spikelets in irregular clusters along one side of the panicle branches; glumes and sterile lemmas with stiff, spreadinq hairs on the nerves, usually awned Echinochloa 1341G 1343H 3824I 3824J 1342N 1344O Echinochloa crusgalli Echinochloa crusgalli POACEAE Group AU POACEAE Group AZ POACEAE[ Echinochloa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1523C 25.5D Lemmas either rhombic-ovate and inflated or 9-12 mm long and shallowly lobed to obtuse at the apex; leaf sheaths closed to the top or nearly so, sometimes mechanically split, the margins not overlapping Bromus 1521G 1522H 2818I 2818J 1523N 1523O Bromus Bromus Festuca POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Bromus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1524C POLEMONIACEAECEAE 1343G 1344H 1346I 1347J 1345N 1345O Setaria POACEAE Group A A Digitaria POACEAE Group AZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_&Spikelets subtended by 1-many bristles`#Spikelets not subtended by bristles 1346C 3D&Spikelets subtended by 1-many bristles Setaria 1345G 1347H 2978I 2978J 1346N 1348O Setaria Setaria POACEAE Group AU POACEAE Group AZ POACEAE[ Setaria\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1347C 3.5D#Spikelets not subtended by bristles POACEAE Group A ILigule membranous, often with long hairs at the margins of the collar; inflorescence of 2-several, slender, spikelike racemes in a whorl at the apex of the stem or closely spaced on a short axis; spikelets in pairs on the rachis, one subsessile and the other short-pedicelled, sometimes both spikelets pedicelled but unequally so A Digitaria 1343G 1345H 2860I 2860J 1344N 1346O A Digitaria A Digitaria POACEAE Group AU POACEAE Group AZ POACEAE[ Digitaria\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1345C 2.5DwLigules entirely of hairs or membranous and ciliate; inflorescence a contracted to open panicle, spikelets not as above POACEAE Group Aup A 1522C Lemmas lanceolate, 4-11 mm long, acute at the apex; leaf sheaths open for at least two-thirds their length and typically overlapping near the apex Festuca 1521G 1523H 2887I 2887J 1522N 1524O Festuca Festuca Bromus POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Festuca\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. POACEAE Group AZ POACEAE[ Sorghum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1349C 4.5D(Spikelets all pedicelled, lemmas unawned Panicum 1347G 1348H 2922I 2922J 1349N 1349O Panicum Panicum Sorghum POACEAE Group AZ POACEAE[ Panicum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1350C POACEAE Group B 1335G 1350H 1351I 1352J 1350N 1351O POACEAE Group Bup Bup B POACEAE Group BT POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_6Spike solitary and terminal (alternate lead on p. 407)`jSpikes multiple, often secund, arranged in 1 or more terminal whorls or in a racemose or paniculate mannerd POACEAE Group B 1351C 1D6Spike solitary and terminal (alternate lead on p. 407) POACEAE Group B 1350G 1352H 1353I 1354J 1351N 1353O POACEAE Group BS POACEAE Group BT POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets crowded on one side of a flat or triangular rachis; low, mostly prostrate to spreading annuals restricted to disturbed sites chiefly in the valleys, rarely invading the foothills` Spikelets or spikelet clusters either encircling or alternately arranged on opposite sides of the rachis; low, mostly erect annuals or perennials occupying diverse habitats 1352C Panicum POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_iGlumes and lemmas obtuse at the apex, spikelets often subsessile, leaf sheath margins glabrous throughout`tGlumes and lemmas acute at the apex, spikelets sessile, leaf sheath margins long-ciliate in the region of the collar 1354C Spikelets or spikelet clusters either encircling or alternately arranged on opposite sides of the rachis; low, mostly erect annuals or perennials occupying diverse habitats POACEAE Group B 1351G 1353H 1357I 1358J 1354N 1354O POACEAE Group BS POACEAE Group BT POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_aGlumes or lemmas strongly compressed and ciliate on the keels with short, spreading, coarse hairs`UGlumes or lemmas not both strongly compressed and coarsely short-ciliate on the keels 1355C 3DiGlumes and lemmas obtuse at the apex, spikelets often subsessile, leaf sheath margins glabrous throughout DjSpikes multiple, often secund, arranged in 1 or more terminal whorls or in a racemose or paniculate manner POACEAE Group B 1350G 1351H 1393I 1394J 1352N 1352O POACEAE Group BS POACEAE Group BT POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikes in 1 or more whorls, occasionally with 1-several spikes racemosely arranged below the terminal whorl; plants of dry or mesic, disturbed sites`\Spikes racemosely or paniculately arranged; plants of moist or wet, sometimes alkaline sites 1353C Spikelets crowded on one side of a flat or triangular rachis; low, mostly prostrate to spreading annuals restricted to disturbed sites chiefly in the valleys, rarely invading the foothills POACEAE Group B 1351G 1354H 1355I 1356J 1353N 1355O Sclerochloa Eleusine fruit sessile achenes fruit shiny light brown terete achenes fruit usually numerous achenes sepals whitish green fruit ovoid fruit maturity fruit maturity leaflets dimorphic fruit velvety-hairy fruit smooth often curved pedicels mostly slightly shorter fruit sometimes species fleshy fruit splitting nutlike mericarps| fruit strongly flattened petals purple-brown fruit usually silicles siliques fruit white fruit whitish yellow maturity fruit without lateral recurved spinesp fruiting Sclerochloa 1353G 1356H 3826I 3826J 1355N 1357O Sclerochloa dura Sclerochloa dura Eleusine POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Sclerochloa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1356C 3.5DtGlumes and lemmas acute at the apex, spikelets sessile, leaf sheath margins long-ciliate in the region of the collar Eleusine 1353G 1355H 3827I 3827J 1356N 1356O Eleusine indica Eleusine indica Sclerochloa POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Eleusine\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1357C 4DaGlumes or lemmas strongly compressed and ciliate on the keels with short, spreading, coarse hairs POACEAE Group B 1354G 1358H 1359I 1360J 1357N 1359O Phleum Secale POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_rSpikelets to 3.5 mm long; glumes ciliate on the keels, exceeding the solitary floret; inflorescence 1.4-13 cm longlong 1520C Stems bulbous-based; lemmas prominently 7-11-nerved, typically with a narrow band of purple just below the apex but ultimately straw-colored; panicles narrow; leaf sheaths closed throughout their length or nearly so; auricles lacking Melica 1517G 1521H 2916I 2916J 1520N 1522O Melica Melica POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Melica\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1521C 24.5D Stems not bulbous-based; lemmas variously nerved, not typically purple-banded; panicles narrow to open; leaf sheaths closed or open; sometimes auriculateE POACEAE Group EF 1517G 1520H 1522I 1523J 1521N 1521O Festuca Secale POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Phleum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1360C Spikelets mostly 10-20 mm long (excluding the elongate lemma awns); lemmas ciliate on the keel and on at least one lateral margin; glumes much shorter than the 2 nearly opposite florets; inflorescence 4-17 cm long Secale 1357G 1359H 3828I 3828J 1360N 1360O Secale cereale Secale cereale Phleum POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Secale\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. 1634C 12.5DrPerianth in one whorl, variously colored; achenes few to numerous, either hairy or with an elongate, plumose styleE (RANUNCULACEAE)F 1632G 1633H 1635I 1636J 1634N 1634O Thalictrum sparsiflorum (RANUNCULACEAE) Ranunculus (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Sepals about 3 mm long, greenish-white; achenes 7-11, laterally nerved, glabrous or obscurely glandular; herbage glabrous or glandular` Sepals 5-60 mm long, petaloid and white or variously colored; achenes numerous, hairy; herbage hairy to some degree, not glandular Continue into next key. 1361C 6DASpikelets 1 at each node of the rachis (alternate lead on p. 407) POACEAE Group B 1358G 1362H 1363I 1364J 1361N 1363O Aegilops POACEAE Group BT POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets cylindric, fitting closely into concavities in the rachis, the spike round or nearly so in cross section; awns of the terminal spikelet considerably longer than those of the spikelets below` Spikelets dorsiventrally to laterally compressed, appressed to or divergent from the rachis, the rachis sometimes slightly concave; plants not otherwise as above 1362C 6.5D,Spikelets 2 or more at some or all the nodes POACEAE Group B 1358G 1361H 1377I 1378J 1362N 1362O POACEAE Group BS POACEAE Group BT POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_"Rachis disarticulating at maturity`2Rachis continuous, not disarticulating at maturity 1363C Spikelets cylindric, fitting closely into concavities in the rachis, the spike round or nearly so in cross section; awns of the terminal spikelet considerably longer than those of the spikelets below Aegilops 1361G 1364H 3829I 3829J 1363N 1365O Aegilops cylindrica Aegilops cylindrica POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Aegilops\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1358G 1509C 18.5D}Panicle rachis and branches smooth to scabrous but not minutely soft-hairy, plants not otherwise as above in every particularE POACEAE Group EF 1501G 1508H 1510I 1511J 1509N 1509O POACEAE Group ES POACEAE Group E A Koeleria POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_fFlorets chiefly unisexual, at least functionally so, vestigial male or female organs sometimes present` Florets bisexuali Glumes subulate to narrowly lanceolate or elliptic, lemma backs often visible between the glumes, spikelets normally multiple at all of the nodes` Glumes ranging from narrowly lanceolate to as broad as the lemmas, lemma sides visible between the glumes, spikelets often solitary at some of the nodes 1379C Spikelets 3 at each node, 1-flowered, the 2 lateral spikelets mostly short-pedicelled and well developed to more often greatly reduced; glumes and lemmas conspicuously awned Hordeum 1377G 1380H 2903I 2903J 1379N 1381O Hordeum Hordeum POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Hordeum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Lolium perenne Lolium perenne POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Lolium\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1366C 8.5D_Spikelets either dorsiventrally compressed or placed flatwise to the rachis, each with 2 glumes POACEAE Group B 1364G 1365H 1367I 1368J 1366N 1366O Triticum POACEAE Group B Lolium POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Lolium perenne Lemma prominently nerved, the nerves not convergent, the lateral ones generally slightly prolonged as short teeth, the midrib often extended as an awn variable in length; glumes broadly oblong to ovate; annual escaping from cultivation, usually confined to the valleys Lemma prominently to obscurely nerved with the lateral nerves convergent, not or only obscurely toothed at the apex; glumes mostly subulate to lanceolate; annuals or perennials 1367C Lemma prominently nerved, the nerves not convergent, the lateral ones generally slightly prolonged as short teeth, the midrib often extended as an awn variable in length; glumes broadly oblong to ovate; annual escaping from cultivation, usually confined to the valleys Triticum 1366G 1368H 3831I 3831J 1367N 1369O Triticum aestivum Triticum aestivumtivum _LSpikelets laterally compressed, lemma sides visible between the broad glumes`TSpikelets dorsiventrally compressed, lemma backs visible between the subulate glumes 1371C Spikelets 2-flowered, the florets appearing to arise at the same level; glumes equal and usually 1-nerved; lemma strongly asymmetrically keeled, the keel ciliate with stiff, spreading hairs; robust annual 5-15 dm tall Secale 1369G 1372H 1371I 1371J 1371N 1373O Secale Secale POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Secale\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets 2-flowered, the florets appearing to arise at the same level; glumes equal and usually 1-nerved; lemma strongly asymmetrically keeled, the keel ciliate with stiff, spreading hairs; robust annual 5-15 dm talltall POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Triticum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1368C Lemma prominently to obscurely nerved with the lateral nerves convergent, not or only obscurely toothed at the apex; glumes mostly subulate to lanceolate; annuals or perennials POACEAE Group B 1366G 1367H 1369I 1370J 1368N 1368O POACEAE Group BS POACEAE Group B Triticum POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_"Rachis disarticulating at maturity` Rachis continuous at maturity 1369C 10D"Rachis disarticulating at maturity POACEAE Group B 1368G 1370H 1371I 1372J 1369N 1371O Secale POACEAE Group BT POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets 2-flowered, the florets appearing to arise at the same level; glumes equal and usually 1-nerved; lemma strongly asymmetrically keeled, the keel ciliate with stiff, spreading hairs; robust annual 5-15 dm tall` Spikelets 2-6-flowered, the florets arising one above the other; glumes generally unequal and 1-5-nerved; lemma not both asymmetrical and stiff-hairy on the keel; perennials mostly less than 8 dm tall 1370C 10.5D Rachis continuous at maturity POACEAE Group B 1368G 1369H 1375I 1376J 1370N 1370O A Agropyron Elymus POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSEDONS Spikelets 2-flowered, the florets appearing to arise at the same level; glumes equal and usually 1-nerved; lemma strongly asymmetrically keeled, the keel ciliate with stiff, spreading hairs; robust annual 5-15 dm tall 1372C 11.5D Spikelets 2-6-flowered, the florets arising one above the other; glumes generally unequal and 1-5-nerved; lemma not both asymmetrical and stiff-hairy on the keel; perennials mostly less than 8 dm tall POACEAE Group B 1369G 1371H 1373I 1374J 1372N 1372O X Agrositanion Agropyron scribneri Secale POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_,Stems erect, plants of valleys to midmontane`/Stems prostrate-spreading, subalpine and alpine 1373C es equal and usually 1-nerved; lemma strongly asymmetrically keeled, the keel ciliate with stiff, spreading hairs; robust annual 5-15 dm tall Secale 1369G 1372H 1371I 1371J 1371N 1373O Secale Secale POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Secale\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets 2-flowered, the florets appearing to arise at the same level; glumes equal and usually 1-nerved; lemma strongly asymmetrically keeled, the keel ciliate with stiff, spreading hairs; robust annual 5-15 dm tall` Spikelets 2-flowered, the florets appearing to arise at the same level; glumes equal and usually 1-nerved; lemma strongly asymmetrically keeled, the keel ciliate with stiff, spreading hairs; robust annual 5-15 dm tall 1372C D,Stems erect, plants of valleys to midmontane X Agrositanion 1372G 1374H 2794I 2794J 1373N 1375O Agrositanion (X) Agrositanion (X) Agropyron scribneri POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ X Agrositanion\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1374C 12.5D/Stems prostrate-spreading, subalpine and alpine Agropyron scribneri 1372G 1373H 2780I 2780J 1374N 1374O Agropyron scribneri Agropyron scribneri X Agrositanion POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Agropyron\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Plants of subalpine and above; stems tufted, prostrate to decumbent-spreading, often flexuous and more or less S-shaped; leaves mostly basal; spike often nodding or flexuous, to 7 cm long; awns strongly divergent` Plants of subalpine and above; stems tufted, prostrate to decumbent-spreading, often flexuous and more or less S-shaped; leaves mostly basal; spike often nodding or flexuous, to 7 cm long; awns strongly divergent 1375C 13DLSpikelets laterally compressed, lemma sides visible between the broad glumes A Agropyron 1370G 1376H 2773I 2773J 1375N 1377O A Agropyron A Agropyron 1496C 12D9Lemmas firm, yellow-brown, truncate and erose at the apex A Catabrosa 1494G 1497H 3845I 3845J 1496N 1498O Catabrosa aquatica Catabrosa aquatica Muhlenbergia POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Catabrosa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 14971497 D"Rachis disarticulating at maturity POACEAE Group B 1362G 1378H 1379I 1380J 1377N 1379O Hordeum POACEAE Group BT POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets 3 at each node, 1-flowered, the 2 lateral spikelets mostly short-pedicelled and well developed to more often greatly reduced; glumes and lemmas conspicuously awned`bSpikelets 2 at some or all the nodes or, if more than 2, not otherwise as above in every character 1378C 14.5D2Rachis continuous, not disarticulating at maturity POACEAE Group B 1362G 1377H 1389I 1390J 1378N 1378O POACEAE Group B A Agropyron POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSEDONS 1377N 1379O Hordeum POACEAE Group BT POACEAE Group B Elymus POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Agropyron\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1376C 13.5DTSpikelets dorsiventrally compressed, lemma backs visible between the subulate glumes Elymus 1370G 1375H 2863I 2863J 1376N 1376O Elymus Elymus A Agropyron POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Elymus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1377C Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1382C 16.5D=Spike with 2 or more spikelets at all or nearly all the nodes POACEAE Group B 1380G 1381H 1383I 1384J 1382N 1382O Elymus junceus POACEAE Group B X Agrositanion POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_2Glumes 3-8 mm long, awn of the lemma 0.5-3 mm long`PGlumes (including awns) at least 12 mm long, awn of the lemma at least 5 mm long 1383C 17D2Glumes 3-8 mm long, awn of the lemma 0.5-3 mm long Elymus junceus 1382G 1384H 2869I 2869J 1383N 1385O 15.5DbSpikelets 2 at some or all the nodes or, if more than 2, not otherwise as above in every character POACEAE Group B 1377G 1379H 1381I 1382J 1380N 1380O X Agrositanion POACEAE Group B Hordeum POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_/Spike with only 1 spikelet at many of the nodes`=Spike with 2 or more spikelets at all or nearly all the nodes 1381C 16D/Spike with only 1 spikelet at many of the nodes X Agrositanion 1380G 1382H 2794I 2794J 1381N 1383O Agrositanion (X) Agrositanion (X) POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ X Agrositanion\ MONOCOTYLEDONS oup B Elymus junceus Elymus junceus POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Elymus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Lemma awns 0.5-3 mm long` Lemma awns 0.5-3 mm long 1384C 17.5DPGlumes (including awns) at least 12 mm long, awn of the lemma at least 5 mm long POACEAE Group B 1382G 1383H 1385I 1386J 1384N 1384O POACEAE Group B X Agrohordeum Elymus junceus POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_XSpikes (including the spreading awns) at least 2 cm wide, body of the lemma 8-10 mm long`WSpikes (including the ascending awns) to about 1 cm wide, body of the lemma 6-8 mm long 1385C _`Lemmas with an awn 1-4.5 mm long, the callus conspicuously bearded with hairs at least 1 mm long`ZLemmas awnless or occasionally some of them awned, the callus glabrous to minutely bearded 1424C 10D`Lemmas with an awn 1-4.5 mm long, the callus conspicuously bearded with hairs at least 1 mm long Calamagrostis 1423G 1425H 2845I 2845J 1424N 1426O Calamagrostis Calamagrostis Agrostis POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Calamagrostis\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1425C 10.5DZLemmas awnless or occasionally some of them awned, the callus glabrous to minutely bearded Agrostis Glume awn hairlike or nearly so, 1-10 mm long, the body of the glumes not strongly compressed, the inconspicuous keel sometimes minutely scabrous 1427C 11.5D5Glumes awnless or with an awn-tip less than 1 mm longE POACEAE Group CF 1415G 1426H 1430I 1431J 1427N 1427O Cinna POACEAE Group CT POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Inflorescence an open panicle 1-3(4) dm long, the branches elongate and spreading to drooping; glumes narrowly lanceolate and long-tapered to an acute or awn-tipped apex; plants mostly growing in moist woods Inflorescence a narrow, sometimes spikelike panicle 0.2-3.5 dm long, the branches short and stiffly erect-ascending or somewhat divergent but never drooping; glumes either semicircular in outline or narrow and obtuse to abruptly acute at the apex; plants of mostly open sites 1428C DXSpikes (including the spreading awns) at least 2 cm wide, body of the lemma 8-10 mm long POACEAE Group B 1384G 1386H 1387I 1388J 1385N 1387O Sitanion X Elysitanion X Agrohordeum POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Plants 1-5(6) dm tall; glumes 2.5 12 cm long, subulate to linear, 1-3-nerved, entire or cleft (often nearly to the base) into 2-several awn segments; leaf blades 2-8 mm wide` Plants either at least 7 dm tall or, if shorter, the glumes less than 2.5 cm long, broad at the base, mostly 3- or 4-nerved, cleft near the apex into 2 or more awn segments; leaf blades rarely more than 4 mm wide 1386C 18.5DWSpikes (including the ascending awns) to about 1 cm wide, body of the lemma 6-8 mm long X Agrohordeum 1384G 1385H 3832I 3832J 1386N 1386O Agrohordeum macounii X Agrohordeum macounii X POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ X Agrohordeum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1387C Plants 1-5(6) dm tall; glumes 2.5 12 cm long, subulate to linear, 1-3-nerved, entire or cleft (often nearly to the base) into 2-several awn segments; leaf blades 2-8 mm wide Sitanion 1385G 1388H 3833I 3833J 1387N 1389O Sitanion hystrix Sitanion hystrix X Elysitanion POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Sitanion\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1388C 19.5D Plants either at least 7 dm tall or, if shorter, the glumes less than 2.5 cm long, broad at the base, mostly 3- or 4-nerved, cleft near the apex into 2 or more awn segments; leaf blades rarely more than 4 mm wide X Elysitanion 1385G 1387H 3834I 3834J 1388N 1388O Elysitanion hansenii X Elysitanion hansenii X _aLemma awns 6-16 cm long or the lemmas unawned and 3-lobed at the apex; robust annual 6-14 dm tall`eLemma awns to 2 cm long or the lemmas unawned but not lobed at the apex; robust to slender perennials 1390C 20.5D Glumes ranging from narrowly lanceolate to as broad as the lemmas, lemma sides visible between the glumes, spikelets often solitary at some of the nodes A Agropyron 1378G 1389H 2773I 2773J 1390N 1390O A Agropyron A Agropyron POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Agropyron\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1391C 21DaLemma awns 6-16 cm long or the lemmas unawned and 3-lobed at the apex; robust annual 6-14 dm tall Sitanion POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE X Elysitanion MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1389C Glumes subulate to narrowly lanceolate or elliptic, lemma backs often visible between the glumes, spikelets normally multiple at all of the nodes POACEAE Group B 1378G 1390H 1391I 1392J 1389N 1391O Hordeum vulgare Elymus A Agropyron POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSDONSinto next key. 1393C Spikes in 1 or more whorls, occasionally with 1-several spikes racemosely arranged below the terminal whorl; plants of dry or mesic, disturbed sites POACEAE Group B 1352G 1394H 1395I 1396J 1393N 1395O POACEAE Group BS POACEAE Group BT POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_!Glumes or lemmas distinctly awned` Glumes and lemmas unawned 1394C 22.5D\Spikes racemosely or paniculately arranged; plants of moist or wet, sometimes alkaline sites POACEAE Group B 1352G 1393H 1401I 1402J 1394N 1394O Beckmannia POACEAE Group BT POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_tGlumes semicircular in outline; spikes often less than 2 cm long, the lower ones occasionally branched near the base Hordeum vulgare 1389G 1392H 2904I 2904J 1391N 1393O Hordeum vulgare Hordeum vulgare Elymus POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Hordeum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS [Rachis of the spike continuous, not breaking at the nodes; all 3 spikelets sessile and fertile; lemma awn erect, about 1 mm wide at the base, mostly 6-16 cm long, much longer than the short, bristlelike awns of the glumes or, if unawned, the lemmas 3-lobed at the apex, leaf blades 5-16 mm wide, stout annual occasionally escaping from cultivation 1389G 1392H 2904I 2904J 1391N 1393O Hordeum vulgare 1491C LLeaf sheaths closed nearly to the top (often mechanically split and the margins not overlapping), spikelets at least 11 mm long (excluding awns); lemmas at least 6 mm long, often awned from between the lobes of a bifid,rounded to acute apex, the awn sometimes more than 2 cm long. ligules not higher on the sides than at the middle Bromus 1485G 1490H 2818I 2818J 1491N 1491O Bromus Bromus Festuca POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Bromus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1492C Lemmas distinctly 3-nervedE POACEAE Group EF 1479G 1493H 1494I 1495J 1492N 1494O [Rachis of the spike continuous, not breaking at the nodes; all 3 spikelets sessile and fertile; lemma awn erect, about 1 mm wide at the base, mostly 6-16 cm long, much longer than the short, bristlelike awns of the glumes or, if unawned, the lemmas 3-lobed at the apex, leaf blades 5-16 mm wide, stout annual occasionally escaping from cultivation 1392C 21.5DeLemma awns to 2 cm long or the lemmas unawned but not lobed at the apex; robust to slender perennials Elymus 1389G 1391H 2863I 2863J 1392N 1392O Elymus Elymus Hordeum vulgare POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Elymus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. `TGlumes narrowly elongate; spikes mostly more than 2 cm long, not branched at he base 1395C 23D!Glumes or lemmas distinctly awned POACEAE Group B 1393G 1396H 1397I 1398J 1395N 1397O Chloris Dactyloctenium POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spicate branches 10-16 in 2-5 whorls, each 5-15 cm long and terminating in a floret; spikelets 2-flowered, the lemma of the upper floret truncate at the short-awned apex` Spicate branches 2-6 in a single whorl, each 1.5-6 cm long and terminating in a naked sharp point 1-7 mm long; spikelets 3(5)-flowered, all florets well developed with acute to awn-tipped lemmas 1396C 23.5D Glumes and lemmas unawned POACEAE Group B 1393G 1395H 1399I 1400J 1396N 1396O Cynodon y awned POACEAE Group B 1393G 1396H 1397I 1398J 1395N 1397O Chloris Dactyloctenium OACEAE Group BT POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_tGlumes semicircular in outline; spikes often less than 2 cm long, the lower ones occasionally branched near the base`TGlumes narrowly elongate; spikes mostly more than 2 cm long, not branched at he base 1395C 23D!Glumes or lemmas distinctly awned POACEAE Group B 1393G 1396H 1397I 1398J 1395N 1397O Chloris Dactyloctenium 1397O Chloris Dactyloctenium Eleusine POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_USpikelets 1-flowered, the spicate branches to about 2 mm wide; ligule a ring of hairs` Spikelets more than 1-flowered, the spicate branches (2)3-6 mm wide; ligule membranous, the leaf sheath with long soft hairs along the margins in the vicinity of the collar 1397C Spicate branches 10-16 in 2-5 whorls, each 5-15 cm long and terminating in a floret; spikelets 2-flowered, the lemma of the upper floret truncate at the short-awned apex Chloris 1395G 1398H 3835I 3835J 1397N 1399O Chloris verticillata Chloris verticillata Dactyloctenium POACEAE Group BZ POACEAECEAE Chloris\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1398C 24.5D Spicate branches 2-6 in a single whorl, each 1.5-6 cm long and terminating in a naked sharp point 1-7 mm long; spikelets 3(5)-flowered, all florets well developed with acute to awn-tipped lemmas Dactyloctenium 1395G 1397H 3836I 3836J 1398N 1398O Dactyloctenium aegyptium Dactyloctenium aegyptium Chloris POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Dactyloctenium\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. about 2 mm wide; ligule a ring of hairs Cynodonint 1-7 mm long; spikelets 3(5)-flowered, all florets well developed with acute to awn-tipped lemmas Dactyloctenium 1395G 1397H 3836I 3836J 1398N 1398O Dactyloctenium aegyptium Dactyloctenium aegyptium Chloris POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Dactyloctenium\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1399C 25DUSpikelets 1-flowered, the spicate branches to about 2 mm wide; ligule a ring of hairs Cynodonairs Cynodon Continue into next key. 1399C 25DUSpikelets 1-flowered, the spicate branches to about 2 mm wide; ligule a ring of hairs Cynodon 1396G 1400H 3837I 3837J 1399N 1401O Cynodon dactylon Cynodon dactylon Eleusine POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Cynodon\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1400C 25.525.525.5 Spikelets more than 1-flowered, the spicate branches (2)3-6 mm wide; ligule membranous, the leaf sheath with long soft hairs along the margins in the vicinity of the collar Eleusine 1396G 1399H 1400I 1400J 1400N 1400O Eleusine Eleusine Cynodon POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Eleusine\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets more than 1-flowered, the spicate branches (2)3-6 mm wide; ligule membranous, the leaf sheath with long soft hairs along the margins in the vicinity of the collar` Spikelets more than 1-flowered, the spicate branches (2)3-6 mm wide; ligule membranous, the leaf sheath with long soft hairs along the margins in the vicinity of the collar 1401C 26DtGlumes semicircular in outline; spikes often less than 2 cm long, the lower ones occasionally branched near the base Beckmannia 1394G 1402H 3838I 3838J 1401N 1403O Beckmannia syzigachne Beckmannia syzigachne POACEAE Group BU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Beckmannia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1402C 26.5DTGlumes narrowly elongate; spikes mostly more than 2 cm long, not branched at he base POACEAE Group B 1394G 1401H 1403I 1404J 1402N 1402O Leptochloa Spartina Beckmannia POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_TLigule membranous, spikelets 5-12-flowered, glumes minutely scabrous on the midnerve`VLigule a ring of hairs, spikelets 1-flowered, glumes stiff-hairy on the prominent keel 1403C 27DTLigule membranous, spikelets 5-12-flowered, glumes minutely scabrous on the midnerve Leptochloa 1402G 1404H 3839I 3839J 1403N 1405O Leptochloa fascicularis Leptochloa fascicularis Spartina POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Leptochloa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1404C 27.527.527.5 Continue into next key. 1411C 3.5DtLemma broadly fusiform to subglobose, 2.5-4(5) mm long, long-hairy, with a readily deciduous awn less than 1 cm long A Oryzopsis 1409G 1410H 3842I 3842J 1411N 1411O Oryzopsis hymenoides Oryzopsis hymenoides Stipa POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Oryzopsis\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1412C 4D^Glumes (at least the longer one) equal to or longer than the floret (alternate lead on p. 409) DVLigule a ring of hairs, spikelets 1-flowered, glumes stiff-hairy on the prominent keel Spartina 1402G 1403H 3840I 3840J 1404N 1404O Spartina gracilis Spartina gracilis LeptochloaU POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Spartina\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1405C POACEAE Group C 1337G 1405H 1406I 1407J 1405N 1406O POACEAE Group CS POACEAE Group CT POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSDONS Spartina gracilis 1406G 1408H 1410I 1411J 1409N 1409O Stipa A Oryzopsis Aristida POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_]Lemma narrowly ellipsoid, at least 5 mm long, short-hairy, with a persistent awn 1-20 cm long`tLemma broadly fusiform to subglobose, 2.5-4(5) mm long, long-hairy, with a readily deciduous awn less than 1 cm long 1410C 3D]Lemma narrowly ellipsoid, at least 5 mm long, short-hairy, with a persistent awn 1-20 cm long Stipa 1409G 1411H 2984I 2984J 1410N 1412O Stipa Stipa A Oryzopsis POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Stipa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Floret terete and ultimately hardened, the callus well developed and hairy; at least the longer glume exceeding the body of the lemma; lemma awned from the apex (the awn in Oryzopsis readily deciduous); tufted perennials`\Floret either not both terete and hardened or the callus not hairy, plants otherwise diversed POACEAE Group C 1406C Floret terete and ultimately hardened, the callus well developed and hairy; at least the longer glume exceeding the body of the lemma; lemma awned from the apex (the awn in Oryzopsis readily deciduous); tufted perennials POACEAE Group C 1405G 1407H 1408I 1409J 1406N 1408O Aristida POACEAE Group CT POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_,Lemma awn 3-branched, ligule a ring of hairs`'Lemma awn unbranched, ligule membranous 1407C D\Floret either not both terete and hardened or the callus not hairy, plants otherwise diverse POACEAE Group C 1405G 1406H 1412I 1413J 1407N 1407O POACEAE Group CS POACEAE Group CT POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_^Glumes (at least the longer one) equal to or longer than the floret (alternate lead on p. 409)`:Glumes shorter than the floret, sometimes only slightly so 1408C 2D,Lemma awn 3-branched, ligule a ring of hairs Aristida 1406G 1409H 3841I 3841J 1408N 1410O Aristida purpurea Aristida purpurea POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Aristida\ MONOCOTYLEDONS 1409C 2.5D'Lemma awn unbranched, ligule membranous POACEAE Group C 1487C 7.5D8Spikelets to 8 mm long, 2(4)-flowered; leaf sheaths openE POACEAE Group EF 1484G 1486H 1488I 1489J 1487N 1487O Koeleria Trisetum Bromus POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Lemmas awn-tipped`FLemmas awned from the back, the awns 4-13 mm long, often abruptly bent 1488C Lemmas awn-tipped Koeleria 1487G 1489H 3846I 38463846 _fLigule of hairs; leaf sheaths often long-hairy in the vicinity of the collar; lemmas 1-nerved, awnless` Ligule membranous, leaf sheaths not long-hairy in the vicinity of the collar; lemmas 3-5-nerved, sometimes obscurely so, unawned or awned from the back 1418C 7DfLigule of hairs; leaf sheaths often long-hairy in the vicinity of the collar; lemmas 1-nerved, awnless Sporobolus 1417G 1419H 2981I 2981J 1418N 1420O Sporobolus Sporobolus POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Sporobolus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1419C 7.5e, 2.5-4(5) mm long, long-hairy, with a readily deciduous awn less than 1 cm long A Oryzopsis POACEAE Group C 1407G 1413H 1414I 1415J 1412N 1414O POACEAE Group CS POACEAE Group CT POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_SSpikelet disarticulating above the glumes, the empty glumes persistent on the plant` Spikelet ultimately disarticulating below the glumes (in Polypogon beIow the tip of the pedicel) and falling entire, sometimes also disarticulating above the glumes 1413C 4.5D:Glumes shorter than the floret, sometimes only slightly so POACEAE Group C 1407G 1412H 1436I 1437J 1413N 1413O POACEAE Group CS POACEAE Group CT POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_[Spikelets disarticulating below the glumes and falling entire, florets laterally compressed`tSpikelets disarticulating above the glumes; florets mostly terete or nearly so, except in some species of Sporobolus 1414C DSSpikelet disarticulating above the glumes, the empty glumes persistent on the plantE POACEAE Group CF 1412G 1415H 1416I 1417J 1414N 1416O Phleum POACEAE Group CT POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_vGlumes abruptly tapered from a truncate apex to a short stout awn to 3 mm long, coarsely ciliate on the prominent keel`?Glumes not both abruptly awned and coarsely ciliate on the keel 1415C Spikelet ultimately disarticulating below the glumes (in Polypogon beIow the tip of the pedicel) and falling entire, sometimes also disarticulating above the glumesE POACEAE Group CF 1412G 1414H 1426I 1427J 1415N 1415O POACEAE Group CS POACEAE Group CT POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Glumes distinctly awned`5Glumes awnless or with an awn-tip less than 1 mm long 1416C Phleum POACEAE Group CT POACEAE Group C DvGlumes abruptly tapered from a truncate apex to a short stout awn to 3 mm long, coarsely ciliate on the prominent keel Phleum 1414G 1417H 2932I 2932J 1416N 1418O Phleum Phleum POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Phleum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1417C 6.5D?Glumes not both abruptly awned and coarsely ciliate on the keelE POACEAE Group CF 1414G 1416H 1418I 1419J 1417N 1417O Sporobolus POACEAE Group C Phleum POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSDONS Phleum 1460C Lemmas lessthan 6 mm long, mostly keeled on the back, 3-5-nerved (Eragrostis with green-nerved lemmas and a ligule of hairs will occasionally key here) 1458G 1459H 2935I 2935J 1460N 1460O Melica POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE[ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1461C Lemma awn distinctly flattened, at least near the base, usually spirally twisted, arising between or just below the base of the two apical lobes, these 1-3.5 mm long; glumes 10-24 mm long A Danthonia 1452G 1462H 2852I 2852J 1461N 1463O Ligule membranous, leaf sheaths not long-hairy in the vicinity of the collar; lemmas 3-5-nerved, sometimes obscurely so, unawned or awned from the backE POACEAE Group CF 1417G 1418H 1420I 1421J 1419N 1419O Phalaris POACEAE Group C Sporobolus POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Lemma leathery, shiny, awnless, subtended by 2 rudimentary florets resembling hairy bristles; glumes laterally compressed, in one species winged from the keel`KLemmas either membranous or awned; glumes diverse, not winged from the keel 1420C Lemma leathery, shiny, awnless, subtended by 2 rudimentary florets resembling hairy bristles; glumes laterally compressed, in one species winged from the keel Phalaris 1419G 1421H 2929I 2929J 1420N 1422O Phalaris Phalaris POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Phalaris\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1448C POACEAE Group D 1339G 1448H 1449I 1450J 1448N 1449O Avena POACEAE Group DT POACEAE Group DU POACEAE Group Dup D 1421G 1423H 3843I 3843J 1422N 1424O Apera interrupta Apera interrupta POACEAE Group C POACEAE Group C POACEAE[ Apera\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1423C 9.5DyLemma awnless or awned from well below the apex, the body membranous at maturity; annual or perennial of diverse habitatsE POACEAE Group CF 1421G 1422H 1424I 1425J 1423N 1423O Calamagrostis Agrostis Apera POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS 1423G 1424H 2797I 2797J 1425N 1425O Agrostis Agrostis Calamagrostis POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Agrostis\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1426C Glumes distinctly awnedE POACEAE Group CF 1415G 1427H 1428I 1429J 1426N 1428O Phleum Polypogon POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Glume awn stout, to 3 mm long, the body of the glumes strongly compressed, the prominent keel ciliate with coarse, spreading hairsed 1424C Continue into next key. 1435C 15.5D Glumes scabrous throughout, not hairy on the keel; lemma awnless; spikelets subterete, commonly disarticulating below the apex of the pedicel and the upper portion of the pedicel falling with the spikelet Polypogon semiverticillatus 1433G 1434H 2971I 2971J 1435N 1435O Polypogon semiverticillatus Polypogon semiverticillatus Alopecurus POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Polypogon\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Glumes and lemmas unawned` Glumes and lemmas unawned 1436C 16wn-tip less than 1 mm longE POACEAE Group CF 1415G 1426H 1430I 1431J Glume awn stout, to 3 mm long, the body of the glumes strongly compressed, the prominent keel ciliate with coarse, spreading hairs Phleum 1426G 1429H 2932I 2932J 1428N 1430O Phleum Phleum Polypogon POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Phleum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1429C 12.5D Glume awn hairlike or nearly so, 1-10 mm long, the body of the glumes not strongly compressed, the inconspicuous keel sometimes minutely scabrous Polypogon 1426G 1428H 2968I 2968J 1429N 1429O A Polypogon A Polypogon Phleum POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Polypogon\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1430C Inflorescence an open panicle 1-3(4) dm long, the branches elongate and spreading to drooping; glumes narrowly lanceolate and long-tapered to an acute or awn-tipped apex; plants mostly growing in moist woods Cinna 1427G 1431H 3844I 3844J 1430N 1432O Cinna latifolia Cinna latifolia POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Cinna\ MONOCOTYLEDONS POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Glumes hairy on the keel; lemma awned from the middle or below; spikelets strongly compressed, disarticulating immediately below the glumes` Glumes scabrous throughout, not hairy on the keel; lemma awnless; spikelets subterete, commonly disarticulating below the apex of the pedicel and the upper portion of the pedicel falling with the spikelet Cinna latifolia POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Cinna\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1431C 1431C Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1431C Inflorescence a narrow, sometimes spikelike panicle 0.2-3.5 dm long, the branches short and stiffly erect-ascending or somewhat divergent but never drooping; glumes either semicircular in outline or narrow and obtuse to abruptly acute at the apex; plants of mostly open sites POACEAE Group CF 1427G 1430H 1432I 1433J 1431N 1431O Beckmannia POACEAE Group C Cinna POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_CGlumes semicircular and somewhat inflated, panic es 0.7-3.5 dm long`TGlumes narrowly oblong to lanceolate and terete to flattened, panicles 0.2-1 dm long 1432C 14 DCGlumes semicircular and somewhat inflated, panic es 0.7-3.5 dm long Beckmannia 1431G 1433H 3838I 3838J 1432N 1434O Beckmannia syzigachne Beckmannia syzigachne POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Beckmannia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1433C 14.5DTGlumes narrowly oblong to lanceolate and terete to flattened, panicles 0.2-1 dm longE POACEAE Group CF 1431G 1432H 1434I 1435J 1433N 1433O Alopecurus Polypogon semiverticillatus Beckmannia 1439C 17.5D Inflorescence of multiple, racemosely arranged, spicate branches; spikelets obovate to suborbicular in outline; glumes glabrous on the midnerve Beckmannia 1436G 1438H 3838I 3838J 1439N 1439O Beckmannia syzigachne Beckmannia syzigachne Alopecurus POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Beckmannia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1440C Ligule of hairs, sometimes with a membranous base; lemma thin, gray-green, 1-nerved; fruit readily falling from the spikelet at maturity Sporobolus middle or below; spikelets strongly compressed, disarticulating immediately below the glumes Alopecurus 1433G 1435H 2808I 2808J 1434N 1436O Alopecurus Alopecurus Polypogon semiverticillatus POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Alopecurus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1435C 15.5A Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1435C D[Spikelets disarticulating below the glumes and falling entire, florets laterally compressedE POACEAE Group CF 1413G 1437H 1438I 1439J 1436N 1438O Alopecurus Beckmannia POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_cInflorescence a solitary, terminal, spikelike panicle; spikelets elliptic; glumes hairy on the keel` Inflorescence of multiple, racemosely arranged, spicate branches; spikelets obovate to suborbicular in outline; glumes glabrous on the midnerve 1437C 16.5DtSpikelets disarticulating above the glumes; florets mostly terete or nearly so, except in some species of SporobolusE POACEAE Group CF 1413G 1436H 1440I 1441J 1437N 1437O Sporobolus POACEAE Group CT POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSDONS1438I 1439J 1436N 1438O Alopecurus Ligule of hairs, sometimes with a membranous base; lemma thin, gray-green, 1-nerved; fruit readily falling from the spikelet at maturity` Ligule membranous (sometimes ciliate but the cilia shorter than the membranous portion); lemma thin to firm, diversely colored, 3-5-nerved (sometimes obscurely so); fruit usually remaining enclosed within the spikelet at maturity 1438C 17DcInflorescence a solitary, terminal, spikelike panicle; spikelets elliptic; glumes hairy on the keel Alopecurus 1436G 1439H 2808I 2808J 1438N 1440O Alopecurus Alopecurus Beckmannia POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Alopecurus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1434C Glumes hairy on the keel; lemma awned from the middle or below; spikelets strongly compressed, disarticulating immediately below the glumes Alopecurus 1433G 1435H 2808I 2808J 1434N 1436O Alopecurus Alopecurus Polypogon semiverticillatus POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Alopecurus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. !_oSecond glume and lemma truncate and erose at the apex, the lemmas yellow-brown, firm and conspicuously 3-nerved` Glumes and lemmas acute at the apex, the lemmas green to nearly white, sometimes with a blackish cast, thin or firm, 3-5-nerved, sometimes obscurely so 1442C 19DoSecond glume and lemma truncate and erose at the apex, the lemmas yellow-brown, firm and conspicuously 3-nerved A Catabrosa 1441G 1443H 3845I 3845J 1442N 1444O Catabrosa aquatica Catabrosa aquatica POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Catabrosa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1437G 1441H 2981I 2981J 1440N 1442O Sporobolus Sporobolus POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Sporobolus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1441C 18.5D Ligule membranous (sometimes ciliate but the cilia shorter than the membranous portion); lemma thin to firm, diversely colored, 3-5-nerved (sometimes obscurely so); fruit usually remaining enclosed within the spikelet at maturityE POACEAE Group CF 1437G 1440H 1442I 1443J 1441N 1441O A Catabrosa POACEAE Group C Sporobolus POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS 1443C 19.5D Glumes and lemmas acute at the apex, the lemmas green to nearly white, sometimes with a blackish cast, thin or firm, 3-5-nerved, sometimes obscurely soE POACEAE Group CF 1441G 1442H 1444I 1445J 1443N 1443O POACEAE Group C Muhlenbergia A Catabrosa POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_BLemmas green, moderately firm, either awned or more than 3 mm long`[Lemmas pale or black-tinged, thin, less than 3 mm long, acute and often minutely awn-tipped 1444C 20DBLemmas green, moderately firm, either awned or more than 3 mm longE POACEAE Group CF 1443G 1445H 1446I 1447J 1444N 1446O Festuca Apera Muhlenbergia POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_:Lemma at least 3.5 mm long, unawned or awned from the apexapex $`4Lemma to 2.5 mm long, awned from just below the apex 1445C 20.5D[Lemmas pale or black-tinged, thin, less than 3 mm long, acute and often minutely awn-tipped Muhlenbergia 1443G 1444H 2919I 2919J 1445N 1445O Muhlenbergia Muhlenbergia POACEAE Group CU POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Muhlenbergia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1446C 21D:Lemma at least 3.5 mm long, unawned or awned from the apex Festuca 1444G 1447H 2887I 2887J 1446N 1448O Festuca Festuca Apera 1421C 8.5DKLemmas either membranous or awned; glumes diverse, not winged from the keelE POACEAE Group CF 1419G 1420H 1422I 1423J 1421N 1421O Apera POACEAE Group C Phalaris POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_sLemma with an awn 5-16 mm long arising just below the apex, the body firm at maturity; tufted annual of the valleys`yLemma awnless or awned from well below the apex, the body membranous at maturity; annual or perennial of diverse habitats 1422C 9DsLemma with an awn 5-16 mm long arising just below the apex, the body firm at maturity; tufted annual of the valleys Apera POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Glumes 7-11-nerved and at least 15 mm long; lemmas awnless or awned from about midlength; coarse annuals of disturbed sites in the valleys`HGlumes 1-5-nerved or less than 15 mm long, plants not otherwise as aboved POACEAE Group D 1449C Glumes 7-11-nerved and at least 15 mm long; lemmas awnless or awned from about midlength; coarse annuals of disturbed sites in the valleys Avena 1448G 1450H 2815I 2815J 1449N 1451O Avena Avena POACEAE Group DU POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE[ Avena\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1450C 1.5DHGlumes 1-5-nerved or less than 15 mm long, plants not otherwise as aboveboveabove POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Festuca\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1447C 21.5D4Lemma to 2.5 mm long, awned from just below the apex Apera 1444G 1446H 1447I 1447J 1447N 1447O Apera Apera Festuca POACEAE Group CZ POACEAE[ Apera\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_4Lemma to 2.5 mm long, awned from just below the apex`4Lemma to 2.5 mm long, awned from just below the apex POACEAE Group DF 1448G 1449H 1451I 1452J 1450N 1450O POACEAE Group DS POACEAE Group D Avena POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_NLemmas all awnless or tapered to a straight awn tip rarely more than 1 mm long`.Lemmas (at least one of them) distinctly awned 1451C 2DNLemmas all awnless or tapered to a straight awn tip rarely more than 1 mm longE POACEAE Group DF 1450G 1452H 1453I 1454J 1451N 1453O Sclerochloa POACEAE Group DT POACEAE Group DU POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_qProstrate to ascending, low annual of the valleys; inflorescence a flattened, 1-sided raceme; glumes nearly equal`4Erect plants (1)2-15 dm tall, not otherwise as above 1452C 2.5D.Lemmas (at least one of them) distinctly awnedE POACEAE Group DF 1450G 1451H 1461I 1462J 1452N 1452O A Danthonia POACEAE Group Doup Dup D POACEAE Group DU POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Lemma awn distinctly flattened, at least near the base, usually spirally twisted, arising between or just below the base of the two apical lobes, these 1-3.5 mm long; glumes 10-24 mm long`/Lemma awn terete, plants not otherwise as above 1453C 3DqProstrate to ascending, low annual of the valleys; inflorescence a flattened, 1-sided raceme; glumes nearly equal Sclerochloa 1451G 1454H 1453I 1453J 1453N 1455O Sclerochloa Sclerochloa POACEAE Group DU POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE[ Sclerochloa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_qProstrate to ascending, low annual of the valleys; inflorescence a flattened, 1-sided raceme; glumes nearly equal`qProstrate to ascending, low annual of the valleys; inflorescence a flattened, 1-sided raceme; glumes nearly equal 1454C .D4Erect plants (1)2-15 dm tall, not otherwise as aboveE POACEAE Group DF 1451G 1453H 1455I 1456J 1454N 1454O Koeleria POACEAE Group D Sclerochloa POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Panicle rachis and branches minutely soft-hairy; inflorescence a mostly spike-like panicle rarely more than 1 cm wide, often pale and glistening; second glume 3-5.5 mm long; lemmas pale, thin and shiny, 3-5.2 mm long` Panicle rachis and branches glabrous or scabrous, not soft-hairy; inflorescence mostly more than 1 cm wide; glumes and lemmas diverse, not as above 1455C Panicle rachis and branches minutely soft-hairy; inflorescence a mostly spike-like panicle rarely more than 1 cm wide, often pale and glistening; second glume 3-5.5 mm long; lemmas pale, thin and shiny, 3-5.2 mm long Koeleria 1454G 1456H 3846I 3846J 1455N 1457O Koeleria macrantha Koeleria macrantha POACEAE Group DU POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE[ Koeleria\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1456C Panicle rachis and branches glabrous or scabrous, not soft-hairy; inflorescence mostly more than 1 cm wide; glumes and lemmas diverse, not as aboveE POACEAE Group DF 1454G 1455H 1457I 1458J 1456N 1456O Trisetum wolfii POACEAE Group D Koeleria POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSDONS 1454G 1456H 3846I 3846J 1455N 1457O 0_WSpikelets mostly 2-flowered, the rachilla long-hairy; first glume 5-7 mm long, 1-nerved`USpikelet often more than 2-flowered, the rachilla not long-hairy; first glume diverse 1457C 5DWSpikelets mostly 2-flowered, the rachilla long-hairy; first glume 5-7 mm long, 1-nerved Trisetum wolfii 1456G 1458H 2992I 2992J 1457N 1459O Trisetum wolfii Trisetum wolfii POACEAE Group DU POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE[ Trisetum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_/Lemmas awnless or with awns less than 2 mm long`/Lemmas awnless or with awns less than 2 mm long 1458C 5.5DUSpikelet often more than 2-flowered, the rachilla not long-hairy; first glume diverseE POACEAE Group DF 1456G 1457H 1459I 1460J 1458N 1458O Melica Trisetum wolfii POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_8Lemmas 6-12 mm long, rounded on the back, (5)7-15-nerved` Lemmas lessthan 6 mm long, mostly keeled on the back, 3-5-nerved (Eragrostis with green-nerved lemmas and a ligule of hairs will occasionally key here) 1459C 6D8Lemmas 6-12 mm long, rounded on the back, (5)7-15-nerved Melica 1458G 1460H 2916I 2916J 1459N 1461O Melica Melica POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE[ Melica\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1536C 6.5DQLow annuals, leaves alternate or opposite, corolla limb to about 4 mm in diameterE (POLEMONIACEAE)F 1534G 1535H 1537I 1538J 1536N 1536O Gilia tenerrima Microsteris Phlox (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Corolla to 3 mm long; pedicels mostly ultimately reflexed; leaves chiefly alternate, 0.5-2(4) mm wide; herbage typically minutely stipitate-glandular throughout` Corolla 4-12 mm long, pedicels erect to spreading, leaves chiefly opposite, the principal blades mostly 2-8 mm wide; herbage pubescent with spreading crinkled hairs, those near the base not gland-tipped 1537C A Danthonia A Danthonia POACEAE Group DU POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE[ Danthonia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1462C 7.5D/Lemma awn terete, plants not otherwise as aboveE POACEAE Group DF 1452G 1461H 1463I 1464J 1462N 1462O POACEAE Group DS POACEAE Group D A Danthonia POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets with 2 dissimilar florets, one usually staminate with a hooked or bent awn, the other bisexual and unawned or the awn short and straight`(Spikelets with 2 or more similar florets 1463C 8 mm long A Danthonia 1452G 1462H 2852I 2852J 1461N 1463O 1461N 1463O Spikelets with 2 dissimilar florets, one usually staminate with a hooked or bent awn, the other bisexual and unawned or the awn short and straightE POACEAE Group DF 1462G 1464H 1465I 1466J 1463N 1465O Arrhenatherum Holcus POACEAE Group DU POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Lower floret usually staminate with a twisted and abruptly bent awn 1-2 cm long, the upper floret bisexual and awnless or with a short delicate awn; herbage glabrous to minutely scabrous`{Lower floret bisexual and awnless, the upper floret staminate with a short, hooked, mostly included awn; herbage soft-hairy 1464C 8.5D(Spikelets with 2 or more similar floretsE POACEAE Group DF 1462G 1463H 1467I 1468J 1464N 1464O Deschampsia POACEAE Group DT POACEAE Group DU POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSEDONS 8_YLemma awn arising near midlength or below, to 5 mm long, the lemma body 1.5-4. 5 mm long`QLemma awn arising above midlength, diverse in lenqth, the lemma body 3-30 mm long 1465C Lower floret usually staminate with a twisted and abruptly bent awn 1-2 cm long, the upper floret bisexual and awnless or with a short delicate awn; herbage glabrous to minutely scabrous Arrhenatherum 1463G 1466H 3847I 3847J 1465N 1467O Arrhenatherum elatius Arrhenatherum elatius Holcus POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE[ Arrhenatherum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1466C 9.5D{Lower floret bisexual and awnless, the upper floret staminate with a short, hooked, mostly included awn; herbage soft-hairy Holcus 1463G 1465H 3848I 3848J 1466N 1466O Holcus lanatus Holcus lanatus Arrhenatherum POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE[ Holcus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1467C 10DYLemma awn arising near midlength or below, to 5 mm long, the lemma body 1.5-4. 5 mm long Deschampsia 1464G 1468H 2855I 2855J 1467N 1469O Deschampsia Deschampsia POACEAE Group DU POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE[ Deschampsia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1468C 10.5DQLemma awn arising above midlength, diverse in lenqth, the lemma body 3-30 mm longE POACEAE Group DF 1464G 1467H 1469I 1470J 1468N 1468O Trisetum POACEAE Group D Deschampsia POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_qLemma awn arising below the bifid apex, 4-13 mm long; spikelets mostly 2-flowered; plants of midmontane to alpine`zLemma awn terminal or arising between 2 apical teeth, 1-60 mm long; spikelets 2-many-flowered; plants of valleys to alpine 1469C =DqLemma awn arising below the bifid apex, 4-13 mm long; spikelets mostly 2-flowered; plants of midmontane to alpine Trisetum 1468G 1470H 2991I 2991J 1469N 1471O Trisetum Trisetum POACEAE Group DU POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE[ Trisetum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1470C 11.5DzLemma awn terminal or arising between 2 apical teeth, 1-60 mm long; spikelets 2-many-flowered; plants of valleys to alpineE POACEAE Group DF 1468G 1469H 1471I 1472J 1470N 1470O Bromus Festuca Trisetum POACEAE Group D POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_{Lemma awn arising between 2 distinct apical teeth or slightly below an entire apex, 0.1-60 mm long; second glume 3-7-nerved` Lemma awn terminal from a long-tapered, entire or rarely minutely toothed apex, 0.1-15 mm long; second glume usually 3-nerved, sometimes obscurely so 1471C 12D{Lemma awn arising between 2 distinct apical teeth or slightly below an entire apex, 0.1-60 mm long; second glume 3-7-nerved Bromus 1470G 1472H 2818I 2818J 1471N 1473O Bromus Bromus Festuca POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE[ Bromus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1472C 12.512.5 Lemma awn terminal from a long-tapered, entire or rarely minutely toothed apex, 0.1-15 mm long; second glume usually 3-nerved, sometimes obscurely so Festuca 1470G 1471H 2887I 2887J 1472N 1472O Festuca Festuca Bromus POACEAE Group DZ POACEAE[ Festuca\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1473C POACEAE Group E 1340G 1473H 1474I 1475J 1473N 1474O Phragmites POACEAE Group ET POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSDONS 1472C Plant 2-3 m tall, occurring in marshes or along ditchbanks in the valleys; leaf blades 1-4 cm wide; panicles to 4 dm long; spikelet rachilla with conspicuous, long, spreading hairs exceeding the narrowly lanceolate lemmas`:Plants either less than 2 m tall or not otherwise as aboved POACEAE Group E 1474C Plant 2-3 m tall, occurring in marshes or along ditchbanks in the valleys; leaf blades 1-4 cm wide; panicles to 4 dm long; spikelet rachilla with conspicuous, long, spreading hairs exceeding the narrowly lanceolate lemmas Phragmites 1473G 1475H 3849I 3849J 1474N 1476O Phragmites australis Phragmites australis POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Phragmites\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1475C 1.5D:Plants either less than 2 m tall or not otherwise as aboveE POACEAE Group EF 1473G 1474H 1476I 1477J 1475N 1475O Dactylis POACEAE Group E Phragmites POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets in dense 1-sided clusters at the tips of otherwise naked branches; glumes and lemmas long-tapered to awn-tipped and typically short-ciliate on the keel; sheaths compressed and normally keeled`'Plants not as above in every particular 1476C Spikelets in dense 1-sided clusters at the tips of otherwise naked branches; glumes and lemmas long-tapered to awn-tipped and typically short-ciliate on the keel; sheaths compressed and normally keeled Dactylis 1475G 1477H 3850I 3850J 1476N 1478O Dactylis glomerata Dactylis glomerata POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Dactylis\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1477C 2.5D'Plants not as above in every particularE POACEAE Group EF 1475G 1476H 1478I 1479J 1477N 1477O POACEAE Group ES POACEAE Group E Dactylis POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_\Lemmas (at least the lower one) with an awn more than 0.5 mm long (alternate lead on p. 412)`0Lemmas unawned or with an awn tip to 0.5 mm long 1478C 1475G 1477H 3850I 3850J 1476N 1478O FD\Lemmas (at least the lower one) with an awn more than 0.5 mm long (alternate lead on p. 412)E POACEAE Group EF 1477G 1479H 1480I 1481J 1478N 1480O Arrhenatherum POACEAE Group ET POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_wAwn of the lower lemma arising below midlength, 1-2 cm long; spikelets 2-flowered, tall grass of mostly disturbed sites`sAwn of the lemmas arising above the middle, variable in length; spikelets 2-many-flowered; plants otherwise diverse 1479C 3.5D0Lemmas unawned or with an awn tip to 0.5 mm longE POACEAE Group EF 1477G 1478H 1492I 1493J 1479N 1479O POACEAE Group ES POACEAE Group ET POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Lemmas distinctly 3-nerved`;Lemmas with 5 or more distinct nerves or the nerves obscure 1480C 4DwAwn of the lower lemma arising below midlength, 1-2 cm long; spikelets 2-flowered, tall grass of mostly disturbed sites Arrhenatherum 1478G 1481H 3847I 3847J 1480N 1482O Arrhenatherum elatius Arrhenatherum elatius POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Arrhenatherum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1481C 4.5DsAwn of the lemmas arising above the middle, variable in length; spikelets 2-many-flowered; plants otherwise diverseE POACEAE Group EF 1478G 1480H 1482I 1483J 1481N 1481O Leptochloa POACEAE Group E Arrhenatherum POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSDONS I_mLemmas distinctly 3-nerved and mostly dorsiventrally compressed, the awn to 3.5 mm long; plants of wet places` Lemmas (3)4-9-nerved, sometimes obscurely so, rounded to keeled on the back, the awn variable in length; plants of mostly dry to mesic sites 1482C 5DmLemmas distinctly 3-nerved and mostly dorsiventrally compressed, the awn to 3.5 mm long; plants of wet places Leptochloa 1481G 1483H 3839I 3839J 1482N 1484O Leptochloa fascicularis Leptochloa fascicularis POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Leptochloa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1483C Lemmas (3)4-9-nerved, sometimes obscurely so, rounded to keeled on the back, the awn variable in length; plants of mostly dry to mesic sitesE POACEAE Group EF 1481G 1482H 1484I 1485J 1483N 1483O POACEAE Group ES POACEAE Group E Leptochloa POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_EGlumes and lemmas keeled on the back, some of them only moderately so`%Glumes and lemmas rounded on the back 1484C 6DEGlumes and lemmas keeled on the back, some of them only moderately soE POACEAE Group EF 1483G 1485H 1486I 1487J 1484N 1486O Bromus POACEAE Group ET POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_QSpikelets at least 12 mm long, 4-12-flowered; leaf sheaths closed to near the top`8Spikelets to 8 mm long, 2(4)-flowered; leaf sheaths open 1485C 6.5D%Glumes and lemmas rounded on the backE POACEAE Group EF 1483G 1484H 1490I 1491J 14851485 1485O Festuca Bromus POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS &Leaf sheaths open at least two-thirds the length, the margins typically overlapping at or below the apex; spikelets sometimes less than 11 mm long (excluding awns); lemmas 3.5-12 mm long, awned from the acute apex, the awn 0.1-2 cm long; ligules sometimes higher on the sides than in the middle LLeaf sheaths closed nearly to the top (often mechanically split and the margins not overlapping), spikelets at least 11 mm long (excluding awns); lemmas at least 6 mm long, often awned from between the lobes of a bifid,rounded to acute apex, the awn sometimes more than 2 cm long. ligules not higher on the sides than at the middle 1486C 7DQSpikelets at least 12 mm long, 4-12-flowered; leaf sheaths closed to near the top Bromus 1364C Spikelets dorsiventrally to laterally compressed, appressed to or divergent from the rachis, the rachis sometimes slightly concave; plants not otherwise as above POACEAE Group B 1361G 1363H 1365I 1366J 1364N 1364O Lolium POACEAE Group B Aegilops POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets laterally compressed, placed edgewise to and alternating on either side of the rachis, the first glume lacking except in the terminal spikelet`_Spikelets either dorsiventrally compressed or placed flatwise to the rachis, each with 2 glumes 1365C Spikelets laterally compressed, placed edgewise to and alternating on either side of the rachis, the first glume lacking except in the terminal spikelet Lolium 1364G 1366H 3830I 3830J 1365N 1367O 1488N 1490O Koeleria macrantha Koeleria macrantha Trisetum POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Koeleria\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1489C 8.5DFLemmas awned from the back, the awns 4-13 mm long, often abruptly bent Trisetum 1487G 1488H 2991I 2991J 1489N 1489O Trisetum Trisetum Koeleria POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Trisetum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS 1489H 3846I 1484G 1487H 2818I 2818J 1486N 1488O Bromus Bromus POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Bromus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1490C &Leaf sheaths open at least two-thirds the length, the margins typically overlapping at or below the apex; spikelets sometimes less than 11 mm long (excluding awns); lemmas 3.5-12 mm long, awned from the acute apex, the awn 0.1-2 cm long; ligules sometimes higher on the sides than in the middle Festuca 1485G 1491H 2887I 2887J 1490N 1492O Festuca Festuca Bromus POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Festuca\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1348C Spikelets typically (2)3 at each node with one sessile and the other one or two pedicelled; lemma of the sessile spikelet with an awn 1-1.5 cm long Sorghum 1347G 1349H 3825I 3825J 1348N 1350O Sorghum halepense Sorghum halepense Panicum POACEAE Group ES POACEAE Group ET POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets 1- or 2(3)-flowered` Spikelets (3)5-many-flowered 1493C 10.5D;Lemmas with 5 or more distinct nerves or the nerves obscureE POACEAE Group EF 1479G 1492H 1500I 1501J 1493N 1493O POACEAE Group ES POACEAE Group ET POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Lemmas 1-3 mm long at maturity` Lemmas more than 3 mm long 1494C Spikelets 1- or 2(3)-floweredE POACEAE Group EF 1492G 1495H 1496I 1497J 1494N 1496O A Catabrosa Muhlenbergia POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_9Lemmas firm, yellow-brown, truncate and erose at the apex`2Lemmas papery, white to grayish, acute at the apex 1495C 11.5D Spikelets (3)5-many-floweredE POACEAE Group EF 1492G 1494H 1498I 1499J 1495N 1495O Leptochloa 12.5D2Lemmas papery, white to grayish, acute at the apex Muhlenbergia 1494G 1496H 2919I 2919J 1497N 1497O Muhlenbergia Muhlenbergia A Catabrosa POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Muhlenbergia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1498C 13DBLemmas dorsiventrally compressed, 3.5-6 mm long; ligule membranous Leptochloa 1495G 1499H 3839I 3839J 1498N 1500O Leptochloa fascicularis Leptochloa fascicularis Eragrostis POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_BLemmas dorsiventrally compressed, 3.5-6 mm long; ligule membranous`DLemmas keeled on the midrib, 1.5-2.5 mm long, ligule a ring of hairs Eragrostis POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Leptochloa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1499C 13.5DDLemmas keeled on the midrib, 1.5-2.5 mm long, ligule a ring of hairs Eragrostis 1495G 1498H 2880I 2880J 1499N 1499O Eragrostis Eragrostis Leptochloa POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Eragrostis\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1500C Lemmas 1-3 mm long at maturityE POACEAE Group EF 1493G 1501H 1502I 1503J 1500N 1502O Muhlenbergia asperifolia POACEAE Group ET POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Lemmas whitish to dark gray-green, occasionally purple-tinged, obscurely 3-nerved, acute at the apex; spikelets 1 or 2(3)-flowered; a rhizomatous perennial of the valleys` Lemmas bright green or sometimes purple-tinged to purple, 5-many-nerved, acute to truncate at the apex; spikelets 2-many-flowered, plants otherwise diverse 1501C 14.5D Lemmas more than 3 mm longE POACEAE Group EF 1493G 1500H 1508I 1509J 1501N 1501O A Koeleria POACEAE Group ET POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSEDONS into next key. 1500C Rachis, branches, and spikelet pedicels within the spikelike panicle minutely and densely soft-hairy; second glume almost as long as the lowermost floret; lemmas thin and shiny; leaf sheaths nearly always retrorsely hairy`}Panicle rachis and branches smooth to scabrous but not minutely soft-hairy, plants not otherwise as above in every particular 1502C Lemmas whitish to dark gray-green, occasionally purple-tinged, obscurely 3-nerved, acute at the apex; spikelets 1 or 2(3)-flowered; a rhizomatous perennial of the valleysE Muhlenbergia asperifoliaF 1500G 1503H 2921I 2921J 1502N 1504O Muhlenbergia asperifolia Muhlenbergia asperifolia (POACEAE) Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Muhlenbergia\ MONOCOTYLEDONSEDONS Perennial 1-5 dm tall from stout scaly rhizomes, restricted to moist sites in the valleys panicles open 6-14(28) cm long and often nearly as wide ` Perennial 1-5 dm tall from stout scaly rhizomes, restricted to moist sites in the valleys panicles open 6-14(28) cm long and often nearly as wide 1503C 15.5D Lemmas bright green or sometimes purple-tinged to purple, 5-many-nerved, acute to truncate at the apex; spikelets 2-many-flowered, plants otherwise diverseE POACEAE Group EF 1500G 1502H 1504I 1505J 1503N 1503O POACEAE Group E Muhlenbergia asperifolia POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_eLemmas rounded on the backs, the nerves parallel, sometimes obscure; second glume less than 3 mm long` Lemmas keeled on the backs, the nerves convergent (lemma backs rounded in Poa secunda but then the second glume at least 3 mm long) 1504C 16DeLemmas rounded on the backs, the nerves parallel, sometimes obscure; second glume less than 3 mm longE POACEAE Group EF 1503G 1505H 1506I 1507J 1504N 1506O Glyceria Puccinellia POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Lemmas prominently nerved; sheaths closed to the top or nearly so, sometimes mechanically split and the margins not membranous-bordered, plants along freshwater streams or ditches` Lemmas often obscurely nerved, sheaths at least partially open with membranous-bordered margins; plants associated with alkaline or saline soil 1505C 16.5D Lemmas keeled on the backs, the nerves convergent (lemma backs rounded in Poa secunda but then the second glume at least 3 mm long) 1503G 1504H 2935I 2935J 1505N 1505O POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1506C Lemmas prominently nerved; sheaths closed to the top or nearly so, sometimes mechanically split and the margins not membranous-bordered, plants along freshwater streams or ditches Glyceria 1504G 1507H 2900I 2900J 1506N 1508O Glyceria Glyceria Puccinellia POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Glyceria\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1507C 17.5D Lemmas often obscurely nerved, sheaths at least partially open with membranous-bordered margins; plants associated with alkaline or saline soil Puccinellia 1504G 1506H 2973I 2973J 1507N 1507O Puccinellia Puccinellia Glyceria POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Puccinellia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1508C Rachis, branches, and spikelet pedicels within the spikelike panicle minutely and densely soft-hairy; second glume almost as long as the lowermost floret; lemmas thin and shiny; leaf sheaths nearly always retrorsely hairy A Koeleria 1337C 6DxSpikelet with a single well-developed floret, in a few species 1 or 2 rudimentary florets above or below the fertile one POACEAE Group C 1336G 1338H 1405I 1405J 1337N 1339O POACEAE Group CS POACEAE Group CT POACEAEU POACEAEZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. key. 1510C 19DfFlorets chiefly unisexual, at least functionally so, vestigial male or female organs sometimes presentE POACEAE Group EF 1509G 1511H 1512I 1513J 1510N 1512O Distichlis POACEAE Group ET POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Strongly rhizomatous plants of lowland, alkaline or saline soils (sometimes weedy in nonalkaline soils of the valleys); glumes and lemmas firm, the lemmas 7-11-nerved; staminate inflorescence exceeding the leaves, the pistillate one shorter than the leaves `~Tufted plants of diverse habitats; glumes and lemmas flexible and often conspicuously membranous-margined, the lemmas 5-nerved 1511C 19.5D Florets bisexualE POACEAE Group EF 1509G 1510H 1516I 1517J 1511N 1511O POACEAE Group ES POACEAE Group ET POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONSEDONSionally so, vestigial male or female organs sometimes present` Florets bisexual 1501G 1509H 3846I 3846J 1508N 1510O Koeleria macrantha Koeleria macrantha POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Koeleria\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Lemmas keeled on the back (rounded in P. secunda), 5-nerved, sometimes obscurely so, truncate to obtuse or acute but never awn-tipped at the apex; spikelets 3-10 mm long; leaves lacking auricles, the tips of the blades mostly prow-shaped` Lemmas rounded on the back or sometimes keeled near the tips, 5-11-nerved, in some species minutely awn-tipped; spikelets 9-30 mm or more long; leaves auriculate in several species, the tips not prow-shaped 1512C Strongly rhizomatous plants of lowland, alkaline or saline soils (sometimes weedy in nonalkaline soils of the valleys); glumes and lemmas firm, the lemmas 7-11-nerved; staminate inflorescence exceeding the leaves, the pistillate one shorter than the leaves Distichlis 1510G 1513H 3851I 3851J 1512N 1514O Distichlis spicata Distichlis spicata /Lemmas gradually tapered from the base to an acute apex, rounded on the backs to somewhat keeled, smooth to scabrous throughout but never distinctly hairy; second glume 4-7 mm long; fertile anthers 3-6 mm long; basal leaf blades 2-9 mm wide, tapered to an acute tip; panicle narrow, soon becoming chaffy _Lemmas abruptly tapered to a mostly obtuse apex, usually distinctly keeled, often hairy near the base or on the nerves, sometimes merely scabrous or entirely glabrous; second glume to 5.5 mm long; fertile anthers to 3 mm long; basal leaf blades to 3(4) mm wide; prow-shaped at the tips; panicle narrow to open, green to purple-tinged or chaffy in age 1514C POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Distichlis\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1513C 20.5D~Tufted plants of diverse habitats; glumes and lemmas flexible and often conspicuously membranous-margined, the lemmas 5-nervedE POACEAE Group EF 1510G 1512H 1514I 1515J 1513N 1513O Leucopoa Distichlis POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS /Lemmas gradually tapered from the base to an acute apex, rounded on the backs to somewhat keeled, smooth to scabrous throughout but never distinctly hairy; second glume 4-7 mm long; fertile anthers 3-6 mm long; basal leaf blades 2-9 mm wide, tapered to an acute tip; panicle narrow, soon becoming chaffy Leucopoa 1513G 1515H 3852I 3852J 1514N 1516O Leucopoa kingii Leucopoa kingii POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Leucopoa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1515C _Lemmas abruptly tapered to a mostly obtuse apex, usually distinctly keeled, often hairy near the base or on the nerves, sometimes merely scabrous or entirely glabrous; second glume to 5.5 mm long; fertile anthers to 3 mm long; basal leaf blades to 3(4) mm wide; prow-shaped at the tips; panicle narrow to open, green to purple-tinged or chaffy in age 1513G 1514H 2935I 2935J 1515N 1515O Leucopoa POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1516C 1515C Lemmas keeled on the back (rounded in P. secunda), 5-nerved, sometimes obscurely so, truncate to obtuse or acute but never awn-tipped at the apex; spikelets 3-10 mm long; leaves lacking auricles, the tips of the blades mostly prow-shapedE POACEAE Group EF 1511G 1517H 1518I 1519J 1516N 1518O Sclerochloa POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets subsessile and closely crowded on one side of the rachis in a terminal, flattened, spikelike inflorescence 1-5 cm long; lemmas with generally prominent, non-convergent nerves; plants annual, prostrate to ascending, glabrous throughout` Spikelets short- to long-pedicelled, the inflorescence compact to open but neither spikelike nor secund; lemmas with convergent, sometimes obscure nerves; plants either perennial and erect or hairy to some degree, at least on the lemmas 1517C Lemmas rounded on the back or sometimes keeled near the tips, 5-11-nerved, in some species minutely awn-tipped; spikelets 9-30 mm or more long; leaves auriculate in several species, the tips not prow-shapedE POACEAE Group EF 1511G 1516H 1520I 1521J 1517N 1517O Melica POACEAE Group ET POACEAE Group EU POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Stems bulbous-based; lemmas prominently 7-11-nerved, typically with a narrow band of purple just below the apex but ultimately straw-colored; panicles narrow; leaf sheaths closed throughout their length or nearly so; auricles lacking` Stems not bulbous-based; lemmas variously nerved, not typically purple-banded; panicles narrow to open; leaf sheaths closed or open; sometimes auriculate 1518C 23r secund; lemmas with convergent, sometimes obscure nerves; plants either perennial and erect or hairy to some degree, at least on the lemmas 1517C Spikelets subsessile and closely crowded on one side of the rachis in a terminal, flattened, spikelike inflorescence 1-5 cm long; lemmas with generally prominent, non-convergent nerves; plants annual, prostrate to ascending, glabrous throughout Sclerochloa 1516G 1519H 1518I 1518J 1518N 1520O Sclerochloa Sclerochloa POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ Sclerochloa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Spikelets subsessile and closely crowded on one side of the rachis in a terminal, flattened, spikelike inflorescence 1-5 cm long; lemmas with generally prominent, non-convergent nerves; plants annual, prostrate to ascending, glabrous throughout Spikelets subsessile and closely crowded on one side of the rachis in a terminal, flattened, spikelike inflorescence 1-5 cm long; lemmas with generally prominent, non-convergent nerves; plants annual, prostrate to ascending, glabrous throughout 1519C 23.5D Spikelets short- to long-pedicelled, the inflorescence compact to open but neither spikelike nor secund; lemmas with convergent, sometimes obscure nerves; plants either perennial and erect or hairy to some degree, at least on the lemmas 1516G 1518H 2935I 2935J 1519N 1519O Sclerochloa POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE[ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1291C Sepals and petals 4; fruit cylindric or nearly so, more than 2 mm long, often pubescent but the hairs not hooked; leaves diverse (ONAGRACEAE) 1289G 1290H 1292I 1293J 1291N 1291O Boisduvaliaalia 1281C 4.5DbCalyx not papery and inflated at fruiting, petals not as above, stems erect to decumbent-ascending (MALVACEAE) 1277G 1280H 1282I 1283J 1281N 1281O Sphaeralcea (MALVACEAE) Hibiscus (MALVACEAE) Z MALVACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_oFlowers red to orange, herbage more or less densely gray-stellate throughout, plants rarely more than 7 dm tall`UFlowers lavender-pink to purple or white, herbage sparsely hairy, plants 2-20 dm talli Bromus Melica POACEAE Group EZ POACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Lemmas lanceolate, 4-11 mm long, acute at the apex; leaf sheaths open for at least two-thirds their length and typically overlapping near the apex` Lemmas either rhombic-ovate and inflated or 9-12 mm long and shallowly lobed to obtuse at the apex; leaf sheaths closed to the top or nearly so, sometimes mechanically split, the margins not overlapping 1524H 1525I 1526J 1524N 1525O (POLEMONIACEAE)S (POLEMONIACEAE)T POLEMONIACEAEU POLEMONIACEAEZ POLEMONIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_0Leaves or leaf segments stiff and pungent-tipped`HLeaves or leaf segments soft, sometimes apiculate but not pungent-tippedd POLEMONIACEAE 1525C 1D0Leaves or leaf segments stiff and pungent-tippedE (POLEMONIACEAE)F 1524G 1526H 1527I 1528J 1525N 1527O Navarretia (POLEMONIACEAE)T (POLEMONIACEAE)U POLEMONIACEAEZ POLEMONIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_zSlender annual, leaves alternate and pinnately lobed, flowers yellow and closely subtended by bracts similar to the leaves`}Mat-forming perennials, leaves opposite and entire or deeply palmately lobed; flowers white to cream or blue, pink, or purple 1526C 1.5DHLeaves or leaf segments soft, sometimes apiculate but not pungent-tippedE (POLEMONIACEAE)F 1524G 1525H 1531I 1532J 1526N 1526O (POLEMONIACEAE)S (POLEMONIACEAE)T (POLEMONIACEAE)U POLEMONIACEAEZ POLEMONIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ALeaves simple and entire, at least in part, not appearing whorled``Leaves compound or simple and regularly toothed or lobed, sometimes appearing simple and whorled 1527C 2DzSlender annual, leaves alternate and pinnately lobed, flowers yellow and closely subtended by bracts similar to the leaves Navarretia 1525G 1528H 3853I 3853J 1527N 1529O Navarretia breweri Navarretia breweri (POLEMONIACEAE)U (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Navarretia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1528C 2.5D}Mat-forming perennials, leaves opposite and entire or deeply palmately lobed; flowers white to cream or blue, pink, or purpleE (POLEMONIACEAE)F 1525G 1527H 1529I 1530J 1528N 1528O Phlox Leptodactylon Navarretia (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_HLeaves entire, stamens arising from the corolla tube at different levels`gLeaves palmately lobed nearly to the base, stamens arising at nearly the same level on the corolla tube 1529C 3DHLeaves entire, stamens arising from the corolla tube at different levels Phlox 1528G 1530H 3013I 3013J 1529N 1531O Phlox Phlox Leptodactylon (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Phlox\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1530C 3.5DgLeaves palmately lobed nearly to the base, stamens arising at nearly the same level on the corolla tube Leptodactylon 1528G 1529H 3854I 3854J 1530N 1530O Leptodactylon watsonii Leptodactylon watsonii Phlox (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Leptodactylon\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1272C 13.5D Flowers in a raceme or panicle, the perianth to 7(8) mm long; berries reddish or black at maturity but not at all papillose; stems simple A Smilacina 1270G 1271H 2676I 2676J 1272N 1272O A Smilacina A Smilacina Disporum (LILIACEAE) Z LILIACEAE[ Smilacina\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1273C (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Leaf segments ovate to obovate, 1-6 mm long, appearing whorled on the rachis; corolla 13-30 mm long, the lobes shorter than the tube, herbage generally viscid-hairy throughout, plants of high elevations`&Plants not as above in every character 1533C Calyx tube essentially uniform in texture, often expanded and abruptly angled outward just below the sinuses between the calyx teeth, the tube not ruptured by the developing fruit Collomia 1531G 1534H 2996I 2996J 1533N 1535O Collomia Collomia (POLEMONIACEAE)U (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Collomia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1531C 4DALeaves simple and entire, at least in part, not appearing whorledE (POLEMONIACEAE)F 1526G 1532H 1533I 1534J 1531N 1533O Collomia (POLEMONIACEAE)T (POLEMONIACEAE)U (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Calyx tube essentially uniform in texture, often expanded and abruptly angled outward just below the sinuses between the calyx teeth, the tube not ruptured by the developing fruit` Calyx tube composed of distinct green segments alternating with thin membranous ones, the membranous segments not abruptly angled outward at the apex, the tube ruptured by the developing fruit 1532C 4.5D`Leaves compound or simple and regularly toothed or lobed, sometimes appearing simple and whorledE (POLEMONIACEAE)F 1526G 1531H 1539I 1540J 1532N 1532O Polemonium viscosum (POLEMONIACEAE)T (POLEMONIACEAE) 1534C Calyx tube composed of distinct green segments alternating with thin membranous ones, the membranous segments not abruptly angled outward at the apex, the tube ruptured by the developing fruitE (POLEMONIACEAE)F 1531G 1533H 1535I 1536J 1534N 1534O Phlox (POLEMONIACEAE) Collomia (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_CPerennials, leaves opposite, corolla limb at least 8 mm in diameter`QLow annuals, leaves alternate or opposite, corolla limb to about 4 mm in diameter 1535C 6DCPerennials, leaves opposite, corolla limb at least 8 mm in diameter Phlox 1534G 1536H 3013I 3013J 1535N 1537O Phlox Phlox (POLEMONIACEAE)U (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Phlox\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key.key. ROSACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AjLow woolly annuals of disturbed sites in the valleys and foothills; fruit in ellipsoid, burlike clusters AUPlants sparsely to densely hairy but not woolly; fruit not forming a burlike cluster Herbaceous DICOTSC Stamens 6; flowers lavender to purple; fruit a capsule obscured by tne persistent, strongly ribbed calyx; leaves opposite or appearing whorled, usually scurfy, an annual of alkaline soils in the valley RANUNCULACEAE 1610I 1610J RANUNCULACEAES RANUNCULACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ RANUNCULACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Corolla to 3 mm long; pedicels mostly ultimately reflexed; leaves chiefly alternate, 0.5-2(4) mm wide; herbage typically minutely stipitate-glandular throughout Gilia tenerrima 1536G 1538H 3004I 3004J 1537N 1539O Gilia tenerrima Gilia tenerrima Microsteris (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Gilia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_]Leaves typically entire, to 2 cm long and 4 mm wide; corolla to 3 mm long; calyx to 2 mm long`]Leaves typically entire, to 2 cm long and 4 mm wide; corolla to 3 mm long; calyx to 2 mm long 1538C 7.5l blades mostly 2-8 mm wide; herbage pubescent with spreading crinkled hairs, those near the base not gland-tipped 1537C Corolla 4-12 mm long, pedicels erect to spreading, leaves chiefly opposite, the principal blades mostly 2-8 mm wide; herbage pubescent with spreading crinkled hairs, those near the base not gland-tipped Microsteris 1536G 1537H 3855I 3855J 1538N 1538O Microsteris gracilis Microsteris gracilis Gilia tenerrima (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Microsteris\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1539C Leaf segments ovate to obovate, 1-6 mm long, appearing whorled on the rachis; corolla 13-30 mm long, the lobes shorter than the tube, herbage generally viscid-hairy throughout, plants of high elevations Polemonium viscosum 1532G 1540H 3021I 3021J 1539N 1541O Polemonium viscosum Polemonium viscosum (POLEMONIACEAE)U (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Polemonium\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Leaflets divided into 3-5 segments 1-6 mm long, these appearing whorled on the rachis; corolla tube exceeding the calyx and longer than the corolla lobes` Leaflets divided into 3-5 segments 1-6 mm long, these appearing whorled on the rachis; corolla tube exceeding the calyx and longer than the corolla lobes 1540C D&Plants not as above in every characterE (POLEMONIACEAE)F 1532G 1539H 1541I 1542J 1540N 1540O (POLEMONIACEAE)S (POLEMONIACEAE) Polemonium viscosum (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_WLeaves toothed to pinnately lobed or compound, chiefly alternate, not appearing whorled`DLeaves deeply palmately lobed, mostly opposite and appearing whorled 1541C 9DWLeaves toothed to pinnately lobed or compound, chiefly alternate, not appearing whorledE (POLEMONIACEAE)F 1540G 1542H 1543I 1544J 1541N 1543O Navarretia (POLEMONIACEAE)T (POLEMONIACEAE)U (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Flowers yellow, sessile or nearly so in clusters at tips of stems and branches, the corolla about equal to the calyx; leaf segments linear, mostly less than 1 mm wide`1Flowers not yellow, plants not otherwise as above 1542C DDLeaves deeply palmately lobed, mostly opposite and appearing whorledE (POLEMONIACEAE)F 1540G 1541H 1547I 1548J 1542N 1542O Leptodactylon A Linanthus (POLEMONIACEAE)U (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_|Flowers sessile and mostly solitary at tips of stems and branches; herbage typically minutely glandular-hairy to some degree` Flowers either pedicelled or clustered at tips of stems and branches; herbage glabrous or minutely hairy, the hairs not gland-tipped 1543C Flowers yellow, sessile or nearly so in clusters at tips of stems and branches, the corolla about equal to the calyx; leaf segments linear, mostly less than 1 mm wide Navarretia 1541G 1544H 3853I 3853J 1543N 1545O Navarretia breweri 1542C Navarretia breweri (POLEMONIACEAE)U (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Navarretia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1544C 10.5D1Flowers not yellow, plants not otherwise as aboveE (POLEMONIACEAE)F 1541G 1543H 1545I 1546J 1544N 1544O Polemonium Gilia Navarretia (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_sLeaves pinnately lobed with at least the lower segments forming distinct leaflets, none of the leaf segments linear`[Leaves toothed or pinnately lobed but lacking distinct leaflets, the lobes sometimes linear 1545C DsLeaves pinnately lobed with at least the lower segments forming distinct leaflets, none of the leaf segments linear Polemonium 1544G 1546H 3018I 3018J 1545N 1547O Polemonium Polemonium Gilia (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Polemonium\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1546C 11.5D[Leaves toothed or pinnately lobed but lacking distinct leaflets, the lobes sometimes linear Gilia 1544G 1545H 3003I 3003J 1546N 1546O Gilia Gilia Polemonium (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Gilia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1547C 12D|Flowers sessile and mostly solitary at tips of stems and branches; herbage typically minutely glandular-hairy to some degree Leptodactylon 1542G 1548H 3854I 3854J 1547N 1549O Leptodactylon watsonii Leptodactylon watsonii A Linanthus (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Leptodactylon\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1548C 12.5D Flowers either pedicelled or clustered at tips of stems and branches; herbage glabrous or minutely hairy, the hairs not gland-tipped A Linanthus 1542G 1547H 3010I 3010J 1548N 1548O A Linanthus A Linanthus Leptodactylon (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Linanthus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1549C POLYGONACEAE 1549H 3027I 1551J 1549N 1550O A Eriogonum (POLYGONACEAE)T POLYGONACEAEU POLYGONACEAECEAE POLYGONACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS AkHerbage woolly-hairy to some degree; leaves without stipules; flowers 1-several from a cuplike involucre AxHerbage glabrous or variously hairy but rarely at all woolly; leaves with membranous stipules; flowers not involucrate POLYGONACEAE 1550C 1DhHerbage woolly-hairy to some degree, leaves without stipules, flowers 1-several from a cuplike involucre A Eriogonum 1549G 1551H 3027I 3027J 1550N 1552O A Eriogonum A Eriogonum (POLYGONACEAE)U POLYGONACEAEZ POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1551C 1.5DvHerbage glabrous or variously hairy but rarely at all woolly; leaves with membranous stipules; flowers not involucrate (POLYGONACEAE) 1549G 1550H 1552I 1553J 1551N 1551O Oxyria (POLYGONACEAE) A Eriogonum POLYGONACEAEZ POLYGONACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_KLeaves kidney- or heart-shaped, sepals 4, plants of upper montane to alpine`SLeaves neither kidney- nor heart-shaped, sepals 5 or 6, plants of valleys to alpine 1552C 2DKLeaves kidney- or heart-shaped, sepals 4, plants of upper montane to alpine Oxyria 1551G 1553H 3856I 3856J 1552N 1554O Oxyria digyna Oxyria digyna (POLYGONACEAE)U (POLYGONACEAE)Z POLYGONACEAE[ Oxyria\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1553C 2.5DSLeaves neither kidney- nor heart-shaped, sepals 5 or 6, plants of valleys to alpine (POLYGONACEAE) 1551G 1552H 1554I 1555J 1553N 1553O A Polygonum Rumex Oxyria (POLYGONACEAE)Z POLYGONACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS 1551G 1553H 3856I 3856J 1552N 1554O Sepals 5, pink or green with white, pink, or yellowish margins, the inner series at fruiting similar to the outer in size and texture; stigmas sub-globose` Sepals 6, initially green or yellowish to reddish-tinged, the inner series enlarging in fruit, ultimately membranous and usually strongly reticulate-veined, often with grainlike swellings developing on the midrib; stigmas with numerous threadlike branches 1554C Sepals 5, pink or green with white, pink, or yellowish margins, the inner series at fruiting similar to the outer in size and texture; stigmas sub-globose A Polygonum 1553G 1555H 3040I 3040J 1554N 1556O A Polygonum A Polygonum Rumex (POLYGONACEAE)Z POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. 1257C Flowers 1(2) on slender jointed peduncles arising under each of the upper stem leaves; perianth segments to 1.5 cm long, greenish-white to yellow-green; anthers terminating in a slender awnlike structure; fruit a smooth, yellow to red, many-seeded berry Streptopus 1256G 1258H 3808I 3808J 1257N 1259O Streptopus amplexifolius Streptopus amplexifolius (POLYPODIACEAE)T POLYPODIACEAEU FernsZ POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS Rhizome and leaves hairy but lacking scales; sori marginal, concealed (or nearly so) by the narrowly revolute leaf margins; leaves 3-30 dm long, scattered, not densely tufted, the plants often forming large populations Rhizome or caudex and often the leaves with distinctly flattened, membranous scales, sometimes also hairy; plants otherwise lacking the above combination of characters POLYPODIACEAE 1557C 1556C POLYPODIACEAEF 1556H 1557I 1558J 1556N 1557O A Pteridium Continue into next key. Rhizome and leaves hairy but lacking scales; sori marginal, concealed (or nearly so) by the narrowly revolute leaf margins; leaves 3-30 dm long, scattered, not densely tufted, the plants often forming large populations A Pteridium 1556G 1558H 3571I 3571J 1557N 1559O Pteridium aquilinum Pteridium aquilinum (POLYPODIACEAE)U POLYPODIACEAEZ POLYPODIACEAE[ Pteridium\ FERNS_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. 1558C Rhizome or caudex and often the leaves with distinctly flattened, membranous scales, sometimes also hairy; plants otherwise lacking the above combination of charactersE (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1556G 1557H 1559I 1560J 1558N 1558O (POLYPODIACEAE)S (POLYPODIACEAE) A Pteridium POLYPODIACEAEZ POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS QSporangia developing on the lower leaf surface, not along the margins; leaf margins flat or occasionally revolute; petiole pale at least toward the summit OR, if dark, either the blades once pinnate with flat, toothed pinnae (Asplenium trichomanes), or the dorsal surface of the blade with long, septate hairs (Woodsia scopulina) ESporangia developing along the margins of the lower leaf surface (occasionally ultimately covering the entire lower surface); leaf margins revolute, the recurved portion often modified to form an indusium; petioles dark throughout (except in Cryptogramma, and then the sterile and fertile leaf blades strongly dimorphic) 1254C 4.5DOInner perianth segments less than 2.5 cm long or not banded or spotted as above (LILIACEAE) leaves pinnate leaflets latter leaves pinnately compound leaves pinnately compound flowers panicles leaves pinnately compound plants disturbed sites leaves pinnately compound leaflets leaves pinnately dissected linear narrowly oblong leaves pinnately lobed throughout nearly equal leaves pinnately lobed least lower segments leaves pinnately dissected basal rosette leaves pinnately palmately compound leaves pinnately veined often doubly serrate smooth sligh leaves pinnatifid pinnate pedicels densely pubescent leaves prickly-bristly least along midrib leaves pubescent lower surface minute dolabrifor leaves pubescent throughout stiff spreading hairs leaves pubescent mostly branched hairs rarely stipitate 1559C ISporangia developing on the lower leaf surface, not along the margins; leaf margins flat or occasionally revolute; petiole pale at least toward the summit OR, if dark, either the blades once pinnate with flat, toothed pinnae (Asplenium trichomanes), or the dorsal surface of the blade with long, septate hairs (Woodsia scopulina) (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1558G 1560H 1561I 1562J 1559N 1561O (POLYPODIACEAE)S (POLYPODIACEAE)T (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS AGIndusium actually or evidently lacking, the sori not in any way covered A)Indusium present, sometimes inconspicuous 1560C @Sporangia developing along the margins of the lower leaf surface (occasionally ultimately covering the entire lower surface); leaf margins revolute, the recurved portion often modified to form an indusium; petioles dark throughout (except in Cryptogramma, and then the sterile and fertile leaf blades strongly dimorphic) (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1558G 1559H 1579I 1580J 1560N 1560O Adiantum (POLYPODIACEAE)T (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS Sori distinct; indusium formed by the individually reflexed tips of the apical lobes of some of the more or less rectangular-oblong ultimate leaf segments Sori confluent or nearly so, at least along the leaf margin; indusium formed by uniformly revolute leaf margins, or an indusium lacking vering the entire lower surface); leaf margins revolute, the recurved portion often modified to form an indusium; petioles dark throughout (except in Cryptogramma, and then the sterile and fertile leaf blades strongly dimorphic) (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1558G 1559H 1579I 1580J 1560N 1560O Adiantum (POLYPODIACEAE)T (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS Sori distinct; indusium formed by the individually reflexed tips of the apical lobes of some of the more or less rectangular-oblong ultimate leaf segments Sori confluent or nearly so, at least along the leaf margin; indusium formed by uniformly revolute leaf margins, or an indusium lacking 1240C 13.5D_Plants strongly aromatic, stamens 4, principal leaves serrate with petioles more than 2 mm long Mentha arvensis 1236G 1239H 2661I 2661J 1240N 1240O Mentha arvensis Mentha arvensis Lycopus (LAMIACEAE)Z LAMIACEAE[ Mentha\ DICOTYLEDONS 1561C 3DGIndusium actually or evidently lacking, the sori not in any way coveredE (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1559G 1562H 1563I 1564J 1561N 1563O Polypodium (POLYPODIACEAE)T (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS AbLeaves simple, deeply pinnately lobed, the lobes mostly oblong and finely serrate to nearly entire Leaves 1-3 times pinnate 1562C 3.5D)Indusium present, sometimes inconspicuousE (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1559G 1561H 1569I 1570J 1562N 1562O Polystichum (POLYPODIACEAE)T (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS Indusium peltate, attached by a central stalk, spreading out over the sori; ultimate leaf segments spiny-toothed to sharply serrate and usually mucronate (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS A.Petiole bases from previous seasons persistent A)Petiole bases of previous seasons lacking 1565C 5D.Petiole bases from previous seasons persistentE (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1564G 1566H 1567I 3095J 1565N 1567O Athyrium Woodsia Cystopteris (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS ATVeins of lower leaf surface conspicuous; margins of ultimate leaf segments serrate ArVeins of lower leaf surface indistinct or obscure; margins of ultimate leaf segments crenate and flat or revolute Polypodium AZIndusium not as above; leaves not spiny-toothed, occasionally serrate but not mucronate 1238C 12.5D Calyx either few-nerved or obscurely many-nerved, pubescent but not glandular; flowers sessile and relatively numerous in the leaf axils; anther sacs hairy Lamium 1235G 1237H 2654I 2654J 1238N 1238O Lamium Lamium Glechoma (LAMIACEAE)Z LAMIACEAE[ Lamium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1239C Plants nonaromatic; stamens 2; principal leaves either pinnately lobed or sessile to subsessile, the petioles to about 2 mm long Lycopus 1236G 1240H 2657I 2657J 1239N 1241O Lycopus 1217C Calyx distinctly 2-lipped or irregularly lobed; flowers in axils of conspicuous bracts, these spiny-toothed and leaflike or unlike the leaves in shape, color, or texture (LAMIACEAE) 1215G 1218H 1219I 1220J 1217N 1219O Salvia (LAMIACEAE)T (LAMIACEAE)U (LAMIACEAE)Z LAMIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Bracts membranous, greenish to white, often tinged with some shade of pink, 1-3 cm long, usually abruptly tapered to a tail-like tip but otherwise entire; principal leaf blades 7-20 cm long and to 12 cm wide; stamens 2 AtBracts either leaflike or rarely more than 1 cm long; principal leaf blades to 7 cm long and 3 cm wide, stamens 4 1566C 5.5D)Petiole bases of previous seasons lacking Cystopteris 1564G 1565H 3089I 3089J 1566N 1566O Cystopteris Cystopteris (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Cystopteris\ FERNS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Polystichum 1562G 1570H 3092I 3092J 1569N 1571O Polystichum Polystichum (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Polystichum\ FERNS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1570C 7.5DWIndusium not as above; leaves not spiny-toothed, occasionally serrate but not mucronateE (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1562G 1569H 1571I 1572J 1570N 1570O (POLYPODIACEAE)S (POLYPODIACEAE) Polystichum (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS_2Sori oblong; indusium elongate, straight or curved` Sori round or nearly so, indusium somewhat horseshoe-shaped to circular, in Woodsia splitting from the top into hairlike segments 8D2Sori oblong; indusium elongate, straight or curvedE (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1570G 1572H 1573I 1574J 1571N 1573O A Asplenium Athyrium (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS_ Leaves rarely more than 3 dm long including the petiole, the blades once pinnate; pinnae less than twice as long as wide, toothed to subentire; sori straight, attached to the outer side of the vein` Leaves 3-10 dm long overall, the blades 2-3 times pinnate; pinnae more than twice as long as wide and pinnate; sori straight or more often curved across the veins 1572C Sori round or nearly so, indusium somewhat horseshoe-shaped to circular, in Woodsia splitting from the top into hairlike segmentsE (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1570G 1571H 1575I 1576J 1572N 1572O Dryopteris (POLYPODIACEAE)T (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNSFERNS _gIndusium horseshoe- or kidney-shaped, attached along the inner notched margin; leaf blades 2-10 dm long`oIndusium not as above; leaf blades to 2.5 dm long (to 5 dm in the very rare, thin-leaved Cystopteris bulbifera) 1573C Leaves rarely more than 3 dm long including the petiole, the blades once pinnate; pinnae less than twice as long as wide, toothed to subentire; sori straight, attached to the outer side of the vein A Asplenium 1571G 1574H 3086I 3086J 1573N 1575O A Asplenium A Asplenium Athyrium (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Asplenium\ FERNS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1574C Leaves 3-10 dm long overall, the blades 2-3 times pinnate; pinnae more than twice as long as wide and pinnate; sori straight or more often curved across the veins Athyrium 1571G 1573H 3574I 3574J 1574N 1574O Athyrium filix-femina Athyrium filix-femina A Asplenium (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Athyrium\ FERNS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1575C 10DgIndusium horseshoe- or kidney-shaped, attached along the inner notched margin; leaf blades 2-10 dm long Dryopteris 1572G 1576H 3575I 3575J 1575N Dryopteris filix-mas Dryopteris filix-mas (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Dryopteris\ FERNS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1576C 10.5DoIndusium not as above; leaf blades to 2.5 dm long (to 5 dm in the very rare, thin-leaved Cystopteris bulbifera)E (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1572G 1575H 1577I 1578J 1576N 1576O Woodsia Cystopteris Dryopteris (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS dm long Dryopteris 1572G 1576H 3575I 3575J 1575N Indusium attached all around the margins, splitting from the top and center into spreading, hairlike, or somewhat beaded segments; leaves moderately thick, the veins obscure. the margins often irreqularly recurved; rhizomes bearing persistent old petiole bases Indusium attached on one side only, hoodlike, commonly reflexed at maturity; leaves thin, the veins distinct. the margins usually flat; rhizomes without persistent old petiole bases 1577C Indusium attached all around the margins, splitting from the top and center into spreading, hairlike, or somewhat beaded segments; leaves moderately thick, the veins obscure. the margins often irreqularly recurved; rhizomes bearing persistent old petiole bases Woodsia 1576G 1578H 3095I 3095J 1577N 1579O Woodsia Woodsia Cystopteris 1214C A LAMIACEAE 12141214 1579C Sori distinct, indusium formed by the individually reflexed tips of the apical lobes of some of the more or less rectangular-oblong ultimate leaf segments Adiantum 1560G 1580H 3576I 3576J 1579N 1581O Adiantum pedatum Adiantum pedatum (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Adiantum\ FERNS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1580C 12.5D Sori confluent or nearly so, at least along the leaf margin; indusium formed by uniformly revolute leaf margins, or an indusium lackingE (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1560G 1579H 1581I 1582J 1580N 1580O Cryptogramma (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Woodsia\ FERNS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. (POLYPODIACEAE) Adiantum (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS_ Petiole (above the base) and rachis green to greenish-tan; sterile and fertile leaf blades strongly dimorphic, the fertile ones longer than the sterile ones and with longer, narrower ultimate segments` Petiole and at least the lower portion of the rachis dark brown; leaf blades all similar and fertile, or the few sterile blades not markedly different than the fertile ones 1581C Petiole (above the base) and rachis green to greenish-tan; sterile and fertile leaf blades strongly dimorphic, the fertile ones longer than the sterile ones and with longer, narrower ultimate segments Cryptogramma 1580G 1582H 3577I 3577J 1581N 1583O Cryptogramma crispa Cryptogramma crispa (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Cryptogramma\ FERNS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1582C 13.5D Petiole and at least the lower portion of the rachis dark brown; leaf blades all similar and fertile, or the few sterile blades not markedly different than the fertile onesE (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1580G 1581H 1583I 1584J 1582N 1582O Cheilanthes (POLYPODIACEAE) Cryptogramma (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS_?Leaf blades densely white- to brown-woolly on the lower surface` Leaf blades glabrous 1583C 14D?Leaf blades densely white- to brown-woolly on the lower surface Cheilanthes 1582G 1584H 3578I 3578J 1583N 1585O Cheilanthes feei Cheilanthes feei (POLYPODIACEAE)U (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Cheilanthes\ FERNS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1584C 14.5D Leaf blades glabrousE (POLYPODIACEAE)F 1582G 1583H 1585I 1586J 1584N 1584O A Aspidotis Pellaea Cheilanthes (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE\ FERNS_ Leaf blades often about as wide as long, the ultimate segments shiny and finely striate on the upper surface; leaf margins strongly revolute, the recurved portion abruptly modified to a white, membranous indusium Leaf blades considerably longer than broad, the ultimate segments neither shiny nor striate; the revolute portion of the leaf margin green, not outwardly modified 1585C Leaf blades often about as wide as long, the ultimate segments shiny and finely striate on the upper surface; leaf margins strongly revolute, the recurved portion abruptly modified to a white, membranous indusium A Aspidotis 1584G 1586H 3579I 3579J 1585N 1587O Aspidotis densa Aspidotis densa Pellaea (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Aspidotis\ FERNS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1586C 15.5D Leaf blades considerably longer than broad, the ultimate segments neither shiny nor striate; the revolute portion of the leaf margin green, not outwardly modified Pellaea 1584G 1585H 3580I 3580J 1586N 1586O Pellaea breweri Pellaea breweri A Aspidotis (POLYPODIACEAE)Z POLYPODIACEAE[ Pellaea\ FERNS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1587C PORTULACACEAEF 1587H 1588I 1589J 1587N 1588O Stems prostrate Portulaca Stems erect (PORTULACACEAE)T PORTULACACEAEU Petals Present PORTULACACEAEZ PORTULACACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Stems prostrate or occasionally ascending, stem leaves alternate or partly opposite, flowers yellow, capsule circumscissile at or near midlength, plants of disturbed sites in the valleys and foothills` Stems or scapes erect to ascending; stem leaves opposite, whorled, or lacking; flowers white or pink to rose; capsule splitting longitudinally into valves or circumscissile near the base; plants of native habitats, valleys to alpined PORTULACACEAE 1588C Stems prostrate or occasionally ascending, stem leaves alternate or partly opposite, flowers yellow, capsule circumscissile at or near midlength, plants of disturbed sites in the valleys and foothills A Portulaca 1587G 1589H 3621I 3621J 1588N 1590O Portulaca oleraceae Portulaca oleraceae Stems erect (PORTULACACEAE)U PORTULACACEAEZ PORTULACACEAE[ Portulaca\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1589C Stems or scapes erect to ascending; stem leaves opposite, whorled, or lacking; flowers white or pink to rose; capsule splitting longitudinally into valves or circumscissile near the base; plants of native habitats, valleys to alpineE Stems erect (PORTULACACEAE)F 1587G 1588H 1590I 1591J 1589N 1589O (PORTULACACEAE) Lewisia Stems prostrate Portulaca PORTULACACEAEZ PORTULACACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS Stem leaves 2-several, well developed, fused in one species and surrounding the stem; capsule splitting longitudinally into 3 valves; seeds 1-6; petals 5; stamens 5` Stem leaves lacking, bractlike, or arising near the base of the stem; capsule circumscissile near the base; seeds 6-40; petals 5-18; stamens 3-50 1590C Stem leaves 2-several, well developed, fused in one species and surrounding the stem; capsule splitting longitudinally into 3 valves; seeds 1-6; petals 5; stamens 5E (PORTULACACEAE)F 1589G 1591H 1592I 1593J 1590N 1592O Stem leaves 1 pr Claytonia Stem leaves >1 pr Montia Lewisia Stems erect (PORTULACACEAE)Z PORTULACACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_PStem leaves 2, fused in one species and surroundinq the stem; sepals 2-8 mm long`0Stem leaves in several pairs, sepals 2-3 mm long 1591C Stem leaves lacking, bractlike, or arising near the base of the stem; capsule circumscissile near the base; seeds 6-40; petals 5-18; stamens 3-50 Lewisia 1589G 1590H 3103I 3103J 1591N 1591O Lewisia Lewisia (PORTULACACEAE)U Stems erect (PORTULACACEAE)Z PORTULACACEAE[ Lewisia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1592C 3DPStem leaves 2, fused in one species and surroundinq the stem; sepals 2-8 mm long A Claytonia 1590G 1593H 3098I 3098J 1592N 1594O A Claytonia A Claytonia Stem leaves >1 pr Montia (PORTULACACEAE)Z PORTULACACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1593C 3.5D0Stem leaves in several pairs, sepals 2-3 mm long Montia 1590G 1592H 3623I 3623J 1593N 1593O Montia chamissoi Montia chamissoi Stem leaves 1 pr ClaytoniaU (PORTULACACEAE)Z PORTULACACEAE[ Montia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1594C PRIMULACEAE 1594H 1595I 1596J 1594N 1595O (PRIMULACEAE)S (PRIMULACEAE)T PRIMULACEAEU PRIMULACEAEZ PRIMULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_WLeaves entirely basal, flowers in a terminal umbel subtended by a whorl of small bracts`ZLeaves, or some of them, conspicuously cauline; flowers solitary or in pairs in leaf axilsd PRIMULACEAE 1595C 1DWLeaves entirely basal, flowers in a terminal umbel subtended by a whorl of small bracts (PRIMULACEAE) 1594G 1596H 1597I 1598J 1595N 1597O (PRIMULACEAE) A Androsace (PRIMULACEAE)U PRIMULACEAEZ PRIMULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Flowers at least 10 mm long` Flowers to about 5 mm long 1596C 1.5DZLeaves, or some of them, conspicuously cauline; flowers solitary or in pairs in leaf axils (PRIMULACEAE) 1196C Corolla lobes pink or rarely white; anthers coiled after shedding pollen; plants apparently restricted to moist sites in the valleys Centaurium 1195G 1197H 3790I 3790J 1196N 1198O Centaurium exaltatum Centaurium exaltatum (GENTIANACEAE)U (GENTIANACEAE)Z GENTIANACEAE[ Centaurium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1197C Corolla lobes blue to purple or occasionally yellow, often mottled with green or white; anthers not coiled; plants of midmontane to alpine (GENTIANACEAE) 1195G 1196H 1198I 1199J 1197N 1197O Flowers to about 5 mm long A Androsace 1595G 1597H 3127I 3127J 1598N 1598O A Androsace A Androsace (PRIMULACEAE) (PRIMULACEAE) PRIMULACEAE[ Androsace\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1599C 3DgFlowers nodding, corolla lobes strongly reflexed, anthers fully exserted and connivent around the style Dodecatheon 1597G 1600H 3132I 3132J 1599N 1601O Dodecatheon Dodecatheon Primula 1594G 1595H 1601I 1602J 1596N 1596O (PRIMULACEAE) Glaux (PRIMULACEAE)U PRIMULACEAEZ PRIMULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_GFlowers pedicelled, calyx green, corolla diversely colored but not pink`HFlowers sessile or subsessile; calyx pink, rarely white; corolla lacking (PRIMULACEAE) PRIMULACEAE[ Dodecatheon\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1600C 3.5D?Flowers erect, corolla lobes widely spreading, anthers included Primula 1597G 1599H 3857I 3857J 1600N 1600O Primula parryi Primula parryi Dodecatheon (PRIMULACEAE) PRIMULACEAE[ Primula\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. 1193C GENTIANACEAE 1193H 1194I 1195J 1193N 1194O Swertia (GENTIANACEAE)T GENTIANACEAEU GENTIANACEAEZ GENTIANACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS A5Corolla cleft nearly to the base, the tube very short ALCorolla salverform to funnelform, the tube equal to or longer than the lobes GENTIANACEAE 1194C 1D5Corolla cleft nearly to the base, the tube very short Swertia 1193G 1195H 2549I 2549J 1194N 1196O Swertia Swertia (GENTIANACEAE)U GENTIANACEAEZ GENTIANACEAE[ Swertia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Glaux maritima (PRIMULACEAE) (PRIMULACEAE) PRIMULACEAE[ Glaux\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1603C Corolla yellow, stems erect Lysimachia 1601G 1604H 3859I 3859J 1603N 1605O Lysimachia ciliata Lysimachia ciliata A Anagallis (PRIMULACEAE) PRIMULACEAE[ Lysimachia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. 1601C 4DGFlowers pedicelled, calyx green, corolla diversely colored but not pink (PRIMULACEAE) 1596G 1602H 1603I 1604J 1601N 1603O Lysimachia A Anagallis Glaux (PRIMULACEAE) PRIMULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Corolla yellow, stems erect`JCorolla scarlet to salmon, rarely white or blue; stems typically prostrate 1602C 4.5DHFlowers sessile or subsessile; calyx pink, rarely white; corolla lacking Glaux 1596G 1601H 3858I 3858J 1602N 1602O Glaux maritima Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1604C 5.5DJCorolla scarlet to salmon, rarely white or blue; stems typically prostrate A Anagallis 1601G 1603H 3860I 3860J 1604N 1604O Anagallis arvensis Anagallis arvensis Lysimachia (PRIMULACEAE) PRIMULACEAE[ Anagallis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1605C PYROLACEAE 16051605 1606I 1607J 1605N 1606O Chimaphila (PYROLACEAE)T PYROLACEAEU PYROLACEAEZ PYROLACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_lLeaves chiefly cauline, at least twice as long as wide and distinctly serrate; flowers in racemelike corymbs`jLeaves chiefly basal, about as long as wide and minutely toothed or entire; flowers solitary or in racemesd PYROLACEAE 1606C 1DlLeaves chiefly cauline, at least twice as long as wide and distinctly serrate; flowers in racemelike corymbs Chimaphila 1605G 1607H 3746I 3746J 1606N 1608O Chimaphila umbellata Chimaphila umbellata (PYROLACEAE)U PYROLACEAEZ PYROLACEAE Chimaphila DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus Single species in genus locally. 1607C 1.5DjLeaves chiefly basal, about as long as wide and minutely toothed or entire; flowers solitary or in racemes (PYROLACEAE) 1605G 1606H 1608I 1609J 1607N 1607O Moneses Pyrola Chimaphila PYROLACEAEZ PYROLACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_=Flowers solitary; petals white, 7-12 mm long; leaves opposite`RFlowers in racemes; petals to 6 mm long or, if longer, not white; leaves alternate 1608C 2D=Flowers solitary; petals white, 7-12 mm long; leaves opposite Moneses 1607G 1609H 3861I 3861J 1608N 1610O Moneses uniflora s locally. Moneses uniflora Pyrola (PYROLACEAE) PYROLACEAE[ Moneses\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1609C 2.5DRFlowers in racemes; petals to 6 mm long or, if longer, not white; leaves alternate Pyrola 1607G 1608H 3135I 3135J 1609N 1609O Pyrola Pyrola Moneses (PYROLACEAE) PYROLACEAE[ Pyrola\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key.key. Continue into next key. 1610C RANUNCULACEAE 1610H 1611I 1612J 1610N 1611O Clematis (RANUNCULACEAE)T RANUNCULACEAEU RANUNCULACEAEZ RANUNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_xPartially woody vines; leaves opposite, 1 or 2 times ternately or pinnately compound; sepals 4, petaloid; petals lacking`-Herbaceous or woody-based, nonclimbing plantsd RANUNCULACEAE 1611C 1DxPartially woody vines; leaves opposite, 1 or 2 times ternately or pinnately compound; sepals 4, petaloid; petals lacking Clematis 1610G 1612H 3150I 3150J 1611N 1613O Clematis Clematis (RANUNCULACEAE)EAE) RANUNCULACEAEZ RANUNCULACEAE[ Clematis\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1612C 1.5D-Herbaceous or woody-based, nonclimbing plantsE (RANUNCULACEAE)F 1610G 1611H 1613I 1614J 1612N 1612O Ranunculus (RANUNCULACEAE) Clematis RANUNCULACEAEZ RANUNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_zPlants aquatic and largely to totally submerged, some or all the leaves finely dissected into numerous threadlike segments`PPlants terrestrial or growing in water but largely emergent, leaves not as above 1613C 2DzPlants aquatic and largely to totally submerged, some or all the leaves finely dissected into numerous threadlike segments Ranunculus 1612G 1614H 3163I 31633163 1613N 1615O Ranunculus Ranunculus (RANUNCULACEAE)U (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1614C 2.5DPPlants terrestrial or growing in water but largely emergent, leaves not as aboveE (RANUNCULACEAE)F 1612G 1613H 1615I 1616J 1614N 1614O (RANUNCULACEAE)S (RANUNCULACEAE) Ranunculus (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_^Leaves simple, entire or toothed to variously lobed or dissected but without distinct leaflets`ELeaves compound, at least in part, the leaflets broad or well defined 1615C 3D^Leaves simple, entire or toothed to variously lobed or dissected but without distinct leafletslets (RANUNCULACEAE)F 1614G 1616H 1617I 1618J 1615N 1617O (RANUNCULACEAE)S (RANUNCULACEAE)T (RANUNCULACEAE)U (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_uFlowers bilaterally symmetrical, blue, purple, white, or rarely pink; fruit of (1)3(5) follicles, each several-seeded`rFlowers radially symmetrical, mostly white or yellow; fruit of usually numerous achenes or of 3-numerous follicles 1616C 3.5DELeaves compound, at least in part, the leaflets broad or well definedE (RANUNCULACEAE)F 1614G 1615H 1627I 1628J 1616N 1616O Thalictrum fendleri (RANUNCULACEAE)T (RANUNCULACEAE)U (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants dioecious; leaves 3-4 times ternately compound; perianth in a single whorl, 4.5 mm long; fruit a loose cluster of 7-11 longitudinally nerved achenes; style short, glabrous`/Plants with bisexual flowers, otherwise diverse 1617C 4 leaflets DuFlowers bilaterally symmetrical, blue, purple, white, or rarely pink; fruit of (1)3(5) follicles, each several-seededE (RANUNCULACEAE)F 1615G 1618H 1619I 1620J 1617N 1619O Aconitum Delphinium (RANUNCULACEAE)U (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_{Upper sepal helmet-shaped or hooded at the apex, not spurred at the base; petals usually 2, concealed within the calyx hood`IUpper sepal spurred, not hooded; petals 4, not concealed within the calyx 1618C 4.5DrFlowers radially symmetrical, mostly white or yellow; fruit of usually numerous achenes or of 3-numerous folliclesE (RANUNCULACEAE)F 1615G 1617H 1621I 1622J 1618N 1618O Caltha (RANUNCULACEAE)T (RANUNCULACEAE)U (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS glabrous`/Plants with bisexual flowers, otherwise diverse 1617C _~Fruit of 3-many follicles; sepals 5-18, petaloid, white to cream, 0.7-2.6 cm long; petals lacking; leaves subentire or toothed` Fruit of usually numerous achenes; sepals 5, whitish to green, often red- or purple-tinged, otherwise diverse; petals present, sometimes early deciduous 1619C 5D{Upper sepal helmet-shaped or hooded at the apex, not spurred at the base; petals usually 2, concealed within the calyx hood Aconitum 1617G 1620H 3630I 3630J 1619N 1621O Aconitum columbianum Aconitum columbianum Delphinium (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Aconitum\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. key. 1620C 5.5DIUpper sepal spurred, not hooded; petals 4, not concealed within the calyx Delphinium 1617G 1619H 3157I 3157J 1620N 1620O Delphinium Delphinium Aconitum (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Delphinium\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1621C 6D~Fruit of 3-many follicles; sepals 5-18, petaloid, white to cream, 0.7-2.6 cm long; petals lacking; leaves subentire or toothed Caltha 1618G 1622H 3631I 3631J 1621N 1623O Caltha leptosepala 1192C 2.5DiCorolla rarely more than 8 mm long, lavender to rose-purple; fruit a 1-seeded nutlet to about 2.5 mm long Fumaria 1190G 1191H 3698I 3698J 1192N 1192O Fumaria officinalis Fumaria officinalis A Corydalis (FUMARIACEAE)Z FUMARIACEAE[ Fumaria\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Annual, rarely as much as 1 dm tall; leaves entirely basal, linear or nearly so and entire or few-toothed; sepals spurred; fruiting heads cylindric, to about 2 mm wide Myosurus 1622G 1624H 3160I 3160J 1623N 1625O Myosurus Myosurus (RANUNCULACEAE)U (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Myosurus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1624C 7.5D'Plants not as above in every particularE (RANUNCULACEAE)F 1622G 1623H 1625I 1626J 1624N 1624O Adonis Ranunculus Myosurus (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAECEAE3 Caltha leptosepala (RANUNCULACEAE)U (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Caltha\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. DICOTYLEDONS_ Petals white to cream or red and usually dark blue at the base, 1-2 cm long, lacking a basal nectary; leaves cauline and much dissected, the ultimate segments linear`FPetals yellow fading to white, a basal nectary present; leaves diverse 1625C Petals white to cream or red and usually dark blue at the base, 1-2 cm long, lacking a basal nectary; leaves cauline and much dissected, the ultimate segments linear Adonis 1624G 1626H 3632I 3632J 1625N 1627O Adonis aestivalis Adonis aestivalis Ranunculus (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Adonis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1626C 8.5DFPetals yellow fading to white, a basal nectary present; leaves diverse Ranunculus 1624G 1625H 3163I 3163J 1626N 1626O Ranunculus Ranunculus Adonis (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1627C Plants dioecious; leaves 3-4 times ternately compound; perianth in a single whorl, 4.5 mm long; fruit a loose cluster of 7-11 longitudinally nerved achenes; style short, glabrous Thalictrum fendleri 1616G 1628H 3215I 3215J 1627N 1629O Thalictrum fendleri Thalictrum fendleri (RANUNCULACEAE)U (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Thalictrum\ DICOTYLEDONS_3Flowers unisexual, achenes with a style 3-4 mm long`3Flowers unisexual, achenes with a style 3-4 mm long 1628C 9.5D/Plants with bisexual flowers, otherwise diverseE (RANUNCULACEAE)F 1616G 1627H 1629I 1630J 1628N 1628O Actaea (RANUNCULACEAE) Thalictrum fendleri (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_vPistil 1; fruit a red or white berry; stamens numerous, longer than the petals; petals white, 4-10, each 2.5-5 mm long`FPistils more than 1, plants not otherwise as above in every particularular 1629C 10DvPistil 1; fruit a red or white berry; stamens numerous, longer than the petals; petals white, 4-10, each 2.5-5 mm long Actaea 1628G 1630H 3629I 3629J 1629N 1631O Actaea rubra Actaea rubra (RANUNCULACEAE)U RANUNCULACEAEZ RANUNCULACEAE[ Actaea\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1630C 10.5DFPistils more than 1, plants not otherwise as above in every particularE (RANUNCULACEAE)F 1628G 1629H 1631I 1632J 1630N 1630O A Aquilegia (RANUNCULACEAE) Actaea (RANUNCULACEAE)EAE) RANUNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_"Petals spurred, fruit of follicles`7Petals not spurred, sometimes lacking; fruit of achenes 1631C 11D"Petals spurred, fruit of follicles A Aquilegia 1630G 1632H 3147I 3147J 1631N 1633O A Aquilegia A Aquilegia (RANUNCULACEAE)U (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Aquilegia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1632C 11.5D7Petals not spurred, sometimes lacking; fruit of achenesE (RANUNCULACEAE)F 1630G 1631H 1633I 1634J 1632N 1632O Ranunculus (RANUNCULACEAE) A Aquilegia (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS Perianth in 2 whorls, the sepals often promptly deciduous; petals yellow, frequently fading to white; achenes numerous, glabrous, smooth to minutely punctate, with glabrous styles to 4 mm long`rPerianth in one whorl, variously colored; achenes few to numerous, either hairy or with an elongate, plumose style 1633C Perianth in 2 whorls, the sepals often promptly deciduous; petals yellow, frequently fading to white; achenes numerous, glabrous, smooth to minutely punctate, with glabrous styles to 4 mm long Ranunculus 1632G 1634H 3163I 3163J 1633N 1635O Ranunculus Ranunculus (RANUNCULACEAE)U (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. UNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS 1189C Plants to 0.8 dm tall; leaves entirely basal; flowers solitary and terminal; outer petals widely spreading to recurved at the apex, each pouched at the base Dicentra 1188G 1190H 3697I 3697J 1189N 1191O Dicentra uniflora Dicentra uniflora (FUMARIACEAE)U FUMARIACEAEZ FUMARIACEAE[ Dicentra\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1190C Plants 1-10 dm tall; leaves cauline; lowers in racemes or panicles; outer petals erect to slightly spreading, one of them spurred at the base (FUMARIACEAE) 1188G 1189H 11911191 3216J 1635N 1637O Thalictrum sparsiflorum Thalictrum sparsiflorum (RANUNCULACEAE)U (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Thalictrum\ DICOTYLEDONS_5Flowers bisexual, achenes with a style to 1.5 mm long`5Flowers bisexual, achenes with a style to 1.5 mm long 1636C 13.5D Sepals 5-60 mm long, petaloid and white or variously colored; achenes numerous, hairy; herbage hairy to some degree, not glandularE (RANUNCULACEAE)F 1634G 1635H 1637I 1638J 1636N 1636O Clematis Anemone Thalictrum sparsiflorum (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS 1634G 1636H 3216634G 1636H Sepals 4 (or rarely 5 and then 2-5 cm long); stems erect to decumbent or prostrate, often either branched or woody at the base; styles at fruiting 2-7 cm long and plumose` Sepals 5-9 or, if fewer, rarely as much as 2 cm long; stems erect, simple below, neither woody nor branched at the base; styles at fruiting to about 2 mm long and not plumose 1637C Sepals 4 (or rarely 5 and then 2-5 cm long); stems erect to decumbent or prostrate, often either branched or woody at the base; styles at fruiting 2-7 cm long and plumose Clematis 1636G 1638H 3150I 3150J 1637N 1639O Clematis Clematis Anemone (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Clematis\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1638C 14.5D Sepals 5-9 or, if fewer, rarely as much as 2 cm long; stems erect, simple below, neither woody nor branched at the base; styles at fruiting to about 2 mm long and not plumose Anemone 1636G 1637H 3142I 3142J 1638N 1638O Anemone Anemone Clematis (RANUNCULACEAE)Z RANUNCULACEAE[ Anemone\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1639C RHAMNACEAEF 1639G 1639H 1640I 1641J 1639N 1640O A Ceanothus Rhamnus RHAMNACEAEU RHAMNACEAEZ RHAMNACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_jLeaves thick and typically glossy above, strongly 3-veined from the base stipules persistent; petals white`kLeaves thin and not glossy, pinnately veined; stipules deciduous; petals lacking, the calyx greenish-yellowd RHAMNACEAE 1640C 1DjLeaves thick and typically glossy above, strongly 3-veined from the base stipules persistent; petals white A Ceanothus 1639G 1641H 3862I 3862J 1640N 1642O Ceanothus velutinus Ceanothus velutinus Rhamnus RHAMNACEAEZ RHAMNACEAE[ Ceanothus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1186C >Fruit a loment, constricted between the seeds and ultimately breaking into 1-seeded segments; flowers pink to rose-purple or rarely white, the wings much shorter and narrower than the broad, nearly straight, obliquely truncate keel; plants chiefly in the foothills, stems 2-numerous and erect to ascending, 2-7 dm tall A Hedysarum 1183G 1187H 3611I 3611J 1186N 1188O Hedysarum boreale Hedysarum boreale Astragalus (ROSACEAE)U ROSACEAEZ ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Plants woody-based and forming dense mats on rock; basal leaves appearing whorled; flowers in spikelike racemes on erect peduncles; fruit of follicles about 2 mm long Plants not mat-forming on rock 1645C 2D=Shrubs with prickles; leaves compound, the leaflets 3 or more (ROSACEAE) 1643G 1646H 1647I 1648J 1645N 1647O Rubus (ROSACEAE)U (ROSACEAE)Z ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS 1643H 1651I 1652J 1644N 1644O Petrophytum (ROSACEAE) Plants unarmed ROSACEAE 1643C 1D:Plants armed with thorns, prickles, or spinose branch tips (ROSACEAE) 1642G 1644H 1645I 1646J 1643N 1645O (ROSACEAE)S (ROSACEAE)T (ROSACEAE)U ROSACEAEZ ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS A@Shrubs with prickles; leaves compound, the leaflets 3 or more AbShrubs or small trees with thorns or spinose branches; leaves simple, toothed or pinnately lobed Leaflets sparsely to densely white-woolly on the lower surface; flowers white, 7-10 mm in diameter; fruit a cluster of small, red, purple, or black drupelets (raspberry) Leaflets glabrous or pubescent, the hairs not woolly; flowers pink to rose or rarely white, more than 10 mm in diameter; fruit of achenes enclosed in a fleshy, red to purple, subglobose to ellipsoid floral tube (hip) 6-20 mm long 1646C 2.5D`Shrubs or small trees with thorns or spinose branches; leaves simple, toothed or pinnately lobed (ROSACEAE) 1643G 1645H 1649I 1650J 1646N 1646O Prunus americana A Crataegus (ROSACEAE)U (ROSACEAE)Z ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS AcBranches becoming spinose at the tips; leaves merely toothed; petals 6-10 mm long; fruit a drupe AZBranches with thorns; leaves toothed or lobed.; petals to about 6 mm long; fruit a pome 1647C Leaflets sparsely to densely white-woolly on the lower surface; flowers white, 7-10 mm in diameter; fruit a cluster of small, red, purple, or black drupelets (raspberry) Rubus 1645G 1648H 3266I 3266J 1647N 1649O Rubus 1183C 14.5D'Leaves with a terminal unpaired leaflet Terminal Leaflet Continue into next key. 1649C 4D`Branches becoming spinose at the tips, leaves merely toothed, petals 6-10 mm long, fruit a drupe Prunus americana 1646G 1650H 3258I 3258J 1649N 1651O Prunus americana Prunus americana A Crataegus (ROSACEAE)Z ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1650C 4.5DVBranches with thorns, leaves toothed or lobed. Petals to about 6 mm long, fruit a pome A Crataegus 1646G 1649H 3217I 3217J 1650N 1650O A Crataegus Rubus (ROSACEAE)Z ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. A Crataegus Prunus americana (ROSACEAE)Z ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1651C Plants woody-based and forming dense mats on rock, basal leaves appearing whorled, flowers in spikelike racemes on erect peduncles, fruit of follicles about 2 mm long Petrophytum 1652H 3705I 3705J 1651N 1653O Petrophytum caespitosum Petrophytum caespitosum (ROSACEAE)U (ROSACEAE)Z ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. 1179C 12.5D Leaves pinnately compound Pinnate 1173G 1178H 1182I 1183J 1179N 1179O No Terminal LeafletS Terminal LeafletT PalmateU 4-many LeafletsZ FABACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS AnLeaves lacking a terminal unpaired leaflet, the rachis of at least some of the leaves prolonged into a tendril A'Leaves with a terminal unpaired leaflet 1180C Flowers in globose to subglobose heads, herbage glabrous to sparsely pubescent, fruit less than 1 cm long and commonly retained within the persistent calyx A Trifolium 1178G 1181H 2532I 2532J 1180N 1182O A Trifolium A Trifolium Lupinus flowers about diameter blue-violet@ flowers white involucre often glandular variously hairy flowers yellow 1-several previous seas@ following@ foothills frequently fruit fruit capsule@ fruit silicle times wide@ fruit above@ fruit sessile achenes@ fruiting fruiting calyx somewhat fleshy mostly lobes ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants with conspicuous stolons; flowers borne on naked pedicels or on scapes rarely more than 1 dm tall, leaflets of the compound leaves toothed except near the base` Plants without stolons; flowering stems leafy or more than 1 dm tall or, if naked and shorter, the leaflets of the basal leaves either much dissected or toothed only at the apex 1655C 7D&Leaves pinnately or palmately compound (ROSACEAE) 1653G 1656H 1657I 1658J 1655N 1657O Sorbus Potentilla fruticosa (ROSACEAE) (ROSACEAE) ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS3H 1677I 1678J 1654N 1654O (ROSACEAE)S (ROSACEAE)T (ROSACEAE) (ROSACEAE) Single species in genus locally. 1652C Plants not mat-forming on rock (ROSACEAE) 1644G 1651H 1653I 1654J 1652N 1652O (ROSACEAE)S (ROSACEAE) Petrophytum (ROSACEAE)Z ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Shrubs or trees` Annual to perennial herbs Large shrub or small tree; leaflets serrate, flowers white, in large, flat-topped, terminal panicles; fruit of orange-red pomes` Low shrub; leaflets entire and typically revolute; flowers yellow, in small terminal or axillary clusters; fruit of hairy achenes 1656C 7.5D)Leaves simple, entire or toothed to lobed (ROSACEAE) 1653G 1655H 1659I 1660J 1656N 1656O Cercocarpus (ROSACEAE)T (ROSACEAE)U (ROSACEAE)Z ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Petals lacking; fruit an achene with a persistent plumose style to 8 cm long; leaves elliptic, to 3.5 cm long, entire and revolute`pPetals present; fruit diverse, the style not persistent and plumose or, if so the leaves both lobed and revolute 1657C Large shrub or small tree; leaflets serrate, flowers white, in large, flat-topped, terminal panicles; fruit of orange-red pomes Sorbus 1158C 2D{Corolla papilionaceous (sweetpea-like), mostly 2-2.5 cm long, yellow or white; all leaves once-pinnate, the leaflets entire Papilionaceous 1156G 1159H 1160I 1161J 1158N 1160O Caragana arborescens Lam. Robinia pseudoacacia L. Potentilla fruticosa Sorbus (ROSACEAE) ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ZShrub, leaflets entire and nearly always revolute, ovaries and achenes densely white-hairy`ZShrub, leaflets entire and nearly always revolute, ovaries and achenes densely white-hairy 1659C Petals lacking; fruit an achene with a persistent plumose style to 8 cm long; leaves elliptic, to 3.5 cm long, entire and revolute Cercocarpus 1660H 3707I 3707J 1659N 1661O Cercocarpus ledifolius Cercocarpus ledifolius (ROSACEAE) (ROSACEAE) 1655G 1658H 3706I 3706J 1657N 1659O Sorbus scopulina Sorbus scopulina Potentilla fruticosa (ROSACEAE) ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1658C Low shrub; leaflets entire and typically revolute; flowers yellow, in small terminal or axillary clusters; fruit of hairy achenes Potentilla fruticosa 1655G 1657H 3236I 3236J 1658N 1658O Potentilla fruticosa ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1660C 9.5DpPetals present; fruit diverse, the style not persistent and plumose or, if so the leaves both lobed and revolute (ROSACEAE) 1656G 1659H 1661I 1662J 1660N 1660O (ROSACEAE)S (ROSACEAE) Cercocarpus (ROSACEAE)Z ROSACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_$Leaves palmately lobed, not revolute`Herbs, leaves mostly alternate and obscurely hairy or glabrousd SAXIFRAGACEAE 1696C 1DBShrub, leaves opposite and densely gray-hairy on the lower surface Jamesia 1695G 1697H 3864I 3864J 1696N 1698O Jamesia americana Jamesia americana 1697H 3864I 3864J 1696N 1698O Jamesia americana Jamesia americana (SAXIFRAGACEAE)U SAXIFRAGACEAEZ SAXIFRAGACEAE[ Jamesia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1697C 1.5D>Herbs, leaves mostly alternate and obscurely hairy or glabrousE (SAXIFRAGACEAE)F 1695G 1696H 1698I 1699J 1697N 1697O A Parnassia (SAXIFRAGACEAE) Jamesia SAXIFRAGACEAEZ SAXIFRAGACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_gLeaves entire; flowers solitary and terminal, a cluster of fleshy, fused staminodes opposite each petal`ZLeaves or leaflets lobed or toothed; flowers 1-numerous, lacking fused staminodal clusters 1698C 2DgLeaves entire; flowers solitary and terminal, a cluster of fleshy, fused staminodes opposite each petal A Parnassia 1697G 1699H 3423I 3423J 1698N 1700O A Parnassia A Parnassia (SAXIFRAGACEAE)U (SAXIFRAGACEAE)Z SAXIFRAGACEAE[ Parnassia\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1699C 2.5DZLeaves or leaflets lobed or toothed; flowers 1-numerous, lacking fused staminodal clustersE (SAXIFRAGACEAE)F 1697G 1698H 1700I 1701J 1699N 1699O (SAXIFRAGACEAE)S (SAXIFRAGACEAE) A Parnassia (SAXIFRAGACEAE)Z SAXIFRAGACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Fertile stamens (3)5` Fertile stamens (7-9)10 1700C Fertile stamens (3)5E (SAXIFRAGACEAE)F 1699G 1701H 1702I 1703J 1700N 1702O Mitella Heuchera (SAXIFRAGACEAE)EAE)EAE) 1010C 36.5D Ovary glabrous or hairy, neither distinctly papillose nor notched at the apex; pedicels either glabrous or sparsely pubescent with minute, often recurved hairs A Cardaria 1008G 1009H 2133I 2133J 1010N 1010O Cardaria Cardaria (SAXIFRAGACEAE)Z SAXIFRAGACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Inflorescence a simple raceme; petals lobed into threadlike segments or rarely entire; capsule at maturity appearing circumscissile, the beaks of the ovary not persistent` Inflorescence typically a spikelike panicle; petals entire; capsule at maturity not appearing circumscissile, dehiscent between the persistent beaks 1701C Fertile stamens (7-9)10E (SAXIFRAGACEAE)F 1699G 1700H 1704I 1705J 1701N 1701O Lithophragma A Saxifraga (SAXIFRAGACEAE)U (SAXIFRAGACEAE)Z SAXIFRAGACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Petals lobed; flowering stems leafy; leaves deeply lobed to compound, the lobes or leaflets variously toothed or cleft; plants of valleys to midmontane` Petals entire; flowering stems leafless except in S. debilis of high elevations; basal leaves toothed to shallowly lobed, the lobes entire 1702C 4CEAE) Inflorescence a simple raceme; petals lobed into threadlike segments or rarely entire; capsule at maturity appearing circumscissile, the beaks of the ovary not persistent Mitella 1700G 1703H 3420I 3420J 1702N 1704O Mitella Mitella Heuchera (SAXIFRAGACEAE)Z SAXIFRAGACEAE[ Mitella\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1703C Inflorescence typically a spikelike panicle; petals entire; capsule at maturity not appearing circumscissile, dehiscent between the persistent beaks Heuchera 1700G 1702H 3412I 3412J 1703N 1703O Heuchera Continue into next key. 1705C Petals entire; flowering stems leafless except in S. debilis of high elevations; basal leaves toothed to shallowly lobed, the lobes entire A Saxifraga 1701G 1704H 3426I 3426J 1705N 1705O A Saxifraga A Saxifraga Lithophragma (SAXIFRAGACEAE)Z SAXIFRAGACEAE[ Saxifraga\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1706C SCROPHULARIACEAE 1706H 1707I 1708J 1706N 1707O A Limosella Heuchera Mitella (SAXIFRAGACEAE)Z SAXIFRAGACEAE[ Heuchera\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. (SCROPHULARIACEAE)T SCROPHULARIACEAEU SCROPHULARIACEAEZ SCROPHULARIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Flowers solitary on naked scapes or clustered at tips of leafy stolons, basal leaves exceeding the scapes, plants growing in shallow water or along wet banks`aFlowering stems leafy or bracteate, basal leaves not exceeding the inflorescence, habitat variousd SCROPHULARIACEAE 1707C Flowers solitary on naked scapes or clustered at tips of leafy stolons, basal leaves exceeding the scapes, plants growing in shallow water or along wet banks A Limosella 1706G 1708H 3602I 3602J 1707N 1709O Limosella aquatica Limosella aquatica (SCROPHULARIACEAE)U SCROPHULARIACEAEZ SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Limosella\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Petals at least 3 mm long Barbarea 2122I 2122J Barbarea Barbarea Rorippa (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Barbarea\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 18.5D Petals less than 3 mm long Rorippa Single species in genus locally. 1708C 1.5DaFlowering stems leafy or bracteate, basal leaves not exceeding the inflorescence, habitat various (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 1706G 1707H 1709I 1710J 1708N 1708O Linaria (SCROPHULARIACEAE) A Limosella SCROPHULARIACEAEZ SCROPHULARIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_9Corolla yellow with an elongate, slender spur at the base`1Corolla diverse in color, not spurred at the base (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 1710G 1712H 1713I 1714J 1711N 1713O Castilleja (SCROPHULARIACEAE)T (SCROPHULARIACEAE) (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Floral bracts and sometimes the calyx brightly colored in various shades of red, orange, yellow, rose, or purple; upper lip of the corolla tapered to an elongate erect beak much longer than the greatly reduced, green, thickened lower lip`fFloral bracts green to greenish-yellow; upper lip of the corolla diverse, the lower lip well developed 1712C 3.5DNUpper lip of the corolla not forming a hood or beak, not enclosing the anthers (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 1710G 1711H 1719I 1720J 1712N 1712O (SCROPHULARIACEAE)S (SCROPHULARIACEAE)T (SCROPHULARIACEAE) Petals to 4 mm long; stems typically much branched in the inflorescence; immature fruit flattened, narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate Isatis 3760I 3760J Isatis tinctoria Isatis tinctoria A Conringia (BRASSICACEAE) FlowersZ BRASSICACEAE[ Isatis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 7D)Herbage glaucous, anthers 1.2-2.4 mm long Brassica rapa (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_:Corolla 4-lobed, blue to purple, pink, or white; stamens 2`2Corolla 5-lobed, variously colored; stamens 4 or 5 1713C Floral bracts and sometimes the calyx brightly colored in various shades of red, orange, yellow, rose, or purple; upper lip of the corolla tapered to an elongate erect beak much longer than the greatly reduced, green, thickened lower lip Castilleja 1711G 1714H 3431I 3431J 1713N 1715O Castilleja Castilleja (SCROPHULARIACEAE) (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Castilleja\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. LARIACEAE) Continue into next key. 1714C 4.5DfFloral bracts green to greenish-yellow; upper lip of the corolla diverse, the lower lip well developed (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 1711G 1713H 1715I 1716J 1714N 1714O Pedicularis (SCROPHULARIACEAE) Castilleja (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_YCorolla red-purple or white, the upper lip strongly hooded, with an elongate, curved beak`oCorolla yellow or white and yellow to yellow-green at the apex, the upper lip straight except at the hooded tip 1715C 5DYCorolla red-purple or white, the upper lip strongly hooded, with an elongate, curved beak Pedicularis 1714G 1716H 3463I 3463J 1715N 1717O Pedicularis Pedicularis (SCROPHULARIACEAE) (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Pedicularis\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1716C 5.5DoCorolla yellow or white and yellow to yellow-green at the apex, the upper lip straight except at the hooded tip (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 1714G 1715H 1717I 1718J 1716N 1716O Cordylanthus Orthocarpus Pedicularis (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Calyx consisting of a solitary, bractlike segment partially enclosed by the floral bract; plants evidently restricted to alkaline soils of the valleys`TCalyx tubular to bell-shaped and lobed at the apex, plants of foothills to subalpine 1717C Calyx consisting of a solitary, bractlike segment partially enclosed by the floral bract; plants evidently restricted to alkaline soils of the valleys Cordylanthus 1716G 1718H 3689I 3689J 1717N 1719O Cordylanthus maritimus Cordylanthus maritimus Orthocarpus (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Cordylanthus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1718C 6.5DTCalyx tubular to bell-shaped and lobed at the apex, plants of foothills to subalpine Orthocarpus 1716G 1717H 3460I 3460J 1718N 1718O Orthocarpus Orthocarpus Cordylanthus (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Orthocarpus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1719C 7D:Corolla 4-lobed, blue to purple, pink, or white; stamens 2 (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 1712G 1720H 1721I 1722J 1719N 1721O Veronica A Synthyris (SCROPHULARIACEAE) (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_(Corolla tube much shorter than the lobes`%Corolla tube about equal to the lobes 1720C 7.5D2Corolla 5-lobed, variously colored; stamens 4 or 5 (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 1712G 1719H 1723I 1724J 1720N 1720O A Verbascum (SCROPHULARIACEAE)T (SCROPHULARIACEAE) (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS1719C 8_>Fertile stamens 5; corolla yellow, nearly radially symmetrical`IFertile stamens 4; corolla variously colored, strongly to weakly 2-lipped 1721C 8D(Corolla tube much shorter than the lobes Veronica 1719G 1722H 3486I 3486J 1721N 1723O Veronica Veronica A Synthyris (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Veronica\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1722C 8.5D%Corolla tube about equal to the lobes A Synthyris 1719G 1721H 3690I 3690J 1722N 1722O Synthyris pinnatifida Synthyris pinnatifida Veronica (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Synthyris\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1723C 9D>Fertile stamens 5; corolla yellow, nearly radially symmetrical A Verbascum 1720G 1724H 3481I 3481J 1723N 1725O A Verbascum A Verbascum (SCROPHULARIACEAE)U (SCROPHULARIACEAE)Z SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Verbascum\ DICOTYLEDONS natifida Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1724C 9.5DIFertile stamens 4; corolla variously colored, strongly to weakly 2-lipped (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 1720G 1723H 1725I 1726J 1724N 1724O Scrophularia (SCROPHULARIACEAE) A Verbascum (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_XCorolla greenish-brown to yellow-green, the upper lip with 2 short, erect, rounded lobes`@Corolla yellow, blue, or rose-purple, the upper lip not as above 1725C 10DXCorolla greenish-brown to yellow-green, the upper lip with 2 short, erect, rounded lobes Scrophularia 1724G 1726H 3691I 3691J 1725N 1727O Scrophularia lanceolata Scrophularia lanceolata (SCROPHULARIACEAE) (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Scrophularia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1726C 10.5D@Corolla yellow, blue, or rose-purple, the upper lip not as above (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 1724G 1725H 1727I 1728J 1726N 1726O Mimulus (SCROPHULARIACEAE) Scrophularia (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_SCorolla rose-purple or yellow and typically red-spotted or red-veined in the throat`NCorolla blue or lavender to purple, rarely pink, not red-spotted in the throat 1727C 11DSCorolla rose-purple or yellow and typically red-spotted or red-veined in the throat Mimulus 1726G 1728H 3447I 3447J 1727N 1729O Mimulus Mimulus (SCROPHULARIACEAE) (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Mimulus\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1728C 11.511.511.5 (SCROPHULARIACEAE) @DNCorolla blue or lavender to purple, rarely pink, not red-spotted in the throat (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 1726G 1727H 1729I 1730J 1728N 1728O A Collinsia A Penstemon Mimulus (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_~Annual; corolla 4-7 mm long, the tube gibbous, the central lobe of the lower lip formed into a pouch that encloses the stamens` Perennials; corolla mostly 1 cm long, the tube narrow to expanded above but not gibbous, the central lobe not pouched and enclosing the stamens 1729C 12D~Annual; corolla 4-7 mm long, the tube gibbous, the central lobe of the lower lip formed into a pouch that encloses the stamens A Collinsia 1728G 1730H 3692I 3692J 1729N 1731O Collinsia parviflora Collinsia parviflora A Penstemon (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Collinsia\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 1730C 12.5D Perennials; corolla mostly 1 cm long, the tube narrow to expanded above but not gibbous, the central lobe not pouched and enclosing the stamens A Penstemon 1728G 1729H 3466I 3466J 1730N 1730O A Penstemon A Penstemon A Collinsia (SCROPHULARIACEAE) SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Penstemon\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 1731C SOLANACEAE 1731H 1732I 1733J 1731N 1732O (SOLANACEAE)S (SOLANACEAE)T SOLANACEAEU SOLANACEAEZ SOLANACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ 5 mm wide Lactuca A Hieracium Lygodesmia DiverseZ ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_LRays blue to purple; achenes compressed, tapered to short-beaked at the apex`3Rays white; achenes cylindric, truncate at the apex 9DLRays blue to purple; achenes compressed, tapered to short-beaked at the apex Lactuca 1986I 1986J Lactuca Lactuca A Hieracium Balsamorhiza sagittata Balsamorhiza ASTERACEAE[ Balsamorhiza\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves pubescent throughout with stiff, spreading hairs, the primary lobes rarely more than 4 cm long from midnerve to margin, often 1-2 times pinnate; rays 1.5- 3.5 cm long` Leaves subglabrous to sparsely hairy with soft crinkled hairs, the middle lobes mostly 5-15 cm long from midrib to margin, entire to toothed or irregularly cleft); rays 3.5-6 cm long 1882C Leaves pubescent throughout with stiff, spreading hairs, the primary lobes rarely more than 4 cm long from midnerve to margin, often 1-2 times pinnate; rays 1.5- 3.5 cm long Balsamorhiza hookeri 1881G 1883H 1882I 1882J 1882N 1884O Show Description & Photos Balsamorhiza macrophyllahylla ASTERACEAE[ Balsamorhiza\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `cBasal leaves arrowhead-shaped, entire or nearly so, gray-green to silvery-white, especially beneathh (Balsamorhiza) ASTERACEAE[ Balsamorhiza\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves pubescent throughout with stiff, spreading hairs, the primary lobes rarely more than 4 cm long from midnerve to margin, often 1-2 times pinnate; rays 1.5- 3.5 cm longh 1883C Leaves subglabrous to sparsely hairy with soft crinkled hairs, the middle lobes mostly 5-15 cm long from midrib to margin, entire to toothed or irregularly cleft); rays 3.5-6 cm long Balsamorhiza macrophylla 1881G 1882H 1883I 1883J 1883N 1883O Show Description & Photos Balsamorhiza hookeri (Balsamorhiza) ASTERACEAE[ Balsamorhiza\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves subglabrous to sparsely hairy with soft crinkled hairs, the middle lobes mostly 5-15 cm long from midrib to margin, entire to toothed or irregularly cleft); rays 3.5-6 cm longh 1884C Bidens Stems (1)3-7 dm tall, mostly solitary and arising at intervals along conspicuous black rhizomes, the lowermost sheaths also black; spikes confluent or occasionally the lower 1 or 2 remote from the main cluster; the inflorescence 1.5-5 cm long, light to medium brown in overall aspect; perigynium 2.5-3.8 mm long, planoconvex, inconspicuously several-nerved dorsally, typically spongy and often lighter in color at the base, somewhat abruptly tapered to a prominent beak 0.6-1.3 mm long, the bod y sharp-edged and scabrous-margined toward the apex; pistillate scales mostly brown with pale margins and concealing at least the body of the perigynia; leaves clustered near the base; plants of moist or wet, often alkaline soils, ranging from the valleys to midmontane. `'Plants not as above in every particular 2390C 1884H 1885I 1886J 1884N 1885O Bidens frondosa Bidens cernua Bidens Bidens ASTERACEAE[ Bidens\ DICOTYLEDONS_eLeaves compound, petioled; rays lacking; achenes 2-awned, commonly dark brown to nearly black overall`QLeaves simple, sessile; rays often present; achenes 3- or 4-awned and pale-nervedd Bidens 1885C 1DeLeaves compound, petioled; rays lacking; achenes 2-awned, commonly dark brown to nearly black overall Bidens frondosa 1884G 1886H 1885I 1885J 1885N 1887O Show Description & Photos Bidens cernua Bidens ASTERACEAE[ Bidens\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `eLeaves compound, petioled; rays lacking; achenes 2-awned, commonly dark brown to nearly black overallh 1886C 1.5DQLeaves simple, sessile; rays often present; achenes 3- or 4-awned and pale-nerved Bidens cernua 1884G 1885H 1886I 1886J 1886N 1886O Show Description & Photos Bidens frondosa Bidens ASTERACEAE[ Bidens\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `QLeaves simple, sessile; rays often present; achenes 3- or 4-awned and pale-nervedh 1887C Brickellia 1887H 1888I 1889J 1887N 1888O Brickellia californica Brickellia grandiflora Brickellia Brickellia ASTERACEAE[ Brickellia\ DICOTYLEDONS Shrub; leaves 1-5 cm long, abruptly acute at the apex; outermost involucral bracts acute to obtuse; flowers 6-20 per head Herb; leaves 3-11 cm long, long-tapered at the apex; outermost involucral bracts abruptly long-tapered to somewhat "tailed"; flowers 20-38 per head Brickellia 1888C 1DyShrub; leaves 1-5 cm long, abruptly acute at the apex; outermost involucral bracts acute to obtuse; flowers 6-20 per head Brickellia californica 1887G 1889H 1888I 1888J 1888N 1890O Show Description & Photos Calyx teeth well developed, triangular, 0.4-1 mm long; lateral veins of the leaflets prominent, oriented toward the sinuses between the teeth, base of the stem thickened and hollow with internal transverse partitions, fruit to 4 mm long, the ribs corky-thickened Cicuta 3642I 3642J Cicuta douglasii Cicuta douglasii (APIACEAE) Herb; leaves 3-11 cm long, long-tapered at the apex; outermost involucral bracts abruptly long-tapered to somewhat "tailed"; flowers 20-38 per head Brickellia grandiflora 1887G 1888H 1889I 1889J 1889N 1889O Show Description & Photos Brickellia californica Brickellia ASTERACEAE[ Brickellia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 1889C Brickellia grandiflora Brickellia ASTERACEAE[ Brickellia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Shrub; leaves 1-5 cm long, abruptly acute at the apex; outermost involucral bracts acute to obtuse; flowers 6-20 per head 1889C Herb; leaves 3-11 cm long, long-tapered at the apex; outermost involucral bracts abruptly long-tapered to somewhat "tailed"; flowers 20-38 per head 1890C Chaenactis 1890H 1891I 1892J 1890N 1891O Chaenactis alpina Chaenactis douglasii Chaenactis Chaenactis ASTERACEAE[ Chaenactis\ DICOTYLEDONS_oAlpine to subalpine plants from a simple to much-branched, often woody caudex; stems rarely more than 1 dm tall tall `}Foothill to upper montane plants from a taproot, a caudex lacking or poorly developed and not at all woody; stems 1-6 dm talld Chaenactis 1891C 1DoAlpine to subalpine plants from a simple to much-branched, often woody caudex; stems rarely more than 1 dm tall Chaenactis alpina 1890G 1892H 1891I 1891J 1891N 1893O Show Description & Photos Chaenactis douglasii Chaenactis ASTERACEAE[ Chaenactis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. ly more than 1 dm tall APIACEAE (APIACEAE)S (APIACEAE)T APIACEAEU APIACEAEZ APIACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaves not much dissected, the ultimate leaf segments distinct and toothed, in some species 3-5-lobed, the blades neither lacelike nor narrowly elongate with entire margins Leaves either much dissected into numerous small segments (the blades often lacelike) OR divided into relatively few, distinct, narrowly elongate, entire segments APIACEAE Leaves not much dissected, the ultimate leaf segments distinct and toothed, in some species 3-5-lobed, the blades neither lacelike nor narrowly elongate with entire marginsE (APIACEAE 1)F A Heracleum (APIACEAE)T (APIACEAE)CEAE) `}Foothill to upper montane plants from a taproot, a caudex lacking or poorly developed and not at all woody; stems 1-6 dm tallh 1893C Chamomilla 1893H 1894I 1895J 1893N 1894O Chamomilla recutita Chamomilla suaveolens Chamomilla Chamomilla ASTERACEAE[ Chamomilla\ DICOTYLEDONS_BRays present, disc corollas 5-lobed, involucre 1-25 mm in diameter`=Rays lacking, corollas 4-lobed, involucre 4-10 mm in diameterd Chamomilla 1894C 1DBRays present, disc corollas 5-lobed, involucre 1-25 mm in diameter Chamomilla recutita 1893G 1895H 1894I 1894J 1894N 1896O `oAlpine to subalpine plants from a simple to much-branched, often woody caudex; stems rarely more than 1 dm tallh Show Description & Photos Chamomilla suaveolens Chamomilla ASTERACEAE[ Chamomilla\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `BRays present, disc corollas 5-lobed, involucre 1-25 mm in diameterh 1895C 1.5D=Rays lacking, corollas 4-lobed, involucre 4-10 mm in diameter Chamomilla suaveolens 1893G 1894H 1895I 1895J 1895N 1895O Show Description & Photos Young twigs gray to white with woolly hairs, in one species the hairs matted forming a feltlike covering removable only with a sharp object; leaves to 6 mm wide WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTS A#Haplopappus macronema of ASTERACEAE WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _1Medium to low shrubs of the valleys and foothills`[Subshrub of subalpine and alpine, branches densely white-woolly, leaves stipitate-glandular 60.5D Young twigs lacking woolly hairs WOODY DICOTS Chamomilla recutita Chamomilla ASTERACEAE[ Chamomilla\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `=Rays lacking, corollas 4-lobed, involucre 4-10 mm in diameterh 1896C Chrysanthemum 1896H 1897I 1898J 1896N 1897O (Chrysanthemum) Chrysanthemum balsamita Chrysanthemum Plants mat-forming on rock; leaves to 14 mm long and 4 mm wide; flowers small, in spikelike racemes on erect peduncles 1-8 cm tall Petrophytum of ROSACEAE 1651I 1651J Petrophytum Petrophytum WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ROSACEAE[ Petrophytum\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Plants woody-based and forming dense mats on rock, basal leaves appearing whorled, flowers in spikelike racemes on erect peduncles, fruit of follicles about 2 mm long` Plants woody-based and forming dense mats on rock, basal leaves appearing whorled, flowers in spikelike racemes on erect peduncles, fruit of follicles about 2 mm long 56.5D6Plants not mat-forming on rock, not otherwise as aboveabove _?Rays 10-21 mm long; stem leaves sessile, pinnatifid to toothed `LRays 4-8 mm long; stem leaves petioled, at least below, 1-3 times pinnatifid 1898C 1.5DnRay flowers lacking or inconspicuous, plants typically gray-pubescent throughout with minute dolabriform hairs Chrysanthemum balsamita 1896G 1897H 1898I 1898J 1898N 1898O Show Description & Photos (Chrysanthemum) Chrysanthemum ASTERACEAE[ Chrysanthemum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. ASTERACEAE[ Chrysanthemum\ DICOTYLEDONS Chrysanthemum ASTERACEAE[ Chrysanthemum\ DICOTYLEDONS_XRay flowers present and conspicuous, plants glabrous to sparsely hairy with simple hairs`nRay flowers lacking or inconspicuous, plants typically gray-pubescent throughout with minute dolabriform hairsd Chrysanthemum `nRay flowers lacking or inconspicuous, plants typically gray-pubescent throughout with minute dolabriform hairsh 1899C 2D?Rays 10-21 mm long; stem leaves sessile, pinnatifid to toothed Chrysanthemum leucanthemum 1897G 1900H 1899I 1899J 1899N 1901O Show Description & Photos Chrysanthemum parthenium (Chrysanthemum) ASTERACEAE[ Chrysanthemum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `LRays 4-8 mm long; stem leaves petioled, at least below, 1-3 times pinnatifidh 1901C Chrysothamnus 1901H 1902I 1903J 1901N 1902O Chrysothamnus nauseosus Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Chrysothamnus Chrysothamnus ASTERACEAE[ Chrysothamnus\ DICOTYLEDONS_pStems with a feltlike layer of matted woolly hairs (frequently imperceptible unless scraped with a sharp object)`8Stems glabrous or finely short-hairy, never woolly-hairyd Chrysothamnus 1902C 1DpStems with a feltlike layer of matted woolly hairs (frequently imperceptible unless scraped with a sharp object) Chrysothamnus nauseosus 1901G 1903H 1902I 1902J 1902N 1904O Show Description & Photos Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Chrysothamnus ASTERACEAE[ Chrysothamnus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `pStems with a feltlike layer of matted woolly hairs (frequently imperceptible unless scraped with a sharp object)h 1903C 1.5D8Stems glabrous or finely short-hairy, never woolly-hairy Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus 1901G 1902H 1903I 1903J 1903O Show Description & Photos Chrysothamnus nauseosus Chrysothamnus ASTERACEAE[ Chrysothamnus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `8Stems glabrous or finely short-hairy, never woolly-hairyh 1904C Cirsium 1904H 1905I 1906J 1904N 1905O Cirsium vulgare Upper leaves glabrous Cirsium Rounded shrub of the foothills; leaves crenate, glabrous or pubescent with simple hairs, not glandular, malodorous when crushed; flowers yellow, about 3 mm long, appearing before the leaves; fruit a hairy red drupe 6-8 mm long Rhus trilobata of ANACARDIACEAE 1770I 1770J Rhus trilobata Rhus trilobata WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTSZ ANACARDIACEAE You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `uUpper leaf surfaces densely prickly, herbage green, stems conspicuously winged throughout by the decurrent leaf basesh 1906C Upper leaf surfaces glabrous to gray-woolly, lacking prickles; herbage gray to green; stems either not at all winged or the blades only shortly decurrentE Upper leaves glabrousF 1904G 1905H 1907I 1908J 1906N 1906O Cirsium eatonii Below mid-montane Cirsium vulgare Cirsium ASTERACEAE Cirsium ASTERACEAE[ Cirsium\ DICOTYLEDONS_uUpper leaf surfaces densely prickly, herbage green, stems conspicuously winged throughout by the decurrent leaf bases` Upper leaf surfaces glabrous to gray-woolly, lacking prickles; herbage gray to green; stems either not at all winged or the blades only shortly decurrentd Cirsium 1905C 1DuUpper leaf surfaces densely prickly, herbage green, stems conspicuously winged throughout by the decurrent leaf bases Cirsium vulgare 1904G 1906H 1905I 1905J 1905N 1907O Show Description & Photos Upper leaves glabrous Cirsium ASTERACEAE[ Cirsium\ DICOTYLEDONS] Cirsium\ DICOTYLEDONS_^Outer involucral bracts spiny along the margins, herbage green, plants midmontane to subalpine`rOuter involucral bracts not spiny along the margins, herbage nearly white to green, plants mostly below midmontane 1907C 2D^Outer involucral bracts spiny along the margins, herbage green, plants midmontane to subalpine Cirsium eatonii 1906G 1908H 1907I 1907J 1907N 1909O Show Description & Photos Below mid-montaneU Upper leaves glabrousZ ASTERACEAE[ Cirsium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. ASTERACEAE `^Outer involucral bracts spiny along the margins, herbage green, plants midmontane to subalpineh 1908C 2.5DrOuter involucral bracts not spiny along the margins, herbage nearly white to green, plants mostly below midmontaneE Below mid-montaneF 1906G 1907H 1909I 1910J 1908N 1908O Cirsium undulatum A (Cirsium) Cirsium eatonii Upper leaves glabrousZ ASTERACEAE[ Cirsium\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Involucral bracts with a conspicuous glutinous dorsal ridge, the outer bracts terminating in a spine 3-5 mm long; herbage white to gray-woolly throughout, rarely the upper leaf surfaces glabratebrate Involucral bracts lacking a glutinous dorsal ridge OR, if glutinous near the apex, the spiny tip of the outer bracts less than 2 mm long; herbage typically green or the lower leaf surfaces occasionally gray-woolly 1909C Involucral bracts with a conspicuous glutinous dorsal ridge, the outer bracts terminating in a spine 3-5 mm long; herbage white to gray-woolly throughout, rarely the upper leaf surfaces glabrate Cirsium undulatum 1908G 1910H 1909I 1909J 1909N 1911O Show Description & Photos A (Cirsium) Below mid-montaneZ ASTERACEAE[ Cirsium\ DICOTYLEDONS] age white to gray-woolly throughout, rarely the upper leaf surfaces glabrate You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Involucral bracts with a conspicuous glutinous dorsal ridge, the outer bracts terminating in a spine 3-5 mm long; herbage white to gray-woolly throughout, rarely the upper leaf surfaces glabrateh 1910C Involucral bracts lacking a glutinous dorsal ridge OR, if glutinous near the apex, the spiny tip of the outer bracts less than 2 mm long; herbage typically green or the lower leaf surfaces occasionally gray-woolly A (Cirsium) 1908G 1909H 1911I 1912J 1910N 1910O Cirsium acaulescens Cirsium arvense Cirsium undulatum Below mid-montaneZ ASTERACEAE[ Cirsium\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Heads sessile or nearly so; stems frequently thick and succulent; involucre 2-3.5 cm high, tips of the inner involucral bracts often dilated into an erose to fringed appendage; plants scattered, not forming dense stands` Heads mostly short-peduncled in loose corymbose clusters; stems slender; involucre to 2 cm high, the inner involucral bracts sometimes slightly erose near the tips but not distinctly dilated; plants typically forming large dense stands 1911C Heads sessile or nearly so; stems frequently thick and succulent; involucre 2-3.5 cm high, tips of the inner involucral bracts often dilated into an erose to fringed appendage; plants scattered, not forming dense stands Cirsium acaulescens 1910G 1912H 1911I 1911J 1911N 1913O Show Description & Photos Cirsium arvense A (Cirsium) ASTERACEAE[ Cirsium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Heads sessile or nearly so; stems frequently thick and succulent; involucre 2-3.5 cm high, tips of the inner involucral bracts often dilated into an erose to fringed appendage; plants scattered, not forming dense standsh 1912C Heads mostly short-peduncled in loose corymbose clusters; stems slender; involucre to 2 cm high, the inner involucral bracts sometimes slightly erose near the tips but not distinctly dilated; plants typically forming large dense stands Cirsium arvense 1910G 1911H 1912I 1912J 1912N 1912O Show Description & Photos Cirsium acaulescens A (Cirsium) ASTERACEAE[ Cirsium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 42.5D>Shrubs of foothills and above, leaves not white-woolly beneath WOODY DICOTS Rhus trilobata of ANACARDIACEAE WOODY DICOTS Populus alba of SALICACEAE WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Rounded shrub of the foothills; leaves crenate, glabrous or pubescent with simple hairs, not glandular, malodorous when crushed; flowers yellow, about 3 mm long, appearing before the leaves; fruit a hairy red drupe 6-8 mm long`&Plants not as above in every character DiLower stems with coarse, spreading, pale to yellowish hairs; achenes nearly smooth to striate, not ribbed Crepis modocensis 1913G 1915H 1914I 1914J 1914N 1916O Show Description & Photos (Crepis) Crepis ASTERACEAE[ Crepis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `iLower stems with coarse, spreading, pale to yellowish hairs; achenes nearly smooth to striate, not ribbedh 1915C DELower stems lacking coarse yellowish hairs, achenes distinctly ribbed (Crepis) 1913G 1914H 1916I 1917J 1915N 1915O Crepis runcinata (Crepis) Crepis modocensis Crepis ASTERACEAE[ Crepis\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Stems and leaves glabrous or variously pubescent but the hairs not wool-like, stem leaves mostly bractlike or lacking, plants chiefly in the valleys` Stems and leaves sparsely to densely hairy with fine, appressed, wool-like hairs, sometimes also with bristlelike or gland-tipped hairs, stem leaves present, reduced but not bractlike; plants of foothills to upper montane 1916C Stems and leaves glabrous or variously pubescent but the hairs not wool-like, stem leaves mostly bractlike or lacking, plants chiefly in the valleys Crepis runcinata 1915G 1917H 1916I 1916J 1916N 1918O Show Description & Photos (Crepis) (Crepis) ASTERACEAE[ Crepis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. educed but not bractlike; plants of foothills to upper montane 1916C Stems and leaves glabrous or variously pubescent but the hairs not wool-like, stem leaves mostly bractlike or lacking, plants chiefly in the valleysh 1917C Stems and leaves sparsely to densely hairy with fine, appressed, wool-like hairs, sometimes also with bristlelike or gland-tipped hairs, stem leaves present, reduced but not bractlike; plants of foothills to upper montane (Crepis) 1915G 1916H 1918I 1919J 1917N 1917O Crepis acuminata (Crepis) Crepis runcinata (Crepis) ASTERACEAE[ Crepis\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS _OPrincipal involucral bracts glabrous throughout or minutely ciliate at the tips`aPrincipal involucral bracts at least sparsely woolly-hairy and often with black bristlelike hairs 1918C 3DOPrincipal involucral bracts glabrous throughout or minutely ciliate at the tips Crepis acuminata 1917G 1919H 1918I 1918J 1918N 1920O Show Description & Photos (Crepis) (Crepis) ASTERACEAE[ Crepis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `OPrincipal involucral bracts glabrous throughout or minutely ciliate at the tipsh 1919C 3.5DaPrincipal involucral bracts at least sparsely woolly-hairy and often with black bristlelike hairs (Crepis) 1917G 1918H 1920I 1921J 1919N 1919O Crepis atrabarba Crepis occidentalis Crepis acuminata (Crepis) ASTERACEAE[ Crepis\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Achenes usually greenish to black, distinctly tapered to a beaklike apex; lobes of the leaves to 3 mm wide and usually entire, the central uncleft portion of the blades to about 5 mm wide wide Achenes yellowish to brown, only slightly tapered at the apex; lobes of the leaves more than 3 mm wide and variously toothed or cleft, the uncleft central portion of the blades usually more than 5 mm wide 1920C Achenes usually greenish to black, distinctly tapered to a beaklike apex; lobes of the leaves to 3 mm wide and usually entire, the central uncleft portion of the blades to about 5 mm wide Crepis atrabarba 1919G 1921H 1920I 1920J 1920N 1922O Show Description & Photos Crepis occidentalis (Crepis) ASTERACEAE[ Crepis\ DICOTYLEDONS] to 3 mm wide and usually entire, the central uncleft portion of the blades to about 5 mm wide You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Achenes usually greenish to black, distinctly tapered to a beaklike apex; lobes of the leaves to 3 mm wide and usually entire, the central uncleft portion of the blades to about 5 mm wideh 1921C Achenes yellowish to brown, only slightly tapered at the apex; lobes of the leaves more than 3 mm wide and variously toothed or cleft, the uncleft central portion of the blades usually more than 5 mm wide Crepis occidentalis 1919G 1920H 1921I 1921J 1921N 1921O Show Description & Photos Crepis atrabarba (Crepis) ASTERACEAE[ Crepis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Achenes yellowish to brown, only slightly tapered at the apex; lobes of the leaves more than 3 mm wide and variously toothed or cleft, the uncleft central portion of the blades usually more than 5 mm wideh 1922C Erigeron 1922H 1923I 1924J 1922N 1923O Erigeron compositus (Erigeron) Basal leaves ternately dividedh 1924C 1.5DhBasal leaves when present entire or remotely toothed, in one species a few of the blades pinnately lobed (Erigeron) 1922G 1923H 1925I 1926J 1924N 1924O Erigeron lonchophyllus (Erigeron) Erigeron Erigeron Erigeron ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS Ray flowers inconspicuous, hairlike, erect, white to pink, not exceeding the involucre by more than 2 mm; involucral bracts imbricate, green with purple tips otographs. Erigeron Erigeron ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Basal leaves ternately divided`hBasal leaves when present entire or remotely toothed, in one species a few of the blades pinnately lobedd Erigeron AxRay flowers exceeding the involucre by more than 2 mm (immature or shattered heads excepted); involucral bracts diverse 1925C Ray flowers inconspicuous, hairlike, erect, white to pink, not exceeding the involucre by more than 2 mm; involucral bracts imbricate, green with purple tips Erigeron lonchophyllus 1924G 1926H 1925I 1925J 1925N 1927O Show Description & Photos (Erigeron) Erigeron ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] Lactuca ludoviciana Leaves glabrous Lactuca ASTERACEAE[ Lactuca\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Achene body 5-8-nerved on each face; leaves typically twisted at the point of attachment with the stem and the blades vertically oriented, the uppermost blade mostly oblong-oblanceolate` Achene body 1- or 2(3)-nerved on each face; leaves not twisted at the base, the blades horizontally oriented, the uppermost more or less triangular in outlineA 7D+Plants of saline soil, new growth succulent CHENOPODIACEAE 1100I 1100J CHENOPODIACEAES CHENOPODIACEAET VISCACEAEU WOODY DICOTSZ CHENOPODIACEAE\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 7.5DHPlants parasitic on the branches of evergreen trees, new growth leathery A VISCACEAE You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Ray flowers inconspicuous, hairlike, erect, white to pink, not exceeding the involucre by more than 2 mm; involucral bracts imbricate, green with purple tipsh 1926C 2.5DwRay flowers exceeding the involucre by more than 2 mm (immature or shattered heads excepted), involucral bracts diverse (Erigeron) 1924G 1925H 1927I 1928J 1926N 1926O Erigeron coulteri (Erigeron) Erigeron lonchophyllusyllus Erigeron ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS Hairs near the base of the involucre long and crinkled, with purple-black crosswalls; rays white, (8)9-24 mm long; leaves somewhat clasping at the base Hairs near the base of the involucre minute to long but without colored crosswalls, OR rarely a few hairs with purple walls but the plants not otherwise as above 1927C Hairs near the base of the involucre long and crinkled, with purple-black crosswalls; rays white, (8)9-24 mm long; leaves somewhat clasping at the base Erigeron coulteri Vines without tendrils, leaves simple or a few blades ternately compound, flowers purple or the corolla lobes lavender to white fading to brown SOLANACEAE 1731I 1731J SOLANACEAES SOLANACEAET VITACEAEU WOODY DICOTSZ SOLANACEAE\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 4D8Sepals 4, free, petaloid, 1.5-6 cm long; leaves compound Clematis of RANUNCULACEAE Hairs near the base of the involucre minute to long but without colored crosswalls, or rarely a few hairs with purple walls but the plants not otherwise as above (Erigeron) 1926G 1927H 1929I 1930J 1928N 1928O (Erigeron) (Erigeron) Erigeron coulteri (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS Middle stem leaves (or some of them) at least 5 mm wide; stems often more than 3 dm tall (except in E. ursinus); plants from a caudex bearing fibrous roots Middle stem leaves less than 5 mm wide or lacking; stems often less than 3 dm tall; plants from a caudex with or without fibrous roots Erigeron coulteri (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS Middle stem leaves (or some of them) at least 5 mm wide; stems often more than 3 dm tall (except in E. ursinus); plants from a caudex bearing fibrous roots ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS Involucre densely pubescent, at least toward the base, with long, crinkled multicellular hairs; rays at least 50 and white, 8-24 mm long AkInvolucre not hairy as above; rays either fewer than 50 or lavender to purple or pink, diverse in length 1930C Middle stem leaves less than 5 mm wide or lacking, stems often less than 3 dm tall, plants from a caudex with or without fibrous roots (Erigeron) 1928G 1929H 1939I 1940J 1930N 1930O Erigeron glabellus (Erigeron) (Erigeron) (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Involucre 15-20 mm wide and pale yellow to yellow-green, the bracts with a pale brown midnerve, not glandular at the tips; stem below the head with fine, short, straight, appressed hairs`WInvolucre not more than 15 mm wide or plants not otherwise as above in every particular 1931C Involucre densely pubescent, at least toward the base, with long, crinkled multicellular hairs; rays at least 50 and white, 8-24 mm long Erigeron coulteri 1929G 1932H 1931I 1931J 1931N 1933O Show Description & Photos (Erigeron) (Erigeron) Herbaceous DICOTSC Flowers lavender-blue, stamens not connivent around the styles, stigma terminating in a dense tuft of white hair, vegetative stems trailing Vinca of APOCYNACEAE 1800I 1800J Vinca Vinca HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ APOCYNACEAE Vinca Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 87.5D Flowers greenish to pink or purple-brown, stamens fused or connivent around the style, stigma glabrous, stems erect to ascending HERBACEOUS DICOTS (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS Involucre green to purple, the long-tapered tips of the bracts glandular, sometimes only minutely so; stem immediately below the head glabrous to variously hairy Involucre yellowish, the bracts yellow to greenish with a pale brown midnerve, not glandular at the tips; stem immediately below the head with fine, straight, appressed hairs 1933C Involucre green to purple, the long-tapered tips of the bracts glandular,sometimes only minutely so; stem immediately below the head glabrous to variously hairy (Erigeron) 1932G 1934H 1935I 1936J ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Involucre densely pubescent, at least toward the base, with long, crinkled multicellular hairs; rays at least 50 and white, 8-24 mm longh 1935O Erigeron peregrinus (Erigeron) Erigeron glabellus (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS Stem immediately below the head whitish with short, wavy, mostly appressed hairs; involucral bracts not thickened on the backs, purple at least at the tips Stem below the head glabrous to glandular, often pubescent with at least a few spreading hairs; involucral bracts often thickened on the backs, green to purple 1932G 1934H 1935I 1936J Herbaceous DICOTSC 84.5D\Leaves opposite, calyx obsolete or the lobes modified into plumose segments, fruit an achene VALERIANACEAE 1745I 1745J VALERIANACEAES VALERIANACEAET RUBIACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ VALERIANACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC Stamens numerous, the filaments fused to form a tube surrounding the ovary; plants pubescent, some or all of the hairs branched A MALVACEAE 1273I 1273J xR MALVACEAES MALVACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ MALVACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS OTS (Erigeron) Erigeron glabellus (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS Stem immediately below the head whitish with short, wavy, mostly appressed hairs; involucral bracts not thickened on the backs, purple at least at the tips Stem below the head glabrous to glandular, often pubescent with at least a few spreading hairs; involucral bracts often thickened on the backs, green to purple Involucre yellowish, the bracts yellow to greenish with a pale brown midnerve, not glandular at the tips; stem immediately below the head with fine, straight, appressed hairsh 1935C Stem immediately below the head whitish with short, wavy, mostly appressed hairs; involucral bracts not thickened on the backs, purple at least at the tips Erigeron peregrinus 1933G 1936H 1935I 1935J 1935N 1937O Show Description & Photos (Erigeron) (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 1934C Involucre yellowish, the bracts yellow to greenish with a pale brown midnerve, not glandular at the tips; stem immediately below the head with fine, straight, appressed hairs Erigeron glabellus 1932G 1933H 1934I 1934J 1934N 1934O Show Description & Photos (Erigeron) (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Stem immediately below the head whitish with short, wavy, mostly appressed hairs; involucral bracts not thickened on the backs, purple at least at the tips 1936C Stem below the head glabrous to glandular, often pubescent with at least a few spreading hairs; involucral bracts often thickened on the backs, green to purple (Erigeron) 1933G 1935H 1937I 1938J 1936N 1936O Erigeron ursinus Erigeron speciosus Erigeron peregrinus (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS Stems to 2.5 dm tall, usually curved at the base, not branched in the inflorescence; basal leaves usually persistent, the middle stem leaves few and usually distinctly reduced; outer involucral bracts often more than 0.7 mm wide Stems 1.5-8 dm tall, mostly erect, often branched in the inflorescence; basal leaves lacking, the middle stem leaves frequently but not always as large as those below; outer involucral bracts 0.4-0.7 mm wide (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS Stems to 2.5 dm tall, usually curved at the base, not branched in the inflorescence; basal leaves usually persistent, the middle stem leaves few and usually distinctly reduced; outer involucral bracts often more than 0.7 mm wide Stems 1.5-8 dm tall, mostly erect, often branched in the inflorescence; basal leaves lacking, the middle stem leaves frequently but not always as large as those below; outer involucral bracts 0.4-0.7 mm wide Stems to 2.5 dm tall, usually curved at the base, not branched in the inflorescence; basal leaves usually persistent, the middle stem leaves few and usually distinctly reduced; outer involucral bracts often more than 0.7 mm wide 1938C Stems 1.5-8 dm tall, mostly erect, often branched in the inflorescence; basal leaves lacking, the middle stem leaves frequently but not always as large as those below; outer involucral bracts 0.4-0.7 mm wide Erigeron speciosus 1936G 1937H 1938I 1938J 1938N 1938O Show Description & Photos Erigeron ursinus (Erigeron) 1937C Stems to 2.5 dm tall, usually curved at the base, not branched in the inflorescence; basal leaves usually persistent, the middle stem leaves few and usually distinctly reduced; outer involucral bracts often more than 0.7 mm wide Erigeron ursinus 1936G 1938H 1937I 1937J 1937N 1939O Show Description & Photos Erigeron speciosus (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Stems 1.5-8 dm tall, mostly erect, often branched in the inflorescence; basal leaves lacking, the middle stem leaves frequently but not always as large as those below; outer involucral bracts 0.4-0.7 mm wide 1939C Involucre 15-20 mm wide and pale yellow to yellow-green, the bracts with a pale brown midnerve, not glandular at the tips; stem below the head with fine, short, straight, appressed hairs Erigeron glabellus Herbaceous DICOTSC Sepals pinkish-white to purplish; petals lacking, the minute fleshy lobes of the epigynous disc sometimes petal-like; ovary inferior; fruit a drupe SANTALACEAE 3736I 3736J Comandra Comandra LINACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ SANTALACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single genus in family locally. Single genus in family locally. Herbaceous DICOTSC 78.5D[Sepals green or yellowish, petals conspicuous, ovary superior, fruit a 10-chambered capsule LINACEAE 2684I 2684J Linum Linum DWInvolucre not more than 15 mm wide or plants not otherwise as above in every particular (Erigeron) 1930G 1939H 1941I 1942J 1940N 1940O (Erigeron) (Erigeron) Erigeron glabellus (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS_QPlants densely hairy throughout, caudex without fibrous roots or a caudex lacking`QPlants sparsely hairy to partially glabrous, caudex with or without fibrous roots 1941C 10DQPlants densely hairy throughout, caudex without fibrous roots or a caudex lacking (Erigeron) wise as above in every particular 1930G 1940H 1939I 1939J 1939N 1941O Show Description & Photos (Erigeron) (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Involucre 15-20 mm wide and pale yellow to yellow-green, the bracts with a pale brown midnerve, not glandular at the tips; stem below the head with fine, short, straight, appressed hairsh 1940C 1940G 1942H 1943I 1944J 1941N 1943O Erigeron divergens (Erigeron) (Erigeron) (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS_-Basal leaves or some of them distinctly lobed`'Basal leaves entire to remotely toothed 1942C 10.5DQPlants sparsely hairy to partially glabrous, caudex with or without fibrous roots (Erigeron) 1940G 1941H 1953I 1954J 1942N 1942O Erigeron arenarioides (Erigeron) 1943O Erigeron divergens (Erigeron) (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS Stem below the head stipitate-glandular, without simple hairs; involucral bracts distinctly imbricate, glandular, lacking simple hairs Stem below the head not glandular or, if so, pubescent to some degree with simple hairs; involucral bracts subequal to somewhat imbricate, usually pubescent with at least a few simple hairs 1943C 11D-Basal leaves or some of them distinctly lobed Erigeron divergens 1941G 1944H 1943I 1943J 1943N 1945O Show Description & Photos (Erigeron) (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `-Basal leaves or some of them distinctly lobedh 1944C 11.5D'Basal leaves entire to remotely toothed (Erigeron) 1941G 1943H 1945I 1946J 1944N 1944O (Erigeron) (Erigeron) Erigeron divergens (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS_-Hairs of midstem spreading or curved downward`0Hairs of midstem appressed or strongly ascending 1945C 12D-Hairs of midstem spreading or curved downward (Erigeron) 1944G 1946H 1947I 1948J 1945N 1947O Erigeron divergens (Erigeron) (Erigeron) (Erigeronn) Herbaceous DICOTSC 74.5D'Plants not as above in every particular HERBACEOUS DICOTS Myosurus of RANUNCULACEAE HERBACEOUS DICOTST RANUNCULACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS AFPistils numerous on a linear receptacle 1-6 cm long; leaves all basal A=Pistil 1, receptacle not linear; stems with at least 1 leaf Herbaceous DICOTSC 75DEPistils numerous on a linear receptacle 1-6 cm long, leaves all basal Myosurus of RANUNCULACEAE ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Stems usually branched; hairs moderately long, soft, fine, and mostly spreading; plants annual or biennial from a small taproot (rarely perennial with a well-developed caudex)` Stems simple or sparingly branched in the inflorescence, hairs minute or long and coarse, plants perennial with a simple to much-branched caudex Herbaceous DICOTSC 71DiLeaves alternate, densely pubescent with stiff, minutely many-barbed hairs; petals yellow; ovary inferior A LOASACEAE 2687I 2687J A Mentzelia A Mentzelia LYTHRACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ LOASACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 71.5D Leaves opposite, at least at midstem and below, nearly glabrous or pubescent with other than rigid, barbed hairs; flowers purple; ovary superior LYTHRACEAE 3734I 3734J Lythrum Lythrum You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Stems usually branched; hairs moderately long, soft, fine, and mostly spreading; plants annual or biennial from a small taproot (rarely perennial with a well-developed caudex)h 1948C 13.5D Stems simple or sparingly branched in the inflorescence, hairs minute or long and coarse, plants perennial with a simple to much-branched caudex (Erigeron) 1945G 1947H 1949I 1950J 1948N 1948O Erigeron caespitosus Erigeron pumilus ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] Erigeron divergens (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Hairs minute, those of the leaf blades mostly incurved, those of the petioles generally less than 1 mm long; involucre with minute, spreading to appressed hairs, these often imparting a "frosted" appearance; plants of subalpine to alpine` Hairs moderately coarse, those of the leaf blades not regularly incurved, those of the petioles often at least 1 mm long and widely spreading; involucre with moderately long, spreading hairs; plants of foothills to upper montane 1949C Hairs minute, those of the leaf blades mostly incurved, those of the petioles generally less than 1 mm long; involucre with minute, spreading to appressed hairs, these often imparting a "frosted" appearance; plants of subalpine to alpine Erigeron caespitosus 1948G 1950H 1949I 1949J 1949N 1951O Show Description & Photos Erigeron pumilus (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. des mostly incurved, those of the petioles generally less than 1 mm long; involucre with minute, spreading to appressed hairs, these often imparting a "frosted" appearance; plants of subalpine to alpine Hairs minute, those of the leaf blades mostly incurved, those of the petioles generally less than 1 mm long; involucre with minute, spreading to appressed hairs, these often imparting a "frosted" appearance; plants of subalpine to alpineh 1950C 14.5D Hairs moderately coarse, those of the leaf blades not regularly incurved, those of the petioles often at least 1 mm long and widely spreading; involucre with moderately long, spreading hairs; plants of foothills to upper montane Erigeron pumilus 1948G 1949H 1950I 1950J 1950N 1950O Show Description & Photos Erigeron caespitosus (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Hairs moderately coarse, those of the leaf blades not regularly incurved, those of the petioles often at least 1 mm long and widely spreading; involucre with moderately long, spreading hairs; plants of foothills to upper montaneh 1951C Caudex simple or once forked, surmounting an elongate taproot; involucral bracts typically at least 1 mm wide, commonly purple-tinged; plants of mid montane to alpine Erigeron eatonii 1946G 1952H 1951I 1951J 1951N 1953O Show Description & Photos Erigeron engelmannii (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Caudex simple or once forked, surmounting an elongate taproot; involucral bracts typically at least 1 mm wide, commonly purple-tinged; plants of mid montane to alpineh 1952C 15.5D Caudex much branched or, if simple, the taproot short; involucral bracts to about 0.7 mm wide, rarely purple-tinged; plants of valleys and foothills (often at higher altitudes outside our range Erigeron engelmannii 1946G 1951H 1952I 1952J 1952N 1952O Show Description & Photos Erigeron eatonii (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Caudex much branched or, if simple, the taproot short; involucral bracts to about 0.7 mm wide, rarely purple-tinged; plants of valleys and foothills (often at higher altitudes outside our rangeh 1953C 1946G 1951H 1952I 1952J 1952N 1952O Stem below the head stipitate-glandular, without simple hairs; involucral bracts distinctly imbricate, glandular, lacking simple hairs Erigeron arenarioides 1942G 1954H 1953I 1953J 1953N 1955O Show Description & Photos (Erigeron) (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Stem below the head stipitate-glandular, without simple hairs; involucral bracts distinctly imbricate, glandular, lacking simple hairs 1954C 16.5D Stem below the head not glandular or, if so, pubescent to some degree with simple hairs; involucral bracts subequal to somewhat imbricate, usually pubescent with at least a few simple hairs (Erigeron) 1942G 1953H 1955I 1956J 1954N 1954O (Erigeron) (Erigeron) Erigeron arenarioides (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Involucre with few to many, moderately long, spreading simple hairs, gland-tipped hairs present or absent; basal and lower stem leaves acute to rounded at the tips` Involucre distinctly glandular, the simple hairs minute and mostly appressed when present; basal leaves mostly rounded at the tips 1955C Involucre with few to many, moderately long, spreading simple hairs, gland-tipped hairs present or absent; basal and lower stem leaves acute to rounded at the tips (Erigeron) 1954G 1956H 1957I 1958J 1955N 1957O Erigeron ursinus Erigeron eatonii (Erigeron) (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Caudex of slender rhizomelike branches bearing fibrous roots, a taproot lacking; stems erect to curved-ascending; lower stem leaves usually prominent; hairs of the petioles often crinkled and widely spreading Caudex simple or occasionally once forked, lacking fibrous roots, surmounting an elongate taproot; stems decumbent to sprawling- ascending; basal leaves usually more prominent than the stem leaves; hairs of the petioles mostly straight or nearly so and appressed-ascending 1956C 17.5D Involucre distinctly glandular, the simple hairs minute and mostly appressed when present; basal leaves mostly rounded at the tips (Erigeron) 1954G 1955H 1959I 1960J 1956N 1956O (Erigeron) Erigeron leiomerus (Erigeron) (Erigeron) (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Involucral bracts (at least the outer) tapered from near the base, broadest below the middle, simple hairs lacking or, if present, stem leaves usually lacking or bractlike; caudex simple or with a few usually stout branches` Involucral bracts (at least the outer) abruptly tapered near the apex, broadest at the middle, densely glandular, occasionally with a few simple hairs near the base; stem leaves present, not bractlike; caudex with few to numerous, slender branches 1957C Caudex of slender rhizomelike branches bearing fibrous roots, a taproot lacking; stems erect to curved-ascending; lower stem leaves usually prominent; hairs of the petioles often crinkled and widely spreading Erigeron ursinus Herbaceous DICOTSC 66D[Stamens numerous (more than 10); plants pubescent, some or all of the hairs 2-many-branched A MALVACEAE 1273I 1273J xR MALVACEAES MALVACEAET OXALIDACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ MALVACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 66.5D:Stamens 10, plants glabrous or pubescent with simple hairs OXALIDACEAE 3730I 3730J Oxalis Oxalis T MALVACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ OXALIDACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Single species in genus locally. Caudex simple or occasionally once forked, lacking fibrous roots, surmounting an elongate taproot; stems decumbent to sprawling- ascending; basal leaves usually more prominent than the stem leaves; hairs of the petioles mostly straight or nearly so and appressed-ascending Erigeron eatonii 1955G 1957H 1958I 1958J 1958N 1958O Show Description & Photos Erigeron ursinus (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 1955G 1958H 1957I 1957J 1957N 1959O Show Description & Photos Erigeron eatonii (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Caudex of slender rhizomelike branches bearing fibrous roots, a taproot lacking; stems erect to curved-ascending; lower stem leaves usually prominent; hairs of the petioles often crinkled and widely spreadingh 1958C nting an elongate taproot; stems decumbent to sprawling- ascending; basal leaves usually more prominent than the stem leaves; hairs of the petioles mostly straight or nearly so and appressed-ascending Erigeron eatonii 1955G 1957H 1958I 1958J 1958N 1958O Show Description & Photos Erigeron ursinus (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Stem leaves lacking or bractlike; rays mostly white; involucre with both glandular and simple, short, appressed hairs; achenes 2- or 3-nerved`kStem leaves present, rays mostly rose to violet, involucre with gland-tipped hairs only, achenes 4-7-nerved 1960C 19.5D Involucral bracts (at least the outer) abruptly tapered near the apex, broadest at the middle, densely glandular, occasionally with a few simple hairs near the base; stem leaves present, not bractlike; caudex with few to numerous, slender branches Erigeron leiomerus 1956G 1959H 1960I 1960J 1960N 1960O Show Description & Photos (Erigeron) (Erigeron) Caudex simple or occasionally once forked, lacking fibrous roots, surmounting an elongate taproot; stems decumbent to sprawling- ascending; basal leaves usually more prominent than the stem leaves; hairs of the petioles mostly straight or nearly so and appressed-ascending 1959C Involucral bracts (at least the outer) tapered from near the base, broadest below the middle, simple hairs lacking or, if present, stem leaves usually lacking or bractlike; caudex simple or with a few usually stout branches (Erigeron) 1956G 1960H 1961I 1962J 1959N 1961O Erigeron garrettii Erigeron peregrinus Erigeron leiomerus ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Involucral bracts (at least the outer) abruptly tapered near the apex, broadest at the middle, densely glandular, occasionally with a few simple hairs near the base; stem leaves present, not bractlike; caudex with few to numerous, slender branchesh 1961C Stem leaves lacking or bractlike; rays mostly white; involucre with both glandular and simple, short, appressed hairs; achenes 2- or 3-nerved Erigeron garrettii 1959G 1962H 1961I 1961J 1961N 1963O Show Description & Photos Erigeron peregrinus (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Stem leaves lacking or bractlike; rays mostly white; involucre with both glandular and simple, short, appressed hairs; achenes 2- or 3-nervedh 1962C 20.5DkStem leaves present, rays mostly rose to violet, involucre with gland-tipped hairs only, achenes 4-7-nerved Erigeron peregrinus 1959G 1961H 1962I 1962J 1962N 1962O Show Description & Photos Erigeron garrettii (Erigeron) ASTERACEAE[ Erigeron\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `kStem leaves present, rays mostly rose to violet, involucre with gland-tipped hairs only, achenes 4-7-nervedh 1963C Gnaphalium 1963H 1964I 1965J 1963N 1964O Gnaphalium palustre 1961H 1962I 1962J 1962N 1962O Gnaphalium chilense Gnaphalium Gnaphalium ASTERACEAE[ Gnaphalium\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants low, usually branched; heads in leafy-bracteate clusters; involucre 3-4 mm high, dark green to brown or whitish at the tips` Plants robust, rarely branched; heads inconspicuously bracteate; involucre 4-7 mm high, initially pearly white, becoming yellowishd Gnaphalium 1964C Plants low, usually branched; heads in leafy-bracteate clusters; involucre 3-4 mm high, dark green to brown or whitish at the tips Gnaphalium palustre 1963G 1965H 1964I 1964J 1964N 1966O Show Description & Photos Gnaphalium chilense Gnaphalium ASTERACEAE[ Gnaphalium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Plants robust, rarely branched; heads inconspicuously bracteate; involucre 4-7 mm high, initially pearly white, becoming yellowishh 1966C Haplopappus 1966H 1967I 1968J 1966N 1967O xR SubshrubsS Herbs Haplopappus Haplopappus ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ DICOTYLEDONS_BSubshrubs, stems largely woody, leaves densely stipitate-glandulardular Gnaphalium ASTERACEAE[ Gnaphalium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Plants low, usually branched; heads in leafy-bracteate clusters; involucre 3-4 mm high, dark green to brown or whitish at the tipsh 1965C Plants robust, rarely branched; heads inconspicuously bracteate; involucre 4-7 mm high, initially pearly white, becoming yellowish Gnaphalium chilense 1963G 1964H 1965I 1965J 1965N 1965O Show Description & Photos Gnaphalium palustre .`wHerbs, sometimes woody at the base but with stems herbaceous throughout or nearly so; leaves rarely stipitate-glandulard Haplopappus 1967C 1DBSubshrubs, stems largely woody, leaves densely stipitate-glandularE SubshrubsF 1966G 1968H 1969I 1970J 1967N 1969O Haplopappus macronema Haplopappus rydbergii Herbs Haplopappus ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ DICOTYLEDONS_cTwigs covered with a loose, white, woolly mat; involucre 9-13 mm high, the bracts equal to subequal`QTwigs stipitate-glandular; involucre 5-8 mm high, the bracts distinctly imbricate 1968C 1.5DwHerbs, sometimes woody at the base but with stems herbaceous throughout or nearly so; leaves rarely stipitate-glandularE HerbsF 1966G 1967H 1971I 1972J 1968N 1968O A&Haplopappus lanceolatus Leaves toothed Leaves entireT Subshrubs Haplopappus ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ELeaves toothed, involucre 12-24 mm wide, plants of moist valley sites`ELeaves entire, involucre 8-12 mm wide, plants of midmontane to alpine 1969C 2DcTwigs covered with a loose, white, woolly mat; involucre 9-13 mm high, the bracts equal to subequal Haplopappus macronema 1967G 1970H 1969I 1969J 1969N 1971O Show Description & Photos Haplopappus rydbergii Haplopappus ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1968N 1968O You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `cTwigs covered with a loose, white, woolly mat; involucre 9-13 mm high, the bracts equal to subequalh 1970C 2.5DQTwigs stipitate-glandular; involucre 5-8 mm high, the bracts distinctly imbricate Haplopappus rydbergii 1967G 1969H 1970I 1970J 1970N 1970O Show Description & Photos Haplopappus macronema Haplopappus ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `QTwigs stipitate-glandular; involucre 5-8 mm high, the bracts distinctly imbricateh 1971C 3DELeaves toothed, involucre 12-24 mm wide, plants of moist valley sites Haplopappus toothed 1968G 1972H 1971I 1971J 1971N 1973O Show Description & Photos Leaves entire Haplopappus ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ DICOTYLEDONS] ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `ELeaves toothed, involucre 12-24 mm wide, plants of moist valley sitesh 1972C 3.5DELeaves entire, involucre 8-12 mm wide, plants of midmontane to alpineE Leaves entireF 1968G 1971H 1973I 1974J 1972N 1972O Haplopappus acaulis Haplopappus parryi A&Haplopappus lanceolatus Leaves toothed Haplopappus ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ DICOTYLEDONS_wPlants mat-forming; leaves entirely or chiefly basal, 2-7 mm wide; heads solitary or rarely with a reduced lateral head``Plants not mat-forming; leaves entirely cauline, the lower blades over 7 mm wide; heads in cymes 1973C 4DwPlants mat-forming; leaves entirely or chiefly basal, 2-7 mm wide; heads solitary or rarely with a reduced lateral head Haplopappus acaulis 1972G 1974H 1973I 1973J 1973N 1975O Show Description & Photos Haplopappus parryi Haplopappus Leaves entire ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus\ DICOTYLEDONS] Haplopappus ASTERACEAE You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `wPlants mat-forming; leaves entirely or chiefly basal, 2-7 mm wide; heads solitary or rarely with a reduced lateral headh 1974C 4.5D`Plants not mat-forming; leaves entirely cauline, the lower blades over 7 mm wide; heads in cymes Haplopappus parryi 1972G 1973H 1974I 1974J 1974N 1974O Show Description & Photos Haplopappus acaulis Haplopappus Leaves entire ASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. ``Plants not mat-forming; leaves entirely cauline, the lower blades over 7 mm wide; heads in cymesh 1975C Helianthus 1975H 1976I 1977J 1975N 1976O Helianthus annuus Helianthus nuttallii Helianthus Helianthus ASTERACEAE[ Helianthus\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONSASTERACEAE[ Haplopappus 7_rLower leaves ovate, rounded to heart-shaped at the base; involucral bracts ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 3-10 mm wide`tLeaves narrowly lanceolate to elliptic, wedge-shaped at the base; involucral bracts linear or nearly so, 1-3 mm wided Helianthus 1976C 1DrLower leaves ovate, rounded to heart-shaped at the base; involucral bracts ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 3-10 mm wide Helianthus annuus 1975G 1977H 1976I 1976J 1976N 1978O Show Description & Photos Helianthus nuttallii Helianthus ASTERACEAE[ Helianthus\ DICOTYLEDONS] Helianthus Helianthus ASTERACEAE[ Helianthus\ DICOTYLEDONS You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `rLower leaves ovate, rounded to heart-shaped at the base; involucral bracts ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 3-10 mm wideh 1977C 1.5DtLeaves narrowly lanceolate to elliptic, wedge-shaped at the base; involucral bracts linear or nearly so, 1-3 mm wide Helianthus nuttallii 1975G 1976H 1977I 1977J 1977N 1977O Show Description & Photos Helianthus annuus Helianthus ASTERACEAE[ Helianthus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `tLeaves narrowly lanceolate to elliptic, wedge-shaped at the base; involucral bracts linear or nearly so, 1-3 mm wideh 1978C A Hieracium 1978H 1979I 1980J 1978N 1979O (Hieracium) Hieracium albiflorum A Hieracium A Hieracium ASTERACEAE[ Hieracium\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONSDONS] :_kFlowers yellow fading to cream; involucre with minute, white, branched hairs (visible at 20X magnification)`eFlowers white; involucre often glandular or variously hairy but lacking minute, white, branched hairsd Hieracium 1979C 1DkFlowers yellow fading to cream; involucre with minute, white, branched hairs (visible at 20X magnification) (Hieracium) 1978G 1980H 1981I 1982J 1979N 1981O Hieracium gracile Hieracium scouleri Hieracium albiflorum A Hieracium ASTERACEAE[ Hieracium\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS\ DICOTYLEDONS ;_hLeaves glabrous or inconspicuously hairy, stem leaves lacking or reduced to bracts, plants 0.5-3 dm tall`RLeaves conspicuously long-hairy, stem leaves well developed, plants 2.5-10 dm tall 1980C 1.5DeFlowers white; involucre often glandular or variously hairy but lacking minute, white, branched hairs Hieracium albiflorum 1978G 1979H 1980I 1980J 1980N 1980O Show Description & Photos (Hieracium) A Hieracium ASTERACEAE[ Hieracium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `eFlowers white; involucre often glandular or variously hairy but lacking minute, white, branched hairsh 1981C 2DhLeaves glabrous or inconspicuously hairy, stem leaves lacking or reduced to bracts, plants 0.5-3 dm tall Hieracium gracile 1979G 1982H 1981I 1981J 1981N 1983O Show Description & Photos Hieracium scouleri (Hieracium) ASTERACEAE[ Hieracium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. photographs. Herbaceous DICOTSC 59.5D Ovary inferior ONAGRACEAE 1289I 1289J ONAGRACEAES ONAGRACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ ONAGRACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC Ovary deeply divided, the fruit of (1)2-3 subglobose nutlets; sepals and petals (2)3(4), the petals about half as long as the sepals, leaves pinnate with 3-7 leaflets, the latter to 3(5) mm wide; annuals of moist, shaded sites LIMNANTHACEAE >`RLeaves conspicuously long-hairy, stem leaves well developed, plants 2.5-10 dm tallh 1983C 1983H 1984I 1985J 1983N 1984O Iva axillaris Iva xanthifolia ASTERACEAE[ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants to 6 dm tall; leaves to 1.2 cm wide, essentially entire; heads solitary and axillary, involucral bracts fused at the base` Plants to 4-20 dm tall; leaves 3-30 cm wide, coarsely toothed to lobed; heads numerous in terminal or axillary clusters; involucral bracts freed 1984C Plants to 6 dm tall; leaves to 1.2 cm wide, essentially entire; heads solitary and axillary, involucral bracts fused at the base `hLeaves glabrous or inconspicuously hairy, stem leaves lacking or reduced to bracts, plants 0.5-3 dm tallh Iva axillaris 1983G 1985H 1984I 1984J 1984N 1986O Show Description & Photos Iva xanthifolia ASTERACEAE[ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Plants to 6 dm tall; leaves to 1.2 cm wide, essentially entire; heads solitary and axillary, involucral bracts fused at the baseh 1985C 1.5the base cm wide, essentially entire; heads solitary and axillary, involucral bracts fused at the base Plants to 4-20 dm tall; leaves 3-30 cm wide, coarsely toothed to lobed; heads numerous in terminal or axillary clusters; involucral bracts free Iva xanthifolia 1983G 1984H 1985I 1985J 1985N 1985O Show Description & Photos Iva axillaris ASTERACEAE[ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Plants to 4-20 dm tall; leaves 3-30 cm wide, coarsely toothed to lobed; heads numerous in terminal or axillary clusters; involucral bracts freeh 1986C Lactuca 1986H 1987I 1988J 1986N 1987O Leaves pricklyS Leaves glabrous Lactuca Lactuca ASTERACEAE[ Lactuca\ DICOTYLEDONS_nLeaves prickly-bristly at least along the midrib on the lower surface, achenes with a slender beak 3-8 mm long` Leaves glabrous or occasionally hairy along the midrib but not prickly-bristly, achenes with a beak to about 2 mm long or beaklessd Lactuca 1987C 1DnLeaves prickly-bristly at least along the midrib on the lower surface, achenes with a slender beak 3-8 mm longE Leaves pricklyF 1986G 1988H 1989I 1990J 1987N 1989O Lactuca serriola Leaves prickly Lactuca ASTERACEAE[ Lactuca\ DICOTYLEDONS_)Leaves 4-20 cm wide, rays short and erect`7Leaves to 3.5 cm wide, rays to 14 mm long and spreading 1989C Achene body 5-8-nerved on each face; leaves typically twisted at the point of attachment with the stem and the blades vertically oriented, the uppermost blade mostly oblong-oblanceolate Lactuca serriola 1987G 1990H 1989I 1989J 1989N 1991O Show Description & Photos Lactuca ludoviciana Leaves pricklyZ ASTERACEAE[ Lactuca\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs.phs. Achene body 5-8-nerved on each face; leaves typically twisted at the point of attachment with the stem and the blades vertically oriented, the uppermost blade mostly oblong-oblanceolateh 1990C Achene body 1- or 2(3)-nerved on each face; leaves not twisted at the base, the blades horizontally oriented, the uppermost more or less triangular in outline Lactuca ludoviciana 1987G 1989H 1990I 1990J 1990N 1990O Show Description & Photos Lactuca serriola Leaves pricklyZ ASTERACEAE[ Lactuca\ DICOTYLEDONS] u made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Achene body 1- or 2(3)-nerved on each face; leaves not twisted at the base, the blades horizontally oriented, the uppermost more or less triangular in outlineh 1991C 3D)Leaves 4-20 cm wide, rays short and erect Lactuca biennis 1988G 1992H 1991I 1991J 1991N 1993O Show Description & Photos Lactuca tatarica Leaves glabrousZ ASTERACEAE[ Lactuca\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `)Leaves 4-20 cm wide, rays short and erecth 1992C 3.5D7Leaves to 3.5 cm wide, rays to 14 mm long and spreading Lactuca tatarica 1988G 1991H 1992I 1992J 1992N 1992O Show Description & Photos Lactuca biennis Leaves glabrousZ ASTERACEAE[ Lactuca\ DICOTYLEDONS] Leaves glabrousZ ASTERACEAE[ Lactuca\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `7Leaves to 3.5 cm wide, rays to 14 mm long and spreadingh 1993C Machaeranthera 1993H 1994I 1995J 1993N 1994O Machaeranthera canescens (Machaeranthera) Machaeranthera Machaeranthera ASTERACEAE[ Machaeranthera\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS Plants of valleys and foothills; outer involucral bracts averaging 1 mm or less in width, bearing mostly sessile glands; basal leaves rarely persistent at flowering` Plants of upper montane to alpine; outer involucral bracts averaging more than 1 mm wide, bearing mostly stalked glands; basal leaves usually persistentd Machaeranthera 1994C Plants of valleys and foothills; outer involucral bracts averaging 1 mm or less in width, bearing mostly sessile glands; basal leaves rarely persistent at flowering Machaeranthera canescens 1993G 1995H 1994I 1994J 1994N 1996O Show Description & Photos (Machaeranthera) Machaeranthera ASTERACEAE[ Machaeranthera\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Plants of valleys and foothills; outer involucral bracts averaging 1 mm or less in width, bearing mostly sessile glands; basal leaves rarely persistent at floweringh 1995C Plants of upper montane to alpine; outer involucral bracts averaging more than 1 mm wide, bearing mostly stalked glands; basal leaves usually persistent (Machaeranthera) 1993G 1994H 1996I 1997J 1995N 1995O Machaeranthera kingii Machaeranthera commixta Machaeranthera canescens Machaeranthera ASTERACEAE[ Machaeranthera\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Stems to 1 dm tall, densely glandular-hairy throughout; heads solitary; involucral bracts loosely imbricate in 3 or 4 series; rays white to pink` Stems 1-3 dm tall, minutely crisp-hairy below the inflorescence, not glandular throughout; heads 1-many; involucral bracts strictly imbricate in 5 or 6 series; rays purple to violet-blue, rarely pinkish 1996C Stems to 1 dm tall, densely glandular-hairy throughout; heads solitary; involucral bracts loosely imbricate in 3 or 4 series; rays white to pink Machaeranthera kingii 1995G 1997H 1996I 1996J 1996N 1998O Show Description & Photos Machaeranthera commixta (Machaeranthera) ASTERACEAE[ Machaeranthera\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Stems to 1 dm tall, densely glandular-hairy throughout; heads solitary; involucral bracts loosely imbricate in 3 or 4 series; rays white to pinkh 1997C Stems 1-3 dm tall, minutely crisp-hairy below the inflorescence, not glandular throughout; heads 1-many; involucral bracts strictly imbricate in 5 or 6 series; rays purple to violet-blue, rarely pinkish Machaeranthera commixta 1995G 1996H 1997I 1997J 1997N 1997O Show Description & Photos Machaeranthera kingii (Machaeranthera) ASTERACEAE[ Machaeranthera\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Stems 1-3 dm tall, minutely crisp-hairy below the inflorescence, not glandular throughout; heads 1-many; involucral bracts strictly imbricate in 5 or 6 series; rays purple to violet-blue, rarely pinkishh 1998C Madia 1998H 1999I 2000J 1999O Madia gracilis Madia glomerata Madia Madia ASTERACEAE[ Madia\ DICOTYLEDONS_nHeads solitary and terminal on stems and branches; involucre ovoid, 6-11 mm wide; rays 5- 13, each 4-8 mm long` Heads clustered at tips of stems or in leaf axils; involucre tapered at both ends, 2-5 mm wide; rays 1-5, each 2-3 mm long, sometimes lackingd Madia 1999C 1DnHeads solitary and terminal on stems and branches; involucre ovoid, 6-11 mm wide; rays 5- 13, each 4-8 mm long Madia gracilis 1998G 2000H 1999I 1999J 1999N 2001O Show Description & Photos Madia glomerata 1998N Herbaceous DICOTSC 44D_Herbage spiny throughout; flowers white, 5-13 cm in diameter; fruit a spiny capsule 3-5 cm long PAPAVERACEAE 3721I 3721J Argemone Argemone HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ PAPAVERACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC 44.5DBPlants glabrous or variously hairy, flowers and fruit not as above HERBACEOUS DICOTS Madia ASTERACEAE[ Madia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Heads clustered at tips of stems or in leaf axils; involucre tapered at both ends, 2-5 mm wide; rays 1-5, each 2-3 mm long, sometimes lackingh 2001C Senecio 2001H 2002I 2003J 2001N 2002O Senecio vulgaris A (Senecio) Senecio Senecio Madia ASTERACEAE[ Madia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `nHeads solitary and terminal on stems and branches; involucre ovoid, 6-11 mm wide; rays 5- 13, each 4-8 mm longh Herbaceous DICOTSC 43.5D!Sepals or calyx lobes more than 2 HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Calyx reduced to minute teeth or to a mere rim less than 1 mm long (in Valeriana modified into featherlike segments apparent only at fruiting); corolla sympetalous, 3-5-lobed; ovary completely inferior ATCalyx at least 1 mm long OR, if shorter, THEN the corolla and ovary not as above You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Annual of disturbed sites in the valleys, rays lacking, short outer involucral bracts conspicuously black-tipped, leaves typically pinnately lobedh 2003C 1.5DQPerennial or biennial, rays usually present, involucral bracts and leaves diverse A (Senecio) 2001G 2002H 2004I 2005J 2003N 2003O Senecio crassulus A (Senecio) Senecio vulgaris ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Annual of disturbed sites in the valleys, rays lacking, short outer involucral bracts conspicuously black-tipped, leaves typically pinnately lobed`QPerennial or biennial, rays usually present, involucral bracts and leaves diversed Senecio 2002C Annual of disturbed sites in the valleys, rays lacking, short outer involucral bracts conspicuously black-tipped, leaves typically pinnately lobed Senecio vulgaris 2001G 2003H 2002I 2002J 2002N 2004O Show Description & Photos A (Senecio) Senecio ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] Senecio ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS Tips of the principal involucral bracts erect-appressed, the black portion at least 1 mm long and minutely brown-hairy; middle stem leaves sessile and somewhat clasping, often larger than the basal, entire to merely toothed, glabrous or nearly so; plants of upper montane to alpine `'Plants not as above in every particular 2004C Tips of the principal involucral bracts erect-appressed, the black portion at least 1 mm long and minutely brown-hairy; middle stem leaves sessile and somewhat clasping, often larger than the basal, entire to merely toothed, glabrous or nearly so; plants of upper montane to alpine Senecio crassulus 2003G 2005H 2004I 2004J 2004N 2006O Show Description & Photos A (Senecio) Herbaceous DICOTSC 39.5D{Fruit a capsule, ovary entire or 2-lobed; stems not distinctly 4-angled or if so the corolla greenish-brown; leaves diverse SCROPHULARIACEAE 1706I 1706J SCROPHULARIACEAES SCROPHULARIACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ SCROPHULARIACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. Herbaceous DICOTSC Ovary deeply 4-lobed at flowering, the style arising between the lobes, 2-lobed at the apex, both lobes stigmatic; herbage mostly softly hairy or subglabrous, often strongly aromatic; flowers diverse in color A LAMIACEAE 1214I 1214J xR LAMIACEAES LAMIACEAET VERBENACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ LAMIACEAECEAE A (Senecio) Senecio crassulus A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Heads nodding and solitary (rarely with 1 or 2 reduced lateral heads), involucre of mature heads mostly 15-20 mm wide, plants subalpine to alpine`KHeads not both solitary and nodding, involucre rarely as much as 15 mm wide 2006C Heads nodding and solitary (rarely with 1 or 2 reduced lateral heads), involucre of mature heads mostly 15-20 mm wide, plants subalpine to alpine Senecio amplectens 2005G 2007H 2006I 2006J 2006N 2008O Show Description & Photos A (Senecio) Senecio amplectens A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Tips of the principal involucral bracts erect-appressed, the black portion at least 1 mm long and minutely brown-hairy; middle stem leaves sessile and somewhat clasping, often larger than the basal, entire to merely toothed, glabrous or nearly so; plants of upper montane to alpine A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Heads nodding and solitary (rarely with 1 or 2 reduced lateral heads), involucre of mature heads mostly 15-20 mm wide, plants subalpine to alpineh 2007C 3.5DKHeads not both solitary and nodding, involucre rarely as much as 15 mm wide A (Senecio) 2005G 2006H 2008I 2009J 2007N 2007O A (Senecio) A (Senecio) Herbaceous DICOTSC 36.5DYSepals diverse but not spurred or hooded, stamens 10 or fewer, ovary superior or inferior HERBACEOUS DICOTSCOTS Senecio amplectens A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants glabrous or sometimes inconspicuously pubescent, the hairs not woolly or cobwebby, and not forming dense white tufts in leaf axils`zPlants either conspicuously pubescent or with tufts of woolly hair in leaf axils and within the inflorescence at flowering 2008C Plants glabrous or sometimes inconspicuously pubescent, the hairs not woolly or cobwebby, and not forming dense white tufts in leaf axils A (Senecio) 2007G 2009H 2010I 2011J 2008N 2010O Senecio hydrophilus A (Senecio) A (Senecio) A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants glaucous and growing in wet, mostly lowland meadows; stems stout and solitary, 4-20 dm tall, arising from a short buttonlike caudex with numerous, unbranched, fleshy-fibrous roots` Plants not glaucous, growing in well-drained soils, mostly at higher elevations; stems slender to moderately stout, variable in height; caudex and roots not as above 2009C 4.5DzPlants either conspicuously pubescent or with tufts of woolly hair in leaf axils and within the inflorescence at flowering A (Senecio) 2007G 2008H 2020I 2021J 2009N 2009O A (Senecio) A (Senecio) Herbaceous DICOTSC 35.5D"Petals fused, at least at the base HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Ovary superior Ovary inferior Herbaceous DICOTSC 36DNSepals petaloid, the upper spurred or hooded; stamens numerous; ovary superior RANUNCULACEAE 1610I 1610J RANUNCULACEAES RANUNCULACEAET HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTSZ RANUNCULACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Plants glaucous and growing in wet, mostly lowland meadows; stems stout and solitary, 4-20 dm tall, arising from a short buttonlike caudex with numerous, unbranched, fleshy-fibrous rootsh 2011C Plants not glaucous, growing in well-drained soils, mostly at higher elevations; stems slender to moderately stout, variable in height; caudex and roots not as above A (Senecio) 2008G 2010H 2012I 2013J 2011N 2011O A (Senecio) A (Senecio) A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS_uPlants densely and uniformly pubescent throughout with matted woolly hairs or sometimes the upper leaf surfaces green` Plants thinly pubescent with long, crinkled, cobweblike or woolly hairs, the latter often restricted to leaf axils and to the inflorescence Senecio streptanthifolius Senecio hydrophilus A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves chiefly cauline and evenly distributed along the stem or nearly so, essentially equal in size or the middle leaves largest; basal leaves if any withered by flowering`jLeaves both basal and cauline, the basal persistent, at least the upper stem leaves typically much reduced 2012C Leaves chiefly cauline and evenly distributed along the stem or nearly so, essentially equal in size or the middle leaves largest; basal leaves if any withered by flowering A (Senecio) 2011G 2013H 2014I 2015J 2012N 2014O Senecio triangularis A (Senecio) Senecio streptanthifolius A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS_}Middle stem leaves all distinctly petioled, the blades elongate-triangular, coarsely toothed, truncate to hastate at the base` Middle stem leaves not as above 2013C 6.5DjLeaves both basal and cauline, the basal persistent, at least the upper stem leaves typically much reduced Senecio streptanthifolius 2011G 2012H 2013I 2013J 2013N 2013O Show Description & Photos A (Senecio) 2014O Senecio triangularis A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `jLeaves both basal and cauline, the basal persistent, at least the upper stem leaves typically much reducedh 2014C 7D}Middle stem leaves all distinctly petioled, the blades elongate-triangular, coarsely toothed, truncate to hastate at the base Senecio triangularis 2012G 2015H 2014I 2014J 2014N 2016O Show Description & Photos A (Senecio) A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `}Middle stem leaves all distinctly petioled, the blades elongate-triangular, coarsely toothed, truncate to hastate at the baseh 2015C Middle stem leaves not as above A (Senecio) 2012G 2014H 2016I 2017J 2015N 2015O Senecio fremontii A (Senecio) Senecio triangularis A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Involucre 8-15 mm high and 5-12 mm wide; leaves to 7 cm long, all but the lowermost sessile and somewhat clasping; stems lax, rarely more than 2 dm tall, often densely tufted S. fremontii` Involucre 5-8 mm high and to about 6 mm wide; leaves often more than 7 cm long, some of them distinctly petioled or tapered to a petiolelike base; stems erect, 3-20 dm tall, not densely tufted 2016C Involucre 8-15 mm high and 5-12 mm wide; leaves to 7 cm long, all but the lowermost sessile and somewhat clasping; stems lax, rarely more than 2 dm tall, often densely tufted S. fremontii Senecio fremontii 2015G 2017H 2016I 2016J 2016N 2018O Show Description & Photos A (Senecio) angularis A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Involucre 8-15 mm high and 5-12 mm wide; leaves to 7 cm long, all but the lowermost sessile and somewhat clasping; stems lax, rarely more than 2 dm tall, often densely tufted S. fremontiih 2017C Involucre 5-8 mm high and to about 6 mm wide; leaves often more than 7 cm long, some of them distinctly petioled or tapered to a petiolelike base; stems erect, 3-20 dm tall, not densely tufted A (Senecio) 2015G 2016H 2018I 2019J 2017N 2017O Senecio serra Senecio eremophilus Senecio fremontii A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves moderately thick, coarsely and regularly serrate to subentire; heads typically very numerous; involucre mostly 3-4 mm wide with 8-13 principal bracts` Leaves thin and shallowly to deeply pinnately lobed (rarely coarsely but sharply and irregularly toothed); heads rarely more than 30 per plant, involucre mostly 4-6 mm wide with 10-21 principal bracts 2018C Leaves moderately thick, coarsely and regularly serrate to subentire; heads typically very numerous; involucre mostly 3-4 mm wide with 8-13 principal bracts Senecio serra 2017G 2019H 2018I 2018J 2018N 2020O Show Description & Photos Senecio eremophilus A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves moderately thick, coarsely and regularly serrate to subentire; heads typically very numerous; involucre mostly 3-4 mm wide with 8-13 principal bractsh 2019C 9.5 3-4 mm wide with 8-13 principal bracts Leaves thin and shallowly to deeply pinnately lobed (rarely coarsely but sharply and irregularly toothed); heads rarely more than 30 per plant, involucre mostly 4-6 mm wide with 10-21 principal bracts Senecio eremophilus 2017G 2018H 2019I 2019J 2019N 2019O Show Description & Photos Senecio serra A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves thin and shallowly to deeply pinnately lobed (rarely coarsely but sharply and irregularly toothed); heads rarely more than 30 per plant, involucre mostly 4-6 mm wide with 10-21 principal bractsh 2020C 10DuPlants densely and uniformly pubescent throughout with matted woolly hairs or sometimes the upper leaf surfaces green A (Senecio) 2009G 2021H 2022I 2023J 2020N 2022O Senecio canus Senecio atratus A (Senecio) A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS Basal leaf blades to 5 cm long, entire or toothed, the teeth lacking calluses; principal involucral bracts 13-21; stems to 2(3) dm tall, usually solitary` Basal leaf blades more than 5 cm long, margins callus-toothed; principal involucral bracts (5)8; stems 2-3 dm tall, often tufted 2021C 10.5D Plants thinly pubescent with long, crinkled, cobweblike or woolly hairs, the latter often restricted to leaf axils and to the inflorescence A (Senecio) 2009G 2020H 2024I 2025J 2021N 2021O Senecio integerrimus A (Senecio) A (Senecio) A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Principal involucral bracts nearly always black-tipped, the outer bracts often black-tipped and occasionally more than half the length of the involucre herbage unevenly pubescent with cobweblike hairs; leaves entire to irregularly toothed` Principal involucral bracts not black-tipped, outer bracts lacking or inconspicuous; herbage sparsely woolly-hairy, the hairs often confined to leaf axils or to the inflorescence; leaves generally pinnatifid, at least in part 2022C Basal leaf blades to 5 cm long, entire or toothed, the teeth lacking calluses; principal involucral bracts 13-21; stems to 2(3) dm tall, usually solitary Senecio canus 2020G 2023H 2022I 2022J 2022N 2024O Show Description & Photos Senecio atratus A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Basal leaf blades to 5 cm long, entire or toothed, the teeth lacking calluses; principal involucral bracts 13-21; stems to 2(3) dm tall, usually solitaryh 2023C 11.5D Basal leaf blades more than 5 cm long, margins callus-toothed; principal involucral bracts (5)8; stems 2-3 dm tall, often tufted Senecio atratus 2020G 2022H 2023I 2023J 2023N 2023O Show Description & Photos Senecio canus A (Senecio)ecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Basal leaf blades more than 5 cm long, margins callus-toothed; principal involucral bracts (5)8; stems 2-3 dm tall, often tuftedh 2024C Principal involucral bracts nearly always black-tipped, the outer bracts often black-tipped and occasionally more than half the length of the involucre herbage unevenly pubescent with cobweblike hairs; leaves entire to irregularly toothed Senecio integerrimus 2021G 2025H 2024I 2024J 2024N 2026O (Senecio) Show Description & Photos (SSenecio) A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Principal involucral bracts nearly always black-tipped, the outer bracts often black-tipped and occasionally more than half the length of the involucre herbage unevenly pubescent with cobweblike hairs; leaves entire to irregularly toothedh 2025C 12.5025H 2024I 2024J 2024N 2026O Show Description & Photos Principal involucral bracts not black-tipped, outer bracts lacking or inconspicuous; herbage sparsely woolly-hairy, the hairs often confined to leaf axils or to the inflorescence; leaves generally pinnatifid, at least in part A (Senecio) 2021G 2024H 2026I 2027J 2025N 2025O Senecio multilobatus Senecio streptanthifolius Senecio integerrimus A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS_FBasal leaves all pinnatifid, the blades at least twice as long as wide`LBasal leaves (at least one of them) merely toothed and about as wide as long 2026C jDFBasal leaves all pinnatifid, the blades at least twice as long as wide Senecio multilobatus 2025G 2027H 2026I 2026J 2026N 2028O Show Description & Photos Senecio streptanthifolius A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `FBasal leaves all pinnatifid, the blades at least twice as long as wideh 2027C 13.5s wide as long 2026C kDLBasal leaves (at least one of them) merely toothed and about as wide as long Senecio streptanthifolius 2025G 2026H 2027I 2027J 2027N 2027O Show Description & Photos Senecio multilobatus A (Senecio) ASTERACEAE[ Senecio\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `LBasal leaves (at least one of them) merely toothed and about as wide as longh 2028C Solidago Herbaceous DICOTSC Corolla white, to 4 mm long, the tube often gibbous at the base; calyx inrolled at flowering, the lobes expanded and featherlike at fruiting Valeriana of VALERIANACEAE 3532I 3532J A Valeriana A Valeriana HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS VALERIANACEAE A Valeriana Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Continue into next key. (Solidago) Solidago ASTERACEAE[ Solidago\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `wInvolucral bracts subequal to loosely imbricate, the outer at least half the length of the inner; petioles long-ciliateh 2030C 1.5DxInvolucral bracts strongly imbricate, the outer mostly less than half the length of the inner; petioles not long-ciliate (Solidago) 2028G 2029H 2031I 2032J 2030N 2030O (Solidago) 2028H 2029I 2030J 2028N 2029O Solidago multiradiata (Solidago) Solidago Solidago ASTERACEAE[ Solidago\ DICOTYLEDONS_wInvolucral bracts subequal to loosely imbricate, the outer at least half the length of the inner; petioles long-ciliate`xInvolucral bracts strongly imbricate, the outer mostly less than half the length of the inner; petioles not long-ciliated Solidago (Solidago) Solidago multiradiata Solidago ASTERACEAE[ Solidago\ DICOTYLEDONS_&Stems glabrous below the inflorescence`0Stems minutely pubescent below the inflorescence 2031C 2D&Stems glabrous below the inflorescence (Solidago) 2030G 2032H 2033I 2034J 2031N 2033O Solidago occidentalis Solidago missouriensis (Solidago) (Solidago) ASTERACEAE[ Solidago\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Herbage minutely glandular-punctate; involucre resinous, the bracts acute; plants of valleys and foothills, mostly 5-20 dm tall` Herbage not glandular-punctate; involucre not resinous, the bracts obtuse to abruptly acute; plants of midmontane, rarely more than 5 dm tall 2032C 2.5D0Stems minutely pubescent below the inflorescence (Solidago) 2030G 2031H 2035I 2036J 2032N 2032O Solidago nana (Solidago) (Solidago) (Solidago) ASTERACEAE[ Solidago\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS Herbage hairy throughout with irregularly aligned hairs; involucral bracts typically obtuse at the apex; basal and lower stem leaves often well developed and persistent, the blades oblanceolate to obovate and rounded to abruptly acute at the apex` Herbage either partially glabrous, especially near the stem base, or pubescent with mostly ascending hairs; involucral bracts acute to obtuse; basal and lower stem leaves lacking or seldom persistent, acute to rounded at the apex 2033C Herbage minutely glandular-punctate; involucre resinous, the bracts acute; plants of valleys and foothills, mostly 5-20 dm tall Solidago occidentalis 2031G 2034H 2033I 2033J 2033N 2035O Show Description & Photos Solidago missouriensis (Solidago) Herbaceous DICOTSC 26.5DxFlowers not pedicelled within a cuplike involucre OR, if evidently so, the perianth consisting of free sepals and petals HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Perianth or corolla petaloid and bilaterally symmetrical ---------- [Major families: FABACEAE, RANUNCULACEAE, SCROPHULARIACEAE Others: VIOLACEAE ] ASTERACEAE[ Solidago\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Herbage not glandular-punctate; involucre not resinous, the bracts obtuse to abruptly acute; plants of midmontane, rarely more than 5 dm tallh 2035C Herbage hairy throughout with irregularly aligned hairs; involucral bracts typically obtuse at the apex; basal and lower stem leaves often well developed and persistent, the blades oblanceolate to obovate and rounded to abruptly acute at the apex Solidago nana 2032G 2036H 2035I 2035J 2035N 2037O ASTERACEAE[ Solidago\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Herbage minutely glandular-punctate; involucre resinous, the bracts acute; plants of valleys and foothills, mostly 5-20 dm tallh Show Description & Photos (Solidago) (Solidago) ASTERACEAE[ Solidago\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Herbage hairy throughout with irregularly aligned hairs; involucral bracts typically obtuse at the apex; basal and lower stem leaves often well developed and persistent, the blades oblanceolate to obovate and rounded to abruptly acute at the apexh 2036C 2032G 2036H 2035I 2035J 2035N 2037O Herbage either partially glabrous, especially near the stem base, or pubescent with mostly ascending hairs; involucral bracts acute to obtuse; basal and lower stem leaves lacking or seldom persistent, acute to rounded at the apex (Solidago) 2032G 2035H 2037I 2038J 2036N 2036O Solidago sparsiflora Solidago canadensis Solidago nana (Solidago) ASTERACEAE[ Solidago\ DICOTYLEDONS rsistent, the blades oblanceolate to obovate and rounded to abruptly acute at the apex 2036C Rays 5-9, 2-6 mm long; inner involucral bracts mostly broadest at the middle and obtuse to abruptly acute at the apex, averaging about 1 mm wide; leaves generally much reduced above, entire to rarely irregularly toothed` Rays 10-17, 1-3 mm long, inner involucral bracts tapered from near the base to the acute apex, averaging less than 1 mm wide; leaves not markedly reduced above, regularly serrate or rarely all of the leaves entire 2037C Rays 5-9, 2-6 mm long; inner involucral bracts mostly broadest at the middle and obtuse to abruptly acute at the apex, averaging about 1 mm wide; leaves generally much reduced above, entire to rarely irregularly toothed Solidago sparsiflora 2036G 2038H 2037I 2037J 2037N 2039O Show Description & Photos Solidago canadensis (Solidago) leaves nearly always parallel-veined often sheathing leaves lacelike usually ultima leaves often wide@ ASTERACEAE[ Solidago\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Rays 5-9, 2-6 mm long; inner involucral bracts mostly broadest at the middle and obtuse to abruptly acute at the apex, averaging about 1 mm wide; leaves generally much reduced above, entire to rarely irregularly toothedh 2038C Rays 10-17, 1-3 mm long, inner involucral bracts tapered from near the base to the acute apex, averaging less than 1 mm wide; leaves not markedly reduced above, regularly serrate or rarely all of the leaves entire Solidago canadensis 2037H 2038I 2038J 2038N 2038O Show Description & Photos Solidago sparsiflora (Solidago) ASTERACEAE[ Solidago\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Rays 10-17, 1-3 mm long, inner involucral bracts tapered from near the base to the acute apex, averaging less than 1 mm wide; leaves not markedly reduced above, regularly serrate or rarely all of the leaves entireh 2039C Sonchus 2039H 2040I 2041J 2039N 2040O Sonchus arvensis A (Sonchus) Sonchus Sonchus ASTERACEAE[ Sonchus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Perennial from a rhizomelike root; rays 8-15 mm long, bright yellow-orange; achenes subterete to compressed, with strongly beaded, longitudinal ribs; pappus 10-14 mm long` Annual or biennial from a taproot; rays to about 6(7) mm long, lemon yellow; achenes strongly compressed, roughened or wrinkled to smooth, the ribs not beaded; pappus to 9 mm longd Sonchus 2040C Perennial from a rhizomelike root; rays 8-15 mm long, bright yellow-orange; achenes subterete to compressed, with strongly beaded, longitudinal ribs; pappus 10-14 mm long Sonchus arvensis Annual or biennial from a taproot; rays to about 6(7) mm long, lemon yellow; achenes strongly compressed, roughened or wrinkled to smooth, the ribs not beaded; pappus to 9 mm long A (Sonchus) 2039G 2040H 2042I 2043J 2041N 2041O Sonchus asper Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus arvensis Sonchus ASTERACEAE[ Sonchus\ DICOTYLEDONS_OAchenes with prominent smooth ribs, leaves with the stem-clasping lobes rounded` Achenes striate to weakly ribbed, scabrous to cross-wrinkled; leaves with the stem-clasping lobes mostly tapered to an acute tip 2042C 2039G 2041H 2040I 2040J 2040N 2042O Show Description & Photos A (Sonchus) Sonchus ASTERACEAE[ Sonchus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Perennial from a rhizomelike root; rays 8-15 mm long, bright yellow-orange; achenes subterete to compressed, with strongly beaded, longitudinal ribs; pappus 10-14 mm longh 2041C zDOAchenes with prominent smooth ribs, leaves with the stem-clasping lobes rounded Sonchus asper 2041G 2043H 2042I 2042J 2042N 2044O Show Description & Photos Sonchus oleraceus A (Sonchus) ASTERACEAE[ Sonchus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `OAchenes with prominent smooth ribs, leaves with the stem-clasping lobes roundedh 2043C Achenes striate to weakly ribbed, scabrous to cross-wrinkled; leaves with the stem-clasping lobes mostly tapered to an acute tip Sonchus oleraceus 2041G 2042H 2043I 2043J 2043N 2043O Show Description & Photos Sonchus asper A (Sonchus) ASTERACEAE[ Sonchus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. the stem-clasping lobes rounded 2043C Achenes striate to weakly ribbed, scabrous to cross-wrinkled; leaves with the stem-clasping lobes mostly tapered to an acute tiph 2044C Tetradymia 2044H 2045I 2046J 2044N 2045O Tetradymia spinosa Tetradymia canescens Tetradymia Tetradymia ASTERACEAE[ Tetradymia\ DICOTYLEDONS_>Branches spiny, flowering heads solitary on axillary peduncles`GBranches not spiny, flowering heads clustered at tips of short branchesd Tetradymia 2045C 1D>Branches spiny, flowering heads solitary on axillary peduncles Tetradymia spinosa 2044G 2046H 2045I 2045J 2045N 2047O Show Description & Photos Tetradymia canescens Tetradymia ASTERACEAE[ Tetradymia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `>Branches spiny, flowering heads solitary on axillary pedunclesh 2046C 1.5DGBranches not spiny, flowering heads clustered at tips of short branches Tetradymia canescens 2044G 2045H 2046I 2046J 2046N 2046O Show Description & Photos Tetradymia spinosa Tetradymia ASTERACEAE[ Tetradymia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `GBranches not spiny, flowering heads clustered at tips of short branchesh 2047C Tragopogon 2047H 2048I 2049J 2047N 2048O Tragopogon pratensis (Tragopogon) Tragopogon Tragopogon ASTERACEAE[ Tragopogon\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Peduncles not inflated below the flowering heads; rays yellow, usually exceeding the involucral bracts; achene beak shorter than the body` Peduncles inflated below the flowering heads, 5-10 mm wide; rays yellow or purple, shorter than the involucral bracts; achene beak nearly equal to or longer than the bodyd Tragopogon 2048C Peduncles not inflated below the flowering heads; rays yellow, usually exceeding the involucral bracts; achene beak shorter than the body Tragopogon pratensis 2047G 2049H 2048I 2048J 2048N 2050O Show Description & Photos (Tragopogon) Tragopogon ASTERACEAE[ Tragopogon\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Peduncles not inflated below the flowering heads; rays yellow, usually exceeding the involucral bracts; achene beak shorter than the bodyh 2049C Peduncles inflated below the flowering heads, 5-10 mm wide; rays yellow or purple, shorter than the involucral bracts; achene beak nearly equal to or longer than the body (Tragopogon) 2047G 2048H 2050I 2051J 2049N 2049O Tragopogon dubius Tragopogon porrifolius DICOTYLEDONS] Tragopogon pratensis Tragopogon ASTERACEAE[ Tragopogon\ DICOTYLEDONS_^Rays yellow, leaf axils with tufts of woolly hairs, achene body gradually tapering to the beak`LRays purple, leaf axil glabrous, achene body abruptly contracted to the beak 2050C 2D^Rays yellow, leaf axils with tufts of woolly hairs, achene body gradually tapering to the beak Tragopogon dubius 2049G 2051H 2050I 2050J 2050N 2052O Show Description & Photos Tragopogon porrifolius (Tragopogon) ASTERACEAE[ Tragopogon\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `^Rays yellow, leaf axils with tufts of woolly hairs, achene body gradually tapering to the beakh 2051C 2.5DLRays purple, leaf axil glabrous, achene body abruptly contracted to the beak Tragopogon porrifolius 2049G 2050H 2051I 2051J 2051N 2051O Show Description & Photos Tragopogon dubius (Tragopogon) ASTERACEAE[ Tragopogon\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `LRays purple, leaf axil glabrous, achene body abruptly contracted to the beakh 2052C Viguiera 2052H 2053I 2054J 2052N 2053O Viguiera ciliata Viguiera multiflora Viguiera (ASTERACEAE)Z ASTERACEAE[ Viguiera\ DICOTYLEDONS_1Leaves to about 2 mm wide, plants of marshy areas`,Leaves 2-35 mm wide, plants of dry hillsidesd Viguiera 2053C D1Leaves to about 2 mm wide, plants of marshy areas Viguiera ciliata 2052G 2054H 2053I 2053J 2053N 2055O Show Description & Photos Viguiera multiflora Viguiera ASTERACEAE[ Viguiera\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `1Leaves to about 2 mm wide, plants of marshy areash 2054C 1.5D,Leaves 2-35 mm wide, plants of dry hillsides Viguiera multiflora 2052G 2053H 2054J 2054N 2054O Show Description & Photos Viguiera ciliata Viguiera ASTERACEAE[ Viguiera\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `,Leaves 2-35 mm wide, plants of dry hillsidesh 2055C A Amsinckia 2055H 2056I 2057J 2055N 2056O Amsinckia tessellata Amsinckia retrorsa 2052G 2053H 2054I A Amsinckia A Amsinckia BORAGINACEAE[ Amsinckia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Calyx lobes (of at least some of the flowers) less than 5 and unequal in width; corolla tube 20-nerved below the insertion of the stamens; mature fruit dorsally tuberculate or with a cobblestone pattern and with a low, more or less rounded keel` Calyx lobes 5, essentially equal in width; corolla tube 10-nerved below the insertion of the stamens; mature fruit dorsally roughened with minute, sharp points, and with a prominent, sharp keeld Amsinckia 2056C Calyx lobes (of at least some of the flowers) less than 5 and unequal in width; corolla tube 20-nerved below the insertion of the stamens; mature fruit dorsally tuberculate or with a cobblestone pattern and with a low, more or less rounded keel Amsinckia tessellata 2055G 2057H 2056I 2056J 2056N 2058O Show Description & Photos Amsinckia retrorsa A Amsinckia BORAGINACEAE[ Amsinckia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Calyx lobes (of at least some of the flowers) less than 5 and unequal in width; corolla tube 20-nerved below the insertion of the stamens; mature fruit dorsally tuberculate or with a cobblestone pattern and with a low, more or less rounded keelh 2057C 2055G 2057H 2056I 2056J 2056N 2058O Calyx lobes 5, essentially equal in width; corolla tube 10-nerved below the insertion of the stamens; mature fruit dorsally roughened with minute, sharp points, and with a prominent, sharp keel Amsinckia retrorsa 2055G 2056H 2057I 2057J 2057N 2057O Show Description & Photos Amsinckia tessellata A Amsinckia BORAGINACEAE[ Amsinckia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Calyx lobes 5, essentially equal in width; corolla tube 10-nerved below the insertion of the stamens; mature fruit dorsally roughened with minute, sharp points, and with a prominent, sharp keelh 2058C Cryptantha 2058H 2059I 2060J 2058N 2059O Cryptantha humilis (Cryptantha) Cryptantha Cryptantha BORAGINACEAE[ Cryptantha\ DICOTYLEDONS_zCorolla limb 4-10 mm across; nutlets with numerous sharp points on the dorsal surface, the margins acute; tufted perennial` Corolla limb 1-2 mm across; nutlets dorsally smooth and glossy and/or minutely granular, the margins rounded; annual, the stems usually solitaryd Cryptantha 1DzCorolla limb 4-10 mm across; nutlets with numerous sharp points on the dorsal surface, the margins acute; tufted perennial Cryptantha humilis 2058G 2060H 2059I 2059J 2059N 2061O Show Description & Photos (Cryptantha) Cryptantha BORAGINACEAE[ Cryptantha\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. anular, the margins rounded; annual, the stems usually solitaryd Cryptantha 2059C `zCorolla limb 4-10 mm across; nutlets with numerous sharp points on the dorsal surface, the margins acute; tufted perennialh 2060C Corolla limb 1-2 mm across; nutlets dorsally smooth and glossy and/or minutely granular, the margins rounded; annual, the stems usually solitary (Cryptantha) 2058G 2059H 2061I 2062J 2060N 2060O Cryptantha torreyana Cryptantha affinis Cryptantha humilis Cryptantha BORAGINACEAE[ Cryptantha\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Nutlets with the ventral scar medial, fruiting calyx 4-7 mm long, corolla to about 1 mm across, plants of foothills to upper montanentane Nutlets with the ventral scar off center, usually situated near the lateral margin; fruiting calyx to 4 mm long; corolla 1-2 mm across; plants of the foothills 2061C Nutlets with the ventral scar medial, fruiting calyx 4-7 mm long, corolla to about 1 mm across, plants of foothills to upper montane Cryptantha torreyana 2060G 2062H 2061I 2061J 2061N 2063O Show Description & Photos Cryptantha affinis (Cryptantha) BORAGINACEAE[ Cryptantha\ DICOTYLEDONS] long, corolla to about 1 mm across, plants of foothills to upper montaneNS_ Nutlets with the ventral scar medial, fruiting calyx 4-7 mm long, corolla to about 1 mm across, plants of foothills to upper montane You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Nutlets with the ventral scar medial, fruiting calyx 4-7 mm long, corolla to about 1 mm across, plants of foothills to upper montaneh 2062C Nutlets with the ventral scar off center, usually situated near the lateral margin; fruiting calyx to 4 mm long; corolla 1-2 mm across; plants of the foothills Cryptantha affinis 2060G 2061H 2062I 2062J 2062N 2062O Show Description & Photos Cryptantha torreyana (Cryptantha) BORAGINACEAE[ Cryptantha\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Nutlets with the ventral scar off center, usually situated near the lateral margin; fruiting calyx to 4 mm long; corolla 1-2 mm across; plants of the foothillsh 2063C Hackelia 2063H 2064I 2065J 2063N 2064O Hackelia patens (Hackelia) Hackelia Herbaceous DICOTSC 3.5DcLeaves ternately or palmately compound, corolla radially symmetrical, fruit a small grapelike berry VITACEAE VITACEAES VITACEAET FABACEAEU FABACEAE / VITACEAEZ VITACEAE\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS ADVines with tendrils; leaves palmately compound; flowers greenish ADVines with tendrils; leaves palmately compound; flowers greenish Herbaceous DICOTSC 4DRPlant a vine or vinelike, stems elongate and climbing by means other than tendrils HERBACEOUS DICOTS Vinelike Hackelia BORAGINACEAE[ Hackelia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Corolla white with blue markings (rarely entirely white) and the crest distinctly short-hairy; nutlets with numerous, minute, intramarginal prickles`vCorolla blue (rarely white) and the crest minutely papillose, not hairy; nutlets with O-several intramarginal pricklesd Hackelia 2064C Corolla white with blue markings (rarely entirely white) and the crest distinctly short-hairy; nutlets with numerous, minute, intramarginal prickles Hackelia patens 2063G 2065H 2064I 2064J 2064N 2066O Show Description & Photos (Hackelia) Hackelia BORAGINACEAE[ Hackelia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Corolla white with blue markings (rarely entirely white) and the crest distinctly short-hairy; nutlets with numerous, minute, intramarginal pricklesh 2065C 1.5DvCorolla blue (rarely white) and the crest minutely papillose, not hairy; nutlets with O-several intramarginal prickles (Hackelia) 2063G 2064H 2066I 2067J 2065N 2065O Hackelia floribunda Hackelia micrantha Hackelia patens Hackelia BORAGINACEAE[ Hackelia\ DICOTYLEDONS_zIntramarginal prickles lacking or rarely 1-3 on a few nutlets, basal leaves soon withering, corollas mostly (2)4-7 mm wide`|Intramarginal prickles present on all or nearly all nutlets, basal leaves generally persistent, corollas mostly 5-12 mm wide 2066C 2DzIntramarginal prickles lacking or rarely 1-3 on a few nutlets, basal leaves soon withering, corollas mostly (2)4-7 mm wide Hackelia floribunda 2065G 2067H 2066I 2066J 2066N 2068O Show Description & Photos Hackelia micrantha (Hackelia) BORAGINACEAE[ Hackelia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `zIntramarginal prickles lacking or rarely 1-3 on a few nutlets, basal leaves soon withering, corollas mostly (2)4-7 mm wideh 2067C 2.5D|Intramarginal prickles present on all or nearly all nutlets, basal leaves generally persistent, corollas mostly 5-12 mm wide Hackelia micrantha 2065G 2066H 2067I 2067J 2067N 2067O Show Description & Photos Hackelia floribunda (Hackelia) BORAGINACEAE[ Hackelia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `|Intramarginal prickles present on all or nearly all nutlets, basal leaves generally persistent, corollas mostly 5-12 mm wideh 2068C Lappula 2068H 2069I 2070J 2068N 2069O Lappula echinata Lappula redowskii Lappula Lappula BORAGINACEAE[ Lappulappula DICOTYLEDONS_BCorolla 2-4 mm across, nutlets with marginal prickles in 2(3) rows`LCorolla to about 2 mm across, nutlets with marginal prickles in a single rowd Lappula 2069C 1DBCorolla 2-4 mm across, nutlets with marginal prickles in 2(3) rows Lappula echinata 2068G 2070H 2069I 2069J 2069N 2071O Show Description & Photos Lappula redowskii Lappula BORAGINACEAE[ Lappula\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. YLEDONS `BCorolla 2-4 mm across, nutlets with marginal prickles in 2(3) rowsh 2070C 1.5DLCorolla to about 2 mm across, nutlets with marginal prickles in a single row Lappula redowskii 2068G 2069H 2070I 2070J 2070N 2070O Show Description & Photos Lappula echinata Lappula BORAGINACEAE[ Lappula\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `LCorolla to about 2 mm across, nutlets with marginal prickles in a single rowh 2071C Lithospermum 2071H 2072I 2073J 2071N 2072O Lithospermum arvense (Lithospermum) Lithospermum Lithospermum BORAGINACEAE[ Lithospermum\ DICOTYLEDONS_wAnnual; corolla limb white to cream, the tube usually purple-tinged; nutlets gray-brown, dull, much wrinkled and pitted`YPerennial; corolla yellow; nutlets white to grayish, glossy and smooth or sparsely pittedd Lithospermum 2072C 1DwAnnual; corolla limb white to cream, the tube usually purple-tinged; nutlets gray-brown, dull, much wrinkled and pitted Lithospermum arvense 2071G 2073H 2072I 2072J 2072N 2074O 2071C Show Description & Photos (Lithospermum) Lithospermum BORAGINACEAE[ Lithospermum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `wAnnual; corolla limb white to cream, the tube usually purple-tinged; nutlets gray-brown, dull, much wrinkled and pittedh 2073C 1.5DYPerennial; corolla yellow; nutlets white to grayish, glossy and smooth or sparsely pitted (Lithospermum) 2071G 2072H 2075J 2073N 2073O Lithospermum ruderale Lithospermum incisum Lithospermum arvense Lithospermum BORAGINACEAE[ Lithospermum\ DICOTYLEDONS_VCorolla tube 4-7 mm long, the lobes entire or nearly so; nutlets smooth, 3.5-6 mm long`[Corolla tube 10-50 mm long, the lobes minutely ragged; nutlets sparsely pitted, 3-4 mm long 2074C 2DVCorolla tube 4-7 mm long, the lobes entire or nearly so; nutlets smooth, 3.5-6 mm long Lithospermum ruderale 2073G 2075H 2074I 2074J 2074N 2076O Show Description & Photos Lithospermum incisum (Lithospermum) BORAGINACEAE[ Lithospermum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `VCorolla tube 4-7 mm long, the lobes entire or nearly so; nutlets smooth, 3.5-6 mm longh 2075C 2.5D[Corolla tube 10-50 mm long, the lobes minutely ragged; nutlets sparsely pitted, 3-4 mm long Lithospermum incisum 2073G 2074H 2075I 2075J 2075N 2075O Show Description & Photos Lithospermum ruderale (Lithospermum) BORAGINACEAE[ Lithospermum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `[Corolla tube 10-50 mm long, the lobes minutely ragged; nutlets sparsely pitted, 3-4 mm longh 2076C A Mertensia 2076H 2077I 2078J 2076N 2077O Mertensia brevistyla (Mertensia) A Mertensia A Mertensia BORAGINACEAE[ Mertensia\ DICOTYLEDONS_YStamens and style included within the tube of the corolla, not exserted beyond the throat`IStamens exserted beyond the tube of the corolla, included within the limbd Mertensia 2077C 1DYStamens and style included within the tube of the corolla, not exserted beyond the throat Mertensia brevistyla 2076G 2078H 2077I 2077J 2077N 2079O Show Description & Photos (Mertensia) A Mertensia BORAGINACEAE[ Mertensia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `YStamens and style included within the tube of the corolla, not exserted beyond the throath 2078C 1.5DIStamens exserted beyond the tube of the corolla, included within the limb (Mertensia) 2076G 2077H 2079I 2080J 2078N 2078O (Mertensia) (Mertensia) Mertensia brevistyla A Mertensia BORAGINACEAE[ Mertensia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants usually more than 4 dm tall, often occurring in woods or on moist slopes, midmontane to alpine; stem leaves with prominent lateral veins; flowers normally appearing in late spring and early summer aphs. (Plants rarely more than 3 dm tall, mostly occurring on open slopes or in clearings, foothills to alpine; stem leaves with inconspicuous or obscure lateral veins (except in some forms of .M. oblongifolia); flowers normally appearing in early spring or in the wake of snow melt at higher elevations 2079C Plants usually more than 4 dm tall, often occurring in woods or on moist slopes, midmontane to alpine; stem leaves with prominent lateral veins; flowers normally appearing in late spring and early summer (Mertensia) 2078G 2080H 2081I 2082J 2079N 2081O Mertensia arizonica Mertensia ciliata (Mertensia) (Mertensia) BORAGINACEAE[ Mertensia\ DICOTYLEDONS_PCalyx 4-13 mm long, the lobes typically acute at the apex; anthers 2.5-4 mm long`]Calyx 1.5-3 mm long, the lobes obtuse to rarely acutish at the apex; anthers 1.2- 2.2 mm long 2080C (Plants rarely more than 3 dm tall, mostly occurring on open slopes or in clearings, foothills to alpine; stem leaves with inconspicuous or obscure lateral veins (except in some forms of .M. oblongifolia); flowers normally appearing in early spring or in the wake of snow melt at higher elevations (Mertensia) 2078G 2079H 2083I 2084J 2080N 2080O Mertensia oblongifolia Mertensia viridis MonocotyledonsC Pistils 10-many, the fruit of strongly compressed achenes borne in a ring or in a headlike cluster; plants in shallow water or rarely stranded on mud ALISMATACEAE ALISMATACEAES ALISMATACEAET LILIACEAE (MONOCOTYLEDONS) ALISMATACEAE\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. MonocotyledonsC 9.5DTPistil 1, the fruit a capsule or a berry; plants of dry to moist or rarely wet sites (Mertensia) BORAGINACEAE[ Mertensia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `PCalyx 4-13 mm long, the lobes typically acute at the apex; anthers 2.5-4 mm longh 2082C 3.5D]Calyx 1.5-3 mm long, the lobes obtuse to rarely acutish at the apex; anthers 1.2- 2.2 mm long Mertensia ciliata 2079G 2081H 2082I 2082J 2082N 2082O Show Description & Photos Mertensia arizonica (Mertensia) (Mertensia) BORAGINACEAE[ Mertensia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Corolla limb shorter than the tube, usually markedly so, the tube glabrous or nearly so within; stem leaves usually glabrous on both sides; plants of foothills to midmontane` Corolla limb equal to or slightly shorter or longer than the tube, the tube densely crisp-hairy within; stem leaves hairy at least on the upper surface; plants of midmontane to alpine (Mertensia) BORAGINACEAE[ Mertensia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `]Calyx 1.5-3 mm long, the lobes obtuse to rarely acutish at the apex; anthers 1.2- 2.2 mm longh 2083C Corolla limb shorter than the tube, usually markedly so, the tube glabrous or nearly so within; stem leaves usually glabrous on both sides; plants of foothills to midmontane Mertensia oblongifolia 2080G 2084H 2083I 2083J 2083N 2085O Show Description & Photos Mertensia viridis MonocotyledonsC Perianth evidently lacking or of 1-many slender bristles, each flower subtended by 1 or 2 scalelike bracts or the bracts (glumes) rarely lacking (MONOCOTYLEDONS) CYPERACEAES POACEAET (MONOCOTYLEDONS) (MONOCOTYLEDONS) MONOCOTYLEDONS #Each flower subtended by a single bract (scale), these green or brown to black, the perianth of bristles or lacking, the ovary in Carex enclosed in a saclike structure (perigynium); stems usually solid, often 3-angled; leaves mostly 3-ranked, the blades occasionally reduced or lacking (Mertensia) BORAGINACEAE[ Mertensia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Corolla limb shorter than the tube, usually markedly so, the tube glabrous or nearly so within; stem leaves usually glabrous on both sides; plants of foothills to midmontaneh 2084C Corolla limb equal to or slightly shorter or longer than the tube, the tube densely crisp-hairy within; stem leaves hairy at least on the upper surface; plants of midmontane to alpine Mertensia viridis MonocotyledonsC Flowers with more or less showy, petal-like parts, these white or nearly so to variously colored, mostly at least 8 mm long; fruit sometimes more than 1 cm long, in some species fleshy (MONOCOTYLEDONS) 2080G 2083H 2084I 2084J 2084N 2084O Show Description & Photos Mertensia oblongifolia (Mertensia) BORAGINACEAE[ Mertensia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Corolla limb equal to or slightly shorter or longer than the tube, the tube densely crisp-hairy within; stem leaves hairy at least on the upper surface; plants of midmontane to alpineh 2085H 2086I 2087J 2085N 2086O Plagiobothrys tenellus (Plagiobothrys) Plagiobothrys Plagiobothrys BORAGINACEAE[ Plagiobothrys\ DICOTYLEDONS_jBasal leaves in a persistent rosette; nutlets in the shape of a cross with thick, short, nearly equal arms`EBasal leaves lacking or not in.a rosette, nutlets lanceolate to ovated Plagiobothrys 2086C 1DjBasal leaves in a persistent rosette; nutlets in the shape of a cross with thick, short, nearly equal arms Plagiobothrys tenellus 2085G 2087H 2086I 2086J 2086N 2088O Show Description & Photos (Plagiobothrys) Plagiobothrys BORAGINACEAE[ Plagiobothrys\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `jBasal leaves in a persistent rosette; nutlets in the shape of a cross with thick, short, nearly equal armsh 2087C 1.5DEBasal leaves lacking or not in.a rosette, nutlets lanceolate to ovate (Plagiobothrys) 2085G 2086H 2088I 2089J 2087N 2087O Plagiobothrys leptocladus Plagiobothrys scouleri AquaticsC 26.5D Fruit of sessile achenes, flowers with a green- to pink- or rose-colored perianth, leaves often more than 1 mm wide, stipules free or fused with the blade POTAMOGETON. / POLYGON.GON. Fruiting calyx somewhat fleshy, mostly 4-8 mm long, the lobes typically expanded at the tips, all regularly curved in one direction at maturity, each with the midnerve prominently thickened and usually brownish toward the base; nutlet scar basal or nearly so, often visible from the back Plagiobothrys leptocladus 2087G 2089H 2088I 2088J 2088N 2090O Show Description & Photos Plagiobothrys scouleri (Plagiobothrys) BORAGINACEAE[ Plagiobothrys\ DICOTYLEDONS] sh if thickened; nutlet scar near the base, often more lateral than central, not visible from the back 2088C Plagiobothrys tenellus Plagiobothrys BORAGINACEAE[ Plagiobothrys\ DICOTYLEDONS Fruiting calyx somewhat fleshy, mostly 4-8 mm long, the lobes typically expanded at the tips, all regularly curved in one direction at maturity, each with the midnerve prominently thickened and usually brownish toward the base; nutlet scar basal or nearly so, often visible from the back YFruiting calyx not thickened, sometimes elongating to as much as 5 mm long, but then the lobes not broadest above the middle and not regularly curved in the same direction, the midnerve of each lobe usually obscured by coarse hairs, not brownish if thickened; nutlet scar near the base, often more lateral than central, not visible from the back 2088C You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Fruiting calyx somewhat fleshy, mostly 4-8 mm long, the lobes typically expanded at the tips, all regularly curved in one direction at maturity, each with the midnerve prominently thickened and usually brownish toward the base; nutlet scar basal or nearly so, often visible from the back 2089C BORAGINACEAE[ Plagiobothrys\ DICOTYLEDONS] YFruiting calyx not thickened, sometimes elongating to as much as 5 mm long, but then the lobes not broadest above the middle and not regularly curved in the same direction, the midnerve of each lobe usually obscured by coarse hairs, not brownish if thickened; nutlet scar near the base, often more lateral than central, not visible from the back Plagiobothrys scouleri 2087G 2088H 2089I 2089J 2089N 2089O Show Description & Photos Plagiobothrys leptocladus (Plagiobothrys) BORAGINACEAE[ Plagiobothrys\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. YFruiting calyx not thickened, sometimes elongating to as much as 5 mm long, but then the lobes not broadest above the middle and not regularly curved in the same direction, the midnerve of each lobe usually obscured by coarse hairs, not brownish if thickened; nutlet scar near the base, often more lateral than central, not visible from the back 2090C Alyssum 2090H 2091I 2092J 2090N 2091O Alyssum szowitsianum A (Alyssum) Alyssum Alyssum BRASSICACEAE[ Alyssum\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Silicles oval, even the immature fruit distinctly longer than broad, not notched at the apex, one valve convex, the other typically flat`bSilicles orbicular or wider than long, notched or entire at the apex, both valves typically convexd Alyssum 2091C Silicles oval, even the immature fruit distinctly longer than broad, not notched at the apex, one valve convex, the other typically flat Alyssum szowitsianum 2090G 2092H 2091I 2091J 2091N 2093O Show Description & Photos A (Alyssum) Alyssum BRASSICACEAE[ Alyssum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Silicles oval, even the immature fruit distinctly longer than broad, not notched at the apex, one valve convex, the other typically flath 2092C 1.5DbSilicles orbicular or wider than long, notched or entire at the apex, both valves typically convex (Alyssum 1) 2090G 2091H 2093I 2094J 2092N 2092O Alyssum desertorum A (Alyssum) Alyssum szowitsianum Alyssum BRASSICACEAE[ Alyssum\ DICOTYLEDONS_SSilicles glabrous or occasionally with a few scattered hairs, sepals soon deciduous`;Silicles densely hairy, sepals soon deciduous or persistent 2093C 2DSSilicles glabrous or occasionally with a few scattered hairs, sepals soon deciduous Alyssum desertorum 2092G 2094H 2093I 2093J 2093N 2095O Show Description & Photos A (Alyssum) A (Alyssum) BRASSICACEAE[ Alyssum\ DICOTYLEDONS] Alyssum szowitsianum You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `SSilicles glabrous or occasionally with a few scattered hairs, sepals soon deciduoush 2094C 2.5D;Silicles densely hairy, sepals soon deciduous or persistentE (Alyssum 2)F 2092G 2093H 2095I 2096J 2094N 2094O Alyssum alyssoides Alyssum minus Alyssum desertorum A (Alyssum) BRASSICACEAE leaves nearly always parallel-veined often sheathing leaves neither expanded membranous base| leaves neither kidney heart-shaped sepals plants leaves neither scalelike needlelike leaves neither white-veined bristle-tipped leaves aboveB leaves above plants otherwise diverse leaves basally expanded sheath leaves bicolored equally hairy surfaces involucr leaves wedge-shaped 3-5-toothed leaves broadly margined glands cyathia appen leaves ciliate simple hairs cilia leaves dimorphic entire toothed pinnatifid leaves forming sheath bases leaves grasslike narrowly elongate confined chiefl leaves lacelike usually ultima `JSilicles notched at the apex, 3-4 mm wide; style not more than 0.6 mm longh 2096C 3.5DKSilicles not distinctly notched at the apex, 4-6 mm wide; style 1-2 mm long Alyssum minus 2094G 2095H 2096I 2096J 2096N 2096O Show Description & Photos Alyssum alyssoides A (Alyssum) BRASSICACEAE[ Alyssum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `KSilicles not distinctly notched at the apex, 4-6 mm wide; style 1-2 mm longh 2097C Arabis 2097H 2098I 2099J 2097N 2098O (Arabis) (Arabis) Arabis Arabis BRASSICACEAE[ Arabis\ DICOTYLEDONS_XSiliques chiefly erect to strongly ascending or divergent but not horizontally spreading`Corolla 15-30(35) mm long, the lobes mostly at least 5 mm long`+Corolla 4-15 mm long, the lobes 1-4 mm longd Collomia 2997C 1D>Corolla 15-30(35) mm long, the lobes mostly at least 5 mm long (Collomia) 2996G 2998H 2999I 3000J 2997N 2999O Collomia debilis Collomia grandiflora (Collomia) Collomia POLEMONIACEAE[ Collomia\ DICOTYLEDONS_rDecumbent-stemmed to mat-forming perennial of alpine or subalpine, corolla mostly violet to pink, stamens exserted`PErect annual of foothills to midmontane, corolla mostly salmon, stamens included 2998C 1.5D+Corolla 4-15 mm long, the lobes 1-4 mm long (Collomia) 2996G 2997H 3001I 3002J 2998N 2998O Collomia linearis Collomia tenella (Collomia) lower leaves mostly deeply pinnately lobed lower leaves ovate rounded heart-shaped invol lower leaves ovate oblong mostly lower lemmas blades lower middle stems pubescent crinkled multicell lower basal blades pubescent dolabri lower leaves petioled upper blades sessile leaves petioled upper blades sessile You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `rDecumbent-stemmed to mat-forming perennial of alpine or subalpine, corolla mostly violet to pink, stamens exsertedh 3000C 2.5DPErect annual of foothills to midmontane, corolla mostly salmon, stamens included Collomia grandiflora 2997G 2999H 3000I 3000J 3000N 3000O Show Description & Photos Collomia debilis (Collomia) Collomia POLEMONIACEAE[ Collomia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Corolla (7)8-15 mm long, flowers in headlike clusters (rarely solitary), herbage below the inflorescence pubescent with simple hairs` Corolla to 6 mm long, flowers 1(2) at tips of stems and branches and in the forks of branches, herbage glandular-hairy throughout or glabrous below white white-chartaceous white-ciliate white-fibrous white-hairy white-margined white-membranous POLEMONIACEAE[ Collomia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Corolla (7)8-15 mm long, flowers in headlike clusters (rarely solitary), herbage below the inflorescence pubescent with simple hairsh 3002C Corolla to 6 mm long, flowers 1(2) at tips of stems and branches and in the forks of branches, herbage glandular-hairy throughout or glabrous below Collomia tenella 2998G 3001H 3002I 3002J 3002N 3002O Show Description & Photos Collomia linearis Collomia) (Collomia) POLEMONIACEAE[ Collomia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Corolla to 6 mm long, flowers 1(2) at tips of stems and branches and in the forks of branches, herbage glandular-hairy throughout or glabrous belowh 3003C Gilia 1546G 3003H 3004I 3005J 3003N 3004O Gilia tenerrima (Gilia) GiliaGilia Gilia POLEMONIACEAE[ Gilia\ DICOTYLEDONS_]Leaves typically entire, to 2 cm long and 4 mm wide; corolla to 3 mm long; calyx to 2 mm long` Leaves pinnately lobed or less often toothed, 1-8(12) cm long and often more than 4 mm wide in outline; corolla 2.5-5O mm long, calyx 1.5-12 mm longd Gilia 3004C 1D]Leaves typically entire, to 2 cm long and 4 mm wide; corolla to 3 mm long; calyx to 2 mm long Gilia tenerrima 3003G 3005H 3004I 3004J 3004N 3006O Show Description & Photos (Gilia) Gilia POLEMONIACEAE[ Gilia\ DICOTYLEDONS] Gilia You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `]Leaves typically entire, to 2 cm long and 4 mm wide; corolla to 3 mm long; calyx to 2 mm longh 3005C Leaves pinnately lobed or less often toothed, 1-8(12) cm long and often more than 4 mm wide in outline; corolla 2.5-5O mm long, calyx 1.5-12 mm long (Gilia) 3003G 3004H 3006I 3007J 3005N 3005O Gilia aggreqata (Gilia) Gilia tenerrima Gilia POLEMONIACEAE[ Gilia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Corolla 2-5 cm long, red to pink or white; plants 2-8 dm tall; leaves with mostly entire, linear lobes and a central uncleft portion about as wide as the lobes` Corolla to 1.1 cm long, blue to lavender or pink, rarely white; plants 0.5-3(4) dm tall; leaves toothed to shallowly lobed, or if deeply so, the lobes and central uncleft portion unequal 3006C Corolla 2-5 cm long, red to pink or white; plants 2-8 dm tall; leaves with mostly entire, linear lobes and a central uncleft portion about as wide as the lobes Gilia aggreqata 3005G 3007H 3006I 3006J 3006N 3008O Show Description & Photos (Gilia) (Gilia) lower leaves mostly deeply pinnately lobed lower leaves mostly narrowly lanceolate rarely lower leaves ovate rounded heart-shaped invol lower leaves ovate oblong mostly lower leaves pinnatifid upper entire petals 10-20 lower lemmas blades lower lemmas blades lower middle stems pubescent crinkled multicell lower basal blades pubescent dolabri lower basal leaves pubescent mostly simple lower leaves petioled upper blades sessile lower leaves sparsely moderately hairy simple Gilia leptomeria Gilia aggreqata (Gilia) POLEMONIACEAE[ Gilia\ DICOTYLEDONS_sPlants woolly-hairy, at least near the base; leaves mostly deeply lobed, the lower stem leaves often well developed`pPlants not at all woolly-hairy, leaves mostly shallowly lobed, the stem leaves typically much reduced throughout 3008C 3DsPlants woolly-hairy, at least near the base; leaves mostly deeply lobed, the lower stem leaves often well developed Gilia sinuata 3007G 3009H 3008I 3008J 3008N 3010O Show Description & Photos Gilia leptomeria POLEMONIACEAE[ Gilia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Corolla 2-5 cm long, red to pink or white; plants 2-8 dm tall; leaves with mostly entire, linear lobes and a central uncleft portion about as wide as the lobesh (Gilia) POLEMONIACEAE[ Gilia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `sPlants woolly-hairy, at least near the base; leaves mostly deeply lobed, the lower stem leaves often well developedh 3009C 3.5DpPlants not at all woolly-hairy, leaves mostly shallowly lobed, the stem leaves typically much reduced throughout Gilia leptomeria 3007G 3008H 3009I 3009J 3009N 3009O Show Description & Photos Gilia sinuata (Gilia) POLEMONIACEAE[ Gilia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `pPlants not at all woolly-hairy, leaves mostly shallowly lobed, the stem leaves typically much reduced throughouth 3010C A Linanthus 1548G 3010H 3011I 3012J 3010N 3011O Linanthus harknessii Linanthus nuttallii A Linanthus leaves petioled calyx sparsely short-hairy throughout leaves lobed often nearly segments strongly flattened readil almost alongM alpine 3384G 3386H 3387I 3387J 3387N 3387O Show Description & Photos (Salix) (Salix)Z SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. A{Leaves abruptly or gradually tapered at the apex to an acute but not "tail-like" tip; plant a shrub or rarely a small tree 3388C (Salix) 1529G 3013H 3014I 3015J 3013N 3014O Phlox longifolia (Phlox) Phlox Phlox POLEMONIACEAE[ Phlox\ DICOTYLEDONS_yLeaves 1.5-8 cm long and 1-4 mm wide; flowers lavender to pink or white; plants of valleys and foothills, not mat-forming` Leaves to 1.6 cm long and 1.5 mm wide; flowers usually white to pale blue; plants chiefly at high elevations, often mat-formingd Phlox 3014C 1DyLeaves 1.5-8 cm long and 1-4 mm wide; flowers lavender to pink or white; plants of valleys and foothills, not mat-forming Phlox longifolia 3013G 3015H 3014I 3014J 3014N 3016O `(Slender annual with corolla to 4 mm longh Show Description & Photos (Phlox) Phlox POLEMONIACEAE[ Phlox\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `yLeaves 1.5-8 cm long and 1-4 mm wide; flowers lavender to pink or white; plants of valleys and foothills, not mat-formingh 3015C Leaves to 1.6 cm long and 1.5 mm wide; flowers usually white to pale blue; plants chiefly at high elevations, often mat-forming (Phlox) Lowest pinnae pair longer than those immediately above; pinnae mostly oblong in outline; bulblets often present along the rachis on the lower leaf surface above the middle; plants very rare 3092C Polystichum 1569G 3092H 3093I 3094J 3092N 3093O Polystichum lonchitis Polystichum scopulinum Polystichum Polystichum POLYPODIACEAE[ Polystichum\ Ferns_PPinnae spiny-toothed, not deeply cleft toward the base; petiole often very short 3014H 3016I 3017J 3015N 3015O Phlox hoodii Phlox pulvinata Phlox longifolia Phlox POLEMONIACEAE[ Phlox\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves mostly keeled, averaging less than 1 mm wide at midlength, usually conspicuously pubescent with wool-like hairs, not distinctly ciliate; calyx hairy to some degree with wool-like hairs` Leaves mostly flat and at least 1 mm wide at midlength, minutely hairy and often ciliate, the hairs not wool-like; calyx glandular-hairy (rarely glabrous) but not woolly 3016C 3013G 3014H 3016I 3017J 3015N 3015O Phlox hoodii (Polemonium) POLEMONIACEAE[ Polemonium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaflets divided into 3-5 segments 1-6 mm long, these appearing whorled on the rachis; corolla tube exceeding the calyx and longer than the corolla lobesh Leaves mostly keeled, averaging less than 1 mm wide at midlength, usually conspicuously pubescent with wool-like hairs, not distinctly ciliate; calyx hairy to some degree with wool-like hairs Phlox hoodii 3015G 3017H 3016I 3016J 3016N 3018O Show Description & Photos Phlox pulvinata (Phlox) POLEMONIACEAE[ Phlox\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves mostly keeled, averaging less than 1 mm wide at midlength, usually conspicuously pubescent with wool-like hairs, not distinctly ciliate; calyx hairy to some degree with wool-like hairsh 3017C Leaves mostly flat and at least 1 mm wide at midlength, minutely hairy and often ciliate, the hairs not wool-like; calyx glandular-hairy (rarely glabrous) but not woolly Phlox pulvinata 3015G 3016H 3017I 3017J 3017N 3017O Show Description & Photos Phlox hoodii (Phlox) POLEMONIACEAE[ Phlox\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves mostly flat and at least 1 mm wide at midlength, minutely hairy and often ciliate, the hairs not wool-like; calyx glandular-hairy (rarely glabrous) but not woollyh 3018C Polemonium 1545G 3018H 3019I 3020J 3018N 3019O Polemonium micranthum (Polemonium) Polemonium Polemonium POLEMONIACEAE[ Polemonium DICOTYLEDONS_fFlowers mostly solitary; corolla white, 3-7 mm long, usually shorter than the calyx; low, weak annuals` Flowers in few to numerous small clusters; corolla white, purple, or blue, 7-30 mm long, greatly exceeding the calyx; erect, often robust perennialsd Polemonium 3019C 1DfFlowers mostly solitary; corolla white, 3-7 mm long, usually shorter than the calyx; low, weak annuals Polemonium micranthum 3018G 3020H 3019I 3019J 3019N 3021O Show Description & Photos (Polemonium) Polemonium POLEMONIACEAE[ Polemonium\ DICOTYLEDONS] escription and photographs. You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `fFlowers mostly solitary; corolla white, 3-7 mm long, usually shorter than the calyx; low, weak annualsh 3020C Flowers in few to numerous small clusters; corolla white, purple, or blue, 7-30 mm long, greatly exceeding the calyx; erect, often robust perennials (Polemonium) 3018G 3019H 3021I 3022J 3020N 3020O Polemonium viscosum (Polemonium) Polemonium micranthumnthum Polemonium POLEMONIACEAE[ Polemonium\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaflets divided into 3-5 segments 1-6 mm long, these appearing whorled on the rachis; corolla tube exceeding the calyx and longer than the corolla lobes` Leaflets entire, averaging more than 6 mm long, not appearing whorled on the rachis; corolla tube not or scarcely exceeding the calyx, about equal to or half as long as the corolla lobes 3021C Leaflets divided into 3-5 segments 1-6 mm long, these appearing whorled on the rachis; corolla tube exceeding the calyx and longer than the corolla lobes Polemonium viscosum 3020G 3022H 3021I 3021J 3021N 3023O Show Description & Photos (Polemonium) eak annuals typically u-shaped ultimate ultimate segments linear ovate averaging least ultimate segments threadlike typically least ultimate twigs mostly thick scale ultimate twigs mostly thick scale leaves ultimately Polemonium occidentale (Polemonium) Polemonium viscosum (Polemonium) POLEMONIACEAE[ Polemonium\ DICOTYLEDONS_}Inflorescence a narrow panicle, the flowers usually purple; stem leaves typically greatly reduced upward, plants of wet sites` Inflorescence usually somewhat flat-topped, the flowers mostly blue or white, rarely purple; stem leaves usually little reduced upward; plants chiefly of mesic sites 3023C 3D}Inflorescence a narrow panicle, the flowers usually purple; stem leaves typically greatly reduced upward, plants of wet sites Polemonium occidentale Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS 0Leaves with the primary lateral veins usually averaging 2-2.5 mm apart; the blades mostly narrowly elliptic, rarely more than 2 cm wide, glabrous or thinly pubescent, especially on the lower surface, often with some reddish hairs; twigs generally dark and glossy; plants of upper montane to alpine Leaves with the primary lateral veins averaging more than 2.5 mm apart; the blades often more than 2 cm wide, glabrous or diversely pubescent; twigs generally dull or exfoliating, occasionally glossy; plants of foothills to alpine Inflorescence usually somewhat flat-topped, the flowers mostly blue or white, rarely purple; stem leaves usually little reduced upward; plants chiefly of mesic sites (Polemonium) 3022G 3023H 3025I 3026J 3024N 3024O Polemonium foliosissimum Polemonium pulcherrimum Polemonium occidentale (Polemonium) POLEMONIACEAE[ Polemonium\ DICOTYLEDONS_{Stems solitary, to 12 dm tall, leaves chiefly cauline; flowers white or rarely blue to purple; style branches 2-3.5 mm long 3026J 3024N 3024O Polemonium foliosissimum 3022G 3024H 3023I 3023J 3023N 3025O Show Description & Photos (Polemonium) (Polemonium) POLEMONIACEAE[ Polemonium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `}Inflorescence a narrow panicle, the flowers usually purple; stem leaves typically greatly reduced upward, plants of wet sitesh 3024C You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `{Stems solitary, to 12 dm tall, leaves chiefly cauline; flowers white or rarely blue to purple; style branches 2-3.5 mm longh 3026C 4.5DoStems tufted, to 7 dm tall; basal leaves prominent; flowers blue or rarely white; style branches to 1.5 mm long Polemonium pulcherrimum 3024G 3025H 3026I 3026J 3026N 3026O Show Description & Photos Polemonium foliosissimum (Polemonium) P`oStems tufted, to 7 dm tall; basal leaves prominent; flowers blue or rarely white; style branches to 1.5 mm long 3025C 4D{Stems solitary, to 12 dm tall, leaves chiefly cauline; flowers white or rarely blue to purple; style branches 2-3.5 mm long Polemonium foliosissimum 3024G 3026H 3025I 3025J 3025N 3027O Show Description & Photos Polemonium pulcherrimum (Polemonium) POLEMONIACEAE[ Polemonium\ DICOTYLEDONS] POLEMONIACEAE[ Polemonium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `oStems tufted, to 7 dm tall; basal leaves prominent; flowers blue or rarely white; style branches to 1.5 mm longh 3027C A Eriogonum 1549G 3027H 3028I 3029J 3027N 3028O (Eriogonum) (Eriogonum) A Eriogonum POLYGONACEAEZ POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS 3024G 3025H Involucres solitary and sessile or short-peduncled at each node of the elongate inflorescence; flowers white to pink or rose; plants not mat-forming Involucres in small to large clusters terminal on stems or branches; flowers cream to deep yellow or occasionally white, often red-tinged; plants generally mat-forming d Eriogonum 3028C Involucres solitary and sessile or short-peduncled at each node of the elongate inflorescence, flowers white to pink or rose, plants not mat-forming (Eriogonum) 3027G 3029H 3030I 3031J 3028N 3030O Eriogonum cernuum 3396C Twigs typically yellow when fresh, drying to yellow-brown or darker, rarely exfoliating, often pale on one side and turning dark red-purple on the other late in the season; leaves glabrous; well-developed leaf bud scales compressed and more or less acute on the lateral margins ent, especially on the lower surface, often with some reddish hairs; twigs generally dark and glossy; plants of upper montane to alpine Leaves with the primary lateral veins averaging more than 2.5 mm apart; the blades often more than 2 cm wide, glabrous or diversely pubescent; twigs gen erally dull or exfoliating, occasionally glossy; plants of foothills to alpine 3396C Twigs typically yellow when fresh, drying to yellow-brown or darker, rarely exfoliating, often pale on one side and turning dark red-purple on the other late in the season; leaves glabrous; well-developed leaf bud scales compressed and more or less acute on the lateral margins 3029C Involucres in small to large clusters terminal on stems or branches; flowers cream to deep yellow or occasionally white, often red-tinged; plants generally mat-forming (Eriogonum) 3027G 3028H 3032I 3033J 3029N 3029O (Eriogonum) (Eriogonum) (Eriogonum) A Eriogonum POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Flowers tapered to a stalk-like base no wider than the pedicels, the pedicel appearing jointed at midlength; lobes of the involucre 1-7 mm long, commonly reflexedlexed Flowers rounded to tapered but not stalklike at the base, the pedicel not appearing jointed at midlength; teeth of the involucre to about 1 mm long and erect 3030C Annual of the valleys; stems glabrous, at least above; flowers 1-2 mm long; involucres on peduncles 1-25 mm long or occasionally a few of them sessile Eriogonum cernuum 3028G 3031H 3030I 3030J 3030N 3032O Show Description & Photos Eriogonum racemosum (Eriogonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] (Eriogonum) A Eriogonum Eriogonum racemosum (Eriogonum) (Eriogonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS Annual of the valleys; stems glabrous, at least above; flowers 1-2 mm long; involucres on peduncles 1-25 mm long or occasionally a few of them sessile Perennial of foothills to lower montane; stems typically woolly-hairy to some degree throughout; flowers 2-5 mm long; involucres sessile or nearly so You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Annual of the valleys; stems glabrous, at least above; flowers 1-2 mm long; involucres on peduncles 1-25 mm long or occasionally a few of them sessileh 3031C Perennial of foothills to lower montane, stems typically woolly-hairy to some degree throughout, flowers 2-5 mm long, involucres sessile or nearly so Eriogonum racemosum 3028G 3030H 3031I 3031J 3031N 3031O Show Description & Photos Eriogonum cernuum 3075G 3083H 3082I 3082J 3082N 3084O Show Description & Photos (Rumex) (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves not much reduced upward, the blades to 1.5 dm long and to 2.5(3) cm wide, mostly tapered at both ends, flat to somewhat wavy-margined; stems often branched from the middle and lower leaf axils; petioles glabroush 3083C (Eriogonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Perennial of foothills to lower montane; stems typically woolly-hairy to some degree throughout; flowers 2-5 mm long; involucres sessile or nearly so 3032C 3ion & Photos Eriogonum cernuum Flowers tapered to a stalk-like base no wider than the pedicels, the pedicel appearing jointed at midlength; lobes of the involucre 1-7 mm long, commonly reflexed (Eriogonum) 3029G 3033H 3034I 3035J 3032N 3034O Eriogonum heracleoides Eriogonum umbellatum (Eriogonum) (Eriogonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Flowering stems with a whorl of 3 or more leaflike bracts at midlength (rarely lacking), basal leaves mostly about 4 times longer than wide, lobes of the involucre 5 (Eriogonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS_BLeaves to 2 cm long, flowering stems usually less than 1.5 dm long`2Leaves 1.5-12 cm long, flowering stems 1-5 dm tall 3038C 6DBLeaves to 2 cm long, flowering stems usually less than 1.5 dm long Eriogonum grayi 3037G 3039H 3038I 3038J 3038N 3040O Show Description & Photos Eriogonum brevicaule (Eriogonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] Flowering stems naked or rarely with 1 or 2 bracts at midlength, basal leaves mostly less than 3 times longer than wide, lobes of the involucre 5-12 3033C Flowers rounded to tapered but not stalklike at the base, the pedicel not appearing jointed at midlength; teeth of the involucre to about 1 mm long and erect (Eriogonum) 3029G 3032H 3036I 3037J 3033N 3033O Eriogonum ovalifolium (Eriogonum) (Eriogonum) (Eriogonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS_DOuter sepals distinctly wider than the inner ones, leaf margins flat flat Y`COuter sepals similar to the inner ones, leaf margins often revolute 3034C Flowering stems with a whorl of 3 or more leaflike bracts at midlength (rarely lacking), basal leaves mostly about 4 times longer than wide, lobes of the involucre 5 Eriogonum heracleoides 3032G 3035H 3034I 3034J 3034N 3036O Show Description & Photos Eriogonum umbellatum (Eriogonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs.phs. Flowering stems with a whorl of 3 or more leaflike bracts at midlength (rarely lacking), basal leaves mostly about 4 times longer than wide, lobes of the involucre 5h 3035C Flowering stems naked or rarely with 1 or 2 bracts at midlength, basal leaves mostly less than 3 times longer than wide, lobes of the involucre 5-12 Eriogonum umbellatum 3032G 3034H 3035I 3035J 3035N 3035O Show Description & Photos Eriogonum heracleoides (Eriogonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] below to switch over to the description and photographs. You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Flowering stems naked or rarely with 1 or 2 bracts at midlength, basal leaves mostly less than 3 times longer than wide, lobes of the involucre 5-12h 3036C 5DDOuter sepals distinctly wider than the inner ones, leaf margins flat Eriogonum ovalifolium 3033G 3037H 3036I 3036J 3036N 3038O Show Description & Photos (Eriogonum) (Eriogonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `DOuter sepals distinctly wider than the inner ones, leaf margins flath 3037C 5.5DCOuter sepals similar to the inner ones, leaf margins often revolute (Eriogonum) 3033G 3036H 3038I 3039J 3037N 3037O Eriogonum grayi Eriogonum brevicaule Eriogonum ovalifolium 3399C 11.5D Leaves with the primary lateral veins averaging more than 2.5 mm apart; the blades often more than 2 cm wide, glabrous or diversely pubescent; twigs gen erally dull or exfoliating, occasionally glossy; plants of foothills to alpine (Salix) 3395G 3398H 3400I 3401J 3399N 3399O Salix rigida (Salix) (Salix) 3400I 3401J 3399N 3399O Salix rigida (Salix) (Salix) You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `BLeaves to 2 cm long, flowering stems usually less than 1.5 dm longh 3039C 6.5D2Leaves 1.5-12 cm long, flowering stems 1-5 dm tall Eriogonum brevicaule 3037G 3038H 3039I 3039J 3039N 3039O Show Description & Photos Eriogonum grayi (Eriogonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Eriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `2Leaves 1.5-12 cm long, flowering stems 1-5 dm tallh 3040C A Polygonum 1554G 3040H 3041I 3042J 3040N 3041O Polygonum convolvulus (Polygonum) A Polygonum Polygonum of POLYGONACEAE POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONSEriogonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] Leaves arrowhead-shaped with prominent basal lobes; stems trailing and vinelike or rarely erect; herbage commonly conspicuously scurfy-scabrous` Leaves not lobed at the base, stems erect to prostrate, not vinelike; herbage hairy or glabrous, or the leaf margins or stems sometimes minutely scabrousd Polygonum 3041C Leaves arrowhead-shaped with prominent basal lobes; stems trailing and vinelike or rarely erect; herbage commonly conspicuously scurfy-scabrous Polygonum convolvulus 3040G 3042H 3041I 3041J 3041N 3043O Show Description & Photos (Polygonum) A Polygonum POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves arrowhead-shaped with prominent basal lobes; stems trailing and vinelike or rarely erect; herbage commonly conspicuously scurfy-scabroush 3042C Leaves not lobed at the base, stems erect to prostrate, not vinelike; herbage hairy or glabrous, or the leaf margins or stems sometimes minutely scabrous (Polygonum) 3040G 3041H 3043I 3044J 3042N 3042O Polygonum viviparum (Polygonum) 3250C Leaflets (1)2-12 cm long, those of the lower stem leaves 5(7) and regularly toothed to midlength or below; stems erect to ascending and often more than 3 dm tall; herbage often somewhat woolly; anthers 0.7-1.3 mm long; plants of valleys to subalpine Potentilla gracilis 3249G 3251H 3250I 3250J 3250N 3252O Show Description & Photos (Potentilla) (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3042G 3044H 3043I 3043J 3043N 3045O Show Description & Photos (Polygonum) (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves basal as well as cauline; stems simple and erect, 0.5-4 dm tall; inflorescence a solitary, terminal, spikelike raceme, the lower flowers normally replaced by bulblets; plants of subalpine to alpineh 3044C (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1031^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Twigs below the leaves typically gray-brown and exfoliating in thin flakes, not bicolored; leaves generally loosely wavy-hairy, at least on the margins; leaf bud scales terete or nearly so and rounded on the lateral margins 3398C nd on well-drained slopesh Leaves cauline, in some species soon deciduous; stems often branched, erect to prostrate and diverse in height; inflorescence at least partly axillary or in one species terminal, none of the flowers replaced by bulblets; plants of valleys to alpine (Polygonum) 3042G 3043H 3045I 3046J 3044N 3044O (Polygonum) (Polygonum) Polygonum viviparum (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS rmally replaced by bulblets; plants of subalpine to alpine 3044C glauca glaucodes glaucum glaucus glaux glaux maritima glaux primulaceae glechoma glechoma hederacea gleditsia gleditsia triacanthos glomerata glomeratus glyceria glyceria grandis glyceria striata glycyrrhiza glycyrrhiza lepidota glyptosperma gnaphalium gnaphalium chilense gnaphalium palustre goodyera goodyera oblongifolia gordoni gracile gracilis gramineum gramineus grandidentatum grandiflora grandiflorum grandis grayi greenT green angiospermsT green angiosperms Flowers 1-several per node, typically well distributed along stems and branches, all or many of the pedicels subtended by leaves or leaflike bracts as well as stipules` Flowers in more or less compact, terminal or axillary spikelike racemes and sometimes panicles, the pedicels subtended only by sheathing stipules 3045C Flowers 1-several per node, typically well distributed along stems and branches, all or many of the pedicels subtended by leaves or leaflike bracts as well as stipules (Polygonum) 3044G 3046H 3047I 3048J 3045N 3047O Polygonum kelloggii (Polygonum) (Polygonum) (Polygonum) Salix rigida 3394G 3397H 3396I 3396J 3396N 3398O Show Description & Photos Salix glauca (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1035^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS_hInflorescence of 1 or 2 terminal or subterminal spikelike racemes; sepals 4-5 mm long, pink to deep rose` Inflorescence of 2-many axillary racemes and sometimes panicles, sepals 1.5-3.5 mm long at flowering, white to greenish-white or pink 3047C Flowers in dense, leafy-bracteate, headlike to subspicate, terminal as well as axillary clusters; internodes of the upper stem mostly less than 2 mm long; leaves linear, to 2.5 cm long and 1.5 mm wide; achenes brown, slightly to strongly striate; erect montane annual, 1-7(9) cm tall Polygonum kelloggii 3045G 3048H 3047I 3047J 3047N 3049O Show Description & Photos olygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS Flowers in dense, leafy-bracteate, headlike to subspicate, terminal as well as axillary clusters; internodes of the upper stem mostly less than 2 mm long; leaves linear, to 2.5 cm long and 1.5 mm wide; achenes brown, slightly to strongly striate; erect montane annual, 1-7(9) cm tall `uFlowers all axillary, the inflorescence generally loose, the internodes more than 2 mm long; plants otherwise diverse rounded rudimentary rumex ruptured s-shaped saclike saline salmon salt-tolerant salverform samara samaras sandy saucer-shaped saucer-to scabrous hDuFlowers all axillary, the inflorescence generally loose, the internodes more than 2 mm long; plants otherwise diverse (Polygonum) 3045G 3047H 3049I 3050J 3048N 3048O Polygonum minimum (Polygonum) Polygonum kelloggii (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves, or some of them, ovate to obovate and not more than twice as long as wide; erect montane annual rarely more than 1 dm tall`\Leaves not ovate to obovate, often more than twice as long as wide; plants otherwise diverse 3049C (Polygonum) (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Flowers in dense, leafy-bracteate, headlike to subspicate, terminal as well as axillary clusters; internodes of the upper stem mostly less than 2 mm long; leaves linear, to 2.5 cm long and 1.5 mm wide; achenes brown, slightly to strongly striate; erect montane annual, 1-7(9) cm tall 3048C Leaves, or some of them, ovate to obovate and not more than twice as long as wide; erect montane annual rarely more than 1 dm tall Polygonum minimum 3048G 3050H 3049I 3049J 3049N 3051O Show Description & Photos (Polygonum) (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. diverse 3049C Leaves, or some of them, ovate to obovate and not more than twice as long as wide; erect montane annual rarely more than 1 dm tallh 3050C 5.5D\Leaves not ovate to obovate, often more than twice as long as wide; plants otherwise diverse (Polygonum) 3048G 3049H 3051I 3052J 3050N 3050O Polygonum ramosissimum (Polygonum) Polygonum minimum (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONSA> Sepals at fruiting typically dimorphic, the outer 3 distinctly longer than the inner 2; achenes glossy; plants of valleys and foothills, 1.5-13 dm tall with branches erect to loosely ascending; leaves often revolute, soon deciduous` Outer and inner sepals at fruiting equal or nearly so; achenes sometimes dull; plants of valleys to alpine; stems and branches erect to prostrate; leaves flat to revolute, persistent or deciduous 3051C Sepals at fruiting typically dimorphic, the outer 3 distinctly longer than the inner 2; achenes glossy; plants of valleys and foothills, 1.5-13 dm tall with branches erect to loosely ascending; leaves often revolute, soon deciduous Polygonum ramosissimum 3050G 3052H 3051I 3051J 3051N 3053O Show Description & Photos (Polygonum) (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sepals at fruiting typically dimorphic, the outer 3 distinctly longer than the inner 2; achenes glossy; plants of valleys and foothills, 1.5-13 dm tall with branches erect to loosely ascending; leaves often revolute, soon deciduoush 3052C Outer and inner sepals at fruiting equal or nearly so; achenes sometimes dull; plants of valleys to alpine; stems and branches erect to prostrate; leaves flat to revolute, persistent or deciduous (Polygonum) 3050G 3051H 3053I 3054J 3052N 3052O Polygonum aviculare (Polygonum) Polygonum ramosissimum (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Main stem typically teiete with numerous, mostly prominent ribs at least near the base, prostrate to occasionally erect, 0.5-10 dm long; leaves mostly flat with prominent lateral veins, often deciduous by fruiting; plants of valleys to upper montane` Main stem more or less angled and not many ribbed, erect-ascending, mostly 0.5-4 dm tall; leaves flat to revolute with inconspicuous lateral veins, mostly persistent; plants of foothills and above 3053C Main stem typically teiete with numerous, mostly prominent ribs at least near the base, prostrate to occasionally erect, 0.5-10 dm long; leaves mostly flat with prominent lateral veins, often deciduous by fruiting; plants of valleys to upper montane Polygonum aviculare 3052G 3054H 3053I 3053J 3053N 3055O Show Description & Photos (Polygonum) (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. r the base, prostrate to occasionally erect, 0.5-10 dm long; leaves mostly flat with prominent lateral veins, often deciduous by fruiting; plants of valleys to upper montane Polygonum aviculare 3052G 3054H 3053I 3053J 3053N 3055O Show Description & Photos (Polygonum) (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves numerous and crowded, only slightly reduced upward, often concealing the upper flowers; sepals about 2 mm long; stems wiry, often abruptly bent at the nodes and forming a zigzag pattern, commonly freely branched` Leaves few and often remote, progressively reduced upward, not concealing the upper flowers; sepals 2-4 mm long; stems lax, not bent at the nodes, simple or sparingly branched 3055C Leaves numerous and crowded, only slightly reduced upward, often concealing the upper flowers; sepals about 2 mm long; stems wiry, often abruptly bent at the nodes and forming a zigzag pattern, commonly freely branched Polygonum minimum 3054G 3056H 3055I 3055J 3055N 3057O Show Description & Photos Polygonum douglasii (Polygonum) Main stem typically teiete with numerous, mostly prominent ribs at least near the base, prostrate to occasionally erect, 0.5-10 dm long; leaves mostly flat with prominent lateral veins, often deciduous by fruiting; plants of valleys to upper montaneh 3054C Main stem more or less angled and not many ribbed, erect-ascending, mostly 0.5-4 dm tall; leaves flat to revolute with inconspicuous lateral veins, mostly persistent; plants of foothills and above (Polygonum) 3052G 3053H 3055I 3056J 3054N 3054O Polygonum minimum Polygonum douglasii Polygonum aviculare (Polygonum) (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves numerous and crowded, only slightly reduced upward, often concealing the upper flowers; sepals about 2 mm long; stems wiry, often abruptly bent at the nodes and forming a zigzag pattern, commonly freely branchedh 3056C Leaves few and often remote, progressively reduced upward, not concealing the upper flowers; sepals 2-4 mm long; stems lax, not bent at the nodes, simple or sparingly branched Polygonum douglasii rigida rivalis rivularis robinia robinia pseudoacacia robusta romanzoffiana rorippa rorippa curvipes rorippa palustris rorippa tenerrima canina nutkana rubiginosa woodsii rosaceae rosea rossi rossii rostellata rostrata rostratum rribes rribes hudsonianum rubella rubellus rubescens rubia qDhInflorescence of 1 or 2 terminal or subterminal spikelike racemes; sepals 4-5 mm long, pink to deep rose Polygonum amphibium 3046G 3058H 3057I 3057J 3057N 3059O Show Description & Photos (Polygonum) (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3054G 3055H 3056I 3056J 3056N 3056O Show Description & Photos Polygonum minimum (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves few and often remote, progressively reduced upward, not concealing the upper flowers; sepals 2-4 mm long; stems lax, not bent at the nodes, simple or sparingly branchedh 3057C q`hInflorescence of 1 or 2 terminal or subterminal spikelike racemes; sepals 4-5 mm long, pink to deep roseh 3058C Inflorescence of 2-many axillary racemes and sometimes panicles, sepals 1.5-3.5 mm long at flowering, white to greenish-white or pink (Polygonum) 3046G 3057H 3059I 3060J 3058N 3058O Polygonum cuspidatum (Polygonum) Polygonum amphibium (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS Leaves ovate to subcordate; plants rhizomatous and clump-forming, 1-2.5 m tall; flowers functionally unisexual, the pistillate to about 1 cm long at fruiting`YLeaves elliptic; plants annual, to 1 m tall; flowers bisexual, to 3.5 mm long at fruiting 3059C Leaves ovate to subcordate; plants rhizomatous and clump-forming, 1-2.5 m tall; flowers functionally unisexual, the pistillate to about 1 cm long at fruiting Polygonum cuspidatum 3058G 3060H 3059I 3059J 3059N 3061O Show Description & Photos (Polygonum) (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves ovate to subcordate; plants rhizomatous and clump-forming, 1-2.5 m tall; flowers functionally unisexual, the pistillate to about 1 cm long at fruitingh 3060C 10.5DYLeaves elliptic; plants annual, to 1 m tall; flowers bisexual, to 3.5 mm long at fruiting (Polygonum) 3058G 3059H 3061I 3062J 3060N 3060O Polygonum lapathifolium Polygonum persicaria Polygonum cuspidatum (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Peduncles with subsessile yellow glands, sepals greenish-white to dull pink, lower leaf surface either glandular-punctate or woolly-hairy` Peduncles without glands; sepals bright pink; lower leaf surface commonly short-hairy, the hairs neither glandular nor distinctly woolly 3061C Peduncles with subsessile yellow glands, sepals greenish-white to dull pink, lower leaf surface either glandular-punctate or woolly-hairy Polygonum lapathifolium 3060G 3062H 3061I 3061J 3061N 3063O Show Description & Photos Polygonum persicaria Polygonum cuspidatum (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Peduncles with subsessile yellow glands, sepals greenish-white to dull pink, lower leaf surface either glandular-punctate or woolly-hairyh 3062C 11.5D Peduncles without glands; sepals bright pink; lower leaf surface commonly short-hairy, the hairs neither glandular nor distinctly woolly Polygonum persicaria 3060G 3061H 3062I 3062J 3062N 3062O Show Description & Photos Polygonum lapathifolium (Polygonum) POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Peduncles without glands; sepals bright pink; lower leaf surface commonly short-hairy, the hairs neither glandular nor distinctly woollyh 3063C Rumex 1555G 3063H 3064I 3065J 3063N 3064O (Rumex) (Rumex) Rumex Rumex POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS_QInner sepals laterally toothed, the teeth or lobes at least 1 mm long at maturity`KInner sepals entire or minutely toothed, the teeth much less than 1 mm longd Rumex 3064C 1DQInner sepals laterally toothed, the teeth or lobes at least 1 mm long at maturity (Rumex) 3063G 3065H 3066I 3067J 3064N 3066O (Rumex) Rumex obtusifolius (Rumex) Rumex POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS Grainlike swellings typically forming on all 3 inner sepals; leaves rarely more than 4 cm wide; plants annual, to about 7 dm tall` Grainlike swellings typically forming on 1 or 2 of the inner sepals; leaves (at least the basal) 5-16 cm wide; plants perennial, 6-20 dm tall 3065C 1.5DKInner sepals entire or minutely toothed, the teeth much less than 1 mm long (Rumex) 3063G 3064H 3070I 3071J 3065N 3065O (Rumex) (Rumex) (Rumex) Rumex POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Flowers all staminate`0Flowers (or some of them) bisexual or pistillate 3066C Grainlike swellings typically forming on all 3 inner sepals; leaves rarely more than 4 cm wide; plants annual, to about 7 dm tall (Rumex) 3064G 3067H 3068I 3069J 3066N 3068O Rumex dentatus Rumex maritimus Rumex obtusifolius (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Inner sepals at maturity 4-6 mm long, the teeth subulate, the grainlike swellings more than 0.5 mm wide; none of the leaves distinctly papillose POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Flowers all staminate`0Flowers (or some of them) bisexual or pistillate 3066C Inner sepals at maturity 2.5-3 mm long, the teeth bristlelike, the grainlike swellings less than 0.5 mm wide; some or all of the leaves minutely papillose 3067C Grainlike swellings typically forming on 1 or 2 of the inner sepals; leaves (at least the basal) 5-16 cm wide; plants perennial, 6-20 dm tall Rumex obtusifolius 3064G 3066H 3067I 3067J 3067N 3067O Show Description & Photos (Rumex) (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS] n 0.5 mm wide; none of the leaves distinctly papillose You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Grainlike swellings typically forming on 1 or 2 of the inner sepals; leaves (at least the basal) 5-16 cm wide; plants perennial, 6-20 dm tallh 3068C Inner sepals at maturity 4-6 mm long, the teeth subulate, the grainlike swellings more than 0.5 mm wide; none of the leaves distinctly papillose Rumex dentatus 3066G 3069H 3068I 3068J 3068N 3070O Show Description & Photos Rumex maritimus (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Inner sepals at maturity 4-6 mm long, the teeth subulate, the grainlike swellings more than 0.5 mm wide; none of the leaves distinctly papilloseh 3069C Inner sepals at maturity 2.5-3 mm long, the teeth bristlelike, the grainlike swellings less than 0.5 mm wide; some or all of the leaves minutely papillose Rumex maritimus 3066G 3068H 3069I 3069J 3069N 3069O Show Description & Photos Rumex dentatus (Rumex) (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Inner sepals at maturity 2.5-3 mm long, the teeth bristlelike, the grainlike swellings less than 0.5 mm wide; some or all of the leaves minutely papilloseh 3070C Flowers all staminate (Rumex) 3065G 3071H 3072I 3073J 3070N 3072O Rumex acetosella Rumex paucifolius (Rumex) (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS_.Leaves (at least some of them) hastately lobed` Leaves not lobed at the base 3071C 4.5D0Flowers (or some of them) bisexual or pistillate (Rumex) 3065G 3070H 3074I 3075J 3071N 3071O (Rumex) (Rumex) (Rumex) (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS _,Inner sepals all lacking grainlike swellings`:Inner sepals (or at least one) bearing grainlike swellings 3072C 5D.Leaves (at least some of them) hastately lobed Rumex acetosella 3070G 3073H 3072I 3072J 3072N 3074O Show Description & Photos Rumex paucifolius (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `.Leaves (at least some of them) hastately lobedh 3073C Leaves not lobed at the base Rumex paucifolius 3070G 3072H 3073I 3073J 3073N 3073O Show Description & Photos Rumex acetosella (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves not lobed at the baseh 3074C D,Inner sepals all lacking grainlike swellings (Rumex) 3071G 3075H 3076I 3077J 3074N 3076O Rumex venosus (Rumex) (Rumex) (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Inner sepals 15-35 mm long at fruiting; plants strongly rhizomatous, to about 5 dm tall, occupying dry, sandy to gravelly soil in disturbed sites in the valleys`JInner sepals not more than 5 mm long at fruiting, plants otherwise diverse 3075C 6.5D:Inner sepals (or at least one) bearing grainlike swellings (Rumex) 3071G 3074H 3082I 3083J 3075N 3075O Rumex salicifolius (Rumex) (Rumex) (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves not much reduced upward, the blades to 1.5 dm long and to 2.5(3) cm wide, mostly tapered at both ends, flat to somewhat wavy-margined; stems often branched from the middle and lower leaf axils; petioles glabrous` Leaves progressively reduced upward, the lower blades to 3 dm long and at least 4 cm wide or, if narrower, the margins conspicuously wavy; stems not branched below the inflorescence; petioles minutely scabrous or blunt-hairy in 3076C Inner sepals 15-35 mm long at fruiting; plants strongly rhizomatous, to about 5 dm tall, occupying dry, sandy to gravelly soil in disturbed sites in the valleys Rumex venosus 3074G 3077H 3076I 3076J 3076N 3078O Show Description & Photos (Rumex) (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Inner sepals 15-35 mm long at fruiting; plants strongly rhizomatous, to about 5 dm tall, occupying dry, sandy to gravelly soil in disturbed sites in the valleysh 3077C 7.5DJInner sepals not more than 5 mm long at fruiting, plants otherwise diverse (Rumex) 3074G 3076H 3078I 3079J 3077N 3077O Rumex acetosella (Rumex) Rumex venosus (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves (at least some of the lower ones) hastately lobed; inner sepals about 2 mm long at fruiting, equal to or barely exceeding the achenechene `|Leaves gradually to abruptly tapered to the base, not lobed; inner sepals 3-5 mm long at fruiting, much exceeding the achene 3078C Leaves (at least some of the lower ones) hastately lobed; inner sepals about 2 mm long at fruiting, equal to or barely exceeding the achene Rumex acetosella 3077G 3079H 3078I 3078J 3078N 3080O Show Description & Photos (Rumex) (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves (at least some of the lower ones) hastately lobed; inner sepals about 2 mm long at fruiting, equal to or barely exceeding the acheneh 3079C 8.5D|Leaves gradually to abruptly tapered to the base, not lobed; inner sepals 3-5 mm long at fruiting, much exceeding the achene (Rumex) 3077G 3078H 3080I 3081J 3079N 3079O Rumex paucifolius Rumex salicifolius Rumex acetosella (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONSgraphs. Leaves basal as well as cauline, those of the stem markedly reduced upward; stems erect and simple below the inflorescence, flowers typically all pistillate` Leaves chiefly cauline, not markedly reduced upward; stems decumbent to erect and often branched from leaf axils below the inflorescence; flowers bisexual or unisexual 3080C Leaves basal as well as cauline, those of the stem markedly reduced upward; stems erect and simple below the inflorescence, flowers typically all pistillate Rumex paucifolius 3079G 3081H 3080I 3080J 3080N 3082O Show Description & Photos Rumex salicifolius (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves basal as well as cauline, those of the stem markedly reduced upward; stems erect and simple below the inflorescence, flowers typically all pistillateh 3081C Leaves chiefly cauline, not markedly reduced upward; stems decumbent to erect and often branched from leaf axils below the inflorescence; flowers bisexual or unisexual Rumex salicifolius 3079G 3080H 3081I 3081J 3081N 3081O Show Description & Photos Rumex paucifolius Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS] (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves chiefly cauline, not markedly reduced upward; stems decumbent to erect and often branched from leaf axils below the inflorescence; flowers bisexual or unisexualh 3082C Leaves not much reduced upward, the blades to 1.5 dm long and to 2.5(3) cm wide, mostly tapered at both ends, flat to somewhat wavy-margined; stems often branched from the middle and lower leaf axils; petioles glabrous Rumex salicifolius berries Leaves progressively reduced upward, the lower blades to 3 dm long and at least 4 cm wide or, if narrower, the margins conspicuously wavy; stems not branched below the inflorescence; petioles minutely scabrous or blunt-hairy in (Rumex) 3075G 3082H 3084I 3085J 3083N 3083O Rumex patientia Rumex crispus Rumex salicifolius (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS argined; stems often branched from the middle and lower leaf axils; petioles glabrous 3083C Lower leaves ovate to oblong, mostly more than 5 cm wide, the margins obscurely wavy; inner sepals 6-9 mm long at maturity, the grainlike swellings typically well developed on only 1 of the 3 segments` Lower leaves mostly narrowly lanceolate, rarely more than 5 cm wide, the margins conspicuously wavy; inner sepals 3-6 mm long at maturity, the grainlike swellings typically well developed on all 3 sepals 3084C Lower leaves ovate to oblong, mostly more than 5 cm wide, the margins obscurely wavy; inner sepals 6-9 mm long at maturity, the grainlike swellings typically well developed on only 1 of the 3 segments Rumex patientia 3083G 3085H 3084I 3084J 3084N 3086O Show Description & Photos Rumex crispus (Rumex) abruptly absent abundantly accordingly accrescent achenet achene achene 2.5-4 style achene achene about style flowering achene nerved leaves twisted achene achene 5-8-nerved leaves typically twisted Rumex patientia (Rumex) POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Lower leaves mostly narrowly lanceolate, rarely more than 5 cm wide, the margins conspicuously wavy; inner sepals 3-6 mm long at maturity, the grainlike swellings typically well developed on all 3 sepalsh 3086C A Asplenium 1573G 3086H 3087I 3088J 3086N 3087O Asplenium viride Show Description & Photos POLYGONACEAE[ Rumex\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Lower leaves ovate to oblong, mostly more than 5 cm wide, the margins obscurely wavy; inner sepals 6-9 mm long at maturity, the grainlike swellings typically well developed on only 1 of the 3 segmentsh Asplenium trichomanes A Asplenium A Asplenium POLYPODIACEAE[ Asplenium\ Ferns_^Rachis and petiole green to yellowish or the petiole brown at the base; leaves soft, deciduous`PRachis and petiole dark brown to purple-brown throughout; leaves firm, evergreend Asplenium 3087C 1D^Rachis and petiole green to yellowish or the petiole brown at the base; leaves soft, deciduous Asplenium viride 3086G 3088H 3087I 3087J 3087N 3089O Show Description & Photos Asplenium trichomanes A Asplenium POLYPODIACEAECEAE 3403G 3405H 3404I 3404J 3404N 3406O Show Description & Photos Salix glauca (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1026^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaf bud scale distinctly compressed, the lateral margins acute; twigs of the previous season variable, not usually exfoliating; plants of foothills and midmontane [ Asplenium\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `^Rachis and petiole green to yellowish or the petiole brown at the base; leaves soft, deciduoush 3088C 1.5DPRachis and petiole dark brown to purple-brown throughout; leaves firm, evergreen Asplenium trichomanes 3086G 3087H 3088I 3088J 3088N 3088O Show Description & Photos Asplenium viride A Asplenium POLYPODIACEAE[ Asplenium\ Ferns You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `PRachis and petiole dark brown to purple-brown throughout; leaves firm, evergreenh 3089C Cystopteris 1564G 3089H 3090I 3091J 3089N 3090O Cystopteris fragilis Cystopteris bulbifera Cystopteris Cystopteris POLYPODIACEAE[ Cystopteris\ Ferns POLYPODIACEAE[ Asplenium\ Ferns] Lowest pinnae pair equal to or shorter than those immediately above; pinnae mostly lanceolate in outline; bulblets lacking; plants relatively common Lowest pinnae pair longer than those immediately above; pinnae mostly oblong in outline; bulblets often present along the rachis on the lower leaf surface above the middle; plants very rare Cystopteris 3090C Lowest pinnae pair equal to or shorter than those immediately above, the pinnae mostly lanceolate in outline, bulblets lacking; plants relatively common Cystopteris fragilis lower surface velvet-like pubescence short lower leaves mostly narrowly lanceolate rarely lower leaves ovate rounded heart-shaped invol 3091C Lowest pinnae pair longer than those immediately above; pinnae mostly oblong in outline, bulblets often present along the rachis on the lower leaf surface above the middle; plants very rare Cystopteris bulbifera 3089G 3090H 3091I 3091J 3091N 3091O Show Description & Photos Cystopteris fragilis Cystopteris POLYPODIACEAE[ Cystopteris\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. pubescence 3089G 3091H 3090I 3090J 3090N 3092O Show Description & Photos Cystopteris bulbifera Cystopteris POLYPODIACEAE[ Cystopteris\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Lowest pinnae pair equal to or shorter than those immediately above; pinnae mostly lanceolate in outline; bulblets lacking; plants relatively common Pinnae sharply serrate, not spiny-toothed, at least some of them cleft toward the base to form 1-3 lobes; petiole at least one-fifth as long as the bladed Polystichum 3093C 1DPPinnae spiny-toothed, not deeply cleft toward the base; petiole often very short Polystichum lonchitis 3092G 3094H 3093I 3093J 3093N 3095O Show Description & Photos Polystichum scopulinum Polystichum POLYPODIACEAE[ Polystichum\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `PPinnae spiny-toothed, not deeply cleft toward the base; petiole often very shorth 3094C Pinnae sharply serrate, not spiny-toothed, at least some of them cleft toward the base to form 1-3 lobes; petiole at least one-fifth as long as the blade Polystichum scopulinum 3092G 3093H 3094I 3094J 3094N 3094O Show Description & Photos Polystichum lonchitis Polystichum POLYPODIACEAE[ Polystichum\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. leaves sometimes slightly lighter green beneath above leaves spiny least margins Woodsia oregana 3095G 3097H 3096I 3096J 3096N 3098O Show Description & Photos Woodsia scopulina Woodsia POLYPODIACEAE[ Woodsia\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. A6Leaf blade glabrous or with simple, gland-tipped hairs 3097C 3096C 1D6Leaf blade glabrous or with simple, gland-tipped hairs Pinnae sharply serrate, not spiny-toothed, at least some of them cleft toward the base to form 1-3 lobes; petiole at least one-fifth as long as the bladeh DiLeaf blade with elongate, flat, septate hairs as well as gland-tipped ones, at least on the lower surface Woodsia scopulina 3095G 3096H 3097I 3097J 3097N 3097O Show Description & Photos Woodsia oregana Woodsia POLYPODIACEAE[ Woodsia\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. AiLeaf blade with elongate, flat, septate hairs as well as gland-tipped ones, at least on the lower surface gland-tipped ones, at least on the lower surface Woodsia scopulina 3095G 3096H 3097I 3097J 3097N 3097O Show Description & Photos Woodsia oregana Woodsia POLYPODIACEAE[ Woodsia\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. AiLeaf blade with elongate, flat, septate hairs as well as gland-tipped ones, at least on the lower surface 3098G 3100H 3099I 3099J 3099N 3101O Show Description & Photos (Claytonia) A Claytonia PORTULACACEAE[ Claytonia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Stem leaves partially or completely fused to form a disc-shaped structure around the stem, petals 4-6 mm long, annual from slender fibrous rootsh 3100C 1.5DJStem leaves free, petals 5-15 mm long, perennials from a corm or a rhizome (Claytonia) 3098G 3099H 3098C A Claytonia 1592G 3098H 3099I 3100J 3098N 3099O Claytonia perfoliata (Claytonia) A Claytonia A Claytonia PORTULACACEAE[ Claytonia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Stem leaves partially or completely fused to form a disc-shaped structure around the stem, petals 4-6 mm long, annual from slender fibrous roots`JStem leaves free, petals 5-15 mm long, perennials from a corm or a rhizomed Claytonia 3099C Stem leaves partially or completely fused to form a disc-shaped structure around the stem, petals 4-6 mm long, annual from slender fibrous roots Claytonia perfoliata 3102J 3100N 3100O Claytonia lanceolata Claytonia cordifolia Claytonia perfoliata A Claytonia PORTULACACEAE[ Claytonia\ DICOTYLEDONS_~Stem leaves longer than wide, petals pink to rose or white with pink veins, stigmas about 1 mm long, stems arising from a corm`nStem leaves mostly at least as wide as long, petals white, stigmas 1.5-2 mm long, stems arising from a rhizome 3101C 2D~Stem leaves longer than wide, petals pink to rose or white with pink veins, stigmas about 1 mm long, stems arising from a corm Claytonia lanceolata 3100G 3102H 3101I 3101J 3101N 3103O Show Description & Photos Claytonia cordifolia (Claytonia) PORTULACACEAE[ Claytonia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `~Stem leaves longer than wide, petals pink to rose or white with pink veins, stigmas about 1 mm long, stems arising from a cormh 3102C 2.5DnStem leaves mostly at least as wide as long, petals white, stigmas 1.5-2 mm long, stems arising from a rhizome Claytonia cordifolia 3103O 3100G 3101H 3102I 3102J 3102N 3102O Show Description & Photos Claytonia lanceolata (Claytonia) PORTULACACEAE[ Claytonia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `nStem leaves mostly at least as wide as long, petals white, stigmas 1.5-2 mm long, stems arising from a rhizomeh 3103C Lewisia 1591G 3103H 3104I 3105J 3103N 3104O Lewisia rediviva perianth enveloped bractlets these based basesF beaded beakx (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_MCatkin scales pale yellow to greenish or light brown, occasionally red-tinged`*Catkin scales medium brown to nearly black 3392C 8DELower leaf surface with a velvet-like pubescence of short white hairs Salix bebbiana Sepals 4-9, petaloid, 1-2.5 cm long; flowers normally more than 3 cm wide; flowering stem jointed, with a whorl of small bracts below the joint Lewisia rediviva 3103G 3105H 3104I 3104J 3104N 3106O Show Description & Photos A (Lewisia) Lewisia PORTULACACEAE[ Lewisia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. A (Lewisia) Lewisia Lewisia PORTULACACEAE[ Lewisia\ DICOTYLEDONS Sepals 4-9, petaloid, 1-2.5 cm long; flowers normally more than 3 cm wide; flowering stem jointed, with a whorl of small bracts below the joint Sepals 2, green, 0.2-0.7 cm long; flowers to about 1.5 cm wide; flowering stems not jointed; bracts sometimes opposite but not whorled Lewisia 3104C Sepals 4-9, petaloid, 1-2.5 cm long; flowers normally more than 3 cm wide; flowering stem jointed, with a whorl of small bracts below the jointh 3105C Sepals 2, green, 0.2-0.7 cm long; flowers to about 1.5 cm wide; flowering stems not jointed; bracts sometimes opposite but not whorled A (Lewisia) 3103G 3104H 3106I 3107J 3105N 3105O Lewisia triphylla Lewisia pygmaea Lewisia rediviva Lewisia PORTULACACEAE[ Lewisia\ DICOTYLEDONS_zLeaves arising from the stem near its base, flowers usually more than 1 per scape, sepals 2-5 mm long, capsule 3-4 mm long long Leaves arising from the caudex, the petioles often partially underground; flowers solitary; sepals 2-12 mm long; capsule 4-6 mm long 3106C 2DzLeaves arising from the stem near its base, flowers usually more than 1 per scape, sepals 2-5 mm long, capsule 3-4 mm long Lewisia triphylla 3105G 3107H 3106I 3106J 3106N 3108O Show Description & Photos Lewisia pygmaea A (Lewisia) PORTULACACEAE[ Lewisia\ DICOTYLEDONS] cape, sepals 2-5 mm long, capsule 3-4 mm longTULACACEAE[ Lewisia\ DICOTYLEDONS_zLeaves arising from the stem near its base, flowers usually more than 1 per scape, sepals 2-5 mm long, capsule 3-4 mm long You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `zLeaves arising from the stem near its base, flowers usually more than 1 per scape, sepals 2-5 mm long, capsule 3-4 mm longh 3107C Leaves arising from the caudex, the petioles often partially underground; flowers solitary; sepals 2-12 mm long; capsule 4-6 mm long Lewisia pygmaea 3105G 3106H 3107I 3107J 3107N 3107O Show Description & Photos Lewisia triphylla A (Lewisia) PORTULACACEAE[ Lewisia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves arising from the caudex, the petioles often partially underground; flowers solitary; sepals 2-12 mm long; capsule 4-6 mm longh 3108C Potamogeton 3108H 3109I 3110J 3108N 3109O (Potamogeton) (Potamogeton) Potamogeton POTAMOGETONACEAEZ POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONSEDONS _,Leaves all submerged and less than 3 mm wide`0Leaves submerged or floating, at least 3 mm wided Potamogeton 3109C 1D,Leaves all submerged and less than 3 mm wide (Potamogeton) 3108G 3110H 3111I 3112J 3109N 3111O (Potamogeton) (Potamogeton) (Potamogeton) Potamogeton POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_WStipules free or fused and sheathing the stem, the blade arising directly from the node` Stipules fused with the leaf blade, the blade or petiole appearing to arise near the tip of the sheath, not attached directly to the node 3110C D0Leaves submerged or floating, at least 3 mm wide (Potamogeton) 3108G 3109H 3117I 3118J 3110N 3110O Potamogeton crispus (Potamogeton) (Potamogeton) PotamogetonZ POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_vLeaf margins conspicuously wavy and minutely toothed, especially near the apex, achenes with a curved beak 2-3 mm long``Leaf margins occasionally obscurely wavy and entire, achene beaks less than 1 mm long or lacking 3111C 2DWStipules free or fused and sheathing the stem, the blade arising directly from the node (Potamogeton) twigs fresh bright yellow reddish generally twigs whitish leaves commonly viscid along nerves twigs layer white greenish woolly obscurin twiningV twiqs twisted two-thirds typicallyK scale terete rounded lateral margins twigs scale terminating acute ventral margi single nonresinous scale flower subten several overlapping often resinous scales margins conspicuously minutely toothed especia margins entire nearly margins occasionally obscurely entire achene margins toothed irregularly cleft petioles sheathing scape inflorescence petioles sheathing scape inflorescence segments ovate obovate appearing whorled shape diverse oblanceolate obovate sheath margins often least unilaterally ciliate 3109G 3112H 3113I 3114J 3111N 3113O Potamogeton foliosus Potamogeton pusillus (Potamogeton) (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Achenes with a prominent and irregularly toothed or wavy dorsal keel; spikes usually less than 5 mm long; peduncles rather stout, to 2 cm long`fAchenes with an obscure dorsal keel; spikes 3-15 mm long; peduncles slender to threadlike, 1-8 cm long 3112C Stipules fused with the leaf blade, the blade or petiole appearing to arise near the tip of the sheath, not attached directly to the node (Potamogeton) 3111G 3114H 3113I 3113J 3113N 3115O Show Description & Photos Potamogeton pusillus (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Achenes with a prominent and irregularly toothed or wavy dorsal keel; spikes usually less than 5 mm long; peduncles rather stout, to 2 cm longh 3114C 3.5foliosus 3109G 3111H 3115I 3116J 3112N 3112O Potamogeton filiformis Potamogeton pectinatus (Potamogeton) (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Style lacking, the achenes beakless, the stigma persistent on the achene as a small flat disc; leaves 0.2-5 mm wide, 1-7-nerved, obtuse to minutely apiculate`xStyle present, the achenes with a beak to 0.5 mm long, leaves to 0.8 mm wide, 1-3-nerved, mostly long-tapered at the tip DfAchenes with an obscure dorsal keel; spikes 3-15 mm long; peduncles slender to threadlike, 1-8 cm long Potamogeton pusillus 3111G 3113H 3114I 3114J 3114N 3114O Show Description & Photos Potamogeton foliosus (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. out, to 2 cm long 3114C `fAchenes with an obscure dorsal keel; spikes 3-15 mm long; peduncles slender to threadlike, 1-8 cm longh 3115C Style lacking, the achenes beakless, the stigma persistent on the achene as a small flat disc; leaves 0.2-5 mm wide, 1-7-nerved, obtuse to minutely apiculate Potamogeton filiformis 3112G 3116H 3115I 3115J 3115N 3117O Show Description & Photos Potamogeton pectinatus (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] witch over to the description and photographs. You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Style lacking, the achenes beakless, the stigma persistent on the achene as a small flat disc; leaves 0.2-5 mm wide, 1-7-nerved, obtuse to minutely apiculateh 3116C 4.5DxStyle present, the achenes with a beak to 0.5 mm long, leaves to 0.8 mm wide, 1-3-nerved, mostly long-tapered at the tip Potamogeton pectinatus 3112G 3115H 3116I 3116J 3116N 3116O Show Description & Photos Potamogeton filiformis (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `xStyle present, the achenes with a beak to 0.5 mm long, leaves to 0.8 mm wide, 1-3-nerved, mostly long-tapered at the tiph 3117C 5DvLeaf margins conspicuously wavy and minutely toothed, especially near the apex, achenes with a curved beak 2-3 mm long Potamogeton crispus 3110G 3118H 3117I 3117J 3117N 3119O Show Description & Photos (Potamogeton) (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `vLeaf margins conspicuously wavy and minutely toothed, especially near the apex, achenes with a curved beak 2-3 mm longh 3118C 5.5D`Leaf margins occasionally obscurely wavy and entire, achene beaks less than 1 mm long or lacking (Potamogeton) 3110G 3117H 3119I 3120J 3118N 3118O Potamogeton pusillus (Potamogeton) Potamogeton crispus (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Leaves not more than 3 mm wide`,Leaves, or some of them, more than 3 mm wide 3119C Leaves not more than 3 mm wide Potamogeton pusillus 3118G 3120H 3119I 3119J 3119N 3121O Show Description & Photos (Potamogeton) (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves not more than 3 mm wideh leaves abruptly tapered petiole blades typically leaves clustered sheaths seldom cross-wrin leaves nearly least times longer leaves similar floating present leaves simple entire minutely toothed leaves stem-clasping margins somewhat leaves submerged leaves suborbicular ovate elliptic leaves alternate leaves alternate mostly narrowly elongate evidently leaves alternate least midstem POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_xSubmerged and floating leaves on distinct petioles ranging from 2-2() cm long, spikes to 6 cm long, stipules 3-8 cm long` Submerged leaves sessile, often tapered to the base but not with a distinct petiole at least 2 cm long; spikes to 4 cm long; stipules to about 3.5 cm long or, if much longer, the blades not dimorphic 3121C 7DxSubmerged and floating leaves on distinct petioles ranging from 2-2() cm long, spikes to 6 cm long, stipules 3-8 cm long Potamogeton nodosus 3120G 3122H 3121I 3121J 3121N 3123O Show Description & Photos (Potamogeton) (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `xSubmerged and floating leaves on distinct petioles ranging from 2-2() cm long, spikes to 6 cm long, stipules 3-8 cm longh 3122C Submerged leaves sessile, often tapered to the base but not with a distinct petiole at least 2 cm long; spikes to 4 cm long; stipules to about 3.5 cm long or, if much longer, the blades not dimorphic (Potamogeton) 3120G 3121H 3123I 3124J 3122N 3122O Potamogeton richardsonii (Potamogeton) NOCOTYLEDONS anchoredJ gradually grain-like grainlike grainlike swellings typically forming inner grainlike swellings typically forming inner sepals gramineum granular granularglandular grapelike grass grasslikeB gravelly gray-brown POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `vLeaves all stem-clasping at the base, the margins somewhat wavy; stipules white-fibrous, the fibers usually persistenth 3124C 8.5DcLeaves tapered to the base or some of them petioled, leaf margins and stipules not usually as above (Potamogeton) 3122G 3123H 3125I 3126J 3124N 3124O Potamogeton gramineus Potamogeton alpinus Potamogeton nodosus (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_vLeaves all stem-clasping at the base, the margins somewhat wavy; stipules white-fibrous, the fibers usually persistent`cLeaves tapered to the base or some of them petioled, leaf margins and stipules not usually as above 3-3.8 widely wider widest width wilted Leaves dimorphic, the floating ones leathery, petioled, mostly elliptic, to 2.5 cm wide, the submerged ones thin, sessile, mostly narrowly lanceolate, to 1.5 cm wide (rarely the floating leaves absent and then the midvein of the submerged leaves less than 0.5 mm wide) Potamogeton gramineus 3124G 3126H 3125I 3125J 3125N 3127O Show Description & Photos Potamogeton alpinus (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] Potamogeton richardsonii (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Leaves dimorphic, the floating ones leathery, petioled, mostly elliptic, to 2.5 cm wide, the submerged ones thin, sessile, mostly narrowly lanceolate, to 1.5 cm wide (rarely the floating leaves absent and then the midvein of the submerged leaves less than 0.5 mm wide) Leaves all similar, the floating ones, if present, thin and similar in shape to the submerged ones, the midvein of the submerged leaves brownish and often 0.5-1 mm wide 3125C You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves dimorphic, the floating ones leathery, petioled, mostly elliptic, to 2.5 cm wide, the submerged ones thin, sessile, mostly narrowly lanceolate, to 1.5 cm wide (rarely the floating leaves absent and then the midvein of the submerged leaves less than 0.5 mm wide) 3126C Leaves all similar, the floating ones, if present, thin and similar in shape to the submerged ones, the midvein of the submerged leaves brownish and often 0.5-1 mm wide Potamogeton alpinus 3124G 3125H 3126I 3126J 3126N 3126O Show Description & Photos Potamogeton gramineus (Potamogeton) POTAMOGETONACEAE[ Potamogeton\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves all similar, the floating ones, if present, thin and similar in shape to the submerged ones, the midvein of the submerged leaves brownish and often 0.5-1 mm wideh 3127C A Androsace 1598G 3127H 3128I 3129J 3127N 3128O Androsace filiformis 1-0.5 1-1.3 1-1.4 1-1.5 1-1.6 1-1.7 1-1.8 PRIMULACEAE[ Androsace\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `uLeaves abruptly narrowed to a distinct petiole, calyx not keeled, the lobes 3-nerved; corolla lobes strongly reflexedh 3129C 1.5DqLeaves tapered to the base; calyx keeled, the lobes with a single primary nerve; corolla lobes erect to spreading (Androsace 1) 3127G 3128H 3130I 3131J 3129N 3129O Androsace occidentalis Androsace septentrionalis (Androsace) A Androsace A Androsace PRIMULACEAE[ Androsace\ DICOTYLEDONS_uLeaves abruptly narrowed to a distinct petiole, calyx not keeled, the lobes 3-nerved; corolla lobes strongly reflexed`qLeaves tapered to the base; calyx keeled, the lobes with a single primary nerve; corolla lobes erect to spreadingd Androsace Androsace filiformis A Androsace PRIMULACEAE[ Androsace\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Bracts subtending the umbel not more than 3 times as long as wide,abruptly acute at the apex; mostly erect, the tips incurved at maturity; plants of valleys and foothills` Bracts subtending the umbel often more than 3 times as long as wide, mostly long-tapered at the apex; calyx lobes erect to spreading, the tips not incurved; plants of midmontane to alpinee; corolla lobes erect to spreading (Androsace 1) 3127G 3128H 3130I 3131J 3129N 3129O Androsace occidentalis Androsace septentrionalis Androsace septentrionalis (Androsace) PRIMULACEAE[ Androsace\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Bracts subtending the umbel not more than 3 times as long as wide,abruptly acute at the apex; mostly erect, the tips incurved at maturity; plants of valleys and foothillsh 3131C Bracts subtending the umbel often more than 3 times as long as wide, mostly long-tapered at the apex; calyx lobes erect to spreading, the tips not incurved; plants of midmontane to alpine tipped Androsace septentrionalis 3129G 3130H 3131I 3131J 3131N 3131O Show Description & Photos Androsace occidentalis (Androsace) PRIMULACEAE[ Androsace\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. re than 3 times as long as wide, mostly long-tapered at the apex; calyx lobes erect to spreading, the tips not incurved; plants of midmontane to alpine Bracts subtending the umbel often more than 3 times as long as wide, mostly long-tapered at the apex; calyx lobes erect to spreading, the tips not incurved; plants of midmontane to alpineh 3132C Dodecatheon 1599G 3132H 3133I 3134J 3132N 3133O Dodecatheon alpinum Dodecatheon pulchellum Dodecatheon Dodecatheon PRIMULACEAE[ Dodecatheon\ DICOTYLEDONS_jFlowers 4-merous; filaments to 1 mm long, usually free throughout; stigma typically broader than the style`kFlowers (4)5-merous; filaments 1-3 mm long, usually fused to form a tube; stigma about as wide as the styled Dodecatheon 3133C DjFlowers 4-merous; filaments to 1 mm long, usually free throughout; stigma typically broader than the style Dodecatheon alpinum 3132G 3134H 3133I 3133J 3133N 3135O Show Description & Photos Dodecatheon pulchellum Dodecatheon PRIMULACEAE[ Dodecatheon\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. about as wide as the styled Dodecatheon 3133C `jFlowers 4-merous; filaments to 1 mm long, usually free throughout; stigma typically broader than the styleh 3134C 1.5DkFlowers (4)5-merous; filaments 1-3 mm long, usually fused to form a tube; stigma about as wide as the style Dodecatheon pulchellum 3132G 3133H 3134I 3134J 3134N 3134O Show Description & Photos Dodecatheon alpinum Dodecatheon PRIMULACEAE[ Dodecatheon\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. tailed DmStyle expanded into a disc below the stigma, the latter with 5 short erect lobes; petals reddish or yellowish (Pyrola) 3135G 3137H 3138I 3139J 3136N 3138O Pyrola asarifolia Pyrola chlorantha (Pyrola) Pyrola PYROLACEAE Pyrola DICOTYLEDONS_ Petals pinkish to red-purple, calyx lobes 2.5-4 mm long, anthers opening by pores at the ends of very short tubes, leaves 2-8 cm long a; petals white or nearly sod Pyrola 3136C `kFlowers (4)5-merous; filaments 1-3 mm long, usually fused to form a tube; stigma about as wide as the styleh 3135C Pyrola 1609G 3135H 3136I 3137J 3135N 3136O (Pyrola) (Pyrola) Pyrola Pyrola PYROLACEAE Pyrola DICOTYLEDONS_mStyle expanded into a disc below the stigma, the latter with 5 short erect lobes; petals reddish or yellowish` Style sometimes slightly thickened but not expanded into a disc below the flat, shallowly 5-lobed stigma; petals white or nearly sod Pyrola 3136C Petals yellow-green, calyx lobes to 2 mm long, anthers opening by pores at the tips of well-developed cylindric tubes terminal on the sacs, leaves to 3 cm long 3137C Style sometimes slightly thickened but not expanded into a disc below the flat, shallowly 5-lobed stigma; petals white or nearly so (Pyrola) 3135G 3136H 3140I 3141J 3137N 3137O Pyrola secunda Pyrola minor (Pyrola) Pyrola PYROLACEAE Pyrola DICOTYLEDONS_7Raceme secund, style 3-6 mm long, leaves finely toothedothed `IRaceme not secund, style to 2 mm long, leaves obscurely toothed to entire 3138C Petals pinkish to red-purple, calyx lobes 2.5-4 mm long, anthers opening by pores at the ends of very short tubes, leaves 2-8 cm long Pyrola asarifolia 3136G 3139H 3138I 3138J 3138N 3140O Show Description & Photos Pyrola chlorantha (Pyrola) PYROLACEAE Pyrola DICOTYLEDONS] long, leaves finely toothed PYROLACEAE Pyrola DICOTYLEDONS_7Raceme secund, style 3-6 mm long, leaves finely toothed You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Petals pinkish to red-purple, calyx lobes 2.5-4 mm long, anthers opening by pores at the ends of very short tubes, leaves 2-8 cm longh 3139C Petals yellow-green, calyx lobes to 2 mm long, anthers opening by pores at the tips of well-developed cylindric tubes terminal on the sacs, leaves to 3 cm long Pyrola chlorantha 3136G 3138H 3139I 3139J 3139N 3139O Show Description & Photos Pyrola asarifolia (Pyrola) PYROLACEAE Pyrola DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Petals yellow-green, calyx lobes to 2 mm long, anthers opening by pores at the tips of well-developed cylindric tubes terminal on the sacs, leaves to 3 cm longh 3140C 3D7Raceme secund, style 3-6 mm long, leaves finely toothed Pyrola secunda 3137G 3141H 3140I 3140J 3140N 3142O Show Description & Photos Pyrola minor (Pyrola) PYROLACEAE Pyrola DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `7Raceme secund, style 3-6 mm long, leaves finely toothedh 3141C 3.5DIRaceme not secund, style to 2 mm long, leaves obscurely toothed to entire Pyrola minor 3137G 3140H 3141I 3141J 3141N 3141O Show Description & Photos yrola minor Pyrola secunda (Pyrola) PYROLACEAE Pyrola DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `IRaceme not secund, style to 2 mm long, leaves obscurely toothed to entireh 3142C Anemone 1638G 3142H 3143I 3144J 3142N 3143O Anemone quinquefolia A (Anemone) further described notch A (Anemone) Anemone RANUNCULACEAE[ Anemone\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Involucral leaves with slender petioles 1-4 cm long and to 1 mm wide, the blades compound, the leaflets merely toothed to shallowly cleft, or the lateral ones deeply cleft on the outer margin; achenes short-hairy at maturityh 3144C Involucral leaves sessile or with a distinctly winged, broad petiole usually more than 1 mm wide, the blades simple or compound; achenes woolly-hairy at maturity (Anemone 1) Anemone Anemone RANUNCULACEAE[ Anemone\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Involucral leaves with slender petioles 1-4 cm long and to 1 mm wide, the blades compound, the leaflets merely toothed to shallowly cleft, or the lateral ones deeply cleft on the outer margin; achenes short-hairy at maturity` Involucral leaves sessile or with a distinctly winged, broad petiole usually more than 1 mm wide, the blades simple or compound; achenes woolly-hairy at maturityd Anemone 3142G 3143H 3145I 3146J 3144N 3144O Anemone parviflora Anemone multifida Anemone quinquefolia Anemone RANUNCULACEAE[ Anemone\ DICOTYLEDONS_vInvolucral leaves sessile or nearly so, the blades simple and 3-cleft; achenes less than 3 mm long excluding the style` Involucral leaves usually petioled, the blades compound, the 3-5 leaflets often much dissected; achenes 3-8 mm long, excluding the styleeaves sessile or with a distinctly winged, broad petiole usually more than 1 mm wide, the blades simple or compound; achenes woolly-hairy at maturity (Anemone 1) leaves alternate least midstem@ leaves least lower hastately lobed inner@ leaves chiefly cauline least twice leaves deeply palmately lobed mostly opposite appearing leaves elliptic narrowly lanceolate least them@ leaves entirely basal stems naked small bract@ leaves flattened somewhat triangular square leaves glabrous minutely hairy gland-dotted leaves gland-dotted lower surface petals white leaves times plants leaves linear narrowly oblanceolate stem- leaves plants otherwise leaves mostly 3-nerved glabrous pubescent minute 3145J 3145N 3147O Show Description & Photos Anemone multifida A (Anemone) RANUNCULACEAE[ Anemone\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `vInvolucral leaves sessile or nearly so, the blades simple and 3-cleft; achenes less than 3 mm long excluding the styleh 3146C Involucral leaves usually petioled, the blades compound, the 3-5 leaflets often much dissected; achenes 3-8 mm long, excluding the style Anemone multifidaifida leaves abruptly tapered petiole blades typically leaves clustered sheaths seldom cross-wrin leaves nearly least times longer leaves similar floating present leaves stem-clasping margins somewhat leaves suborbicular ovate elliptic leaves alternate leaves alternate mostly narrowly elongate evidently 3144G 3145H 3146I 3146J 3146N 3146O Show Description & Photos Anemone parviflora A (Anemone) RANUNCULACEAE[ Anemone\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Involucral leaves usually petioled, the blades compound, the 3-5 leaflets often much dissected; achenes 3-8 mm long, excluding the styleh 3147C A Aquilegia tailed tallZ 3148I 3148J 3148N 3150O Show Description & Photos Aquilegia flavescens A Aquilegia RANUNCULACEAE[ Aquilegia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Perianth white or the sepals pale blue; petal spurs 2.5-5 cm long; plants of mesic sites, growing mostly in aspen-fir or mountain brush associationsh 3149C 1.5DuPerianth yellow or reddish, petal spurs 1-2 cm long; plants of mostly moist sites, often streamside or in wet meadows Aquilegia flavescens 1631G 3147H 3148I 3149J 3147N 3148O Aquilegia caerulea Aquilegia flavescens A Aquilegia A Aquilegia RANUNCULACEAE[ Aquilegia\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Perianth white or the sepals pale blue; petal spurs 2.5-5 cm long; plants of mesic sites, growing mostly in aspen-fir or mountain brush associations`uPerianth yellow or reddish, petal spurs 1-2 cm long; plants of mostly moist sites, often streamside or in wet meadowsd Aquilegia 3147G 3148H 3149I 3149J 3149N 3149O Show Description & Photos Aquilegia caerulea A Aquilegia RANUNCULACEAE[ Aquilegia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `uPerianth yellow or reddish, petal spurs 1-2 cm long; plants of mostly moist sites, often streamside or in wet meadowsh 3150C Clematis 1637G 3150H 3151I 3152J 3150N 3151O Aquilegia orientalis egia flavescens You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `.Sepals yellow, plants of valleys and foothillsh 3152C 1.5DNSepals pale blue (white) to dark red or purple, plants of midmontane to alpine (Clematis) 3150G 3151H 3153I 3154J 3152N 3152O Clematis hirsutissima (Clematis) Clematis orientalis Clematis (Aquilegia) Clematis Clematis RANUNCULACEAE[ Clematis\ DICOTYLEDONS_.Sepals yellow, plants of valleys and foothills`NSepals pale blue (white) to dark red or purple, plants of midmontane to alpined Clematis 3151C 1D.Sepals yellow, plants of valleys and foothills Clematis orientalis 3150G 3152H 3151I 3151J 3151N 3153O Show Description & Photos (Clematis) Clematis RANUNCULACEAE[ Clematis\ DICOTYLEDONS] leaves lobed least one-third leaves plants diverse leaves leaves often pinnatifid leaves involucral leaves oblique opposite througho leaves ovate obovate leaves pinnately lobed leaves revolute corolla rose-purple bowl-sha leaves simple appearing leaves toothed involucre wider leaves ovate 10-40 stem-clasping leaves ovate nearly 0.5-2 subentire toothed (Clematis) RANUNCULACEAE[ Clematis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves pinnately dissected into linear to narrowly oblong ultimate segments; sepals brown-purple, typically densely gray-hairy on the outer surface, stems herbaceous throughout, 1-several, erect or nearly soh 3154C Leaves ternately compound, the leaflets broad; sepals violet to purple or reddish-purple (rarely white), sparsely hairy or glabrous externally; stems usually woody-based, tufted and erect or trailing to climbing (Clematis) RANUNCULACEAE[ Clematis\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves pinnately dissected into linear to narrowly oblong ultimate segments; sepals brown-purple, typically densely gray-hairy on the outer surface, stems herbaceous throughout, 1-several, erect or nearly so` Leaves ternately compound, the leaflets broad; sepals violet to purple or reddish-purple (rarely white), sparsely hairy or glabrous externally; stems usually woody-based, tufted and erect or trailing to climbing 3153C Leaves pinnately dissected into linear to narrowly oblong ultimate segments; sepals brown-purple, typically densely gray-hairy on the outer surface, stems herbaceous throughout, 1-several, erect or nearly so Clematis hirsutissima 3152G 3154H 3153I 3153J 3153N 3155O Show Description & Photos (Clematis) 3152G 3153H 3155I 3156J 3154N 3154O Clematis occidentalis Clematis columbiana Clematis hirsutissima (Clematis) RANUNCULACEAE[ Clematis\ DICOTYLEDONS_+Leaves once ternate, stems usually vinelike`KLeaves 2-3 times ternate; stems mostly short, tufted, and erect to trailing 3155C 3D+Leaves once ternate, stems usually vinelike Clematis occidentalis 3154G 3156H 3155I 3155J 3155N 3157O Show Description & Photos Clematis columbiana weakly webbed wedge-shaped RANUNCULACEAE[ Clematis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `KLeaves 2-3 times ternate; stems mostly short, tufted, and erect to trailingh 3157C Delphinium 1620G 3157H 3158I 3159J 3157N 3158O Delphinium nuttallianum Delphinium occidentale Delphinium Delphinium (Clematis) RANUNCULACEAE[ Clematis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `+Leaves once ternate, stems usually vinelikeh RANUNCULACEAE[ Delphinium\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants rarely more than 6 dm tall, occupying mostly dry to mesic sites; leaves normally basal and cauline, the blades to about 8 cm wide, the ultimate segments mostly linear to narrowly elongate` Plants 1-2 m tall, occupying mostly moist sites; leaves chiefly cauline, the blades 5-20 cm wide, the ultimate segments mostly broad and wedge-shapedd Delphinium 3158C Plants rarely more than 6 dm tall, occupying mostly dry to mesic sites; leaves normally basal and cauline, the blades to about 8 cm wide, the ultimate segments mostly linear to narrowly elongate Delphinium nuttallianum 3157G 3159H 3158I 3158J 3158N 3160O Show Description & Photos Delphinium occidentale Delphinium 3185G 3193H 3192I 3192J 3192N 3194O Show Description & Photos (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Plants stoloniferous, the slender, decumbent to prostrate stems rooting at the nodes; petals 2-5 mm long, fruit clusters 2-4 mm long, each with 5-25 achenes; leaves entire, 1-5 cm long and 1.5-10 mm wide; perennial of midmontane to subalpineh 3193C RANUNCULACEAE[ Delphinium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Plants rarely more than 6 dm tall, occupying mostly dry to mesic sites; leaves normally basal and cauline, the blades to about 8 cm wide, the ultimate segments mostly linear to narrowly elongateh 3159C Plants 1-2 m tall, occupying mostly moist sites; leaves chiefly cauline, the blades 5-20 cm wide, the ultimate segments mostly broad and wedge-shaped Delphinium occidentale 3157G 3158H 3159I 3159J 3159N 3159O Show Description & Photos Delphinium nuttallianum Delphinium RANUNCULACEAE[ Delphinium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Plants 1-2 m tall, occupying mostly moist sites; leaves chiefly cauline, the blades 5-20 cm wide, the ultimate segments mostly broad and wedge-shapedh 3160C Myosurus 1623G 3160H 3161I 3162J 3160N 3161O Myosurus minimus Myosurus apetalus allianum Myosurus Myosurus RANUNCULACEAE[ Myosurus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Achene beak to 0.5 mm long` Achene beak 1-2 mm longd Myosurus 3161C Achene beak to 0.5 mm long Myosurus minimus 3160G 3162H 3161I 3161J 3161N 3163O Show Description & Photos Myosurus apetalus Myosurus RANUNCULACEAE[ Myosurus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. entire entirelyn enveloped epidermis epigynous epipactis equal equalling equally equitant eragrostis erally 3163N 3164O Ranunculus Aquatic Ranunculus Terrestrial Ranunculus Ranunculus RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_wPlants aquatic (rarely stranded on alluvial flats), at least some of the leaves much dissected into threadlike segments`HPlants terrestrial, none of the leaves with ultimate segments threadliked Ranunculus 3164C 1DwPlants aquatic (rarely stranded on alluvial flats), at least some of the leaves much dissected into threadlike segments Ranunculus Aquatic 3163G 3165H 3166I 3167J 3164N 3166O Ranunculus flabellaris (Ranunculus) Achene beak to 0.5 mm longh 3162C Achene beak 1-2 mm long Myosurus apetalus 3160G 3161H 3162I 3162J 3162N 3162O Show Description & Photos Myosurus minimus Myosurus RANUNCULACEAE[ Myosurus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Achene beak 1-2 mm longh Ranunculus Terrestrial Ranunculus RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Petals yellow; achenes pustulose on the rounded faces; the margins inflated and corky for about two-thirds the circumference, narrowly keeled to flattened below the prominent beak; leaves 2-12 cm wide; stems typically stout, (2)3-5 mm thick` Petals all white or sometimes yellow toward the base; achenes transversely ridged on the flattened faces, the margins not inflated, the beak obscure or to about 1 mm long; leaves 1-5 cm wide; stems to 3 mm thick 3165C 1.5DHPlants terrestrial, none of the leaves with ultimate segments threadlike Ranunculus Terrestrial 3163G 3164H 3174I 3175J 3165N 3165O (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) Ranunculus Aquatic Ranunculus RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves compound, the leaflets mostly 3-5, broad, with acute to rarely obtuse teeth and lobes; plant subglabrous to conspicuously stiff-hairy` Leaves simple, entire or toothed to much dissected but lacking distinct leaflets; plants glabrous or variously hairy but not coarsely so 3166C Petals yellow; achenes pustulose on the rounded faces; the margins inflated and corky for about two-thirds the circumference, narrowly keeled to flattened below the prominent beak; leaves 2-12 cm wide; stems typically stout, (2)3-5 mm thick Ranunculus flabellaris 3164G 3167H 3166I 3166J 3166N 3168O Show Description & Photos (Ranunculus) Ranunculus Aquatic RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Petals yellow; achenes pustulose on the rounded faces; the margins inflated and corky for about two-thirds the circumference, narrowly keeled to flattened below the prominent beak; leaves 2-12 cm wide; stems typically stout, (2)3-5 mm thickh 3167C 3164G 3167H 3166I 3166J 3166N 3168O Petals all white or sometimes yellow toward the base; achenes transversely ridged on the flattened faces, the margins not inflated, the beak obscure or to about 1 mm long; leaves 1-5 cm wide; stems to 3 mm thick (Ranunculus) 3164G 3166H 3168I 3169J 3167N 3167O Ranunculus longirostris (Ranunculus) Ranunculus flabellaris (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS leaves 2-12 cm wide; stems typically stout, (2)3-5 mm thick 3167C Style persistent after flowering, forming an achene beak 0.7-1.1 mm long; achenes 7-25 per headlike cluster; all leaves sessile or nearly so and finely dissected; stamens mostly 10-20` Style largely deciduous after flowering, the achene beak not more than 0.5 mm long; achenes 10-80 per cluster; leaves sessile or petioled, much dissected or some of them 3-5-lobed; stamens 5-30 3168C Style persistent after flowering, forming an achene beak 0.7-1.1 mm long; achenes 7-25 per headlike cluster; all leaves sessile or nearly so and finely dissected; stamens mostly 10-20 Ranunculus longirostris 3167G 3169H 3168I 3168J 3168N 3170O Show Description & Photos (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Style persistent after flowering, forming an achene beak 0.7-1.1 mm long; achenes 7-25 per headlike cluster; all leaves sessile or nearly so and finely dissected; stamens mostly 10-20h 3169C Style largely deciduous after flowering, the achene beak not more than 0.5 mm long; achenes 10-80 per cluster; leaves sessile or petioled, much dissected or some of them 3-5-lobed; stamens 5-30 (Ranunculus) 3167G 3168H 3170I 3171J 3169N 3169O Ranunculus aquatilis (Ranunculus) Ranunculus longirostris (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_5Plants with some of the leaves floatinq and 3-5-lobed`5Plants with all leaves finely dissected and submerged 3170C 4D5Plants with some of the leaves floatinq and 3-5-lobed Ranunculus aquatilis 3169G 3171H 3170I 3170J 3170N 3172O Show Description & Photos (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `5Plants with some of the leaves floatinq and 3-5-lobedh 3171C 4.5D5Plants with all leaves finely dissected and submerged (Ranunculus) 3169G 3170H 3172I 3173J 3171N 3171O Ranunculus aquatilis Ranunculus circinatus Ranunculus aquatilis (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_}Leaves 2-5 cm long on petioles 2-30 mm long; peduncles not recurved at fruiting; achenes 1-2.5 mm long, 10-20(40) per cluster`oLeaves 1-2 cm long, generally sessile; peduncles recurved at fruiting; achenes 1-1.5 mm long, 30-80 per cluster 3172C 5D}Leaves 2-5 cm long on petioles 2-30 mm long; peduncles not recurved at fruiting; achenes 1-2.5 mm long, 10-20(40) per cluster Ranunculus aquatilis 3171G 3173H 3172I 3172J 3172N 3174O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus circinatus (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `}Leaves 2-5 cm long on petioles 2-30 mm long; peduncles not recurved at fruiting; achenes 1-2.5 mm long, 10-20(40) per clusterh 3173C 5.5DoLeaves 1-2 cm long, generally sessile; peduncles recurved at fruiting; achenes 1-1.5 mm long, 30-80 per cluster Ranunculus circinatus 3171G 3172H 3173I 3173J 3173N 3173O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus aquatilis (Ranunculus)ulus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `oLeaves 1-2 cm long, generally sessile; peduncles recurved at fruiting; achenes 1-1.5 mm long, 30-80 per clusterh 3174C Leaves compound, the leaflets mostly 3-5, broad, with acute to rarely obtuse teeth and lobes; plant subglabrous to conspicuously stiff-hairy (Ranunculus) 3165G 3175H 3176I 3177J 3174N 3176O Ranunculus orthorhynchus (Ranunculus) buttonlike calixcalixcalix 3181J 3175N 3175O Ranunculus testiculatus (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Herbage woolly-hairy; larger basal leaves with 3 or more linear lobes, each lobe about equal in width to the flat petiole; achenes in a burlike cluster; annuals of disturbed areas in the valleys and foothills`1Herbage not woolly, plants not otherwise as above 3176C Achene beak 2.5-4 mm long; the style more than 1 mm long even in bud; basal leaves ternate or pinnate, the lateral leaflets often sessile or nearly so; plants of midmontane to subalpine Ranunculus orthorhynchus (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) Ranunculus Terrestrial RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Achene beak 2.5-4 mm long; the style more than 1 mm long even in bud; basal leaves ternate or pinnate, the lateral leaflets often sessile or nearly so; plants of midmontane to subalpine` Achene beak to about 1.6 mm long; the style at flowering less than 1 mm long; basal leaves mostly ternate with the 2 primary lateral leaflets stalked; plants of valleys to midmontane leaves lobed least one-third leaves plants diverse leaves leaves often pinnatifid leaves involucral leaves ovate obovate leaves revolute corolla rose-purple bowl-sha leaves ovate 10-40 stem-clasping leaves ovate subcordate plants rhizomatous clump-form leaves palmately 3-5-lobed rarely ovate lobed leaves palmately 3-7-lobed terminal largest leaves palmately compound leaves palmately compound fruit spiny capsule typically leaves palmately lobed nearly stamens arising 3174G 3177H 3176I 3176J 3176N 3178O Show Description & Photos (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Achene beak 2.5-4 mm long; the style more than 1 mm long even in bud; basal leaves ternate or pinnate, the lateral leaflets often sessile or nearly so; plants of midmontane to subalpineh 3177C Achene beak to about 1.6 mm long; the style at flowering less than 1 mm long; basal leaves mostly ternate with the 2 primary lateral leaflets stalked; plants of valleys to midmontane (Ranunculus) 3174G 3176H 3178I 3179J 3177N 3177O Ranunculus macounii Ranunculus repens Ranunculus orthorhynchus (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_rPetals 3-7 mm long, sepals usually reflexed, achene beak straight or nearly so, plants of foothills and midmontane `fPetals 7-18 mm long, sepals erect to spreading, achene beak recurved at the tip, plants of the valleys 3178C 8DrPetals 3-7 mm long, sepals usually reflexed, achene beak straight or nearly so, plants of foothills and midmontane Ranunculus macounii 3177G 3179H 3178I 3178J 3178N 3180O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus repens (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. weakly webbed wedge-shaped wedgeshaped wedqe-shaped weedy well-defined well-developed well-drained well-spaced whenG `fPetals 7-18 mm long, sepals erect to spreading, achene beak recurved at the tip, plants of the valleysh 3180C Herbage woolly-hairy; larger basal leaves with 3 or more linear lobes, each lobe about equal in width to the flat petiole; achenes in a burlike cluster; annuals of disturbed areas in the valleys and foothills Ranunculus testiculatus 3175G 3181H 3180I 3180J 3180N 3182O Show Description & Photos (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] graphs. sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `rPetals 3-7 mm long, sepals usually reflexed, achene beak straight or nearly so, plants of foothills and midmontaneh You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Herbage woolly-hairy; larger basal leaves with 3 or more linear lobes, each lobe about equal in width to the flat petiole; achenes in a burlike cluster; annuals of disturbed areas in the valleys and foothillsh 3181C 9.5D1Herbage not woolly, plants not otherwise as above (Ranunculus) 3175G 3180H 3182I 3183J 3181N 3181O (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) Ranunculus testiculatus soft-hairy softly soils solitaryP someQ (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Basal or lower stem leaves entire or toothed to very shallowly lobed (rarely cleft for more than one-third the length of the blade)`PBasal or lower stem leaves lobed for more than one-third the length of the blade 3182C Basal or lower stem leaves entire or toothed to very shallowly lobed (rarely cleft for more than one-third the length of the blade) (Ranunculus) 3181G 3183H 3184I 3185J 3182N 3184O (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_>Basal or lower stem leaves about as wide as or wider than long`6Basal or lower stem leaves distinctly longer than wide 3183C 10.5DPBasal or lower stem leaves lobed for more than one-third the length of the blade (Ranunculus) 3181G 3182H 3198I 3199J 3183N 3183O (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONSDONS Both stem and basal leaves regularly lobed to the base or nearly so, the ultimate segments linear to narrowly elongate and entire; plants of midmontane to alpine`nStem and basal leaves not regularly lobed into narrowly elongate, entire segments; plants of valleys to alpine 3184C 11D>Basal or lower stem leaves about as wide as or wider than long (Ranunculus) 3182G 3185H 3186I 3187J 3184N 3186O Ranunculus arvensis (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONSNS Achenes spiny, 4-8 per globose cluster; annual 1.5-6 dm tall, occupying mostly disturbed, dry or mesic sites in the valleys and foothills` Achenes not spiny and at least 25 per cluster; perennials 0.2-4 dm tall, occupying mostly native often wet sites from valleys to alpine 3185C 11.5D6Basal or lower stem leaves distinctly longer than wide (Ranunculus) 3182G 3184H 3192I 3193J 3185N 3185O Ranunculus flammula (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS Plants stoloniferous, the slender, decumbent to prostrate stems rooting at the nodes; petals 2-5 mm long, fruit clusters 2-4 mm long, each with 5-25 achenes; leaves entire, 1-5 cm long and 1.5-10 mm wide; perennial of midmontane to subalpine` Plants not stoloniferous, the stems not rooting at the nodes, petals 5-15 mm long; fruit clusters 4-20 mm long; leaves often toothed or lobed, usually at least some of them more than 5 cm long or 1 cm wide; annuals or perennials of valleys to alpine 3186C Achenes spiny, 4-8 per globose cluster; annual 1.5-6 dm tall, occupying mostly disturbed, dry or mesic sites in the valleys and foothills Ranunculus arvensis 3184G 3187H 3186I 3186J 3186N 3188O Show Description & Photos (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Achenes spiny, 4-8 per globose cluster; annual 1.5-6 dm tall, occupying mostly disturbed, dry or mesic sites in the valleys and foothillsh 3187C 12.5D Achenes not spiny and at least 25 per cluster; perennials 0.2-4 dm tall, occupying mostly native often wet sites from valleys to alpine (Ranunculus) 3184G 3186H 3188I 3189J 3187N 3187O Ranunculus cymbalaria (Ranunculus) Ranunculus arvensis (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants typically stoloniferous and scapose, occupying mostly wet sites; petals 2-3 mm wide; achenes glabrous, longitudinally nerved at maturity` Plants neither stoloniferous nor scapose, the stems leafy and erect to prostrate but not rooting at the nodes, petals 1-10 mm wide, achenes minutely hairy or rarely glabrous, not longitudinally nerved 3188C Plants typically stoloniferous and scapose, occupying mostly wet sites; petals 2-3 mm wide; achenes glabrous, longitudinally nerved at maturity Ranunculus cymbalaria 3189H 3188I 3188J 3188N 3190O Show Description & Photos (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Plants typically stoloniferous and scapose, occupying mostly wet sites; petals 2-3 mm wide; achenes glabrous, longitudinally nerved at maturityh 3189C Ranunculus cymbalaria Plants neither stoloniferous nor scapose, the stems leafy and erect to prostrate but not rooting at the nodes, petals 1-10 mm wide, achenes minutely hairy or rarely glabrous, not longitudinally nerved (Ranunculus) 3187G 3188H 3190I 3191J 3189N 3189O Ranunculus glaberrimus Ranunculus inamoenus Ranunculus cymbalaria (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Petals 5-10 mm wide when fully expanded; fruit clusters subglobose; basal leaves typically entire or rarely 3(5)-lobed, not toothed, plants to 2 dm tall Petals 1-3(4) mm wide, fruit clusters cylindric to barrel-shaped, basal leaves round-toothed and sometimes 1-3 cleft, plants 1-4 dm tall 3190C Petals 5-10 mm wide when fully expanded; fruit clusters subglobose; basal leaves typically entire or rarely 3(5)-lobed, not toothed, plants to 2 dm tall Ranunculus glaberrimus 3189G 3191H 3190I 3190J 3190N 3192O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus inamoenus (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] ICOTYLEDONS_ Petals 5-10 mm wide when fully expanded; fruit clusters subglobose; basal leaves typically entire or rarely 3(5)-lobed, not toothed, plants to 2 dm tall You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Petals 5-10 mm wide when fully expanded; fruit clusters subglobose; basal leaves typically entire or rarely 3(5)-lobed, not toothed, plants to 2 dm tallh 3191C 14.5D Petals 1-3(4) mm wide, fruit clusters cylindric to barrel-shaped, basal leaves round-toothed and sometimes 1-3 cleft, plants 1-4 dm tall Ranunculus inamoenus 3189G 3190H 3191I 3191J 3191N 3191O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus glaberrimus (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Petals 1-3(4) mm wide, fruit clusters cylindric to barrel-shaped, basal leaves round-toothed and sometimes 1-3 cleft, plants 1-4 dm tallh 3192C Plants stoloniferous, the slender, decumbent to prostrate stems rooting at the nodes; petals 2-5 mm long, fruit clusters 2-4 mm long, each with 5-25 achenes; leaves entire, 1-5 cm long and 1.5-10 mm wide; perennial of midmontane to subalpine Ranunculus flammula entire entirelyj enveloped epidermis epigynous epipactis equal Plants not stoloniferous, the stems not rooting at the nodes, petals 5-15 mm long; fruit clusters 4-20 mm long; leaves often toothed or lobed, usually at least some of them more than 5 cm long or 1 cm wide; annuals or perennials of valleys to alpine (Ranunculus) 3185G 3192H 3194I 3195J 3193N 3193O Ranunculus arvensis (Ranunculus) Ranunculus flammula (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_kAchenes spiny but not hairy, 4-8 per cluster; annual of mostly disturbed sites in the valleys and foothills Achenes sometimes hairy but not spiny, typically at least 10 per cluster; perennials of mostly undisturbed habitats, foothills to alpine 3194C 16DkAchenes spiny but not hairy, 4-8 per cluster; annual of mostly disturbed sites in the valleys and foothills Ranunculus arvensis 3193G 3195H 3194I 3194J 3194N 3196O Show Description & Photos (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `kAchenes spiny but not hairy, 4-8 per cluster; annual of mostly disturbed sites in the valleys and foothillsh 3195C 16.5D Achenes sometimes hairy but not spiny, typically at least 10 per cluster; perennials of mostly undisturbed habitats, foothills to alpine (Ranunculus) 3193G 3194H 3196I 3197J 3195N 3195O R. alismaefoliusS R. glaberrimus Ranunculus arvensis (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONStch over to the description and photographs.posite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. None of the leaves lobed, the margins entire or serrate; petals mostly 2-4 mm wide and normally more than 5 per flower; styles typically black; achenes generally glabrous, 10-50 in a cluster to 7 mm long; plants of midmontane to alpine All or some of the stem leaves lobed, often nearly to the base, the margins otherwise entire; petals mostly 5-10 mm wide, 5 or occasionally more per flower; styles not black; achenes minutely hairy, 75-150 in a cluster (0.8)1-2 cm long at maturity; plants of foothills to upper montane 3196C None of the leaves lobed, the margins entire or serrate; petals mostly 2-4 mm wide and normally more than 5 per flower; styles typically black; achenes generally glabrous, 10-50 in a cluster to 7 mm long; plants of midmontane to alpine Ranunculus alismaefolius 3195G 3197H 3196I 3196J 3196N 3198O Show Description & Photos (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS^ AELower leaf surface with a velvet-like pubescence of short white hairs AVLower leaf surface sparsely hairy or glabrous and usually glaucous, not at all velvety 3386C Leaves typically tapered at the apex to an elongate "tail-like" tip, this less than 1 mm wide and 3 mm or more long; mostly trees (Salix) 3384G 3387H 3388I 3389J 3386N 3388O Salix amygdaloides (Salix) All or some of the stem leaves lobed, often nearly to the base, the margins otherwise entire; petals mostly 5-10 mm wide, 5 or occasionally more per flower; styles not black; achenes minutely hairy, 75-150 in a cluster (0.8)1-2 cm long at maturity; plants of foothills to upper montane Ranunculus glaberrimus 3195G 3196H 3197I 3197J 3197N 3197O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus alismaefolius (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] g; plants of midmontane to alpine 3197C Ranunculus glaberrimus (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. None of the leaves lobed, the margins entire or serrate; petals mostly 2-4 mm wide and normally more than 5 per flower; styles typically black; achenes generally glabrous, 10-50 in a cluster to 7 mm long; plants of midmontane to alpineh 3197C You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. All or some of the stem leaves lobed, often nearly to the base, the margins otherwise entire; petals mostly 5-10 mm wide, 5 or occasionally more per flower; styles not black; achenes minutely hairy, 75-150 in a cluster (0.8)1-2 cm long at maturity; plants of foothills to upper montane 3198C Both stem and basal leaves regularly lobed to the base or nearly so, the ultimate segments linear to narrowly elongate and entire; plants of midmontane to alpine (Ranunculus) 3183G 3199H 3200I 3201J 3198N 3200O Ranunculus jovis Ranunculus adoneus (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves mostly 3-5-lobed; achene beak less than 1 mm long; petals 2-5(7) mm wide; plants of middle and upper montane, to O.8(1 dm) tall, from a cluster of fleshy tubers 1-3 cm long` Leaves typically dissected into more numerous segments; achene beak 1.2-2 mm long; petals typically (5)7-19 mm wide; plants of subalpine and alpine, 1-2(3) dm tall, from a cluster of slender fibrous roots 3199C 18.5DnStem and basal leaves not regularly lobed into narrowly elongate, entire segments; plants of valleys to alpine (Ranunculus) 3198H 3202I 3203J 3199N 3199O Ranunculus arvensis (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_XAchenes spiny; annual of valleys and foothills, in mostly mesic or dry, disturbed sites `ZAchenes not spiny; perennials of valleys to alpine, in mostly undisturbed, often wet sites 3200C Leaves mostly 3-5-lobed; achene beak less than 1 mm long; petals 2-5(7) mm wide; plants of middle and upper montane, to O.8(1 dm) tall, from a cluster of fleshy tubers 1-3 cm long Ranunculus jovis 31983198 3201H 3200I 3200J 3200N 3202O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus adoneus (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves mostly 3-5-lobed; achene beak less than 1 mm long; petals 2-5(7) mm wide; plants of middle and upper montane, to O.8(1 dm) tall, from a cluster of fleshy tubers 1-3 cm longh 3201C Leaves typically dissected into more numerous segments; achene beak 1.2-2 mm long; petals typically (5)7-19 mm wide; plants of subalpine and alpine, 1-2(3) dm tall, from a cluster of slender fibrous roots Ranunculus adoneus 3198G 3200H 3201I 3201J 3201N 3201O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus jovis (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves typically dissected into more numerous segments; achene beak 1.2-2 mm long; petals typically (5)7-19 mm wide; plants of subalpine and alpine, 1-2(3) dm tall, from a cluster of slender fibrous rootsh 3202C 20DXAchenes spiny; annual of valleys and foothills, in mostly mesic or dry, disturbed sites Ranunculus arvensis 3199G 3203H 3202I 3202J 3202N 3204O Show Description & Photos (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] switch over to the description and photographs. You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `XAchenes spiny; annual of valleys and foothills, in mostly mesic or dry, disturbed sites h 3203C 20.5DZAchenes not spiny; perennials of valleys to alpine, in mostly undisturbed, often wet sites (Ranunculus) 3199G 3202H 3204I 3205J 3203N 3203O (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) Ranunculus arvensis DxLeaves less than 6 times as long as wide, either some of them more than 2 cm wide or the plants non-colonial large trees (Salix) 3379G 3382H 3384I 3385J 3383N 3383O (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaves regularly toothed throughout, sometimes finely so, either long-tapered and somewhat "tailed" at the apex or abruptly acute to rarely obtuse, glabrous on both sides leaves resinous-varnished glossy above prominently 3-vei@ leaves sessile petioles about flowering leaves simple entire pinnatifid occasionally appearing leaves sometimes slightly lighter green beneath above leaves spiny-toothed prickly-bristly along margins leaves ternately palmately compound stamens 6-numerous leaves about plants tufted matted midmontane@ RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Stems erect or nearly so, not rooting at the nodes; petals 1-3 mm wide; fruit clusters cylindric to cylindric-ovoid; plants of valleys to midmontane`{Stems decumbent to prostrate, freely rooting at the nodes; petals 4-12 mm wide; fruit clusters ovoid; plants of the valleys 3205C 21.5DzAchenes with dorsal margins inconspicuous OR the leaves basal at least in part; plants of diverse sites, valleys to alpine (Ranunculus) 3203G 3204H 3208I 3209J 3205N 3205O (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_lPetals 5-19 mm wide when fully expanded; stems not hollow, rarely to 2 dm tall; plants mostly in mesic sites`dPetals to 4 mm wide; stems hollow and often more than 2 dm tall; plants mostly in moist or wet sites 3206C Stems erect or nearly so, not rooting at the nodes; petals 1-3 mm wide; fruit clusters cylindric to cylindric-ovoid; plants of valleys to midmontane Ranunculus sceleratus 3204G 3207H 3206I 3206J 3206N 3208O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus flabellaris (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAEACEAE leaves resinous-varnished glossy above prominently 3-vei leaves rounded margins typically toothed leaves scabrous surfaces ellipsoid consp leaves scabrous surfaces often oblique leaves scalelike inconspicuous stems fleshy jointed leaves scalelike subtending cluster needlelike leaves serrate midnerve calyx lobes distinctly leaves sessile contracted petiole fleshy revolut leaves sessile nearly petioles Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Stems erect or nearly so, not rooting at the nodes; petals 1-3 mm wide; fruit clusters cylindric to cylindric-ovoid; plants of valleys to midmontaneh 3207C 22.5D{Stems decumbent to prostrate, freely rooting at the nodes; petals 4-12 mm wide; fruit clusters ovoid; plants of the valleys Ranunculus flabellaris 3204G 3206H 3207I 3207J 3207N 3207O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus sceleratus (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `{Stems decumbent to prostrate, freely rooting at the nodes; petals 4-12 mm wide; fruit clusters ovoid; plants of the valleysh together tooth{ tootheda Ranunculus eschscholtzii (Ranunculus) (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Basal leaves or some of them distinctly longer than wide; achenes minutely hairy, with a beak 0.5-0.8 mm long; plants of foothills to upper montane` Basal leaves all about as wide or wider than long; achenes typically glabrous, with a beak 0.8-1 mm long; plants of subalpine and alpine 3209C 23.5DdPetals to 4 mm wide; stems hollow and often more than 2 dm tall; plants mostly in moist or wet sites (Ranunculus) 3205G 3208H 3212I 3213J 3209N 3209O Ranunculus sceleratus Ranunculus inamoenus (Ranunculus) Ranunculus RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Achenes glabrous, the margins inflated; stems nearly always leafy below midlength, usually much branched at least above; basal leaves sometimes withered by flowering, nearly always deeply cleft to some degree; plants of valleys to midmontane` Achenes densely short-hairy or less often glabrous, the margins not inflated; stems typically naked below midlength, sparingly branched in the inflorescence; basal leaves usually persistent, some of them merely toothed; plants of foothills to alpine 3210C Basal leaves or some of them distinctly longer than wide; achenes minutely hairy, with a beak 0.5-0.8 mm long; plants of foothills to upper montane Ranunculus glaberrimus 3208G 3211H 3210I 3210J 3210N 3212O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus eschscholtzii (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Basal leaves or some of them distinctly longer than wide; achenes minutely hairy, with a beak 0.5-0.8 mm long; plants of foothills to upper montaneh 3211C 24.5D Basal leaves all about as wide or wider than long; achenes typically glabrous, with a beak 0.8-1 mm long; plants of subalpine and alpine Ranunculus eschscholtzii 3208G 3210H 3211I 3211J 3211N 3211O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus glaberrimus (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Basal leaves all about as wide or wider than long; achenes typically glabrous, with a beak 0.8-1 mm long; plants of subalpine and alpineh 3212C Achenes glabrous, the margins inflated; stems nearly always leafy below midlength, usually much branched at least above; basal leaves sometimes withered by flowering, nearly always deeply cleft to some degree; plants of valleys to midmontane Ranunculus sceleratus 3209G 3213H 3212I 3212J 3212N 3214O Show Description & Photos Ranunculus inamoenus (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Achenes glabrous, the margins inflated; stems nearly always leafy below midlength, usually much branched at least above; basal leaves sometimes withered by flowering, nearly always deeply cleft to some degree; plants of valleys to midmontaneh 3213C 25.5D Achenes densely short-hairy or less often glabrous, the margins not inflated; stems typically naked below midlength, sparingly branched in the inflorescence; basal leaves usually persistent, some of them merely toothed; plants of foothills to alpine Ranunculus inamoenus 3209G 3212H 3213I 3213J 3213N Show Description & Photos Ranunculus sceleratus (Ranunculus) RANUNCULACEAE[ Ranunculus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Achenes densely short-hairy or less often glabrous, the margins not inflated; stems typically naked below midlength, sparingly branched in the inflorescence; basal leaves usually persistent, some of them merely toothed; plants of foothills to alpineh 3214C Thalictrum 3214G 3214H 3215I 3216J 3214N 3215O Thalictrum fendleri Thalictrum sparsiflorum Thalictrum Thalictrum RANUNCULACEAE[ Thalictrum\ DICOTYLEDONS_3Flowers unisexual, achenes with a style 3-4 mm long`5Flowers bisexual, achenes with a style to 1.5 mm longd Thalictrum 3215C 1D3Flowers unisexual, achenes with a style 3-4 mm long Thalictrum fendleri 3214G 3216H 3215I 3215J 3215N 3217O Show Description & Photos Thalictrum sparsiflorum Thalictrum You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `5Flowers bisexual, achenes with a style to 1.5 mm longh 3217C A Crataegus 1650G 3217H 3218I 3219J 3217N 3218O Crataegus douglasii Crataegus monogyna A Crataegus A Crataegus ROSACEAE[ Crataegus\ DICOTYLEDONS_fLeaves toothed except near the base, occasionally some of the blades shallowly lobed; pomes 3-5-seededeeded RANUNCULACEAE[ Thalictrum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `3Flowers unisexual, achenes with a style 3-4 mm longh 3216C 1.5D5Flowers bisexual, achenes with a style to 1.5 mm long Thalictrum sparsiflorum 3214G 3215H 3216I 3216J 3216N 3216O Show Description & Photos Thalictrum fendleri Thalictrum RANUNCULACEAE[ Thalictrum\ DICOTYLEDONS] `LLeaves deeply 3-7-lobed, each lobe few-toothed near the apex; pomes 1-seededd Crataegus 3218C 1DfLeaves toothed except near the base, occasionally some of the blades shallowly lobed; pomes 3-5-seeded Crataegus douglasii 3217G 3219H 3218I 3218J 3218N 3220O Show Description & Photos Crataegus monogyna A Crataegus ROSACEAE[ Crataegus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Potentilla rivalis Potentilla biennis (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Stems pubescent with stiffly spreading, often pustulose-based hairs, achenes 1-1.3 mm long, longitudinally ridged; petals 3-5 mm long`~Stems pubescent with soft, spreading, but not pustulose-based hairs; achenes to 0.8 mm long, smooth; petals to about 2 mm long 3244C Stems pubescent with stiffly spreading, often pustulose-based hairs, achenes 1-1.3 mm long, longitudinally ridged; petals 3-5 mm long Potentilla norvegica 3243G 3245H 3244I 3244J 3244N 3246O Show Description & Photos `fLeaves toothed except near the base, occasionally some of the blades shallowly lobed; pomes 3-5-seededh 3219C 1.5DLLeaves deeply 3-7-lobed, each lobe few-toothed near the apex; pomes 1-seeded Crataegus monogyna 3217G 3218H 3219I 3219J 3219N 3219O Show Description & Photos Crataegus douglasii A Crataegus ROSACEAE[ Crataegus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `LLeaves deeply 3-7-lobed, each lobe few-toothed near the apex; pomes 1-seededh 3220C 1687G 3220H 3221I 3222J 3220N 3221O (Geum) (Geum) ROSACEAE[ Geum\ DICOTYLEDONS_]Style jointed, the persistent lower portion hooked at the tip, the terminal portion deciduous`WStyle either not jointed or that portion persistent on the achene not hooked at the tipd 3221C 1D]Style jointed, the persistent lower portion hooked at the tip, the terminal portion deciduous (Geum) 3220G 3222H 3223I 3224J 3221N 3223O Geum macrophyllum (Geum) (Geum) ROSACEAE[ Geum\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Style base minutely stipitate-glandular, terminal leaflet of the prominent basal leaves typically much larger than the lateral leaflets, rounded or near so at the apex and mostly cordate at the base` Style base glabrous or rarely pubescent but not stipitate-glandular, basal leaves lacking or present and the terminal leaflet either scarcely larger the the lateral ones or narrowly to broadly wedge-shaped at the base 3222C 1.5DWStyle either not jointed or that portion persistent on the achene not hooked at the tip (Geum) 3220G 3221H 3227I 3228J 3222N 3222O Geum triflorum phyllum Geum rossi (Geum) ROSACEAE[ Geum\ DICOTYLEDONS_tFlowers usually nodding; petals slightly longer to much shorter than the sepals; fruiting style plumose, 3-5 cm long` Flowers erect; petals typically conspicuously longer than the sepals; fruiting style glabrous (or appearing hairy at the base), to about 0.4 cm long 3223C Style base minutely stipitate-glandular, terminal leaflet of the prominent basal leaves typically much larger than the lateral leaflets, rounded or near so at the apex and mostly cordate at the base Geum macrophyllum 3221G 3224H 3223I 3223J 3223N 3225O Show Description & Photos acute acute-toothed acutely acutish additional adherent adjacentq aerial after again aggregated agrostis albino aligned alkaline Style base glabrous or rarely pubescent but not stipitate-glandular, basal leaves lacking or present and the terminal leaflet either scarcely larger the the lateral ones or narrowly to broadly wedge-shaped at the base (Geum) 3221G 3223H 3225I 3226J 3224N 3224O Geum urbanum Geum aleppicum Geum macrophyllum (Geum) ROSACEAE[ Geum\ DICOTYLEDONS (Geum) (Geum) ROSACEAE[ Geum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Style base minutely stipitate-glandular, terminal leaflet of the prominent basal leaves typically much larger than the lateral leaflets, rounded or near so at the apex and mostly cordate at the baseh 3224C Petals equal to or shorter than the sepals, receptacle coarsely pubescent with hairs often more than 0.5 mm long; stem leaves with lobes or leaflets often about as broad as long and abruptly tapered to a rounded or acute apex; achenes about 70 in a globose cluster Petals longer than the sepals; receptacle minutely hairy, the hairs to about 0.5 mm long; stem leaves with (lobes or leaflets) distinctly longer than broad and mostly long-tapered to a sharply acute apex; achenes 200 or more in an obovoid cluster 3225C Petals equal to or shorter than the sepals, receptacle coarsely pubescent with hairs often more than 0.5 mm long; stem leaves with lobes or leaflets often about as broad as long and abruptly tapered to a rounded or acute apex; achenes about 70 in a globose cluster Geum urbanum 3224G 3226H 3225I 3225J 3225N 3227O Show Description & Photoshotos Geum aleppicum (Geum) ROSACEAE[ Geum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Petals equal to or shorter than the sepals, receptacle coarsely pubescent with hairs often more than 0.5 mm long; stem leaves with lobes or leaflets often about as broad as long and abruptly tapered to a rounded or acute apex; achenes about 70 in a globose cluster 3226C 3.526H 3225I 3225J 3225N 3227O Show Description & Photos Petals longer than the sepals; receptacle minutely hairy, the hairs to about 0.5 mm long; stem leaves with (lobes or leaflets) distinctly longer than broad and mostly long-tapered to a sharply acute apex; achenes 200 or more in an obovoid cluster Geum aleppicum 3224G 3225H 3226I 3226J 3226N 3226O Show Description & Photos Geum urbanum (Geum) ROSACEAE[ Geum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Petals longer than the sepals; receptacle minutely hairy, the hairs to about 0.5 mm long; stem leaves with (lobes or leaflets) distinctly longer than broad and mostly long-tapered to a sharply acute apex; achenes 200 or more in an obovoid clusterh 3227C 4DtFlowers usually nodding; petals slightly longer to much shorter than the sepals; fruiting style plumose, 3-5 cm long Geum triflorum 3222G 3228H 3227I 3227J 3227N 3229O Show Description & Photos Geum rossi (Geum) ROSACEAE[ Geum\ DICOTYLEDONS] n and photographs. You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `tFlowers usually nodding; petals slightly longer to much shorter than the sepals; fruiting style plumose, 3-5 cm longh 3228C Flowers erect; petals typically conspicuously longer than the sepals; fruiting style glabrous (or appearing hairy at the base), to about 0.4 cm long Geum rossi 3222G 3227H 3228I 3228J 3228N 3228O Show Description & Photos Geum triflorum (Geum) abruptly DICOTYLEDONS_ Flora1 tube yellow-green, the petals yellow fading to white; primary leaflets 2-20 mm long, divided into toothed and variously lobed ultimate segments`mFloral tube green to red-purple, the petals white; primary leaflets 2-4 mm long, divided into entire segmentsd Ivesia 3230C Flora1 tube yellow-green, the petals yellow fading to white; primary leaflets 2-20 mm long, divided into toothed and variously lobed ultimate segments Ivesia gordoni 3229G 3231H 3230I 3230J 3230N 3232O Show Description & Photos Ivesia utahensis Ivesia ROSACEAE[ Ivesia\ DICOTYLEDONS] Ivesia ROSACEAE[ Ivesia ROSACEAE[ Geum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Flowers erect; petals typically conspicuously longer than the sepals; fruiting style glabrous (or appearing hairy at the base), to about 0.4 cm longh You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Flora1 tube yellow-green, the petals yellow fading to white; primary leaflets 2-20 mm long, divided into toothed and variously lobed ultimate segmentsh 3231C 1.5DmFloral tube green to red-purple, the petals white; primary leaflets 2-4 mm long, divided into entire segments Ivesia utahensis 3229G 3230H 3231I 3231J 3231N 3231O Show Description & Photos Ivesia gordoni Ivesia ROSACEAE[ Ivesia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `mFloral tube green to red-purple, the petals white; primary leaflets 2-4 mm long, divided into entire segmentsh 3232C Physocarpus 1663G 3232H 3233I 3234J 3232N 3233O Physocarpus alternans Physocarpus malvaceus Physocarpus Physocarpus ROSACEAE[ Physocarpusarpus DICOTYLEDONS_iFlowers in clusters of 1-6, the pedicels averaging about 5 mm long; leaves 0.5-1.5(2.5) cm long; pistil 1`aFlowers in clusters of 10 or more, the pedicels 5-20 mm long; leaves 2-11 cm long; pistils 2(1-5)d Physocarpus 3233C 1DiFlowers in clusters of 1-6, the pedicels averaging about 5 mm long; leaves 0.5-1.5(2.5) cm long; pistil 1 Physocarpus alternans 3232G 3234H 3233I 3233J 3233N 3235O Show Description & Photos Physocarpus malvaceus Physocarpus ROSACEAE[ Physocarpus\ DICOTYLEDONS] Physocarpus Physocarpus ROSACEAE[ Physocarpus You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `iFlowers in clusters of 1-6, the pedicels averaging about 5 mm long; leaves 0.5-1.5(2.5) cm long; pistil 1h 3234C 1.5DaFlowers in clusters of 10 or more, the pedicels 5-20 mm long; leaves 2-11 cm long; pistils 2(1-5) Physocarpus malvaceus 3232G 3233H 3234I 3234J 3234N 3234O Show Description & Photos Physocarpus alternans Physocarpus ROSACEAE[ Physocarpusarpus DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `aFlowers in clusters of 10 or more, the pedicels 5-20 mm long; leaves 2-11 cm long; pistils 2(1-5)h 3235C Potentilla 1688G 3235H 3236I 3237J 3235N 3236O Potentilla fruticosa (Potentilla) Potentilla Potentilla ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONSZ ROSACEAE[ Physocarpus #_ZShrub, leaflets entire and nearly always revolute, ovaries and achenes densely white-hairy`#Herbs, ovaries and achenes glabrousd Potentilla 3236C 1DZShrub, leaflets entire and nearly always revolute, ovaries and achenes densely white-hairy Potentilla fruticosa 3235G 3237H 3236I 3236J 3236N 3238O Show Description & Photos (Potentilla) Potentilla ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. toothed toothlike top-shaped totally^ touching toward Plants not stoloniferous; leaves variously compound, the leaflets often fewer than 7 and diversely pubescent; flowers either in clusters or subtended by leafy bracts 3238C Plants with stolons; leaves pinnate, the 7-31 leaflets densely white-hairy at least below; flowers solitary on naked axillary peduncles Potentilla anserina 3237G 3239H 3238I 3238J 3238N 3240O Show Description & Photos (Potentilla) (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS] on naked axillary peduncles `ZShrub, leaflets entire and nearly always revolute, ovaries and achenes densely white-hairyh 3237C 1.5D#Herbs, ovaries and achenes glabrous (Potentilla) 3235G 3236H 3238I 3239J 3237N 3237O Potentilla anserina (Potentilla) Potentilla fruticosa Potentilla ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plants with stolons; leaves pinnate, the 7-31 leaflets densely white-hairy at least below; flowers solitary on naked axillary peduncles You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Plants with stolons; leaves pinnate, the 7-31 leaflets densely white-hairy at least below; flowers solitary on naked axillary pedunclesh 3239C Plants not stoloniferous; leaves variously compound, the leaflets often fewer than 7 and diversely pubescent; flowers either in clusters or subtended by leafy bracts (Potentilla) 3237G 3238H 3240I 3241J 3239N 3239O (Potentilla) (Potentilla) regularly relatively remainder remaining remains remoteN remotely removable replaced replum reportedq reproducingB resemble resemblinge Taprooted annuals to short-lived perennials; leaves chiefly cauline, the leaflets 3 or occasionally some of the leaves with 4 or 5, not densely white-hairy on either surface; style terminal on the ovary; stamens 10-20; petals equal to or shorter than the sepals (Potentilla) 3239G 3241H 3242I 3243J 3240N 3242O Potentilla biennis (Potentilla) (Potentilla) (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS Potentilla anserina (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS Taprooted annuals to short-lived perennials; leaves chiefly cauline, the leaflets 3 or occasionally some of the leaves with 4 or 5, not densely white-hairy on either surface; style terminal on the ovary; stamens 10-20; petals equal to or shorter than the sepals Perennials with stout, often woody rootstocks; basal leaves prominent, pinnate or palmate, often densely white-hairy at least beneath; style arising just below the apex or near the base of the ovary; stamens 20-40; petals diverse in length 3240C Lower or middle stems pubescent with long, crinkled, multicellular, viscid hairs and sometimes with straight simple ones; leaves with simple hairs and sessile or stalked yellow glands`BStems with unicellular, non-glandular hairs; leaves lacking glands 3241C Perennials with stout, often woody rootstocks; basal leaves prominent, pinnate or palmate, often densely white-hairy at least beneath; style arising just below the apex or near the base of the ovary; stamens 20-40; petals diverse in length (Potentilla) 3239G 3240H 3246I 3247J 3241N 3241O Potentilla glandulosa (Potentilla) (Potentilla) (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Style widest at midlength, tapered at each end, arising below midlength on the ovary; upper stems with long, crinkled, multicellular, viscid or gland-tipped hairs` Style widest at the base, arising just below the apex of the ovary, upper stems with unicellular, eglandular hairs or rarely with a few glandular ones 3242C Lower or middle stems pubescent with long, crinkled, multicellular, viscid hairs and sometimes with straight simple ones; leaves with simple hairs and sessile or stalked yellow glands Potentilla biennis 3240G 3243H 3242I 3242J 3242N 3244O Show Description & Photos (Potentilla) (Potentilla)illa) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Lower or middle stems pubescent with long, crinkled, multicellular, viscid hairs and sometimes with straight simple ones; leaves with simple hairs and sessile or stalked yellow glandsh 3243C 4.5DBStems with unicellular, non-glandular hairs; leaves lacking glands (Potentilla) 3240G 3242H 3244I 3245J 3243N 3243O Potentilla norvegica leaves resinous-varnished glossy above prominently 3-vei leaves rounded margins typically toothed leaves scabrous surfaces ellipsoid consp leaves scabrous surfaces often oblique leaves scalelike inconspicuous stems fleshy jointed leaves scalelike subtending cluster needlelike leaves sessile nearly petioles leaves shallowly deeply pinnately lobed midnerve leaves short-petioled least below leaves simple leaves simple entire leaves simple entire least appearing leaves simple entire siliques petals leaves simple deeply pinnately lobed lobes mostly oblong Potentilla rivalis (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Stems pubescent with stiffly spreading, often pustulose-based hairs, achenes 1-1.3 mm long, longitudinally ridged; petals 3-5 mm longh 3245C 5.5D~Stems pubescent with soft, spreading, but not pustulose-based hairs; achenes to 0.8 mm long, smooth; petals to about 2 mm long Potentilla rivalis 3243G 3244H 3245I 3245J 3245N 3245O Show Description & Photos Potentilla norvegica (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `~Stems pubescent with soft, spreading, but not pustulose-based hairs; achenes to 0.8 mm long, smooth; petals to about 2 mm longh 3246C 6 2 mm long Potentilla rivalis Style widest at midlength, tapered at each end, arising below midlength on the ovary; upper stems with long, crinkled, multicellular, viscid or gland-tipped hairs Potentilla glandulosa 3241G 3247H 3246I 3246J 3246N 3248O Show Description & Photos (Potentilla) (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Style widest at midlength, tapered at each end, arising below midlength on the ovary; upper stems with long, crinkled, multicellular, viscid or gland-tipped hairsh 3247C Style widest at the base, arising just below the apex of the ovary, upper stems with unicellular, eglandular hairs or rarely with a few glandular ones (Potentilla) 3241G 3246H 3248I 3249J 3247N 3247O Potentilla ovina (Potentilla) Potentilla glandulosa (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS Basal leaves pinnate, the 7-21 leaflets 3-12 mm long, cleft into linear segments, sparsely to densely gray-pubescent with long silky hairs, plant of upper montane to alpine, 0.5-2 dm tall` Basal leaves either palmate, at least in part, or some of the leaves with fewer than 7 leaflets, these often more than 12 mm long and toothed to dissected, diversely pubescent, sometimes woolly; plants of valleys to alpine, 0.2-8 dm tall 3248C Basal leaves pinnate, the 7-21 leaflets 3-12 mm long, cleft into linear segments, sparsely to densely gray-pubescent with long silky hairs, plant of upper montane to alpine, 0.5-2 dm tall Potentilla ovina 3247G 3249H 3248I 3248J 3248N 3250O Show Description & Photos (Potentilla) (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Basal leaves pinnate, the 7-21 leaflets 3-12 mm long, cleft into linear segments, sparsely to densely gray-pubescent with long silky hairs, plant of upper montane to alpine, 0.5-2 dm tallh 3249C Basal leaves either palmate, at least in part, or some of the leaves with fewer than 7 leaflets, these often more than 12 mm long and toothed to dissected, diversely pubescent, sometimes woolly; plants of valleys to alpine, 0.2-8 dm tall (Potentilla) 3247G 3248H 3250I 3251J 3249N 3249O Potentilla gracilis (Potentilla) Potentilla ovina (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaflets (1)2-12 cm long, those of the lower stem leaves 5(7) and regularly toothed to midlength or below; stems erect to ascending and often more than 3 dm tall; herbage often somewhat woolly; anthers 0.7-1.3 mm long; plants of valleys to subalpine Leaflets mostly less than 2 cm long, those of the lower stem leaves 3(5) and irregularly cleft or toothed chiefly near the apex; stems diverse, often decumbent, 0.2-3 dm long; herbage variously hairy; anthers 0.5-0.8 mm long; plants reported from midmontane to alpine Leaflets (1)2-12 cm long, those of the lower stem leaves 5(7) and regularly toothed to midlength or below; stems erect to ascending and often more than 3 dm tall; herbage often somewhat woolly; anthers 0.7-1.3 mm long; plants of valleys to subalpineh 3251C Leaflets mostly less than 2 cm long, those of the lower stem leaves 3(5) and irregularly cleft or toothed chiefly near the apex; stems diverse, often decumbent, 0.2-3 dm long; herbage variously hairy; anthers 0.5-0.8 mm long; plants reported from midmontane to alpine (Potentilla) 3249G 3250H 3252I 3253J 3251N 3251O Potentilla concinna Potentilla diversifolia tane to alpine 3250C toothed to midlength or below; stems erect to ascending and often more than 3 dm tall; herbage often somewhat woolly; anthers 0.7-1.3 mm long; plants of valleys to subalpine Potentilla gracilis 3249G 3251H 3250I 3250J 3250N 3252O Show Description & Photos (Potentilla) (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Potentilla gracilis (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS_ 8asal leaves densely white-hairy at least beneath, the hairs nearly always woolly at least in part; stems 2-12(20) cm tall, sprawling or rarely erect` Basal leaves typically subglabrous to sparsely pubescent, never white-hairy beneath, the hairs never woolly; stems 10-30 cm tall, erect-ascending 3252C 8asal leaves densely white-hairy at least beneath, the hairs nearly always woolly at least in part; stems 2-12(20) cm tall, sprawling or rarely erect Potentilla concinna 3251G 3253H 3252I 3252J 3252N 3254O Show Description & Photos Potentilla diversifolia Flowers distinctly pedicelled in umbellate clusters of (1)2-5; petals 6-10 mm long, white; leaves prominently, often doubly serrate with acute to long-tapered, non-glandular teeth; petioles glabrous or short-hairy, mostly without glands at the summith 3259C 1648G 3259H 3260I 3261J 3259N 3260O (Rosa) (Rosa) ROSACEAE[ Rosa\ DICOTYLEDONS_gPrickles flattened, stout and slightly to strongly recurved; sepals persistent or deciduous at fruiting`rPrickles slender to moderately stout, straight or slightly recurved; sepals becoming erect and persisting in fruitd 3260C (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 8asal leaves densely white-hairy at least beneath, the hairs nearly always woolly at least in part; stems 2-12(20) cm tall, sprawling or rarely erecth 3253C Basal leaves typically subglabrous to sparsely pubescent, never white-hairy beneath, the hairs never woolly; stems 10-30 cm tall, erect-ascending Potentilla diversifolia 3251G 3252H 3253I 3253J 3253N 3253O Show Description & Photoshotos Potentilla concinna (Potentilla) ROSACEAE[ Potentilla\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Basal leaves typically subglabrous to sparsely pubescent, never white-hairy beneath, the hairs never woolly; stems 10-30 cm tall, erect-ascendingh 3254C 3253I 3253J 3253N 3253O Show Description & Photos Potentilla concinna Leaves toothed, rounded to wedge-shaped at the base, the blades not or scarcely decurrent on the petiole, often with (1)2 glands along the margin of the leaf base or at the apex of the petiole; petals 4-20 mm long; ovary superior; fruit a 1-seeded drupe 0.8-3 cm or more long Prunus 1676G 3254H 3255I 3256J 3254N 3255O Prunus virginiana (Prunus) Prunus Prunus ROSACEAE[ Prunus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Flowers numerous in elongate racemes; drupe reddish-black, 8-11 mm long; leaves abruptly acute at the apex and glabrous or nearly so throughout t a 1-seeded drupe 0.8-3 cm or more long Prunus Flowers solitary or in small umbellate clusters; drupe yellow, orange, or red, at least 1.8 cm long; leaves either long-tapered at the apex or pubescent, at least on the lower surfaced Prunus 3255C Flowers numerous in elongate racemes; drupe reddish-black, 8-11 mm long; leaves abruptly acute at the apex and glabrous or nearly so throughout Prunus virginiana 3254G 3256H 3255I 3255J 3255N 3257O Show Description & Photos (Prunus) Prunus ROSACEAE[ Prunus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Flowers numerous in elongate racemes; drupe reddish-black, 8-11 mm long; leaves abruptly acute at the apex and glabrous or nearly so throughouth 3256C Flowers solitary or in small umbellate clusters; drupe yellow, orange, or red, at least 1.8 cm long; leaves either long-tapered at the apex or pubescent, at least on the lower surface (Prunus) 3254G 3255H 3257I 3258J 3256N 3256O Prunus persica Prunus americana Prunus virginiana Prunus ROSACEAE[ Prunus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Flowers solitary and sessile or subsessile; petals 10-20 mm long, pink or white, leaves glabrous and typically glandular-serrate; petioles glabrous, commonly bearing glands at the summit (or the glands along the margins of the leaf base)` Flowers distinctly pedicelled in umbellate clusters of (1)2-5; petals 6-10 mm long, white; leaves prominently, often doubly serrate with acute to long-tapered, non-glandular teeth; petioles glabrous or short-hairy, mostly without glands at the summit 3257C Flowers solitary and sessile or subsessile; petals 10-20 mm long, pink or white, leaves glabrous and typically glandular-serrate; petioles glabrous, commonly bearing glands at the summit (or the glands along the margins of the leaf base) Prunus persica d, at least 1.8 cm long; leaves either long-tapered at the apex or pubescent, at least on the lower surface (Prunus) 3254G 3255H 3257I 3258J 3256N 3256O Prunus persica Prunus americana Prunus virginiana Prunus ROSACEAE[ Prunus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Flowers solitary and sessile or subsessile; petals 10-20 mm long, pink or white, leaves glabrous and typically glandular-serrate; petioles glabrous, commonly bearing glands at the summit (or the glands along the margins of the leaf base) 3256G 3258H 3257I 3257J 3257N 3259O Show Description & Photos Prunus americana (Prunus) ROSACEAE[ Prunus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Flowers solitary and sessile or subsessile; petals 10-20 mm long, pink or white, leaves glabrous and typically glandular-serrate; petioles glabrous, commonly bearing glands at the summit (or the glands along the margins of the leaf base)h 3258C 2.5S] Flowers distinctly pedicelled in umbellate clusters of (1)2-5; petals 6-10 mm long, white; leaves prominently, often doubly serrate with acute to long-tapered, non-glandular teeth; petioles glabrous or short-hairy, mostly without glands at the summit Prunus americana 3256G 3257H 3258I 3258J 3258N 3258O Show Description & Photos Prunus persica (Prunus) ROSACEAE[ Prunus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. ranunculus alismaefolius sonchus arvensis Branches with flattened, broad-based, mostly recurved prickles 3268C Branches unarmed; leaves simple, palmately lobed, green on both surfaces, glabrous or obscurely pubescent, the hairs not at all woolly; flowers in terminal clusters Rubus parviflorus 3266G 3267H 3268I 3268J 3268N 3268O Show Description & Photos (Rubus) Rubus ROSACEAE[ Rubus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1005^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Branches unarmed; leaves simple, palmately lobed, green on both surfaces, glabrous or obscurely pubescent, the hairs not at all woolly; flowers in terminal clustersh 3269C 2D@Branches with both bristles and straight, mostly terete prickles Rubus idaeus 3267G 3270H 3269I 3269J 3269N 3271O Show Description & Photos Rubus leucodermis (Rubus) Rubus ROSACEAE[ Rubus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1003^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `@Branches with both bristles and straight, mostly terete pricklesh 3270C 2.5D>Branches with flattened, broad-based, mostly recurved prickles Rubus leucodermis 3267G 3269H 3270I 3270J 3270N 3270O Show Description & Photos Rubus idaeus (Rubus) ROSACEAE[ Rubus\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS Viola adunca (Viola) Z VIOLACEAE[ Viola\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Plant from slender rhizomes, ultimately with stolons arising in the leaf axils; petals mostly white or pale lavender, rarely violet, the lateral pair glabrous or sparsely bearded at the throat` Plant from a short, stout, mostly erect rootstock, rarely if ever stoloniferous; petals mostly light to deep violet, the lateral pair bearded at the throat with crinkled white hairs 3551C Plant from slender rhizomes, ultimately with stolons arising in the leaf axils; petals mostly white or pale lavender, rarely violet, the lateral pair glabrous or sparsely bearded at the throat Viola palustris 3550G 3552H 3551I 3551J 3551N 3553O 1004^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `>Branches with flattened, broad-based, mostly recurved pricklesh 3271C Galium 1690G 3271H 3272I 3273J 3271N 3272O Galium aparine (Galium) Galium Galium Z RUBIACEAE Galium DICOTYLEDONSEDONS ROSACEAE[ Rubus\ DICOTYLEDONS] G_kUpper leaf surface bearing minute, apically hooked bristles; taprooted annual with stems typically trailing`dUpper leaf surface glabrous or minutely scabrous; perennial or, if annual, the stems typically erectd Galium 3272C 1DkUpper leaf surface bearing minute, apically hooked bristles; taprooted annual with stems typically trailing Galium aparine 3271G 3273H 3272I 3272J 3272N 3274O Show Description & Photos (Galium) Galium Z RUBIACEAE Galium DICOTYLEDONS] 1009^ Z RUBIACEAE Galium DICOTYLEDONS You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `kUpper leaf surface bearing minute, apically hooked bristles; taprooted annual with stems typically trailingh 3273C 1.5DdUpper leaf surface glabrous or minutely scabrous; perennial or, if annual, the stems typically erect (Galium) 3271G 3272H 3274I 3275J 3273N 3273O Galium bifolium (Galium) Galium aparine Galium Z RUBIACEAE Galium DICOTYLEDONS_ Taprooted annual to 2 dm tall; leaves generally opposite at the upper 1-3 nodes and (3)4 at the lower nodes; herbage glabrous or nearly so; flowers solitary or rarely paired in leaf axils; fruit nodding, bristly with apically hooked hairs Rhizomatous or woody-based perennials (rarely flowering the first year), often more than 2 dm tall; uppermost leaves (2)3-8 per node; herbage often conspicuously scabrous; flowers in axillary or terminal cymes or panicles; fruit not both nodding and pubescent with hooked hairs 3274C Taprooted annual to 2 dm tall; leaves generally opposite at the upper 1-3 nodes and (3)4 at the lower nodes; herbage glabrous or nearly so; flowers solitary or rarely paired in leaf axils; fruit nodding, bristly with apically hooked hairs Galium bifolium er 1-3 nodes and (3)4 at the lower nodes; herbage glabrous or nearly so; flowers solitary or rarely paired in leaf axils; fruit nodding, bristly with apically hooked hairs Galium bifolium so; flowers solitary or rarely paired in leaf axils; fruit nodding, bristly with apically hooked hairs Rhizomatous or woody-based perennials (rarely flowering the first year), often more than 2 dm tall; uppermost leaves (2)3-8 per node; herbage often conspicuously scabrous; flowers in axillary or terminal cymes or panicles; fruit not both nodding and pubescent with hooked hairs 3274C Taprooted annual to 2 dm tall; leaves generally opposite at the upper 1-3 nodes and (3)4 at the lower nodes; herbage glabrous or nearly so; flowers solitary or rarely paired in leaf axils; fruit nodding, bristly with apically hooked hairs Galium bifolium Capsule stipe 1-2.5 mm long; catkins 1-2(2.5) cm long at maturity, style and stigma collectively 0.1-0.8 mm long; leaves to 1.5 cm wide. (3)4-7 times as long as wide` Capsule stipe lacking or to 1.5 mm long, catkins 1-6(8) cm long at maturity, style and stigma collectively often more than 1 mm long, leaves diverse 3328C Capsule stipe 1-2.5 mm long; catkins 1-2(2.5) cm long at maturity, style and stigma collectively 0.1-0.8 mm long; leaves to 1.5 cm wide. (3)4-7 times as long as wide Salix geyeriana 3327G 3329H 3328I 3328J 3328N 3330O Show Description & Photos (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1030^ 3273G 3275H 3274I 3274J 3274N 3276O Show Description & Photos (GaliumGalium) (Galium) Z RUBIACEAE Galium DICOTYLEDONS] 1010^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Taprooted annual to 2 dm tall; leaves generally opposite at the upper 1-3 nodes and (3)4 at the lower nodes; herbage glabrous or nearly so; flowers solitary or rarely paired in leaf axils; fruit nodding, bristly with apically hooked hairsh 3275C Rhizomatous or woody-based perennials (rarely flowering the first year), often more than 2 dm tall; uppermost leaves (2)3-8 per node; herbage often conspicuously scabrous; flowers in axillary or terminal cymes or panicles; fruit not both nodding and pubescent with hooked hairs (Galium) 3273G 3274H 3276I 3277J 3275N 3275O (Galium) (Galium) Galium bifolium (Galium) Z RUBIACEAE Galium DICOTYLEDONS K_ZStems lax and sprawling to trailing, herbaceous to the base; leaves with 1 prominent nerve` Stems erect to ascending, not trailing, often woody-based; leaves (especially those of lower stem) 3-nerved from the base (rarely all 1-nerved) 3276C 3DZStems lax and sprawling to trailing, herbaceous to the base; leaves with 1 prominent nerve (Galium) 3275G 3277H 3278I 3279J 3276N 3278O Galium trifidum (Galium) (Galium) (Galium) Z RUBIACEAE Galium DICOTYLEDONSDONS Ovary and fruit smooth to slightly roughened but not hairy, the mericarps globose; leaves 1-5(6) mm wide, nearly always rounded to obtuse at the apex, not at all apiculate-tipped` Ovary and fruit hairy to some degree, the mericarps subglobose to ellipsoid; leaves often more than 5 mm wide, acute to distinctly apiculate at the apex 3277C Stems erect to ascending, not trailing, often woody-based; leaves (especially those of lower stem) 3-nerved from the base (rarely all 1-nerved) (Galium) 3275G 3276H 3282I 3283J 3277N 3277O Galium multiflorum Galium boreale (Galium) (Galium) white white-chartaceous white-ciliate white-fibrous white-hairy white-margined white-membranous white-streaked white-veined white-woolly white-woolly-hairy whitish` whole wholly whorl Galium DICOTYLEDONS] 1014^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Ovary and fruit smooth to slightly roughened but not hairy, the mericarps globose; leaves 1-5(6) mm wide, nearly always rounded to obtuse at the apex, not at all apiculate-tippedh 3279C Ovary and fruit hairy to some degree, the mericarps subglobose to ellipsoid; leaves often more than 5 mm wide, acute to distinctly apiculate at the apex (Galium) 3276G 3278H 3280I 3281J 3279N 3279O Galium mexicanum Z RUBIACEAE Z RUBIACEAE Galium DICOTYLEDONS_ Flowers unisexual, the plants dioecious; stems to 4 dm tall; leaves acute and often apiculate at the apex; fruit densely pubescent with hairs 1-2 mm long`vFlowers bisexual, stems to 8 dm tall, leaves obtuse or acutish but not at all apiculate at the apex, fruit short-hairy Galium triflorum Galium trifidum (Galium) Z RUBIACEAE Galium DICOTYLEDONS_ Flowers 4-12 or more per axillary peduncle, both the pedicels and peduncles hairlike; leaves acute or with an apiculate tip mostly about 0.5 mm long; fruit with incurved hairs not more than 0.3 mm long` Flowers 1-4(6) per axillary peduncle, the peduncles not hairlike, leaves with an apiculate tip to about 1 mm long; fruit with hooked bristles 0.5-1 mm long 3280C Flowers 4-12 or more per axillary peduncle, both the pedicels and peduncles hairlike; leaves acute or with an apiculate tip mostly about 0.5 mm long; fruit with incurved hairs not more than 0.3 mm long Galium mexicanum 3279G 3281H 3280I 3280J 3280N 3282O Show Description & Photos Galium triflorum (Galium) Z RUBIACEAE Galium DICOTYLEDONS] 1012^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. hairlike; leaves acute or with an apiculate tip mostly about 0.5 mm long; fruit with incurved hairs not more than 0.3 mm long Flowers 4-12 or more per axillary peduncle, both the pedicels and peduncles hairlike; leaves acute or with an apiculate tip mostly about 0.5 mm long; fruit with incurved hairs not more than 0.3 mm longh 3281C Flowers 1-4(6) per axillary peduncle, the peduncles not hairlike, leaves with an apiculate tip to about 1 mm long; fruit with hooked bristles 0.5-1 mm long Galium triflorum 3279G 3280H 3281I 3281J 3281N 3281O Show Description & Photos Galium mexicanum (Galium) Z RUBIACEAE Galium DICOTYLEDONS] 1015^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Flowers 1-4(6) per axillary peduncle, the peduncles not hairlike, leaves with an apiculate tip to about 1 mm long; fruit with hooked bristles 0.5-1 mm longh 3282C Flowers unisexual, the plants dioecious; stems to 4 dm tall; leaves acute and often apiculate at the apex; fruit densely pubescent with hairs 1-2 mm long Galium multiflorum 3277G 3283H 3282I 3282J 3282N 3284O Show Description & Photos Galium boreale (Galium) Z RUBIACEAE Galium DICOTYLEDONS] 1013^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Flowers unisexual, the plants dioecious; stems to 4 dm tall; leaves acute and often apiculate at the apex; fruit densely pubescent with hairs 1-2 mm longh 3283C 6.5DvFlowers bisexual, stems to 8 dm tall, leaves obtuse or acutish but not at all apiculate at the apex, fruit short-hairy Galium boreale 3277G 3282H 3283I 3283J 3283N 3283O Show Description & Photos Galium multiflorum (Galium) Z RUBIACEAE Galium DICOTYLEDONS] 1011^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `vFlowers bisexual, stems to 8 dm tall, leaves obtuse or acutish but not at all apiculate at the apex, fruit short-hairyh 3284C Populus 1693G 3284H 3285I 3286J 3284N 3285O Populus tremuloides A (Populus) Populus Populus SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS VTrees, often forming large colonies on slopes above 6000 ft; leaf petioles laterally flattened, the blades orbicular to ovate, subentire to finely toothed, the teeth not usually gland-tipped (except in very young leaves); leaf buds glossy but scarcely resinous; scales of the catkins long-ciliate; stamens 6-14; capsules lanceolate in outline hTrees or large shrubs, not colonial, generally along waterways, valleys to midmontane; leaf petioles terete to flattened, the blades broadly triangular to lanceolate or ovate, finely to coarsely toothed or lobed, the teeth usually gland-tipped; leaf buds resinous; scales of the catkins glabrous or short-ciliate; stamens numerous; capsules ovoid to subglobose Populus Populus Populus SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS VTrees, often forming large colonies on slopes above 6000 ft; leaf petioles laterally flattened, the blades orbicular to ovate, subentire to finely toothed, the teeth not usually gland-tipped (except in very young leaves); leaf buds glossy but scarcely resinous; scales of the catkins long-ciliate; stamens 6-14; capsules lanceolate in outline hTrees or large shrubs, not colonial, generally along waterways, valleys to midmontane; leaf petioles terete to flattened, the blades broadly triangular to lanceolate or ovate, finely to coarsely toothed or lobed, the teeth usually gland-tipped; leaf buds resinous; scales of the catkins glabrous or short-ciliate; stamens numerous; capsules ovoid to subglobose Populus 3285C VTrees, often forming large colonies on slopes above 6000 ft; leaf petioles laterally flattened, the blades orbicular to ovate, subentire to finely toothed, the teeth not usually gland-tipped (except in very young leaves); leaf buds glossy but scarcely resinous; scales of the catkins long-ciliate; stamens 6-14; capsules lanceolate in outline Populus tremuloides 3284G 3286H 3285I 3285J 3285N 3287O Show Description & Photos A (Populus) Populus SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1023^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. VTrees, often forming large colonies on slopes above 6000 ft; leaf petioles laterally flattened, the blades orbicular to ovate, subentire to finely toothed, the teeth not usually gland-tipped (except in very young leaves); leaf buds glossy but scarcely resinous; scales of the catkins long-ciliate; stamens 6-14; capsules lanceolate in outline 3286C SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1023^ 1023^ hTrees or large shrubs, not colonial, generally along waterways, valleys to midmontane; leaf petioles terete to flattened, the blades broadly triangular to lanceolate or ovate, finely to coarsely toothed or lobed, the teeth usually gland-tipped; leaf buds resinous; scales of the catkins glabrous or short-ciliate; stamens numerous; capsules ovoid to subglobose A (Populus) 3284G 3285H 3287I 3288J 3286N 3286O Populus alba A (Populus) Populus tremuloides Populus SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS V_MLeaves white-woolly on the lower surface; stigmas 2, each with 2 linear lobes`{Leaves glabrous or minutely hairy but not at all woolly beneath; stigmas 2-4, more or less broadly dilated and deeply lobed 3287C 2DMLeaves white-woolly on the lower surface; stigmas 2, each with 2 linear lobes Populus alba 3286G 3288H 3287I 3287J 3287N 3289O Show Description & Photos A (Populus) A (Populus) SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1019^ Populus SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `MLeaves white-woolly on the lower surface; stigmas 2, each with 2 linear lobesh 3288C 2.5D{Leaves glabrous or minutely hairy but not at all woolly beneath; stigmas 2-4, more or less broadly dilated and deeply lobed A (Populus) 3286G 3287H 3289I 3290J 3288N 3288O Populus balsamifera A (Populus) Populus alba A (Populus) SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Petioles terete or only slightly channeled above; leaves distinctly darker above than beneath, finely crenate-serrate; filaments longer than the anthers; capsules glabrous or pubescent` Petioles flattened, OR the leaves only slightly darker above than beneath, finely or coarsely toothed to shallowly lobed; filaments shorter than the anthers; capsules glabrous 3289C Petioles terete or only slightly channeled above; leaves distinctly darker above than beneath, finely crenate-serrate; filaments longer than the anthers; capsules glabrous or pubescent Populus balsamifera 3288G 3290H 3289I 3289J 3289N 3291O Show Description & Photos A (Populus) shorter shrub midmontane subalpine branches often shrubs valleys foothills leaves stipitate-gla@ silicles broadest below middle valves margined@ silicles neither winged notched apex@ 3290N 3290O Populus fremontii A (Populus) Populus balsamifera A (Populus) SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves broadly triangular and mostly at least as wide as long, coarsely toothed to wavy-margined or shallowly lobed, distinctly leathery, the margins thickened and pale; petioles laterally flattened` Leaves longer than wide, finely toothed, firm to somewhat leathery, not consistently thickened on the margins; petioles subterete to dorsiventrally flattened 3291C 4glabrous A (Populus) 3288G 3289H 3291I 3292J A (Populus) SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1021^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Petioles terete or only slightly channeled above; leaves distinctly darker above than beneath, finely crenate-serrate; filaments longer than the anthers; capsules glabrous or pubescenth Leaves broadly triangular and mostly at least as wide as long, coarsely toothed to wavy-margined or shallowly lobed, distinctly leathery, the margins thickened and pale; petioles laterally flattened Populus fremontii 3290G 3292H 3291I 3291J 3291N 3293O Show Description & Photos A (Populus) A (Populus) SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1022^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves broadly triangular and mostly at least as wide as long, coarsely toothed to wavy-margined or shallowly lobed, distinctly leathery, the margins thickened and pale; petioles laterally flattenedh 3290G 3292H 3291I 3291J 3291N 3293O Show Description & Photos A (Populus) A (Populus) SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1022^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Leaves mostly at least 3 times longer than wide, narrowly wedge-shaped at the base (sometimes rounded on young shoots); petioles dorsiventrally flattened, to about one-fourth the length of the blade` Leaves mostly 1.5-2 times as long as wide, broadly wedge-shaped at the base; petioles subterete or somewhat flattened, mostly more than one-fourth as long as the blade 3293C Leaves mostly at least 3 times longer than wide, narrowly wedge-shaped at the base (sometimes rounded on young shoots); petioles dorsiventrally flattened, to about one-fourth the length of the blade Populus angustifolia 3292G 3294H 3293I 3293J 3293N 3295O Show Description & Photos Populus acuminata X A (Populus) simple slightly small@ sometimes somewhat sparsely spike about linear narrowly lanceolate perig@ spikelets spikelets 2-flowered florets appearing arise spikelets disarticulating below glumes falling entir@ spikelets 1-flowered spicate branches spikelets solitary terminal style thicke@ spikelike spikes including ascending about spiny sprawling spurred SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1020^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves mostly at least 3 times longer than wide, narrowly wedge-shaped at the base (sometimes rounded on young shoots); petioles dorsiventrally flattened, to about one-fourth the length of the bladeh 3294C Leaves mostly 1.5-2 times as long as wide, broadly wedge-shaped at the base; petioles subterete or somewhat flattened, mostly more than one-fourth as long as the blade Populus acuminata X 3292G 3293H 3294I 3294J 3294N 3294O Show Description & Photos Populus angustifolia A (Populus) SALICACEAE[ Populus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1018^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves mostly 1.5-2 times as long as wide, broadly wedge-shaped at the base; petioles subterete or somewhat flattened, mostly more than one-fourth as long as the bladeh 3295C Pistillate catkins available Salix A: Pistillate catkins 3295G 3751H 3296I 3297J 3295N 3752O (Salix) 3296C 1D#Catkins appearing before the leaves (Salix) 3295G 3297H 3298I 3299J 3296N 3298O Salix bebbiana (Salix) (Salix) Salix A: Pistillate catkins SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_ICatkin scales yellow drying to light brown, capsule stipes 2-4(5) mm long`ACatkin scales medium brown to black, capsule stipes 0-4.5 mm longix) (Salix) Salix A: Pistillate catkins glabrous gray-brown gray-green gray-hairy gray-mealy gray-pubescent gray-scurfy gray-stellate gray-woolly grayish greatlyL greenT Warly black and glossy, at least when dry; anthers reddish, drying dark; plants of upper montane to alpine, restricted to moist places Salix phylicifolia 3395G 3396H 3397I 3397J 3397N 3397O Show Description & Photos Salix scouleriana 3298C 2DICatkin scales yellow drying to light brown, capsule stipes 2-4(5) mm long Salix bebbiana 3296G 3299H 3298I 3298J 3298N 3300O Show Description & Photos (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1026^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `ICatkin scales yellow drying to light brown, capsule stipes 2-4(5) mm longh 3299C 2.5ll salix salix rigida saxifragaceae senecio vulgaris@ description photos solanum dulcamara spinosa@ streptopus@ tetrandra trifolium vaccinium vinelike woody-based perennials@ acer@ adonis@ ailanthus alismataceae@ ambrosia psilostachya@ anthemis tinctoria@ arenaria rubella@ arrhenatherum asparagus@ aceous dicots@ involucral bracts@ leaves cauline@ liliaceae@ nowhere@ onagraceae@ pistil@ polygonaceae@ pyrolaceae@ runcinata@ solanaceae@ sphaeromeria@ synthyris@ terrestrial plants@ woody dicots@ bisexual rayflowers agastache urticifolia@ albiflorum@ amaranthus blitoides cDACatkin scales medium brown to black, capsule stipes 0-4.5 mm long (Salix) 3296G 3298H 3300I 3301J 3299N 3299O Salix rigida (Salix) Salix bebbiana (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Capsules glabrous; catkin rachis usually obscured by long, crinkled, wool-like hairs, the scales glabrous or pubescent like the rachis`^Capsules hairy; catkin rachis lacking long crinkled hairs, the scales with straight silky ones 3300C 3kin scales yellow drying to light brown, capsule stipes 2-4(5) mm long 3299C Capsules glabrous; catkin rachis usually obscured by long, crinkled, wool-like hairs, the scales glabrous or pubescent like the rachis Salix rigida 3299G 3301H 3300I 3300J 3300N 3302O Show Description & Photos (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1035^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Capsules glabrous; catkin rachis usually obscured by long, crinkled, wool-like hairs, the scales glabrous or pubescent like the rachish 3301C 3.5D^Capsules hairy; catkin rachis lacking long crinkled hairs, the scales with straight silky ones (Salix) 3299G 3300H 3302I 3303J 3301N 3301O Salix drummondiana (Salix) Salix rigida (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS tographs. Twigs of the previous year, and sometimes those of the season, mottled with a bright bluish-white bloom over some portion of the length (sometimes only apparent on or behind some of the buds); catkins sessile or nearly so, not usually leafy-bracteate at the base Twigs not mottled as above, sometimes uniformly pale-glaucous, catkins either sessile to subsessile or terminating short leafy branchlets 3302C Twigs of the previous year, and sometimes those of the season, mottled with a bright bluish-white bloom over some portion of the length (sometimes only apparent on or behind some of the buds); catkins sessile or nearly so, not usually leafy-bracteate at the base Salix drummondiana 3301G 3303H 3302I 3302J 3302N 3304O Show Description & Photos (Salix) leaves within inflorescence broadly white-margined gland leaves woolly-hairy least lower surface often legume legume covered dense white woolly hairs legume sessile subsessile within calyx stipe legumes lemma 3301G 3302H 3304I 3305J 3303N 3303O Salix phylicifolia Salix scouleriana Salix drummondiana (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_MStigmas less than 0.5 mm long, shorter than the style, twigs typically glossy` Stigmas 0.5-1 mm long, equal to or longer than the style, twigs generally bright yellow or reddish when fresh, dark and typically dull when dry 3304C 5DMStigmas less than 0.5 mm long, shorter than the style, twigs typically glossy Salix phylicifolia 3303G 3305H 3304I 3304J 3304N 3306O (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1027^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Twigs of the previous year, and sometimes those of the season, mottled with a bright bluish-white bloom over some portion of the length (sometimes only apparent on or behind some of the buds); catkins sessile or nearly so, not usually leafy-bracteate at the base Show Description & Photos Salix scouleriana (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1033^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `MStigmas less than 0.5 mm long, shorter than the style, twigs typically glossyh 3305C Stigmas 0.5-1 mm long, equal to or longer than the style, twigs generally bright yellow or reddish when fresh, dark and typically dull when dry Salix scouleriana 3304N 3306O Show Description & Photos 3303G 3304H 3305I 3305J 3305N 3305O Show Description & Photos Salix phylicifolia (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1036^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Stigmas 0.5-1 mm long, equal to or longer than the style, twigs generally bright yellow or reddish when fresh, dark and typically dull when dryh 3306C 6DHPlants erect to ascending, mostly more than 2 dm tall, valleys to alpine (Salix) 3297G 3307H 3308I 3309J 3306N 3308O (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Twigs of the previous year and sometimes those of the season mottled with a bright, bluish-white bloom over some portion of the length (sometimes only apparent on or under some of the buds); leaves green above, a lighter green to whitish beneath`dTwigs not mottled with a bluish-white bloom, occasionally thinly glaucous throughout; leaves diverse 3307C 6.5D`Low, mat-forming plants of alpine and subalpine, the stems mostly prostrate, rarely to 2 dm tall (Salix) 3297G 3306H 3336I 3337J 3307N 3307O (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_!Catkin scales dark brown to black`(Catkin scales pale yellow to light brown 3308C Twigs of the previous year and sometimes those of the season mottled with a bright, bluish-white bloom over some portion of the length (sometimes only apparent on or under some of the buds); leaves green above, a lighter green to whitish beneath (Salix) 3306G 3309H 3310I 3311J 3308N 3310O Salix geyeriana Salix drummondiana (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Catkins terminating very short leafy branchlets, capsule stipes 1-2(2.5) mm long, style and stigma collectively to about 0.8 mm long, catkin scales yellow to brown or black, leaves soon becoming sparsely hairy and pale glaucous beneath` Catkins sessile or subsessile and only occasionally leafy at the base, capsule stipes 0-1.5 mm long, style and stigma collectively often at least 1 mm long, catkin scales dark brown to black, leaves persistently velvety pubescent beneath 3309C 7.5DdTwigs not mottled with a bluish-white bloom, occasionally thinly glaucous throughout; leaves diverse (Salix) alpine alpine subalpine plants simple much-branched alternatej alternately alternating although altitudes always` ambrosia 3310I 3310J 3310N 3312O Show Description & Photos Salix drummondiana (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1030^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Catkins terminating very short leafy branchlets, capsule stipes 1-2(2.5) mm long, style and stigma collectively to about 0.8 mm long, catkin scales yellow to brown or black, leaves soon becoming sparsely hairy and pale glaucous beneathh 3311C 3308G 3306G 3308H 3312I 3313J 3309N 3309O (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_cCatkin scales pale yellowish to green or drying to light brown, persistent or deciduous by fruiting`/Catkin scales medium brown to black, persistent Catkins sessile or subsessile and only occasionally leafy at the base, capsule stipes 0-1.5 mm long, style and stigma collectively often at least 1 mm long, catkin scales dark brown to black, leaves persistently velvety pubescent beneath Salix drummondiana 3308G 3310H 3311I 3311J 3311N 3311O Show Description & Photos Salix geyeriana (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1027^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Catkins sessile or subsessile and only occasionally leafy at the base, capsule stipes 0-1.5 mm long, style and stigma collectively often at least 1 mm long, catkin scales dark brown to black, leaves persistently velvety pubescent beneathh 3312C 9DcCatkin scales pale yellowish to green or drying to light brown, persistent or deciduous by fruiting (Salix) 3309G 3313H 3314I 3315J 3312N 3314O Salix exigua (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaves all or nearly all at least 6 times longer than wide; twigs often exfoliating in translucent flakes; catkin scales much exceeding the stipes but deciduous by fruiting; stigmas sessile or nearly so; shrub or small tree, often forming dense stands`aLeaves less than 6 times as long as wide OR the plants not otherwise as above in every particular 3313C 9.5D/Catkin scales medium brown to black, persistent (Salix) 3309G 3312H 3326I 3327J 3313N 3313O Salix rigida (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS thirds thorns thorny those threadlikep three-fourths throat throuchout through throughouta q_wCapsules glabrous; catkin rachis usually obscured by long wool-like hairs, the scales glabrous or hairy like the rachis` Capsules hairy, sometimes only slightly so; catkin rachis and scales pubescent with either long, straight or short crinkled hairs 3314C Leaves all or nearly all at least 6 times longer than wide; twigs often exfoliating in translucent flakes; catkin scales much exceeding the stipes but deciduous by fruiting; stigmas sessile or nearly so; shrub or small tree, often forming dense stands Salix exigua 3312G 3315H 3314I 3314J 3314N 3316O Show Description & Photos (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1028^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaves all or nearly all at least 6 times longer than wide; twigs often exfoliating in translucent flakes; catkin scales much exceeding the stipes but deciduous by fruiting; stigmas sessile or nearly so; shrub or small tree, often forming dense standsh 3315C 10.5DaLeaves less than 6 times as long as wide OR the plants not otherwise as above in every particular (Salix) 3312G 3314H 3316I 3317J 3315N 3315O (Salix) (Salix) Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1028^ Salix exigua (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_rCapsules hairy, catkins 1-6 cm long, all leaves entire or nearly so or rarely those of vegetative branches toothed` Capsules glabrous; catkins 2-12 cm long, leaves of catkin-bearing branches entire or toothed, those of vegetative branches regularly toothed 3316C 11DrCapsules hairy, catkins 1-6 cm long, all leaves entire or nearly so or rarely those of vegetative branches toothed (Salix) 3315G 3317H 3318I 3319J 3316N 3318O Salix glauca (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Capsule stipe 0-1 mm long; leaves mostly loosely woolly-hairy at least on the margins; leaf bud scale terete or nearly so, rounded on the lateral margins` Capsule stipe 1-4(5) mm long; leaves with appressed silky hairs or, if loosely hairy, the leaf bud scale compressed and acute on the lateral margins 3317C 11.5D Capsules glabrous; catkins 2-12 cm long, leaves of catkin-bearing branches entire or toothed, those of vegetative branches regularly toothed (Salix) 3315G 3316H 3322I 3323J 3317N 3317O Salix amygdaloides (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS &Style 0.2-0.4 mm long; catkin scales entire to occasionally few-toothed, the teeth not gland-tipped, leaf buds terminating in a sharp point, the ventral margins free and overlapping, often minutely ciliate; leaves subtending catkins typically entire or nearly so, mature leaves glaucous beneath Style mostly more than 0.4 mm long; catkin scales entire or toothed, the teeth sometimes gland-tipped; leaf buds blunt at the apex, the margins fused, the caplike bud splitting down the ventral surface; leaves subtending catkins entire or toothed, mature leaves green or glaucous beneath 3318C Capsule stipe 0-1 mm long; leaves mostly loosely woolly-hairy at least on the margins; leaf bud scale terete or nearly so, rounded on the lateral margins Salix glauca glabrous gland gland perianth segments distinctly thickened gland perianth segments indistinct non-thicke gland-dotted gland-tipped glands Capsule stipe 1-4(5) mm long; leaves with appressed silky hairs or, if loosely hairy, the leaf bud scale compressed and acute on the lateral margins (Salix) 3316G 3318H 3320I 3321J 3319N 3319O Salix geyeriana Salix bebbiana Salix glauca (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Capsule stipes 1-2(2.5) mm long, leaves often at least 4 times longer than wide, twigs glabrous or minutely short-hairy at the tips` Capsule stipes 2-4(5) mm long, leaves rarely more than 3 times longer than wide, twigs typically pubescent with appressed hairs 3316G 3319H 3318I 3318J 3318N 3320O Show Description & Photos (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1031^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Capsule stipe 0-1 mm long; leaves mostly loosely woolly-hairy at least on the margins; leaf bud scale terete or nearly so, rounded on the lateral marginsh 3319C Capsule stipes 1-2(2.5) mm long, leaves often at least 4 times longer than wide, twigs glabrous or minutely short-hairy at the tips Salix geyeriana 3319G 3321H 3320I 3320J 3320N 3322O Show Description & Photos Salix bebbiana (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1030^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. pically pubescent with appressed hairs Capsule stipes 1-2(2.5) mm long, leaves often at least 4 times longer than wide, twigs glabrous or minutely short-hairy at the tipsh 3321C 13.5D Capsule stipes 2-4(5) mm long, leaves rarely more than 3 times longer than wide, twigs typically pubescent with appressed hairs Salix bebbiana 3319G 3320H 3321I 3321J 3321N 3321O Show Description & Photos Salix geyeriana (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1026^ way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Capsule stipes 2-4(5) mm long, leaves rarely more than 3 times longer than wide, twigs typically pubescent with appressed hairsh 3322C &Style 0.2-0.4 mm long; catkin scales entire to occasionally few-toothed, the teeth not gland-tipped, leaf buds terminating in a sharp point, the ventral margins free and overlapping, often minutely ciliate; leaves subtending catkins typically entire or nearly so, mature leaves glaucous beneath Salix amygdaloides 3317G 3323H 3322I 3322J 3322N 3324O Show Description & Photos tographs. narrowly native nearJ (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1024^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. &Style 0.2-0.4 mm long; catkin scales entire to occasionally few-toothed, the teeth not gland-tipped, leaf buds terminating in a sharp point, the ventral margins free and overlapping, often minutely ciliate; leaves subtending catkins typically entire or nearly so, mature leaves glaucous beneath 3323C Style mostly more than 0.4 mm long; catkin scales entire or toothed, the teeth sometimes gland-tipped; leaf buds blunt at the apex, the margins fused, the caplike bud splitting down the ventral surface; leaves subtending catkins entire or toothed, mature leaves green or glaucous beneath (Salix) 3317G 3322H 3324I 3325J 3323N 3323O Salix fragilis Salix lasiandra Salix amygdaloides (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS ubtending catkins entire or toothed, mature leaves green or glaucous beneath (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1029^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Capsule stipes to 1 mm long, leaves subtending catkins entire or nearly so, the mature leaves of vegetative branches glaucous beneath; tree of the valleysh 3325C Capsule stipes 0.8-2.2 mm long; leaves subtending catkins nearly always toothed, sometimes obscurely so, the mature leaves of vegetative branches equally green or nearly so on both surfaces, not glaucous beneath; shrub or small tree of foothills to midmontane Salix lasiandra 3323G 3324H 3325I 3325J 3325N 3325O Capsule stipes to 1 mm long, leaves subtending catkins entire or nearly so, the mature leaves of vegetative branches glaucous beneath; tree of the valleys Capsule stipes 0.8-2.2 mm long; leaves subtending catkins nearly always toothed, sometimes obscurely so, the mature leaves of vegetative branches equally green or nearly so on both surfaces, not glaucous beneath; shrub or small tree of foothills to midmontane 3324C Capsule stipes to 1 mm long, leaves subtending catkins entire or nearly so, the mature leaves of vegetative branches glaucous beneath; tree of the valleys Salix fragilis 3323G 3325H 3324I 3324J 3324N 3326O Show Description & Photos Salix lasiandra (Salix) the mature leaves of vegetative branches glaucous beneath; tree of the valleys Salix fragilis 3323G 3325H 3324I 3324J 3324N 3326O Show Description & Photos Salix lasiandra (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1029^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Show Description & Photos Salix fragilis (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1032^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Capsule stipes 0.8-2.2 mm long; leaves subtending catkins nearly always toothed, sometimes obscurely so, the mature leaves of vegetative branches equally green or nearly so on both surfaces, not glaucous beneath; shrub or small tree of foothills to midmontane 3326C ~DwCapsules glabrous; catkin rachis usually obscured by long wool-like hairs, the scales glabrous or hairy like the rachis Salix rigida 3313G 3327H 3326I 3326J 3326N 3328O Show Description & Photos (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1035^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaves glabrous throughout; twigs pale yellowish or drying to yellow-brown or reddish-purple, often bicolored and distinctly lighter on one side than on the other, not or rarely exfoliating A{Leaves typically persistently hairy to some degree, the hairs sometimes reddish; twigs diverse but not bicolored as above 3400C Leaves glabrous throughout; twigs pale yellowish or drying to yellow-brown or reddish-purple, often bicolored and distinctly lighter on one side than on the other, not or rarely exfoliating Salix rigida ~`wCapsules glabrous; catkin rachis usually obscured by long wool-like hairs, the scales glabrous or hairy like the rachish 3327C 16.5D Capsules hairy, sometimes only slightly so; catkin rachis and scales pubescent with either long, straight or short crinkled hairs (Salix) 3313G 3326H 3328I 3329J 3327N 3327O Salix geyeriana (Salix) Salix rigida (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Capsule stipe 1-2.5 mm long; catkins 1-2(2.5) cm long at maturity, style and stigma collectively 0.1-0.8 mm long; leaves to 1.5 cm wide. (3)4-7 times as long as wideh 3329C 17.5D Capsule stipe lacking or to 1.5 mm long, catkins 1-6(8) cm long at maturity, style and stigma collectively often more than 1 mm long, leaves diverse (Salix) 3327G 3328H 3330I 3331J 3329N 3329O Salix drummondiana (Salix) Salix geyeriana (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Catkins sessile or nearly so; first leaves narrowly oblanceolate and abruptly acute at the apex; mature leaves with a persistent velvety pubescence beneath, the margins often revolute, especially toward the base` Catkins sessile or terminating leafy branches; first leaves often elliptic or subobovate, sometimes rounded at the apex; mature leaves sparsely hairy and glaucous beneath, the hairs often reddish, the margins not revolute or rarely so 3330C Catkins sessile or nearly so; first leaves narrowly oblanceolate and abruptly acute at the apex; mature leaves with a persistent velvety pubescence beneath, the margins often revolute, especially toward the base Salix drummondiana 3329G 3331H 3330I 3330J 3330N 3332O Show Description & Photos (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1027^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Catkins sessile or nearly so; first leaves narrowly oblanceolate and abruptly acute at the apex; mature leaves with a persistent velvety pubescence beneath, the margins often revolute, especially toward the baseh 3331C 18.5so 3330C HTwigs of the previous season mostly gray-brown and typically exfoliating in translucent flakes, generally persistently hairy at least toward the tips; catkins on short leafy branchlets, the scales brown, less often black; leaves glabrous to sparsely pubescent with rather long, wavy, white hairs on both sides and on the margins Twigs of the previous season either dark reddish-brown to black (when dried) or glabrous, rarely exfoliating; catkins sessile and ebracteate or on leafy branchlets, the scales blackish; leaves glabrous to short-hairy, often some of the hairs reddish 3332C HTwigs of the previous season mostly gray-brown and typically exfoliating in translucent flakes, generally persistently hairy at least toward the tips; catkins on short leafy branchlets, the scales brown, less often black; leaves glabrous to sparsely pubescent with rather long, wavy, white hairs on both sides and on the margins Salix glauca Catkins sessile or terminating leafy branches; first leaves often elliptic or subobovate, sometimes rounded at the apex; mature leaves sparsely hairy and glaucous beneath, the hairs often reddish, the margins not revolute or rarely so (Salix) 3329G 3330H 3332I 3333J 3331N 3331O Salix glauca (Salix) Salix drummondiana (Salix)Z SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS TYLEDONS Salix drummondiana (Salix)Z SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS lateral lateral nerves lemma obscure hairy glumes diverse lateral sepals nearly plants valleys lateral sepals otherwise fused laterally latter lavender lavender-pink layerlayerlayerlayer 3331G 3333H 3332I 3332J 3332N 3334O Show Description & Photos (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1031^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. HTwigs of the previous season mostly gray-brown and typically exfoliating in translucent flakes, generally persistently hairy at least toward the tips; catkins on short leafy branchlets, the scales brown, less often black; leaves glabrous to sparsely pubescent with rather long, wavy, white hairs on both sides and on the margins 3333C 19.5D Twigs of the previous season either dark reddish-brown to black (when dried) or glabrous, rarely exfoliating; catkins sessile and ebracteate or on leafy branchlets, the scales blackish; leaves glabrous to short-hairy, often some of the hairs reddish (Salix) 3331G 3332H 3334I 3335J 3333N 3333O Salix phylicifolia Salix scouleriana Salix glauca (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Stigmas not more than 0.5 mm long, distinctly shorter than the style, the style 0.7-1.7 mm long; twigs typically glossy; leaves mostly acute at the apex, quickly becoming glabrous, at least above` Stigmas 0.5-1 mm long, often equal to or longer than the style, the latter 0.2-1 mm long; twigs usually dull but sometimes glossy; leaves rounded to acute at the apex, generally remaining sparsely and minutely hairy, especially beneath 3334C Stigmas not more than 0.5 mm long, distinctly shorter than the style, the style 0.7-1.7 mm long; twigs typically glossy; leaves mostly acute at the apex, quickly becoming glabrous, at least above Salix phylicifolia 3333G 3335H 3334I 3334J 3334N 3336O Show Description & Photos apart; the blades often more than 2 cm wide, glabrous or diversely pubescent; twigs gen erally dull or exfoliating, occasionally glossy; plants of foothills to alpine (Salix) 3391G 3398H 3400I 3401J 3399N 3399O Salix rigida (Salix) (Salix) 3400I 3401J 3399N 3399O Salix rigida (Salix) (Salix) Stigmas 0.5-1 mm long, often equal to or longer than the style, the latter 0.2-1 mm long; twigs usually dull but sometimes glossy; leaves rounded to acute at the apex, generally remaining sparsely and minutely hairy, especially beneath Salix scouleriana 3333G 3334H 3335I 3335J 3335N 3335O Show Description & Photos Salix phylicifolia (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1036^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Salix scouleriana (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1033^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Stigmas not more than 0.5 mm long, distinctly shorter than the style, the style 0.7-1.7 mm long; twigs typically glossy; leaves mostly acute at the apex, quickly becoming glabrous, at least aboveh 3335C Stigmas 0.5-1 mm long, often equal to or longer than the style, the latter 0.2-1 mm long; twigs usually dull but sometimes glossy; leaves rounded to acute at the apex, generally remaining sparsely and minutely hairy, especially beneathh 3336C 21D!Catkin scales dark brown to black (Salix) 3307G 3337H 3338I 3339J 3336N 3338O Salix glauca Salix arctica (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONSion and photographs. Style (excluding stigmas) 0.3-1 mm long, mature leaves generally sparsely woolly- hairy on both sides, sometimes only on the margins, rarely glabrous in age`OStyle (excluding stigmas) generally more than 1 mm long, mature leaves glabrous 3337C 21.5D(Catkin scales pale yellow to light brown (Salix) 3307G 3336H 3340I 3341J 3337N 3337O Salix reticulata Salix glauca (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS description photos Style (excluding stigmas) obsolete or to 0.4 mm long; leaves firm to leathery, mostly rounded at the apex, prominently reticulate-veined beneath; twigs glabrous` Style (excluding stigmas) 0.3-1 mm long; leaves not leathery, often acute at the apex, inconspicuously pinnately veined beneath; twiqs typically densely hairy 3338C Style (excluding stigmas) 0.3-1 mm long, mature leaves generally sparsely woolly- hairy on both sides, sometimes only on the margins, rarely glabrous in age Salix glauca 3336G 3339H 3338I 3338J 3338N 3340O Show Description & Photos Salix arctica (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1031^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Style (excluding stigmas) 0.3-1 mm long, mature leaves generally sparsely woolly- hairy on both sides, sometimes only on the margins, rarely glabrous in ageh 3339C 22.5DOStyle (excluding stigmas) generally more than 1 mm long, mature leaves glabrous Salix arctica 3336G 3338H 3339I 3339J 3339N 3339O Show Description & Photos Salix glauca (Salix) DONS] 1031^ SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1025^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `OStyle (excluding stigmas) generally more than 1 mm long, mature leaves glabroush 3340C Style (excluding stigmas) obsolete or to 0.4 mm long; leaves firm to leathery, mostly rounded at the apex, prominently reticulate-veined beneath; twigs glabrous Salix reticulata 3337G 3341H 3340I 3340J 3340N 3342O Show Description & Photos Salix glauca (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1034^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Style (excluding stigmas) obsolete or to 0.4 mm long; leaves firm to leathery, mostly rounded at the apex, prominently reticulate-veined beneath; twigs glabroush 3341C 23.5D Style (excluding stigmas) 0.3-1 mm long; leaves not leathery, often acute at the apex, inconspicuously pinnately veined beneath; twiqs typically densely hairy Salix glauca 3337G 3340H 3341I 3341J 3341N 3341O Show Description & Photos photos 3357C 8D^Catkin scales pale yellow to light brown; leaf bud scale compressed, the lateral margins acute Salix bebbiana (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_MCatkin scales pale yellow to greenish or light brown, occasionally red-tinged`*Catkin scales medium brown to nearly black 3357C 8D^Catkin scales pale yellow to light brown; leaf bud scale compressed, the lateral margins acute Salix bebbiana description Salix reticulata (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1031^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Style (excluding stigmas) 0.3-1 mm long; leaves not leathery, often acute at the apex, inconspicuously pinnately veined beneath; twiqs typically densely hairyh 3342C Staminate catkins available Salix B: Staminate catkins 3751G 3377H 3343I 3344J 3342N 3378O (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS Twigs of the previous year, and sometimes those of the season, bearing a bright, bluish-white bloom over some portion of the length, sometimes evident only on or under the buds AUTwigs sometimes faintly glaucous throughout but lacking a distinct bluish-white bloom Salix B: Staminate catkinskin scales pale to nearly black (Salix) 3342G 3343H 3347I 3348J 3344N 3344O (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) Salix B: Staminate catkins (Salix) Salix C: Vegetative Salix keys SALICACEAE Salix DICOTYLEDONS AEStamens 3-8 per flower; catkin scales pale yellowish to light brown A:Stamens 2 per flower; catkin scales pale to nearly black Salix B: Staminate catkins 3343C 1DCStamens 3-8 per flower; catkin scales pale yellowish to light brown (Salix) 3342G 3344H 3345I 3346J 3343N 3345O Salix amygdaloides 3345C Leaf bud scale terminating in an acute tip, the ventral margins free and overlapping, often minutely ciliate; leaves subtending catkins mostly entire; twigs not brittle Salix amygdaloides 3343G 3346H 3345I 3345J 3345N 3347O Show Description & Photos Salix lasiandra (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1024^ Salix lasiandra (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1024^ SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS Salix lasiandra (Salix) Salix B: Staminate catkins SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaf bud scale terminating in an acute tip, the ventral margins free and overlapping, often minutely ciliate; leaves subtending catkins mostly entire; twigs not brittle Leaf bud scale blunt to rounded at the tip, the ventral margins fused; leaves subtending catkins typically glandular-toothed; twigs brittle, readily breaking off 3346N 3346O Show Description & Photos Salix amygdaloides (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1032^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaf bud scale blunt to rounded at the tip, the ventral margins fused; leaves subtending catkins typically glandular-toothed; twigs brittle, readily breaking off Salix amygdaloides poaceae poaceae group polypodiaceae ranunculus rosaceae salsola santalaceae@ solanum tap-rooted annuals@ veronica woody xanthium@ asteraceae brassicaceae caryophyllaceae cyperaceae grosulariaceae malvaceae poaceae ranunculaceae salicaceae tamaricaceae@ amaranthus@ astragalus carex cleome draba fumaria@ iliamna@ lomatium opuntia polemonium@ ribes senecio@ tetradymia@ Salix reticulata (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS_,Catkin scales dark, long-hairy on both sides`NCatkin scales pale yellowish or green, externally glabrous, short-hairy within 3348C 3.5D=Erect plants of valleys to alpine, mostly more than 2 dm tall (Salix) 3344G 3347H 3351I 3352J 3348N 3348O (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) glossy glume 3349C 4D,Catkin scales dark, long-hairy on both sides Salix arctica 3347G 3350H 3349I 3349J 3349N 3351O Show Description & Photos Salix reticulata (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1025^ & Photos Salix reticulata (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1025^ (Salix) (Salix) You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `,Catkin scales dark, long-hairy on both sidesh 3350C 4.5DNCatkin scales pale yellowish or green, externally glabrous, short-hairy within Salix reticulata 3347G 3349H 3350I 3350J 3350N 3350O Show Description & Photos Salix arctica (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1034^ often older older twigs diverse color usually yellow-brown older twigs typically gray-brown exfoliating olive You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `NCatkin scales pale yellowish or green, externally glabrous, short-hairy withinh 3351C Twigs of the previous year, and sometimes those of the season, bearing a bright, bluish-white bloom over some portion of the length, sometimes evident only on or under the buds (Salix) 3348G 3352H 3353I 3354J 3351N 3353O Salix drummondiana Salix geyeriana (Salix) surface surfaces surmounting surpassing surround surrounded surrounding surroundinq suture sweetpea sweetpea-like swellings symmetricalV sympetalous tail-like 3353C 6DdCatkins appearing before or with the leaves, sessile or nearly so, the scales dark brown to blackish Salix drummondiana 3351G 3354H 3353I 3353J 3353N 3355O Show Description & Photos Salix geyeriana (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1027^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `dCatkins appearing before or with the leaves, sessile or nearly so, the scales dark brown to blackishh (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS AdCatkins appearing before or with the leaves, sessile or nearly so, the scales dark brown to blackish Catkins appearing with the leaves, subsessile or terminating short leafy branchlets, the scales mostly pale to brownish or some of them dark-tipped 3352C 5.5DUTwigs sometimes faintly glaucous throughout but lacking a distinct bluish-white bloom (Salix) 3348G 3351H 3355I 3356J 3352N 3352O (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) elliptic elliptic-lanceolate elliptic-oblong elliptic-orbicular elliptical elongate elongate-triangular elongated elongating embeddedH emergent_ emergent leaves linear whorls flowers without emergent leaves oblong obovate spoon-shaped opposite emitting empty encircle encircled encircling (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS Catkins preceeding the leaves Catkins and leaves present Catkins appearing with the leaves, subsessile or terminating short leafy branchlets, the scales mostly pale to brownish or some of them dark-tippedh 3355C Catkins preceeding the leaves (Salix) 3352G 3356H 3357I 3358J 3355N 3357O Salix bebbiana (Salix) (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS A`Catkin scales pale yellow to light brown; leaf bud scale compressed, the lateral margins acute ion and photographs. SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Linaria\ DICOTYLEDONS_6Leaves ovate, 10-40 mm wide, stem-clasping at the base`FLeaves linear to narrowly oblanceolate, 1-5 mm wide, not stem-claspingd Linaria 3445C 1D6Leaves ovate, 10-40 mm wide, stem-clasping at the base Linaria genistifolia 3444G 3446H 3445I 3445J 3445N 3447O Show Description & Photos Linaria vulgaris Linaria SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Linaria\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1062^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3355G 3358H 3357I 3357J 3357N 3359O Show Description & Photos (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1026^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. `^Catkin scales pale yellow to light brown; leaf bud scale compressed, the lateral margins acuteh 3358C 8.5D aceraceae@ agoseris agrohordeum@ agropyron cristatum@ album@ alopecurus amaranthus retroflexus ambrosia acanthicarpa@ angelica@ antennaria alpina apiaceae aquatics@ arabis confinis@ arenaria arenaria congesta@ arnica chamissonis@ asclepias asclepias asperula@ aster asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae group atriplex argentea barbarea orthoceras@ bebbiana botrychium lunaria@ brassicaceae flowers cactaceae@ campanula campanulaceae@ carex carex groups Isoetes ISOETACEAEZ ISOETACEAE[ Isoetes\ Spore-bearing_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. Leaves long-petioled with 4 fan-shaped terminal leaflets; spores produced in hardened, initially hairy sporocarps borne on short peduncles near the base of the leaves Marsilea vestita 3561G 3562H 3562I 3562J 3562N 3563O Show Description & Photos Marsilea vestita Marsilea MARSILEACEAE[ Marsilea\ Spore-bearing] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3562B Aquatics Leaves long-petioled with 4 fan-shaped terminal leaflets; spores produced in hardened, initially hairy sporocarps borne on short peduncles near the base of the leavesh 3563B Aquatics Azolla 3563H 3564I 3564J 3563N 3564O Azolla mexicana Azolla mexicana Azolla SALVINIACEAEZ SALVINIACEAE[ Azolla\ Spore-bearing Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 3564B Aquatics Azolla mexicana 3563G 3564H 3564I 3564J 3564N 3565O Show Description & Photos Azolla mexicana Azolla SALVINIACEAE[ Azolla\ Spore-bearing] 1037^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3565B Aquatics Azolla 3565H 3566I 3566J 3565N 3566O Azolla mexicana Azolla mexicana Azolla SALVINIACEAEZ SALVINIACEAE[ Azolla\ Spore-bearing Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 3566B Aquatics Azolla mexicana 3565G 3566H 3566I 3566J 3566N 3567O Show Description & Photos Azolla mexicana Azolla SALVINIACEAE[ Azolla\ Spore-bearing] 1037^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Salix bebbiana Salix glauca Salix scouleriana (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaf bud scale distinctly compressed, the lateral margins acute; twigs of the previous season variable, not usually exfoliating; plants of foothills and midmontane Leaf bud scale terete, rounded on the lateral margins; twigs of the previous season typically pale gray-brown and exfoliating in thin transparent flakes; plants of midmontane to alpine Selaginella SELAGINELLACEAE[ Selaginella\ Spore-bearing] 1098^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3569B Major Groups Botrychium 3569H 3570I 3570J 3569N 3570O Botrychium lunaria Botrychium lunaria Botrychium OPHIOGLOSSACEAEZ OPHIOGLOSSACEAE[ Botrychium\ Ferns Single species in genus locally. 3404C Leaf bud scale distinctly compressed, the lateral margins acute; twigs of the previous season variable, not usually exfoliatinq; plants of foothills and midmontane Salix bebbiana 1557G 3571H 3571I 3571J 3571N 3572O Show Description & Photos Pteridium aquilinum U PteridiumZ POLYPODIACEAE[ Pteridium\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Polypodium hesperium 1563G 3572H 3572I 3572J 3572N 3573O Show Description & Photos Polypodium hesperium Polypodium Single species in genus locally. 3570B Major Groups Botrychium lunaria 3569G 3570H 3570I 3570J 3570N 3571O Show Description & Photos Botrychium lunaria Botrychium OPHIOGLOSSACEAE[ Botrychium\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Pteridium aquilinum sites situated slendert You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Athyrium filix-femina 1574G 3574H 3574I 3574J 3574N 3575O Show Description & Photos Athyrium filix-femina Athyrium POLYPODIACEAE[ Athyrium\ Ferns] ODIACEAE[ Athyrium\ Ferns] POLYPODIACEAE[ Polypodium\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Athyrium filix-femina 1567G 3573H 3573I 3573J 3573N 3574O Show Description & Photos Athyrium filix-femina Athyrium POLYPODIACEAE[ Athyrium\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Dryopteris filix-mas 1575G 3575H 3575I 3575J 3575N 3576O Show Description & Photos Dryopteris filix-mas Dryopteris POLYPODIACEAE[ Dryopteris\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Adiantum pedatum 1579G 3576H 3576I 3576J 3576N 3577O Show Description & Photos Adiantum pedatum Adiantum POLYPODIACEAE[ Adiantum\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cryptogramma crispa 1581G 3577H 3577I 3577J 3577N 3578O Show Description & Photos Cryptogramma crispa Cryptogramma POLYPODIACEAE[ Cryptogramma\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cheilanthes feei 1583G 3578H 3578I 3578J 3578N 3579O Show Description & Photos Cheilanthes feei Cheilanthes POLYPODIACEAE[ Cheilanthes\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Aspidotis densa 1585G 3579H 3579I 3579J 3579N 3580O Show Description & Photos Aspidotis densa A Aspidotis POLYPODIACEAE[ Aspidotis\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Pellaea breweri 1586G 3580H 3580I 3580J 3580N 3581O Show Description & Photos Pellaea breweri Pellaea POLYPODIACEAE[ Pellaea\ Ferns] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Larix occidentalis 1320G 3581H 3581I 3581J 3581N 3582O Show Description & Photos Larix occidentalis Larix PINACEAE[ Larix\ Gymnosperms] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Pseutsuga menziesii 1325G 3582H 3582I 3582J 3582N 3583O Show Description & Photos Pseudotsuga menziesii Pseudotsuga PINACEAE[ Pseutsuga\ Gymnosperms] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Plants parasitic on the branches of Pseudotsuga menziesii, yellow-green, usually less than 2 dm tall; stems generally angled; pistillate flowers with 2 sepals; fruit pedicelled, olive green at maturity Arceuthobium 3585H 3584I 3584J 3583N 3586O Arceuthobium Arceuthobium Phoradendron U VISCACEAEZ VISCACEAE[ Arceuthobium\ DICOTYLEDONS Plants parasitic on species of Juniperus, green, usually over 2 dm tall; stems terete; pistillate flowers with 3 sepals; fruit sessile, white to pinkish at maturity. Phoradendron 3583H 3586I 3586J 3585N 3584O Phoradendron juniperinum Phoradendron juniperinum Arceuthobium U VISCACEAEZ VISCACEAE[ Phoradendron\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Phoradendron juniperinum 3585G 3586H 3586I 3586J 3586N 3587O Show Description & Photos Phoradendron juniperinum Phoradendron Z VISCACEAE[ Phoradendron\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1137^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Spirodela polyrhiza 1245G 3587H 3587I 3587J 3587N 3588O Show Description & Photos Spirodela polyrhiza wavy-hairy wavy-margined You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3589B Aquatics Najas 3590H 3590I 3590J 3589N 3591O Najas guadalupensis Najas guadalupensis Najas guadalupensis NAJADACEAEZ NAJADACEAE[ Najas\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. A Spirodela Z LEMNACEAE[ Spirodela\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Wolffia punctata 1242G 3588H 3588I 3588J 3588N 3589O Show Description & Photos Wolffia punctata Wolffia Z LEMNACEAE[ Wolffia\ DICOTYLEDONS] 3590B Aquatics Najas guadalupensis 3589G 3590H 3590I 3590J 3590N 3591O Show Description & Photos Najas guadalupensis Najas NAJADACEAE[ Najas\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3591B Aquatics Elodea 3591H 3592I 3592J 3591N 3592O Elodea longivaginata generally genusD You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3593B Aquatics Hippuris 3593H 3594I 3594J 3593N 3594O Hippuris vulgaris Hippuris vulgaris Hippuris HIPPURIDACEAEZ HIPPURIDACEAE[ Hippuris\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 3594B Aquatics Elodea longivaginata Elodea HYDROCHARITACEAEZ HYDROCHARITACEAE[ Elodea\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 3592B Aquatics Elodea longivaginata 3591G 3592H 3592I 3592J 3592N 3593O Show Description & Photos Elodea longivaginata Elodea HYDROCHARITACEAE[ Elodea\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] Hippuris vulgaris 3593G 3594H 3594I 3594J 3594N 3595O Show Description & Photos Hippuris vulgaris Hippuris HIPPURIDACEAE[ Hippuris\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3595B Aquatics Zannichellia 3595H 3596I 3596J 3595N 3596O Zannichellia palustris 3594B Aquatics obovate obovoid obscure obscured obscurely obscuring obsolete obtuse occasionallyC You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3597B Aquatics Ceratophyllum 3597H 3598I 3598J 3597N 3598O Ceratophyllum demersum Ceratophyllum demersum Ceratophyllum CERATOPHYLLACEAEZ CERATOPHYLLACEAE[ Ceratophyllum\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Zannichellia palustris Zannichellia ZANNICHELLIACEAEZ ZANNICHELLIACEAE[ Zannichellia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 3596B Aquatics Zannichellia palustris 3595G 3596H 3596I 3596J 3596N 3597O Show Description & Photos Zannichellia palustris Zannichellia ZANNICHELLIACEAE[ Zannichellia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] 1139^ 3598B Aquatics Ceratophyllum demersum 3597G 3598H 3598I 3598J 3598N 3599O Show Description & Photos Ceratophyllum demersum Ceratophyllum CERATOPHYLLACEAE[ Ceratophyllum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3599B Aquatics Myriophyllum 3599H 3600I 3600J 3599N 3600O Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum Myriophyllum HALORAGACEAE[ Myriophyllum\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 3600B Aquatics Myriophyllum spicatum 3599G 3600H 3600I 3600J 3600N 3601O Show Description & Photos Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum HALORAGACEAE[ Myriophyllum\ DICOTYLEDONS] llum spicatum You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sagittaria cuneata 3601H 3601I 3601J 3601N 3602O Show Description & Photos Sagittaria cuneata Sagittaria ALISMATACEAE[ Sagittaria\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] Myriophyllum HALORAGACEAE[ Myriophyllum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Limosella aquatica 1707G 3602H 3602I 3602J 3602N 3603O Show Description & Photos Limosella aquatica A Limosella SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Limosella\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1061^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3603B Aquatics Ruppia 3603H 3604I 3604J 3603N 3604O Ruppia maritima Ruppia maritima Ruppia RUPPIACEAEZ RUPPIACEAE[ Ruppia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 3604B Aquatics Ruppia maritima 3603G 3604H 3604I 3604J 3604N 3605O Show Description & Photos Ruppia maritima Ruppia RUPPIACEAE[ Ruppia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] 1017^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3605B Aquatics Downingia laeta 1068G 3605H 3605I 3605J 3605N 3606O Show Description & Photos Downingia laeta A Downingia CAMPANULACEAE[ Downingia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Echinocystis 3606H 3607I 3607J 3606N 3607O Echinocystis lobata Echinocystis lobata Echinocystis CUCURBITACEAEZ CUCURBITACEAEACEAE Echinocystis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Echinocystis lobata 3606G 3607H 3607I 3607J 3607N 3608O Show Description & Photos Echinocystis lobata Echinocystis CUCURBITACEAE[ Echinocystis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. clustered heads subtended involucre ihroughout ill-defined imbricate immature immature fruit elliptic obcordate rounded ultimately immature fruit entire immediately imparting imperceptible imperceptibly Show Description & Photos Psoralea lanceolata Psoralea FABACEAE[ Psoralea\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Glycyrrhiza lepidota 1170G 3610H 3610I 3610J 3610N 3611O Show Description & Photos Glycyrrhiza lepidota Oxytropis viscida 1166G 3608H 3608I 3608J 3608N 3609O Show Description & Photos Oxytropis viscida A Oxytropis FABACEAE[ Oxytropis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Psoralea lanceolata 1168G 3609H 3609I 3609J 3609N 3610O Glycyrrhiza FABACEAE[ Glycyrrhiza\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Hedysarum boreale 1186G 3611H 3611I 3611J 3611N 3612O Show Description & Photos Hedysarum boreale A Hedysarum FABACEAE[ Hedysarum\ DICOTYLEDONS] Glycyrrhiza You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3612B Herbaceous DICOTS Parthenocissus 3612H 3613I 3613J 3612N 3613O Parthenocissus quinquefolia Parthenocissus quinquefolia Parthenocissus VITACEAEZ VITACEAE[ Parthenocissus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. well-spaced whiteT 3614N 3615O Show Description & Photos Humulus lupulus Humulus CANNABACEAE[ Humulus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cannabis sativa 1072G 3615H 3615I 3615J 3615N 3616O Show Description & Photos Cannabis sativa Cannabis CANNABACEAE[ Cannabis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Asperugo procumbens 3616H 3616I 3616J 3616N 3617O Show Description & Photos Asperugo procumbens Asperugo BORAGINACEAE[ Asperugo\ DICOTYLEDONS] Cannabis You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Convolvulus arvensis 1136G 3617H 3617I 3617J 3617N 3618O Show Description & Photos Convolvulus arvensis Convolvulus CONVOLVULACEAE[ Convolvulus\ DICOTYLEDONS] BORAGINACEAE[ Asperugo\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cressa truxillensis 1135G 3618H 3618I 3618J 3618N 3619O Show Description & Photos Cressa truxillensis Cressa CONVOLVULACEAE[ Cressa\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Calystegia sepium 1137G 3619H 3619I 3619J 3619N 3620O Show Description & Photos Calystegia sepium Calystegia CONVOLVULACEAE[ Calystegia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Lycium barbarum 1735G 3620H 3620I 3620J 3620N 3621O Show Description & Photos Lycium barbarum Lycium SOLANACEAE[ Lycium\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1100^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Portulaca oleraceae 1588G 3621H 3621I 3621J 3621N 3622O Show Description & Photos Portulaca oleraceae A Portulaca PORTULACACEAE[ Portulaca\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Oxalis corniculata 3622H 3622I 3622J 3622N 3623O Show Description & Photos Oxalis corniculata OXALIDACEAEZ OXALIDACEAE[ Oxalis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Montia chamissoi 1593G 3623H 3623I 3623J 3623N 3624O Show Description & Photos Montia chamissoi Montia PORTULACACEAE[ Montia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3624B Herbaceous DICOTS Sesuvium 3624H 3625J 3624N 3625O Sesuvium verrucosum Sesuvium verrucosum Sesuvium U AIZOACEAEZ AIZOACEAE[ Sesuvium\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Sesuvium 3625B Herbaceous DICOTS Sesuvium verrucosum 3624G 3625H 3625I 3625J 3625N 3626O Show Description & Photos Sesuvium verrucosum Sesuvium You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Perityle stansburii 3676H 3676I 3676J 3676N 3677O Show Description & Photos Perityle stansburii Perityle ASTERACEAE[ Perityle\ DICOTYLEDONS] reddish reddish-black reddish-brown reddish-orange reddish-purple reddish-yellow reducedB reduced involucral bracts lacking midnerve scales reflexed Z AIZOACEAE[ Sesuvium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Eurotia lanata 1113G 3626H 3626I 3626J 3626N 3627O Show Description & Photos Eurotia lanata Eurotia CHENOPODIACEAE[ Eurotia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Allenrolfea occidentalis 1104G 3627H 3627I 3627J 3627N 3628O Show Description & Photos Allenrolfea occidentalis Allenrolfea CHENOPODIACEAE[ Allenrolfea\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sarcobatus vermiculatus 1109G 3628H 3628I 3628J 3628N 3629O Show Description & Photos Sarcobatus vermiculatus Sarcobatus CHENOPODIACEAE[ Sarcobatus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3629B Herbaceous DICOTS Actaea rubra 1629G 3629H 3629I 3629J 3629N 3630O Show Description & Photos Actaea rubra Actaea RANUNCULACEAE[ Actaea\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Aconitum columbianum 1619G 3630H 3630I 3630J 3630N 3631O Show Description & Photos Aconitum columbianum Aconitum RANUNCULACEAE[ Aconitum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Caltha leptosepala 1621G 3631H 3631I 3631J 3631N 3632O Show Description & Photos Caltha leptosepala Caltha RANUNCULACEAE[ Caltha\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Adonis aestivalis 1625G 3632H 3632I 3632J 3632N 3633O Show Description & Photos Adonis aestivalis Adonis RANUNCULACEAE[ Adonis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Circaea alpina 1290G 3633H 3633I 3633J 3633N 3634O Show Description & Photos Circaea alpina Circaea ONAGRACEAE[ Circaea\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Boisduvalia glabella 1292G 3634H 3634I 3634J 3634N 3635O Show Description & Photos Boisduvalia glabella Boisduvalia ONAGRACEAE[ Boisduvalia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Gaura parviflora 1296G 3635H 3635I 3635J 3635N 3636O Show Description & Photos Gaura parviflora Gaura ONAGRACEAE[ Gaura\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sorbus scopulina 1657G 3706H 3706I 3706J 3706N 3707O Show Description & Photos Sorbus scopulina Sorbus ROSACEAE[ Sorbus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1008^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Clarkia rhomboidea 1298G 3636H 3636I 3636J 3636N 3637O Show Description & Photos Clarkia rhomboidea Clarkia ONAGRACEAE[ Clarkia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Parieteria pensylvanica 1749G 3637H 3637I 3637J 3637N 3638O Show Description & Photos Parietaria pensylvanica Parietaria URTICACEAE[ Parieteria\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1119^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Urtica dioica 1750G 3638H 3638I 3638J 3638N 3639O Show Description & Photos Urtica dioica Urtica URTICACEAE[ Urtica\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1120^ 1119^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Heracleum sphondylium 3639H 3639I 3639J 3639N 3640O Show Description & Photos Heracleum sphondylium A Heracleum APIACEAE[ Heracleum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Berula erecta 3640H 3640I 3640J 3640N 3641O Show Description & Photos Berula erecta Berula APIACEAE[ Berula\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sium suave 3641H 3641I 3641J 3641N 3642O Show Description & Photos Sium suave APIACEAE[ Sium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cicuta douglasii 3642H 3642I 3642J 3642N 3643O Show Description & Photos Cicuta douglasii Cicuta APIACEAE[ Cicuta\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Pastinaca sativa 3643H 3643I 3643J 3643N 3644O Show Description & Photos Pastinaca sativa A Pastinaca APIACEAE[ Pastinaca\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Daucus carota 3644H 3644I 3644J 3644N 3645O Show Description & Photos Daucus carota Daucus APIACEAE[ Daucus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Orogenia linearifolia 3645H 3645I 3645J 3645N 3646O Show Description & Photos Orogenia linearifolia Orogenia APIACEAE[ Orogenia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Perideridia gairdneri 3646H 3646I 3646J 3646N 3647O Show Description & Photos Perideridia gairdneri Perideridia APIACEAE[ Perideridia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Conium maculatum 3647H 3647I 3647J 3647N 3648O Show Description & Photos Conium maculatum Conium APIACEAE[ Conium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Carum carvi 3648H 3648I 3648J 3648N 3649O Show Description & Photos Carum carvi Carum APIACEAE[ Carum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Ligusticum filicinum 3649H 3649I 3649J 3649N 3650O Show Description & Photos Ligusticum filicinum Ligusticum APIACEAE[ Ligusticum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3650B Herbaceous DICOTS Dipsacus 3650H 3651I 3651J 3650N 3651O Dipsacus sylvestris Dipsacus sylvestris Dipsacus DIPSACACEAEZ DIPSACACEAE[ Dipsacus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Herbaceous DICOTS Dipsacus sylvestris 3650G 3651H 3651I 3651J 3651N 3652O Show Description & Photos Dipsacus sylvestris Dipsacus DIPSACACEAE[ Dipsacus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Abronia fragrans 1287G 3652H 3652I 3652J 3652N 3653O Show Description & Photoshotos Abronia fragrans Abronia NYCTAGINACEAE[ Abronia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Mirabilis linearis 1288G 3653H 3653I 3653J 3653N 3654O Show Description & Photos Mirabilis linearis A Mirabilis hairs hairs involucre purple crosswalls hairs minute those blades mostly incurved those hairs involucre crinkled hairs midstem spreading curved downward hairyJ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cichorium intybus 3655H 3655I 3655J 3655N 3656O Show Description & Photos Cichorium intybus A Cichorium ASTERACEAE[ Cichorium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. NYCTAGINACEAE[ Mirabilis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Lygodesmia dianthopsis 3654H 3654I 3654J 3654N 3655O Show Description & Photos Lygodesmia dianthopsis Lygodesmia ASTERACEAE[ Lygodesmia\ DICOTYLEDONS] Lapsana communis 3656H 3656I 3656J 3656N 3657O Show Description & Photos Lapsana communis Lapsana ASTERACEAE[ Lapsana\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Microseris nutans ch over to the description and photographs. 3657H 3657I 3657J 3657N 3658O Show Description & Photos Microseris nutans Microseris ASTERACEAE[ Microseris\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Taraxacum officinale 3658H 3658I 3658J 3658N 3659O Show Description & Photos Taraxacum officinale A Taraxacum ASTERACEAE[ Taraxacum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sphaeromeria diversifolia 3659H 3659I 3659J 3659N 3660O Show Description & Photos Sphaeromeria diversifolia Sphaeromeria ASTERACEAE[ Sphaeromeria\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Onopordum acanthium 3660H 3660I 3660J 3660N 3661O Show Description & Photos Onopordum acanthium A Onopordum ASTERACEAE[ Onopordum\ DICOTYLEDONS] Sphaeromeria ASTERACEAE[ Sphaeromeria\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Carduus nutans 3661H 3661I 3661J 3661N 3662O Show Description & Photos Carduus nutans Carduus ASTERACEAE[ Carduus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Centaurea repens 3662H 3662I 3662J 3662N 3663O Show Description & Photos Centaurea repens A Centaurea ASTERACEAE[ Centaurea\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Xanthium strumarium 3663H 3663I 3663J 3663N 3664O Show Description & Photos Xanthium strumarium Xanthium ASTERACEAE[ Xanthium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Arctium minus 3664H 3664I 3664J 3664N 3665O Show Description & Photos Arctium minus Arctium ASTERACEAE[ Arctium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Psilocarphus brevissimus 3665H 3665I 3665J 3665N 3666O Show Description & Photos Psilocarphus brevissimus Psilocarphus ASTERACEAE[ Psilocarphus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Rudbeckia occidentalis 3666H 3666I 3666J 3666N 3667O Show Description & Photos Rudbeckia occidentalis A Rudbeckia ASTERACEAE[ Rudbeckia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Eupatorium maculatum 3667H 3667I 3667J 3667N 3668O Show Description & Photos Eupatorium maculatum Eupatorium ASTERACEAE[ Eupatorium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Anaphalis margaritacea 3668H 3668I 3668J 3668N 3669O Show Description & Photos Anaphalis margaritacea A Anaphalis ASTERACEAE[ Anaphalis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Conyza canadensis 3669H 3669I 3669J 3669N 3670O Show Description & Photos Conyza canadensis Conyza ASTERACEAE[ Conyza\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Petradoria pumila 3670H 3670I 3670J 3670N 3671O Show Description & Photos Petradoria pumila Petradoria ASTERACEAE[ Petradoria\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Grindelia squarrosa 3671H 3671I 3671J 3671N 3672O Show Description & Photos Grindelia squarrosa A Grindelia ASTERACEAE[ Grindelia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Layia glandulosa 3672H 3672I 3672J 3672N 3673O Show Description & Photos Layia glandulosa Layia ASTERACEAE[ Layia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Hymenoxys grandiflora 3673H 3673I 3673J 3673N 3674O Show Description & Photos Hymenoxys grandiflora A Hymenoxys ASTERACEAE[ Hymenoxys\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Wyethia amplexicaulis 3674H 3674I 3674J 3674N 3675O Show Description & Photos Wyethia amplexicaulis Wyethia ASTERACEAE[ Wyethia\ DICOTYLEDONS] menoxys\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Helianthella uniflora 3675H 3675I 3675J 3675N 3676O Show Description & Photos Helianthella uniflora Helianthella ASTERACEAE[ Helianthella\ DICOTYLEDONS] selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Heterotheca villosa 3677H 3677I 3677J 3677N 3678O Show Description & Photos Heterotheca villosa Heterotheca ASTERACEAE[ Heterotheca\ DICOTYLEDONS] Perityle stansburii Perityle stansburii You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Xanthocephalum sarothrae 3678H 3678I 3678J 3678N 3679O Show Description & Photos Xanthocephalum sarothrae Xanthocephalum ASTERACEAE[ Xanthocephalum\ DICOTYLEDONS] 3678O Show Description & Photos Heterotheca villosa 1751G 1752H 1756I 1757J 1753N 1753O Acer grandidentatum Acer glabrum (Acer) Z ACERACEAE[ Acer\ DICOTYLEDONS Leaves leathery, coarsely and sparingly blunt-toothed, the sinuses between the lobes typically rounded, the lower surface usually hairy; plants foothills to midmontane A}Leaves thin, acute-toothed, the sinuses between the lobes mostly acute, both surfaces glabrous; plants midmontane and above 1754C You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3679D Receptacle subglobose to broadly dome-shaped at maturity, leaves either decurrent on the stem as narrow wings or strongly sheathing at the base of the stem Helenium 3679H 3680I 3681J 3679N 3680O Helenium autumnale Helenium hoopesii Helenium Helenium ASTERACEAE[ Helenium\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS short-hairy short-lived short-pedicelled short-peduncled short-petioled short-rhizomatous short-stalked shorter Basal leaves withered by flowering; stem leaves mostly lanceolate or elliptic, often toothed, the blades decurrent, formoing wings on the stem throughout the length of each internode; rays about 1 cm long, soon reflexed; achene to 1.5 mm long.` Basal leaves often persistent; stem leaves mostly oblonceolate, entire, not prolonged as wings along the stem; rays to 2.5 cm long, spreading; achene about 3 mm long. 3680D Basal leaves withered by flowering; stem leaves mostly lanceolate or elliptic, often toothed, the blades decurrent, formoing wings on the stem throughout the length of each internode; rays about 1 cm long, soon reflexed; achene to 1.5 mm long. Helenium autumnale 3679G 3681H 3680I 3680J 3680N 3682O Show Description & Photos Helenium hoopesii Helenium oblique obliquely oblong oblong-cylindric oblong-ellipsoid oblong-elliptic oblong-oblanceolate oblong-ovate obovate obove obovoid obscure obscured obscurely obscuring obsolete obtuse Helenium autumnale Helenium ASTERACEAE[ Helenium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Basal leaves often persistent; stem leaves mostly oblonceolate, entire, not prolonged as wings along the stem; rays to 2.5 cm long, spreading; achene about 3 mm long.h Achillea millefolium 3682H 3682I 3682J 3682N 3683O Show Description & Photos Achillea millefolium ASTERACEAE[ Helenium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Basal leaves withered by flowering; stem leaves mostly lanceolate or elliptic, often toothed, the blades decurrent, formoing wings on the stem throughout the length of each internode; rays about 1 cm long, soon reflexed; achene to 1.5 mm long.h Achillea ASTERACEAE[ Achillea\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Matricaria maritima 3683H 3683I 3683J 3683N 3684O Show Description & Photos Matricaria maritima Matricaria ASTERACEAE[ Matricaria\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Bellis perennis 3684H 3684I 3684J 3684N 3685O Show Description & Photos Bellis perennis Bellis ASTERACEAE[ Bellis\ DICOTYLEDONS] Matricaria ASTERACEAE[ Matricaria\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Microsteris gracilis 1538G 3855H 3855I 3855J 3855N 3856O Show Description & Photos Microsteris gracilis Microsteris POLEMONIACEAE[ Microsteris\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Townsendia montana 3685H 3685I 3685J 3685N 3686O Show Description & Photos Townsendia montana Townsendia ASTERACEAE[ Townsendia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leucelene ericoides 3686H 3686I 3686J 3686N 3687O Show Description & Photos Leucelene ericoides A Leucelene ASTERACEAE[ Leucelene\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Betula occidentalis 3687H 3687I 3687J 3687N 3688O Show Description & Photos Betula occidentalis Betula BETULACEAE[ Betula\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Alnus incana 3688H 3688I 3688J 3688N 3689O Show Description & Photos Alnus incana Alnus BETULACEAE[ Alnus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cordylanthus maritimus 1717G 3689H 3689I 3689J 3689N 3690O Show Description & Photos Cordylanthus maritimus Cordylanthus SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Cordylanthus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1060^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Synthyris pinnatifida 1722G 3690H 3690I 3690J 3690N 3691O Show Description & Photos Synthyris pinnatifida A Synthyris SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Synthyris\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1084^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Scrophularia lanceolata 1725G 3691H 3691I 3691J 3691N 3692O Show Description & Photos Scrophularia lanceolata Scrophularia SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Scrophularia\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1083^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Collinsia parviflora 1729G 3692H 3692I 3692J 3692N 3693O Show Description & Photos Collinsia parviflora A Collinsia SCROPHULARIACEAE[ Collinsia\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1059^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Nicotiana attenuata 1738G 3693H 3693I 3693J 3693N 3694O Show Description & Photos Nicotiana attenuata A Nicotiana SOLANACEAE[ Nicotiana\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1101^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Datura wrightii 1739G 3694H 3694I 3694J 3694N 3695O Show Description & Photos Datura wrightii Datura SOLANACEAE[ Datura\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1099^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3695B Herbaceous DICOTS Tribulus 3695H 3696I 3696J 3695N 3696O Tribulus terristris Tribulus terristris Tribulus ZYGOPHYLLACEAEZ ZYGOPHYLLACEAE[ Tribulus\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Single species in genus locally.` Single species in genus locally. 3696B Herbaceous DICOTS Tribulus terristris 3695G 3696H 3696I 3696J 3696N 3697O Show Description & Photos Tribulus terristris Tribulus ZYGOPHYLLACEAE[ Tribulus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1140^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Dicentra uniflora 1189G 3697H 3697I 3697J 3697N 3698O Show Description & Photos Dicentra uniflora apex, typically minutely short-hairy beneath with some of the hairs on some of the blades reddish; plants in moist places and on well-drained slopes Salix scouleriana 3400G 3403H 3402I 3402J 3402N 3404O Show Description & Photos (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1036^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Vaccaria pyramidata 1086G 3699H 3699I 3699J 3699N 3700O Show Description & Photos Vaccaria pyramidata Vaccaria CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Vaccaria\ DICOTYLEDONS] FUMARIACEAE[ Fumaria\ DICOTYLEDONS] Dicentra FUMARIACEAE[ Dicentra\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Fumaria officinalis 1192G 3698H 3698I 3698J 3698N 3699O Show Description & Photos Fumaria officinalis Fumaria FUMARIACEAE[ Fumaria\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Lychnis alba 1088G 3700H 3700I 3700J 3700N 3701O Show Description & Photos Lychnis alba Lychnis CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Lychnis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Saponaria officinalis 1089G 3701H 3701I 3701J 3701N 3702O Show Description & Photos Saponaria officinalis A Saponaria CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Saponaria\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sagina saginoides 1095G 3702H 3702I 3702J 3702N 3703O Show Description & Photos Sagina saginoides Sagina CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Sagina\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Holosteum umbellatum 1096G 3703H 3703I 3703J 3703N 3704O Show Description & Photos Holosteum umbellatum A Holosteum CARYOPHYLLACEAE[ Holosteum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sanguisorba minor 1681G 3704H 3704I 3704J 3704N 3705O Show Description & Photos Sanguisorba minor Sanguisorba ROSACEAE[ Sanguisorba\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1006^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Petrophytum caespitosum 1651G 3705H 3705I 3705J 3705N 3706O Show Description & Photos Petrophytum caespitosum Petrophytum ROSACEAE[ Petrophytum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cercocarpus ledifolius 1659G 3707H 3707I 3707J 3707N 3708O Show Description & Photos Cercocarpus ledifolius Cercocarpus ROSACEAE[ Cercocarpus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Purshia tridentata 1667G 3708H 3708I 3708J 3708N 3709O Show Description & Photos Purshia tridentata Purshia ROSACEAE[ Purshia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cowania mexicana 1668G 3709H 3709I 3709J 3709N 3710O Show Description & Photos Cowania mexicana Cowania ROSACEAE[ Cowania\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Holodiscus dumosus 1671G 3710H 3710I 3710J 3710N 3711O Show Description & Photos Holodiscus dumosus Holodiscus ROSACEAE[ Holodiscus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Amelanchier alnifolia 1672G 3711H 3711I 3711J 3711N 3712O Show Description & Photos Amelanchier alnifolia Amelanchier ROSACEAE[ Amelanchier\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Malus sylvestris 1673G 3712H 3712I 3712J 3712N 3713O Show Description & Photos Malus sylvestris Malus ROSACEAE[ Malus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Fragaria vesca 1680G 3713H 3713I 3713J 3713N 3714O Show Description & Photos Fragaria vesca Fragaria ROSACEAE[ Fragaria\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sibbaldia procumbens 1686G 3714H 3714I 3714J 3714N 3715O Show Description & Photos Sibbaldia procumbens A Sibbaldia ROSACEAE[ Sibbaldia\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1007^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cynoglossum officinale 3715H 3715I 3715J 3715N 3716O Show Description & Photos Cynoglossum officinale Cynoglossum BORAGINACEAE[ Cynoglossum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Heliotropium curassavicum 3716H 3716I 3716J 3716N 3717O Show Description & Photos Heliotropium curassavicum Heliotropium BORAGINACEAE[ Heliotropium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Borago officinalis 3717H 3717I 3717J 3717N 3718O Show Description & Photos Borago officinalis Borago BORAGINACEAE[ Borago\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Anchusa azurea 3718H 3718I 3718J 3718N 3719O Show Description & Photos Anchusa azurea Anchusa BORAGINACEAE[ Anchusa\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Nemophila breviflora 1206G 3719H 3719I 3719J 3719N 3720O Show Description & Photos Nemophila breviflora A Nemophila HYDROPHYLLACEAE[ Nemophila\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Nasturtium officinale 3720H 3720I 3720J 3720N 3721O Show Description & Photos Nasturtium officinale Nasturtium BRASSICACEAE[ Nasturtium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3721B Major Groups Argemone 3721H 3722I 3722J 3721N 3722O Argemone munita Argemone munita Argemone PAPAVERACEAEZ PAPAVERACEAE[ Argemone\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 3722B Major Groups Argemone munita 3721G 3722H 3722I 3722J 3722N 3723O Show Description & Photos Argemone munita Argemone PAPAVERACEAE[ Argemone\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Plectritis macrocera 1747G 3723H 3723I 3723J 3723N 3724O Show Description & Photos Plectritis macrocera Plectritis VALERIANACEAE[ Plectritis\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1121^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Ledum glandulosum 1151G 3724H 3724I 3724J 3724N 3725O Show Description & Photos Ledum glandulosum Ledum Z ERICACEAE[ LedumLedum DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3725B Herbaceous DICOTS Floerkea 3725H 3726I 3726J 3725N 3726O Floerkea proserpinacoides Floerkea proserpinacoides Floerkea LIMNANTHACEAEZ LIMNANTHACEAE[ Floerkea\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. shape diverse oblanceolate obovate sheaths least well-developed blade@ leaflets leaflets regularly serrate lobed flowers bisexual leaflets terminating spinelike plants other@ least leaves leaves times pinnately lobed stems 0.1-1.2 tall@ moist monocolored monoeciousu monoecious annuals monoecious trees large shrubs moist sites montane 3726B Herbaceous DICOTS Floerkea proserpinacoides 3725G 3726H 3726I 3726J 3726N 3727O Show Description & Photos Floerkea proserpinacoides Floerkea LIMNANTHACEAE[ Floerkea\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. A Hypericum HYPERICACEAEZ HYPERICACEAE[ Hypericum\ DICOTYLEDONS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. 3729B Herbaceous DICOTS Hypericum formosum 3728G 3729H 3729I 3729J 3729N 3730O Show Description & Photos Hypericum formosum A Hypericum HYPERICACEAE[ Hypericum\ DICOTYLEDONS] Hypericum formosum A Hypericum You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3730B Herbaceous DICOTS Oxalis 3730H 3731I 3731J 3730N 3731O Oxalis corniculata Oxalis corniculata Oxalis OXALIDACEAEZ OXALIDACEAE[ Oxalis\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 37313731 Herbaceous DICOTS Oxalis corniculata 3730G 3731H 3731I 3731J 3731N 3732O Show Description & Photos Oxalis corniculata Oxalis OXALIDACEAE[ Oxalis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3732B Herbaceous DICOTS Tribulus 3732H 3733I 3733J 3732N 3733O Tribulus terrestris generally genus geyeri gibbous giving glabrate glabrous You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3734B Herbaceous DICOTS Lythrum 3734H 3735I 3735J 3734N 3735O Lythrum salicaria Lythrum salicaria Lythrum LYTHRACEAEZ LYTHRACEAE[ Lythrum\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 37353735 Tribulus terrestris Tribulus ZYGOPHYLLACEAEZ ZYGOPHYLLACEAE[ Tribulus\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 3733B Herbaceous DICOTS Tribulus terrestris 3732G 3733H 3733I 3733J 3733N 3734O Show Description & Photos Tribulus terrestris Tribulus ZYGOPHYLLACEAE[ Tribulus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1140^ Herbaceous DICOTS Lythrum salicaria 3734G 3735H 3735I 3735J 3735N 3736O Show Description & Photos Lythrum salicaria Lythrum LYTHRACEAE[ Lythrum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3736B Herbaceous DICOTS Comandra 3736H 3737I 3737J 3736N 3737O Comandra umbellata 3735B Herbaceous DICOTS reddish reddish-black reddish-brown reddish-orange reddish-purple reddish-tinged reddish-yellow rediviva reducedD reduced involucral bracts lacking midnerve scales reduced involucral bracts present lowermost scales reflexed region regular regularly You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Kalmia polifolia 1153G 3738H 3738I 3738J 3738N 3739O Show Description & Photos Kalmia polifolia Kalmia Z ERICACEAE[ Kalmia\ DICOTYLEDONS] SANTALACEAE[ Comandra\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1038^ Comandra umbellata Comandra SANTALACEAEZ SANTALACEAE[ Comandra\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 3737B Herbaceous DICOTS Comandra umbellata 3736G 3737H 3737I 3737J 3737N 3738O Show Description & Photos Comandra umbellata Comandra SANTALACEAE[ Comandra\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1038^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Elaeagnus angustifolia 1146G 3739H 3739I 3739J 3739N 3740O Show Description & Photos Elaeagnus angustifolia A Elaeagnus ELAEAGNACEAE[ Elaeagnus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Shepherdia canadensis 1147G 3740H 3740I 3740J 3740N 3741O Show Description & Photos Shepherdia canadensis Shepherdia ELAEAGNACEAE Shepherdia DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Ribes, three keys 3741H 2561I 3742J 3741N 3742O Ribes, Flowering Ribes, non-flowering Ribes, three keys Ribes of GROSSULARIACEAE GROSSULARIACEAE Ribes DICOTYLEDONS_ Flowers available` Flowers unavailable Flowers unavailable Ribes, non-flowering 3741G 3742H 2576I 2599J 3742N 3743O Ribes, Fruiting Ribes, Vegetative Ribes, non-flowering Ribes, three keys GROSSULARIACEAE Ribes DICOTYLEDONS_ Fruits available` Vegetative Berberis 3743H 3744I 3744J 3743N 3744O Berberis repens Berberis repens Berberis leaves lobed margins entire serrate petal nonfunctional nonpapillose nonparasiticU nonpersistent nonpetaloid nonprickly nonresinous nonsessile nonwoody normally You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Rubia tinctorum 1691G 3745H 3745I 3745J 3745N 3746O Show Description & Photos Rubia tinctorum Rubia Z RUBIACEAE Rubia DICOTYLEDONS] 1016^ BERBERIDACEAEZ BERBERIDACEAE Berberis DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Berberis repens 3743G 3744H 3744I 3744J 3744N 3745O Show Description & Photos Berberis repens Berberis BERBERIDACEAE Berberis DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Chimaphila umbellata 1606G 3746H 3746I 3746J 3746N 3747O Show Description & Photos Chimaphila umbellata Chimaphila PYROLACEAE Chimaphila DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Pachistima 3747H 3748I 3748J 3747N 3748O Pachistima myrsinites Pachistima myrsinites Pachistima CELASTRACEAEZ CELASTRACEAE Pachistima DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Pachistima myrsinites 3747G 3748H 3748I 3748J 3748N 3749O Show Description & Photos Pachistima myrsinites Pachistima CELASTRACEAE Pachistima DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cornus 3749H 3750I 3750J 3749N 3750O Cornus stolonifera Cornus stolonifera Cornus U CORNACEAEZ CORNACEAE Cornus DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Cornus stolonifera 3749G 3750H 3750I 3750J 3750N 3751O Show Description & Photos Cornus stolonifera Cornus Z CORNACEAE Cornus DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3751D Pistillate catkins not available Salix B and C 1694G 3295H 3342I 3377J 3751N 3296O Salix B: Staminate catkins Salix C: Vegetative Salix A: Pistillate catkins Salix SALICACEAE Salix DICOTYLEDONS ate catkins available Quercus 3752H 3753I 3753J 3752N 3753O Quercus gambelii Quercus gambelii Quercus FAGACEAEZ FAGACEAE Quercus DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Quercus gambelii 3752G 3753H 3753I 3753J 3753N 3754O Show Description & Photos Quercus gambelii Quercus FAGACEAE Quercus DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Ulmus pumila 1743G 3754H 3754I 3754J 3754N 3755O Show Description & Photos Ulmus pumila Ulmus ULMACEAE[ Ulmus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1118^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Celtis reticulatus 3755H 3755I 3755J 3755N 3756O Show Description & Photos Celtis reticulatus Celtis of ULMACEAE ULMACEAE Celtis DICOTYLEDONS] 1117^ ULMACEAE[ Ulmus\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1118^ obovate obove obovoid obscure obscured obscurely obscuring obsolete obtuse You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Lunaria annua 3756H 3756I 3756J 3756N 3757O Show Description & Photos Lunaria annua Lunaria BRASSICACEAE[ Lunaria\ DICOTYLEDONS] DICOTYLEDONS] 1117^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Streptanthus cordatus 3757H 3757I 3757J 3757N 3758O Show Description & Photos Streptanthus cordatus Streptanthus BRASSICACEAE[ Streptanthus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Thelypodium sagittatum 3758H 3758I 3758J 3758N 3759O Show Description & Photos Thelypodium sagittatum Thelypodium BRASSICACEAE[ Thelypodium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Chlorocrambe hastata 3759H 3759I 3759J 3759N 3760O Show Description & Photos Chlorocrambe hastata Chlorocrambe BRASSICACEAE[ Chlorocrambe\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Isatis tinctoria 3760H 3760I 3760J 3760N 3761O Show Description & Photos Isatis tinctoria Isatis BRASSICACEAE[ Isatis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Chorispora tenella 3761H 3761I 3761J 3761N 3762O Show Description & Photos Chorispora tenella Chorispora BRASSICACEAE[ Chorispora\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Raphanus raphanistrum 3762H 3762I 3762J 3762N 3763O Show Description & Photos Raphanus raphanistrum Raphanus BRASSICACEAE[ Raphanus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Malcolmia africana 1039G 3763H 3763I 3763J 3763N 3764O Show Description & Photos Malcolmia africana A Malcolmia BRASSICACEAE[ Malcolmia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Smelowskia calycina 1041G 3764H 3764I 3764J 3764N 3765O Show Description & Photos Smelowskia calycina Smelowskia BRASSICACEAE[ Smelowskia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Hesperis matronalis 3765H 3765I 3765J 3765N 3766O Show Description & Photos Hesperis matronalis Hesperis BRASSICACEAE[ Hesperis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sisymbrium altissimum 3766H 3766I 3766J 3766N 3767O Show Description & Photos Sisymbrium altissimum Sisymbrium BRASSICACEAE[ Sisymbrium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Conringia orientalis 3767H 3767I 3767J 3767N 3768O Show Description & Photos Conringia orientalis A Conringia BRASSICACEAE[ Conringia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Arabidopsis thaliana 3768H 3768I 3768J 3768N 3769O Show Description & Photos Arabidopsis thaliana Arabidopsis BRASSICACEAE[ Arabidopsis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Diplotaxis muralis 3769H 3769I 3769J 3769N 3770O Show Description & Photos Diplotaxis muralis Diplotaxis BRASSICACEAE[ Diplotaxis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3770C Lesquerella 3770H 3771I 3772J 3770N 3771O Lesquerella utahensis (Lesquerella) Lesquerella Lesquerella BRASSICACEAE[ Lesquerella\ DICOTYLEDONSEDONS Silicles slightly compressed at right angles to the replum, pedicels S-shaped to curved-ascending, caudex simple or once branched, basal leaves mostly 5-25 mm wide, styles 4-6.5 mm long`mSilicles globose or slightly compressed parallel with the replum, not otherwise as above in every particular.d Lesquerella 3771D Silicles slightly compressed at right angles to the replum, pedicels S-shaped to curved-ascending, caudex simple or once branched, basal leaves mostly 5-25 mm wide, styles 4-6.5 mm long Lesquerella utahensis 3770G 3772H 3771I 3771J 3771N 3773O Show Description & Photos (Lesquerella) Lesquerella BRASSICACEAE[ Lesquerella\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Silicles slightly compressed at right angles to the replum, pedicels S-shaped to curved-ascending, caudex simple or once branched, basal leaves mostly 5-25 mm wide, styles 4-6.5 mm longh 3772DmSilicles globose or slightly compressed parallel with the replum, not otherwise as above in every particular. (Lesquerella) 3770G 3771H 3773I 3774J 3772N 3772O Lesquerella occidentalis Lesquerella garrettii Lesquerella utahensis Lesquerella BRASSICACEAE[ Lesquerella\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Silicles ovoid to ellipsoid, not compressed at the apex, 5-9 mm long; pedicels 5-20 mm long, S-shaped and ascending to straight and spreading; seeds 2-8 per chamber` Silicles subglobose to ovoid, not compressed at the apex, 3-4 mm long; pedicels 4-7 mm long, straight to slightly curved; seeds 2-4 per chamber. 3773D Silicles ovoid to ellipsoid, not compressed at the apex, 5-9 mm long; pedicels 5-20 mm long, S-shaped and ascending to straight and spreading; seeds 2-8 per chamber Lesquerella occidentalis 3772G 3774H 3773I 3773J 3773N 3775O Show Description & Photos Lesquerella garrettii (Lesquerella) BRASSICACEAE[ Lesquerella\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Silicles ovoid to ellipsoid, not compressed at the apex, 5-9 mm long; pedicels 5-20 mm long, S-shaped and ascending to straight and spreading; seeds 2-8 per chamberh 3774D Silicles subglobose to ovoid, not compressed at the apex, 3-4 mm long; pedicels 4-7 mm long, straight to slightly curved; seeds 2-4 per chamber. Lesquerella garrettii 3772G 3773H 3774I 3774J 3774N 3774O Show Description & Photos Lesquerella occidentalis (Lesquerella) BRASSICACEAE[ Lesquerella\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Silicles subglobose to ovoid, not compressed at the apex, 3-4 mm long; pedicels 4-7 mm long, straight to slightly curved; seeds 2-4 per chamber.h Capsella bursa-pastoris 3775H 3775I 3775J 3775N Show Description & Photos Capsella bursa-pastoris Capsella BRASSICACEAE[ Capsella\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Hutchinsia procumbens 3776H 3776I 3776J 3776N 3777O Show Description & Photos Hutchinsia procumbens Hutchinsia BRASSICACEAE[ Hutchinsia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Camelina microcarpa 3777H 3777I 3777J 3777N 3778O Show Description & Photos Camelina microcarpa Camelina BRASSICACEAE[ Camelina\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Lobularia maritima 3778H 3778I 3778J 3778N 3779O Show Description & Photos Lobularia maritima A Lobularia BRASSICACEAE[ Lobularia\ DICOTYLEDONS] BRASSICACEAE[ Camelina\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Euclidium syriacum 3779H 3779I 3779J 3779N 3780O Show Description & Photos Euclidium syriacum A Euclidium BRASSICACEAE[ Euclidium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Campanula rapunculoides 1069G 3780H 3780I 3780J 3780N 3781O Show Description & Photos Campanula rapunculoides A Campanula CAMPANULACEAE[ Campanula\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Polanisia dodecandra 1074G 3781H 3781I 3781J 3781N 3782O Show Description & Photos Polanisia dodecandra A Polanisia CAPPARACEAE[ Polanisia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Symphoricarpos oreophilus 1079G 3782H 3782I 3782J 3782N 3783O Show Description & Photos Symphoricarpos oreophilus Symphoricarpos CAPRIFOLIACEAE[ Symphoricarpos\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Salsola kali 1115G 3783H 3783I 3783J 3783N 3784O Show Description & Photos Salsola kali Salsola CHENOPODIACEAE[ Salsola\ DICOTYLEDONS] DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Bassia hyssopifolia 1119G 3784H 3784I 3784J 3784N 3785O Show Description & Photos Bassia hyssopifolia Bassia CHENOPODIACEAE[ Bassia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Halogeton glomeratus 1125G 3785H 3785I 3785J 3785N 3786O Show Description & Photos Halogeton glomeratus A Halogeton CHENOPODIACEAE[ Halogeton\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Corispermum hyssopifolium 1127G 3786H 3786I 3786J 3786N 3787O Show Description & Photos Corispermum hyssopifolium Corispermum CHENOPODIACEAE[ Corispermum\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Monolepis nuttalliana 1131G 3787H 3787I 3787J 3787N 3788O Show Description & Photos Monolepis nuttalliana A Monolepis CHENOPODIACEAE[ Monolepis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cyperus esculentus 1144G 3788H 3788I 3788J 3788N 3789O Show Description & Photos Cyperus esculentus Cyperus CYPERACEAE[ Cyperus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 1154G 3789H 3789I 3789J 3789N 3790O Show Description & Photos Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Arctostaphylos Z ERICACEAE[ Arctostaphylos\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Centaurium exaltatum 1196G 3790H 3790I 3790J 3790N 3791O Show Description & Photos Centaurium exaltatum Centaurium GENTIANACEAE[ Centaurium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Gentianella amarella 1198G 3791H 3791I 3791J 3791N 3792O Show Description & Photos Gentianella amarella Gentianella GENTIANACEAE[ Gentianella\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Gentiana affinis 1199G 3792H 3792I 3792J 3792N 3793O Show Description & Photos Gentiana affinis Gentiana GENTIANACEAE[ Gentiana\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sisyrinchium idahoense 1210G 3793H 3793I 3793J 3793N 3794O Show Description & Photos Sisyrinchium idahoense Sisyrinchium Z IRIDACEAE[ Sisyrinchium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Salvia sclarea 1219G 3794H 3794I 3794J 3794N 3795O Show Description & Photos Salvia sclarea Salvia Z LAMIACEAE[ Salvia\ DICOTYLEDONS] YLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Moldavica parviflora 1221G 3795H 3795I 3795J 3795N 3796O Show Description & Photos Moldavica parviflora A Moldavica Z LAMIACEAE[ Moldavica\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Prunella vulgaris 1222G 3796H 3796I 3796J 3796N 3797O Show Description & Photos Prunella vulgaris Prunella Z LAMIACEAE[ Prunella\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Monardella odoratissima 1223G 3797H 3797I 3797J 3797N 3798O Show Description & Photos Monardella odoratissima Monardella Z LAMIACEAE[ Monardella\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Stachys palustris 1227G 3798H 3798I 3798J 3798N 3799O Show Description & Photos Stachys palustris Stachys Z LAMIACEAE[ Stachys\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Agastache urticifolia 1229G 3799H 3799I 3799J 3799N 3800O Show Description & Photos Agastache urticifolia A Agastache Z LAMIACEAE[ Agastache\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Nepeta cataria 1230G 3800H 3800I 3800J 3800N 3801O Show Description & Photos Nepeta cataria Nepeta Z LAMIACEAE[ Nepeta\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Marrubium vulgare 1231G 3801H 3801I 3801J 3801N 3802O Show Description & Photos Marrubium vulgare A Marrubium Z LAMIACEAE[ Marrubium\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leonurus cardiaca 1233G 3802H 3802I 3802J 3802N 3803O Show Description & Photos Leonurus cardiaca Leonurus Z LAMIACEAE[ Leonurus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Glechoma hederacea 1237G 3803H 3803I 3803J 3803N 3804O Show Description & Photos Glechoma hederacea Glechoma Z LAMIACEAE[ Glechoma\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Asparagus officinale 1247G 3804H 3804I 3804J 3804N 3805O Show Description & Photos Asparagus officinale A Asparagus Z LILIACEAE[ Asparagus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Triteleia grandiflora 1251G 3805H 3805I 3805J 3805N 3806O Show Description & Photos Triteleia grandiflora A Triteleia Z LILIACEAE[ Triteleia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Calochortus nuttallii 1253G 3806H 3806I 3806J 3806N 3807O Show Description & Photos Calochortus nuttallii Calochortus Z LILIACEAE[ Calochortus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] ONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Camassia quamash 1255G 3807H 3807I 3807J 3807N 3808O Show Description & Photos Camassia quamash Camassia Z LILIACEAE[ Camassia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Streptopus amplexifolius 1257G 3808H 3808I 3808J 3808N 3809O Show Description & Photos Streptopus amplexifolius Streptopus Z LILIACEAE[ Streptopus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Erythronium grandiflorum 1259G 3809H 3809I 3809J 3809N 3810O Show Description & Photos Erythronium grandiflorum Erythronium Z LILIACEAE[ Erythronium\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Lloydia serotina 1263G 3810H 3810I 3810J 3810N 3811O Show Description & Photos Lloydia serotina Lloydia Z LILIACEAE[ Lloydia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Veratrum californicum 1269G 3811H 3811I 3811J 3811N 3812O Show Description & Photos Veratrum californicum Veratrum Z LILIACEAE[ Veratrum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Disporum trachycarpum 1271G 3812H 3812I 3812J 3812N 3813O Show Description & Photos Disporum trachycarpum Disporum Z LILIACEAE[ Disporum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Althaea rosea 1274G 3813H 3813I 3813J 3813N 3814O Show Description & Photos Althaea rosea Althaea Z MALVACEAE[ Althaea\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sida hederaceae 1278G 3814H 3814I 3814J 3814N 3815O Show Description & Photos Sida hederaceae Z MALVACEAE[ Sida\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Malva neglecta 1279G 3815H 3815I 3815J 3815N 3816O Show Description & Photos Malva neglecta Malva Z MALVACEAE[ Malva\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Hibiscus trionum 1280G 3816H 3816I 3816J 3816N 3817O Show Description & Photos Malva trionum Hibiscus Z MALVACEAE[ Hibiscus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Iliamna rivularis 1285G 3817H 3817I 3817J 3817N 3818O Show Description & Photos Iliamna rivularis Iliamna Z MALVACEAE[ Iliamna\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Boisduvalia glabella 1292G 3818H 3818I 3818J 3818N 3819O Show Description & Photos Boisduvalia glabella Boisduvalia ONAGRACEAE[ Boisduvalia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Goodyera oblongifolia 1311G 3819H 3819I 3819J 3819N 3820O Show Description & Photos Goodyera oblongifolia Goodyera ORCHIDACEAE[ Goodyera\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Listera convallarioides 1313G 3820H 3820I 3820J 3820N 3821O Show Description & Photos Listera convallarioides Listera ORCHIDACEAE[ Listera\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Epipactis gigantea 1315G 3821H 3821I 3821J 3821N 3822O Show Description & Photos Epipactis gigantea A Epipactis ORCHIDACEAE[ Epipactis\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cenchrus longispinus 1327G 3822H 3822I 3822J 3822N 3823O Show Description & Photos Cenchrus longispinus Cenchrus POACEAE[ Cenchrus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leersia oryzoides 1331G 3823H 3823I 3823J 3823N 3824O Show Description & Photos Leersia oryzoides Leersia POACEAE[ Leersia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Echinochloa crusgalli 1342G 3824H 3824I 3824J 3824N 3825O Show Description & Photos Echinochloa crusgalli Echinochloa POACEAE[ Echinochloa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sorghum halepense 1348G 3825H 3825I 3825J 3825N 3826O Show Description & Photos Sorghum halepense Sorghum POACEAE[ Sorghum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sclerochloa dura 1355G 3826H 3826I 3826J 3826N 3827O Show Description & Photos Sclerochloa dura Sclerochloa POACEAE[ Sclerochloa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Eleusine indica 1356G 3827H 3827I 3827J 3827N 3828O Show Description & Photos Eleusine indica Eleusine POACEAE[ Eleusine\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Secale cereale 1360G 3828H 3828I 3828J 3828N 3829O Show Description & Photos Secale cereale Secale POACEAE[ Secale\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Aegilops cylindrica 1363G 3829H 3829I 3829J 3829N 3830O Show Description & Photos Aegilops cylindrica Aegilops POACEAE[ Aegilops\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Lolium perenne 1365G 3830H 3830I 3830J 3830N 3831O Show Description & Photos Lolium perenne Lolium POACEAE[ Lolium\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Triticum aestivum 1367G 3831H 3831I 3831J 3831N 3832O Show Description & Photos Triticum aestivum Triticum POACEAE[ Triticum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Agrohordeum macounii X 1386G 3832H 3832I 3832J 3832N 3833O Show Description & Photos Agrohordeum macounii X X AgrohordeumZ POACEAE Agrohordeum X MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Sitanion hystrix 1387G 3833H 3833I 3833J 3833N 3834O Show Description & Photos Sitanion hystrix Sitanion POACEAE[ Sitanion\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Elysitanion hansenii X 2876G 3834H 3834I 3834J 3834N 3835O Show Description & Photos Elysitanion hansenii X Elysitanion X POACEAE[ Elysitanion X \ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Chloris verticillata 1397G 3835H 3835I 3835J 3835N 3836O Show Description & Photos Chloris verticillata Chloris POACEAE[ Chloris\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] POACEAE[ Elysitanion X \ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Dactyloctenium aegyptium 1398G 3836H 3836I 3836J 3836N 3837O Show Description & Photos Dactyloctenium aegyptium Dactyloctenium POACEAE[ Dactyloctenium\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cynodon dactylon 1399G 3837H 3837I 3837J 3837N 3838O Show Description & Photos Cynodon dactylon Cynodon POACEAE[ Cynodon\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] YLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Beckmannia syzigachne 1394G 3838H 3838I 3838J 3838N 3839O Show Description & Photos Beckmannia syzigachne POACEAE Group BZ POACEAE[ Beckmannia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leptochloa fascicularis 1403G 3839H 3839I 3839J 3839N 3840O Show Description & Photos Leptochloa fascicularis Leptochloa POACEAE[ Leptochloa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Spartina gracilis 1404G 3840H 3840I 3840J 3840N 3841O Show Description & Photos Spartina gracilis Spartina POACEAE[ Spartina\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Aristida purpurea 1408G 3841H 3841I 3841J 3841N 3842O Show Description & Photos Aristida purpurea Aristidastida POACEAE[ Aristida\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Oryzopsis hymenoides 1411G 3842H 3842I 3842J 3842N 3843O Show Description & Photos Oryzopsis hymenoides A Oryzopsis POACEAE[ Oryzopsis\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] Aristida You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Apera interrupta 1422G 3843H 3843I 3843J 3843N 3844O Show Description & Photos Apera interrupta Apera POACEAE[ Apera\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] POACEAE[ Oryzopsis\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Cinna latifolia 1430G 3844H 3844I 3844J 3844N 3845O Show Description & Photos Cinna latifolia Cinna POACEAE[ Cinna\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Catabrosa aquatica 1442G 3845H 3845I 3845J 3845N 3846O Show Description & Photos Catabrosa aquatica A Catabrosa POACEAE[ Catabrosa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Koeleria macrantha 1455G 3846H 3846I 3846J 3846N 3847O Show Description & Photos Koeleria macrantha Koeleria POACEAE[ Koeleria\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Arrhenatherum elatius 1465G 3847H 3847I 3847J 3847N 3848O Show Description & Photos Arrhenatherum elatius Arrhenatherum POACEAE[ Arrhenatherum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Holcus lanatus 1466G 3848H 3848I 3848J 3848N 3849O Show Description & Photos Holcus lanatus Holcus POACEAE[ Holcus\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] EDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Phragmites australis 1474G 3849H 3849I 3849J 3849N 3850O Show Description & Photos Phragmites australis Phragmites POACEAE[ Phragmites\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Dactylis glomerata 1476G 3850H 3850I 3850J 3850N 3851O Show Description & Photos Dactylis glomerata Dactylis POACEAE[ Dactylis\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Distichlis spicata 1512G 3851H 3851I 3851J 3851N 3852O Show Description & Photos Distichlis spicata Distichlis POACEAE[ Distichlis\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leucopoa kingii 1514G 3852H 3852I 3852J 3852N 3853O Show Description & Photos Leucopoa kingii Leucopoa POACEAE[ Leucopoa\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Navarretia breweri 1525G 3853H 3853I 3853J 3853N 3854O Show Description & Photos Navarretia breweri (POLEMONIACEAE)Z POLEMONIACEAE[ Navarretia\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] YLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leptodactylon watsonii 1530G 3854H 3854I 3854J 3854N 3855O Show Description & Photos Leptodactylon watsonii Leptodactylon POLEMONIACEAE[ Leptodactylon\ MONOCOTYLEDONS] you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Oxyria digyna 1552G 3856H 3856I 3856J 3856N 3857O Show Description & Photos Oxyria digyna Oxyria POLYGONACEAE[ Oxyria\ DICOTYLEDONS] Microsteris gracilis Microsteris gracilis You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Primula parryi 1600G 3857H 3857I 3857J 3857N 3858O Show Description & Photos Primula parryi Primula PRIMULACEAE[ Primula\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1552G 3856H 3856I 3856J 3856N 3857O Show Description & Photos Oxyria digyna agrohordeum agrohordeum macounii agropyron agropyron agropyron agropyron agropyron agropyron agropyron agropyron agropyron agropyron agropyron smithii agropyron spicatum agropyron trachycaulum agropyron triticeum agropyron4 agropyron5 agropyron6 agropyron7 agropyron8 agropyron9 agrositanion agrositanion saundersii agrositanion saxicola agrositanion agrostis agrostis exarata agrostis humilis agrostis hyemalis agrostis stolonifera agrostis thurberiana ailanthus ailanthus altissima simaroubaceae airoides aizoaceae albicaulis albiflorum You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Glaux maritima 1602G 3858H 3858I 3858J 3858N 3859O Show Description & Photos Glaux maritima Glaux PRIMULACEAE[ Glaux\ DICOTYLEDONS] imula PRIMULACEAE[ Primula\ DICOTYLEDONS] ed, appressed to the rachis or, if divergent, not in nearly opposite rows, the internodes usually at least 3 mm long; spikes often more than 7 cm long; glumes neither pouched nor asymmetrical, unawned to long-awned (Agropyron 2) 2773G 2774H 2778I 2779J 2775N 2775O (Agropyron) t least 3 cm long; glumes 3-5-nerved, glabrous or ciliate on the keel, neither conspicuously thickened nor pouched at the base 2775C Spikelets remote to crowded, appressed to the rachis or, if divergent, not in nearly opposite rows, the internodes usually at least 3 mm long; spikes often more than 7 cm long; glumes neither pouched nor asymmetrical, unawned to long-awned (Agropyron 2) 2773G 2774H 2778I 2779J 2775N 2775O (Agropyron) You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3859B Herbaceous DICOTS Lysimachia ciliata 1603G 3859H 3859I 3859J 3859N 3860O Show Description & Photos Lysimachia ciliata Lysimachia PRIMULACEAE[ Lysimachia\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Anagallis arvensis 1604G 3860H 3860I 3860J 3860N 3861O Show Description & Photos Anagallis arvensis A Anagallis PRIMULACEAE[ Anagallis\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Moneses uniflora 1608G 3861H 3861I 3861J 3861N 3862O Show Description & Photos Moneses uniflora Moneses PYROLACEAE[ Moneses\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Ceanothus velutinus 1640G 3862H 3862I 3862J 3862N 3863O Show Description & Photos Ceanothus velutinus A Ceanothus RHAMNACEAE[ Ceanothus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Rhamnus alnifolia 1641G 3863H 3863I 3863J 3863N 3864O Show Description & Photos Rhamnus alnifolia Rhamnus RHAMNACEAE[ Rhamnus\ DICOTYLEDONS] You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Jamesia americana 1696G 3864H 3864I 3864J 3864N 3865O Show Description & Photos Jamesia americana Jamesia SAXIFRAGACEAE[ Jamesia\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1041^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. 3865J 3865Z BRASSICACEAE Continue into next key. Continue into next key. mericana Jamesia SAXIFRAGACEAE[ Jamesia\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1041^ TAXON RECORD Pro 3.0F! Pro 5.0 - 6.0M1 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter dVeQdR buttonlike Next fam A Tie group find taxon ^STR# jUNET vTMPL Genus Link 2 Tie family A Tie genus Tie both Tie down Carry Clear Main Loop Main Loop safe Order getOptions Get names Check order Check order Copy New Taxon/Link Link 2 Tie family Tie genus Tie both Tie down Next fam ( Tie group find taxon rename Helvetica Geneva Times Verdana MARIA Wasatch Species.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA Wasatch Species RPTHA Wasatch Species MARIA Wasatch Species.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA Wasatch Species RPTHA Wasatch Species orking:Wasatch Species.fp5 MARIA Wasatch Species.fp3 Make Key Main Loop safe A(-------Process first of pair------------B' 6) - M*------------------------------------------N$ Carry Clear ds in all records. A Main Loop L)-------Process second of pair------------M L)-------Process second of pair------------M = -1 Order gray-brown gray-green gray-hairy gray-mealymealymealy Check order Check order Copy New Taxon/Link potentilla primulaceae prunus puccinellia pyrola pyrolaceae ranunculaceae ranunculus rayflowers rhamnaceae ribes ribes flowering ribes fruiting ribes vegetative rorippa rosaceae rubiaceae rubus rumex salicaceae salicornia salix salix pistillate catkins salix staminate catkins salix vegetative salviniaceae sambucus saxifraga saxifragaceae scirpus scrophulariaceae sedum seed-bearing selaginellaceae senecio sesuvium setaria sidalcea silene smilacina solanaceae solanum solidago sonchus sparganium spergularia (Agropyron) (Agropyron) (Agropyron) POACEAE[ Agropyron\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Leaf sheath margins often at least unilaterally ciliate with hairs 0.5-1 mm long; glumes thick and typically somewhat hardened, distinctly 5-7-nerved, truncate to obtuse or less often acute (and then often abruptly tapered from near the apex), occasionally mucronate but not awned, glabrous or pubescent with hairs usually at least 0.5 mm long; spikelets 0.8-3 cm long, the tips often curved outward from the rachis; lemmas obtuse to short-awned at the apex the awn if present, stout, not more B than 2 mm long 3583I 3585J Arceuthobium Phoradendron CHENOPODIACEAEU WOODY DICOTSZ VISCACEAE\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS Plants parasitic on the branches of Pseudotsuga menziesii, yellow-green, usually less than 2 dm tall; stems generally angled; pistillate flowers with 2 sepals; fruit pedicelled, olive green at maturity Plants parasitic on species of Juniperus, green, usually over 2 dm tall; stems terete; pistillate flowers with 3 sepals; fruit sessile, white to pinkish at maturity. Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. Arceuthobium douglasii 3583G 3584H 3584I 3584J 3584N 3585O Show Description & Photos Arceuthobium douglasii Arceuthobium Z VISCACEAE[ Arceuthobium\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1136^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. stems terete; pistillate flowers with 3 sepals; fruit sessile, white to pinkish at maturity. 8DeStems or branches becoming distinctly spinelike at the tips or armed with thorns, spines, or prickles WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTSS WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _ Leaves compound` Leaves simple 8.5D5Stems and branches unarmed, not spinelike at the tips WOODY DICOTS WOODY DICOTSS WOODY DICOTST WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _#Leaves compound, leaflets 3 or more`1Leaves simple, not divided into distinct leaflets Leaves compound WOODY DICOTS 1156I FABACEAES ROSACEAET WOODY DICOTSU WOODY DICOTS\ Group D. WOODY DICOTS _3Tree with stipular spines or thorns, fruit a legumegumegumeegume$ Herbaceous DICOTSC 110.5D%Plants not parasitic on tree branches HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST VISCACEAEU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS _ Sepals and petals lacking, the flowers naked (in Callitriche subtended by 2 white-membranous bracts), sessile and axillary; plants in shallow water or occasionally stranded on mud; leaves opposite or whorled`6Perianth present OR plants terrestrial, leaves diverse Herbaceous DICOTSC Sepals and petals lacking, the flowers naked (in Callitriche subtended by 2 white-membranous bracts), sessile and axillary; plants in shallow water or occasionally stranded on mud; leaves opposite or whorled HERBACEOUS DICOTS scale terminating acute ventral margi single nonresinous scale single nonresinous scale flower subten several overlapping often resinous scales margins conspicuously minutely toothed especia margins occasionally revolute margins toothed irregularly cleft petioles sheathing scape segments ovate obovate appearing whorled sheath margins often least unilaterally ciliate sheaths glabrous mature panicles about one-third sheaths least two-thirds length margins sheaths least two-thirds length margins pinkish pinnae pinnae mostly oblong outline pinnae sharply serrate spiny-toothed least pinnae spiny-toothed deeply cleft toward petiol pinnate pinnate-veined pinnatelyG foothills forked forks formx formed forminge formoing forms forward freeP free-floatingI freely fremontii frequently sessile sets_ several several-nerved several-seededs shade shaded shallow shallowly shape shaped sharp terminal thalli suborbicular oblonq 1.5-4 stalked thin-membranous thirds@ throughout tooth@ toothed toward trees shrubs subshrubs woody vines@ tubular@ twigs twigs mottled bluish-white bloom rarely thinly twigs stipitate-glandular involucre bracts typically ultimate twigs mostly thick scale leaves oppo@ uniformly upper upper sepal spurred hooded petals concealed within@ usually variable@ velvet-like@ verna@ waxy@ white terete terminalB plants parasitic species juniperus green usually plants parasitic branches evergreen trees plants perennial typically woody-based spikes mostly plants perennial above every particular plants perennial sometimes flowering first occurrin plants perennial usually herbage pubesce plants pubescent least numerous minute plants purplish reddish-brown yellow albino forms plants rarely mostly occurring plants rarely typically forming dense plants rarely occupying mostly plants reproducing seeds these either naked developinA plants rhizomatous panicle branches mostly stiffly erect plants rhizomatous stems generally spaced perigynia juniperus juvenile rounded legume borne stipe 1.4-3.5 tapered acute purple legume sessile subses keeled keels species specimen@ spikelets spikelets panicle callus long-hairy hairs spikelets keels glumes lemmas spikelets strongly flattened lemmas sharply keeled befor@ spikes species (Agropyron) POACEAE[ Agropyron\ MONOCOTYLEDONS Plants rhizomatous, the stems loosely tufted to solitary, to about 10 dm tall and rarely as much as 4 mm thick at the base; leaves generally soft and lax; spikelets 0.8-2 cm long, glabrous or hairy; glumes obtuse to acute; lemma awnless or the midnerve prolonged for as much as 2 mm Plants lacking rhizomes, the stems densely tufted, to 15 dm tall, often at least 4 mm thick at the base; leaves mostly thick, coarse, and stiff; spikelets 1.4-3 cm long, nearly always glabrous; glumes truncate to obtuse; lemma awnless, the midnerve sometimes extended as a mucro 2783C acute acute-toothed acutely acutish additional adherent aerial after aggregated albino aligned alkaline pLeaf sheaths not ciliate on the margins or, if so, the hairs minute; glumes firm but not thick and hardened, prominently to obscurely 3-7-nerved, acute to long-tapered or sometimes awned, glabrous or, if pubescent, the hairs never so much as 0.5 mm long; spikelets rarely as much as 2.5 cm long, the tips not curving outward from the rachis; lemmas acute to long-awned (Agropyron 6) 2779G 2782H 2786I 2787J 2783N 2783O Agropyron trachycaulum (Agropyron) (Agropyron) (Agropyron) POACEAE[ Agropyron\ MONOCOTYLEDONS HYDROCHARITACEAEU Leaves minutely toothed ...Z NAJADACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC 9.5DtLeaves not forming a sheath at the base; plants dioecious; fruit 8-10 mm long, several-seeded, each seed 5-6 mm long HYDROCHARITACEAE 3591I 3591J Elodea Elodea NAJADACEAEU Leaves minutely toothed ...Z HYDROCHARITACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. AquaticsC smaller smootht smoothe smaller@ sometimes somewhat sparsely species spikelet spikelets 1-flowered lateral spikelets spikelets laterally compressed placed edgewise altern@ spikelets dissimilar florets usually staminate spinelike spreading stamens staminate@ star-shaped leaves sessile auriculate-clas@ stems stems stems stems stems smaller@ stems valleys leaves white-woolly lower surface@ want@ Annual 1-2.5(4.5) dm tall, occupying waste places, often in alkaline soil; spikes often more than 1.5 cm wide including the awns and 1.5-4 cm long excluding the awns; stems often spreading and abruptly bent at the nodesh 2916C Melica 1459G 2916H 2917I 2918J 2916N 2917O Melica bulbosa Melica spectabilis Melica Melica POACEAE[ Melica\ MONOCOTYLEDONS_ Bulbs at the stem base generally tightly clusterd on a short thick rhizome, or a rhizome sometimes lacking; glumes and lemmas gradually tapered toward the apex, the first glume 5-10 mm long, usually more than half as long as the spikelet E[ Agropyron\ MONOCOTYLEDONS fatua fendleri fendleriana festuca festuca bromoides festuca myuros festuca octoflora festuca pratensis filicinum filiformis filix-femina filix-mas fimbriata flabellaris flammula flexilis floerkea floerkea proserpinacoides floribunda floribundus flowering flowers flowers gentianella amarella@ gigantea gnaphalium palustre@ habenaria unalascensis@ herbaceous holcus lanatus@ inerme Polygonum of POLYGONACEAE POTAMOGETON. / POLYGON.Z POTAMOGETONACEAE\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. POTAMOGETONACEAE AquaticsC 27.5DYLeaves pinnate-veined, not dimorphic, all more than 3 mm wide; perianth pink to deep rose Polygonum of POLYGONACEAE 3040I 3040J A Polygonum A Polygonum POTAMOGETONACEAEU POTAMOGETON. / POLYGON.Z POLYGONACEAE[ Polygonum\ GROUP A. AQUATIC PLANTS Continue into next key. Continue into next key. distinctly distinguish distinguishableB distinguished distributed disturbed diverge divergent diverseT m long; glumes ranging from much shorter to as long as the body of the lowermost lemma, variable in shape but the margins of the two glumes seldom meeting at the base, strongly to faintly nerved; lemma awns, when present, not more than 2 cm long; leaves diverse; plants often strongly glaucous, tufted to strongly rhizomatous (Agropyron 7) 2783G 2786H 2788I 2789J 2787N 2787O Agropyron spicatum (Agropyron) Agropyron trachycaulum (Agropyron) POACEAE asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae asteraceae Glumes mostly blunt, the first 0.6-1.3 mm long; lemmas 1.9-2.3 mm long, mostly obovate, green or purple-tinged, distinctly membranous-margined at the tips; stamens 2; caryopsis ovoid, nearly as wide as long; ligule of upper stem leaves 1.5-4 mm long; leaf blades 2-12 mm wide 2903C Hordeum 1379G 2903H 2904I 2905J 2903N 2904O Hordeum vulgare A (Hordeum) Hordeum Hordeum POACEAE[ Hordeum\ MONOCOTYLEDONS (Agropyron) POACEAE[ Agropyron Cynoglossum officinale (BORAGINACEAE)U (BORAGINACEAE)Z BORAGINACEAE[ Cynoglossum\ DICOTYLEDONS Single species in genus locally. Single species in genus locally. 2.5DCCorolla not dark red to red-purple, nutlets attached below the apex (BORAGINACEAE) (BORAGINACEAE)S (BORAGINACEAE) Cynoglossum (BORAGINACEAE)Z BORAGINACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS Nutlets ringed with stiffly spreading, barbed prickles; flowers in racemes or panicles; corolla blue or the limb white with blue markings, rarely entirely white, funnelform and to about 3 mm long or rotate and the tube distinctly shorter than the horizontally flared limb tooth toothed_ others others dicotyledons_ didymous different differentiatedd difficult diffusely dilated diminutive dimorphic dioeciouss direction wavy-margined well-spaced@ white white-membranous widely withering yellow-green keyed particular species young twigs white dense woolly hairs primary 0.5-1 1-1.3@ 1.2-2@ 1.5-6@ 2-branched 20-30 violet viscid viscid-hairy visiblee vivid walls others others violaceae otherwise rarely_ familyD fan-shapedI fascicle fascicles featherlike feltlike female female mostly seeds wingless female cones twigs usually pubescent leaves fernsA fertile fertile stamens corolla rose-purple bowl-shaped leave fertile stamens fertile stamens corolla yellow nearly radially symmetrical fertile stamens 10-numerous rounded scabrous scales spikelet vertical spikelets linear second glumes either tapered rounded seeds distinctly papillose magnification@ segments sepals sepals initially green yellowish reddish-tinged rose-colored rose-lavender rose-pink rose-purple rosette rosettes rough-textured roughened round round-toothed rounded faceC faces facets faded fading faintly falling families GD?Leaves (leaflets) entire or toothed, occasionally 1- or 2-cleftE (ASTERACEAE 45)F (ASTERACEAE)S (ASTERACEAE)T (ASTERACEAE) GROUP C: Both, rays Y, Or ASTERACEAE\ DICOTYLEDONS_ Basal leaves at least half as long as the flowering stem, the blades 1-6 dm long, arrowhead-shaped or oblong; heads at least 5 cm wide overall` Basal leaves when present less than half as long as the stem, OR the blades not as above and the heads less than 5 cm in diameter 2DnFoothill annual, leaf lobes toothlike, involucre with spreading hairs and large dark glands, rays 5-12 mm wide Layia 3672I 3672J Layia glandulosa Layia glandulosa petalo Perianth radially symmetrical or nearly so, occasionally nonpetaloid or lacking ---------- [Major groups: ROSACEAE, POLYGONACEAE, Others: ] petalo Herbaceous DICOTSC Involucre (cyathium) with 1-5 glands spaced around the upper margin, the glands sometimes bearing petaloid appendages (rarely some of the involucres glandless); flowers lacking a perianth; fruit a 3-lobed capsule exserted from the involucre; plants glabrous or short-hairy, not woolly EUPHORBIACEAE major major families fabaceae ranunculaceae scrophulariaceae malodorous many-barbed many-flowered many-nerved many-rayed many-seeded marginx marginal marginally margined margins Leaf bud scale terete, rounded on the lateral margins; twigs of the previous season typically pale gray-brown and exfoliating in thin transparent flakes; plants of midmontane to alpine 3406C 15DnCatkin rachis pubescent with long, crinkled, wool-like hairs, the scales glabrous or pubescent like the rachis A Redundant 3399G 3407H 3406I 3406J 3406N 3408O Show Description & Photos (Salix) (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1035^ 3406h ICOTYLEDONS] 1035^ dipsaceae direction directly disarticulating flowers yellow-green leaves finely dissected herbage disc-shaped discernible disclike dissectedb dissimilar distal distance distant distinctB distinctly Flower arrangement diverse but, if clustered in heads and subtended by an involucre, each flower either pedicelled or with a well-developed calyx or sometimes both HERBACEOUS DICOTS HERBACEOUS DICOTSS HERBACEOUS DICOTST HERBACEOUS DICOTSU HERBACEOUS DICOTS\ Group C. HERBACEOUS DICOTS Flowers 2 or more (rarely solitary) on pedicels to about 7 mm long, arising from within a cuplike involucre; perianth of 2 similar petaloid series or lacking ---------- [Major families: Others: EUPHORBIACEAE] 3403G 3405H 3404I 3404J 3404N 3406O Show Description & Photos Salix glauca (Salix) SALICACEAE[ Salix\ DICOTYLEDONS] 1031^ You have keyed to a particular species. The most recent selection you made is shown opposite. If you want to reconsider, sidestep and backtrack in the usual way. Otherwise, click below to switch over to the description and photographs. Leaf bud scale distinctly compressed, the lateral margins acute; twigs of the previous season variable, not usually exfoliatinq; plants of foothills and midmontaneh 3405C oblanceolate oblique@ obtuse often older twigs typically gray-brown exfoliating opposite orbicular others otherwise outer involucral bracts strongly reflexed flowering achen@ ovary fruit smooth slightly roughened hairy ovary totally inferior@ ovoid panicle narrow green tawny occasionally tinged purpl@ pappus lacking flowers@ partially particular pedicels perennial perianth obcordate object oblanceolate minute@ minutely minuteA minutelyp